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Aircraft noise is the second largest source

of environmental noise pollution and therefore of
considerable concern to urban areas surrounding
most major airports, financial, and technological
impact. In order to develop a technique for
reducing aircraft noise we must first address the
sources from which it originates. An aircrafts
overall noise signature can be categorized into
three main components: aerodynamic airframe
noise, engine noise and aircraft systems noise.
Airframe selfgenerated nose is a more significant
factor during the approach phase of the aircraft and
is a product of airflow over deliberately varied
surfaces such as highlift devices, engine inta!e
and landing gear. "owever, during most of the
aircrafts flight envelope it is secondary to the
principle noise source, the jet engine. #oise
generation is associated with sudden changes in air
pressure$ such situations are commonly found in
and around aircraft turbojet engines where changes
in pressure and temperature are required for the
generation of thrust. %ignificant components of
engine noise are generated by the compressor and
of Aeronautical *ngineering, )hanala!shmi %rinivasan +ollege
of *ngineering , -echnology, +hennai, India
Assistant /rofessor, )epartment of Aeronautical *ngineering,
)hanala!shmi %rinivasan +ollege of *ngineering ,
-echnology, +hennai, India
Associate /rofessor, )epartment of Aerospace *ngineering,
1I-, Anna 2niversity, +hennai, India
Keywords: Co-flow, Shocks, Jet mixing

-here are two main sources of noise in
today3s commercial aircraft engines:
fan4compressor noise and jet noise. 5et noise
comprises turbulent mi6ing noise and, in the case
of imperfectly e6panded jets, shoc! noise.
-urbulent mi6ing noise is very difficult to control,
and so its suppression remains a challenge. It is
generally agreed that turbulent shear flow mi6ing
causes two types of noise: sound produced by the
largescale eddies and sound generated by the fine
scale turbulence. -he former is very intense and
directional and propagates at an angle close to the
jet a6is. -he latter is mostly uniform and affects the
lateral and upstream directions. -he increase in
bypass ratio over the last three decades has resulted
in a dramatic suppression in the jet noise of
turbofan engines. 1odern engines are so quiet that
further reduction in noise becomes e6tremely
challenging. -he success of the highbypass engine
is offset, to some degree, by the increasing volume
of aircraft operations. -his creates more
environmental and political pressures for quieter
aircraft. -oday the most successful technique for
reducing jet noise from highbypass engines
involves the installation of chevron mi6ers on the
e6haust nozzles.
In field of aero acoustics has attracted much
attention, with aircraft noise reduction becomes one
of the most important areas of research. -he
International +ivil Aviation 7rganization &I+A7(
imposes regulations that limit the ma6imum noise
e6posure from aircraft at three crucial positions
during its flight envelope. -he noise measurement
location for the approach phase is situated at
ground level . !m from the start of the runway
NUM!IC"# SIMU#"$I%NS %N "C%US$IC C&"!"C$!IS$ICS %'
C%'#%( C&)!%N N%**#S
M+chi it is not correct ,l- correct it +s .oun+l +/str+ct
"/str+ct: Aircraft jet e6hausts are a source of undesirable noise and continue to be an area of
investigation driven by increasingly stringent regulation. -he noise is produced by the unsteady mi6ing
of the jet with the surrounding air and is dominated by the effects of the shear layer. -he e6haust nozzle
is an integral part of a jet engine and critical to its overall system performance. +hallenges associated
with the design and manufacturing of an e6haust nozzle become greater as the cruise speed of the aircraft
increases. -he e6haust nozzle of a supersonic cruise aircraft requires additional capabilities such as
variable throat and e6it area, noise suppression, and reverse thrust. In this study, a computational wor! of
chevron nozzles with various chevron count and nozzle pressure ratio &#/8( is carried out. +hevron
count with minimum nozzle pressure ratio produced reduction in noise level, whereas at high nozzle
pressure ratios, chevron penetration is crucial. +oflow analysis of perforated chevron with various count
and hole dimensions with acoustic measurements are determined by computational fluid dynamics.
Acoustic measurement such as overall sound pressure level &7A%/9( and broadband shoc! noise have
been made over a range of nozzle pressure ratio for subcritical levels. -he result indicates that the higher
chevron count with lesser hole dimensions yields the ma6imum noise suppression. Acoustic level of
chevron nozzle with coflows analysis reduces ' to .d: of noise level compare to single flow. -he result
indicates by proper selection of chevron parameters substantial noise reduction can be achieved.
below the approach trajectory of the aircraft.
)uring the aircraft acceleration phase for ta!eoff,
the measurement point is ;<=m to the sideline of
the runway, with the departure measuring point
being just below the ta!eoff path of the aircraft at
appro6imately >.< !m from the start of the runway.
-he noise limit for each of the three
measurement points varies with respect to the
aircraft ta!eoff mass, but stands at a ma6imum
allowable limit for aircraft heavier than .?= tones
at '=@ */#d:, which is the effective perceived
noise level in decibels having ta!en into account
the duration to its e6posure and distance from its
+hevron nozzles represent the current
state of the art in jet noise reduction technology for
application in medium to high bypass ratio turbofan
engines. -hese nozzles feature triangular serrations
in the nozzle trailing edge, which induce stream
wise vorticity into the shear layer. As with tabbed
nozzles, this vorticity leads to increased mi6ing and
reduced jet plume length. As opposed to other noise
reduction technologies, such as forced mi6ers,
chevron nozzles are capable of reducing engine
e6haust noise while imposing minimal engine
performance penalty and a nearly insigniAcant
weight impact. An e6tensive effort conducted by
researchers at #A%A Blenn 8esearch +enter
identified a set of chevron nozzle conAgurations
providing reductions in the jet component of
effective perceived noise level &*/#9( of .C0
*/#d: with minimal loss of nozzle thrust.
C%M0U$"$I%N"# (%!KS
Conce,tu+l design
No--le S,ecific+tions
S,ecific+tions 1imensions in mm
Inlet diameter of core .'
7uter diameter of core '>
Inlet diameter of outer cone .;
7utlet diameter of outer cone 'E
#ozzle 9ength .<
+hevron length for four count
+hevron /enetration =F, <F ,'=F
-able '
Imports the threedimensional iges file are step file
in to the Bambit software. -hen do the cleanup
operation if necessary. -hen create the domain
according to the requirement which may be
rectangular bric! or cylinder for our convenient.
-he zone height is to be .==) and length to be
.<=) ranges or to be greater than that too. After
that we can change the model and domain in to
single volume. After that go for the edge mesh
followed by face mesh with appropriate interval
counts. -hen mesh the volume by using volume
mesh option by he6ahedral elements under cooper
scheme. -hen give the boundary conditions and
e6port it.
Dig.. +hevron #ozzle 1esh
!esult +nd 1iscussion
In this chapter we discuss about the final results
from the fluent is compared with the e6isting
journals and ma!e sure that we are on the right
path. -he results are ta!en for single jet chevron
nozzle with nozzle pressure ratio &#/8( of 0.< and
compared with shadow graph images of effect of
chevron count and penetration journal &/.%.-ide
.==@(. -he base line geometry are ta!en by the
same paper and run at various nozzle pressure
ratios. :oth the computational wor! and the
shadow graph images are matched.
+oflow analysis of chevron nozzle with
four count and eight counts are done with the help
of fluent software, and the acoustic characteristics
of single flow chevron and coflow chevrons are
measured. 8esults are shown instead of single flow
nozzle coflow nozzle yields minimum noise level,
and it reduces '=db of noise level.coflow analysis
of four count chevron yields the good results.
2sing of ! omega model in fluent we can see the
turbulence e6actly, where the turbulence level is
more on that point noise level also high.
Dig.0 Gelocity contour
Dig.; %hadowgraph image
As shown in the Dig . is the velocity contour of
single jet analysis with nozzle pressure ratio of 0.<,
that result is e6actly matched with Dig ; shadow
graph images.
Co-flow Che2ron No--le Configur+tions
'. :aseline
.. +hevron
0. +hevron with .mm diameter hole
;. +hevron with ;mm diameter hole
Dig.< #ozzles configurations
"coustic Contours
Dig.> :aseline
Dig.? +hevron
Dig.@ +hevron with .mm H hole
Dig.E +hevron with ;mm H hole
Dig.'= +hevron with <I /enetration
Dig.'' +hevron with <I /enetration with hole
Dig.'. +hevron with '=I /enetration
Dig.'0 +hevron with '=I /enetration with hole
Drom the above acoustic contours we can easily see
the variations of d: values. Drom fig > to E the
acoustics values are given in the table. Dor fig '= to
'' indicates the acoustics values of chevron with
<degree penetration with and without holes yields
<<.>d:,<<.'d:. %imilarly for '= degree
penetration angle yields ><.? d: , ><.;d:. -here
is no difference of d: values while give the
chevron penetrations. -he acoustics values of
chevron penetration too high compare to = degree
)elocity +nd "coustic 0lots for 2+rious
-he )omain is created with length of .<=) in 6
direction, .==) in y direction. -he plot is ta!en
with angle of ;<
of the plane and its gives the
corresponding velocity as well as acoustic vales of
the curve length.
+hevron with .mm H hole
+hevron with ;mm H hole
IS%-Surf+ce Contours
Digure indicates the I%7%urface contour for
baseline at various locations li!e @=d:, ?=d: ,
Com,+risons of IS%-Surf+ce contours
$ur/ulent Intensity Contours
0osition of !ecei2ers
Dig .;
"coustic )+lues in d3
-he overall sound pressure level of various
configuration of chevron nozzles with above radial
diameter as follows
3+seline Che2ron Che2ron
4mm 5
6mm 5 hole
.=..> '@.?00 '@.?.@; .=.>'>@
@.>?@ ?.=<>? ?.=<.. E....
@.;<.. >.@0.> >.@.@0 E.=='
<.@=;@ ;...E=< ;...;@E >.;=>0
Concluding !em+rks
-he +D) results clearly indicate the
overall sound pressure level &7%/9( of various
configurations of chevron nozzles in d:. Drom that
values chevron with .mm diameter hole gives good
acoustic sound pressure level. It reduces the sound
level up to .d:.
Dor the future commercial aircraft
&-urbofan( engines the chevron nozzle produces
the minimum sound level compare to other nozzles.
It helps to reduce the second major problem
&sound( in our country.
'uture (ork
+D) results are compared e6perimentally
with Acoustic test facility in order to validate the
computation results.
'. DarDield Acoustic Investigation into
+hevron #ozzle 1echanisms and -rends
by :. +allender and *. Butmar!
AIAA 5728#A9 Gol. ;0, #o. ', 5anuary
.. #earDield Investigation of +hevron
#ozzle 1echanisms :. +allender and *.
Butmar! and %.1artens
AIAA 5728#A9 Gol. ;>, #o. ', 5anuary
0. Al!islar, 1.:., Jrothapalli, A., and
9ourenco. 9. 1., K%tructure of a
screeching rectangular jet: a stereoscopic
particle image velocimetry studyL,5ournal
of Dluid 1echanics, Gol. ;@E, .==0
;. Avital, *. 5., Alonso, 1., and %upontis!y,
G., K+omputational aeroacoustics: -he
low speed jetL,-he Aeronautical 5ournal,
Gol. ''., #o.''00, 5uly .==@
<. :ishop, J. A., DowcsMilliams, 5. *. and
%mith, M., K7n the noise sources of the
unsuppressed highspeed jetL, 5ournal of
Dluid 1echanics, Gol. <=, #o. ', 'E?'
>. +allender, :., Butmar!, *., and 1artens,
%., KA comprehensive study of fluidic
injection technology for jet noise
reductionL, AIAA .==?
?. +arpenter, /. M. and 5ohannesen, #. ".,
KAn e6tension of onedimensional theory
r #o.
)irection N
&m( &5et
&m( &5et
' <0
=.< .> .?
. ' <0 ?.<>
0 '.. >0 <.>@
; '.< ?E 0.?<
'.< ?E
=.< .> '<.0@
> ' <0 ;.<0
? '.. >0 ..@'
@ '.< ?E '.=<
to inviscid swirling flow through cho!ed
nozzlesL, Aeronautics Ouarterly, Gol. .>,
@. -ide, /.%., %rinivasan., K*ffect of chevron
count and penetration on the acoustic
characteristics of chevron nozzlesL,
5ournal of applied acoustic .==E
E. #icholas, 5., Beorgiadis., 5ames
8.)e:onis., K#aviersto!es analysis
method for turbulent jet flows with
application to aircraft e6haust nozzlesL,
5ournal of %cience)irect .==>
'=. 9ardeau, %., +ollin, *., KAnalysis of jet
mi6ing layer interactionL, 5ournal of
%cience)irect .==0
''. %eong 8yong Jho, Molfgang %chroder., K
-urbulence and heat e6cited noise source
in single and coa6ial jetsL, 5ournal of
%ound and Gibration .==@
'.. Broschel, *., %chroder, M., 8enze, /.,
K#oise prediction for a turbulent jet using
different hybrid methodsL, 5ournal of
%cience)irect .==?
'0. -./h. :ui, M. %chroder, 1. 1ein!e.,
K#umerical analysis of the acoustic field
of reacting flows via acoustic perturbation
equationsL, %cience)irect .==?

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