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Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans

Date: 05/28/2014
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue !s locate" un"er my "es# an" conta!ns a $rst
a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 17 s!gn locate" by the bac#"oor as &ell% 'n the e(ent o)
an emergency* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag* room , s!gn an" ta#e stu"ents out
to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the blac#to+% Please g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health
tag* (that !s a &ay to chec# to see &ho !s m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag% ') any
stu"ents are m!ss!ng.cl!+ the re" s!gn to the room 17 s!gn%
/elcome to Room 17 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s class are !n
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them &on"er)ul an" un!1ue%
2ara 3a#er (Room 15* 4ac1u!e Gome5 (Room 14 an" Da(!" 3la!r (Room 16 are the
other 4
gra"e teachers% ') you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call 82215*
82214* 82216% 9or o:ce +hone* "!al 10;%

Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get students
attention I will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap. I will also silently
raise my hand and students are to stop and do the same. Once I have
everyones attention I will ask them to put hands down and then I give
directions. I also give out table points or e!cellent behavior"Table points are
or the tables that are listening and working together.
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole* &h!ch !s locate" on the e"ge o) the
+laygroun" blac#to+% <ou &!ll see stu"ents l!n!ng u+* our +ole !s about ; +oles "o&n )rom
the "r!n#!ng )ounta!n (near last bas#etball court &hen you are )ac!ng the +laygroun"%
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents an" &al# them to our "oor%
##$iden heads to speech at %:&5 and then will be in 'esource or a ma(ority o
the day. )ou will see him ater morning recess. *e has work in
'esource+Speech that he is working on.
##Students will be lined up in two lines ,number order-
###.mile is very active"he sometimes is moved rom his table group and will
work at back table alone or at my desk alone. *e can also be sent outside to
work at bench as long as classroom door stays open and he can be seen. I
sometimes send him to /rs. 0raword ,'m. 1%- with his work.
###0olin2 .mma2 0hristina are not to keep any reading books at their desk"
when it is reading time they can ask2 and be dismissed to get their book rom
the green basket by door. 3hen time to put books away they should place
them in green basket.
###4eel ree to bench students or have them 5ll out their name in the Think
about it binder. I continues eel ree to have them 5ll out a 0hanging 0hoices
paper also ound in Think about it binder. They will write down what
e!pectation they did not ollow and have to take it home and get it signed,its
like a class reerral-. )ou can also send them to o6ce with note i you eel they
need to leave the classroom. 7lease leave me a note i any 0hanging 0hoices
sheets were sent home or i student went to the o6ce.
##8eore 3arm"9p2 7:.$S. have our ;Secretaries< ,$rihant and =ate- read
what is or hot lunch. I will leave a yellow lunch slip to record number o hot
lunches as well as the roll sheet to mark any absences. 7lease put an ;$< or
any absences and ;>< or any tardy students.

%:?@"A:@5 3arm 9p",=ept in their desk-
=s# them to come !n 1u!etly an" ta#e out the!r home&or#% Please share &!th them that
at th!s t!me they &!ll com+lete the /e"nes"ay /arm >+s !n the!r +ac#et%
3hile they are working2 dismiss table groups to turn in homework to their
5le,crate on back counter-.

##.arly 4inishers can read Buietly at their seat.
/hen you see that a ma-or!ty o) stu"ents are $n!she" &!th &arm u+ you can correct as a
class% ' &!ll lea(e the ans&ers an" a blan# &arm u+ you can &r!te on% <ou can sho&
ans&ers un"er the 0?@A camera% B!"s can hel+ turn on +ro-ector/camera%
##$ter correcting2 please ask students to put 3arm 9p in their red older.
A:@5"A:?5 Story+Cuestions
Please share &!th stu"ents that at th!s t!me they &!ll rea"
beg!nn!ng on +age o) the!r ?anguage =rts 3oo#s% Please "!sm!ss grou+s one at a
t!me to get a ?%=% boo#s locate" !n boo# shel) (!) )ac!ng cloc# )ront/r!ght o) classroom%
Please ha(e (olunteers rea" story out lou" as stu"ents )ollo& along !n the!r boo#% =)ter
story* +lease bra!nstorm &!th the class &hat the story &as about% 2hare &!th stu"ents
that no& they &!ll com+lete the +ac#et o) act!(!t!es )ocuse" on the story% Please ha(e
+a+er +assers Damon, Marcus, and Kenny help pass out the packets. ') you )eel
l!#e stu"ents are "o!ng a great -ob* they can &or# &!th someone at the!r table to
com+lete act!(!t!es% ') you )eel l!#e !t nee"s to stay 1u!et* they can com+lete act!(!t!es on
the!r o&n% =t about C:50 or a l!ttle a)ter* can you collect all +ac#ets% ' &!ll ta#e a loo# at
&hat the accom+l!she" "ur!ng that t!me% =!"en &!ll not nee" a +ac#et or nee" to rea"
the story s!nce he &!ll be out%
A:5@"1@:D5 7icture 7rompt
Please share &!th stu"ents that at th!s t!me they &!ll be g!(en a s!lly +!cture% Tell
stu"ents that they are to +ract!ce the!r !n)err!ng s#!lls (&hat they see D &hat they #no&
an" &r!te about &hat they th!n# !s go!ng on !n the +!cture% Please share &!th them that
they are to &r!te "eta!le"* "escr!+t!(e sentences about &hat !s go!ng on !n the g!(en
+!cture% There are l!nes on bac# an" )ront o) the sheet% Please encourage stu"ents to
&r!te as much as they can to e8+la!n the!r thoughts%
###.arly 5nishers can be given a Time 4or =ids to read+activity to complete
1@:&@"1@:5@" 'ecess+)ard >uty
' "o not ha(e yar" "uty at th!s t!me% Please en-oy your recess% /hen you +!c# u+ Room
17 a)ter recess they shoul" be s!tt!ng "o&n !n the!r t&o l!nes &a!t!ng )or you%
1@:5@"11:D@ :isten to $nnouncements+>ance 7ractice
Please ha(e stu"ents "ro+ oE snac#s* recess e1u!+ment !n the classroom% <ou can l!sten
to announcements outs!"e% Please meet the other 4
Gra"e classrooms/teachers out on
the blac#to+% =ll 4
gra"ers &!ll be +ract!c!ng the!r "ance )or the u+ com!ng Dance
9est!(al% The song !s F/hat Does The 9o8 2ay%G Steven, Veronika, Marcus, and
Caitlyn are all representatives from our class that can help teach the dance if help is
All classes will get lined up in order and begin practicing. Again, each class has about 4
student representatives that can help teach, review steps to the dance.
11:D@"11:&@ 'ead
Please br!ng stu"ents bac# !nto the classroom an" ha(e them rea" 1u!etly at the!r seat%
<ou can ha(e them rea" on the!r o&n or ' &!ll lea(e a +!cture to rea" to &hole class% <ou
can choose &h!ch you &oul" l!#e to "o%
11:&5"1D:D@ /usic
= l!ttle b!t be)ore 11:;5 can you +lease ha(e stu"ents l!nes u+ !n the!r t&o l!nes &!th the!r
lunches% Please &al# stu"ents o(er to @us!c Hlass &here they &!ll meet @rs% Rugg%
Please "ro+ oE stu"ents an" no& !s my +re+ +er!o"% ' &!ll try an" lea(e some co+!es or
some +a+ers to $le% Than# youI =bout a m!nute be)ore 12:20 can you +lease go to the
@us!c Hlass an" +!c# u+ the stu"ents% Please ha(e them say Than# you to @rs% Rugg an"
+lease &al# them to lunch%
1D:D@"1:@5 :unch
7lease have students get in a cold lunch line and hot lunch line. 7lease walk
the hot lunchers to the caeteria and drop them oE. .n(oy your lunchF 3hen
you pick up students rom lunch they should be sitting in their two lines
waiting or you.
1:@5"1:5@ School Talent Show
Please ha(e stu"ents 1u!c#ly "ro+ oE the!r lunches* recess e1u!+ment an" get bac# !n
the!r t&o l!nes% Please &al# stu"ents o(er to the G?H )or the school talent sho&% /hen
)ac!ng the stage* our class &!ll s!t on the r!ght han" s!"e% Please ha(e stu"ents s!t "o&n
(boy* g!rl !) +oss!ble !n three ro&s on the!r bottoms% 2ena* Damon* an" @arcus shoul"
not be s!tt!ng near
0m!le% 0mma an" Jeron!#a shoul" not be s!tt!ng ne8t to each other% ') +oss!ble* +lease
#ee+ Hol!n an" 0m!le near you%
2tu"ents &!ll s!t an" en-oy the sho&% Please hel+ by ma#!ng sure they are not tal#!ng*
but be!ng res+ect)ul% They can "o a s!lent cheer )or acts but not scream!ng or shout!ng%
9eel )ree to sen" out any stu"ent &ho cannot sho& res+ect% Please &al# stu"ents bac# to
class a)ter the Talent 2ho&%

1:5@"D:?5 .ntrepreneur
=t th!s t!me +lease bra!nstorm &!th stu"ents &hat an entre+reneur !s an" &hat they
m!ght ha(e sol" "ur!ng the Hal!)orn!a Gol" Rush% 2hare &!th stu"ents that at th!s t!me
they &!ll +reten" they are an entre+reneur "ur!ng the Gol" Rush an" they are to come u+
&!th someth!ng to sell that the m!ners coul" use &h!le &or#!ng at the m!n!ng cam+s%
Please share &!th them that they &!ll create an a"(ert!sement.They shoul" name
&hate(er they are sell!ng* ha(e a +r!ce* an" ha(e a colore" +!cture% 2hare &!th stu"ents
that goo" a"(ert!sements "o not ha(e a lot o) &r!t!ng but usually the +r!ce* color* a
catchy say!ng or &or"s that tell &hy you nee" to by that +ro"uct% ' &!ll lea(e some
e8am+les ' ha(e that you can sho& un"er the 0?@A% ' &!ll lea(e +a+er )or the #!"s to
create the!r a"(ert!sement% Please encourage them to use +enc!l an" then go bac# &!th
color% B!"s can hol" onto a"(ert!sement% ' &!ll g!(e them more t!me an" collect them

D:5@"&:@@ 3rite in 7lanner+Gobs
Please +ut the $lle" out +lanner ' le)t un"er the 0?@A camera% 2hare &!th stu"ents that
at th!s t!me they &!ll recor" the!r home&or# !n the!r +lanner% Please ha(e +a+er +assers
han" out home&or# sheets% =)ter #!"s recor" the!r home&or#* they &!ll +ac# u+ an"
beg!n the!r classroom -ob as &ell as +!c# u+ trash near the!r "es# an" stra!ghten u+ &or#
s+ace so rea"y )or the ne8t "ay% ') t!me +erm!ts* they can s!t an" rea" )or last )e&
m!nutes* !) not they can +ut cha!r u+ an" be "!sm!sse" once the!r table grou+ !s cleane"
>ismissal is at &:@5
Thank you or your helpF 7lease leave me a note about how the day went.
7lease pull the curtains shut2 unplug the elmo camera+pro(ector2 pull in lunch
and eBuipment tubs. 0an you please check that all the doors are shut and
locked beore you leave. Thank youF
2tu"ents are +re++!ng )or our u+ com!ng +lay calle" FHal!)orn!a @!ss!ons an" @ore%G The
+lay !s )ocuse" on Hal!)orn!a K!story% Please as# stu"ents to ta#e out the!r scr!+t an"
ha(e stu"ents ta#e turns rea"!ng the!r +art out lou"% =ll stu"ents ha(e a +art% There are
stu"ents &ho &!ll !ntro"uce the +lay.they can start rea"!ng the!r l!nes $rst% ' &!ll lea(e a
ra"!o an" HD o) the mus!c that goes &!th the +lay (ra"!o an" HD by )ront "oor% =sh!ma
can s!t by ra"!o an" sto+ an" start mus!c &h!le class +ract!ces the scr!+t% There are
stu"ents &ho close the +lay* they can rea" the!r l!nes at the (ery en"%
LLLKa(e stu"ents lea(e scr!+t on the!r "es# an" they can $n!sh +ract!c!ng scr!+t a)ter P%0%
!) more t!me !s nee"e"%
1:5@"D:&5 7...
=t 1:50* +lease &al# stu"ents out to the blac# to+ to meet the!r P%0 teacher @r% =(elar%
Th!s !s no& your +re+ t!me% <ou "o not stay out at P%0% &!th the stu"ents% ' &!ll lea(e
some +a+ers to correct "ur!ng th!s t!me% Than# youI
#$t D:&5 please pick up students rom 7...
###D:&5" 7lease send 8en >. to speech class. *e will come back at & and get
his homework and backpack.
D:&5"D:?5 'ecord *omework
Please ha(e stu"ents come !n an" ta#e out the!r +lanner% ' &!ll lea(e a +lanner an" you
can +ut !t un"er the 0?@A camera% The +lanner !s &here stu"ents recor" home&or#%
They &!ll ha(e a math sheet* s+ell!ng sheet (&r!te each &or" 2 t!mes an" &!ll rea" )or 20
m!nutes an" recor" rea"!ng !n the!r log%
=t th!s t!me +lease ha(e a hel+er +ass out one home&or# +ac#et to each stu"ent% Ka(e
t&o hel+ers +ass out stu"ent7s eagle )ol"ers% Ka(e all stu"ents +ut all !tems !nto the!r
D:?5"&:@@ 'ead Time 4or =ids
Please g!(e each stu"ent a T!me 9or B!"7s @aga5!ne% 2hare &!th them they can rea" the
art!cles !n the maga5!ne% ') t!me +erm!ts ' &!ll lea(e an act!(!ty that goes &!th the
maga5!ne% ') not enough t!me to $n!sh ' &!ll ha(e them "o the act!(!ty tomorro&%
&:@@"&:@5 0lean 9p
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& clean u+* +ut all su++l!es a&ay an" +!c# u+
trash/ob-ects oE the Moor% Please ha(e them +ut the!r cha!r on the!r "es#%
&:@5 >ismissal
LLPlease "!sm!ss stu"ents one table at a t!me to go home%

7lease shut curtains2 unplug .:/O+7ro(ector2 pull all tubs inside and make sure
doors are locked and shut closed. Thank you or subbing or me today2 I really
appreciate it. 7lease leave me a note about the day so I can check in with
students. Thanks againFFF
###I it is raining during morning recess students will play
in doors. I will leave a tub o board games under my desk
they may play. There are also snap cubes and shapes they
can build with by the book shelves near round table.
Students may also draw or read during recess. I they
have a snack they are to eat at desk and throw trash away
outside. I you need to use the restroom please ask /r.
8lair to watch the class"he is in 'oom 1H and is your rainy
day partner.
###I raining during lunch2 students will at their desk.
7lease send hot lunchers in one line to the caeteria
to get their lunch. 7lease ask all other students to get
their lunch and eat at their desk. $ll trash needs to be
thrown away outside. Students are to remain in their seat
till 1D:?5 ,bell will ring-. $t this time they may put away
lunch and chose a game rom the bo!2 draw2 read. I will try
and leave a video to play during lunch time. So students
can also watch a movie. 7lease plug in pro(ector ,white
cord-2 turn on pro(ector2 push play on black vcr.
###I you need to use the restroom or take a Buick break
during lunch please check in with /r. 8lair in room 1H or
grab a yard duty ,in green vest- and ask i they can come
in and watch your class while you step out.
%:&@"A:@@ :ibrary
Please ha(e stu"ents 1u!c#ly come !ns!"e* "ro+ oE the!r bac#+ac#s
an" grab the!r l!brary boo#s% 2tu"ents &!ll l!ne u+ outs!"e &!th
the!r boo#s (they &!ll l!ne u+ !n a boy7s l!ne an" g!rl7s l!ne% Please
ta#e stu"ents re" l!brary car"s an" &al# stu"ents to the G?H (the
l!brary% 2tu"ents &!ll come !nto the l!brary* return the!r boo#s*
an" s!t at the roun" tables% Please +ass out the!r l!brary car"s%
2tu"ents &!ll 1u!etly $n" 2 cha+ter boo#s to chec# out an" s!t
"o&n an" rea" 1u!etly% <ou may ha(e about ; stu"ents &ho come
to l!brary a l!ttle late as they are +art!c!+at!ng !n a be)ore school
math class% /hen they arr!(e +lease han" them the!r l!brary car"
an" they can chec# out boo#s%
%:55"A:@@ :ine 9p
Ka(e stu"ents 1u!etly l!ne u+ a )e& m!nutes be)ore C% =s another
class has l!brary r!ght at C% Please &al# stu"ents bac# to class%
Than# youI
A:@@"A:15 $ttendance+0heck in *omework
Please ha(e the FHam+ D!rectorsG ta#e lunch count (on yello&
sl!+% Please mar# &ho !s absent or late an" ha(e FHam+
D!rectorsG ta#e lunch count an" atten"ance to the o:ce% ') t!me
+erm!ts* ha(e FTable Ha+ta!nsG chec# !n the!r table7s home&or#%
An the bac# table ' &!ll lea(e the cl!+boar"s &!th a home&or#
chec#l!st that ca+ta!ns can use to chec# !n the!r grou+7s
home&or#% The FTable Ha+ta!n7sG can collect all the home&or#
sheets an" turn !n to bas#ets by the $sh tan# an" can +ut
Thought)ul ?og -ournals on the bac# table%
LLL') not enough t!me to chec# !n home&or# be)ore P%0%* FTable
Ha+ta!nsG can chec# !n home&or# a)ter P%0%
A:15"1@:@@ 7...
=t C:15* +lease &al# stu"ents out to the blac# to+ to meet the!r P%0
teacher @r% =(elar% Th!s !s no& your +re+ t!me% <ou "o not stay out
at P%0% &!th the stu"ents% ' &!ll lea(e some +a+ers to correct
"ur!ng th!s t!me% =lso* "ur!ng th!s t!me* +lease +lace stu"ent7s
F9r!"ay 4ournalG on the!r "es#% <ou &!ll $n" the +!le o) 9r!"ay
4ournals on the roun" table% Than# youI
L=t 10:00 +lease +!c# u+ stu"ents )rom P%0%
1@:@@"1@:&@ 4riday Gournal
Please share &!th stu"ents that at th!s t!me they &!ll &r!te a letter
to the!r )am!ly about &hat they "!" th!s &ee# at school% Please
bra!nstorm &!th stu"ents th!ngs &e "!" th!s &ee#% Hall on stu"ents
an" you can &r!te "o&n the!r !"eas on the &h!teboar"% =)ter you
ha(e bra!nstorme" as a class )or a )e& m!nutes* as# stu"ents to
get starte" on &r!t!ng the!r letter% Please rem!n" stu"ents to +ut
the "ate* Dear @om an" Da"Nall the +arts to a letter% ') stu"ents
"o not ha(e the!r 9r!"ay 4ournal* +lease g!(e them a +!ece o) +a+er
to &r!te the!r letter on% Ance stu"ents are $n!she" &!th the!r
letter* +lease ha(e them +ut -ournal !n the!r bac#+ac# an" they
can cont!nue to rea" 1u!etly at the!r seat%
1@:&@"1@:5@ 'ecess
#)ou do not have recess duty. .n(oy your break.
1@:5@"11:@@ $nnouncements
=)ter stu"ents come !n )rom recess they &!ll l!sten to the morn!ng
announcements% Please as# Harlos to lea" the class !n the Mag
11:@@"11:?5 /ath
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll com+lete the F=)r!can 2a)ar!
="(entureG +ac#et% 2tu"ents are to rea" the story an" use the
story to hel+ them ans&er a +age o) math 1uest!ons as &ell as
create a gra+h% Please ha(e them &or# 1u!etly at the!r seats% ')
you )eel they are l!sten!ng an" be!ng res+ect)ul they can &or# &!th
a +artner% /hate(er you are com)ortable &!th% /hen stu"ents are
$n!she" &!th the +ac#et ha(e them turn !t !nto the math bas#et by
the $sh tan#%
11:?5"1D:15 'ead through script
2tu"ents recently )oun" out the!r +art )or a +lay &e are
+er)orm!ng% The +lay !s )ocuse" on the Hal!)orn!a @!ss!ons% Please
as# stu"ents to ta#e out the!r scr!+t an" ha(e stu"ents ta#e turns
rea"!ng the!r +art out lou"% =ll stu"ents ha(e a +art% ' &!ll lea(e a
ra"!o an" HD o) the mus!c that goes &!th the +lay (ra"!o an" HD by
)ront "oor% =sh!ma can s!t by ra"!o an" sto+ an" start mus!c
&h!le class +ract!ces the scr!+t%
LLLKa(e stu"ents lea(e scr!+t on the!r "es#s an" they can $n!sh
+ract!c!ng a)ter lunch%
1D:D@"1:@5 :unch
Please "!sm!ss table grou+s to l!ne u+ at the "oor% The 7icnic
0rew &!ll ta#e out the lunch tubs% The #!"s &!ll eat $rst an" +lay
secon"% Ka(e stu"ents l!ne u+ !n a *ot :ine an" 0old :unch
:ine. Please &al# Kot ?unchers to the ca)eter!a% 0n-oy your lunchI
1:@5"1:D5 4inish 'eading Through Script
Please ha(e stu"ents cont!nue to rea" through the scr!+t% /hen
$n!she" ha(e stu"ents +ut scr!+t a&ay%
1:D5"D:&@ /artin :uther =ing Gr. $ctivity
Please rem!n" stu"ents that on @on"ay they "o not ha(e school
"ue to @art!n ?uther B!ng 4r%7s b!rth"ay% Please rea" the story
% 2hare &!th stu"ents that @?B7s "ream &as )or e(eryone to be
treate" the same% Please as# stu"ents to th!n# about the!r "ream
)or the &orl".e8% that e(eryone &oul" recycle to hel+ the earth*
that e(eryone &oul" treat each other &!th res+ectN2tu"ents &!ll
"ra& a +!cture o) themsel(es an" then &r!te the!r "ream )or the
&orl" on a s+eech bubble% 9!nally* stu"ents &!ll glue all the +arts
together on a +!ece o) construct!on +a+er% ' &!ll lea(e a sam+le%
Please bra!nstorm &!th stu"ents +oss!ble "reams )or the &orl"%
=)ter bra!nstorm!ng* stu"ents can get starte" on the tas#%
D:&@"D:?@ 0lean 9p
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& clean u+* +ut all
su++l!es a&ay an" +!c# u+ trash/ob-ects oE the Moor% They can
chec# the -ob boar" (hang!ng on gray $l!ng cab!net% Please ha(e
them +ut the!r cha!r on the!r "es#%
D:?@"D:?5 *and out 3eekly 7rogress 'eport
0(ery 9r!"ay stu"ents ta#e home a /ee#ly Progress Re+ort &h!ch
shares the!r beha(!or an" m!ss!ng tas#s )or the &ee#% Please +ass
out the green Progress Re+ort to each stu"ent &ho then nee"s to
+ut !t !n the!r bac#+ac#%
D:?5"&:@5 4riday 4ree Time
Please "!sm!ss one table at a t!me to l!ne u+ at the "oor% 2tu"ents
&!ll lea(e the!r bac#+ac#s l!ne" u+ outs!"e an" then go +lay on the
+laygroun".they can +lay on u++er gra"e +lay structure*
bas#etball courts* grass area an" at the green &all% <ou &!ll see
other 4
gra"e classes +lay!ng as &ell%
&:@5 >ismissal
LLPlease blo& your &h!stle about t&o m!nutes be)ore ;:05 an"
meet stu"ents at our classroom +ole% Please &al# stu"ents to our
classroom* ha(e them gather the!r bac#+ac#s an" "!sm!ss
7lease shut curtains2 unplug .:/O+7ro(ector2 pull all tubs
inside and make sure doors are locked and shut closed.
Thank you or subbing or me today2 I really appreciate it.
7lease leave me a note about the day so I can check in with
students. Thanks againFFF
Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 05/;1/2012
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue !s locate" un"er my "es# an"
conta!ns a $rst a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 17 s!gn locate" by the "oor
as &ell% 'n the e(ent o) an emergency* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag*
room , s!gn an" ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the
blac#to+% Please g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec#
to see &ho !s m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 17 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
an" 5
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e
them &on"er)ul an" un!1ue% 4ac1u!e Al!(e!ra (Room 14* Gra"y /r!ght
(Room 15 an" Da(!" 3la!r (Room 16 are the other 4
gra"e teachers% ')
you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call them% >se the blac#
+hone (e8t% 44215 or 44216%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say2 ;'eady to 'ock< and they respond with
;'ead to 'oll< I also will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap.
Then I have their attention and share with them what I need them
to do. I also give out brownie points or e!cellent behavior"
ocusing+working+listening. I students are not listening2 they can
be sent away rom their table group2 work in the back and write me
a letter about why they had to be moved.
' &!ll +!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole* &h!ch !s locate" on the
e"ge o) the +laygroun" blac#to+% 5
gra"e an" ' &!ll be lea(!ng on a
$el" tr!+ at aroun" C &h!le you rema!n here &!th 4
%:&@"%:?@ 'oll+:unch 0ount ,I will do this-
%:?@"A:@@ 9npack+3arm 9p and 0orrect 3arm up ,I will do
A:@@"A:55 'ead Tiger and *ow Turtle 4lew South or the
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& rea" t&o tales Tiger
beg!nn!ng on +age 615 an" How Turtle Flew South for the Winter
beg!nn!ng on +age 620 !n the!r ?anguage =rts boo#% 2tu"ents &!ll
rea" both tales on the!r o&n
an" com+lete the act!(!ty +ac#et &h!ch ' &!ll on my "es# )or each
stu"ent% An +age one they &!ll com+are the t&o tales an" share
&h!ch tale !s the!r )a(or!te% 9or the 2
act!(!ty* stu"ents &!ll
+reten" they are a ne&s re+orter an" &!ll +reten" to
e8+la!n/"escr!be that they -ust )oun" a large turtle slee+!ng !n the
mu" "ur!ng the &!nter%
LL2tu"ents &ho are $n!she" early can go bac# an" rea" the ;

Tale &h!ch beg!ns on +age 612 an" can &r!te "o&n )our th!ngs
they rea" about the tale% They can also then rea" a boo# o) the!r
cho!ce 1u!etly at the!r seat%
/hen ma-or!ty o) stu"ents are $n!she" you can call on stu"ents to
share the!r ans&ers to &hat &as s!m!lar an" "!Eerent about the
t&o tales they rea"%
A:55"1@:&@ *yperbole $ctivity ,probably need to use time
ater recess to 5nish as well-
2tu"ents ha(e re(!e&e" Hyperole. an e8aggerat!on% /r!ters use
hy+erbole to g!(e the!r &r!t!ng strong )eel!ng% 2hare &!th stu"ents
th!s e8am+le o) a hy+erbole.!t "as so cold, ! sa" polar ears
"earin# $ackets% 2hare &!th stu"ents that no& that the &eather
!s start!ng to &arm u+ they &!ll be &r!t!ng hy+erboles us!ng the
&or" hot% 't &as so hot*N 2tu"ents &!ll $ll !n the blan#% =s#
stu"ents to bra!nstorm &!th one another th!ngs that are hot to get
the!r m!n"s go!ng% <ou can call on stu"ents to share out lou"%
Oe8t* sho& stu"ents the +o+s!cle sha+e" +a+er they &!ll &r!te
the!r hy+erbole on% 2hare &!th them* that they &!ll &r!te the
hy+erbole on one s!"e an" !llustrate an" color a +!cture that goes
&!th the!r hy+erbole un"erneath the!r &r!t!ng% 2tu"ents &!ll cut
out an" glue th!s &h!te +a+er (&!th the!r &r!t!ng on !t onto the
+o+s!cle sha+e" co(er they choose% <ou can call 1u!et grou+s to
come +!c# a co(er color% 2tu"ents &!ll glue a +o+s!cle st!c# on the
bac# o) the co(er% ' &!ll lea(e an e8am+le% 2tu"ents can +ut
$n!she"* neat hy+erbole act!(!ty on the long table so they can "ry%

1@:&@"1@:5@ 'ecess
0n-oy recess.Duty 9ree % There may be snac#s !n the 2taE Room%
1@:5@"11:@@ $nnouncements+4lag Salute
=)ter stu"ents come !n )rom recess they &!ll l!sten to the morn!ng
announcements an" then the FPatr!ot!c ?ea"erG &!ll lea" the class
!n the Mag salute%
11:@@"1D:1@ 4inish *yperbole $ctivity+$rea o 4irst Name
2hare &!th stu"ents that they can ha(e some t!me to $n!sh u+
the!r Ky+erbole act!(!ty% 0arly $n!shers can chec# )or neatness
an" rea" 1u!etly at the!r seat%
@ath: Ance the ma-or!ty o) the stu"ents are $n!she" &!th the
Ky+erbole act!(!ty* share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& mo(e
onto math% 2hare &!th stu"ents they &!ll no& &r!te the!r $rst
name large on a +!ece o) gra+h +a+er% Oe8t* stu"ents are to color
!n the!r name% =)ter that stu"ents are to $n" the area o) each o)
the letters o) the name% =n" $nally* stu"ents are to $n" the total
area o) the!r name% ' &!ll lea(e an e8am+le an" gra+h +a+er %
') t!me +erm!ts stu"ents can get !nto small grou+s an" share the
area o) the!r name &!th classmates%
1D:15"1D:D@ 0lean 9p
1D:D@"1:@5 :unch
Please ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the "oor an"
beg!n "!sm!ss!ng stu"ents to lunch% The 3aiters &!ll ta#e out the
lunch tubs% The #!"s &!ll eat $rst an" +lay secon"% Ka(e stu"ents
l!ne u+ !n a *ot :ine an" 0old :unch :ine. Please &al# Kot
?unchers to the ca)eter!a% 0n-oy your lunchI
1:@5"1:5@ 7...
2tu"ents ha(e P%0% r!ght a)ter lunch% =)ter lunch* they &!ll "ro+ oE
the!r th!ngs an" l!ne u+ at the classroom +ole% (2tay by classroom
+oleAnce all other classes ha(e cleare" bas#etball courts a)ter
lunch* +lease "!sm!ss stu"ents to P%0% once you see the P%0%
<ou no& ha(e +re+ t!me.' &!ll try an" lea(e some +a+ers to
correct.!) ' "o not ha(e t!me +lease en-oy th!s t!me &!thout #!"s%
LLPlease +!c# stu"ents u+ at 1:50 )rom P%0%
1:5@"D:@5 'eading
=)ter P%0%* stu"ents &!ll come !ns!"e an" s!lent rea" )or about 15
D:@5"D:5@ Science
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll re(!e& ho& to create a
close" c!rcu!t (to sho& electr!c!ty Mo&!ng !n a c!rcle so a l!ght bulb
can turn on% <ou can call on stu"ents to share out lou" &hat a
close" c!rcu!t !s% Oe8t* +lease g!(e each stu"ent F'llustrat!ng the
ste+s to ma#e a c!rcu!t%G Tell stu"ents they &!ll use th!s as
+lann!ng sheet &ere they &!ll "ra& 1u!c# s#etches o) the ste+s an"
ob-ects they &!ll nee" to create a close" c!rcu!t% 2ome stu"ents
may not use all bo8es on +lann!ng sheet%
Ance stu"ents ha(e ha" some t!me +lan* share &!th stu"ents they
&!ll no& create a strong* "escr!+t!(e +aragra+h "escr!b!ng the
ste+s !n )ull sentences on ho& to create a close" c!rcu!t% They &!ll
use the!r +lann!ng sheet to hel+% Please +ass out the $nal "ra)t
+a+er to each stu"ent% 2tu"ents must be (ery "escr!+t!(e &hen
shar!ng the ste+s !n the!r &r!t!ng% ?astly* stu"ents &!ll "ra& an"
color a +!cture o) &hat a close" c!rcu!t loo#s l!#e !n the bo8 at the
to+ o) the +a+er%
D:5@"&:@@ 'ecord *omework
2tu"ents &!ll loo# at the 4
Gra"e Kome&or# 3oar" an" recor"
the!r home&or# !n the!r +lanner% ' &!ll lea(e home&or# +ac#ets )or
them &h!ch the >istributor can +ass out%
&:@@"&:@5 Gobs
2tu"ents &!ll com+lete the!r classroom -obs an" +ut the!r cha!rs
u+% They can hel+ +ut 5
gra"e cha!rs u+ as &ell% Than# you so
much )or s+en"!ng the "ay &!th Room 17III
Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 06/01/2012
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue !s locate" un"er my "es# an"
conta!ns a $rst a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 17 s!gn locate" by the "oor
as &ell% 'n the e(ent o) an emergency* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag*
room , s!gn an" ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the
blac#to+% Please g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec#
to see &ho !s m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 17 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
an" 5
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e
them &on"er)ul an" un!1ue% 4ac1u!e Al!(e!ra (Room 14* Gra"y /r!ght
(Room 15 an" Da(!" 3la!r (Room 16 are the other 4
gra"e teachers% ')
you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call them% >se the blac#
+hone (e8t% 44215 or 44216%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say2 ;'eady to 'ock< and they respond with
;'ead to 'oll< I also will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap.
Then I have their attention and share with them what I need them
to do. I also give out brownie points or e!cellent behavior"
ocusing+working+listening. I students are not listening2 they can
be sent away rom their table group2 work in the back and write me
a letter about why they had to be moved.
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole* &h!ch !s locate" on the
e"ge o) the +laygroun" blac#to+% <ou &!ll see stu"ents l!n!ng u+* our
+ole !s about ; +oles "o&n )rom the "r!n#!ng )ounta!n (near last
bas#etball court &hen you are )ac!ng the +laygroun"% Please +!c# u+
stu"ents an" &al# them to our "oor%
%:&@"A:@@ :ibrary
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents r!ght at 8:;0% Ka(e them 1u!c#ly "ro+
the!r bac#+ac# oE* grab the!r l!brary boo#s an" l!ne u+ bac#
outs!"e% Please grab the green l!brary car"s an" ta#e them &!th
you% Please &al# stu"ents to the l!brary* &here they &!ll enter
1u!etly% The l!brar!an &!ll be absent th!s "ay so +lease ha(e
stu"ents +ut any boo#s they are return!ng !n neat +!les on her
"es# (+lease lea(e a note on to+ o) th!s stac# o) boo#s that says.
Room 17 !s return!ng these boo#s% Oe8t* tell stu"ents that to"ay
!s the!r last "ay o) ?!brary% G!(e stu"ents t!me to loo#% ') they $n"
a boo#* ha(e them +ut the!r green library card in their book
they want to check out and set their book in another neat
pile on the librarians desk ,please leave a note or her that
says ;'oom 1I books that need to be checked out-.
:ibrary goes until A but you can head back beore then i
you see students are ready to leave.
Share with students that the librarian will check out books
and give them to our class later in the day once she
returns rom her meeting.
A:@@ 'oll+:unch 0ount
/hen you arr!(e bac# to class* +lease ta#e roll% Put a small "ot !)
they are here* = )or absent* D )or Delay !) they are runn!ng late% '
&!ll &r!te !n the names o) the t&o 5
gra"ers )rom the other class
an" you can -ust +ut a "ot ne8t to the!r names !) they are +resent%
Then* ha(e our secretaries come u+ an" ta#e lunch count% They
&!ll count out hot lunch or"ers an" &r!te that !n)o% on the yello&
lunch sl!+% Aur secretaries &!ll ta#e the roll an" lunch count to
the o:ce by C:00% Than# youI
###Students can return any homework into the 5nished
work basket by window.
A:@@"A:&@ Spelling Test
Ka(e the distributors +ass out s+ell!ng +a+er to all the 4

gra"ers% Please ha(e stu"ents &r!te the!r name an" number on
the!r +a+er% 2tu"ents &!ll number 1.20% ' &!ll lea(e the s+ell!ng
l!st% Please use each &or" !n a sentence an" stu"ents &!ll then
&r!te &or" on the!r +a+er% Please han" the 5
gra"e stu"ents the!r
(ocabulary 1u!5 &h!ch they &!ll com+lete on the!r o&n &!le you are
g!(!ng the 4
gra"e s+ell!ng test% Please collect all (ocab% Tests
an" s+ell!ng tests )rom 4
an" 5
gra"e an" +ut on my "es#%

A:&@"1@:15 0reate a 4athers >ay 0ard
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& create a 9ather7s Day
Har"% Please sho& stu"ents the e8am+le o) a com+lete car"% 2et
out the colore" co+!es )or the sh!rt an" t!es% Hall u+ one grou+ at a
t!me to +!c# a sh!rt color an" t!e% Ance all stu"ents ha(e +!c#e" a
sh!rt color an" t!e ha(e them s!t bac# "o&n% 2hare &!th stu"ents
to )ol" the!r +a+er !n hal) l!#e a boo#% Oe8t ha(e stu"ents o+en
the!r +a+er bac# u+ an" on the le)t han" s!"e* they &!ll cut along
the long an" cut oE 1 !nch )rom the to+ o) the le)t han" s!"e o) the
+a+er% Oe8t* stu"ents &!ll then cut 2 sl!ts on the r!ght han" s!"e o)
t he +a+er% Ka(e stu"ents then )ol" +a+er* so sl!ts are on to+%
Ka(e stu"ents )ol" each sl!t !n to&ar" one another to create a
collar o) a sh!rt% Ka(e stu"ents cut out the!r t!e* glue "o&n on car"
an" then glue "o&n collar% 2hare &!th stu"ents they can "ra&
buttons an" a +oc#et !) they choose to on the!r sh!rt car"%
Oe8t* share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& create a +oc#et !n the
!ns!"e or outs!"e o) the car" &h!ch &!ll hol" cou+ons% Kan" each
stu"ent a co+y o) the cou+ons +age &here they &!ll create 6
cou+ons )or the!r "a".some e8am+les o) th!ngs they can +ut on
the!r cou+ons. goo" )or hel+!ng clean the car* ma#e )a(or!te
brea#)ast* clean all "!shes )rom the table* em+ty trash* let you na+
&!thout "!sturb!ng youN
<ou can bra!nstorm !"eas &!th stu"ents o) &hat they can &r!te on
the cou+ons they create )or the!r "a"% <ou can &r!te stu"ents7
!"eas on the boar"% Ance stu"ents ha(e $n!she" the!r cou+ons
they can cut them out an" +ut them !n the +oc#et !n the car"%
2tu"ents &!ll also &r!te a note to the!r "a" !n the !ns!"e o) the car"
an" s!gn the!r name%
###$t A:55" 7lease have all 5
grade students pack up and
go to their 5
grade class they rotate with by 1@:@@. Share
with them they need to take all o their things and be at
their 5
grade class by 1@ so they can go and practice their
dance or the dance estival.
Jrade can leave their card right on their desk and they
will 5nish ne!t week.

1@:&@"1@:5@ 'ecess
0n-oy recess.Duty 9ree % There may be snac#s !n the 2taE Room%
1@:5@"11:@@ $nnouncements+4lag Salute
=)ter stu"ents come !n )rom recess they &!ll l!sten to the morn!ng
announcements an" then the FPatr!ot!c ?ea"erG &!ll lea" the class
!n the Mag salute%
11:@@"1D:1@ 4inish 4athers >ay $ctivity+/ath
.nterprise+Social Studies
2hare &!th stu"ents that they can ha(e some t!me to $n!sh u+
the!r Ky+erbole act!(!ty% 0arly $n!shers can chec# )or neatness
an" rea" 1u!etly at the!r seat%
@ath: Ance the ma-or!ty o) the stu"ents are $n!she" &!th the
Ky+erbole act!(!ty* share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& mo(e
onto math% 2hare &!th stu"ents they &!ll no& &r!te the!r $rst
name large on a +!ece o) gra+h +a+er% Oe8t* stu"ents are to color
!n the!r name% =)ter that stu"ents are to $n" the area o) each o)
the letters o) the name% =n" $nally* stu"ents are to $n" the total
area o) the!r name% ' &!ll lea(e an e8am+le an" gra+h +a+er %
') t!me +erm!ts stu"ents can get !nto small grou+s an" share the
area o) the!r name &!th classmates%
1D:15"1D:D@ 0lean 9p
1D:D@"1:@5 :unch
Please ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the "oor an"
beg!n "!sm!ss!ng stu"ents to lunch% The 3aiters &!ll ta#e out the
lunch tubs% The #!"s &!ll eat $rst an" +lay secon"% Ka(e stu"ents
l!ne u+ !n a *ot :ine an" 0old :unch :ine. Please &al# Kot
?unchers to the ca)eter!a% 0n-oy your lunchI
1:@5"1:5@ 7...
2tu"ents ha(e P%0% r!ght a)ter lunch% =)ter lunch* they &!ll "ro+ oE
the!r th!ngs an" l!ne u+ at the classroom +ole% (2tay by classroom
+oleAnce all other classes ha(e cleare" bas#etball courts a)ter
lunch* +lease "!sm!ss stu"ents to P%0% once you see the P%0%
<ou no& ha(e +re+ t!me.' &!ll try an" lea(e some +a+ers to
correct.!) ' "o not ha(e t!me +lease en-oy th!s t!me &!thout #!"s%
LLPlease +!c# stu"ents u+ at 1:50 )rom P%0%
1:5@"D:15 'eading
=)ter P%0%* stu"ents &!ll come !ns!"e an" s!lent rea" )or about 15
D:15"D:&@ 0lean+7ack 9p
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll re(!e& ho& to create a
close" c!rcu!t (to sho& electr!c!ty Mo&!ng !n a c!rcle so a l!ght bulb
can turn on% <ou can call on stu"ents to share out lou" &hat a
close" c!rcu!t !s% Oe8t* +lease g!(e each stu"ent F'llustrat!ng the
ste+s to ma#e a c!rcu!t%G Tell stu"ents they &!ll use th!s as
+lann!ng sheet &ere they &!ll "ra& 1u!c# s#etches o) the ste+s an"
ob-ects they &!ll nee" to create a close" c!rcu!t% 2ome stu"ents
may not use all bo8es on +lann!ng sheet%
Ance stu"ents ha(e ha" some t!me +lan* share &!th stu"ents they
&!ll no& create a strong* "escr!+t!(e +aragra+h "escr!b!ng the
ste+s !n )ull sentences on ho& to create a close" c!rcu!t% They &!ll
use the!r +lann!ng sheet to hel+% Please +ass out the $nal "ra)t
+a+er to each stu"ent% 2tu"ents must be (ery "escr!+t!(e &hen
shar!ng the ste+s !n the!r &r!t!ng% ?astly* stu"ents &!ll "ra& an"
color a +!cture o) &hat a close" c!rcu!t loo#s l!#e !n the bo8 at the
to+ o) the +a+er%
D:5@"&:@@ 'ecord *omework
2tu"ents &!ll loo# at the 4
Gra"e Kome&or# 3oar" an" recor"
the!r home&or# !n the!r +lanner% ' &!ll lea(e home&or# +ac#ets )or
them &h!ch the >istributor can +ass out%
&:@@"&:@5 Gobs
2tu"ents &!ll com+lete the!r classroom -obs an" +ut the!r cha!rs
u+% They can hel+ +ut 5
gra"e cha!rs u+ as &ell% Than# you so
much )or s+en"!ng the "ay &!th Room 17III
Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 11/18/2012
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue !s locate" un"er my "es# an"
conta!ns a $rst a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 17 s!gn locate" by the "oor
as &ell% 'n the e(ent o) an emergency* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag*
room , s!gn an" ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the
blac#to+% Please g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec#
to see &ho !s m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 17 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
an" 5
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e
them &on"er)ul an" un!1ue% Da(!" 3la!r (Room 16 an" Gra"y /r!ght (Room
15 are the other 4
gra"e teachers% ') you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t
hes!tate to call them% >se the blac# +hone (e8t% 44215 or 44216%
Jraders are currently at Science 0amp this week so you will
have ?
graders. *owever two 5
grade students rom another
class will be (oining 'oom 1I or the day as they are not going to
Science 0amp. Their teachers sent them with work. They can sit at
an empty desk. I they run out o things to do2 I made e!tra copies
o the ?
grade activities and they can (ust complete the activities
i they need something to do.
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say2 ;'eady to 'ock< and they respond with
;'ead to 'oll< I also will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap.
Then I have their attention and share with them what I need them
to do. I also give out brownie points+table points or e!cellent
behavior"Table points are or the tables that are listening and
8rownie points are earned i the whole class is ocusing+working.
.ach child receives 1 warning2 i behavior is not corrected they are
to go to the back o the room and record their behavior in the
8ehavior :og. They will write down what happened. I they have to
go back a D
time they will again write down what happened and
grab an orange behavior slip ound inside the book. They are to
take this home and get it signed by an adult. They are to bring it
back tomorrow. )ou can reward e!cellent behavior with ree time
in the class ,play games2 read a book2 draw a pictureK-.
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole* &h!ch !s locate" on the
e"ge o) the +laygroun" blac#to+% <ou &!ll see stu"ents l!n!ng u+* our
+ole !s about ; +oles "o&n )rom the "r!n#!ng )ounta!n (near last
bas#etball court &hen you are )ac!ng the +laygroun"% Please +!c# u+
stu"ents an" &al# them to our "oor%
%:&@"A:@@ :ibrary
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents r!ght at 8:;0% Ka(e them 1u!c#ly "ro+
the!r bac#+ac# oE* grab the!r l!brary boo#s an" l!ne u+ bac#
outs!"e% Please grab the green l!brary car"s an" ta#e them &!th
you% Please &al# stu"ents to the l!brary* &here they &!ll enter
1u!etly* return boo#s an" s!t at the roun" tables !n the l!brary%
Please share &!th stu"ents they are to 1u!etly chec# out ne&
boo#s or loo# at boo#s (!) not chec#!ng out an" rea" 1u!etly% =t
8:55 +lease ha(e stu"ents $n!sh chec#!ng out* l!ne u+ at the "oor
!n one l!ne &!th the!r boo#s% Please collect all l!brary car"s )rom
LL2ome stu"ents may be late to l!brary !) they are !n @ath
Alym+!a"% =s soon as these stu"ents arr!(e to l!brary* they can
1u!c#ly $n" a boo# an" chec# out%
A:@@ 'oll+:unch 0ount
/hen you arr!(e bac# to class* +lease ta#e roll% Put a small "ot !)
they are here* = )or absent* D )or Delay !) they are runn!ng late% '
&!ll &r!te !n the names o) the t&o 5
gra"ers )rom the other class
an" you can -ust +ut a "ot ne8t to the!r names !) they are +resent%
Then* ha(e our secretaries come u+ an" ta#e lunch count% They
&!ll count out hot lunch or"ers an" &r!te that !n)o% on the yello&
lunch sl!+% Aur secretaries &!ll ta#e the roll an" lunch count to
the o:ce by C:00% Than# youI
###Students can hold onto homework and I will collect later.
A:@@"A:&@ Spelling Test
Ka(e the distributors +ass out s+ell!ng +a+er to all the 4

gra"ers% Please ha(e stu"ents &r!te the!r name an" number on
the!r +a+er% ' &!ll lea(e the s+ell!ng l!st% Please use each &or" !n a
sentence an" stu"ents &!ll then &r!te &or" on the!r +a+er% Ance
the test !s o(er* +lease collect all o) the tests an" lea(e them on
my "es#%
A:&@"1@:@@ 0reate a 0ard
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& create a
Than#sg!(!ng Har"% 2hare &!th stu"ents that they are to &r!te a
letter to someone they are than#)ul )or% They are to &r!te a #!n"
note to someone tell!ng them they are than#)ul )or them* s!gn the!r
name* color* cut out letter an" )ol"% They "o not ha(e to &r!te a
letter to someone at school.!t coul" be a +arent* gran"+arentN
2tu"ents can hol" onto the!r letter%
1@:@@"1@:&@ ;The 7ilgrim .!perience<
/hen stu"ents are $n!she" &!th the!r letter +lease ha(e them
com+lete the FP!lgr!m 08+er!ence%G They &!ll learn &hat !t m!ght
ha(e been l!#e to be a +!lgr!m% ') stu"ents $n!sh be)ore the bell*
they can turn the +a+er !nto the $n!she" &or# bas#et an" rea"
Thank you again or coming on day twoF
)rom the!r ?anguage =rts 3oo# (they each ha(e one at the!r seat%
They &!ll rea" the story $kiak beg!nn!ng on +age &@ o) the!r
?anguage =rts boo#% <ou can call on (olunteers to rea" the story
out lou" &h!le classmates )ollo& along% ' &!ll lea(e the Teacher7s
0"!t!on &h!ch has +oss!ble 1uest!on you can as# stu"ents &h!le
they are rea"!ng% /hen stu"ents are $n!she" rea"!ng they &!ll all
com+lete an act!(!ty +ac#et that goes along &!th the story they
rea"% ') you )eel l!#e they are l!sten!ng an" )ollo&!ng "!rect!ons you
can "ec!"e !) you &oul" l!#e them to com+lete the act!(!t!es !n
grou+s or cont!nue &or#!ng 1u!etly on the!r o&n%
L0arly $n!shers shoul" chec# o(er the!r &or# an" can turn !n
+ac#et to the F9!n!she" /or#G bas#et% ') t!me +erm!ts later !n the
"ay* you can correct as a class%
L0arly $n!shers can rea" a boo# o) the!r cho!ce at the!r seat%
A:5@"1@:&@ Thankul Turkey $ctivity
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& "o a small art
+ro-ect% Please as# stu"ents to bra!nstorm &!th one another &hat
they are than#)ul )or% =s# stu"ents to )ocus on not all mater!al
th!ngs but )ocus on +eo+le or ob-ects that ha(e s+ec!al mean!ng%
Hall on stu"ents to share !"eas out lou" to the class% Oe8t sho&
stu"ents the e8am+le o) the $n!she" tur#ey% 2hare &!th stu"ents
they &!ll &r!te 5 th!ngs they are than#)ul )or (one on each )eather
!n the!r best &r!t!ng% Oe8t* share &!th stu"ents they &!ll color !n
the!r tur#ey an" also around the &or"s on each o) the )eathers%
2tu"ents &!ll then cut an" glue )eather aroun" the tur#ey% They
&!ll nee" to share glue% The distributors can hel+ +ass out the
tur#ey/)eathers% /hen stu"ents are $n!she"* ha(e them lea(e
the!r tur#ey on the!r "es#% 'n the m!""le o) the tur#ey they can
&r!te F' am than#)ul )orG an" on the bac# o) the tur#ey &r!te the!r

LLL ' &!ll lea(e a boo# to rea" !) there !s t!me be)ore recess%
gra"e 0!senho&er 9ol"ers to the 5
gra"e classes%
1@:5@"1@:55 $nnouncements+7ledge
=t th!s t!me stu"ents &!ll come on the !ntercom an" share
announcements% =ll stu"ents nee" to l!sten 1u!etly to
announcements% /hen announcements are $n!she"* +lease ha(e
our +atr!ot!c lea"er lea" the Mag salute%

1@:55"11:D5 /ath".nterprise 3eekly Test
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll com+lete the!r ne8t 0nter+r!se
/ee#ly act!(!ty% The act!(!ty has short math 1uest!ons that re(!e&
some mater!al stu"ents m!ght see on the u+ com!ng 2T=R test%
2tu"ents are to ans&er 1uest!ons 1u!etly the best they can% 2ome
o) the 1uest!ons &!ll be "!:cult )or them% They can &or# &!th a
+artner !) you th!n# they can "o th!s 1u!etly% /hen you see that
the ma-or!ty are $n!she"* +lease correct as a class% ' &!ll lea(e an
ans&er #ey% <ou can call on stu"ents to share ans&ers as &ell%
Please &or# on +roblems on the &h!teboar"% Please ha(e
(olunteers collect all tests a)ter they are correcte" an" +ut them !n
the F9!n!she" &or#G bas#et%
11:D5"1D:15 /ath 0ontract+/ystery 7icture
/hen stu"ents are $n!she" &!th the F0nter+r!se /ee#lyG act!(!ty*
they &!ll &or# on the!r @ath Hontract% Th!s !s a +ac#et o) more
challeng!ng act!(!t!es% They ha(e !t !n the!r "es#% 0arly $n!shers
can +ract!ce the!r math P Mashcar"s (!n the!r "es#%
' &!ll also lea(e a @ystery P!cture !) stu"ents are $n!sh!ng 1u!c#ly%
They )ollo& "!rect!ons an" color !n the gra+h accor"!ngly%
1D:15"1D:D@ 0lean 9p+3aiters and 3aitresses
Please ha(e the stu"ents beg!n clean!ng u+ at th!s t!me%
'ncom+lete @ystery P!ctures can be +ut !n the!r "es#% Please
"!sm!ss the /a!ters an" /a!tresses to ta#e lunch tubs out%
1D:D@"1:@5 :unch
= )e& m!nutes be)ore 12:20* +lease ha(e the :ine king and
Cueen l!ne u+ at the "oor an" beg!n "!sm!ss!ng stu"ents to lunch%
The #!"s &!ll eat $rst an" +lay secon"% Ka(e stu"ents l!ne u+ !n a
*ot :ine an" 0old :unch :ine. Please &al# Kot ?unchers to the
0n-oy your lunchI
1:@5"1:5@ 7...
LL=)ter lunch meet stu"ents by our classroom +ole an" +lease
"!sm!ss them to P%0% &!th @rs% A% Ka(e t&o (olunteers come bac#
to class &!th you an" get the P%0% bo8 &h!ch they &!ll ta#e out to
1:5@"D:5@ Social Studies
Please as# stu"ents to +ull out the!r 2oc!al 2tu"!es boo# (!n the!r
"es# an" turn to +age C1% ' &!ll lea(e a boo# )or you to go
through% Please go through th!s lesson FKo& "!" the mo(ement o)
+eo+le an" !"eas change !n Hal!)orn!aG &!th the stu"ents% =s# )or
stu"ent (olunteers to rea" out lou" an" &or# as a class to ans&er
the 1uest!ons on each +age% The lesson en"s on +age C6% Th!s
lesson ma!nly )ocuses on ho& +eo+le commun!cate" &!th one
another an" )ocuses on the construct!on o) the ra!lroa"%
1:5@"D:D5 4athers >ay 7icture
2tu"ents &!ll be "ra&!ng an" color!ng a +!cture o) the!r "a" )or a
9ather7s Day +ro-ect &e are &or#!ng on% They may use colore"
+enc!l* crayons or mar#ers% 9or home&or# last n!ght* they &ere
as#e" to obser(e the!r "a" an" -ot "o&n notes (color o) ha!r* eye
color* glasses/no glassesN% They can use the!r notes to hel+
them &hen creat!ng the!r +!cture o) the!r "a"% They are to ma#e
the!r +!cture loo# l!#e the!r "a" as much as +oss!ble% Please ha(e
the >istributors +ass out the outl!ne o) the hea" &h!ch stu"ents
&!ll use to "ra& the +!cture o) the!r "a"% /hen $n!she"* they are to
cut out the +!cture an" &r!te the!r name on the bac# (&!th +enc!l%
Please lea(e the +!ctures on my "es#% Those stu"ents &ho &!ll not
see the!r "a" )or 9ather7s Day can be encourage" to "ra& a +!cture
o) the!r gran")ather* uncle* or male a"ult that hel+s ta#e care o)

D:D5"D:?5 'ecord *omework+Gobs
Please ha(e stu"ents ta#e out the!r +lanner an" recor" the!r
An the &h!teboar" un"er 3ednesday *omework Please /r!te:
@ath. @ult!+l!cat!on /or#sheet
2+ell!ng. 0"!t!ng 2heet
Rea"!ng.Rea" )or 20 m!nutes an" com+lete the 8ook Summary
(Please 1u!etly g!(e the 1
+ac#et to 4! @!n an" the 2
+ac#et to
Dyaln (' ha(e to mo"!)y the!r home&or# an" try to not ma#e !t
not!ceable to other stu"ents% Then ha(e the distributors han"
out the home&or# +ac#ets to rema!n!ng stu"ents% =ll the
ass!gnments l!ste" abo(e are !nclu"e" !n the +ac#et%
2tu"ents &!ll +ut home&or# !n bac#+ac# once !t !s recor"e" !n
/hen $n!she" recor"!ng the!r home&or#* stu"ents &!ll beg!n the!r
classroom -ob% =ll classroom -obs are locate" on the gray $l!ng
cab!net% ') they are $n!she" &!th the!r -ob* then stu"ents are to
+!c# u+ trash aroun" the!r area* +ut u+ cha!r an" stan" by the!r
D:5@"&:@5 4ree 0hoice
') !t !s not ra!n!ng* stu"ents may ha(e the rema!n"er o) the t!me )or
9ree Hho!ce (aga!n !) beha(!or !s goo"% Please ta#e them outs!"e%
They &!ll +ut the!r bac#+ac#s by the bench by our classroom%
2tu"ents can +lay on >++er Gra"e 2tructure* +lay bas#etball* on
the blac#to+ or at the Green /all (on the s!"e ne8t to the $re
e8t!ngu!sher so you can see them%
') !t !s ra!n!ng ' &!ll lea(e the FRoll a +ro"uctG game they can +lay
("!ce are on boo#shel) by globe.they #no& ho& to +lay the game '
&!ll also lea(e 3'OGA an" a &or" search%
2tu"ents are to be "!sm!sse" at ;:05% =t th!s ' ha(e +ar#!ng lot
"uty at the )ront o) the school% Please go !nto the o:ce* get the
re" sto+ s!gn hang!ng by the bathrooms an" hea" out to the )ront
o) the school% =ll you "o !s ma#e sure stu"ents are not &al#!ng !n
)ront o) cars across the +ar#!ng lot to get to the!r car% <ou can hol"
u+ the sto+ s!gn !) stu"ents nee" to cross the +ar#!ng lot to get to
the!r car% Th!s "uty &!ll en" at ;:15%
Than# you aga!n )or com!ng to"ayI Please lea(e me a note about
the "ay% Please ma#e sure all the ball tubs an" lunch tubs are
+ulle" !ns!"e an" "oor !s loc#e" be)ore lea(!ng% Than# you aga!n
)or your t!meIIII
I it is too warmKkids can stay inside and play board
games that are in the red tub by our class library. I will
also leave the ;8anangrams< game as well. This is played
(ust like scrabble where the kids build words.
1D:@@"1D:D5" /$T* 8INJO
Please g!(e each stu"ent one game boar" an" g!(e each table
grou+ a +!le o) re" c!rcle mar#ers they can share to mar# the!r
game boar"% Please rea" the &h!te car"s out lou" t&!ce%
08am+le. F3 C P 2%G 2tu"ents &!ll then ha(e to loo# )or the
number 18 !n the F3G column on the!r boar"% ') they $n" 18 un"er
the 3 column they can +ut a mar#er% The stu"ent &ho $lls u+ a
ro& &!ll say 3!ngo% There may be t!me to +lay 2 roun"s% 2tu"ents
can s&!tch boar"s a)ter each roun"%

D:&@"1:15 :unch
=t 12:;0 +lease ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the
"oor% Oe8t ha(e stu"ents l!ne u+ one ro& at a t!me% /al#
stu"ents out to the re" +ath &ay.ha(e col" lunchers cont!nue to
&al#(they must &al# to lunch an" +lease &al# hot lunchers to the
ca)eter!a% Please stay &!th stu"ents unt!l your class has &al#e"
!ns!"e the ca)eter!a to get the!r lunch% Ance they are !ns!"e you
can lea(e%
####/iranda and 0atherine are on Student 0ouncil and
right ater lunch they have to go to each classroom and
collect water bottles so they will be late coming into the
class ater lunch.
1:15"D:@@" ;I wish I had a chance to<
Please share &!th the stu"ents that they &!ll th!n# about one th!ng
that they &!sh they ha" a chance to "o% =s# them to th!n# )or a
)e& m!nutes an" then as# them to share &!th a ne!ghbor% =s# )or
(olunteers to share &hat they &!sh they ha" a chance to "o (e8% '
&!sh ' ha" a chance to tra(el to Hh!na* ' &!sh ' ha" a chance to
learn ho& to +lay gol)* ' &!sh ' ha" a chance to meet the
+res!"entN Oe8t* ha(e the "!str!butors +ass out the F' &!sh ' ha"
a chance toG +a+ers to each stu"ent% 2hare &!th stu"ents they are
go!ng to &r!te about the!r &!sh on th!s sheet% There are l!nes on
the )ront an" bac# o) the +a+er% Please share &!th them that they
are to use com+lete sentences* !nterest!ng language an" &r!te as
much as they can% /hen they are $n!she" they are to !llustrate
an" color a +!cture !n the bo8 that goes along &!th the!r &r!t!ng%
###I will leave a Time or =ids magaLine or each student
and an activity to go with it that students can work on i
they are early 5nishers.
D:@@"D:15 Gobs
=ll stu"ents are to com+lete the!r classroom -obs an" +ac# u+ the!r
D:15"&:@5 0omputer :ab
$ little bit beore D:15 walk the students to the computer
lab. Students will take their backpacks with them.
Ka(e stu"ents lea(e the!r bac#+ac#s on the car+et outs!"e o) the
com+uter lab% ') the com+uter lab !s loc#e" sen" a stu"ent to the
o:ce to get the #ey to unloc# !t% 3e)ore stu"ents &al# !nto the lab
+lease share &!th them that they are to go "!rectly to the!r
com+uter* s!t "o&n* an" &or# on FTy+e to ?earn%G FTy+e to ?earnG
!s a #eyboar"!ng +rogram an" stu"ents &!ll &or# on th!s t!ll about
2:;5% $t around D:&5 have students close Type to :earn.
Ne!t2 share with them that they will continue working on
their Title page or the author report. /e alrea"y starte" th!s
last &ee#% 2tu"ents &ere as#e" to ty+e the!r author7s name* the!r
name an" the "ate% They are to also !ncor+orate +!ctures on the
t!tle +age (a +!cture o) the!r author* an" they can also !nclu"e a
+!cture o) one o) the!r author7s boo#s% /e go to google* ty+e !n
the author7s name* cl!c# !mages an" +!ctures shoul" sho& u+% The
#!"s #no& ho& to "rag a +!cture to the!r &or" "ocument%
LThey cl!c# on the !mage they &ant* "rag !t to the "es#to+ (blue
screen on the!r com+uter* then cl!c# on the +!cture they +ut on
the!r "es#to+ an" "rag !nto &or"%
They shoul" ha(e 1.2 +!ctures% 2tu"ents &!ll )ollo& the ste+s
belo& to o+en u+ the t!tle +age they ha(e been &or#!ng on%
,I they cant 5nd their title page2 then they can (ust start
again-. 7lease read outloudK
;3ith mouse click on<
"0onnect to server
"0lick on server number that ends in @?
"0lick connect
"0hoose 'm 1? globe
"0hoose 'm 1?
"0lick on the blue older that says ;$uthor 'eport<
"0lick on their name
"0ontinue working on their title page
##Share with early 5nishers that they can go to =id 7i! or
In order to save work students need to
click on ;4ile<2 then ;Save $s<
Then students need to make sure they have clicked on the
;'oom 1? globe<2 type their name in the save bo! i it is
not already their2 then they will click ;Save<
It might ask do you want to replaceM Students will click
Students can help each other saveF
$t D:5@ have students stop2 and close programs. >O NOT
S*9T >O3N 0O/79T.'S. They are only going to close
programs that are opened2 straighten their keyboards2
chairs and mouse. )ou may dismiss them when you are
ready. *ave them walk out to get backpacks and they can
go. 7lease S*9T O44 :IJ*TS $N> /$=. S9'. $:: >OO'S
$'. :O0=.> 8.4O'. )O9 :.$N. T*. :$8. The
emergency e!it door should be closed ,please
(ust pull on it to make sure it closed all the
way- and the two doors at the entrance o the
lab ,the doors with the windows- should be
shut and locked.
The open door to the server room should remain open. It
is the door right ne!t to the large printer2 and metal 5ling
Thank you so much or your help todayFFF 7lease leave
notes about the day.

Thank you or your timeF
11:&@"1D:@@ :ibrary
Ka(e stu"ents l!ne u+ at the "oor at 11:;0 &!th the!r l!brary boo#s%
Please ta#e stu"ents7 re" l!brary car"s )rom my "es# an" &al#
them to the l!brary% Please rem!n" them to &al# 1u!etly "o&n the
hall&ay% 2tu"ents &!ll return boo#s an" s!t "o&n at the roun"
tables% Oe8t* call stu"ents u+ to get the!r l!brary car" an" they &!ll
search )or ne& boo#s to chec# out% Ance they chec#e" out boo#s*
they are to s!t an" rea" s!lently at the roun" tables%
1D:@@"1D:1@ 'ecord *omework
=t 12* +lease &al# stu"ents bac# to class%
'n class* +lease ha(e stu"ents ta#e out the!r +lanner an" recor"
the!r home&or#%
An the &h!teboar" +lease &r!te:
@ath. /or#sheet ,7s 1.8
2+ell!ng. /or#sheet
Rea"!ng.Rea" )or 20 m!nutes an" com+lete the 8ook Summary
(Please ha(e the "!str!butors han" out the home&or# +ac#ets to
each +erson% =ll the ass!gnments l!ste" abo(e are !nclu"e" !n the
2tu"ents can +ut home&or# !n bac#+ac# once !t !s recor"e" !n
1D:1@"1D:&@ 7ractice Spelling 3ords
2tu"ents &!ll +ract!ce the!r s+ell!ng &or"s% ' ha(e +ut the 10
&or"s !n the blue +oc#et chart hang!ng !n )ront o) the classroom%
Please ha(e stu"ents +ull out the!r &r!t!ng -ournal (cream color.
&h!ch !s !n the!r "es# an" o+en to a blan# +age% They &!ll
com+lete s+ell!ng act!(!t!es !n the!r -ournal%
An the &h!teboar" +lease &r!te "o&n &hat stu"ents &!ll be "o!ng
#3rite each spelling word three times in your best cursive
#0hoose & spelling words and create & silly sentences
using the spelling words
(2tu"ents &!ll choose a s+ell!ng &or" an" create a )unny sentence
!ncor+orat!ng that &or"
1D:&@"1:15 :unch
=t 12:;0 +lease ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the
"oor% Oe8t ha(e stu"ents l!ne u+ one ro& at a t!me% /al#
stu"ents out to the re" +ath &ay.ha(e col" lunchers cont!nue to
&al#(they must &al# to lunch an" +lease &al# hot lunchers to the
ca)eter!a% Please stay &!th stu"ents unt!l your class has &al#e"
!ns!"e the ca)eter!a to get the!r lunch% Ance they are !ns!"e you
can lea(e% (Aur &a!ter an" &a!tress &!ll carry out lunch tubs%
1:D@"D:@@" Social Studies
=t 1:20 )our stu"ents )rom @r% /r!ght7s class &!ll be com!ng to -o!n
you )or soc!al stu"!es% Please &a!t t!ll they arr!(e be)ore shar!ng
soc!al stu"!es ass!gnment% They &!ll s!t !n the em+ty "es#s% ' ha(e
le)t the 0?@A camera an" +ro-ector )or you% Please ha(e =yub
come u+ an" hel+ you turn !t on an" get set u+% /hen all stu"ents
ha(e arr!(e"* share &!th stu"ents that to"ay they &!ll be
com+let!ng ?esson 8 on +age 61 (*ow did /e!ican rule aEect
0aliornia- !n the!r soc!al stu"!es boo#% Ka(e all stu"ents turn to
th!s +age !n the!r soc!al stu"!es boo#% ' &!ll lea(e the +ages )or you
to use as an e8am+le% Please +ut them un"er the camera so the
#!"s can see !t on the screen% <ou can use the #nob on the to+ le)t
han" s!"e o) the camera to 5oom !n an" out% Please call on
(olunteers to rea" the +aragra+hs an" call on stu"ents to hel+
ans&er 1uest!ons% Please com+lete +ages 61.64 as a class% <ou
can &r!te on the +ages ' le)t )or you% ' also le)t the ans&ers% /hen
$n!she"* ha(e stu"ents +ut the!r soc!al stu"!es boo#s a&ay an"
ta#e out the!r cha+ter boo# t!tle" Oia ,it is in their desk-.
,Some students will need to share with a neighbor as there
are not enough books or everyone to have their own-.
2tu"ents can get u+ an" stretch s!nce they ha(e been s!tt!ng%
D:@@"D:&5 'ead Oia
Please rea" 0hapters 1@"1?% Please start rea"!ng out lou" &h!le
the stu"ents )ollo& along% <ou can also as# )or (olunteers to rea"
!) you get t!re" o) rea"!ng % 3ut +lease try to sto+ a)ter rea"!ng
+age C6% =t aroun" 2:;5* +lease ha(e stu"ents +ut the!r Q!a boo#s
D:&5"D:55 Share /ission 7osters
Recently* stu"ents ha(e &or#e" together to create +osters about a
Hal!)orn!a m!ss!on% They are no& !n the +rocess o) shar!ng them%
Please call on 2 or ; grou+s to share the!r +osters &!th the class% '
ha(e le)t some m!ss!on +osters on my "es#% Please choose one
grou+ at a t!me R as# the grou+ to come u+ )ront an" share about
the!r m!ss!on%
##$t D:55"7lease send /r. 3rights students back to their
D:55"&:@5 0lean up+Gobs
Ka(e stu"ents clean u+ an" "o the!r classroom -obs% The -ob boar"
!s locate" by the "oor%
T*$N= )O9 SO /90*F I hope you had a great day in 'oom
1?. 7lease leave me a note about the day so I can ollow
up with any students. Thanks so muchFFF
Please ha(e "!str!butors +ass out the s+ell!ng +a+er to each
stu"ent% They &!ll then +ut the!r hea"!ng at the to+.Oame* ,*
"ate* 2+ell!ng test%
Oe8t as# those &ho +asse" the s+ell!ng Pre.Test to ste+ outs!"e
(lea(e "oor o+en an" they &!ll g!(e each other a s+ell!ng test
)rom a "!Eerent l!st o) &or"s% (Those &ho +ass a +re.test earl!er !n
the &ee# come u+ &!th the!r o&n set o) &or"s to be teste" on
9r!"ay morn!ngs% These stu"ents &!ll stay outs!"e g!(e each other
the test an" come bac# !n 1u!etly to the!r seats &hen $n!she"
(These stu"ents shoul" ha(e the!r l!st o) &or"s &!th them that they
&!ll g!(e to a bu""y &ho !n turn &!ll as# them to s+ell those
Han you +lease g!(e the rema!n"er o) the class &ho !s !ns!"e the!r
s+ell!ng test (' &!ll lea(e the l!st o) &or"s% ' rea" the &or" t&!ce
an" use !t !n a sentence t&!ce% /hen s+ell!ng test !s o(er +lease
collect all tests an" lea(e on my "es#% <ou can g!(e the s+ell!ng
tests to =(aneesh &ho &!ll ta#e them home an" h!s mom &!ll
correct them o(er the &ee#en"% Than# youI
A:D5"A:55 Time or =ids
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll be rea"!ng T!me )or B!"s on the!r
o&n )or the $rst 7.10 m!nutes% They are to rea" s!lently an" $n"
art!cles that are o) !nterest to them% =)ter th!s t!me ha(e the
distributors +ass out the F0ounting 0ranes< +a+er to each
stu"ent% Please share &!th stu"ents that they can &or# &!th a
small grou+ an" ans&er the 1uest!ons (no more than 2 or three
+eo+le !n a grou+% Tell them th!s !s the!r t!c#et out to recess%
Please collect sheets an" lea(e on my "es#% Ka(e stu"ents +ut
T!me )or B!"s @aga5!ne !n the!r bac#+ac#s%
A:55"1@:D5 :anguage $rts James
=t th!s t!me +lease ha(e stu"ents clean u+ an" return to the!r
seats% Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll be +lay some
?anguage =rts games% 2hare &!th them that they can &or# !n
+a!rs or !n a grou+ o) ;% Oo more than ;% The grou+s -ust get too
b!g an" cra5yI S 2hare &!th them that all o) the ?anguage =rts
game are !n the yello& tubs% Please +ull them out an" s+rea" than
out !n the classroom% An tables* car+et*NThat &ay &hen stu"ents
get u+ an" choose a game they are not all runn!ng to one s+ot%
Please "!sm!ss tables that are s!tt!ng 1u!etly to get u+ $rst% =ll
stu"ents &!ll nee" to br!ng a +enc!l &!th them an" are res+ons!ble
)or $ll!ng out an ans&er sheet at the center% 9!n!she" ans&er sheet
can be +ut !n F9!n!she" /or#G bas#et%
=t about 10:25.ha(e them sto+ an" clean u+ an" return games
neatly to the yello& tubs%
1@:&@"1@:5@ 'ecess
<ou "o not ha(e recess "utyI 0n-oy your brea#I
1@:5@"1@:55 4lag Salute
Aur patriotic leader &!ll lea" the class !n the Mag salute an" then
stu"ents &!ll s!t "o&n%
1@:55"11:D@ /ath".nterprise 3eekly Test
Share with students that they will be taking part in their
ne!t .nterprise 3eekly Test. *ave the distributors give
each student a test. Students are to answer Buestions
Buietly the best they can. 3hen you see that the ma(ority
are 5nished please correct as a class. I will leave an
answer key. )ou can call on students to share answers as
11:D@"11:?5 /ath 4ile 4older James
Share with students that they will be playing a math center
today. 3e started these last week so please encourage
them to pick a game they have not played yet. The games
are in the 79'7:. T98S. 7lease spread them out in the
classroom and dismiss Buiet tables to come up choose. No
more than & people at a center. .ach person is responsible
or 5lling out an answer sheet",0omplete answer sheets
can be put in ;4inished 3ork basket.
11:?5"1D:15 7..."=I0=8$::
(L' &!ll lea(e a #!c#ball an" bases.an" stu"ents can hel+ you set
/al# stu"ents out to the e"ge o) the grass* ha(e them run a la+
aroun" the b!g tree.near the metal bac#sto+ (at other en" o)
grass.near +ar# area% They &!ll run a la+ an" come bac# an"
meet you by the metal bac#sto+ near the green ball &all% Ka(e
them l!ne u+ !n t&o l!nes.boys an" g!rls% 2+l!t them !n t&o teams%
9!rst boy an" g!rl !n l!ne &!ll go beh!n" the bac#sto+* 2
g!rl an"
boy !n l!ne go on the out$el".cont!nue th!s +attern unt!l all
stu"ents ha(e a +lace to go% P?0=20 30 TK0 P'THK0R% Roll ball
un"erhan" an" stu"ent &!ll #!c# !t an" run to $rst base% =ll
stu"ents &!ll #!c# one t!me be)ore teams s&!tch% =t 12:15 +lease
sto+.ha(e stu"ents hel+ collect bases an" ball an" hea" bac# to
get a "r!n#% Then +lease hea" !n to get lunches% ' &!ll lea(e a
boo# to rea" out lou" !) there !s e8tra t!me%
1D:&@"1:15 :unch
=t 12:;0 +lease ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the
"oor% Oe8t ha(e stu"ents l!ne u+ one ro& at a t!me% /al#
stu"ents out to the re" +ath &ay.ha(e col" lunchers cont!nue to
&al#(they must &al# to lunch an" +lease &al# hot lunchers to the
ca)eter!a% Please stay &!th stu"ents unt!l your class has &al#e"
!ns!"e the ca)eter!a to get the!r lunch% Ance they are !ns!"e you
can lea(e%
1:15"D:@@ Inspiration $ctivity+4inish $rt+'ead
Please share &!th stu"ents that !n com+uter lab th!s a)ternoon
they &!ll be bu!l"!ng a &eb% They &!ll ty+e !n th!ngs they th!n# they
"o &ell at school an" th!ngs they &ant to get better at% 9or
e8am+le they m!ght +ut F' am a goo" l!stener* ' ha(e great rea"!ng
com+rehens!on%%G 9or the th!ngs they nee" to &or# on they m!ght
+ut* F' nee" to ra!se my han"* ' nee" to chec# my &or#NG 2hare
&!th them that r!ght no& they are go!ng to get rea"y )or com+uter
lab by $ll!ng the &eb !n class% That &ay &hen they get to the lab
all they ha(e to "o !s ty+e !n &hat they &rote% They are to choose
; th!ngs they &ant to &or# on an" three th!ngs they "o &ell at
school% <ou can bra!nstorm !"eas as a class%
/hen stu"ents are $n!she" $ll!ng out the!r &eb they may ta#e out
the!r FA+ =rtG an" com+lete that% ') they are through &!th the!r
FA+ =rtG stu"ents may get a +!ece o) +la!n &h!te "ra&!ng +a+er
an" )ree "ra&.no +a+er a!r+lanes or +a+er ob-ects that My%
=t about 2:00 +lease ha(e stu"ents sto+* clean u+ an" start the!r
classroom -obs% =t aroun" 2:10 han" each stu"ent the!r /ee#ly
Per)ormance Re+ort &h!ch they &!ll ta#e home o(er the &ee#en"%
Ka(e them +ut the +rogress re+orts !n the!r bac#+ac#% 2tu"ents
must ha(e the!r 'ns+!rat!on /eb !n the!r han"sII They &!ll nee"
th!s at com+uter labI Ka(e stu"ents l!ne u+ an" the "oor 1u!etly
&!th all o) the!r th!ngs% Please &al# them to the com+uter lab%
D:15"&:@5 0omputer :ab
*ave students leave backpacks outside against the wall
and walk into the library+computer lab silently. Share with
them that they are to go directly to their computer and sit
down. Ne!t2 please turn on the pro(ects located at the
ront o the lab. 7ush the power button. The pro(ector will
turn on. The pro(ector is connected to the computer right
ne!t to it2 so anything you type or do on that computer will
show up on the screen. 7lease have 'yan ,the student
sitting at that computer closest to the pro(ector- click on
the below commands as you say them out loud. *ave all
students do the same on their computer.
;3ith mouse click on<
"0onnect to server
"0lick on server number that ends in @?
"0lick connect
"0hoose 'm 1? globe
"0hoose 'm 1?
"0lick on the blue older that says ;Inspiration<
"0lick on the ;Inspiration Template<
##8ecause students are doing these actions at the same
time it might say that the server is busy or it might ask
would you like to make a copy o the template+document
and students can click yes make a copy i that window
should pop up and ask them.
Share with them that they will use the paper they 5lled out
earlier to help them 5ll in the web on their screen. 3hen
they are through2 please have students print their web.
7lease have them save web in the blue older"they must
save as 2 room1?2 inspiration ,older- and type their name
Ne!t they may go to =id 7i! or 4unbrain.com.
$t D:55 have students stop2 and close programs. >O NOT
S*9T >O3N 0O/79T.'S. They are only going to close
programs that are opened2 straighten their keyboards2
chairs and mouse. )ou may dismiss them when you are
ready. *ave them walk out to get backpacks and they can
go. 7lease S*9T O44 :IJ*TS $N> /$=. S9'. $:: >OO'S
$'. :O0=.> 8.4O'. )O9 :.$N. T*. :$8.
Thank you so much or your help todayFFF 7lease leave
notes about the day.

Thank you or your timeF
Room 14 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 02/04/2010
Special Notes: The emergency bag !s locate" by the "oor an" conta!ns a
$rst a!"e #!t% 'n case o) a $re "r!ll* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag an"
ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the blac#to+% Please
g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec# to see &ho !s
m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 14 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them
&on"er)ul* color)ul an" un!1ue% Gra"y /r!ght (Room 15* 4enn!)er 3erry
(Room 16 an" ?eah Tuenelle (Room 17 are the other 4
gra"e teachers% ')
you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call them% >se the cream
+hone by the "oor (215* 216* 217%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say ;$ll Set< and the respond with ;)ou bet<.
Then I have their attention and share with them what I need them
to do. I also give out gold or e!cellent behavior"students put gold
in a pouch in their desk. .ach child receives 1 warning2 i behavior
is not corrected they are to receive a behavior slip. The behavior
slips are located by the air conditioner. They are bright yellow. The
student 5lls that out and hands it to you. $lso near the behavior
slips are a list o conseBuences o what will happen i behavior
continues"so please look at that. 0onseBuences are typed out on
an orange poster. I dont orsee any problems but please e!pect
e!cellent behavior rom my class ,good listeners2 work
complete+neat2 and a positive attitude-. )ou can reward e!cellent
behavior with ree time in the class ,play games2 read a book2 draw
a pictureK-.
11:?5"1D:&@ 7.
2tu"ents &!ll be at P%0% out on the blac# to+% =t 12:;0* +lease +!c#
u+ the Room 14 stu"ents )rom P%0% They &!ll be &a!t!ng )or you by
our classroom +ole (you &!ll see t&o lunch tubs by our +ole% ')
they are not there r!ght at 12:;0 +lease &a!t )or them%
1D:&@"1:15 :unch
Please &al# stu"ents along the re" +ath &ay.Ka(e col" lunchers
cont!nue to &al# to lunch an" +lease &al# hot lunchers to the
ca)eter!a% =ll stu"ents are to &al#% Please stay &!th stu"ents unt!l
your class has &al#e" !ns!"e the ca)eter!a to get the!r lunch% Ance
they are !ns!"e you can lea(e%

1:D@"D:@@ Science
9our 4
gra"ers )rom @r% /r!ght7s class &!ll be com!ng o(er )or
sc!ence% T&o &!ll s!t at the bac# table an" t&o &!ll s!t at em+ty
"es#s% Please e8+la!n the ass!gnment &hen the stu"ents ha(e all
$ssignment: =ll stu"ents &!ll rea" +ages 12;.127 !n the!r
2c!ence 3oo# (3oo#s are !n the!r "es#s% ') they "o not ha(e the!r
boo#* they can share Please call on stu"ents to rea" the +ages
out lou"%
/hen $n!she" rea"!ng* +lease share &!th stu"ents they are to
ans&er a set o) 1uest!ons% Please ha(e the distributors +ass out
a set o) 1uest!ons to each stu"ent% Please share &!th stu"ents
that they are to use the!r boo#s to hel+ them ans&er the
1uest!ons% Please share &!th them that they are to &r!te com+lete
sentences% Please ha(e stu"ents &or# alone%
=t aroun" D:@@.+lease go o(er the 1uest!ons &!th the class% Please
call on stu"ents to ans&er the 1uest!ons% ' &!ll lea(e the ans&ers%
=roun" D:15 Please ha(e stu"ents +ut the!r 1uest!ons they
ans&ere" !n the!r 2c!ence )ol"er (!t !s !n the!r "es#% Then they
will take out their white science vocabulary cards ,in their
science older-. 2hare &!th them that they &!ll be a""!ng ne&
&or"s onto the!r car"% 7lease call on a student to help turn
on the .lmo camera and pro(ector. Please +ut the ty+e"
(ocabulary &or"s ' le)t un"er the elmo camera% <ou can a"-ust
5oom by turn!ng the #nob on the to+ o) the camera%
Please only sho& one &or" at a t!me% Ho(er the others &!th a
+a+er% Please rea" the &or" an" "e$n!t!on an" as# stu"ents to
recor" the "e$n!t!on on the!r &h!te note car"% There are 4
"e$n!t!ons )or the stu"ents to co+y "o&n% They &!ll +ut note
car"s bac# !n the!r sc!ence )ol"ers%
/hen stu"ents are $n!she" co+y!ng "o&n the "e$n!t!ons an" !)
there !s st!ll t!me* ha(e stu"ents +ull out the!r play scripts% (/e
are +er)orm!ng a +lay about the m!ss!ons/gol" rush% Please share
&!th stu"ents that the class &!ll +ract!ce the!r s+ea#!ng l!nes% They
&!ll s#!+ o(er the songs an" -ust +ract!ce the!r l!nes out lou"% =ll
stu"ents ha(e a scr!+t% Please ha(e $rst stu"ents rea" the!r l!nes
out lou" (@!ran"a an" @!n 4! ha(e the $rst s+ea#!ng +arts
D:&@"$ parent volunteer will be coming into the classroom
to prepare the Thursday olders.
D:55"7lease send /r. 3rights class back to room 15.
D:55"&:@@ Gobs
=ll stu"ents &!ll com+lete the!r classroom -ob (-obs locate" by the
)ront "oor* +!c# u+ trash an" +ut cha!rs on the!r "es#% Please
ha(e the distributors han" out stu"ent7s 0agle 9ol"ers%
Please "!sm!ss stu"ents &ho are cleane" u+%
Than# you )or com!ng !n to"ayI ' ho+e you ha" a great "ay an"
that the stu"ents &ere res+ect)ul an" )ollo&e" "!rect!ons% Than#
you aga!nI
Pro"ucers. Argan!sms that ma#e the!r o&n )oo"
(e8% +lants* trees* bushes
Honsumers. Argan!sms that eat other organ!sms%
They can7t ma#e the!r o&n )oo"% (e8% go+hers
Decom+osers. 'nsects* !n(!s!ble m!croorgan!sms
that eat "ea" +lants R an!mals )or )oo"% (e8% ants* term!tes
9oo" Hha!n. The +ath that )oo" ta#es )rom one
organ!sm to another organ!sm% The "!rect!on
the arro& +o!nts sho&s the "!rect!on )oo" mo(es
through a )oo" cha!n% (e8% grass ch!+mun# ha&#
Harn!(ore. an!mals that eat other an!mals (e8% s+!"ers eat !nsects
Amn!(ores. an!mals that eat both +lants an" an!mals (e8% bears
9oo" Hha!n.
Room 14 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 10/20/08
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole* &h!ch !s locate" on the
e"ge o) the +laygroun" blac#to+% <ou &!ll see stu"ents l!n!ng u+* our
+ole !s about ; +oles "o&n )rom the "r!n#!ng )ounta!n &hen you are
)ac!ng the +laygroun"% Please +!c# u+ stu"ents an" &al# them to our
"oor% The o"" ,7s l!ne u+ on the r!ght an" the e(en ,7s l!ne u+ on the
le)t% Ka(e them 1u!et "o&n Ushare &!th them to turn the!r home&or#
!nto the F9!n!she" /or#G bas#et be)ore they s!t "o&n%
%:&@"%:?@ 9npack+4lag Salute+'oll
2tu"ents +ut bags !n the!r ass!gne" blue tubs* go get a shar+
+enc!l !) they nee" one an" stan" beh!n" the!r cha!r )or the Mag
salute% Aur patriotic leader &!ll lea" the class !n the Mag salute
an" stu"ents &!ll s!t "o&n% Oe8t* ta#e roll.+ut a small "ot !) they
are here* = )or absent* D )or Delay !) they are runn!ng late% Then*
ha(e our waiter+waitress come u+ an" ta#e lunch count% They
&!ll count out hot lunch or"ers an" &r!te that !n)o% on the yello&
lunch sl!+% Aur secretaries &!ll ta#e the roll an" lunch count to
the o:ce%
%:?@"A:@@ 3arm 9p
'nstruct stu"ents to beg!n &or#!ng on the!r @on"ay /arm >+s*
&h!ch !nclu"e Da!ly ?anguage* an" curs!(e% (Ka(e "!str!butors
+ass out the &arms u+s to each table grou+% /hen you see most
are $n!she"* ha(e stu"ents sto+* ta#e out the!r green correct!ng
+en an" you can correct as a class% Hall on stu"ents to share
ans&ers% /hen the class !s $n!she" correct!ng the!r &or# +lease
ha(e them +ut the!r &arms u+s !ns!"e o) the!r re" )ol"ers (!n the!r
A:@@"A:D@ Spelling 7re"Test and 0orrect
Please ha(e the "!str!butors +ass out b!n"er +a+er to each table
grou+% Ka(e stu"ents +ut the!r hea"!ng an" number 1.20% ' &!ll
lea(e the l!st o) s+ell!ng &or"s% Please rea" each &or" t&!ce an"
use !n a sentence.stu"ents &!ll &r!te "o&n &or" on the!r +a+er%
=)ter Pre.test* ha(e stu"ents s&!tch +a+ers &!th a +artner an"
correct% Please s+ell out &or"s so stu"ents can correct% Ka(e
"!str!butors collect tests an" +ut !n $n!she" &or# bas#et%

A:D5"1@:&@ Story+Cuestions
2hare &!th stu"ents they &!ll rea" the story F=#!a#G beg!nn!ng on
+age 2C o) the!r ?anguage =rts boo#% ' &!ll lea(e these boo#s
stac#e" !n the )ront o) the classroom% They are to rea" the story
an" !) t!me +erm!ts com+lete the FKero o) the Tra!lG sheet
(com+rehens!on chec# o) the story%
L0arly $n!shers can s!lently rea" at the!r seat%
1@:&@"1@:5@ 'ecess
1@:5@"11:?@ /ath
2hare &!th all stu"ents (!nclu"!ng math contract stu"ents they &!ll
com+let!ng a math ass!gnment !n the!r s+!ral noteboo#% Please
&r!te th!s ass!gnment on the boar". 0hapter 'eview page AH
Ps D"D? evens only.

11:?5"1D:@@ Gournal 3riting
') stu"ents are not $n!she" &!th the!r math &or# ha(e them
cont!nue to &or#.!) not $n!she" by lunch !t &!ll become the!r
home&or#% Ka(e stu"ents &ho are $n!she"* +ull out the!r -ournals
(!n the!r "es# an" &r!te about &hat they "!" o(er the &ee#en"%
1D:@@"1D:&@ :ibrary
Please get the yello& l!brary car"s )rom my "es# an" as# stu"ents
to s!lently l!ne u+ at the "oor &!th the!r boo#s (o"" an" e(en
l!nes% 2tu"ents &!ll return boo#s an" s!t "o&n at a table !n the
l!brary or stan" !n bac#% Kan"out the l!brary car"s an" rulers.they
are search 1u!etly )or boo#s.sen" them out !) they can7t han"le
that% =t about 12:25 ha(e them l!ne u+ 1u!etly an" &al# bac# to
our room an" return boo#s an" grab lunches%
1D:&@"1:15 :unch
1:15"1:&@ 'ecord *omework in 7lanner
Please ha(e the "!str!butors +ass out the home&or# ' le)t )or
@on"ay% An the &h!teboar" +lease &r!te
Oct. D@
/ath: 7age AD Set 8 1"11 ,all-
Social Studies: 3ork on Salt /ap
'ead: 4or D@ min.
3rite a H sentence paragraph about what is happening in
your book you are reading at home.
Spelling: $ctivities due 4riday
Ance stu"ents ha(e $n!she" recor"!ng the!r home&or# +lease
ha(e them +ut !t !n the!r bac#+ac#%
1:&@"D:@@ Science 'ead
Ka(e stu"ents one grou+ at a t!me get a +ur+le sc!ence boo# (' &!ll
lea(e them at the )ront o) the classroom% Ka(e them turn to page
1@I an" rea" FKo& Argan!sms De+en" An Ane =notherG +g% 107.
110% Please lea" a "!scuss!on by as#!ng stu"ents the 1uest!ons on
+age 110 !) t!me +erm!ts%
D:@5"D:5@ 7...
@r% B &!ll come at 2:05 to +!c# u+ stu"ents )or P%0% Please ha(e
them l!ne" u+ 1u!etly at the "oor about a m!nute be)ore 2:05 so he
can -ust ta#e them out% <ou "o not nee" to be at P%0% =t 2:50
+lease &al# out to the blac#to+ an" +!c# the #!"s u+% Than#sI
D:5@"&:@5" Gobs+>ismissal
Ka(e stu"ents com+lete the!r classroom -ob an" "!sm!ss 1u!et
Than# you )or your t!meI
Room 14 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 11/17/0C
Special Notes: The emergency bag !s locate" by the "oor an" conta!ns a
$rst a!"e #!t% 'n case o) a $re "r!ll* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag an"
ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the blac#to+% Please
g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec# to see &ho !s
m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 14 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them
&on"er)ul* color)ul an" un!1ue% Gra"y /r!ght (Room 15* 4enn!)er 3erry
(Room 16 an" ?eah Tuenelle (Room 17 are the other 4
gra"e teachers% ')
you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call them% >se the cream
+hone by the "oor (215* 216* 217%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say2 ;$ll setM< and they respond with ;)ou
betF< I also will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap. Then I
have their attention and share with them what I need them to do. I
also give out gold or e!cellent behavior"students put gold in a
pouch in their desk. .ach child receives 1 warning2 i behavior is
not corrected they are to receive a behavior slip. The behavior
slips are located by the air conditioner. They are bright yellow. The
student 5lls that out and hands it to you. $lso near the behavior
slips are a list o conseBuences o what will happen i behavior
continues"so please look at that. 0onseBuences are typed out on
an orange poster. I dont orsee any problems but please e!pect
e!cellent behavior rom my class ,good listeners2 work
complete+neat2 and a positive attitude-. )ou can reward e!cellent
behavior with ree time in the class ,play games2 read a book2 draw
a pictureK- and gold.
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole* &h!ch !s locate" on the
e"ge o) the +laygroun" blac#to+% <ou &!ll see stu"ents l!n!ng u+* our
+ole !s about ; +oles "o&n )rom the "r!n#!ng )ounta!n &hen you are
)ac!ng the +laygroun"% Please +!c# u+ stu"ents an" &al# them to our
"oor% The o"" ,7s l!ne u+ on the r!ght an" the e(en ,7s l!ne u+ on the
le)t% Ka(e them 1u!et "o&n Ushare &!th them to turn the!r home&or#
!nto the F9!n!she" /or#G bas#et be)ore they s!t "o&n%
%:&@"%:55 9npack+3arm 9p
2tu"ents +ut bags !n the!r ass!gne" blue tubs* go get a shar+
+enc!l !) they nee" one% Please !nstruct stu"ents to beg!n &or#!ng
on the!r Tues"ay /arm >+s (they are !n the!r "es#s% The &arm
u+s !nclu"e a ?anguage =rts sect!on an" curs!(e%
(0arly $n!shers may rea" at the!r seat% /hen you see most are
$n!she" &!th the!r &arm u+s* ha(e stu"ents sto+* ta#e out a
+en/mar#er an" you can correct as a class% Hall on stu"ents to
share ans&ers )or the 1uest!ons% /hen the class !s $n!she"
correct!ng the!r &or# +lease ha(e stu"ents +ut &arm u+s !n the!r
%:55"A:@@ 'oll+:unch 0ount
Oe8t* ta#e roll.+ut a small "ot !) they are here* = )or absent* D )or
Delay !) they are runn!ng late% Then* ha(e our waiter+waitress
come u+ an" ta#e lunch count% They &!ll count out hot lunch
or"ers an" &r!te that !n)o% on the yello& lunch sl!+% Aur
secretaries &!ll ta#e the roll an" lunch count to the o:ce%
A:@5"A:15 Spelling+Nocabulary
2tu"ents &!ll +ract!ce the!r s+ell!ng &or"s% ' ha(e +ut the 10
&or"s !n the blue +oc#et chart hang!ng !n )ront o) the classroom%
Please ha(e stu"ents +ull out the!r &r!t!ng -ournal (cream color.
&h!ch !s !n the!r "es# an" o+en to a blan# +age%
An the &h!teboar" +lease &r!te "o&n &hat stu"ents &!ll be "o!ng
#3rite each spelling word twice in your best cursive
#.arly 4inishers can choose 5 spelling words and can
create 5 silly sentences using the spelling words
(2tu"ents &!ll choose a s+ell!ng &or" an" create a )unny sentence
!ncor+orat!ng that &or"
A:15"1@:15 'ead Tomas and the :ibrary :ady Q $ctivities
L7lease warn students that at 1@:15 there will be a 5re drill
Please "!sm!ss stu"ents one table grou+ at a t!me to get a blue
?anguage =rts boo# (they are s!tt!ng on the s!"e counter by the
&!n"o&% Ka(e stu"ents o+en u+ to the story Tomas and the
:ibrary :ady &h!ch !s on +age 15C% Please rea" the story as a
class% <ou can call on (olunteers to rea"% 'n the Teacher7s 0"!t!on
there are Supporting 0omprehension 1uest!ons to as# stu"ents
"ur!ng rea"!ng% Han you +lease sto+ an" as# these 1uest!ons% ' &!ll
lea(e st!c#y notes ne8t to some o) the 1uest!ons% Than#s so muchI
/hen the class !s $n!she" rea"!ng the story% Please ha(e the
"!str!butors +ass out the language arts sheets ' le)t that go along
&!th the story. 0heck )our /emory Q 0ompleting 3ith
7roper Nouns% 2hare &!th stu"ents that the!r goal !s to $n!sh
these t&o sheets be)ore recess%
1@:15 4ire >rill
=roun" 10:10 +lease ha(e stu"ents sto+ &hat they are "o!ng an"
get +re+are" )or the $re "r!ll% 7lease ask Gustin to line up 5rst
and grab the blue emergency bag underneath the back
table. 7lease ask Nanessa to line up last and grab the
'oom 1? number sign2 which is by the ront door. 2hare
&!th stu"ents that &hen the alarm soun"s they are to l!ne u+
1u!etly at the "oor an" &al# out to the blac#to+ (no tal#!ng% They
&!ll &al# out to the ,14 an" l!ne u+ !n one ro&% They &!ll )ace the
school an" stan" 1u!etly !n l!ne% /hen !t !s t!me to go bac# to class
+lease encourage stu"ents to &al# bac# s!lently an" hea" !n to
$n!sh &or#%
#.arly 5nishers may work on a :anguage $rts 0enter ,in
yellow tubs by the whiteboard- i they are 5nished with
their work.
1@:&@"1@:5@" 'ecess
<ou "o not ha(e recess "utyI
1@:5@"1@:55 4lag Salute
Aur patriotic leader &!ll lea" the class !n the Mag salute an" then
stu"ents &!ll s!t "o&n%
1@:55"11:D@ /ath".nterprise 3eekly Test
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll ta#e the!r ne8t 0nter+r!se
/ee#ly Test% The tests are -ust short e8erc!ses to get stu"ents
rea"y )or 2T=R% 't !s not a real test% Ka(e the "!str!butors g!(e
each stu"ent a test% 2tu"ents are to ans&er 1uest!ons 1u!etly the
best they can% 2ome o) the 1uest!ons &!ll be "!:cult )or them%
/hen you see that the ma-or!ty are $n!she" +lease correct as a
class% ' &!ll lea(e an ans&er #ey% <ou can call on stu"ents to share
ans&ers as &ell%
11:D@"11:?5 /ath 4ile 4older James
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll be +lay!ng a math center to"ay%
/e starte" us!ng these a )e& &ee#s ago% Please encourage them
to +!c# a game they ha(e not +laye" yet% The games are !n the
P>RP?0 T>32% Please s+rea" them out !n the classroom an"
"!sm!ss 1u!et tables to come u+ choose% Oo more than ; +eo+le at
a center% 0ach +erson !s res+ons!ble )or $ll!ng out an ans&er
sheet.(Hom+lete ans&er sheets can be +ut !n F9!n!she" /or#7
bas#et &!th name on the sheets% =roun" 11:40 as# stu"ents to
start clean!ng u+* return to the!r seats an" +ull out the!r +lanners%
11:?5"11:55 'ecord *omework
Please ha(e stu"ents recor" the!r home&or#% An the &h!teboar"
+lease &r!te:
@ath. +g% 4C ,1.8 all !n math &or#boo#
2+ell!ng sheet
Rea"!ng.Rea" )or 20 m!nutes an" com+lete the 8ook Summary
(Please ha(e the "!str!butors han" out the s+ell!ng sheet an" boo#
summary to each +erson% 2tu"ents &!ll tear out the math +age !n
the!r math &or#boo# &h!ch !s !n the!r "es#%
2tu"ents can +ut home&or# !n bac#+ac# once !t !s recor"e" !n
#I raining students can continue playing math 5le older
games. I also have board games underneath my desk.
/al# stu"ents out to the blac# to+* ha(e them l!ne u+ !n a l!ne
stan"!ng s!"e by s!"e% Tell them they are to run one la+ aroun" the
b!g tree an" meet you by the metal bac#sto+ near the ball &all%
Please blo& &h!stle so stu"ents can ta#e oE% /h!le they are
runn!ng +lease +ull out one rubber ball an" three bases !n the
+r!mary P%0% closet locate" ne8t to 0r!n Hane+a7s room% Ka(e
stu"ents l!ne u+ !n t&o l!nes.boys an" g!rls% 2+l!t them !n t&o
teams% 9!rst boy an" g!rl !n l!ne &!ll go beh!n" the bac#sto+* 2
an" boy !n l!ne go on the out$el".cont!nue th!s +attern unt!l all
stu"ents ha(e a +lace to go% P?0=20 30 TK0 P'THK0R% Roll ball
un"erhan" an" stu"ent &!ll #!c# !t an" run to $rst base% =ll
stu"ents &!ll #!c# one t!me be)ore teams s&!tch% =t
12:25 +lease sto+.ha(e stu"ents hel+ collect bases an" ball an"
hea" bac# to get a "r!n#% Please return e1u!+ment to the closet%
Then +lease hea" !n to get lunches% ' &!ll lea(e a boo# to rea" out
lou" !) there !s e8tra t!me%
1D:&@"1:15 :unch
=t 12:;0 +lease ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the
"oor% Oe8t ha(e stu"ents l!ne u+ one ro& at a t!me% /al#
stu"ents out to the re" +ath &ay.ha(e col" lunchers cont!nue to
&al#(they must &al# to lunch an" +lease &al# hot lunchers to the
ca)eter!a% Please stay &!th stu"ents unt!l your class has &al#e"
!ns!"e the ca)eter!a to get the!r lunch% Ance they are !ns!"e you
can lea(e% (Aur &a!ter an" &a!tress &!ll carry out lunch tubs%
1:15"1:5@ ST$' o the 3eek
/hen stu"ents come !n )rom lunch ha(e them s!t 1u!etly at the!r
seats% Please ha(e the "!str!butors 1u!etly g!(e each +erson t&o
+!eces o) +a+er% =s# 0l!5abeth to come u+ an" she &!ll share her
2tar o) the /ee# +oster ' ha(e le)t on my "es#% Please hang u+
the +oster on the &h!teboar" near the table +o!nts% Please &r!te
0l!5abeth <amamoto at the to+ o) the &h!teboar"% 2tu"ents &!ll
)ol" one +!ece o) b!n"er +a+er !n hal) an" &r!te her name at the
to+% /h!le 0l!5abeth !s shar!ng her +oster stu"ents &!ll ta#e notes
about her on the!r +a+er% ' also ta#e notes on the boar" "ur!ng
th!s t!me% /hen 0l!5abeth !s $n!she" shar!ng her +oster she can
call on 4 +eo+le to as# 1uest!ons% /hen 1uest!ons are $n!she"
stu"ents &!ll use the!r secon" +!ece o) b!n"er +a+er an" &r!te a
+aragra+h about 0l!5abeth% Please rem!n" them they are to
!nclu"e an o+en!ng sentence* trans!t!ons an" clos!ng sentence%
Please g!(e 0l!5abeth a +!ece o) &h!te +r!nter +a+er (!n my +r!nter
an" she &!ll "es!gn a co(er )or her 2tar o) the /ee# boo#%
2he &!ll &r!te F0l!5abeth <amamoto 2tar o) the /ee#G )or her t!tle
an" then "ecorate the +age &!th th!ngs she en-oys "o!ng%
L0arly $n!shers can chec# o(er the!r +aragra+hs an" rea" 1u!etly%
=t aroun" 1:50 +lease collect the $n!she" 2tar o) The &ee# +a+ers
an" lea(e on my "es#% Please ha(e stu"ents &ho are not $n!she"
&!th the!r &r!t!ng.ta#e !t home )or home&or# an" return tomorro&%
1:5@"D:@@" Gobs
Please "!sm!ss stu"ents by table grou+s to start the!r -ob% The -ob
boar" !s hang!ng ne8t to the )ront "oor%
T*$N= )O9 SO /90*F I hope you had a great day in 'oom
1?. 7lease leave me a note about the day so I can ollow
up with any students. Thanks so muchFFF
Room 14 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 04/26/2010
Special Notes: The emergency bag !s locate" by the "oor an" conta!ns a
$rst a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 1% s!gn locate" by the "oor as &ell% 'n
case o) a $re "r!ll* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag* s!gn an" ta#e
stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the blac#to+% Please g!(e
each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec# to see &ho !s m!ss!ng
or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 14 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them
&on"er)ul* color)ul an" un!1ue% Gra"y /r!ght (Room 15* 4enn!)er 3erry
(Room 16 an" ?eah Tuenelle (Room 17 are the other 4
gra"e teachers% ')
you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call them% >se the cream
+hone by the "oor (215* 216* 217%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say2 ;$ll setM< and they respond with ;)ou
betF< I also will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap. Then I
have their attention and share with them what I need them to do. I
also give out gold or e!cellent behavior"students put gold in a
pouch in their desk. .ach child receives 1 warning2 i behavior is
not corrected they are to receive a behavior slip. The behavior
slips are located by the air conditioner. They are bright yellow. The
student 5lls that out and hands it to you. $lso near the behavior
slips are a list o conseBuences o what will happen i behavior
continues"so please look at that. 0onseBuences are typed out on
an orange poster. I dont orsee any problems but please e!pect
e!cellent behavior rom my class ,good listeners2 work
complete+neat2 and a positive attitude-. )ou can reward e!cellent
behavior with ree time in the class ,play games2 read a book2 draw
a pictureK- and gold.
1D:&@"1:15 :unch
Please +!c# u+ stu"ents on the blac#to+ at 1:15% They &!ll be l!ne"
u+ at our classroom +ole%
1:D@"D:@@" Science
=t 1:20 )our stu"ents )rom @r% /r!ght7s class &!ll be com!ng to -o!n
you )or 2c!ence% Please &a!t t!ll they arr!(e be)ore beg!nn!ng the
ass!gnment% @r% /r!ght7s stu"ents &!ll s!t at the em+ty "es#s% 1
stu"ent may nee" to s!t at my "es# as &ell% ' ha(e le)t the 0?@A
camera an" +ro-ector )or you% Please ha(e =yub come u+ an" hel+
you turn !t on (an" oE be)ore you go home an" get set u+% /hen
all stu"ents ha(e arr!(e"* share &!th stu"ents that to"ay they &!ll
be "!scuss!ng the layers o) the earth% <ou can then hol" u+ the
e8am+le o) the $n!she" ass!gnment so they can see &hat !t loo#s
l!#e% Tell them th!s &!ll be hung u+ "ur!ng A+en Kouse so they
must "o a neat -ob%
Please ha(e all stu"ents ta#e out a +enc!l an" ha(e the
"!str!butors g!(e e(eryone one large !n"e8 car"s &!th l!nes%
L=s# stu"ents to &r!te the!r name in the top right hand corner%
LOe8t* have students write the title ;:ayers o the .arth< at
the top o the inde! card.
#7ut the sample o the complete inde! card I let under the
.lmo camera and cover up the de5nitions with a piece o
paper. <ou can use the #nob on the to+ le)t han" s!"e o) the
camera to 5oom !n an" out% 9ncover each layer one at a time
as you read each layer to the students.
#Students will copy the de5nitions o the layers on their
inde! card (ust like they see it on the screen.
#3hen all students have 5nished copying the layers2 have
the distributors give each student a copy o the earth
picture. *ave students take out a blue2 red2 green2 yellow2
and orange 0'$)ON. They should have crayons in their
desk. Some may need to share with a neighbor.
L7ut the e!ample o the colored earth under the .:/O
0amera so students can see the colors o the layers.
7lease have students label the layers o the earth with a
pencil and then go back and color the layers in using the
correct color.
)ellow"Inner 0ore2 Orange"Outer 0ore2 'ed"/antle2 0rust2
Jreen":and2 8lue"Ocean
#3hen students are 5nished labeling and coloring the
layers o the earth they will then glue their picture to the
orange background and their inde! card will be glued on a
yellow background.
7lease collect $:: o students work and leave it on my
#.arly 5nishers will complete the worksheet I let or them.
They will read about the layers o the earth and answer the
Buestions on the back o the sheet.
#Students may read Buietly at their seat ,get a book rom
the classroom library- i there is e!tra time.
##/r. 3rights class will return to their classroom at D:55
,They will leave their work on my desk-
D:55"&:@5 0lean up+Gobs
Ka(e stu"ents clean u+ an" "o the!r classroom -obs% The -ob boar"
!s locate" by the "oor%
T*$N= )O9 SO /90*F I hope you had a great day in 'oom
1?. 7lease leave me a note about the day so I can ollow
up with any students. Thanks so muchFFF
1% /hat !s )oo"W /hy !s !t !m+ortantW
2%Do +lants nee" )oo"W /hy or &hy notW
;%/hat ha++ens to ha&#s &hen they "!eW
4%/hat !s the role o) +ro"ucers !n the ecosystemW
5%?oo# at the )oo" &eb )or a Hal!)orn!a r!(er on +age 126% G!(e
three e8am+les o) an!mals that com+ete )or a )oo" source%
6% /hat !s the role o) "ecom+osers !n an ecosystemW
Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 05/16/2011
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue !s locate" un"er my "es# an"
conta!ns a $rst a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 17 s!gn locate" by the "oor
as &ell% 'n the e(ent o) an emergency* +lease ta#e out the blue bag* s!gn
an" ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the blac#to+% Please
g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec# to see &ho !s
m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 17 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s
class are !n 4
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them
&on"er)ul* color)ul an" un!1ue% Gra"y /r!ght (Room 15!s another 4
teacher% ') you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call h!m% >se the
blac# +hone (e8t% 44215%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get
students attention I say2 ;$ll setM< and they respond with ;)ou
betF< I also will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap. Then I
have their attention and share with them what I need them to do. I
also give out gold or e!cellent behavior"students put gold in a
pouch in their desk. .ach child receives 1 warning2 i behavior is
not corrected they are to receive a behavior slip ,they are on my
desk. The student 5lls that out and takes it home to be signed.
$lso near the behavior slips are a list o conseBuences o what will
happen i behavior continues"so please look at that. 0onseBuences
are typed out on an orange poster. I dont orsee any problems but
please e!pect e!cellent behavior rom my class ,good listeners2
work complete+neat2 and a positive attitude-. )ou can reward
e!cellent behavior with ree time in the class ,play games2 read a
book2 draw a pictureK- and gold.
LLDon7t hes!tate to ha(e a stu"ent &or# at the bac# table by
themsel(es !) they are ha(!ng a "!:cult t!me &or#!ng at the!r table
grou+ because they are tal#!ng%
LL2ome stu"ents &or# at a slo&er +ace% 2o +lease -ust ha(e them turn
!n &hat they $n!she" an" ' &!ll &or# &!th them to com+lete the act!(!ty%

1D:@@"1D:?5 :unch
2tu"ents &!ll be eat!ng lunch outs!"e "ur!ng th!s t!me%
LLLLL') !t !s ra!n!ng.lunch &!ll be rom 1D:@@"1:@@. Students will
play inside the classroom rom 1D:@@"1D:D@. There is a bo!
o games under my desk2 they can also draw2 read2 build
with blocks or talk with riends. 7lease stay inside with
them and supervise. $t 1D:D@ please dismiss students to
get hot lunch. Other students will get their lunch bo! and
sit and eat. $ll students need to be seated while eating.
$ll trash should be thrown outside. $t 1D:?5 students can
clean up and have the last couple o minutes to continue
playing. There will be yard duty walking down the halls i
you should need something. :eave the door open.

1D:?5.(') not ra!n!ng Please +!c# u+ my stu"ents by our classroom
+ole &h!ch !s locate" near the blac#to+% They &!ll be com!ng !n
)rom eat!ng lunch% =s# them to come !n 1u!etly an" ha(e a seat%
1D:?5"1:&@ 'ead Skylark+$nswer Cuestions
Please share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll rea" the story 2#ylar#
)rom the!r blue 0ngl!sh boo#% Please "!sm!ss one table grou+ at a
t!me to go an" grab an 0ngl!sh boo# (they are locate" ne8t to the
s!n#* beh!n" the roun" table% Ka(e stu"ent turn to +age 68C%
Please as# )or (olunteers to rea" the story out lou" as the class
)ollo&s along !n the!r boo#% ' &!ll lea(e the Teacher7s 0"!t!on )or
you so you can )ollo& along as &ell% /hen $n!she" rea"!ng* ha(e
stu"ents com+lete the act!(!ty +ac#ets% The act!(!t!es +ac#ets go
along &!th the story 2#ylar#% Please ha(e stu"ents com+lete the
act!(!t!es 1u!etly at the!r o&n seat%
1:&@"D:15 7...
= )e& m!nutes be)ore 1:;0 +lease ha(e stu"ents sto+ &or#!ng an"
get l!ne" u+ )or P%0% Please &al# the stu"ents out to P%0% on the
blac#to+% ') !t !s ra!n!ng* P%0% class may be hel" !n the G?H% <ou
can ha(e one stu"ent &al# ahea" an" chec# to see &here @rs%
2cott &!ll be hol"!ng P%0% !) you "o not see her on the blac#to+%
Ance you "ro+ stu"ents oE &!th @rs% 2cott* you no& ha(e Pre+
T!me% ' &!ll lea(e some +a+ers to gra"e !) you ha(e t!me "ur!ng
th!s Pre+ Per!o"% <ou "o not nee" to be out at P%0% &!th them
because @rs% 2cott !s a cre"ent!ale" teacher% ') @rs% 2cott !s
absent an" "oes not ha(e a sub but her a!"e !s +resent than you
nee" to stay &!th the stu"ents "ur!ng P%0% as the !nstruct!onal a!"e
!s not cre"ent!ale"% Than# youI
D:15"D:?5 .nterprise 3eekly
=t 2:15 +lease go out an" +!c# u+ stu"ents )rom P%0% Please ha(e
stu"ents come bac# !n an" s!t "o&n% ') they are $n!she" &!th the
2#ylar# act!(!t!es they can turn them !nto the F9!n!she" /or#G
bas#et% 9or those stu"ents not $n!she" they can cont!nue &or#!ng
through the act!(!t!es% 9or those stu"ents &ho are $n!she"* +lease
g!(en them an 0nter+r!se /ee#ly math sheet% 2tu"ents &!ll
1u!etly com+lete th!s sheet the best they can on the!r o&n% ' &!ll
lea(e the ans&er #ey )or you% ') t!me +erm!ts* you can correct the
0nter+r!se /ee#ly sheet as a class% Hall on (olunteers to share
the!r ans&ers an" share ho& they sol(e" the +roblems%
=ga!n* $n!she" sheets can go !nto the F9!n!she" /or#G bas#et%
D:5@"&:@5 Gobs+7ack 9p
Pleas ha(e stu"ents com+lete the!r classroom -obs* &h!ch are
locate" on the gray $l!ng cab!net% Ance stu"ents are $n!she" &!th
the!r -obs share &!th them they are to clean u+ aroun" the!r "es#
s+ace% ') there !s st!ll t!me* ' &!ll lea(e a boo# to rea" )or the last
)e& m!nutes%
=t ;:05 +lease "!sm!ss stu"ents one table grou+ at a t!me to go
Than# you aga!n )or your t!meI Please lea(e me a note about the
"ay% Than# youI
LLLLPlease ma#e sure the "oors are loc#e" an" all ?unch an" 3all
Tubs are brought !ns!"e% Than# youIII
on the out$el".cont!nue th!s +attern unt!l all stu"ents ha(e a +lace
to go% P?0=20 30 TK0 P'THK0R% Roll ball un"erhan" an" stu"ent
&!ll #!c# !t an" run to $rst base% =ll stu"ents &!ll #!c# one t!me
be)ore teams s&!tch% =t 12:00* +lease sto+.ha(e stu"ents hel+
collect bases an" ball an" hea" bac# to get a "r!n#% Please return
bases an" ball to closet an" ma#e sure closet !s close" beh!n" you%
Then +lease hea" bac# to class%
###Other options or 7... i you do not want to do kick ball"
kids can have ree choiceKplay on upper grade play
structure2 and at green ball wall ,they must stay on the
upper grade side o the playground-. They can use our
classroom balls.
I it is too warmKkids can stay inside and play board
games that are in the red tub by our class library. I will
also leave the ;8anangrams< game as well. This is played
(ust like scrabble where the kids build words.
1D:@@"1D:D5" /$T* 8INJO
Please g!(e each stu"ent one game boar" an" g!(e each table
grou+ a +!le o) re" c!rcle mar#ers they can share to mar# the!r
game boar"% Please rea" the &h!te car"s out lou" t&!ce%
08am+le. F3 C P 2%G 2tu"ents &!ll then ha(e to loo# )or the
number 18 !n the F3G column on the!r boar"% ') they $n" 18 un"er
the 3 column they can +ut a mar#er% The stu"ent &ho $lls u+ a
ro& &!ll say 3!ngo% There may be t!me to +lay 2 roun"s% 2tu"ents
can s&!tch boar"s a)ter each roun"%

1D:?5"1:&@ 8ook 0lubs
=t 12:;0 +lease ha(e the :ine king and Cueen l!ne u+ at the
"oor% Oe8t ha(e stu"ents l!ne u+ one ro& at a t!me% /al#
stu"ents out to the re" +ath &ay.ha(e col" lunchers cont!nue to
&al#(they must &al# to lunch an" +lease &al# hot lunchers to the
ca)eter!a% Please stay &!th stu"ents unt!l your class has &al#e"
!ns!"e the ca)eter!a to get the!r lunch% Ance they are !ns!"e you
can lea(e%
####/iranda and 0atherine are on Student 0ouncil and
right ater lunch they have to go to each classroom and
collect water bottles so they will be late coming into the
class ater lunch.
Please share &!th the stu"ents that they &!ll th!n# about one th!ng
that they &!sh they ha" a chance to "o% =s# them to th!n# )or a
)e& m!nutes an" then as# them to share &!th a ne!ghbor% =s# )or
(olunteers to share &hat they &!sh they ha" a chance to "o (e8% '
&!sh ' ha" a chance to tra(el to Hh!na* ' &!sh ' ha" a chance to
learn ho& to +lay gol)* ' &!sh ' ha" a chance to meet the
+res!"entN Oe8t* ha(e the "!str!butors +ass out the F' &!sh ' ha"
a chance toG +a+ers to each stu"ent% 2hare &!th stu"ents they are
go!ng to &r!te about the!r &!sh on th!s sheet% There are l!nes on
the )ront an" bac# o) the +a+er% Please share &!th them that they
are to use com+lete sentences* !nterest!ng language an" &r!te as
much as they can% /hen they are $n!she" they are to !llustrate
an" color a +!cture !n the bo8 that goes along &!th the!r &r!t!ng%
###I will leave a Time or =ids magaLine or each student
and an activity to go with it that students can work on i
they are early 5nishers.
D:@@"D:15 Gobs
=ll stu"ents are to com+lete the!r classroom -obs an" +ac# u+ the!r
D:15"&:@5 0omputer :ab
$ little bit beore D:15 walk the students to the computer
lab. Students will take their backpacks with them.
Ka(e stu"ents lea(e the!r bac#+ac#s on the car+et outs!"e o) the
com+uter lab% ') the com+uter lab !s loc#e" sen" a stu"ent to the
o:ce to get the #ey to unloc# !t% 3e)ore stu"ents &al# !nto the lab
+lease share &!th them that they are to go "!rectly to the!r
com+uter* s!t "o&n* an" &or# on FTy+e to ?earn%G FTy+e to ?earnG
!s a #eyboar"!ng +rogram an" stu"ents &!ll &or# on th!s t!ll about
2:;5% $t around D:&5 have students close Type to :earn.
Ne!t2 share with them that they will continue working on
their Title page or the author report. /e alrea"y starte" th!s
last &ee#% 2tu"ents &ere as#e" to ty+e the!r author7s name* the!r
name an" the "ate% They are to also !ncor+orate +!ctures on the
t!tle +age (a +!cture o) the!r author* an" they can also !nclu"e a
+!cture o) one o) the!r author7s boo#s% /e go to google* ty+e !n
the author7s name* cl!c# !mages an" +!ctures shoul" sho& u+% The
#!"s #no& ho& to "rag a +!cture to the!r &or" "ocument%
LThey cl!c# on the !mage they &ant* "rag !t to the "es#to+ (blue
screen on the!r com+uter* then cl!c# on the +!cture they +ut on
the!r "es#to+ an" "rag !nto &or"%
They shoul" ha(e 1.2 +!ctures% 2tu"ents &!ll )ollo& the ste+s
belo& to o+en u+ the t!tle +age they ha(e been &or#!ng on%
,I they cant 5nd their title page2 then they can (ust start
again-. 7lease read outloudK
;3ith mouse click on<
"0onnect to server
"0lick on server number that ends in @?
"0lick connect
"0hoose 'm 1? globe
"0hoose 'm 1?
"0lick on the blue older that says ;$uthor 'eport<
"0lick on their name
"0ontinue working on their title page
##Share with early 5nishers that they can go to =id 7i! or
In order to save work students need to
click on ;4ile<2 then ;Save $s<
Then students need to make sure they have clicked on the
;'oom 1? globe<2 type their name in the save bo! i it is
not already their2 then they will click ;Save<
It might ask do you want to replaceM Students will click
Students can help each other saveF
$t D:5@ have students stop2 and close programs. >O NOT
S*9T >O3N 0O/79T.'S. They are only going to close
programs that are opened2 straighten their keyboards2
chairs and mouse. )ou may dismiss them when you are
ready. *ave them walk out to get backpacks and they can
go. 7lease S*9T O44 :IJ*TS $N> /$=. S9'. $:: >OO'S
$'. :O0=.> 8.4O'. )O9 :.$N. T*. :$8. The
emergency e!it door should be closed ,please
(ust pull on it to make sure it closed all the
way- and the two doors at the entrance o the
lab ,the doors with the windows- should be
shut and locked.
The open door to the server room should remain open. It
is the door right ne!t to the large printer2 and metal 5ling
Thank you so much or your help todayFFF 7lease leave
notes about the day.

Thank you or your timeF
Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 0;/2C/201;
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue !s locate" un"er my "es# an" conta!ns a $rst
a!"e #!t% There !s also a Room 17 s!gn locate" by the bac#"oor as &ell% 'n the e(ent o)
an emergency* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag* room , s!gn (these !tems are near
the bac#"oor/un"er the roun" table an" ta#e stu"ents out to the )ar grass area -ust
beyon" the blac#to+% Please g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag* (that !s a &ay to chec#
to see &ho !s m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag%
/elcome to Room 17 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s class are !n
gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them &on"er)ul an" un!1ue%
Da(!" 3la!r (Room 16* 4ac1u!e Al!(e!ra (Room 15 an" 2ara 3a#er (Room 15 are the
other 4
gra"e teachers% ') you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call them% >se
the blac# +hone (e8t% 44215 or 44216N%
Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get students
attention I will clap 5 times and students repeat this clap. I also count to 5ve
and hold up Buiet coyote signal ,kids can show you -. Then2 I have their
attention and share with them what I need them to do. I also give out table
points or e!cellent behavior"Table points are or the tables that are listening
and working together. $ /r. 7otato *ead part can be earned i the whole class
is ocusing+working ,/r. 7otato *ead is located under the calendar-. )ou can
reward e!cellent behavior with ree time in the class ,play games2 read a book2
draw a pictureK-. I students are having a hard time ocusing and being
respectul2 move them to the back table and i continues please call the o6ce
and they will escort student out o the room.
###I Gacob has more than D outbursts"needs to be calmed down more than D
times please tell him to go directly to /rs. GacBues class. *e is on a behavior
plan and has to report to her room i he has more than D times he has to be
asked to Buiet down and control himsel. She will speak with him and then
send him back once she eels he has calmed down.

1D:@@"1D:D@ 'ead Cuietly
Please share &!th stu"ents that at th!s t!me they are to rea" a boo# o) the!r cho!ce
1u!etly at the!r seat%
###$t 1D:1I 7lease dismiss .co".agles to go help with their recycling (ob.
7lease dismiss 8all 0abinet helpers at this time as well.
1D:D@"1:@5 :unch
Please "!sm!ss table grou+s to l!ne u+ at the "oor% The 7icnic 0rew &!ll ta#e out the
lunch tubs% The #!"s &!ll eat $rst an" +lay secon"% Ka(e stu"ents l!ne u+ !n a *ot :ine
an" 0old :unch :ine. Please &al# Kot ?unchers to the ca)eter!a% 0n-oy your lunchI
1:@5 7ick up students rom lunch
P!c# u+ stu"ents at our classroom +ole on the blac#to+% Please +!c# them u+* ha(e them
&al# !ns!"e 1u!etly to the classroom* an" ha(e them br!ng !n the lunch tubs%
1:1@"D:1@ ;8uild )our >ream 7ark<
Please share &!th stu"ents that to"ay they &!ll "es!gn the!r "ream +ar#% /e ha(e been
stu"y!ng/learn!ng about "!Eerent sha+es/l!nes !n our Geometry >n!t% Please tell stu"ents
they &!ll use &hat they learne" an" !ncor+orate those sha+es/l!nes !nto the!r +ar#
someho&% Please ha(e (olunteers +ass out the F3u!l" <our Dream Par#G re1u!rements
sheet% 2hare &!th stu"ents that the!r +ar# must meet all o) the re1u!rements on the
g!(en sheet% Please as# stu"ents to +ull out the!r Arange Geometry Jocabulary boo#s !n
the!r "es#% 2hare &!th them that they can use th!s boo# to hel+ them remember &hat
the "!Eerent geometry terms are% Please ha(e (olunteers +ass out the +la!n &h!te co+y
+a+er% 2hare &!th stu"ents that they can use th!s +a+er as a rough "ra)t sheet as they
s#etch out the!r !"eas% 3ra!nstorm &!th stu"ents some th!ngs you m!ght $n" !n a +ar#
(e8% 2&!ngs* sl!"e* small +on"* +ath to r!"e b!#es* trees* s#ate ram+sN% G!(e stu"ents
t!me to s#etch out the!r !"eas on the +la!n &h!te +a+er% /hen stu"ents are $n!she"
s#etch!ng out the!r rough "ra)t !"eas +lease han" them the &h!te construct!on +a+er%
2hare &!th stu"ents the!r $nal "es!gn &!ll be com+lete" on the &h!te construct!on +a+er%
Please as# them to use color on the!r $nal "es!gn.they can use crayons* colore" +enc!ls*
or mar#ers on the $nal "ra)t% Please as# them to come u+ &!th a name )or the!r +ar# an"
+ut that name at the to+ o) the!r +a+er%
D:1@"D:&@ Time 4or =ids
Ance stu"ents ha(e $n!she" u+ the!r +ar# "es!gn* +lease ha(e (olunteers g!(e each
stu"ent a T!me )or B!"s maga5!ne% =s# stu"ents to rea" through the maga5!ne an" )ocus
on the art!cle that "!scusses technology use% Please g!(e each stu"ent a co+y o) the
FB!"s an" TechnologyG +a+er an" ha(e them ans&er the 1uest!ons%
D:&5 7lease give Gacob his pink 3eekly 7rogress 'eport and have him pack up
his things and head to speech class.
D:&5"D:?5 0lean 9p+3eekly 7rogress 'eports
7lease have students clean up. 'eturn supplies2 pick up trash on the ground2
chairs up. 7lease pass out the pink 3eekly 7rogress 'eports to each child.
Students need to take this home. 7lease dismiss students one table group at
a time to line up at the door. *ave students line up backpacks outside and
have them walk out to the playground. 7lease give them time to play on the
playground. 7lease stay outside with them and monitor students while they
are on the playground. They can play on playground2 blacktop and grass area.
7lease monitor students. Other ?
grade classes will probably be outside as
well. $round &:@@ please blow your whistle2 line up students at the pole and
walk them to get their backpacks. 7lease dismiss students to go home.
&:@5 >ismissal
7lease shut curtains2 unplug .:/O+7ro(ector2 pull all tubs inside and make sure
doors are locked and shut closed. Thank you or subbing or me today2 I really
appreciate it. 7lease leave me a note about the day so I can check in with
students. Thanks againFFF
Room 17 Guest Teacher Plans
Date: 0C/10/2014
Special Notes: The emergency bag (blue an" classroom number +ole are locate" near
the )ront "oor% The emergency bag conta!ns a $rst a!"e #!t% 'n the e(ent o) an
emergency* +lease ta#e out the emergency bag* room , s!gn an" ta#e stu"ents out to
the )ar grass area -ust beyon" the blac#to+% Please g!(e each stu"ent* the!r health tag*
(that !s a &ay to chec# to see &ho !s m!ss!ng or chec# class roster !n bag% ') any
stu"ents are m!ss!ng.cl!+ the re" s!gn to the room 17 s!gn% ') you hear the alarm )or a
"r!ll.+lease &al# stu"ents out to the grass (-ust beyon" metal bac#sto+ near +!cn!c
tables% They &!ll &al# out an" l!ne u+ s!lently%
/elcome to Room 2 at 0!senho&er 0lementary% The &on"er)ul #!"s !n th!s class are !n

gra"e% They each ha(e the!r o&n 1ual!t!es that ma#e them &on"er)ul an" un!1ue%
Debb!e Galletta (Room 7* Baren ?an"on (Room 6 an" Paul!ne /oo (Room 11 are the
other 1
gra"e teachers% ') you nee" someth!ng* +lease "on7t hes!tate to call 82207*
82206* 82211% 9or o:ce +hone* "!al 10;%

Our classroom management system is based upon signals. To get students
attention I will say ;/acaroni and 0heese< and students respond with
;.verybody 4reeLe.< )ou can also clap 5 times and students repeat this clap.
I also hang up socks under the table group number or the table that knocked
my socks oE with listening and working hard.

11:&5"11:5@ /ath Jame" 'oll It2 /ake It2 .!pand It
2tu"ents shoul" not roll "!ce on "es#s but can roll "!ce !n )ront o) them on car+et% They
are to not thro& "!ce but !t shoul" stay r!ght !n )ront o) them% =nyone &ho "oes not use
"!ce correctly can go bac# to "es# an" rea" 1u!etly at the!r "es#s or ' ha(e a""!t!on
Mashcar"s ' &!ll lea(e on my "es#.they can use those !) they are not us!ng "!ce correctly
an" thro&!ng them%
2tu"ents &!ll +lay the game.Roll it, Make it, &'pand !t. ' &!ll e8+la!n "!rect!ons to the
#!"s be)ore ' lea(e% 0ach +a!r o) stu"ents get a +a!r o) "!ce% Player 1 &!ll roll t&o "!ce%
They &!ll &r!te the number* "ra& number.us!ng ones an" tens bloc#s* &r!te ho& many
ones an" tens* an" sho& number !n e8+an"e" notat!on% 0ach stu"ent has an e8am+le on
the!r game boar" !) they )orget &hat to "o% =)ter +layer one has rolle" "!ce then +layer 2
can roll "!ce an" beg!n $ll!ng !n sheet% Players &!ll ta#e turns roll!ng "!ce an" $ll!ng
!n)ormat!on !n on ans&er sheet% Pleas collect all ans&er sheets* "!ce* an" +lease lea(e
!tems on my "es#% Than#sI

11:55"1D:?@ :unch
Please "!sm!ss stu"ents one grou+ at a t!me to 1u!etly l!ne u+ )or lunch% They &!ll ma#e
a hot lunch l!ne an" col" lunch l!ne% The col" lunch l!ne &!ll be the l!ne closet to the &all
an" hot lunch !s the l!ne closet to "ra&ers near "oor% Please ha(e hot lunchers l!ne u+ on
yello& l!ne outs!"e an" &a!t )or you% Please choose t&o col" lunch (olunteers to ta#e out
the lunch tubes an" lea(e them by our classroom +ole% Please "!sm!ss the col" lunchers
an" share &!th them that they are to /=?B !n a l!ne to the lunch tables% Please &al# hot
lunchers to the ca)eter!a% Please &al# them an" &a!t t!ll they get !ns!"e the ca)eter!a
then you can go% Than# youIII
1D:?@"7lease pick up students rom our classroom pole% They shoul" be stan"!ng
on the re"/blue l!nes* )ac!ng )or&ar" an" rea"y to come !n% Please +!c# t&o stu"ents !n
the re" l!ne to hel+ carry the lunch tub an" t&o stu"ents )rom the blue l!ne to hel+ carry
the other lunch tub% Please ha(e stu"ents 1u!etly &al# to our classroom% 3e)ore com!ng
!ns!"e* +lease share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll be rea"!ng s!lently% 2hare &!th them that
they may rea" at the!r "es# or on the car+et but !t !s s!lent rea"!ng not bu""y rea"!ng% ')
ha(!ng a har" t!me* that +art!cular stu"ent can go bac# to the!r "es# to rea" or to the
bac# table% Please be sure that they are 1u!et &hen they &al# !ns!"e% ') they are ha(!ng
trouble com!ng !n 1u!etly* please have them practice again. $gainF
1D:?5"1:@@ Silent 'eading
Please &al# aroun" the room an" chec# on stu"ents as they are rea"!ng s!lently%
2tu"ents shoul" ha(e the!r l!brary boo#s that they ha(e #e+t !n the!r "es#s% They can
+ull out those boo#s an" rea"% ' &!ll also lea(e some boo# bo8es on bac# table they can
choose )rom to rea" as &ell% They are not to read books rom our classroom library
,has caution tape- or rom the wooden shel that is located near the
whiteboard ,with all the pictures books on display-.
1:@5"1:?@ Social Studies
=roun" 1:05 +lease ha(e stu"ents care)ully an" 1u!etly +ut a&ay the!r l!brary boo#s !n
the!r "es#s% Please ha(e them stan" u+* +ush cha!rs !n an" stan" by the!r cha!r% ?ea"
them !n the -um+ game% 0(ery t!me you say F4um+G stu"ents &!ll -um+ !n +lace% ') you
say F-um+* -um+G stu"ents &!ll -um+ t&!ce% ') you say F-um+G really slo&* stu"ents &!ll
-um+ u+ slo&ly% Please "o th!s )or a m!nute or t&o so stu"ents can get out the!r &!ggles%
Oe8t* ha(e stu"ents s!t "o&n 1u!etly at the!r seats% 2hare &!th them that you &!ll no& be
com+let!ng the ne8t 2oc!al 2tu"!es lesson% Please +ass out the soc!al stu"!es lesson to
each stu"ent or +lease as# Bate an" 0esha to hel+ +ass out +a+ers% Please turn on
0?@A camera an" +ro-ector% Ance you turn on the +ro-ector you &!ll see a menu* +lease
+ress the m!""le button on +ro-ector an" you shoul" see e(eryth!ng turn on% ' &!ll try an"
lea(e buttons labele"%

Please +ut the 2oc!al 2tu"!es lesson un"er the 0?@A camera so stu"ents can $ll the
blan#s an" )ollo& along &!th you% Please ha(e stu"ents $rst &r!te the!r name% Oe8t*
+lease rea" o(er the (ocabulary &or"* t!tle an" 1uest!on (/hat s+ort "o you l!#eW% G!(e
stu"ents a )e& secon"s to share the!r )a(or!te s+ort &!th the!r table grou+% Oe8t* ha(e
stu"ents turn to +age 6% Please mo"el turn!ng the +age un"er the 0?@A% Please rea"
the t!tle F=re you a goo" s+ortWG out lou" as stu"ents )ollo& along% Please rea"
+aragra+h out lou"% Please bra!nstorm &!th stu"ents ho& &e can sho& res+ect to
others. Bee+ han"s to oursel(es* l!sten to them &hen they are tal#!ng* s+ea# #!n" &or"s
about someone* hel+ &hen hurt*N% =)ter bra!nstorm!ng &!th stu"ents out lou"* +lease
share &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& "ra& an e8am+le o) ho& they can sho& res+ect to
others% G!(e stu"ents some t!me to neatly "ra& a +!cture o) ho& they can sho& res+ect
to others%
Ance you see stu"ents are rea"y to mo(e on* +lease ha(e stu"ents loo# at +age 7%
Please rea" the t!tle an" +aragra+hs out lou" on +age 7% Please ans&er the 1uest!on
together as a class an" ha(e them un"erl!ne ans&er on the +a+er% 9!nally* +lease ha(e
stu"ents turn to +age 8* rea" the t!tle an" +aragra+hs out lou" as stu"ents )ollo& along%
9or the Try 't 1uest!on +lease ha(e stu"ents share the!r ans&er out lou"(you can call on
stu"ent to share% Please "o not ha(e them &r!te "o&n ste+s%
Please ha(e stu"ents +ut soc!al stu"!es +a+ers !n the m!""le o) the!r table grou+s%
Please collect them an" +ut them on my "es#% Please ha(e stu"ents stan" u+ an"
stretch or "o the -um+ game%
1:?5"D:@5 I 0an 'ead It $nd /atch It Jame
2hare &!th stu"ents that they &!ll no& +lay a sentence match!ng game &!th a +artner%
Please sho& stu"ents the act!(!ty un"er the 0?@A camera% 2tu"ents &!ll &or# &!th a
+artner to rea" the sentences* cut !t out* an" +aste the correct sentence ne8t to !ts
+!cture% ' &!ll lea(e some e8tra glue on my "es# -ust !n case stu"ents may nee" some%
Please ha(e stu"ents $n" a +artner at the!r table grou+% The grou+ o) three boys.0""!e*
Bart!#* an" Bota can all &or# together on th!s act!(!ty% 0(eryone else shoul" $n" a
+artner that !s at the!r table grou+% Please +ass out +a+ers an" sc!ssors.one +a+er )or
each +a!r o) stu"ents% 3oth +artners can +ut the!r names one +a+er%
/hen $n!she"* +lease ha(e stu"ents clean u+% Please collect +a+ers an" lea(e them on
my "es#% Than# youI <ou can as# Bate an" 0esha to hel+ collect +a+ers%
D:1@"D:D@ 0lean 9p
7lease have students clean up"have them pick up all trash2 supplies oE o the
ground2 and leave backpack by their desk.
D:D@"D:&5 'ead story at 0arpet+Jo Outside and play
=t th!s t!me you can "ec!"e !) you &oul" l!#e to stay !ns!"e an" ha(e stu"ents come s!t on
colore" car+et% ' &!ll lea(e boo# to rea" to them )or last )e& m!nutes o) school% Ar* !) you
)eel l!#e they ha(e been goo" l!steners "ur!ng the "ay* you can !nstea" ha(e them +lay
outs!"e on the +lay structure* an" tether ball )or last )e& m!nutes o) school% Please br!ng
them !ns!"e a )e& m!nutes be)ore 2:;5 so stu"ents can gather all o) the!r th!ngs%
2tu"ents &ho are +!c#e" u+ &!ll ma#e one l!ne an" stu"ents &ho &al# to the <@H= on
cam+us a)ter school &!ll ma#e a secon" l!ne% Please "!sm!ss the l!nes one at t!me% Ka(e
<@H= stu"ents &a!t t!ll other stu"ents are "!sm!sse"%
Thank you or your helpF 7lease leave me a note about how the day went.
7lease pull the curtains shut2 unplug the elmo camera+pro(ector2 pull in lunch
and eBuipment tubs. Thank youF

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