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BUSINESS communication

Sir Tipu Ismail
Taimoor Khalid
MBA 2(b)
Date: 16oct, 2012

Barriers in communication process

A barrier to communication is anything that interferes with the transfer of intended information
from a sender to a receiver. This can include anything from static on a radio, preventing the
listener from hearing the program, to a third party interfering in a conversation between two

Types of barriers:

There are many kinds of barriers some of them are

Semantic barrier
Emotional or psychological barriers
physical barriers
organizational barriers
personal barriers

Emotional Barriers:
These types of barriers are those which arise due to the emotions of a person at any given time.
They are not long term barriers because a persons emotions might change from time to time.
The different emotions like anger, stress, infatuation, fear etc. shape this type of barrier.
In a classroom if a student is afraid of his teacher he will have trouble communicating
with that teacher. The fear will force him to change his message in order to conform to
the likes and dislikes of his teacher. This will essentially end any chance of effective
communication because the message will be altered and thus distorted.

In the business world such barriers are common. Hostility from fellow workers stops
people from communicating properly among them. This creates an environment of
distrust and thus the organization does not work to optimum efficiency.

Physical barrier:
Noise is one of the most common barriers in physical barrier of communication process. Noise
can be of any type like car horns, murmuring of people and other sounds from the surroundings.


while the teacher deliver his lecture in the class the whispering and talking of the
audience creates disturbance which leads to the miscommunication and receiver will not
be able to understand what the sender wants to say.

In factories the noise of machines and their wear and tear also creates barriers in effective

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