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by Bernice Sanchez 
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Showing you the way to reconnect to yourself;

and thereby reconnect to God.

Discover your hidden power.

Discover true inner satisfaction.


Bernice Sanchez


1 Preface 7
2 Introduction 10
3 The Five Principles 11
4 The 1st Principles 13
5 The 2nd Principles 15
6 The 3rd Principles 16
7 The 4th Principles 17
8 The 5th Principples 19
9 The Natural spiritual Power 20
10 The Spiritual Regime 21
11 Meditation 23
12 Conclusion 25
13 The Testimonies 40
14 England Testimony 41
15 England Testimony after 10 month 47
16 My Life Story 51
17 Spain Testimony 56
18 Italy Testimony 59
19 Sweden Testimony - 62
20 France Testimony - 65
21 Words Of The Messenger - 69
22 Visions Of The Messenger - 72

When we are physically sick, the doctor helps us then
sends us home
When we are mentally sick, the psychiatrist helps
us then sends us home.
When we are spiritually lost, the priest helps us
then sends us home.
When these people have helped us we do feel better,
but the seed which caused us to seek their help is
still planted within us.
This seed needs to be removed - and this is a
matter between you and your God.

It all began when I was a small boy. I was nine years old, and I often
found myself in the company of adults, listening to them discussing
issues they were concerned about and problems which affected them in
their daily lives. And, suddenly, I would have answers to their various
problems; answers which were given directly to me by “The One”, who
literally whispered in my ear.
The problem was, after I had told them the answers to their problems
and they had used my advice to resolve them, they would often go to
my parents and ask them not to discuss such matters in front of me, as
they assumed that this had been the source of my information.
Later, when I was sixteen years old, God for the first time revealed to
me how I should be living my life: how I should behave and what I
should eat. God showed me a way of life which would enable me to
receive more of his inspiration.
As a young man beginning to discover life in all of its aspects, I did
not completely follow all the valuable guidelines that were given to me.
At the time, I was very rich financially but poor in many other ways. I
did notice, however, that if I actually adhered to what God expected
from me, I began to obtain what I really needed and longed for in life.
In spite of all the inspiration and wisdom I had been granted, I was,
like any other human being, vulnerable to the many temptations of this
world. In spite of all the power that having money gave me, I often
received dubious advice from people who saw the Devil in everything I
did, and who were looking out for their own interests rather than mine.
All this sometimes made God’s voice inside me fade away.
When I was twenty-three, and at my lowest ebb spiritually, God asked

me a simple question: is the Devil stronger than Him? That question
opened my eyes and I realised that if the Devil was inside me, it was
only because I had let him in, therefore, only I had the power to drive
him out. God began to grant me different kinds of effective prayer.
Prayer which con­tributed to the healing of people who were looking
for answers in their lives, and for those with emotional problems or
who were physically sick. I was also given much information which I
needed to share with them, about ways in which they could actually
heal themselves.
Stupidly, I still did not dedicate enough time to using this gift that God
had given me and helping people on a full-time basis. At the time, I was
more interested in business and politics and the work I was doing for
my government, which involved travelling all over the world and setting
up homes in several countries.
However, at those times when I did listen to my God, I felt personally
blessed by the results. I was able to help people by simply repeating
what God asked me to say and personally helping them during their
many phases of recovery. Even people who for many years were
addicted to cocaine, heroin and other drugs were able to realise what
they were doing to their bodies and find their way back to a new kind
of life - a life based on the plan which God had revealed to me.
This plan is based on: the Five Principles; intense meditation; and a
spiritual diet for one year. We ask you to do this for only one year as
our intention is not to create a religion. Those who have followed this
plan have so far been able to gain the results they wanted in this time.
Of course, you are free to follow this plan for longer if you so desire.
People who I was able to help with their emotional problems or
physical sicknesses were often unable to accept the fact that anything
that I was able to do came from the inspiration that I had been
given by God. It was not me that had cured them! I needed people
to understand that because they had followed the rules of the Five
Principles and had faith in God’s plan, they had actually cured

In March 1999 I was given my final calling. God made it clear to me
that I had to finish “playing around” and dedicate myself completely
to bringing His valuable and sacred message of a new life to everyone.
This message would help them discover and understand their own
power, their own capability of finding inner peace and a new life
- clean, pure and peaceful. This would lead them to true inner

Helping individuals to come home - home to themselves.

Please do not judge before experiencing what this plan will bring to
you. You do not have to be physically sick or ill at heart to find a new
and better life. Even if you are blessed with good health and a peaceful
life there is still something to be gained - complete inner peace. What
inner peace really means and what it exactly will bring to you is difficult
to convey in words. All I can say is that it is sweeter than you could
ever imagine.

This way of life will not only cure any defect that you might have, but
can give you an inner peace that you might not have suspected even
existed. You will understand yourself and the people around you better.
You will make decisions quickly without endless procrastination. You
will easily find forgiveness. Fear and worry will pass through you like a
raindrop through a cloud.


The Five Principles are given to us by God. The way that they are
presented here is the way that they were given to the Messenger during
his last revelation.
These Five Principles were given to him partly so that he could heal
his own life. He had been searching for peace his whole life, and they
guided him home - truly home to the peace of a forever loving and
forgiving God.
The Five Principles were also given to the Messenger to share with
other people. The Messenger is not connected to any organisation.
His intention is to carry this message to every human being without
regard to any specific religion. In fact, he hopes that people from
many different religions and backgrounds will find value in this pure
and simple message from our God. The Messenger now preaches this
message all over the world, with the hope that he can reach out and
bring us all back home.
If you want to give yourself a new, clean kind of life, you have to
give yourself back to God who is in you. These Five Principles will
raise your standard of living to the point where you will have the
opportunity to truly return to yourself and to peace.

Therefore do not judge, but unwrap this present and receive this gift from
God. Then you will be a witness with your own testimony.

The Five Principles

Showing you the way to reconnect to yourself, and by doing this

also reconnect to God.

1) Do not take life from any human being or any living creature.

2) Do not say or do anything other than the truth for one year.

3) Do not take what is not offered to you for one year.

4) Do not indulge in any irregular sexual behaviour for one year.

5) Do not consume anything toxic for one year.

The Relevance of the Five Principles to your Life

The Five Principles are not commandments. When we hear the

word “commandment” we expect to be punished for the slightest
transgression. These principles are not imposed on you, or an excuse to
punish you.

They are there to protect your interior progress.

We attain this interior progress by the practice of meditation. The

function of meditation is to promote insight and to help us understand
ourselves. This leads to the inner realisation of the power of God, and
through this we can return to our true nature. However, in order to
attain true self-awareness we need an environment with an atmosphere
of purity and simplicity. The aim of the Five Principles is to establish

this atmosphere.
Imagine having enough free time and tranquillity of mind to be able
to sit down and meditate for three hours a day - three hours a day
just for yourself and God. The alternative is to keep running back and
forth everyday trying to cope with the problems brought on by things
such as lies you have told, things you have stolen and infidelity to those
you love. It is impossible to peacefully meditate when your spirit is
desperately trying to cope with the harm that you have caused, both
to yourself and others, and when your heart is filled with pain and

The Five Principles aim to help you create harmony in your life.

The Five Principles will give you the self-awareness necessary to

understand that we can really hurt people with our thoughts, words and
actions, and also give you the capacity to be truly honest with yourself.
Nobody is asking you to hate yourself for every mistake that you make.
What is required is that you observe yourself with clarity and honesty,
and when you find that you have made a mistake, to repent. This does
not mean punishing yourself, but rather being determined not to repeat
this mistake.

The First Principle
The Principle of Non-Violence

Do not take life from any human being or living creature.

The First Principle prohibits us from killing or harming any human

being or living creature. This applies to any action which is directly
or indirectly violent: even if you provoke others to violence without
actually taking part yourself, you are still responsible for that violence.
One should generally speak softly to any living creature - to comfort
them and to help them, but to speak up about what you think is just
when the proper occasion presents itself.
Earn your livelihood in a way that does not harm any person or any
living creature.
Though we are obliged to help those who are spiritually sick, or
physically or mentally sick, only do so when they desire your help. Do
not force them to accept aid if they are unwilling.

The Treatment of Animals

When God gave humans dominion over animals, and to use them as
food, his intention was that we should treat them with the same love
and care that we would expect ourselves.
Today, however, we treat food animals as if they were somehow
unworthy creatures. We keep them penned in small cages day and
night. We fill their bodies with hormones and food which has often
been made from the carcasses of other animals, effectively turning
herbivores into carnivores. We make them live a life filled with stress
and terror until they meet their brutal end.

These are all acts against Nature, acts against how God intended Nature to

This way of treating animals is not only brutal in itself, but a direct
threat to our health. If we eat meat from such animals, and fish from
polluted seas, we contaminate our bodies and minds and thus disturb
our inner peace. The stress of the animals we eat becomes our own
stress. Therefore, it is better to not eat meat or fish for one year.
Animals should be treated with love, respect and kindness through­out
their lives. Then, if we decide to take the life of an animal for food,
we should first ask for permission from God. We should fill our hearts
with the desire that the world will be at peace, and that God will give
us enough insight to look at each other with love and mercy. A love
which does not discriminate against any living thing.

Remember: in the beginning, God didn’t allow human beings to eat

animals or birds. God put us in charge of them, and went on to
ask us to have dominion over them. When you have dominion over
something, you should not be close to them. However, we humans
went on to live with them and to take them inside our bodies! Please,
read Genesis Ch 1 v 27-31.

Be aware that animals for food was allowed only after the flood in
Noah’s time. In your spiritual journey, only eat meat when the Holy
Spirit has advised you to.

The Second Principle
The Principle of Sincerity

Do not say or do anything other than the Truth for one year.

The second principle asks you not to lie to others, and not to lie to
yourself. There are many subtle ways of lying, and we human beings
have much experience when it comes to bending or blurring the truth.
One of the biggest traps to avoid is that of lying about who you truly
are, or of presenting yourself as a person with a lot of “experience”,
a lot of “answers”, or as someone who has “important” things to say.
Also, many people believe that it is necessary to lie to make money, and
so there are many lies told when doing business.

Remember - a lie is a lie, whatever justification we might think we have.

The Third Principle
The Principle of Gratefulness

Do not take what is not offered to you for one year.

The Third Principle is about learning to be content with what we have.

We should not always be looking at what the people around us have, at
whether our neighbour’s house is bigger or their car newer, or always
wanting to have the latest gadgets. We should not steal or even use
things which do not belong to us.
Talking too much is also a form of theft, as we not only use up our
time but also that of other people. Time is a precious treasure that we
must manage with regard for our own self-development.
In this world there are many ways of living which can make you feel
happy with yourself, and some of these involve living modestly. In
fact, it is better to live simply, as you can then live separately from
many of the world’s problems. In this way you will have more time to
develop self-awareness and inner peace, which will lead to a true inner

Use only what belongs to you for a year, whether it is a lot or a little.

The world we live in is like a theatre. The show can be good or bad,
but one thing is for certain, when the spectacle is over we all go back
to our real home with God. In all our time here we are merely visitors.

The Fourth Principle
The Principle of Sexual Behaviour

Do not indulge in any irregular sexual behaviour for one year.

This subject raises a lot of controversy. People have many different

views about sex and even more about the concept of irregular sexual
behaviour. Some of us have a very rigid and moralistic attitude when
it comes to sex. Others are hedonists: they give themselves over to sex
in very destructive ways. Still others close their minds completely to an
area that they do not want to hear about or are not comfortable talking
about. None of these is the right attitude.
Sex is a sharing of the body and it is for the body. Do not believe that
it is anything other than that and do not confuse it with love. We have
to consider sexuality for what it is, and recognise that our objective of
self-awareness is moving us in the opposite direction. Therefore, we
must learn to control our sexual behaviour without falling into the trap
of forcing sexuality out of our existence. That would be like not eating
in order to control our hunger.
Most moral codes insist that we must abstain from irregular sexual
behaviour, in thought, words and deeds. The concept of “irregular
sexual behaviour” is open to interpretation, but if we focus on the
goal of the Five Principles as being that of creating and maintaining an
environment favourable to the development of our inner selves, it then
becomes easier to understand.
Firstly, we need to understand what having sex with somebody brings
into our body. You might think that you are having sex with one
person, but what you do not realise is that by having sex with that
person, you are taking in all of the problems that person carries with
them – problems that you may not be aware of, such as disease,
depression, family instability and so on. Moreover, you are also having

sex with and taking in all of the problems of the partners that person
has had before you. Sex is not an act done merely for satisfaction or
recreation; therefore, it is preferable that sexual activity takes place in
only one relationship.

If you are married, monogamy is also expected. If you cheat on your

spouse you risk bringing the problems of your sexual partner into your
home and family life. Your spouse may not be consciously aware of
your infidelity, but his or her spirit will know and this will result in a

As such, “irregular sexual behaviour” is any activity which causes

suffering to ourselves or others; any activity which disturbs tranquillity,
uses up precious time and energy and which interferes with our inner
progress. As you begin to make progress in the practice of meditation
you will discover that your inner ecstasy will be much greater than any
kind of bodily pleasure. You will lose your interest in the idea of sex
for the sake of sex, and will find love instead - love for yourself and
love for your partner. In this way sex becomes an act of love.

The Fifth Principle
The Principle of Pure Life

Do not consume anything which is toxic for one year.

This principle asks us to avoid using any toxic substances. This includes
all alcohol; wine, beer and hard liquor, as well as tobacco and any form
of narcotics or drugs. To suddenly abstain from these substances has
been hard for many people, but it can be done, and anyone who truly
wants to learn can be taught how.
The category of toxins also includes pornography and excessively
violent movies, literature and games. All these activities create a form of
excitement which pulls us back down to this world and away from our
spiritual endeavours.

Any toxic material hurts our bodies and confuses our spirit.

It is better to do without all of these things for a year.

The Natural Spiritual Power

God has given us spiritual power which we can use to purify any kind
of impure atmosphere. We can turn infertile ground into rich farmland.
We can turn “garbage” into objects of art. And it seems like our
spiritual power is almost miraculous when we are able to transform
people who lie, steal, kill or prostitute themselves into happy, peaceful
human beings who do not return to their old ways.

The miraculous power is to transform that which is impure into something


Those who have developed their own spiritual power should help those
worn down by the world to rediscover their real values, their self-esteem
and their vitality. Remember, even a priest can lose his faith at times.
The Saints of the past have been and gone, and the Saints of the
future remain undiscovered. So let us be the Saints of the present.
Let us give as the Saints gave instead of asking for ourselves. Bringing
comfort to people was always at the root of the miraculous power of
the Saints, so if we behave in this way we can save both ourselves and
other people.

The Spiritual Regime

The spiritual regime is necessary for the cleansing of your whole

system: body, mind and spirit.
The regime described here is a spiritual diet which does not prohibit the
consumption of milk products such as butter, yogurt and cheese. There
are, however, certain products (including, meat, fish and poultry) which
prevent our system from reaching the state of spiri­tual cleanliness
which is this diet’s aim. Food such as garlic, onion and peppers are
removed from this diet not for reasons of health, but rather, because
they have a strong impact on our bodies. The more that we are able
to remove from our bodies that which is impure, or that which has a
strong effect, the better able we are to become physically sensitive to
receiving and developing our own spiritual power. Many people believe
that foods such as garlic have medicinal properties. While this may be
true, a person with truly developed spiritual power will be able to cure
whatever needs to be cured him or herself.

This is the list of all the foods which should not be eaten for a year:

1) Meat
2) Poultry
3) Fish and all other seafood
4) Eggs
5) Onions and all vegetables which belong to the onion family
6) All peppers including chilli peppers etc.
7) Garlic
8) Coffee, and all tea with caffeine

You also need to be aware that there are many common foods, such
as canned food, pasta, cakes, ice cream and prepared sauces and meals,

which contain small amounts of egg, animal fats or oil. It is therefore
essential that you cook your own food from fresh ingredients and avoid
all processed foods. God is fed through your stomach.
The best gift you can give to God is the food you put in your stomach;
therefore, it is best not to have food that has been touched or modified
by others. God wants to eat from your hands alone.

Be especially careful if you are a guest at someone’s house and they

give you a meal which contains a prohibited ingredient. Even if you
do not eat the food which contains that ingredient you can still not eat
food which was cooked beside it.
To make sure you receive enough minerals, protein and iron, meat
should be replaced with nuts, beans, extra vegetables and Soya bean
products such as tofu. As your aim is to cleanse and purify your body,
you should replace refined sugar as much as possible with natural
sugars, such as those in honey or fruit. Eventually your body will begin
to tell you exactly what food it needs and in what amounts, and in this
way it will automatically establish its own natural weight.
By following this diet you will find that you have so much vitality, so
much energy, and so much clarity that you will easily be able to attain
inner peace, joy and wisdom. You will not only gain a clear view of
yourself, but a clear view of those around you as well. You will also be
better able to deal with the problems that you find within yourself, and
help with the problems of others.

The new cleanliness of body and spirit that this regime will give you
will mean that you will need guidance on how to use your new self-
awareness. Only God can give you this guidance. This is where the
practising of meditation comes in, as it is through meditation that we
let God speak to us. If you meditate everyday, God will direct you
in the use of your new abilities and also teach you the humility that
should go with them. The exact way of this is difficult to explain - you
have to experience these blessings yourself to really understand.

To begin to heal whatever aspect of your life that you think needs
attention, you must at first try to meditate for two and a half hours a
day in total, divided into periods of thirty minutes every three hours.
This may sound like a long time, but it is only ten per cent of a day.
You will still have the other ninety per cent to deal with the world.
What you gain from meditation is exactly related to the time you put in.
If you only meditate for five minutes a day how can you expect a lot
of guidance from God, and gain more than a glimpse of the paradise
which God wants to show us while we are still here on Earth? The ten
per cent of a day that you give up is also for the purpose of cultivating
your inner self and understanding who you really are. The rewards for
spending this time in meditation are great. It is like buying a ticket for
paradise while you are still here on earth. Everything will become clear
to you. God will advise you on every decision you have to make and
you will no longer live in constant doubt. God is inside you, but if you
let yourself be bogged down in the cares of this world and do not give
him any time to speak to you, then it is impossible to hear his message.

Meditation is the practice of refining our inner ear, so that we are able to
hear all that we need to know.

The Practice of Meditation

It is best to start meditating early in the morning. After a good night’s
rest and a wash, you should take a short walk. Then, before eating, you
should find a very quiet place where no-one will disturb you and begin
your first meditation of the day.
Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet flat on the floor, your
back straight, and your hands resting on your knees. Close your eyes
naturally, as if you were going to sleep. The pictures on the following
pages demonstrate the correct positions.
There should be no tension in your eyes or movement of your eyeballs.

Begin your meditation by slowly breathing in and out three times to
establish a connection with the stillness in your body. Then try to avoid
focusing on your breathing or your heartbeat or any bodily sensation.
Call the Holy Spirit and “look” calmly and simply straight forward:
between your eyebrows is your Third Eye. Experience the stillness in
your head and try not to think. Focus on the middle of anything which
appears in your view. This may be darkness or a light. The light may be
in many different forms, such as a moon, a star or the sun. Continue
to focus on whatever presents itself. This image can “explode” and
bring you to another level, but even if there is very little movement you
should continue to “look” and focus. If you start to get carried away
in thought you should ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse your mind, and
return to focussing on the light inside your head until it encompasses
the whole inner vision of your mind. Try to sit like this for thirty
minutes at seven and ten a.m. and four and seven p.m.
At one and ten p.m. lie flat on your back in a straight posture, arms
loosely by your sides, without a pillow under your head. Meditate
again, and try and achieve the state of not thinking. If you are able to
maintain the stillness of your mind, you will be able to clearly separate
your own thoughts from the insights and messages given to you by
God. You are now consciously reconnecting with your inner spirit and
cultivating yourself.

God’s messages will come from nowhere - they will just suddenly be there,
inside you.
At one point you may feel as if you have fallen asleep and wake up
with a beautiful feeling of having been cleansed. God was at work in
the moments that you thought you were asleep - you were actually
“floating” between worlds. This means that you have reached another
level, a level where God can communicate with you directly. Of course,
to meditate successfully will take practice, but if you are determined,
and don’t give up, you will learn how to reach a new spiritual level
where you will be able to heal many areas of your life.


Try this new way of living for one year and discover what it will bring
to you. We do not ask you to live by these rules forever, but to try
them. Perhaps you will surprise yourself. And you will always know
what to do when you are in trouble.

Give ten percent of your time to God (tithes) and from Him you will receive
all good things in abundance.

Malachi Chapter 3 v 9: “Bring the full amount of your tithes to the Temple,
so that there will be plenty of food there. Put me to the test and you will see
that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you in abundance all
kinds of good things.”


Tithes have three dimensions:

1. 10% of 24 hours = 2 and a half hours a day.

2. 10% of money you earn needs to be invested in the gospel, to teach
other people about God.
3. 10% of your time to the examination of the word of God so that
are better able to put it into practice in your life.

Be a Do-er.

Starter 1 minute










10:00 P.M.

1:00 P.M.

Position for our Father who is in heaven; Prayer

7:00 A.M. / 10:00 A.M. / 4:00 P.M. / 7:00 P.M.

The Testimonies

The testimonies that follow are from people whose lives have been
touched by the Messenger. The Messenger has helped many different
people in many different countries. The testimonies below show the
range and extent of the Messenger’s services; they are from people
living in England, Spain, Italy and Sweden. Each testimony is very
different in its story, but the message is the same: allow God into your
life and you can heal any problem that you encounter.

All of the testimonies describe the first three months of practicing the
diet outlined in Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31 combined with a regular
routine of meditation; the theory of which has been explained in the
previous section of this book. The next section of this book is about
putting the Five Principles into practice, so that you may understand the
changes that can occur from the stories of real life people.

Each testimony is also available to listen to on our CD and parts on

our website, http://www.godkingdom1.com. These testimonies will be
updated every three months so that you may continue to be a witness
to the changing lives of these four people.

God had an intention before your creation. He knows that you are
born in sin. Only He can correct that sin after seven generations. Do
not fight the battle of sin alone. The devil existed before you were
born, and knows your weaknesses inside out; he is the master of
exploiting weaknesses. Only God can destroy the devil for you in the
precious name of Jesus.

From England


Meeting The Messenger

On the 18th April 2005 I fell in the street and hurt myself badly. My
injuries were so severe that I had to take a long term leave of absence
from work. The pain was so intense that I was forced to take painkillers
everyday just to be able to walk.

One day I struggled on my crutches to the market to do some

shopping. While I was in one of the shops collecting some items a
man approached me. He commented on the groceries in my basket
and said that they were bad for me and that they would cause me pain,
depression, frustration, worry, unhappiness and excess weight. His
words took me by surprise, but, as these were symptoms I was already
suffering from, I was curious to hear what this stranger had to say. We
sat down in the shop and the man handed me the Bible, telling me to
read Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31. When I had finished reading he started
to explain what it meant. This is what he told me:

When Jesus Christ came down to free humankind and lead them to
His Kingdom he said: “I am the beginning and I am the end.” By
the beginning he meant Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31 and by the end he
meant the revelation. Jesus said: “If you practice what is outlined in
Genesis, and you obey to eat the food God designed for Adam and
Eve before their fall, I will reveal myself to you”.

The man continued by telling me that the sin Adam and Eve
committed when they disobeyed God had automatically been passed

on to all humankind through DNA. However, by obeying the original
commandment of Jesus Christ and by eating the food from Genesis
chapter 1 v 27-31, we can all become reborn in a pure form. This,
combined with prayer and faith, would redeem us all. The three
keystones for successfully reaching this goal are organization, discipline
and perseverance. As long as we understand and practice these, God
will answer our prayers without fail. Where our ability stops God will
come to our aid. God did not make slaves; he only made kings, queens,
princes and princesses, which is what He intended for all of us from
the beginning.

I was very confused by this man’s words. They differed completely to

what I had been taught by the church. When the man then told me
that I was not a true Christian nor was I practicing the Bible I was
shocked and annoyed. I had dedicated twenty-eight years of my life to
God and the church and I truly believed that I was a devoted Christian.
This man claimed, however, that the first anti-Christ were the people
who were calling themselves Christians but did not obey the true
commandments of Christ, which are quoted in Genesis chapter 1.

I met the Messenger two weeks before Christmas 2005. As food was
such an important part of my family’s Christmas traditions, I knew it
would be impossible to start a new diet. I decided to delay it until after
the New Year. This was my first meeting with the Messenger.

My Second Meeting With The Messenger

When January came I had not heard from the Messenger in a long
time. One day, I received a phone call from him out of the blue. He
asked me to meet him in Hyde Park. I was worried I wouldn’t recognize
him, but, when I arrived at the park he was there waiting for me. I
noticed he was surrounded by many birds. It seemed as though he
could communicate with them because as soon as he called them they

flew over and followed us as we walked around the park that day.

The Messenger asked me if someone in my family was ill. I told him

my daughter had recently been experiencing terrible pain. After the
park, I brought the Messenger to my home. He told me to call my
daughter and ask her to come over. When she came she was in tears
from the pain she was experiencing. Her pain was so severe that she
thought it was going to kill her. The Messenger remained calm and
told my daughter to lay on the floor in the living room. He then told
her: “Do not worry. There is only one God and that God is going to
take your pain away.” He prepared her a drink consisting of hot water,
a freshly squeezed orange and part of its peel, and honey. He then
stood by the window and raised the cup towards the sky. He spoke the
following words out loud: “I have no power. God has all the power and
He is going to heal you today.” He then handed the cup to my daughter
for her to drink. After 15-30 minutes the pain was gone. Although I
could not believe it myself, my daughter assured me it had disappeared.
Three months have now passed since this incident and my daughter has
not experienced any further pain.

I asked myself, who is this new Messenger of mine? Has God heard
my prayer and sent someone to show me the truth of His kingdom?

The Reaction Of Family And Friends

The Messenger designed a diet which replaced my old eating

habits. The food itself is based on Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31. After
commencing the diet I started feeling more confident and satisfied
within. The Messenger monitored my progress regularly. In combination
with the diet he also taught me how to meditate.

When I first told my family about my decision to start taking control

of my life their reaction was positive. However, they did not understand

the amount of organization, discipline and perseverance the procedure
involved. They were simply expecting a “quick fix”. At one point my
two daughters started following the diet as well. They were very pleased
with the results for a period of time because they were losing weight,
but, when they refused to combine this with meditation, they quickly
fell out of the routine. Soon after they started to rebel and demanded
their old ways of eating. They expected me to cook all the food that
went against my eating regime, i.e. all types of meat, poultry and fish.
When I refused to do this for them, a war broke out in the house. This
was a real eye opener for me. I had to look deep within myself to try
and make sense of the situation. I realized that I had been cooking for
my family for over 40 years without any gratitude whatsoever. They
had always taken for granted the things I did for them. It was as if the
work I did for my family had no value. I was no longer going to wait
for them to recognize the work I did for them. Instead I now do the
calculations myself with the help of Jesus. I have learned to put a price
and value on myself and my hard work.

My family often tried to convince me that the diet recommended by

the Messenger was too restricive. They even suggested that I look for
other options. Unfortunately, they just did not understand the meaning
of Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31. God gave humans dominion over certain
things on earth. Instead of respecting these rules, however, we started
eating the things God gave us to dominate. This disobedience is the
main cause of all the troubles mankind faces today. It was all the work
of the devil. He managed to destabilize us from the true throne God
gave each and everyone of us to sit on.

When I told my husband about my change of diet his attitude towards

me changed. He was easily agitated and whenever I tried to talk to
him he would become angry and shout at me. The first two months
he criticized me constantly, telling me he could see no signs of weight
loss even though I had changed my way of living. I did not notice

any difference myself until people around me started recognizing the
changes. They told me that I had lost weight and that my face had a
different glow. I also realized that the bodily pains I had suffered for so
long were slowly diminishing.


Exactly three months have passed since I started the diet. Through
the food from Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31 and meditation my eyes have
been opened. I can see things I never saw before. All the things the
Messenger told me would happen during the process have taken place.
He said I was going to have visions. I started dreaming and the dreams
I had have become reality. He told me all the pain in my body would
disappear. My pain is already less severe. He said my brain would
become so clean that the words of God would flow out of my mouth
without me thinking. These words are coming out in the shape of my

The food that I used to eat never truly satisfied me. This was the main
cause of my obesity. Today I eat less food, but even a small portion
of the food from Genesis makes me feel fully satisfied. I have lost so
much excess weight that I can easily walk long distances without resting,
something I was unable to do before. And now, everyday, for my own
satisfaction I do ten times this distance, because I am able to by God’s

Since learning the meaning of the word “faith” I have started to

understand the scriptures in the Bible, which were mysterious to me
before. All my newly gained knowledge has helped to resolve many of
my problems. I feel ready to help all the people in the world who suffer
from all types of poverty. I now know that the solution is in the first
pages of the Bible.

I would like to encourage all the readers of my book and all the
listeners of my CD that this is a challenge worth pursuing for the sake
of all humankind. By combining the diet of Genesis with a routine of
meditation, you will gain the capacity to heal yourself, to resolve all your
problems and to become rich.

Please visit my website and request the DVD which contains a clear
outline of the specific food you should be eating and guidelines to its
proper preparation. It will help you overcome problems such as obesity,
poverty, stress, frustration, insecurity, sexual confusion and all other
types of weaknesses.

God bless you all.

From England

My first testimony was given three months after I started my diet. In

the beginning many people were concerned about my health because of
the food I was eating. Everybody thought that this diet was too strict
and that I could not possibly survive on so little, even though this is
all the food that God recommended for humankind at the creation. I
am now in the tenth month and I am doing very well. I am no longer
ill and I look and feel healthier than ever. I also understand the Bible
more than I did before. I can understand how a scripture in the Bible
can open itself and give the real explanation of its meaning.
Today, I can clearly say what vision is all about because I am
experiencing it and it is real. Before, I did not know what my future
held, but today, I can truly see my future and what I am going to
become. God reveals to me everything that is going to happen in the
future and these things really do happen. God has given me a business
that I would never before have dreamed. This God is the greatest. It
is as though he is holding my hand, guiding me in every direction.

If all it takes is obedience to that food to get the result I have today, as
a true child of God, I could not sit back and let my sisters and brothers
suffer any longer. Because of my obedience to my God, the Lord
and Saviour, he has revealed himself to me in visions and I marvel
at the manifestations of his power when he visits me night and day.
My experience with the Lord is mysterious, but, I can tell the whole
world that there is only one God. There are no other Gods than God,
creator of all humankind and Jesus. The world came into existence
by his hands alone and his divine son existed from the creation of all

things. I can say with all sincerity that my dedication and trust in God
is working well for me.

In January 2006, the beginning of the first month, I was determined

to start my new diet of what God intended me to eat. My weight
between Christmas and January was twenty-two stone. From January
2006 to October 2006, I have lost three stone, just over forty-two
pounds and I am still as determined to continue to eat what God has
intended for me. I am also amazed that God had me in his mind from
the foundation of the world, that I would become the child he intended
me to be, to stand up and tell the whole world about my newfound
faith and experience.

I have had a vision of myself in the clouds, moving from one place to
another, preaching and talking to people below, who look up at me with
amazement. God is all powerful and he can do whatever he pleases
whenever he so wishes to anyone that will obey him. In the vision I
hear the voice of a man speaking to me about my children. He takes
my hand, though I do not see his face. Suddenly, the place we are
begins to light up and I start to see many shades of different colors
in the sky, like spirits or angels of people moving about quickly. And
I stare at them calmly and coolly, with eyes open and closed. At the
same time all of this is happening, I think to myself that the visions
could be of Jesus himself, who could transform into many colours of
white, blue, red, yellow and gold. It felt amazing to watch, though a
little scary at the beginning. Although I did not see his face, I felt the
warm embrace of his body to mine and his soft voice talking to me
as I moved around, watching everything that was taking place in the
clouds and sky surrounding me. I woke up from this vision at four
a.m. singing, “Oh Lord God has made the heaven and the earth by
your outstretched arms and nothing is difficult for you.” It is a vision
I will never forget. To anyone who does not have faith in God or his
son Jesus, I tell you this, read and practice Genesis Chapter 1 v 27-31

for God will show himself to those who believe and those who put
their trust in Him.

Being in the tenth month of my diet, I can honestly say that I have
a new life - a life free from all types of medication, such as blood
pressure tablets, asthma, and painkillers, which I had taken continually
for numerous years because of my many ailments. Today, I am
completely free from all pain and I know that my God is real and there
is no other God than God himself, the creator of all humankind. To
all those who are suffering from different sicknesses or diseases, I
tell you this, take the word of God from Genesis and practice it with
prayer and meditation and God will comfort you all the way to the end
of life’s journey. I myself was sent a Messenger from God who came
to speak to me in my painful time. Everything that this man told me
to do according to the scripture was one hundred percent accurate and
changed my life for the better. And now, I am able to pass on my
information to those who suffer all sorts of ailments of the body.

For instance, a woman I have known for several years has suffered
from a bad leg. Her right leg had a large open wound which had to
be bandaged, covered and repeatedly scraped by the doctors. This
has caused her continuous pain over a long period of time. Her
doctor prescribed her many different medications which eased her
pain temporarily but always made it come back worse than it had been
before. I told this woman of my experience with the change in my diet
and how, because of it, my whole body had changed; I had lost weight
and I felt in the best of health. I then read her the Five Principles of
the Kingdom and the passage from Genesis. I told her that with God
guiding her daily, he would be able to free her from all of her pain and

I check on this woman every now and again and she says that since she
has been following the diet she is feeling much better than before. She

also told me that on one of her last visits to the hospital to dress her
leg, the doctor asked what she had been doing, because her sore had
miraculously started to heal better than he could have ever imagined. I
told her that if she continued to follow her new diet God would heal
her foot completely for the rest of her life. And I know God is able
to do whatever he wishes to do for anyone who will come to Him by
faith, trust and belief. Only He is able to heal and set you free from
anything that is not good in your life.

I took to the Messenger another friend of mine who had been

suffering from many spiritual attacks for many years. As soon as the
Messenger laid eyes on her he recognized her problem and said so, but
she denied it. After a little while, the Messenger showed her a picture
that he had designed. At that moment, my friend began to shake and
cry, telling us that everything the Messenger had said at the beginning
had been true. This picture that the Messenger showed her was a
representation of a vision that appeared to her in broad daylight when
she was at church crying out to God for help.



My name is Bernice Viola Sanchez Ricketts. I was born in Jamaica on

September 26th 1942. I grew up with my mother, step-father, brothers
and sisters. My parents were hard working people and they always tried
to provide us children with the best in terms of food and clothing.
Obedience was important in our house and I was raised to always do as
I was told. As the eldest child, it became my responsibility to take care
of the basic household chores and my younger brothers and sisters.
When I was fourteen years old I became pregnant. At the time I was
still in elementary school and the discovery came as quite the shock
to me. My biggest worry and fear was the reaction of my family.
Thankfully, they were compassionate. My mother and grandmother
were especially supportive, both before and after the birth of my baby


When I was eighteen years old, my mother decided to send me to

live in England. My daughter, who was two years old at the time,
remained in Jamaica with my family. I left Jamaica in April 1961. As
one could expect, it was hard for me to adapt to the numerous changes
in England, especially the climate. Although I missed my daughter, my
family and my friends immensely, I decided to accept the situation for
what it was. With God’s help I managed to find a job. Although I was
underpaid, I kept on going in the hope of one day finding something

Before I came to England, I met a man in Jamaica by the name of
Raymond Sanchez. We met at the theatre in Christiana town and
there was a mutual attraction between us from the start. At that time,
my plans to move to England had already been set. Raymond and I
promised to keep in touch and see what the future would bring. During
my first months in England, I had many admirers, but I turned them
all down. When I make a promise to someone, I keep it. Raymond
was constantly on my mind and I missed him a lot. I wrote him letters
telling him how I felt and asked him to join me in England. Finally, he
replied that he was making plans to come and live with me.

Raymond arrived in England in August 1961. Around that same time,

I was forced to leave my flat. Luckily, I had made some friends who
offered to put us up until we found a new place. Soon after we found
our own place together and within a month, Raymond also managed to
find a job. We both started saving money for our wedding.


When the time had come for us to get married, Raymond and I went
to see the minister to discuss all the arrangements. I was told I needed
the consent of my parents, as I was only nineteen years old. After
waiting one year for the signed papers to be returned from Jamaica,
we were finally able to set the date for our wedding. We were married
September 22nd 1962 in the Methodist church, Sutherland Avenue in

My experiences of married life are both good and bad. It is not easy to
get to know your spouse’s weaknesses and shortcomings and endeavour
to keep the marriage together no matter what. But, as long as God’s
love remains in your heart, no matter what life throws at you, it will
keep you safe and secure. My husband is a good and caring man in
every way. He has taken care of me and our children until this blessed

day. I thank God for the way He has guided us through the many years
of married life.

A long time ago I was told my destiny was to marry young. Today I
feel happy to be married and I feel complete living with my husband.
I need love and attention and someone to share my everyday life with.
Of course, marriage does have its ups and downs. Although I have
the freedom to do whatever I want without my husband’s approval,
there are still times when I feel something is missing. I often wish we
had more common interests so that we would enjoy doing more things
together as husband and wife. But, spending a lot of time on my own
is something I have become accustomed to. I have to give praise to
God for helping me through the difficult times in my life. He kept me
safe when I suffered and felt trapped. At times I felt like there was a
war going on inside me causing emotional conflict, pain, depression and
frustration. As Paul wrote in the Scripture: I wanted to do well but evil
kept presenting itself to me. I have lived with Jesus Christ for twenty-
eight years and I thank Him for the great change He has brought into
my life over the years. I couldn’t have got this far without Him. In spite
of the trials and tribulations, I have always remained determined to
follow His way.

The Church

The Lord’s presence was very strong during my first year of

Conversion. I read the Bible everyday, went to Sunday school, attended
Bible readings and went to prayer meetings. As I was growing in my
newly found faith, however, people within the church started criticizing
my delight in the Lord. It felt like pure jealousy, like the devil was using
whomever he wished to attack me on my journey with God. But this
only made me even more determined to keep moving forward.

Because of these circumstances I had to leave my first church. The

Lord was giving me visions of the church and the community felt
threatened by what I might become. They thought I was growing too
fast spiritually. Thank God the church is inside me, so that no one can
stop me from being where the Lord intended me to be. I have been to
many churches and have experienced many different types of preaching,
teaching and praying. I have come to realize that there is a lack of
unity between most churches. It is clearly written in the Bible that God
created male and female from his own image. This means that God is
alive in every human being on this earth. It makes me wonder what it is
that causes this division.

My Spiritual Journey

I have been dedicated to my faith for more than twenty-eight years.

Throughout this time, however, I had overlooked some of the most
vital parts of the Bible because no-one ever preached them to me. I am
referring specifically to Genesis chapter 1 v 27- 31. In January 2006, I
completely changed my diet after a Messenger of God told me that the
food I was accustomed to eating was harming my body and health. He
introduced me to the food of Genesis.

Genesis chapter 1 v 28: And God blessed them and God said unto them be
fruitful and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish
and the sea and the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth
upon the face of the earth.

God gave humans dominion over every living creature, but we have
failed to keep this dominion. We treat animals cruelly and then
consume them as food. The result of this disobedience is manifested
in all the sicknesses of the human body. Since I have changed my diet,
my whole life has come together in a deeper and more satisfying way. I
thank God for opening my eyes to the truth.

There are many people who have chosen to trust and obey God. I am
one of them. I am determined to meditate on God’s word and live
righteously and soberly, and I will walk with Him until the end of my
Christian Journey.

Genesis chapter 1 v 29: And God said, I have provided all kinds of grain
and all kinds of fruit for you to eat; but for all the wild animals and for all
the birds I have provided grass and leafy plants for food.

All the verses from Genesis chapter 1 teach us the way in which
God wants us to live and practice our lives on earth. He has planned
everything for a purpose. So my desire is to obey Him for the rest of
my life here on earth.

Genesis chapter 1 v 30: And to every beast of the earth and to every fowl
of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein here is life I
have given every green herb for food and it was so.

From Spain

My name is Felicia. I am from Madrid in Spain. For many years, I

had been addicted to drugs, especially marijuana and cocaine. These
addictions caused many problems in my life. Although I had everything
I needed to live a good life in Madrid, I was not fulfilled. One day I
decided that I needed to leave Madrid, the town where I had lived my
whole life. I decided to go to London and start my life from scratch. I
spent an entire day crying because I knew I had to leave the ‘friends’
who had contributed to my drug addiction in the first place.

I started smoking marijuana at the age of nineteen. In the beginning it

was like a game to me, a game that lasted fourteen years. When I was
a bit older, I started experimenting with cocaine. At first, I took it only
occasionally, at parties with friends; however, within these two last years
I had been taking it on a regular basis. I imagined it would help solve
all of my problems. I was wrong. Not only did it prevent me from
solving my problems, it also caused increased damage to my health.

When I moved to London, I felt sad, lost and desperate. After eleven
hours in London, I went to Hyde Park to relax and make myself feel
better. While at Hyde Park, I met three people who offered me drugs. I
knew if I took them, I would end up back in the world I so desperately
wanted to leave. At that time, all I needed was peace. Even though I
did not believe in God, something told me that only God could deliver
the peace I was looking for. And He did. It was that day at Hyde
Park that I met the Messenger for the first time. The day was June 24th
Before I left the house that day to go to Hyde Park, I felt a strong
need to pray. I had never truly been a believer in God and I had never

prayed before. But, on that day, I asked God to help me. Something
inside me knew that only He could help me.

I am not exactly sure how it happened or where it all started. I was

sitting in the park with the three people who had offered me drugs.
Out of nowhere, the Messenger sat down beside me and started to
talk to me. He spoke to me as if he already knew me and all of my
thoughts. He told me that God had heard my prayers and that all of
my problems would start to be resolved from that day forward.

It is now September 2006. Exactly three months have passed since

the day I met the Messenger. Since then, I have not taken any drugs,
nor have I smoked any cigarettes or consumed alcohol. Finally, I have
begun to feel free. Although I have always been a person who loved
freedom, for a long time I felt like a slave. But this has all changed.
I no longer feel the need to go back to all the things that had once
caused me so much pain. I feel extremely good about myself and this
has made me want to continue this spiritual journey.

The Messenger introduced me to the Bible and a new diet. This diet is
explained in detail in Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31.

The only thing I can say is that what the Messenger has done is actually
working. It has made all of my bad habits disappear. To be honest,
I feel like I am living in paradise. It is a feeling that I cannot quite
describe. The Messenger says that I have nothing to thank him for. It is
God who has done all the work.

When I learned that Bernice was writing her testimony, I thought it

might help if I contributed my story. Perhaps it can be useful to anyone
who finds themselves in a similar situation. With God’s help you can
get yourself out of any predicament. Bear in mind, I say this as a
woman who, throughout my whole life, never believed in God.

From Italy

My name is Enrico Arillotta. I am from Reggio Calabria in Italy.

I met the Messenger in the nineties in Rome, after booking myself into
rehab in a final attempt to kick my heroin addiction. I had been to
rehab a million times before this, but every time I was released, I was
back on heroin within one month. The worst thing was that my wife
was also an addict, so neither of us had the strength to kick the habit.
It was on my final visit to rehab that I had my first encounter with the

The Messenger was at rehab that day to help a young girl who had a
cocaine addiction. What happened that day was very strange. The
Messenger approached me and asked me to play football with him. As
we were playing football the Messenger began to tell me the story of
my whole life. It was so accurate that I thought someone had hired
him to spy on me. Soon after that he told me that if I got out of
rehab and followed him, both mine and my wife’s addiction would be
resolved from that moment on.

With no time to waste, we found ourselves in Africa one week later. It

seemed as though the Messenger had not a worry in the world. He
was not concerned about where we would stay, what we would eat, how
much money we would need, etc. He just took care of everything. We
spent one month in Africa.

The first thing the Messenger did was change our diet to Genesis
chapter 1 v 27-31. I followed this diet for three months. After three
months I was so happy with the results, I continued to follow it. When

I returned to my hometown, everyone was shocked. As I had come
from one of the most important families in Calabria, everyone knew
about my addiction. They were all so surprised that I had come clean
from everything, including smoking, drinking and heroin. Even the
priest of the church that my family attended said to me that God was
merciful to have changed me so completely. I spent this whole time in

Before this time, the doctors had said to me that it was impossible
to kick my heroin habit and that my wife and I were unable to have
children. I now have a beautiful son who is just over five years old.
From the first day that I met the Messenger until today, neither myself
nor my wife have gone back to heroin. I now have my own successful
business, something I never would have dreamed before, since my
family had always provided me with everything such that I did not need
to work. Not only that, but I am also creating many more businesses

Because of my heroin addiction, I had also caused my mother many

problems. She suffered from heart palpitations, high blood pressure
and sleep deprivation for which she had been taking sleeping pills for
over fourteen years. I invited the Messenger to my hometown because
I wanted to show everyone the man who had helped me achieve this
miracle. I asked him to pray for my mother, but, to my surprise, he
refused. Instead, he told me to take some water, pray on it, give it
to my mother and she would be healed. He told me that I now had
the spiritual power to help her myself. From that same day it seemed
as if all of my mother’s problems disappeared – no pills, no heart
palpitations and lower blood pressure. The Messenger then told me that
if I continued to eat the food from Genesis my spiritual powers would
stay with me, but I needed to use them to help anyone who wanted
I am pleased to give my testimony today and continue to be the

wonder-boy of my hometown because no one would have believed
that I could be the man I am today. In the end, all the Messenger said
to me was that he had nothing to do with my powers. Rather, it was
because I had obeyed God and ate the food he intended for humankind
since the creation that he answered my prayers.

From Sweden

My name is Victoria. I am 30 years old and I am from Sweden.

I wanted to tell my story so that it might be of use to someone else. I

have no dramatic story to tell. Rather, it is a tale of discovering a part
of my inner self that I never knew existed.

Making an inner journey demands much more of a person than making

the arrangements to go travelling or getting on a flight. I had made
many trips all over the world, yet I knew very little about the means
needed to go on the most important journey of my life. I was ready to
embark on this journey, but I knew not where to begin. I was lost.

It is funny how much time and money one can spend on visual
attributes: looks, clothes, cars, a house and so on. We seem to know so
much about these things and yet, many of us know so little about our
real selves, that which is not destroyed by time but rather grows with it.

Most people around me would not have noticed that I was lost. Yet
someone came into my life to give me the means to get to know my
real self. I met the Messenger in March 2006. I started following the
diet in Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31 and the principles that were presented
to me approximately one month later.

I was raised in a mixed Catholic and Protestant family. I have had

moments of doubt about God and although I have never shied away
for too long, I cannot claim that I have been a fully devoted Christian
at all times.

My motto for as long as I can remember has been, “everything usually
works out but never in the way you planned or intended”. God works
in mysterious ways, and so it was when God made the Messenger walk
into my life. The Messenger showed me the diet from Genesis and how
to meditate. He showed me that a person really practices his or her
faith through the way they live: from the food they eat, the discipline
they keep, the love they give to themselves and the love they give to
others around them. Practice makes perfect! This is not to say that I
live under the illusion that I will in any way reach perfection. I just want
to be better at being myself.

It is not easy going on a journey of this sort. However, I am starting

to see the fruits of my labour, the perseverance of my teacher (the
Messenger) and the hand of God.

I very rarely used to remember my dreams. I was a girl, and then a

woman, who did not dream. I would say that I remembered perhaps
one or two dreams per year, if that. This fact had disturbed me for
quite some time. I felt I was being deprived of my inner world.

Previously, I was unable to shut my brain down to rest. For most of

my life I have been a control freak. My brain would run fast, round and
round. It is difficult to describe how it feels to never be able to stop
one’s thoughts from running. The paradox is that I was a control freak,
yet this is the reason that I could not control my own brain. I did not
have the power to slow down. Consequently, when I went to bed at
night, I fell asleep the moment I rested my head on the pillow. I was
literally knocked out within minutes. These knock outs left no room for

Today my brain has slowed down considerably and I am not the control
freak I used to be. Although I still have a long way to go, my brain
does not run uncontrollably. Also, I started remembering my dreams in

August 2006. Since then, I remember virtually all of my dreams from
every night’s sleep. My dreams have given me so much knowledge about
my real self and I am so grateful for gaining access to this inner world.
I thank God for sending me the Messenger, who presented me with the
means to make my journey and experience all that I have thus far.

From France

My name is Seraphin. I am 45 years old, and I am French. I met the

Messenger in Monaco, at the evening session of the Red Cross Ball.
At the time, I was what one would call an influential businessman, for
whom success came naturally. But, despite all the millions I accumulated,
I still felt empty. Bitterness, grief and dissatisfaction – all my successes at
work did nothing to change these, and I felt disconnected. I tried vainly
to fill the gaps in my life by intensifying my work schedule, but succeded
only in becoming a workaholic and an insomniac. Time flew by, and the
situation only worsened. My wife became so frustrated with my sudden
mood swings that she left home with our two children. I gradually
stopped seeing members of my family, and my friends, increasingly
isolating myself without understanding what was happening to me. On
the urging of my wife, as a condition for her return home, I consulted
many brilliant psychiatrists, but neither psychiatrists nor anti-depressant
medication could help with the emptiness I felt.

I was despairing, but still carrying on with a distressed soul.

When I received the invitation to the Red Cross Ball in Monaco, I was
not enthusiastic about the prospect of socializing, but I went anyway.

It was during the Ball at the Jimmy Z Club that I encountered the
Messenger. I would have never imagined that I would have met him

This meeting that was to change the course of my life, I owe to a

girlfriend from London who made it happen. She introduced me to her
aunt, who happened to be seated at a table surrounded by a few people.
Her aunt then introduced me to the man who was seated next to her.
Here was the Messenger, seated amongst international high society.

Surprisingly, while we were shaking hands, the Messenger kept hold
of my hand for a little longer and whispered in my ear, “Do not worry
anymore. Today is a new day. Listen and apply without a second thought
what I will say to you… We should discuss this again later.”

That was how he started to speak to me.

I could scarcely distinguish his face in the darkness of the nightclub,

but then, despite the deafening music playing, his voice was calm and
audible. It was as if he was speaking to my soul. Once he finished
talking, I suddenly felt an immediate sense of relief. Then, all at once, I
was both moved and worried. How could this man, who I had never met
before, know so intimately and thoughtfully what I was going through?
Things that I had never dared to expose to anyone, not even my wife or
my psychiatrists.

I started feeling paranoid, but the Messenger, as if reading my mind, told

me, “Fear not.” Upon hearing this, I felt both vulnerable and regenerated
– I felt energized.

I smiled and thanked him, holding his hand warmly for a moment.

When I finally arose to leave the table, most of the guests had already
left. The discussion we had had lasted a few hours, but I did not
remember anything. It was as if time had stopped for a while. Outside,
daylight was starting to show, and as I looked back to see the Messenger,
he had already disappeared.

The days following my encounter with the Messenger were chaotic. I

oscillated between feeling joy and anger, euphoria one moment, and
despair and confusion the next.

I could not believe this man could, in a few sentences, hold the key to
my evil trapped state of mind, while I, a successful man, could not find a
solution myself. Me, the highly skilled businessman! One whose opinions

were valued by ministers and corporations. But, to my own self, I was so
powerless. It took me some time to accept the facts and to start working
on myself, following the advice the Messenger had given me. Indeed, it
was the simplicity of the solution that was so striking – it was so clear.
But I had been blind to it, thinking that my own competencies would
prevail. I thought I had to cross oceans and go to the far ends of the
earth to find the answer, but I was mistaken. The key was right there, so
close, yet out of sight. So close that it was, in fact, within me.

This is what the Messenger said to me. “Believe me”, he said, “you have
the strength and you have the faculty to act and change things. You will
be able to accomplish everything I will show you.” It all depended on the
application of the Five Principles and a respect of the prescriptions in
Genesis, Chapter 1 v 27-31, together with meditation.

I have to say that he did not lie. Since then, I have been following these
rules, and I feel like the happiest man on earth. It seems like I have
discovered Heaven, a paradise I explore in my dreams at night, out of
which I draw many resources and wonders of life.

Today, I even have the faculty to anticipate and predict events, for
example, in my professional life and my personal relationships. It
has come to me many times, helping me avoid adverse contact or
unfortunate meetings. Yes, I can say that since my encounter with the
Messenger, I do not know what doubt means, or worry. I do not carry
anymore fear.

People close to me are hardly able to believe what has happened. My

wife, my family and my friends cannot deny that I have changed. Not
only my viewpoint has changed, but that of others have as well. Before,
I led a stressful and upsetting life, leading to depression and obesity, and
I suffered from arterial tension. Now I have rediscovered a natural form
of being, one that feels well. A healthy spirit in a fully-blossomed body,
that is what I have become.
After all that has happened, I must honour the simple and modest man

I have met, who, despite my multiple calls, seems to not want to accept
my gratitude. “It is not me, it is your spirit you must thank.” And he
was right, the spirit was there, but I had ignored it. As soon as I started
connecting to it with an inspiring and light diet, it started to grow and
made me the man I am today: a man who is strong, serene, and fully
reconciled with myself, full of joy and nourished by infinite treasures I
discover every day. Every day is a feast.

This is the reason why I cannot keep this revelation to myself alone.
I must disseminate it now on earth, as my modest contribution and
testimony. I can testify that there are two worlds. One is that of human
illusion, where we remain, one day after the next, tossed around like
flimsy boats without a rudder of life; and the other, the world of spirits,
which reveals itself to us if we take the initiative to cultivate and nourish
it, thus transforming us into captains of a strong vessel, headed towards
sunny skies and a radiant horizon.


God had only one son to whom He revealed the truth of His whole
mystery and His son is the only one who has been resurrected. That
is why he holds the true teaching of how to become a child of God.
Every prophet was born in sin before God’s grace came upon them.
Only God can reveal the true story of every prophet that He has
appointed in history, the message He gave to them and the reason He
limited them to only that message. He will reveal the rest to you when
you become spiritual and consequently his child.

God intends to bring everyone who will obey His commandment back
to the beginning, that is, to what existed before Adam and Eve were
tempted by the devil (the serpent). Religion preaches the word of
God. It is not above God, but rather it is the first step in a journey
to spirituality. Spirituality is not about community, it is rather about
building a one-on-one relationship with God.

When we become spiritual only God himself can show us everything in

His Kingdom, including healing power, biology, science, mathematics,
law, diplomacy, wisdom, and even our own future. Above all, God
will show you how to make money like you never dreamed and he will
show you how to spend it without guilt so that no sorrow face you.
God speaks every language. When He wants to reveal these mysteries
to you, He will use your native language so that you will not be in need
of an interpreter.

The truth of God is not in your history book. The truth of God is
not in the theory of your bishop or teacher. The truth of God is not
what anyone else has ever explained to you. If you want to know the
truth of God you need to search in your present and your future, not

in your past. God is a God of the living. He holds the whole truth
of history and He holds the whole truth of the future and can reveal
those thruths to you. You are a human and as such you will always
doubt what somebody else tells you. However, once God reveals the
truth to you, you will be capable to testify without fear or doubt, and
you will understand other religious leaders better.

The reason God sent His only son to die on the cross is to tell you
that the key to opening the windows to Heaven is in the beginning of
the word of God; it is in Genesis. When you read Genesis you need to
practice what is described. In other words, you should be eating what
God designed for human beings before the fall. While you are eating
this, the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, will empower you and take you
to the windows of the Kingdom of Heaven so that you may see it and
thus know and understand what should be the replica on earth. You
will see what no human on earth can make you believe without doubt

Remember Thomas doubted, but God did not kill Thomas. Instead,
Jesus said to him, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then
stretch out your hand and put it in my side. Stop your doubting and
believe!” In other words, God told Thomas to practice this so that he
could have the revelation and that he could testify so that no one would
be able to contradict what God himself had shown him. And that is
what Jesus meant when He said “he who hears my word and puts it
into practice will be building his house on a rock,” where no fortune
teller will shake them, where no history writer will shake them, where
no false prophets or teachers will be capable of destabilizing them. To
finish, I urge you to read what Paul the Apostle wrote in the 1st letter
to Timothy 1.


The truth of God is in the Holy Book that God gave to the prophets
originally. Always search for the true teaching of the original Messenger.
If you don’t know where to find the original scriptures, I advise you to
pray to God to reveal to you what he told and showed the prophets.
In Jesus’s name, you should ask, and it is guaranteed to be revealed to
you. Please, do understand that the scriptures of God is a part of your
DNA. Repent, confess your sins, and you will be surprised to discover
what God has hidden in you.

NB – Before anyone judges what I have written, I suggest they practice

the diet that is outlined in Genesis chapter 1 v 27-31. Every religion
that God gave to His prophets is good. I personally thank every
religion because they serve as roadmaps for a person’s journey to
spirituality. Religion keeps us together in our faith; however, it is up to
us to search for more. Anybody who reads this needs to understand
the necessity to give the greatest respect to whatever religion the person
comes from, and not to dare blame religion for personal failures, when
in fact he has not yet submitted himself completely to God.

Furthermore, for the people who would do wickedness in the name of

a religion that God has assigned to his good prophets in order to lead
His children to spirituality, I would advise you to think 10,000 times
before you continue to mess with God’s intentions. Meanwhile, I will be
praying for you so that God will have mercy on your soul, open your
eyes and change you from your wicked ways.

Through Jesus’s name, God is the greatest.

Honour your prophet. Love God with all your heart, your soul and
everything you ever have, and wait for what God will do for you in
return. Meditate on these words before you put them into practice.


Before God’s grace came upon me, I thought that the symbols of religions
belonged to the past, and I was surprised that these symbols were revealed and
explained to me as being timeless in nature and still relevant today, because
behind them lies meaning and reason. What I am presenting here are not
just symbols of the past, they are my reality. I guarantee that anybody who
takes this spiritual journey will have these same visions, and more, because
God promised to open the windows of Heaven to those who will obey him.

This is my testimony. This is my new testament. It is not a past history, it

is a vision of today and the future.

A human who has been a guest in Heaven comes back on earth to live as
a human being. He cannot be moved by hearsay when he is conveying the
message of God. He is a being who repeats exactly what he sees and hears
in Heaven. That is why such human beings are looked upon as strange by
the rest of the world.

Please understand that if God truly sent you, it does not matter what other
people think of you. If God loves you, it does not matter if other people do
not love you.

For this generation, God gives a message of satisfaction. Like your religion,
serve your religion, because that will lead you to become spiritual, to become a
true child of God.

I hope, with these few words, you will graduate to become one-on-one with
The Messenger


Note To Buyers

Please do not be mistaken; you are not buying a book, you are
making an investment and giving yourself a gift that will last
through generations of your family. Before you purchase this
book, take the money you will use and lift it to the sky, praise it and
thank the Lord for opening this door for you. If you have already
purchased this book, it is your duty to share it with your family and
friends so that they may know its message. When you have put
the Five Principles into practise you will understand this message.
God has given me multi-billions of pounds and I am giving this
knowledge to you for free. One cannot buy God’s message. The
money you invest in this book will help to preach this gospel to the
whole world and in return God will bless you. This gift is priceless
and that is why you must praise the Lord when you buy this book.

Please visit our website at www.godkingdom1.com to learn more

about those people who have already practised and lived the Five
Alternatively, you may call our hotline at +44 (0) 776 774 1446
where someone will be available to answer any questions you may


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