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Chapter 3

Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations

1. Which of the following societies began the custom of embalming to preserve the body for its life after
a. Egypt
b. Mesopotamia
c. India
d. China
e. Persia
. !round """""""" #.C.E.$ peoples of the eastern %udan started to domesticate cattle and became nomadic
a. &$'''
b. 1($'''
c. )'''
d. *'''
e. 1&''
+. ,he early %udanic societies recogni-ed a single divine force as the source of good and evil$ and they
associated it with
a. fire.
b. the ocean.
c. the sun.
d. rain.
e. the moon.
*. ,he .ree/ historian 0erodotus used the phrase 1the gift of the """"""""2 to describe Egypt.
a. Indus
b. 0uang 0e
c. 3ile
d. ,igris
e. Issus
&. ,he earliest Egyptian and 3ubian states were
a. city4states.
b. small /ingdoms.
c. centrali-ed empires.
d. trading networ/s.
e. unified early because of the uni5ue nature of the ,igris.
6. Egypt was united around +1'' #.C.E. by the con5ueror
a. Menes.
b. 7hufu.
c. %argon of !//ad.
d. 0atshepsut.
e. 0ammurabi.
8. ,he largest Egyptian pyramids were built during the
a. Middle 7ingdom.
b. 9ld 7ingdom.
c. 3ew 7ingdom.
d. !rchaic Period.
e. %econd Intermediary Period.
(. """""""":s is the largest of all the pyramids.
a. %argon of !//ad
b. 7hufu
c. 0y/sos
d. Menes
e. .i-a
). ,he capital of the /ingdom of 7ush was
a. 7erma.
b. !;um.
c. Memphis.
d. 0arappa.
e. 0ar/huf.
1'. 0ar/huf was
a. the capital of 7ush.
b. the most powerful pharaoh of the 9ld 7ingdom.
c. an Egyptian e;plorer who visited 3ubia.
d. the largest Middle 7ingdom pyramid.
e. the first woman pharaoh.
11. Pharaohs in the 3ew 7ingdom were
a. more powerful than pharaohs of the 9ld 7ingdom.
b. descended from a line of #abylonian /ings.
c. set on the throne by the <oman emperor =ulius Caesar.
d. more vigorous in their attempts to e;tend Egyptian authority beyond the 3ile valley and delta.
e. sacrificed at age thirty4two to insure a bountiful harvest.
1. !round +1'' #.C.E.$ the con5ueror Menes founded """"""""$ a city that would serve as the capital for
early Egypt.
a. 0eliopolis
b. 7erma
c. >ru/
d. Memphis
e. ,hebes
1+. ,he 0y/sos were
a. nomads who eventually settled around the city of #abylon.
b. e;ternal invaders who helped bring about the end of the Egyptian Middle 7ingdom.
c. Mesopotamian /ings.
d. the priestly class in ancient Egypt.
e. demons who punished the wic/ed in the Egyptian underworld.
1*. 0orse4drawn chariots and bron-e weapons were introduced into Egypt by the
a. 0y/sos.
b. #abylonians.
c. 7ushites.
d. 0arappans.
e. ?in.
1&. ,he most vigorous of all 3ew 7ingdom pharaohs was """"""""$ who led his troops into Palestine and %yria
and who even received tribute from the Mesopotamian city4states.
a. !hmose I
b. Menes
c. %argon of !//ad
d. ,uthmosis III
e. 0atshepsut
16. ,he Egyptians were the most imperialistic during the
a. @irst Intermediary Period.
b. !rchaic Period.
c. 3ew 7ingdom.
d. 9ld 7ingdom.
e. Middle 7ingdom.
18. Auring the eighth century #.C.E.$ Egypt fell under the control of the """""""" for around a century.
a. Persians
b. <omans
c. .ree/s
d. #abylonians
e. 7ushites
1(. !round 86' #.C.E. the 7ushite /ing 7ashta
a. officially converted to the Egyptian gods.
b. founded a dynasty that ruled Egypt for around a hundred years.
c. formed a long4lasting trading agreement with Egypt$ mar/ing their first contact.
d. surrendered to !ssyrian domination.
e. surrendered to Egyptian domination.
1). In the mid4seventh century #.C.E. Egypt lost its independence and became a part of
a. the !ssyrian empire.
b. the !rabic empire.
c. the Persian empire.
d. the <oman empire.
e. the 0arappan empire.
'. 0atshepsut was
a. a Mesopotamian /ing of the gods.
b. the 0ebrew term for their god.
c. the first con5ueror to unite all of Mesopotamia.
d. a woman who ruled Egypt as pharaoh.
e. the most important early city of the 0arappan society.
1. In which of the following societies did women enBoy the most freedom and opportunity?
a. Mesopotamia
b. Egypt
c. 0ebrews
d. !ssyria
e. India
. In 7ush$
a. the cities were much larger than they were in Egypt.
b. woman:s only role was to serve as a slave.
c. there were apparently never any female rulers.
d. trade was officially restricted with Egypt.
e. there is evidence of many female rulers.
+. In !frica$ iron metallurgy
a. was introduced by Persian merchants.
b. did not appear until after the rise of trans4%aharan trade.
c. arose independently.
d. began after an odd meeting between a 7ushite /ing and the Egyptian e;plorer 0ar/huf.
e. was imported into the continent by trade with the Mesopotamians.
*. ,he Egyptians traded through the <ed %ea with a land they called Punt$ which was probably
a. 0arappan India.
b. %ri Can/a.
c. modern4day %omalia.
d. !ssyria.
e. modern4day !ngola.
&. ,he .ree/ words meaning 1holy inscriptions2 refers to
a. hieroglyphs.
b. cuneiform.
c. the 9ld ,estament.
d. the Phoenician alphabet.
e. the Coptic script.
6. Meroitic writing
a. has now been completely translated.
b. e;pressed the general Egyptian optimism with life.
c. was introduced into India by the Indo4Europeans.
d. was a 3ubian script that borrowed Egyptian hieroglyphs.
e. cannot be read because it:s simply too different than its base cuneiform.
8. ,he cult of !mon4<e
a. was a failed monotheistic religion in Egypt.
b. worshipped the god of the underworld.
c. revered a combination of two gods associated with the sun.
d. worshipped the Egyptian god of the desert.
e. was borrowed by the Egyptians from 3ubian sources.
(. Which pharaoh tried$ unsuccessfully$ to transform Egypt into a monotheistic society?
a. Menes
b. !/henaten
c. ,uthmosis III
d. !hmose I
e. ,uthmosis I
). ,he Egyptian god of the underworld was
a. !mon4<e.
b. !ten.
c. 0orus.
d. 9siris.
e. Ptah.
+'. ,he tribes that$ as early as +''' #.C.E.$ began to spread their language and agricultural techni5ues
throughout !frica were the
a. Mali.
b. Persians.
c. Diongnu.
d. 7ongo.
e. #antu.
+1. Mummification was the process by which Egyptians preserved bodies of deceased individuals.
+. ,he Egyptians supplemented their pictographs with symbols representing sounds and ideasE they were
called hieroglyphs by the .ree/s.
++. ,he 3ew 7ingdom was a powerful Egyptian state created after the 0y/sos were pushed out of power.
+*. 9siris was the Egyptian god of the underworld.
+&. Menes is credited with unification of Egypt about +1'' #.C.E. 0e also founded the city of Memphis.
+6. ?ueen 0atshepsut served as co4ruler with her stepson ,uthmosis III.
+8. 0ar/huf was a 3ubian trader who brought bac/ e;otic products from tropical !frica.
+(. !/henaten was devoted to the Egyptian god !ten$ and this represented one of the world:s first e;pressions
of monotheism.
+). 7erma was the ancient capital of 3ubia.
*'. ,he 3ile <iver lin/s the Mediterranean basin to the north and sub4%aharan !frica to the south.

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