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Missionaries (not for Profit corporation) Forwarding Agents

Gaorge & Ethel Beckraan Richard & Margaret Soevre
8-40 Kamizono-cho OSAKA BIBLE SEMINARY \
Nishinofliiya 662, Japan / , Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
January 10, 1975
"Therefore, if any man is in Christ,
he is a new creation, the old has
passed away, behold the new has
come," II Cor. 5:17
Dear'-Chrt^lah -v;
Happy" Ndw Year to all our dear friends in Christ, and a big 'thank you
to all of you who sent us greetings last month,. It was a real joy to hear
from you.
How wonderful it is that we have a whole new year before us - a whole
year of 3^5 days (almost now) to praise His wonderful name, a year of new
opportunities, new Joys, new blessings, new hopes. True the new year may
bring sorrows and heartaches, troubles and pains, but in all these we have
hope and strength, comfort and guidance in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Ethel began the new year in Tokyo at a retreat for our missionary
women. It was a time of Joy and sharing in the Lord, a time of refreshing
as we looked toward the New Year, The theme of the retreat was "Ambassadors
for Christ," Ethel had the first message, "Entreating Through Us," Thanks
to the program committee for a wonderful program and the Tokyo women for
a wonderful program and the Tokyo women for their warm hospitality.
The year end activities began on December 13, with the annual sukiyaki
party closing the fall term of the Seminary, It was a fine evening of fun
and relazation after twelve weeks of intensive study.
The Sunday School here had their Christmas program on the morning of
the 22nd, Twenty-eight children were present, Ethel*s small children
sang songs and the older ones had a short presentation of the Christmas
story in song and Bible reading. We showed a slide story with tape accom
paniment called "Shin Chan*s Christmas," It was the story of a little boy
who dreamed he went with the shepherds and the wise men to worship the baby
Jesus as his grandmother read him the Christmas story. The Koyoen Church
had their Christmas worship service the morning of the 29th,
The Rokko Church had a sukiyaki dinner and candle service on the even
ing of the 22th following their worship service in the afternoon. On the
morning of the 24th they visited an Old People's Home in Kobe with a pro
gram and gave them mandarin oranges.
Thirty-eight people were here for dinner on the 25th, members of Ethel's
Bible classes and their children. After dinner we had a short Christmas
On the 26th Ethel was invited by Mrs, Tachibana's English classes to
attend their Christmas parties and bring the Christmas story. Twenty
elementary school children met from one till three and 19 Junior and senior
high school students met from three till six. Each group listened atten
tively to the story, told with peep boxes and slides,
~ " We~seek"ybur prayers for ariiew~couple~we ^^ve mt", l^r, an9nMr^'~Yamane,
who have recently moved to Takarazuka from Daito, where Mr, Oda lives and
preaches, Mrs, Yamane accepted Christ and prepared to be baptized, but
Just before she was, Mr, Yamane told her that if she were baptized he would
divorce her. Much like Mr, and Mrs, Higaki for whom you have been praying
with us, isn't it? Pray that the Lord will open the way for us to teach
Mr, Yamane as he has Mr, Higaki, that we might be able to lead these two
families to Christ, Mrs, Yamane says she will come to church here on
Sunday afternoons.
We look forward to this new year with hope and anticipation of oppor
tunities here. We pary, too, that you may have many opportunities to show
and tell Jesus' wonderful love to others. May we all have a deeper under
standing and appreciation of God's love and will for our lives.
In His wonderful Name,
Geor^ &Ethel Beckman
Osaka Qkristian JM-LssLon, Jnc.
ioj ylmerLca)
Missionaries: Forwarding Agents:
George & Ethel Beckman ' ' Richard & Margaret Saevre
8-40 Kamizono-cho " Route 1
Nlshinomiya 662, Japam " ^rodhead, Wisconsin 53520
February 14, 1975
. "Haye. no.-anxiety, about anything, but in
' everythlr^ by.prayer and supplication
with; thanksgiving let your requests be
known to God," Phllllppians 4:6
. 1
Dear Christian Friends:
This Is a letter asking you especially to pray with us In thanks
giving and supplication.
How we praise God for His love and care, for His mercy and for
giveness. We praise Him that he has seen fit to use us In any small
way to bring His message here, and for all of you who are having a
part in it.
We praise Him for the new missionary couple, Larry and Joanie
Lambdin, He has sent to our midst while they are studying language
In Kyoto, We pray His guidance over them as they make preparation
for and seek the place where He wants them to serve Him.
Thanks to God for the continued interest Mr/ & Mrs, Hlgakl (es
pecially Mr, Hlgakl) have In the study of the Bible with us each
Wednesday evening. He bought a new English Harper*s Study Bible and
reads and studies It diligently, even Including all the footnotes.
Continue to pray that his heart may be opened to believe and accept
We praise God for the good teachers we have in Osaka Bible Sem
inary and their devotion to Christ, We ask you especially to pray
for Mrs, Horluchl and Mr, Oda, who have not been well this winter,
Mrs. Horluchl has had to reduce her schedule to part time. She has
been suffering from dizziness and the doctors cannot pinpoint the
cause with certainty, Mr, Oda has had a bad cold which Is very hard
on his already weakened lungs and body. He continues to work dili
gently getting his Greek grammar ready for publication.
We thank God that In these troublesome times we have the prospect
of two new students at the Seminary beginning with the new school
year In April, By that time one is to be a college graduate and the
other a high school graduate. Also there Is the possibility of the
return of a former student for more study later In the new year.
The young people at Koyoen, though few in number, continue faith
fully though Ethel has had to give up the class on Saturday evening at
Sakasegawa. We ask you to pray especially that Shojl Motobayashi will
be led to accept Christ before he leaves this summer for the United
States for a year as a high school exchange student. We pray that he
will be sent to live with a Christian family who have children en
gaged In an active youth group in a church.
Last, but not least, daughter Ruth, together with a friend, David
Hlnson, will be coming to Japan this summer as a mlsslon^g^y^ntexn
from Manhattan Christian College, and as such wants-^o"Taise her own
support to come; about one thousand dollars for travel and expenses
while here. They have a busy schedule of activities lined up for them
here, as they help in this area with youth meetings and Vacation Bible
School, and then spend one month in Karuizawa with Stephen and Carol
Fleenor In camps and evangelistic campaigns. Funds may be sent to
Ruth at Manhattan Christian College, 1407 Anderson, Manhattan, Kansas
66502 or to the Saevres designated for Ruth,
In His loving service.
Osaka Qkristian M.issLon
M4 . . (o/ America)
Missionaries: Forwarding Agents:
8!4SLmizono-chr Richard &Margaret Saevre
Nlshlnoralya 662, Japan . Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
March-14, 1975 .
"Therefore If any man Is In Christ, he Is
a new creature; the old things passed away;
behold, new things have come." II Cor, 5:17
Dear Christian Friends:
^ songs of birds and the blooming of daf
fodils, daphne crocus and violets In our yard. Spring Is also the
.season of entrance examinations Into junior high schools, senior high
schools and universities and colleges. Every year the competition be
comes more and more Intense, reaching lower and lower In the grades.
Now many want to get their children Into a private junior high school,
education Is compulsory through ninth grade and there are
plenty of government schools, because If they can enter a private
junior high school they are assured of advancement to senior high
school and college.
^ 4.5? Cor. 5; 17 was the theme for the semi-annual women's luncheons
for this area. This year the Osaka group and Kobe, group had the same
- Mr. & Mrs. Tahara from Tokyo. Altogether In Osaka over
1700 women attended the,^luixcheon-^nd^^^ over 500, the largest
group we have ever had Yon^o _Tahaj2a^^^^ story has been made Into
a movie, gave her testimony of Jesus Christ, His love and grace. Verv
her story Is as follows: While a high school student, she lost
^ meaning for living after the death of her mother, until
finally one night she jumped In front of a train In an attempt to com
mit suicide. As a result she lost both legs, one arm and two fingers
on her^rlght hand. While she was In the hospital a missionary and a
evangelist visited her and patiently taught her Jesus
Christ. In Christ she has found a new life, and today she Is married
to the young evangelist, Mr. Tahara, and they have two girls fifteen
ana sixteen years old. Mr. & Mrs. Tahara stayed with us while they
were In Kobe and we were richly blessed by their stay.
On March 7 two men and one woman wrote the entrance examination to
enter Osaka Bible Seminary and sat for an Interview before the faculty.
On the 13th the faculty voted to accept them as regular students.
On March ninth we attended the wedding reception of a friend of
Jenann. Then on March 11th Geprge performed the wedding ceremony for
Mr. Hlno, who had been baptized Ih Koyoen by Harold Cole. Since then
t j been In Tokyo, but wanted to be married In the church where he
had become a Christian.
We would like to ask you to remember the following reauests In
prayer: ^ ^
1. Mrs. Horluchl, whose health Is still not very good and the
doctors cannot seem to find the real cause. She Is now teaching part
time In the Seminary.
^.__fe.. -Oda^an(lJals work on the Greek Grammar-.Hie contlnueii-rlrse^
in prices makes Its publishing more difficult, but we are confident the
Lord will provide the means to accomplish It to His glory.
r Mr. Motobayashl who will be going to the United States this siammer.
Pray that he will accept Christ before he goes,
4 Klda, who graduated from junior high school this week. Mr.
Klda Is very faithful and believes In God and Christ, but as yet has
not come to the realization of his need of a Savior.
5* The All Japan Conventions - At Tanabe> May 2-4 for Japanese
speaking people and May 4-6 at.,Osaka for English speaking people. Since
Miss Lemmon Is unable to continue with It, she has turned If over to
the Osaka missionaries. -
6. The three young people whom we expect to enter O.B.S. We will
write more about them after the new school year has begun.
. , they prepare to come to Japan as missionary
Interns this summer.
In His loving service.
Osaka Christian Mission, Inc.
(Of America) ^
Missionaries: ^ Forwarding Agents:
George & Ethel IBeckman Richard & Margaret Saevre
8-40 Karaizono-Qho Route 1
Nishinomiya 66^j Japan jyjsj 13 1975 Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
I May 26, 1975
/ "And recognising the grace that had been given to
me, James and Cephas and John, who were reput.ed to
be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand
of fellowship, that we might go to the Gentiles,
and they to the circumcised," Gal. 2:9
Dear Christian Friends:
Here in Japan we of the churches of Christ have Just passed
through the conven-tion season. It is more customary to bow in greeting
here in Japan, but Christians do much more hand shaking
in greeting at these conventions. Prom the evening of May 2 to noon
of the 4th the sessions were in Japanese and jj]^^|iabe with a total of
2?8_^ttenciing. The only business conducted by 'the convention Is the
decision of the place for the next year's convention. There is much
done by small groups to help one another as Christians. The convention
is one of pinging, praying, preaching, e.jchorting, sharing, etc. There
is much thanksgiving for the grace of God that has brought them to
gether again after a year of living as a Christian where it is often
"longely" to do so except that "God is with you'] This once a year
meeting of Christians from different areas of Japan is a great.boost
in spirit to continue in this way of life until God shouid call us un
to Him' out of the flesh. There were^abput 25,who brought messages,
led sessions, etc. and about two.thirds of those were either Osaka
Bible'GeMhary :studenta,'~'^raduates or faculty members.
Then from the evening' of the '4th to noon of the 6th the sessions
were in English in Suita, just north of Osaka, This is the chance for
the missionaries to do essentially the same thing in their native
tongue. Some of the missionaries had attended all or part of the
^panese sessions. There_wj:^-f-riends_and .xelay^ of some of the
fnissionaries as well as four Japanese attending to bring the tptaX_tp^^^
54. t.hemp- for this convention was "Except a grain of wheat die...
"and we^ad''"sdme _great messages and devotions regarding one.Ls .commit-:
^nt to Christy --
"li^^ans are being made for. the summer . >Different members of the
faculty" of^O.B.S. and the student body are planning to go to different
parts of the nation. There, is a shortage_of_pre.acher^ in some areas
and some will help out in these areab.' 6tfiers> will be joining the
local Christians in some of'the hPsdrt areas in special efforts to
reach the many who travel and spend part of the summer there,
1, The,.mlssiona.ry;.,,children who are coming to Japan for the summer.
Among "those'we'"know of are F^tA: ^^axey, David Cple, Mary .pratt, and
our own daughtey,Ruth and "her friend David Hinson, These are p^otpptla^
future missionaries for Japan and are much needed here.
2-"" " Mr-'.- -with us- everyJednesday .evening. , l-Il . TTTTW J - -IV
3. Mr. & Mrs. Yaraane. Mr,... Yamane has refused to let his,_wlfe be
b,apti2ed- and has declared a dislike to talk about religion. However, k
we believe the Lord is opening a door to reach him,
4. -Ethel'a.^woinen's classes. There is a long way to go here, but the
work of the Holy Spirit is evident in the attitudes of the women.
5. Osaka Bible Seminary. ..The spirit among the students and faculty
,,.^^.l5_..ejc.Q'.eilent, However, the continued^^,J^fla.tipn^dJL.Jepen is working a
real hardship on the school.
6. The. publication of Mr._pda's grammar. He has enough completed
that work by the printer could begin, but.we are ^till short of the
fupds to go ahead.
Thank you very much for your continued help.
In His loving service,
George & Ethel Beckman
iUL 7 m
This information will help with the preparation and! publicity of the Missionary Picture Book,
Hame George H. Beckman Bom (Place) Platte, South Dakota
Date July 28. 1917
Maiden Name Ethel M. Brown Bom (Place) Rock County, Wisconsin
Date September 1916
8-^0 K^izono cho
City/state Nishinomiva
ZIP Code
Name M/M Richard Saevre
Address R. R, 1
City/State Brodhead, Wis.
Hi^ School Platte High School
Wayne State Teacher's College
College Manhattan Christian Collebe
Butler School of Religion
Seminary/GraduateLincbln Christian College MA City/State Lincoln. Illinois
ZIP Code 53520
City/state Platte. So. Dakota
Wayne, Nebraska
City/state Manhattan. Kansas
Indianapolis, Ind.
When & Where Baptized
City/state April, 8, 1938 Wayne, Nebraska
John W. Beckman
Place of Birth
Kyoto, Japan
March 6, 1950
Jenann M. Beckman Kyoto, Japan May 17, 1952
Mary M. Beckman Kyoto, Japan
September 30, 1953
Ruth E. Beckman Kyoto, Japan June 16, 1955
What When
Starting Date Dec., 19^8Furlough Date 195^-55
Second Term 1955-60 Furlough Date 196O-6I
Third Term 196I-65 Furlough Date 1965-66
Fourth Term 1966-73 Furlough Date 1973
Fifth Term 197^- Furlough Date
Mission Location Osaka, Japan BfKyoto
Mission Location
Mission Location
Mission Location ^
Mission Location " "
Short siammary of present missionary service and accomplishments;
(Use back of this sheet or second sheet, if needed.)
This infoimation will help with the preparation and! publicity of the Missionary Picture Book,
Name George H Beckman Born (Place) Platte. So. Dakota
Date July 28. 1917
Maiden Name Ethel M. Brown Bom (place) Rock County, Wisconsin
Date September 1^, 19*^6
Address 8-40 Kamizono cho
Nation Japan-
City/state Nisbinom-i Hvogo Pref.
ZIP Code
Name M/M PTriViavH fiapv-rp
R, R, 1 Brodhead Wi
City/state J Wi arona-i n ZIP Code '=>-^'=>pc)
Hi^ School nrfnrdv-nifi H-ig-b Rp.boni
College Milton College
Ci-fcy/State Orfordville. Wisconsin
City/state Milton. Wisconsin
Seminary/Graduate Butler School of Religion City/State Indianapolis. Indiana
When & Where Baptized
City/state November I930 Kimbally Minnesota
FAMILY FACTS Married X Single
John W. Beckman
Place of Birth
Kyoto. Ja-pan
March 6. 1QS0
Jenann M. Beckman
May 17. 1952
Mary E. Beckman
September 50. 1955
Ruth E. Beckman
June 16. 1955
Footville, V/is.
Tamght S.S. and Youth work
193^-55, 1939-^2
Beloit, V/is. Taught S. S. and Youth work 19^2-^6
Seymour, Ind. Youth at Surprise Christian Ch. 19^6-48
Starting Date Furlou^ Date 10'=;^-.'^'=;
Second Term Furloiagh Date IQ6O-61
Third Term 1Q61-65 Furlough Date iq65~66
Fourth Term 1066-7"^ Furlough Date 1Q7"5
Fifth Term 1Q7^- Furlough Date
Mission Location Kyoto & Osaka. Japan
Mission Location Osaka. Japan
Mission Location " " ./4,
Mission Location OsakaK-Nishinomiya.Pa-pan
Mission Location " "
Short summary of present missionary service and accomplishments;
(Use back of this sheet or second sheet, if needed.)
Osaka (Oloilsilan Mission
Missionaries: y Forwarding Agents:
George & Ethel Beckman // Richard & Margaret Saevre
8-40 Kamizono-cho ^ ^975 Route 1
Nishinomiya 662, Japan ^ Brodhead> Wisconsin 53520
July 11, 1975
"Therefore, having this ministry "by
the mercy of God, we do not lose
heart." 2 Cor. 4:1 ;
Dear Christian Friends:
The rainy season has come with cloudy skies and frequent showers.
V/e have had more sunny days than usual so far, but more hard rains,
causing landslides In various places. We had hail twice last month.
^- Ruth and David arr_lved in Osaka the forenoon of the fifth of June
^/and have "been busy sinceV""TliiMfig~ they are halping us out by
paintinp: the trim, on the house. They have made friends with the young
people here and help out in the youth meetings on Sunday evenings,
'lune 26 and 27 they stayed at Osaka Bible Seminary, sharing in the life
of the students, and taking part in a youth rally, sponsored by the
students, two evenings while they were there.
On June sixth all the missionaries met here for a pot luck supper.
With the Paul Clark family and Ruth and David, we..had 23 for dinner be
sides the two babies who were too small to eat'at the table. The larg
est group we have had together for several years. We had planned a bar
becue outside, but had to move into the house when it started to rain
about four in the afternoon.
After their Bible study and lunch on Wednesday, June 11, Ethel's
Bible class went to Shirokita Park across from Osaka Bible Seminary to
view the shobu, a Japanese iris. On the way they also visited the
Seminary. Mrs. Oka of this class was able to visit Jenann in Hawaii
when she v/ent there for a week with the alumnae from her school.
On Thursday, June 26, the members of Ethel's English Bible class
visited Katsura Rikkyu, a famous villa of the royal family Katsura over
a hundred years old. Three nev/ members began coming to this class the
first of this month.
The first semester of the Seminary closed Friday afternoon, July 4,
with a speech and piano recital by the students. Each of the speech
students had memorized a passage of Scripture and gave it as a reading.
They made the dialogue really come alive with their presentations. Some
of the students played short piano solos betv/een the speeches.
On July 2 3^r. Mptobayashi received a letter from the family in
America v/ith whom he will be staying this next school year. He will be
living with the family of David A. George, an elder of the Church "of"
v...-GhristyPryor, Oklahoma.
1. Praise and thanksgiving for answered prayer - especially for Shoji
Motobayashi to live in the home of a Christian family in the U.S.
this year,
2. The Seminary students as they go to various places to help out this
summer. Mr. Saito has gone to the Gomen Church in Shikoku, Mr.
Taninari is taking care of the home and church at Mejirodai while t
the Slms'Tamlly is on a short furioughg Oth"ers""have -prans^for help--
ing at some of the churches and camps.
3. David and Ruth as they make contacts here and go to Karuizawa for
three weeks from the end of July, and other missionary children who
have come to Japan for the summer,
4. Mr, Sugano as he has not been very well since March.
5. Mrs. (Naomi) Saito who has been suffering from a kidney Infection.
She is much better, but must be careful for awhile yet.
6. Mr. h Mrs, Higaki, as Mr. Hlgaki is becoming quite excited about the
study of the life of Christ as we are nov; studying Matthew's gospel
along with the Old Testament reading.
Thank you very much for your continued help.
In His loving service,
George i Ethel Beckman
"T. O \
scka (^ktisUcn Ailssion
(of America)
Missionaries: _ , .. Porvrarding Agents:
0eorge & Ethel Beckman - \ ^ Richard & Margaret Saevre
8-40 Kamizono-cho - ^ ' .Route 1
Nishinomiya 662, Japan ^^ Br6dh6^^^^
November 14, 1975
"He who supplies seed to the sower and bread
for food, will supply and'multiply your seed
for sowing and increase the harvest of your
righteousness." 2 Cor. 9:10 (NASV)
Dear Christian Friends:
As we approach the Thanksgiving season we are mindful of the won
derful way in which the Lord provides our every need. We are especial
ly thankful for youi' prayers and financial support, for your concern
for the work of the Kingdom in Japan.
On October 21, over 582 women gathered in Kobe for the Women*s
Luncheon. Miss Maeda, a missionary nurse to Nepal, gave a challenging
message in her testimony. Dr. Kashiwagi, psychologist at Yodogawa
Christian Hospital, spoke on mental health for women, showing how
Jesus Christ is an ever present help arid guide. Mrs. Ueda, a friend
of Mrs. Oka has started coming to Ethel's Bible class after hearing Dr.
Kashiwagi. Her husband had died suddenly of a heart attack in Madrid,
Spain while on tour. Sino3 then she has found no hope or comfort in
her religion, Baddhism, and Mrs. Oka has been teaching her about Jesus
One hundred fifty-nine came and registered for the Tanemaki Kai,
November 2 and 3* at Osaka Bible Seminary, This is an annual preaching
rally and the theme this year was "Grow in Christ*." with Eph. 4:15 as
~the main text. The three main messages: 1. "In The Word"; 2. "In
Wisdom"; 3. "Unto Maturity" were presented by Mr. Oda, preacher and
Bible College teacher, Mr. Hatsushiba, employee of the Department of
Agriculture and Forestry, and Mr, Maxey, missionary.
, News has come that Mr. Shoji Motobayashi, our high school exchange
student in Pryor, Oklahoma, is to be baptized this month. He wrote to
his parents for permission and they evidently have given their consent.
When Ethel asked his mother about the reaction of the grandmother, with
whom they live, she said the grandmother said, "If Shoji becomes a
Christian there will be no one to carry on the family religion." Shoji,
as the only grandson, son of the eldest son in the family, would in
herit the family godshelf and be responsible to continue the worship of
the family ancestors. Pray that he may grow in faith, so that he will
be able to lead his family in love to the realization that the family
of God is greater than all earthly families. Ruth and Dave visited
Shoji over a weekend last month.
Under the direction of Mrs. Sakoh, a voice teacher, who has started
attending Ethel's Bible class on Wednesdays, the class has started
^hQrus_ pra.ctijoe_aft.er-_Biblestudy each-waek. They are-now preparing- a
special number for the Thanksgiving service the evening of November 23.
Prayer Requests:
1. Mr. Shoji Motobayshi and his family.
2. The 25 members of Ethel's Bible classes.
3. Mr. & Mrs. Higaki.
4. The two churches that meet in our home,
5. Osaka Bible Seminary.
6. Pray especially that we may continue lonwaverinigiy in sowing the
seed, trusting God for the increase.
SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: Harold & Leone Cole. * Harold is now in the
hospital undergoing tests. He may need surgery to try to stop a hem
orrhage that has continued too long. They may have to make some very
crucial decisions.
Thank you, in His loving service,
George Ethel Beckman

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