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Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 52: 171176, 1998.

1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Utilization of fluted pumpkin fruit (Telfairia

occidentalis) in marmalade manufacturing
School of Technology, Federal Polytechnic, PMB 1037, Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria
Author for correspondence
Received 8 October 1997; accepted in revised form 28 April 1998

Abstract. Marmalade was produced from fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) fruit. The
fruit was pulped, boiled and filtered to obtain pectin extract. The extract was boiled at 102 C
for 30 min with the pH and sugar levels adjusted to 3.2 and 68.5 Brix, respectively. Fruit
shreds were added towards the end of boiling. Results of analyses showed that the pulp is
rich in Na, K, Fe, P, Mn and pectin (1.01%), but low in protein (0.86%). The marmalade
had a firm gel and was acidic (pH 3.15). Mold was absent and syneresis did not occur. The
marmalade contained 68.5% total soluble solids and set at 5256 C. Sensory evaluation
showed no significant difference (p = 0.05) in taste, consistency, spreadability and overall
acceptability between fluted pumpkin marmalade and commercial orange marmalade. Both
chemical and sensory results denote that the marmalade was highly desirable and compared
favourably with similar preserves produced in Nigeria.
Key words: Fluted pumpkin fruit, Marmalade, Pectin, Sugar, Acid, Gel, Utilization

Telfairia occidentalis (fluted pumpkin) is widely cultivated in the forest regions of West Africa [1]. The mature fruit is ribbed, 23 2 cm at midlength,
weighs 36 kg and has a yellow fibrous flesh in which are embedded numerous seeds [2, 3]. Both mature and immature leaves and the tender apices of
the stem are frequently eaten as potherbs while the oil rich seeds are either
roasted or cooked whole and eaten or ground up and used as soup thickeners
Jams, marmalades and preserves can add tang to meals and provide a profitable way to use fruits not suited to canning or freezing. Fluted pumpkin fruit
is not visually appetizing and thus is often discarded after the seeds have been
removed. A marmalade prepared from it is not only useful as a substitute for
products like butter, margarine and chocolate which are scarce in Nigeria and
have to be imported, but can also serve as an important means of preserving
and utilizing the fruit.

Article: qual3341 DISC-TYPESET Pips nr. 180436 (qualkap:bio1fam) v.1.1

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Although considerable work has been done on the cultivation of the plant
[1, 3, 5] and the biochemical and functional characteristics of the seed [4,
68], no information exists on the utilization of the fruit pulp. This study
was undertaken to provide data on the chemical and sensory characteristics
of marmalade produced from the fluted pumpkin fruit pulp.
Materials and methods
The fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) fruits were harvested from a local
farm in Idah town. The fruits were washed and pulped manually with a knife
to remove the seeds. About 2 kg of the pulp was mashed in 1 liter of tap water
(1:0.5 w/v pulp: water ratio) and boiled at 100 C for 20 min. The boiled fruit
pulp was pressed in double folded damp cheese cloth to extract the juice.
About 800 g of sugar were added to 1.8 liters of the expressed juice and the
pH was adjusted to 3.2 with 40 ml of 50% citric acid. The extract was then
concentrated in a stainless steel pot at 102 C for 30 min to 68.5 Brix. Fruit
slices were added towards the end of boiling. The marmalade was filled hot
(87 C) in sterile jars allowing 1 cm headspace and stored at 28 2 C for 7
Analytical methods. Proximate analyses for protein (microKjeldahl method),
moisture and fat (Soxhlet extraction apparatus) were carried out according to
standard AOAC [9] procedures 14.086, 14.084 and 14.089, respectively. Fruit
content, crude fiber, ash and invert sugar (Lane and Eynon methods), pectin
(alcohol precipitation at 50 C), insoluble solids (constant weight), sodium
and potassium (flame photometry) and phosphorus (colorimetry) were determined as described by Pearson [10]. Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese
and copper contents were estimated using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS Model 701.11TA). The pH was measured with a pH meter
(Toptronic Milano, Italy). Ascorbic acid was evaluated titrimetically using
2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol [9]. Total soluble solids were determined with
the Abbe refractometer (Model RG 701, Italy) and the results expressed in
degree Brix. Titratable acidity was assessed by titrating dilute samples with
0.1N NaOH to the phenolphthalein end point [9]. Mold count was done by
surface plating onto Malt Extract Agar (MEA) in duplicates and incubating
at 28 C for 72 hours.
Sensory analysis. The fluted pumpkin marmalade was stored for 7 days after manufacture and then compared with a commercial orange marmalade
(reference) for color, taste, flavor, consistency, spreadability and overall acceptability. About 5 g of each sample were served in randomly coded white

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Table 1. Chemical composition and mineral content
(mg/100 g) of fluted pumpkin fruit pulp
Mean SD

Chemical composition
Moisture (%)
Protein (%)
Fat (%)
Crude fiber (%)
Ash (%)
Pectin (as calcium pectate (%)
Ascorbic acid (mg/100 ml)
Total soluble solids ( Brix)
Mineral composition

92.11 0.34
0.86 0.04
0.75 0.02
2.20 0.06
1.88 0.04
1.01 0.02
16.22 0.11
3.14 0.06
6.01 0.02

33.1 0.14
118.8 0.82
12.1 0.03
7040.3 4.92
3188.8 2.86
22.2 0.14
2.1 0.03
2.3 0.03

Means SD of three determinations.

plastic containers to 20 untrained assessors. Each attribute was rated on a 5point hedonic scale where 5 represented excellent and 1 very poor. For
spreadability and consistency, 5 g of each sample were smeared on a thin
slice of bread and observed for evenness of spread.
Statistical analysis. Data were expressed as Mean SD of three determinations. Means of sensory ratings were statistically analyzed using the t-test
described by Ihekoronye and Ngoddy [11].

Results and discussion

The chemical analysis and mineral assay of the fluted pumpkin pulp are
shown in Table 1. The pulp contained 92% moisture, 0.86% protein, 0.75%
fat, 1.88% ash and 2.2% crude fiber. These findings were comparable to those

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Table 2. Physicochemical properties of fluted pumpkin marmalade


Titratable acidity (g/100 ml citric)
Fruit content (%)
Total soluble solids ( Brix)
Insoluble solids (%)
Invert sugar (%)
Ascorbic acid (mg/100 ml)
Setting time (min)
Setting temperature ( C)
Mold count

3.15 0.06
1.29 0.02
32.23 0.09
68.50 0.16
2.11 0.02
23.81 0.04
2.01 0.03

Means SD of three determinations.

reported for tropical fruits like pineapple and mango [1113]. The ascorbic
acid content was 16 mg/100 ml. Oyenuga [13] and FAO [14] reported ascorbic acid contents of 18, 24, 25 and 49 mg/100 ml for banana, pineapple,
mango and orange, respectively. The total soluble solids content of 3.14 Brix
compared well with those of tomatoes (3.2 Brix) and guava (3.0 Brix) [15,
16]. The pH value of 6.05 is higher than that recorded for bush mango (5.12),
orange (3.8) and guava (3.6) [17, 18]. The pulp is thus a fair source of vitamin
C and sugar but low in protein and acid. The protein appears to be concentrated in the seed [4]. The pectin content of 1.01% is similar to that of guava,
banana, pawpaw and orange which range between 0.5 and 1.6% [10, 19]. This
value is sufficient to form a satisfactory gel structure. Ordinarily, slightly less
than 1% pectin content is enough to produce an acceptable gel [21].
The mineral analyses showed that fluted pumpkin is high in sodium, potassium and iron, moderate in manganese, phosphorus and copper, but relatively
low in calcium and magnesium. The levels obtained are, however, higher
than those encountered in bananas, mangoes, guava and oranges [1, 20].
These results imply that fluted pumpkin can supply a mix of essential minerals required for various body functions. It will also produce a good quality
marmalade since the composition of the fruit has a pronounced effect on the
composition and quality of the final product.
Table 2 data include the physicochemical properties of the fluted pumpkin
marmalade. The pH value (3.15) and total soluble solids content (68.5 Brix)
of the marmalade were within the ranges recommended for preserves [10,

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Table 3. Sensory evaluation score results of marmalade samples





















a,b Means within the same column with the same subscript are not signif-


icantly different (p 0.05).

1 = very poor, 5 = excellent.

21]. The low pH and high sugar content are necessary to ensure storage
stability, inhibition of the growth of molds and yeasts and assure satisfactory
setting of the marmalade [10, 22]. The fruit, insoluble solids and invert sugar
contents were 32.33%, 2.11% and 23.81%, respectively. These values agreed
with those prescribed by Pearson [10] for marmalade, jams and jellies which
range from 2040% (fruit content), 0.9010% (insoluble solids) and 1555%
(invert sugar). The ascorbic acid content of 2.10 mg/100 ml for the marmalade
was a marked decrease from the value of 16.22 mg/100 ml obtained for
the fruit pulp. This may be due to destruction by heat or oxidation during
processing and a dilution effect from the addition of other components. The
marmalade was devoid of mold, physically stable and set at 5256 C.
The results of sensory evaluation of the fluted pumpkin marmalade and
commercial orange marmalade are shown in Table 3. There were no significant (p = 0.05) differences in taste, consistency, spreadability and overall
acceptability. Significant (p > 0.05) differences however, existed in color
and flavor. This may be due to the unattractive and bland taste of the fruit
pulp from which the marmalade was made. The sensory ratings generally
indicate that the marmalade was largely accepted.

Good quality marmalade was produced from fluted pumpkin fruit that was
generally acceptable. The marmalade was a medium set product, physically
stable and free from mold. The pulp is rich in minerals and moderate in sugar.
Its utilization as alternative material for producing marmalade, jams and preserves should, therefore, be encouraged rather than discarding it as waste. It
can be concluded from the characteristics of the fluted pumpkin marmalade

qual3341.tex; 8/10/1998; 0:04; p.5

and pulp that fluted pumpkin is a plausible source of raw material for making
marmalade and other preserves.





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