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Tle ego, oi ilai paii of oui minds ilai

consianily ilinls in ieims of I, Me, and

Mine is one of ile buiions ilai people can
piess delibeiaiely oi uninieniionally .
Tle ego wanis io lool good, be iigli, noi
male misiales, noi admii failuie,
manipulaie, and coniiol oi appeai in
coniiol ai all iimes.

1hree parLs of human psyche:
1he !"# %&'# "#$ ()*%+,%&' are Lhe dlvlslons
of Lhe psyche.
1he !" conLalns "prlmlLlve deslres" l.e. hunger,
LhlrsL, sleep, fear and oLher physlcal needs )
1he #$%&'(&)* conLalns lnLernallzed soclal
rules morallLy and Laboos.
+)* medlaLes beLween Lhe Lwo and balances
Lhem. lL glves sense of self.

Some of Lhe examples
He/she cant say that to me!
How could anyone possibly disagree with
me on (name the belief or opinion)?
How dare someone beat me to that parking
I will not forget this and will not let
him/her forget this.
He/she used those words for me!!!!!
I will teach a lesson.

Why are we sLudylng Lgo?
Eveiyone las an ego. Tle pioblem occuis
when a managers ego is given too much
coniiol of ileii belavioi, aiiiiudes, and
managemeni siyle.
Iis impaci can be found day-io-day in many of
ile small and ofien less significani paiis of an
enieipiise, in ile aciions and decisions made
by mid-level manageis and supeivisois.
Ego las cosi Coipoiaie Ameiica moie money
ilan any oilei single facioi.

Why are we dlscusslng lL?
Ii lampeis peisonal developmeni.
Ii leads io unending debaies and conflicis.
Cieaies an unlealily enviionmeni.
Puis self above ile uliimaie goals(peisonal
and oiganizaiional)
Loss of ieam spiiii.
Loss of effeciiveness in belavioi.

New pioducis ilai slould nevei lave lii
ile siieei
Bad pioducis ilai weie lefi on ile siieei ioo
Pooi liiing decisions
Tle decision io ieiminaie a good employee
foi no oilei ieason ilan iley lave an ego,
Tle unwillingness io lei go of coniiol of

Negaiive Resulis of Unbalanced-Ego
Some more repercusslons:
Keeping decision-maling ai ile iop of ile
coipoiaie laddei.
Unwillingness io delegaie difficuli oi ciiiical
Tle desiie io lool good io ile iesi of ile
coipoiaie woild, iegaidless of wleilei you
aie maling money oi noi.

As a manager, how do you know
LhaL your ego ls ouL-of-conLrol.
Consisienily pooi moiale
Consiani communicaiion biealdowns.
Bad liiing decisions.
Consisienily pooi decisions.
Acquisiiions oi meigeis ilai go soui.
Higl employee iuinovei
Consisienily pooi qualiiy

Ouidaied policies, pioducis, seivices, and]oi
Loss of mailei slaie.
Vulneiabiliiy io compeiiiois.
Pooi sales iesulis.
Decieasing piofiis fiom yeai io yeai.
Tle negaiive consequences of youi decisions.

Some moie faciois ilai indicaie
oui-of-coniiol Ego:

Tesi of Dominani
Ego Siaie
%&'(#(#) *)+,-.".&/
An ego siaie is defined as a
coleieni sysiem of ilinling,
feeling, aiiiiudes and ielaied

knowlng arenL-Lgo SLaLe:
Tle peison adopis ile siyle of paienial
Tle communicaiion is noimaiive.
Affeciive]emoiional expiessions aie

Sub-dlvlslons of arenLal Lgo SLaLe:
Nuiiuiing-Paieni Ego-Siaie:
Peimission-giving, secuiiiy giving.
Ciiiicizing-Paieni Ego-Siaie:
Compaiing in negaiive ways
undersLandlng AdulL-Lgo SLaLe:
Tle Aduli caiegoiy of ego siaies
consisis of up io daie cuiieni ilinling,
feeling and belaving ilai fiis in ile
leie and now.
Iniegiaies conienis fiom boil Paieni
and Clild ego siaies.
Raiional belavioi.
Emoiional expiession is inieimediaie.

undersLandlng Chlld-Lgo SLaLe:
A siaie in wlicl people belave, feel and
ilinl similaily io low iley did in
clildlood. Foi example, a peison wlo
ieceives a pooi evaluaiion ai woil may
iespond by looling ai ile flooi, and
ciying oi pouiing, as iley used io wlen
scolded as a clild.
Chlld Lgo SLaLe: CharacLerlsLlcs
Tle Clild Ego Siaie is dimensionally
Iis defining claiacieiisiic is cieaiive
Emoiional expiessiveness iends io be ligl
iailei ilan low.
Sponianeiiy is piofound in belavioi.

1ypes of Chlld-Lgo SLaLe
Liiile Piofessoi- Iniuiiive and manipulaiive ego
Naiuie Clild- A cieaiive, cuiious and fun loving
ego siaie.
Adapiive Clild- A clild ego ilai adapis io ile
demands of iis enviionmeni.
Rebellious Clild- A iebellious clild ego siaie
always iesponds negaiively io ile noims and
iefuses io adjusi.
!"#$ &'(")"'*(
lneffecLlve modes
+,-.-/-0-12 3456 - communicates a "You're not OK
'76,8"159:2-12 ; "1/41<-<.61. 3456 - communicaies
You'ie noi OK. Wlen in ilis mode we ofien 'iescue'
oileis, ilai is, do ilings foi ilem =>-/> .>6? @,6
/@A@B:6 of doing foi ilemselves.
+4CA:-@1. ; D6<-<.@1. 3456 - expiesses an I'm noi
OK oi I'm noi OK and You'ie Noi OK message. Wlen
in ilis mode we ovei-adapi io oileis and iend io
expeiience sucl emoiions as depiession oi uniealisiic
feai and anxieiy.
+4CA:-@1. ; D6<-<.@1. 3456 - expiesses an I'm noi
OK oi I'm noi OK and You'ie Noi OK message.
Wlen in ilis mode we ovei-adapi io oileis and iend
io expeiience sucl emoiions as depiession oi
uniealisiic feai and anxieiy.
"CC@.9,6 3456 - in ilis mode we iun wild wiil no
boundaiies. Heie we expiess a You'ie noi OK
message. Ai woil we iend io noi io iale iesponsibiliiy
foi oui aciions and aie unlilely io piogiess as we need
a gieai deal of managemeni in oidei io focus oui
eneigy and leep boundaiies.

LffecLlve modes
E//491.-12 3456 - communicaies We'ie OK
messages. Tlis mode opeiaies appiopiiaiely in ile


*9,.9,-12 - Wlen in ilis aspeci we aie caiing and
(.,9/.9,-12 - Tlis is ile boundaiy seiiing aspeci,
offeiing consiiuciive ciiiicism.
+44A6,@.-76 - Fiom ilis aspeci we leain ile iules io
lelp us live wiil oileis.
&:@?F9: - Tlis is ile cieaiive, fun loving, cuiious and
eneigeiic aspeci
"1/4,A4,@.65 E<A6/.< 4F .>6 E//491.-12 3456
- I'm OK and You'ie OK.
0+#.1+22(#) +31 *)+
Coniiolling oi managing ile ego does
noi mean we become dooimais and pui
up wiil unaccepiable belaviois fiom
oilei people. Bui ii does mean ilai we
iiy io leep oui ieaciions io uniowaid evenis
in peispeciive so ilai we aie managing oui
ilouglis iailei ilan laving oui ilouglis
manage us.

?ou can sLarL wlLh:
Analyze: Tiy io find a ieason belind ile
Reconsidei: Tlinl aboui youi goals.
Piioiiiize: Is ile belavioi impoiiani?
Aie you wasiing youi iesouices pondeiing oi
ieaciing io ii?
Aciion: If yes, move alead and woil iowaids
youi goal.
Focus: On ile laigei]uliimaie goals.

8efore approachlng: 8emember
i. Youi ego is noi paii of youi DNA oi genes. Ii is man-
made and can be ie-made oi coniiolled if you cloose.
:. Ii is beiiei io succeed and enjoy youi success wiil a
coniiolled ego ilan ii is io go down in flames wiil an
ego ilai is oui of coniiol.
3. You will never win them all, no matter how good you
ilinl you aie. So gei used io losing once in a wlile.
(. Business is noi aboui winning oi looling good, bui
seiving oileis well.
. Wlen woiling wiil oileis we can cloose wleie we
come (communicaie) fiom.

y. Effeciive communicaiions come fiom ile gieen
Accouniing mode.
S. If someone else inviies us io go inio a ied mode we
don'i lave io go ileie.


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