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Creating and Linking a

Digital SimCode Model

Version (v1.1) Apr 21, 2008 1
Digital SimCode is a proprietary
language devices created with it are
not compatible with other simulators,
nor are digital components created for
other simulators compatible with
Altium Designer's Mixed-Signal Circuit
Often, youll find it easier to copy an
existing component and then modify it as
required, rather than create the
component and related graphics from
Due to the complexity of digital devices it is generally not practical to simulate them using
standard, non-event-driven SPICE instructions. For this reason Altium Designer's Mixed-
Signal Circuit Simulator includes a special descriptive language that allows digital devices
to be simulated using an extended version of the event-driven XSPICE. This language
used to model digital devices is called Digital SimCode.
SimCode is a C like description language. You use it to define the characteristics and
behavior of the device you are modeling. It includes
functions to define parameters such as propagation
delays, load characteristics, strengths, and so on. The
device behavior is defined using truth tables, math
functions and conditional control statements, such as
IF..THEN statements.
To illustrate by example the important steps that need to be taken to both create a model
using this language and then to effectively link that model to a source schematic component, we shall create a new simulation-
ready 74LS74 dual positive-edge triggered D flip-flop.
Creating the Schematic Component
The first step (typically) when creating a new simulation-ready digital device is to create a schematic library component for that
device and define the symbol graphics. This is done using Altium Designers Schematic Library Editor (Figure 1). For our
example, the 74LS74 device has been drawn as a 2-part component. VCC (pin 14) and GND (pin 7) are defined as hidden pins.

Figure 1. Defining the component in the Schematic Library Editor.
For details on creating components in Altium Designer, refer to the Creating Library Components tutorial.
This application note
guides you, by example,
through the process of
creating your own
Digital SimCode model,
and then linking that
model to a schematic
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A Word about Digital Power and Ground
Digital devices include hidden power and ground power pins in each schematic symbol (VCC and GND for the TTL devices, and
VDD and GND for the CMOS series devices). These hidden power pins are automatically connected during netlisting and
assigned the voltages specified in the Digital Supply VCC and Digital Supply VDD fields, on the Advanced Options page of
the Analyses Setup dialog (Figure 2). To change the default power supply values, enter new values in these fields. The defaults
are VCC = 5V, VDD = 15V.
The Simulator uses these net names by default, so for a digital-only design it is not necessary to include sources to power these
components. If the design includes any analog components that connect to the VCC (or VDD) power rail (perhaps a pullup), you
must include an appropriate VCC or VDD source.
To power any digital components in your circuit from nets other than VCC (or VDD), you must include source components to
create the appropriate voltages, un-hide the power pins for each component and wire the power pins to the appropriate power
When a simulation is run, all data that is collected for all available signals is referenced to a specific net in the circuit. This net is
defined in the Spice Reference Net Name field, also on the Advanced Options page of the Analyses Setup dialog (Figure 2)
and, by default, is the GND net. To run a transient simulation which references a net other than GND, enter the net name in this

Figure 2. Specification of digital power sources as part of advanced analysis setup.
Creating the Digital SimCode Model
After creating the schematic component, the SimCode model for the device must be created. Later, the model will be linked to
the component.
Writing the Source Code for the Model
The source code for the required Digital SimCode model can be written using any ASCII text editor. Although the file can be
given any name and extension, it is typically named the same as the device and given the .txt extension. For our example, the
file will be named 74LS74.txt.
Multiple device models can be defined in the same source file.
For detailed information on language syntax, functions and operators, refer to the Digital SimCode Reference.
SimCode for the 74LS74
Following is the complete source code written to define the SimCode model used to describe the 74LS74 device. Copy and
paste this code into an ASCII text editor and save the file as 74LS74.txt.
For the purpose of understanding, the code is divided into sections, with an explanation of what is happening in each section
provided after the code.
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//Section 1
# ls74 source
//1/2- 74LS74 D flip-flop Digital SimCode Model
//typical prop delay values from TI 1981 2nd edition data book
//Section 2
INTEGERS tblIndex;
REALS tplh_val, tphl_val, ts_val, th_val, trec_val, tt_val, temp_tp,
clk_twl, clk_twh, pre_clr_twl, ril_val, rih_val, ricc_val;
PWR_GND_PINS(VCC,GND); //set pwr_param and gnd_param values
SUPPLY_MIN_MAX(4.75,5.25); //test for min supply=4.75 and max supply=5.25
VOL_VOH_MIN(0.2,-0.4,0.1); //vol_param=gnd_param+0.2,voh_param=pwr_param-0.4
VIL_VIH_VALUE(1.25,1.35); //set input threshold values: vil and vih
//Section 3
IF (init_sim) THEN
BEGIN //select prop delay, setup, hold, and width times
//NOTE: both ttlh and tthl are the same value
tt_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(tt_param: NULL, 5n, NULL));
temp_tp= (PWL_TABLE(sim_temp: -75, -5n, 125, 5n)); //tp temperature affect
tplh_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(tp_param: NULL, 14n, 25n) + temp_tp);
tphl_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(tp_param: NULL, 20n, 40n) + temp_tp);
ts_val= (20n);
th_val= (5n);
trec_val= (5n);
clk_twl= (25n); //not specified - derived from fmax
clk_twh= (25n);
pre_clr_twl= (20n);
//LS stdout drive IOL max=8mA @ VOL typ=0.35V:rol_param=0.35V/8mA=43.75
//LS stdout drive IOL max=8mA @ VOL max=0.5V: rol_param=0.5V/8mA=62.5
rol_param= (MIN_TYP_MAX(drv_param: 62.5, 43.75, NULL));
//LS stdout drive IOS min=20mA @ VCC max=5.25V: roh_param=5.25V/20mA=262.5
//LS stdout drive IOS max=100mA @ VCC max=5.25V:roh_param=5.25V/100mA=52.5
roh_param= (MIN_TYP_MAX(drv_param: 262.5, NULL, 52.5));
//LS input load IIH max=20uA @ Vin=2.7V: ril= (2.7-vol_param)/20uA=125k
ril_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(ld_param: NULL, NULL, 125k));
//LS input load IIL max=-0.4mA @ Vin=0.4V:rih= (voh_param-0.4)/0.4mA=10.5k
rih_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(ld_param: NULL, NULL, 10.5k));
//Icc @ 5V: 2500= 4mA/2 typical, 1250= 8mA/2 max
ricc_val= (MIN_TYP_MAX(i_param: NULL, 2500, 1250));
STATE Q = ONE; // initialize output states
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//Section 4
DRIVE Q QN = (v0=vol_param,v1=voh_param,ttlh=tt_val,tthl=tt_val);
//Section 5
EXT_TABLE tblIndex
0 1 X X H L
1 0 X X L H
0 0 X X H H
1 1 ^ X DATA ~DATA
1 1 X X Q ~Q;
LOAD VCC_LD = (v0=gnd_param,r0=ricc_val,t=1p);
//Section 6
IF (warn_param) THEN
SETUP_HOLD(CLK=LH DATA Ts=ts_val Th=th_val "CLK->DATA");
RECOVER(CLK=LH PRE CLR Trec=trec_val "CLK->PRE or CLR");
WIDTH(CLK Twl=clk_twl Twh=clk_twh "CLK");
WIDTH(PRE CLR Twl= pre_clr_twl "PRE or CLR");
//Section 7
CASE (TRAN_LH) : tplh_val
CASE (TRAN_HL) : tphl_val
Section 1 SimCode Function Identification
#ls74 source identifies the beginning of the SimCode source function for the 74LS74.
Section 2 Data Declarations
This section consists of pin and variable declarations.
The INPUTS statement declares the names of the input pins. VCC and GND pins are included in this statement. The order
specified here must be used when defining the pin mapping information (or node list) as part of the Netlist Template for the
linked model.
The OUTPUTS statement declares the names of the output pins. Notice that the input pins are listed here as well, but with the
suffix _LD. Input pins must also be declared as outputs so that the device can provide a load back on the driving circuitry. VCC
pins are also included in this statement, but not GND pins. Again the order specified here must be used when defining the node
list as part of the Netlist Template for the linked model.
The PWR_GND_PINS statement declares which pins will be used for device power and ground, and samples their voltage levels
for later use in the SimCode.
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Section 3 SimCode Function Initialization
The IF (init_sim) THEN section is executed only once, at the beginning of the simulation. In this section we set the device
characteristics that are not subject to change due to outside influences, such as data book specifications. The outputs states
should also be initialized here to their most likely state. The EXIT command should be placed at the end of this section (prior
to the END statement for the section).
Section 4 LOAD and DRIVE Statements
These statements are used to declare the load and drive capabilities of the device pins.
Section 5 Device Functionality
This section can vary dramatically from part to part. In this example an EXT_TABLE command has been used. Other device
models use a variety of IF...THEN, STATE_BIT, NUMBER and other statements to define the logical function of the device.
Section 6 Tests for Device Setup Violations
These tests warn of device setup violations which, in the real world, may cause a device not to function properly. In the
simulation, the device will generally still function, but warnings, if enabled, will be displayed.
Section 7 Output Delays/Post Events
The DELAY statements occur at the end of the SimCode function. These statements actually post the events to the Simulator to
let it know that something has changed, and when these events are scheduled to occur, relative to the rest of the simulation.
Timing (propagation delay) is assigned to each output based on the data book specifications, input stimulus and the functionality
of the device.
Linking the SimCode Model to the Schematic Component
The schematic library component exists and the source code for the SimCode model has been written and saved to file. Now it
is time to link the model to the component.
Creating an Intermediate Model File (*.mdl)
For a digital model, the schematic component is linked to the SimCode model by using an intermediate model file (*.mdl). The
model file can be created in any ASCII text editor. Typically you would name the file the same as the SimCode model that it
targets. Ensure that it is saved with the .mdl extension.
The model file includes a single .MODEL line and as many comment lines (starting with a * symbol) as required. The syntax of
the .MODEL line is:
.MODEL ModelName xsimcode(file="{MODEL_PATH}SimCodeModelFile" func=SimCodeFunctionName
[data="DataFile"] {mntymx})

- declares the model statement.
- the model name. The name used for the model file itself will typically be the same.
- this entry specifies that the model type is a Digital SimCode model.
- points to the SimCode model file. Initially the SimCodeModelFile entry will be that of the ASCII text file
containing the uncompiled SimCode source for the device (*.txt). Once the model has been compiled, this
entry can be changed to point to the compiled SimCode model file (*.scb).

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{MODEL_PATH} can be used as a shortcut to the directory specified in the Model Path field of the
Simulation Preferences dialog. Access this dialog by clicking on the Preferences button in the Analyses
Setup dialog. The directory specified is relative to the \Library directory. By default, the entry is set to
Sim\, which means that {MODEL_PATH} will be substituted by RootDrive: \Library\Sim\ in the generated
Either use {MODEL_PATH} and set Model Path to point to the location of the SimCode model file, or
enter the full path information to the required location.
- specifies the device's Digital SimCode function. SimCodeFunctionName is taken from the # xxxx source
line of the SimCode.
- this optional entry points to a data file (*.dat) represented by the DataFile entry containing ASCII data
for the SimCode READ_DATA function.
- passes the device's digital model parameters into SimCode. These are parameters for the device that can
be specified on the Parameters tab of the Sim Model dialog. This dialog can be accessed by double-
clicking on the entry for the simulation model link in the Models region of the component's associated
Component Properties dialog (see Linking to the SimCode Model). Any values specified on this tab for
a device will be passed into and override those values declared in the SimCode model for that device.
For our 74LS74 example, the model file could contain the following definition:
*74LS74 Dual D-Type Positive-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
*Type:Digital PKG:D014 [DVCC=14;DGND=7;](A:4 2 3 1 6 5)(B:10 12 11 13 8 9)
.MODEL 74LS74 xsimcode(file="{MODEL_PATH}74LS74.txt" func=ls74 {mntymx})
and be saved as 74LS74.mdl. Notice that the func= entry of ls74 is taken from the # ls74 source declaration in the
SimCode (see SimCode for the 74LS74).
Linking to the SimCode Model
Having created the .mdl file, it is now time to create a link to the
SimCode model using this file from the schematic library
component. The first step in this process is to add a simulation model
link to the component, carried out in the Schematic Library Editor in
one of the following ways:
In the Models region of the Editor's main design window, click on
the drop-down arrow associated with the lower-left button and
choose Simulation from the list of available model types.

Figure 4. Adding models from the SCH Library
Figure 3. Adding models from the main editing window.
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In the Models region of the SCH Library panel, click on the
associated Add button and choose Simulation as the model type in
the Add New Model dialog that appears.
Use the Model Manager dialog (Tools Model Manager). Simply
select the entry for the component, click on the drop-down arrow
associated with the Add button, and choose Simulation from the
list of available model types.
Whichever method you use to add a simulation model link to the
component, you will be taken to the Sim Model dialog (Figure 6)
command central for configuring the link to the required simulation

Figure 6. Configuring the link to the SimCode model in the Sim Model dialog.
On the Model Kind tab of the dialog, ensure that the following are set/entered:
Model Kind is set to General
Model Sub-Kind is set to Generic Editor. This is required so that you can enter and edit the netlist template applicable
to the digital device represented by the SimCode model
Spice Prefix is set to A (the prefix used for SimCode models)
In the Model Name field, enter the name of the simulation model as specified in the intermediate .mdl file. Typically, this
entry will be the same as the name of the .mdl file.
An entry into the Description field is optional. You might enter SimCode here to distinguish that this link is to a SimCode
Considering our 74LS74 example, the entries in the dialog would appear as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 5. Adding models using the Model Manager.
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Figure 7. Initial model settings for the 74LS74 example.
The Model Location region of the dialog will remain grayed-out at this time. Although we have the 74LS74.mdl file created,
the file cannot be found (and the link established) until the netlist template for the model is entered. How this entry is built is
detailed in the following section.
Specifying the Netlist Template
The netlist template allows access to the information that is entered into the XSpice netlist for a given component. As part of the
process to link the SimCode model to the schematic component, the template specific to that digital device being modeled must
be defined. Definition is carried out on the Netlist Template tab, at the bottom of the Sim Model dialog.
The Netlist Template for a digital device takes the form:
@DESIGNATOR [input node list][output node list] @MODEL
@DESIGNATOR will be replaced in the generated netlist by the designator of the component instance, with the Spice Prefix
defined in the Sim Model dialog (e.g. AU1A)
@MODEL will be replaced in the generated netlist by the name of the intermediate model file specified in the Model Name field of
the Sim Model dialog (e.g. 74LS74).
The [input node list] and [output node list] entries provide the pin mapping information. The nodes must be listed
in the same order as the pins in the INPUTS and OUTPUTS statements in the SimCode. Referring back to the SimCode source
for our 74LS74 example device, the inputs and outputs are specified as follows:
In order to effectively map the pins of the schematic component to these inputs and outputs
declared in the SimCode file, we must first create an order or pin list for the component's pins.
We need only consider the pin names and the method of ordering is not fixed. Typically, VCC and
GND pins would be listed first, followed by all other pins starting at 12 O'clock and moving anti-
Considering the schematic symbol for our 74LS74 example component, the pin list would be:
Now we have a pin ordering for the component, we can go ahead and map the pins to obtain the
input and output node lists for the netlist template. The easiest way to do this is to draw up a table.
Figure 8. Use the component
symbol to define the pin list.
AP0139 Creating and Linking a Digital SimCode Model

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When the search is across all valid model
locations, the order of the search is Project
Models Installed Models Project Search
Paths. The search ceases as soon as a match
is found i.e. the Model Name entry in the
.MODEL line of a .mdl file matches the Model
Name entry in the Sim Model dialog for that
component. Typically the .mdl file is named
the same as the model itself, e.g. the .MODEL
line contains 74LS74 and the .mdl file has
been saved with the name 74LS74.mdl.
This is not a constraint however. For example,
the .MODEL line could contain the model name
74LS74 and then the .mdl file saved with the
name DFlipFlop.mdl. This file would be
yielded as a match, provided that the Model
Name entry in the Sim Model dialog is 74LS74.
List the pins in the order they are required by the SimCode model, then write the position of each pin in the ordered pin list for
the component. The tables below illustrate this for our 74LS74 device.
i. SimCode
Input Pin
ii. Position of pin
in pin list
iv. SimCode
Output Pin
v. Position of pin
in pin list
vi. VCC vii. 1 ix. VCC_LD x. 1
xi. GND xii. 2 xiv. PRE_LD xv. 3
xvi. PRE xvii. 3 xix. DATA_LD xx. 4
xxi. DATA xxii. 4 xxiv. CLK_LD xxv. 5
xxvi. CLK xxvii. 5 xxix. CLR_LD xxx. 6
xxxi. CLR xxxii. 6 xxxiv. QN xxxv. 7
xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxix. Q xl. 8
From these tables the node lists can be written. A "%" prefix for each pin tells the Netlister to replace the entry with the name of
the net to which the schematic pin (mapped to the model pin) connects.
For our 74LS74, the required netlist template entries become:
[input node list] = [%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6]
[output node list] = [%1 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8]
and the overall entry for the Netlist Template becomes:
@DESIGNATOR [%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6][%1 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8] @MODEL
For more information on the Netlist Template, refer to the section The Netlist Template Explained, in the Simulation
Models and Analyses Reference.
Once the entry for the Netlist Template is entered into the Sim Model dialog, the Model Location region of the dialog will become
available. Use this region to control where the model is searched for:
Any searches all valid model locations for a matching model.
In File only searches for a matching model in the specified .mdl file, along all
valid model locations.
Full Path only searches for a matching model in the specified .mdl file along
the specified path.
In Integrated Library draws the model directly from the integrated library used
to place the component instance. The integrated library must be available in a
valid location.
Valid model locations consist of:
Project Models .mdl files added to the project
Installed Models .mdl files added to the Installed Libraries list
Project Search Paths .mdl files made available to a project by defining one or
more search paths in the Options for Project dialog.
For more information about linked models, including referencing and searching, refer to the Component, Model and Library
Concepts article.
Once successfully linked, an entry for where the corresponding .mdl file has been found will be displayed. Figure 9 shows the
Model Kind tab of the Sim Model dialog with the defined Netlist Template and Model Location information for our 74LS74
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Figure 9. Defined netlist template and model location setting for the 74LS74 example.
Mapping the Ports
Once the simulation model file has been linked to the schematic component, you need to ensure that the pins of the schematic
component are correctly mapped to the pins of the model. This is carried out on the Port Map tab of the Sim Model dialog.

Figure 10. Ensuring correct component pin-to-model port mapping.
For each schematic pin, simply refer back to your ordered pin list or the tables you created and use the available drop-down
to change the associated Model Pin entry accordingly. Make sure you check the mapping for each part in a multi-part device.
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Should you wish to be able to define parameters for the model at the component-level, you will need to add these parameters
on the Parameters tab of the Sim Model dialog.
Simply click the Add button to create a new parameter entry, then name the parameter accordingly. Repeat this process for as
many parameters as required.

Figure 11. Adding model parameters.
Parameters for TTL and CMOS Logic Devices
For TTL and CMOS logic components, the following parameters can be added:
Propagation - device propagation delay. Set to MIN or MAX to use min or max data book values (Default = typical value).
Loading - input-loading characteristics. Set to MIN or MAX to use min or max data book values. (Default = typical
Drive - output-drive characteristics. Set to MIN or MAX to use the min or max data book values. (Default = typical
Current - device current used to specify device power. Set to MIN or MAX to use min or max data book values.
(Default = typical value).
PWR value - power supply voltage. Specifying a value here will override any value specified by default in the SimCode
model. If this value is specified, you must also specify a value for GND.
GND value - ground supply voltage. Specifying a value here will override any value specified by default in the SimCode
model. If this value is specified, you must also specify a value for PWR.
VIL value - low-level input voltage. Specifying a value here will override any value specified by default in the SimCode
VIH value - high-level output voltage. Specifying a value here will override any value specified by default in the
SimCode model.
VOL value - low-level output voltage. Specifying a value here will override any value specified by default in the
SimCode model.
VOH value - high-level output voltage. Specifying a value here will override any value specified by default in the
SimCode model.
WARN - set to ON to flag errors for: setup time, hold time, recovery time, pulse width, min-max frequency violation
and min-max voltage supply violation. Errors are reported as long as the code for these conditions has
been included in the SimCode model. (Default = OFF).
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As a single .scb file can contain the
compiled information for multiple models,
the name of the file might typically reflect
the category or family of devices contained
Testing the Digital Device
With the SimCode model now linked to the schematic component, the component needs to be placed and its functionality
tested. Create a simple circuit to do this.
When you run the simulation, the SimCode source model is automatically compiled 'on-the-fly'. Should you wish for the
compiled model information to be written to file, ensure that the Create compiled SimCode output file option is enabled in the
Simulation Preferences dialog. This dialog is accessed by clicking on the Preferences button in the Analyses Setup dialog. The
compiled output is written to an ASCII text file SimCodeFunctionName simlist.txt which, by default, is stored in the
same directory as the ASCII SimCode source model file itself (\Library\Sim\). The output location can be changed as
required using the SimCode Output field (also in the Simulation Preferences dialog). The SimCodeFunctionName is taken
from the func= entry in the .MODEL line of the intermediate .mdl file.
Consider our 74LS74 device example whose:
SimCode source model file is named 74LS74.txt and stored in the {MODEL_PATH} location
intermediate .mdl file contains the entry func=ls74.
The compiled model information will be written to the file ls74 simlist.txt, stored in the same location as the 74LS74.txt
This file also contains a listing of the execution order of the SimCode source model.
Refine the SimCode source model as required and continue testing until you have completely debugged the model.
For information on setting up and simulating a design, refer to the Defining & Running Circuit Simulation Analyses tutorial.
Creating a Compiled SimCode Model File (*.scb)
Once the SimCode source model has been tested successfully, you can extract the
compiled model information from the SimCodeFunctionName simlist.txt file and
create a compiled SimCode model file. This file can be named the same as its
uncompiled ASCII counterpart, but carries the extension .scb.
For our trusty 74LS74 example, Figure 12 shows the SimCode model in its compiled
form, which we will copy and save into a file named 74LS74.scb, stored in the same location as the ASCII source model file.

Figure 12. Resulting compiled SimCode model.
The file= parameter in the .MODEL line of the intermediate .mdl file can then be changed to point to this compiled file. For
the 74LS74.mdl file, the .MODEL entry will become:
.MODEL 74LS74 xsimcode(file="{MODEL_PATH}74LS74.scb" func=ls74 {mntymx})
Using the compiled SimCode model file will increase the speed of the simulation, as the Simulator is not having to recompile the
source code each time.
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Example SimCode Model Files
All of the SimCode source (*.txt) and compiled (*.scb) model files can be found in the Sim folder of the installation
(\Library\Sim). These include the main compiled model files for TTL (LS.scb) and CMOS (CMOS.scb) devices. In addition,
sub-folders containing example SimCode source model files for the following device manufacturers are available:
National Semiconductor
ST Microelectronics
Texas Instruments.
Example Circuits
The installation includes a number of example projects incorporating the use of digital devices and linked SimCode model files.
These can be found in the Circuit Simulation folder of the installation (\Examples\Circuit Simulation\). The
following is a list of these examples by sub-folder, with the name of the project in brackets).
BCD-to-7 Segment Decoder (BCDto7.PrjPcb)
Mixed-mode Binary Ripple 93 (Mixed-mode Binary Ripple 93.PrjPcb)
Mixed-mode Binary Ripple 555 (Mixed-mode Binary Ripple 555.PrjPcb)
Oscillator (Oscillator.PrjPcb)
Schmitt Trigger Oscillator (Schmitt Trigger Oscillator.PrjPcb)
State Machine (State.PrjPcb).
AP0139 Creating and Linking a Digital SimCode Model

Version (v1.1) Apr 21, 2008 14
Revision History
Date Version No. Revision
14-Feb-2006 1.0 Initial release
21-April-2008 1.1 Updated page size to A4.
11-Aug-2011 - Updated template.
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