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OSAKA BtBLE Seminary

Graduating class . March, i960

Present school April. I960
31-6 chome, Asahi-ku, Osaka, Japan
May 3, 1960
Dear Co-workers-with-Christ;
There have heen two events..since the la.at On^was the
^ convention in Tanabe, March 29 - April 2. Christians from Tokyo'to Okinawa
gathered and conducted a preaching ana discussion convention that culminated
for the Japanese language part on March 31. At the closing session there were
4 who made the good confession. One of them was the mother of Mr. Taniyama,
the host minister. There were a number of t^ars in the eyes of the peoole as
the son asked that ali-important question of his mother. In a land where the
children are supposed to follow very carefully the parents in all things and
especially in the family religion it is very difficult for parents to accept
the faith of such an "erring" child. All knew some of the long hours of dis
cussion that must have preceded such a move on the part of Mrs. Taniyama.
I went on the second day and the family joined me on the third day. The
first session I attended was in the evening and an evangelistic meeting in a
public hall. Mr. Iijima spoke for about 1^ hours and the people sat quietly
and attentively. Reminded me of the "olden days" of such long sermons and
hard benches that I have read about in the history books.
The missionaries stayed and more joined the sessions in our native tongue.
It was very good and very helpful but it seemed a little anti-climactic after
those confessions.
,The other event was^ graduation in Osaka. The picture above shows the_6
graduates.. From left to right they are: Miss Nagahata from Okayama, who is
"^""helping the Bob Wests in her home territory; Miss Azuma from Osaka, who is
helping the Harold Coles and learning to use the Japanese typewriter to help
in their printing ministy; Miss Tsukamoto from Okayama, who is also helping
the Wests in her own territory; Miss Shigenobu from Kyshu, who is helping
.,_Mr3. pit.temore; Miss, Nagata _from_ Kyushu, wno is attending school to_repare
to teach; Mr. Nakano from Tanabe, who is preaching for the Inane Church and
who is also on faculty of Osaka Bible Seminary.
The new school year began as scheduled on April 12 with^4,new students
making "our 12 disciples". This first six weeks I am kept lhi"sy teaching a
course N. T. Background. The next six weeks I will be teaching Exegesis of
Galations through Hebrews.
Wo are Sunday but not at the same church every Sunday.
We go to Mofiguohi or Miyakojima most often Tn "the" morning and
preach at both places some. May 29 we are to go to Nakamiya and I
am to preach in the morning and Ethel is to speak to the women's
meeting In the afternoon.
We all go to Kyoto once in a while and I go each Sunday evening.
About 5 years ago there was a change in ministers and this is always
hard on a Japanese church. Mr. Matsushita, present minister, had
tuberculosis and was up only enough to preach once a Sunday and teach
one Bible class. One of the main problems in change of miisters is
lack of trust in a new man. This is probably due to the religious
condition of Japan where there have been some well known scandals
among reliious leaders. As Mr. Matsushita gained in strength, people
began to trust him and the work has improved. About a year and a
half ago I was encouraged to start an English Bible class before the
evening worship hour. We baptized a sincere university student after
camp last summer and he has brought many of his schoolmates to church.
As a result both morning and evening services have improved so that
on an average Sunday the Gospel is presented to about 30 people,
which is almost average in Japan. We are not satisfied with it but
very encouraged about such increase.
In between busy hours we are all packing and getting ready for our
second furlough. We are now planning to be on American soil on July 6
and Ruth is probably more excited than any of us. Of course, we are
all ready to see our friends and relitives and Amorioa, but Ruth seems
to be more anxious than the rest of us. And she has never seen America!
I have corresponded with some people and as a result have planned
^cua.t.tend-Li-ncoln Bible Institute for s.ome graduate study. I feel in
need of some special study and Lincoln is centrally located with
respect to our supporting churches. This will permit visiting these
churches on week ends and studying during the week. It will not be
easy, but I feel that it can and should be done.
You will hear again from us regarding support of the work while we
are on furlough- Please remeber that the Gospel will be proclaimed
while we are on furlough. We have commitments that do not take a
furlough. So please continue to help us during our furlough.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Your ministers to Japan,
% Oden E. Brown
Stafford Avenue, Route 3
Carbondale, Illinois The Beckmans

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