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... through Bertha Dudde

Divine truth ....
Science ....
Accept what you are offered recogni!e God"! wi## and $e carefu#
never to #o!e your tru!t in the %ord .... your #ove for the Saviour
and &i! divine grace.
'he argu(ent! a$out the divine truth wi## $e end#e!! and the one
who doe! not de!ire divine )now#edge or pre!u(e! that he can
uncover the great (y!tery $y hi(!e#f wi## a#way! $e the #o!er ....
*f he i! to $e !ucce!!fu# he (u!t $e!eech God for en#ighten(ent
and it wi## certain#y $e granted to hi(.
'he hu(an $eing can inve!tigate earth#y !u$+ect! yet regard#e!!
of how (uch he achieve! he wi## !ti## not co(e c#o!er to divine
truth for one i! entire#y !eparate fro( the other .... *t i! on#y
acce!!i$#e to the one who!e heart detache! it!e#f fro( everything
of an earth#y nature .... who con!ider! nothing e#!e worth !triving
for than the acceptance of eterna# truth!.
,verything on earth wi## !ee( di!tant and unrea# to hi( and he
wi## !earch fu## of yearning for the profundity of divine truth and
$e con!tant#y per(itted to receive it fro( the Father"! hand $ut
on#y if he turn! hi! heart !o#e#y to the Father ....
So (any atte(pt! have a#ready $een (ade to penetrate thi!
region .... and yet if on#y tho!e with great )now#edge at their
di!po!a# were !ucce!!fu# .... if they a#one he#d the )ey to truth in
their hand! $ecau!e of their )now#edge .... it wou#d not $enefit
hu(anity .... God ha! prepared &i! )ingdo( for a## peop#e and
were the %ord not to +udge the earth#y chi#dren"! heart $ut on#y
their )now#edge in!tead $are#y a tiny fraction wou#d ac-uire &i!
)ingdo( ....
And if God the %ord ha! ordained that a## tho!e of good wi## can
ac-uire &i! )ingdo( then you are after a## offered far (ore
than on#y to !erve the !cience! on earth .... A## of you are
a!pirant! and the onu! re!t! entire#y upon you a! to whether
you wi## reach the Father .... indeed !cience i! (ore #i)e#y an
o$!tac#e to $#i!! .... On earth it (a)e! you great and powerfu#
yet often very un!uita$#e to contact the %ord a! a !(a## and
hu($#e per!on .... and how can you enter the Father"! )ingdo(
without &i! he#p. ....
/ou on#y ever focu! on the one goa# of a!certaining the nature of
0reation .... you want to penetrate what i! c#o!ed to you and
infor( the hu(an race of it .... even though you have !o #itt#e
)now#edge your!e#ve! $ecau!e you !ti## have not under!tood the
!i(p#e!t fact .... that you are !(a## if the %ord doe! not he#p you
.... that you wi## never under!tand the (eaning and purpo!e of
the univer!e with your own effort .... /ou can on#y co(e c#o!er
to the true )now#edge when you have found the path to God ....
And then you wi## g#ad#y re#in-ui!h a## fa(e on earth for then you
wi## )now that a## !triving for earth#y thing! i! worth#e!! .... and
that a## earth#y )now#edge wi## not $ring you c#o!er to the eterna#
truth for God di!tri$ute! thi! on#y to tho!e who de!ire deep
down in their heart! to $eho#d and e1perience God ....
'he wi## to reach God e#evate! you far a$ove a## !cience ....
Where other! (a)e a #ife#ong effort to !o#ve the (y!terie! of
0reation you wi## often receive it overnight .... providing you
have the de!ire and a##ow your!e#ve! to $e in!tructed $y the
divine 'eacher.
2u$#i!hed $y friend! of new reve#ation! of God 3 *nfor(ation
down#oad of a## tran!#ated reve#ation! the(e4$oo)#et! at5


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