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... through Bertha Dudde

Forgiveness of sins .... I.
Take stock of yourselves and recognise your sins .... nd if you
transgressed! a""eal to the #ord for forgiveness and $is
grace .... only that is "leasing %efore God.
But if you %elieve that incessant "rayers &ill reach God! &hich do
not arise fro' dee" &ithin the heart .... if you %elieve that the
#ord only forgives those &ho dee' the'selves to %e closer to
the #ord in their life due to "rivilege .... &ho have devised a
sche'e %y &hich all sins &ill syste'atically %e a%solved &ithin a
s"ecific ti'e .... the #ord &ill teach you other&ise ....
Through the (aviour)s divine love you ac*uired the right to %e
a%le to release yourselves fro' your sins if you recognise the'
in your heart of hearts .... genuinely regret the' and at the
sa'e ti'e i'"lore the #ord and (aviour for $is divine 'ercy to
release you fro' these sins .... and then fir'ly decide to avoid
these sins for love of the divine (aviour.
+verything a "erson recognises to %e &rong 'ust also %e
a%horred %y hi' in his heart! and this! in turn! &ill result in his
intention to avoid sinning again.
If he confides! like a child! his serious intention to his Father that
he &ill never &ant to sadden $i' %y co''itting such &rong
again ....if his a%horrence gives rise to "rofound re'orse and the
intention to i'"rove hi'self .... then the #ord &ill lovingly dra&
the re'orseful sinner to $is heart and forgive his sins.
$o&ever! custo's and traditions have %een esta%lished in the
&orld %y &hich a "erson can *uite auto'atically %e a%solved
fro' his sins ....
nd there%y an even greater evil and sacrilege on the hu'an
race has %een "ro'oted. For the a%solution of sins %eca'e a
truly faith,destroying %ad ha%it %ecause it occurred in such a
&ay! that the sincerity of heart &as indeed 'entioned as %eing
essential... %ut that the least of the sinners 'ade an effort to
enter into co'"lete contact &ith the #ord ....
that all for'al conditions &ere in fact o%served %ut that the
actual act of the re'ission of sin left "eo"le under the i'"ression
of having co'"lied &ith their duty .... even though the "erson)s
heart had not yet fulfilled the conditions needed for the
forgiveness of sin through the #ord.
nd there%y a 'isguided teaching %eca'e increasingly 'ore
"revalent &hich! in its %asic "rinci"le and intention! is indeed
good and no%le %ut 'erely gets "eo"le into the habit of
performing a dutiful action &hose "rofound de"th is not
understood seriously enough and yet is so infinitely essential for
hu'anity)s salvation of soul ....
Forgiveness of sins .... II.
0o hu'an %eing is given the 'eans to redee' hi'self fro' his
guilt of sin .... he &ill al&ays re*uire the divine (aviour)s love for
0either has a "erson hi'self the "o&er to forgive other "eo"le)s
sins .... only if he acts in his 'inistry as a re"resentative of the
eternal Deity on earth and the other "erson)s heart is utterly
sincere! that is! if the latter a""eals to the heavenly Father for
forgiveness in co'"lete realisation of his sin.
$ence! the earthly child)s will is only ever the decisive factor!
and the action of God)s re"resentative is 'erely a symbolic sign
of the act of grace ....
Therefore! the act of confession of one)s sins &ill therefore also
al&ays %e utterly useless! even if a duty has a""arently %een
fulfilled! if the sa'e confession of sins is not sent to the divine
Father in a 'ost heartfelt "rayer for forgiveness at the sa'e
nd! alternatively! such a re'orseful confession of sins to the
Father &ill also result in true forgiveness of this sin without this
1eo"le are often no longer a&are of ho& distant they are fro'
the actual Deity! even though they co'"ly &ith all e2"ectations
i'"osed on the' %y the church on earth .... (o'ething that
should %e a sincerely heartfelt re*uire'ent has %eco'e an
entirely 'echanical act ....
nd thus! such co'"liance &ith duties cannot al&ays result in
the sa'e %lessing .... 1eo"le)s hearts 'ust find God! the inti'ate
contact &ith the 3reator and Redee'er 'ust %e esta%lished first!
then the #ord &ill "rovide $is earthly children &ith an a%undance
of grace! so that they &ill co'e ever closer to $i' and soon no
longer &ant to live &ithout their (aviour on earth.
$o&ever! the "erson 'ust take the first ste" .... everyone kno&s
&hen he has sinned ....
nd 4ust as he has found sin %y hi'self! he 'ust also find inner
reflection .... if he recognises his sin! he &ill also learn to a%hor
it! and then follo& re'orse and the &ish to %e released fro' the
guilt .... %ut in that case his "rayer for forgiveness &ill co'e fro'
the heart and &ill also reach the ear of the One Who alone
redee's all guilt on account of $is great love ....
1u%lished %y friends of ne& revelations of God 5 Infor'ation!
do&nload of all translated revelations! the'e,%ooklets at6

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