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Ingls II

Mdulo III

Mdulo III

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Mdulo III


Les presentamos una manera dinmica y actualizada para que Uds. aprendan a
manejar el idioma ingls de forma prctica y sencilla. En el recorrido de los mdulos,
podrn leer y comprender los dilogos que se entablan entre los distintos personajes y
a partir de all, resolvern actividades que los conducirn al aprendizaje de la lengua.
Uds. encontrarn las respuestas a cada autoevaluacin al final de cada leccin.
Con esta metodologa, corroborarn su propio progreso y les permitir rever las
lecciones anteriores en el caso que fuera necesario.
Las actividades sealadas como tales sern evaluadas por los tutores, como as
tambin el test de evaluacin (assessment), que se encuentra al final de cada mdulo,
que les ofrecer una amplia visin sobre la efectividad en el manejo de esta lengua.
La gramtica correspondiente a los contenidos se encuentra inserta en el
desarrollo de cada leccin. El glosario bsico se encuentra en un anexo al final de cada
Uds. tendrn la oportunidad de manejar tres medios para lograr aprender ingls:
1) Primero y principal: leer y realizar las propuestas en el mdulo grfico.
2) Como soporte indispensable para que ustedes dominen la escucha y el
manejo de la correcta pronunciacin, debern utilizar el cassette conjuntamente con el
mdulo grfico .
3) En forma complementaria, el CD-ROM como herramienta multimedial que
colaborar en su prctica peridica, en donde encontrarn videos, audio,
autoevaluaciones y vocabulario animado.
Les recomendamos utilizar los medios detallados en el orden establecido para no
obviar ninguna etapa del proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera, as como
tambin para obtener ptimos resultados.
En este segundo nivel no se incluirn las traducciones correspondientes a textos,
dilogos y consignas. Nuestra intencin con estas modificaciones cumple dos objetivos
fundamentales: primero, que Uds. logren un dominio an mayor de la lengua en forma

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autnoma; segundo, que consideren que, aunque les resulte dificultoso en un principio,
les resultar beneficioso finalmente.
Uds. podrn utilizar el glossary (glosario) que se encuentra al final del mdulo
pero le recomendamos que no se concentren en cada una de las palabras que no
conozcan al realizar la lectura, sino que traten de comprender globalmente el contenido
y posteriormente recurran al uso del glosario o diccionario.

Mdulo III

Lesson 1
Theres always a way.

Kevin Saunders is the best wheelchair athletein the world. He is famous
because he won many medals. He was the first person with a disability who had an
appointment with the Council on Physical Fitness and Sports President, George Bush
(father) and William Clinton.
In the past, Kevin wasnt a disabled person. He suffered an accident while he was
working in 1981- he was in an elevator explosion in Texas. In the explosion, ten workers
died. Doctors sadly told Kevins family members and wife, who was expecting a son,
that Kevin would not survive. He had massive internal and external injuries, collapsed
lungs and a severe spinal cord condition.
Kevin could get over the accident. Not only did he have an incredible
rehabilitation but he also became a champion. Kevin is a paraplegic and is paralysed
from the chest down. He cannot move or feel anything below that point. Kevin Sounders
gives his message of hope to many people today. He regularly shares his time with
hospitalised children. They are one of the most special audiences he has, because they
really need his inspiration. Time after time, Kevin impresses children and adults of all
ages, at schools or universities with his speeches.

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Self correction activity 1.1
Read the text about Kevin and answer the following questions.
1) What is Kevin Sound Sounders famous for?
2) When did the accident happen?
3) What did the doctors think about Kevins health after he had the accident?
4) What was his condition after the accident?
5) Did he recover completely?
6) What did Kevin do after the accident?
7) What does Kevin do today?
8) Why is his message so important?

Self correction activity 1.2
Look at the following words which are in the text, try to match them with their definition.
Check the glossary if it is necessary.

Medal To cause a person, an animal or a part of the body to lose
the ability to move.
Disabled person A chair with wheels used by someone who cannot walk.
Appointment To return to a healthy condition.
Injury The front of the body between your neck and your waist.
Paraplegic A disc given as a prize in a competition or to someone
who has been very brave.
Paralyse A time you arranged to meet someone or go somewhere.
Rehabilitation A person who lacks one or more physical powers, such as
the ability to walk, caused by an illness or accident.
Chest A person who lost the ability to move his/her legs and
lower parts of the body.
Wheelchair Physical harm or damage to someones body in an
accident or an attack.

Self correction activity 1.3
Use the following words to complete the sentences.

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wheelchair medals rehabilitation chest paraplegic
paralyses appointment disabled injuries

1) She had to cancel her dental
2) He won three Olympic gold
3) A: Can he move his legs?
4) B: No, he cant. Hes .
5) For his . , he needed time and some drugs.
6) Some children were permanently .by the bomb.
7) Several train passengers received serious in the crash.
8) He hasnt got much hair on his head but he has got a very hairy ..
9) That drug .the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the
10) After the accident she had to use a because she couldnt walk.

Read more about Kevin Saunders.

At present, Kevin Sanders has a normal life. He cant walk but he
can do whatever he wants. He is a great athlete. Now he is
training hard because he wants to participate in an important
competition. He says, I will be able to win this competition.

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Self correction activity 1.4
Complete the sentences with can/ cant or the correct form of be able to.

Grammar: Can and be able to

We use can/cant (=cannot) + an infinitive to talk about someones ability or
inability to do something.
I can speak Spanish. (= I know how to speak Spanish)
I cant speak Japanese. (= I dont have the ability to speak Japanese)
We also use can/cant (=cannot) + an infinitive when we talk about what is
possible or impossible.
Can you start work in May? (Is it possible for you to start in May?)
I cant go to the party. (It isnt possible for me to go to the party)
Can and cant have the same form for all persons (I can, he can, we can,
Can has no infinitive form.
Id like to be able to speak a bit of Japanese (infinitive).
When we talk about future we can normally use can or will be able to / wont
be able to (negative)
Can you start work next week?
I wont be able to start until March.
Will (+) / wont (will not) =Son estructuras que se utilizan para hablar del futuro.
Profundizaremos sobre las mismas ms adelante. Por lo pronto tengan en cuenta
que la forma futura del verbo CAN es WILL/ WONT ABLE TO.
In the present, its often possible to use be able to or can, but be able to is
more formal and a lot less common.
How many languages can you speak?
(How many languages are you able to speak?) (Its very formal and
it isnt common)

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Ive got a friend who 1)play the flute really well. Hes studying music at
college and when he finishes he 2) get a job in an orchestra. Id
like to be a professional musician, too. Id like to 3).play an instrument
well, but I 4)Ive got a guitar, but I 5)..play it very well. You
need to practise for hours every day, but for the next six months I
6).practise much because I will have too much work to do. I am sure
that one day in the future I 7).. play like Eric Clapton.

Self correction activity 1.5
Anna Willis is Kevins friend. She is from Mexico. He met her when he was at the
Read and listen to her story about the day she started to work.

Anna Willis is studying languages in London. Shes having an interview for a job as a
tourist guide.
Miss Willis, how many languages can you speak?
I can speak Spanish, Italian and German. Id like to be able to speak a bit of Japanese,
but they dont teach it at College
Thats a pity, because we get a lot of Japanese visitors in London. We need people
who can speak Japanese, but we couldnt find any. But this summer there are
going to be a lot of German and Spanish visitors, too, so you are going to be able to use
your Spanish and German. Can you start working in May?
No, Im afraid I cant. I cant miss College. I am not going to be able to start until the
end of term in June

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Anna finished college on June 13
and was able to start working the next day. She took
a group of Germans round London. Most of they could speak English. At the London
Zoo, a woman dropped her camera into the lions cage. She could see the camera, but
she couldnt reach it. Fortunately, a keeper was able to reach it with a fishing net. Later,
Annas group was in St. Paul Cathedral. A man started to play the organ, but she
couldnt persuade him to stop. Later, in a big department store in Oxford Street, two
members of Annas group got stuck in the lift. They couldnt get out because they
werent able to open the doors. After about 30 minutes, workmen managed to open
them and the two Germans were able to get out.

Answer the following questions:

1) What was Anna studying before starting to work as a tourist guide?
2) How many languages could she speak?
3) When was she able to start working?
4) Where was her first group from?
5) What happened at the zoo?
6) Was the woman able to get her camera?
7) What happened at the church?
8) Why did the two Germans stayed half an hour in a lift?
9) How were they able to get out?

Pay attention to the following part of the text

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Anna finished college on June 13
and was able to start work the next day. She took a
group of Germans round London. Most of they could speak English. At the London
Zoo one woman dropped her camera into the lions cage. She could see the camera,
but she couldnt reach it. Fortunately, a keeper was able to reach it with a fishing net.
Later, Annas group was in St Paul Cathedral. One man started to play the organ, but
she couldnt persuade him to stop. Later, in a big department store in Oxford Street,
two members of Annas group got stuck in the lift. They couldnt get out because they
werent able to open the doors. After about 30 minutes, workmen managed to open
them and the two Germans were able to get out.

Grammar: Could or was/ were able to?
When we talk about the past, we can use could or was/were able to.
To talk about a general ability, we use could more often than was/ were
able to.
Most of them could speak English.
But, in affirmative sentences, when we talk about a particular action or
situation in the past, we use was/ were able to and NOT could.
The two Germans were able to get out. (NOT could get out)
(They got out the lift. This was a particular action)
In negative sentences we can use either couldnt or wasnt/ werent
able although couldnt is more common
She couldnt stop the man from playing the organ.
(OR she wasnt able to stop the man)
Before verbs of perception (see/ hear/ feel/ taste) and verbs like
understand, remember we normally use could rather than was/ were
able to.
She could see the camera but she couldnt reach it.

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Self correction activity 1.6
Jack Saunders, Kevins father, is 80. There are a lot of things he cannot do now. He is
talking about the things he used to be able to do. Complete the sentences with could or
My eyes arent very good now. Five years ago I 1)read the newspaper
without wearing glasses. A few years ago I 2).walk to the shops and back in
half an hour, but I prefer to get the bus now. When I was a child we 3) watch
television or a video in the evening. They didnt exist. My mother used to tell us stories.
She 4).keep us surprised for hours. When I was younger, I 5)
play tennis very well. No-one 6) ..beat me. I tried to play tennis
again the other day. I 7) see my opponent, but I 8) see
the ball ! My memorys not brilliant either. I 9). remember my telephone
number this morning!

Self correction activity 1.7 Listening Activity-

Check your answers in self correction activity 1.6 by listening to the cassette.

Self correction activity 1.8
Rob, Kevins brother, hurt his leg while he was playing football. A friend has come to
see him. Complete the sentences with could/ couldnt or was/ were/ wasnt/ werent able

Robs friend: How do you feel?
Rob: I feel terrible.
Robs friend: 1) . go to the doctors this morning?
Rob: No, he 2) .see me this morning. I 3) ..speak to him on
the phone. He just told me to stay in bed.
Robs friend: 4) ..get any sleep last night?

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Rob: No, Not really. I 5).feel the pain in my leg all the time.
Robs friend: How did it happen?
Rob: I was playing football yesterday and somebody kicked me. I 6)................ walk
home and it was Sunday so I 7)............................. get a bus. None of my friends had a
car, so they 8).......................... bring me home. But eventually they 9)..........................
find a taxi for me.
Robs friend: Did you eat anything today?
Rob: No, I havent got any food in the flat and 10) ....................... get to the shops this
morning, I 11)...................................make myself a cup of tea, thats all. Im really

Self correction activity 1.9
Complete the following sentences with can, could or be able to.

1) Mozart play the piano brilliantly when he was five.
2) They buy the flat because it was very expensive.
3) There was a lot of traffic but we..get there on time.
4) Chimpanzees ..communicate in sign language.
5) .you take me to the party, please?
6) Id like .play chess well.
7) Jeans plane was delayed but she.get to the meeting on time.
8) Do you think you..finish reading the book tonight?

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Self correction activities - Keys

Self correction activity 1.1
Read the text about Kevin and answer the following questions.
1) What is Kevin Sound Sounders famous for? Hes famous because he won many
2) When did the accident happen? It happened in 1981.
3) What did the doctors think about Kevins health after he had the accident? They
thought that he wouldnt survive.
4) What was his condition after the accident? He had massive internal and external
injuries, collapsed lungs and a severe spinal cord condition.
5) Did he recover completely? No, he didnt. He is a paraplegic and is paralysed
from the chest down.
6) What did Kevin do after the accident? He became a champion.
7) What does Kevin do today? He gives his message of hope to many people.
8) Why is his message so important? Because hospitalised children need this

Self correction activity 1.2
Medal A disc given as a prize in a competition or to someone who has
been very brave.
Disabled person A person who lacks one or more physical powers, such as the
ability to walk, caused by an illness or accident.
Appointment A time you arranged to meet someone or go somewhere.
Injury Physical harm or damage to someones body in an accident or
an attack.
Paraplegic A person who lost the ability to move his/her legs and lower
parts of the body.
Paralyse To cause a person, an animal or a part of the body to lose the
ability to move.
Rehabilitation To return to a healthy condition.
Chest The front of the body between your neck and your waist.
Wheelchair A chair with wheels used by someone who cannot walk.

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Self correction activity 1.3
1) She had to cancel her dental appointment.
2) He won three Olympic gold medals.
3) A: Can he move his legs?
4) B: No, he cant. Hes paraplegic.
5) For his rehabilitation, he needed time and some drugs.
6) Some children were permanently disabled by the bomb.
7) Several train passengers received serious injuries in the crash.
8) He hasnt got much hair on his head but he has got a very hairy chest.
9) That drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs.
10) After the accident she had to use a wheelchair because she couldnt walk.

Self correction activity 1.4
Ive got a friend who 1) can play the flute really well. Hes studying music at college and
when he finishes he 2) will be able to get a job in an orchestra. Id like to be a
professional musician, too. Id like to 3) be able to play an instrument well, but I 4)
cant. Ive got a guitar, but I 5) cant play it very well. You need to practise for hours
every day, but for the next six months I 6) wont be able to practise much because I will
have too much work to do. I am sure that one day in the future I 7) will be able to play
like Eric Clapton.

Self correction activity 1.5
1) She was studying languages.
2) She could speak three languages.
3) She would be able to start working after the end of term in June.
4) It was from Germany.
5) A woman dropped her camera in the lions cage.
6) No, she wasnt.
7) A man started to play the organ and she couldnt persuade him to stop.
8) Because they werent able to open the doors.
9) Some workmen managed to open the doors.

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Self correction activity 1.6
My eyes arent very good now. Five years ago I 1) could read the newspaper without
wearing glasses. A few years ago I 2) could walk to the shops and back in half an
hour, but I prefer to get the bus now. When I was a child we 3) couldnt watch
television or a video in the evening. They didnt exist. My mother used to tell us stories.
She 4) could keep us surprised for hours. When I was younger, I 5) could play tennis
very well. No-one 6) could beat me. I tried to play tennis again the other day. I 7)
could see my opponent, but I 8) couldnt see the ball! My memorys not brilliant either. I
9) couldnt remember my telephone number this morning!

Self correction activity 1.7 Listening Activity-

Check your answers in self correction activity 1.6 by listening to the cassette.

Self correction activity 1.8
Robs friend: How do you feel?
Rob: I feel terrible.
Robs friend: 1) Were you able to go to the doctors this morning?
Rob: No, he 2) couldnt/ wasnt able to see me this morning. I 3) was able to speak to
him on the phone. He just told me to stay in bed.
Robs friend: 4) Were you able to get any sleep last night?
Rob: No, Not really. I 5) could feel the pain in my leg all the time.
Robs friend: How did it happen?
Rob: I was playing football yesterday and somebody kicked me. I 6) couldnt/ wasnt
able to walk home and it was Sunday so I 7) couldn't/ wasn't able to get a bus. None
of my friends had a car, so they 8) couldnt/ werent able to bring me home. But
eventually they 9) were able to find a taxi for me.
Robs friend: Did you eat anything today?
Rob: No, I havent got any food in the flat and I 10) couldnt/ wasnt able to get to the
shops this morning, I 11) was able to make myself a cup of tea, thats all. Im really

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Self correction activity 1.9
Complete the following sentences with can, could or be able to.

1) Mozart could play the piano brilliantly when he was five.
2) They werent able to buy the flat because it was very expensive.
3) There was a lot of traffic but we were able to get there on time.
4) Chimpanzees can communicate in sign language.
5) Can you take me to the party, please?
6) Id like to be able to play chess well.
7) Jeans plane was delayed but she was able to get to the meeting on time.
8) Do you think you can finish reading the book tonight?

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Lesson 2
Super Heroes
Terry Fox

He had a dream of running across Canada for cancer
research. Although he only ran 5,343 kilometres from
Newfoundland to Ontario, with about 3,000 kilometres remaining,
he stayed true to his dream. Terry Fox became a hero to many
Fox was born in 1958 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His mother could
remember her son's firm determination as a young child. He

would stack his toy blocks for hours until he had built the tower he wanted. This quality,
along with his love of a challenge, would serve Fox well in his adult years.
At age eight, Fox moved with his family to Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. He was
always a high achiever, receiving straight A's in high school. Fox was told that he was
too short to play basketball but his determination paid off: after intensive physical
training, he was chosen nineteenth on a team of nineteen basketball players. After high
school, Fox decided to study kinesiology at Simon Fraser University. He hoped to
become a Physical Education teacher.
During his first year at university, Fox developed severe pain in his right leg. He was
diagnosed with bone cancer. This traumatic event changed his whole life. Within three
days of the diagnosis, Fox's right leg was amputated. The following months of
chemotherapy were agonizing, but they left him determined to help others with cancer.
His dream was to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. With his right
leg fixed with a prosthesis, Fox began training for his Marathon of Hope.
On April 12, 1980, equipped with a new camper van donated by Ford of Canada, Fox
and his school friend, Doug Alward, began the Marathon of Hope. Terry's plan was to
run from St. John's, Newfoundland to Vancouver, British Columbia--over 8,000

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kilometres--in six months. He hoped to raise one dollar from every Canadian.
Fox kept a journal of his daily running schedule. He documented many difficulties, such
as cars pushing him off the road, sub-zero temperatures, strong winds, and being forced
to breathe exhaust smoke. By the time he reached Ontario, "Terry Fox" had become a
household word. Everyone knew his cause. He had met Prime Minister Trudeau in
Ottawa, and his hockey idol, Bobby Orr, in Toronto. People went to the roadways to see
him pass. He made everyone feel good.
On August 31, 1980, just outside of Thunder Bay, Fox developed terrible chest pain. The
cancer had returned. He flew back to Vancouver to begin the fight for his life. The CTV
television network organized a Miracle of Hope tribute to Fox. Celebrities like John
Denver, Elton John, Gordon Lightfoot and Anne Murray performed for the cancer cause.
They got more than 23 million dollars - about one dollar for every Canadian at that time.
On June 28, 1981, Terry Fox lost his battle with cancer. But he was a true hero. He
became the youngest person to earn the Companion of the Order of Canada, his
nation's highest civilian award. As he said, "I just wish people would realize that anything
is possible if you try; dreams are made if people try."

Self correction activity 2.1
Reading comprehension activities

A) The main idea
Circle the letter of the sentence which best describes the main idea of the article about
Terry Fox. Be prepared to support your answer.
a. A brave and determined young man.
b. Terry Fox meets Pierre Trudeau and Bobby Orr
c. A battle against cancer.
d. The Marathon of Hope.

B) Interpretation
1. Why could Terry Fox be called "a man with a Dream"?

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C) Inferences
Based on the article, circle the letter, which best completes each sentence.
1. During the Marathon of Hope...
a. Doug Alward kept Terry's spirits high.
b. Terry's name was in the news, so he drew a lot of attention.
c. Terry and Doug were glad to have the van.
d. Terry's mother was interviewed every day.

2. The Miracle of Hope tribute to Terry...
a. was organized in conjunction with several other tributes.
b. had trouble attracting celebrity participants.
c. was organized after Fox died.
d. reached Terry's goal of raising one dollar from every Canadian.

D) Understanding
If you can, answer these questions by heart. If you cannot, look back at the article.
1. What was Terry Fox's dream?
2. What happened shortly after the traumatic news that Terry had cancer?
3. What difficulties did Terry Fox document in his journal?
4. What happened on August 31, 1980?

E) Remembering details
Write TRUE or FALSE under each statement. If the statement is false, write the
statement correctly.
1. Terry Fox had academic trouble in high school.
2. Chemotherapy was very painful for Terry Fox.
3. The people of Canada paid no attention to Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope.
4. After he stopped running, people forgot about Terry Fox.

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Self correction activity 2.2 listening activity
Listen to Terry Fox biography and complete it with the missing words.

cancer athlete - Atlantic Ocean - hero - right - cancer research - kinesiology -
knee - artificial - diagnosis - cancer dream -
consciousness - hope lungs true - race

A natural .., Terrys studies in . were interrupted by his
. with osteogenic sarcoma a form of .. .. as a result
of which his .. leg was amputated six inches above the right . During his
recovery he resolved to take on a cross-Canada run to raise of the
suffering caused by .. On April 12
, 1980 Terry Fox put his foot into
the as he began his "Marathon of .". Then, on September
, 1980, Terry had to stop running the because he had cancer in his
He died on June 28
, 1981, one month before his 23
birthday. Terry's .. of
collecting $1 from every Canadian became .; the Marathon of Hope raised $24.17
million for . ..
Today, he is considered a real ..

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Self correction activity 2.3
Complete the sentences using the correct past tense of the verb can.

1) His mother remembers that Terry always .. do what he wanted to.
2) He .pass all his subjects at school with merits.
3) Somebody at school told him he .play basketball because he
was too short. Once he tried and he.. play. Finally he practised a lot
and he . play basketball in the school team.
4) He was studying kinesiology at University but he go on studying
because he had a severe pain in his right leg.
5) He had cancer in his right leg so the doctors.do anything to save it.
They had to amputate it.
6) His dream was to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Finally he
..start the Marathon.
7) Although he ..finish the marathon, he to collect all the
money he wanted to cancer research.
8) He .finish the marathon because he was very ill.
9) He. to meet his hockey idol, Bobby Orr and the Prime Minister.

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Book of the month Another super hero
Still me by Christopher Reeve

Something people always asked Christopher
Reeve when he made the first Superman film was:
Can you give us your definition of a hero? He used to
answer that it was a person who did something heroic
without considering consequences. Now, he says, his
definition is different: a hero is an ordinary person who
finds the strength to go on living in spite of enormous
obstacles. By that definition, he is a hero, perhaps
even a superhero since the day in May 1995 when he
fell off a horse, hit his head on the ground and broke
his neck. Before that day, he seemed to be an
exceptionally lucky man.

He was born into a rich family, went to expensive private schools and was tall, good
looking and talented. He could act very well but he also was very good at sports. He
could sail, fly a plane and even do scuba diving. He could also practise horse- riding.
Just after the accident, Reeves mother thought his son wont be able to recover. She
could not imagine that he would want to live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. His
son, who used to be able to do all kind of sports in the past, now could not even lift his
arms or turn his head. The only person who was able to convince him that life went on,
was his wife Dana, when she told him Its your life and you have to make a decision.
But I want you to know that Ill be with you. Youre still you and I love youThis was the
key to his recovery.
Although even today Reeve can not breathe without artificial help, he has still hope.
Just three months after he had the accident he was able to appear at the Oscars
ceremony in a wheelchair. Now he is working as a film director and he is also working in

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his foundation to raise money for research into spinal injuries. He knows he will never
be able to ride and ski again, or even walk, but he tries to be optimistic about the future,
although it is difficult for him to be positive every day.
When I opened this book I was expecting a sentimental Hollywood story about a famous
star and a tragic accident. When I got to the end, I felt a deep admiration for a brave,
intelligent and funny man. Christopher Reeves autobiography is a very moving book.

Self correction activity 2.4
Read the book review quickly. Answer each question in one sentence.

1) What kind of book is it?
2) What is it about?
3) What does the reviewer think of the book?

Now read the review again and answer these questions for details.

1) What was Christophers definition of a hero? And How did it change?
2) What was life like before the accident? What could he do?
3) How did his family react after the accident?
4) What is he doing now?

Self correction activity 2.5
Read about Christopher Reeves life again and number the paragraph topics in the right

.. His familys reaction to the accident.
.. What the reviewer thinks of the book.
.. What the book is about
. His life before the accident.
What he is doing at the moment.

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Self correction activity 2.6

Many words can have more than one meaning. Look at the definitions, decide which is
correct in the context of the text.

1) lift a) (noun) a machine which takes you up and down.
b) (verb) move something up.
2) key a) (noun) a thing you use to open a door.
b) (noun) the most important thing.
3) raise a) (verb) move up, eg. your hand.
b) (verb) collect for a purpose, eg. Money.
4) positive a) (adjective) opposite of negative.
b) (adjective) very sure.
5) funny a) (adjective) making you laugh.
b) (adjective) strange, unusual.
6) moving a) (adjective) changing position.
b) (adjective) affecting you emotionally.

Self correction activity 2.7
Underline in the text all the forms of the verb can.

Something people always asked Christopher Reeve when he made the first Superman
film was: Can you give us your definition of a hero? He used to answer that it was a
person who did something heroic without considering consequences. Now, he says, his
definition is different: a hero is an ordinary person who finds the strength to go on living
in spite of enormous obstacles. By that definition, he is a hero, perhaps even a
superhero since the day in May 1995 when he fell off a horse, hit his head on the ground
and broke his neck.
Before that day, he seemed to be an exceptionally lucky man. He was born into a rich
family, went to expensive private schools and was tall, good looking and talented.

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He could act very well but he also was very good at sports. He could sail, fly a plane
and even do scuba diving. He could also practise horse- riding.
Just after the accident, Reeves mother thought his son wont be able to recover. She
could not imagine that he would want to live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. The
only person who was able to convince him that life went on, was his wife Dana, when
she told him Its your life and you have to make a decision. But I want you to know that
Ill be with you. Youre still you and I love youThis was the key to his recovery.
Although even today Reeve can not breathe without artificial help, he has still hope.
Just three months after he had the accident he was able to appear at the Oscars
ceremony in a wheelchair. Now he is working as a film director and he is also working in
his foundation to raise money for research into spinal injuries. He knows he will never
be able to ride and ski again, or even walk, but he tries to be optimistic about the future,
although it is difficult for him to be positive every day.
When I opened this book I was expecting a sentimental Hollywood story about a famous
star and a tragic accident. When I got to the end, I felt a deep admiration for a brave,
intelligent and funny man. Christopher Reeves autobiography is a very moving book.

Pay attention to the following sentences.

He cannot ( cant) breathe without artificial help.
He could not ( couldnt) imagine that he would live in a wheelchair.
He loved being able to practise many sports.
He will (ll) never be able to ride and ski again.
He used to be able to do almost any sport.

Look at the four sentences. Why dont we use a form of can in the last three?

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Used to
We use used to + an infinite verb:
to talk about past habits

eg: Christopher Reeve used to do a lot of sport (but He doesnt now)
We are going to study the use of this structure later.

Be able to
We use it when:
There is no form of can
Can Be able to
Present Simple Can am/is/are able to
Future (will) - will be able to
Past Simple Could was/were able to
Infinitive - (to) be able to
Gerund (after
verbs like: love,
like, hate +ing)
- being able to
To talk about a particular situation in the past

Self correction activity 2.8
Complete with the correct form of the verb can.

1) I swim. Im afraid of the water.
2) Hed like . speak a foreign language perfectly.
3) I ..talk until I was three years old.
4) I used to play chess very well but now I .
5) I lovestay in bed on Sunday mornings.

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 2.9 listening activity
Listen to Christopher Reeve`s biography and say if the following sentences
are T (true) or F (false).

1) Christopher was born in September 1953.
2) His father was a newspaper reporter.
3) His parents divorced when he was a little boy.
4) He and his brother moved to Princeton.
5) His mother got married again.
6) He went to state schools where he appeared on their plays.
7) He couldnt play any musical instrument.
8) When he was 9 years old he acted in a professional theatre.
9) In 1978 he was chosen to be Superman in a movie.
10) One year later he won an Oscar for his performance in Superman, The Movie.
11) When he was making the movie in England he met his three children s mother.
12) In 1992 he got married to Dana Morisini, her wife at present.
13) Will is his third and youngest son.
14) Christopher is involved in many organizations. These organizations help different
people or institutions.

Mdulo III

Self correction activities Keys

Self correction activity 2.1
Reading comprehension activities

A) The main idea
a. A brave and determined young man.
b. Terry Fox meets Pierre Trudeau and Bobby Orr
c. A battle against cancer.
d. The Marathon of Hope

B) Interpretation
1. Why could Terry Fox be called "a man with a Dream"?
Because he dreamt about helping other people who suffered from cancer and he
ran the Marathon of Hope to raise money for cancer research.

C) Inferences
1. During the Marathon of Hope...
a. Doug Alward kept Terry's spirits high.
b. Terry's name was in the news, so he drew a lot of attention.
c. Terry and Doug were glad to have the van.
d. Terry's mother was interviewed every day.
2. The Miracle of Hope tribute to Terry...
a. was organized in conjunction with several other tributes.
b. had trouble attracting celebrity participants.
c. was organized after Fox died.
d. reached Terry's goal of raising one dollar from every Canadian.

D) Understanding
1. What was Terry Fox's dream?
He wanted to become a Physical Education teacher.

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2. What happened shortly after the traumatic news that Terry had cancer?
Fox's right leg was amputated.
3. What difficulties did Terry Fox document in his journal?
Some of the difficulties were cars pushing him off the road, sub-zero
temperatures, strong winds, and being forced to breathe exhaust smoke.
4. What happened on August 31, 1980?
Fox developed terrible chest pain.

E) Remembering details
Write TRUE or FALSE under each statement. If the statement is false, write the
statement correctly.
1. Terry Fox had academic trouble in high school.
FALSE. He was always a high achiever.
2. Chemotherapy was very painful for Terry Fox. TRUE.
3. The people of Canada paid no attention to Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope.
FALSE. Everyone knew his cause.
4. After he stopped running, people forgot about Terry Fox.
FALSE. The CTV television network organized a Miracle of Hope tribute to Fox
and many celebrities performed for the cancer cause.

Self correction activity 2.2 listening activity

A natural athlete, Terrys studies in kinesiology were interrupted by his diagnosis with
osteogenic sarcoma a form of bone cancer as a result of which
his right leg was amputated six inches above the right knee. During his recovery he
resolved to take on a cross-Canada run to raise consciousness of the suffering caused
by cancer. On April 12
, 1980 Terry Fox put his artificial foot into the Atlantic Ocean
as he began his "Marathon of Hope". Then, on September 1
, 1980, Terry had to stop
running the race because he had cancer in his lungs.
He died on June 28
, 1981, one month before his 23
birthday. Terry's dream of
collecting $1 from every Canadian became true; the Marathon of Hope raised $24.17
million for cancer research.
Today, he is considered a real hero.

Mdulo III

Tape script
A natural athlete, Terrys studies in kinesiology were interrupted by his diagnosis with
osteogenic sarcoma a form of bone cancer as a result of which his right leg was
amputated six inches above the right knee. During his recovery he resolved to take on a
cross-Canada run to raise consciousness of the suffering caused by cancer. On April
, 1980 Terry Fox put his artificial foot into the Atlantic Ocean as he began his
"Marathon of Hope". Then, on September 1
, 1980, Terry had to stop running the race
because he had cancer in his lungs.
He died on June 28
, 1981, one month before his 23
birthday. Terry's dream of
collecting $1 from every Canadian became true; the Marathon of Hope raised $24.17
million for cancer research.
Today, he is considered a real hero.

Self correction activity 2.3
Complete the sentences using the correct past tense of the verb can.

1) His mother remembers that Terry always could do what he wanted to.
2) He was able to pass all his subjects at school with merits.
3) Somebody at school told him he couldnt play basketball because he was too short.
Once he tried and he was able to play. Finally, he practised a lot and he could play
basketball in the school team.
4) He was studying kinesiology at University but he couldnt go on studying because he
had a severe pain in his right leg.
5) He had cancer in his right leg so the doctors couldnt do anything to save it. They
had to amputate it.
6) His dream was to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Finally he
was able to start the Marathon.
7) Although he couldnt finish the marathon, he was able to collect all the money he
wanted for cancer research.
8) He couldnt finish the marathon because he was very ill.
9) He was able to meet his hockey idol, Bobby Orr and the Prime Minister.

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Self correction activity 2.4

1) What kind of book is it? It is an autobiography.
2) What is it about? Its about Reeves life after the accident.
3) What does the reviewer think of the book? He thinks it is a very moving book.
4) What was Christophers definition of a hero? And how did it change? He used to say
that a hero was a person who did something heroic without considering
consequences. Now, his definition is different: a hero is an ordinary person who
finds the strength to go on living in spite of enormous obstacles.
5) What was life like before the accident? What could he do? He was lucky and rich.
He used to do all kind of sports and activities.
6) How did his family react after the accident? His mother thought the he was going
to die. His wife reminded him that he was still the same person who she loved.
7) What is he doing now? He is directing films and raising money for research into
spinal cord.

Recuerde comunicarse con el tutor del Aula Magna cada vez que tenga algn

Mdulo III
Self correction activity 2.5

Read about Christopher Reeves life again and number the paragraph topics in the right

3.. His familys reaction to the accident.
5.. What the reviewer thinks of the book.
1.. What the book is about.
2. His life before the accident.
4 What he is doing at the moment.

Self correction activity 2.6
Many words can have more than one meaning. Look at the definitions, decide which is
correct in the context of the text.

1) lift a) (noun) a machine which takes you up and down.
b) (verb) move something up.
2) key a) (noun) a thing you use to open a door.
b) (noun) the most important thing.
3) raise a) (verb) move up, eg. your hand.
b) (verb) collect for a purpose, eg. money.
4) positive a) (adjective) opposite of negative.
b) (adjective) very sure.
5) funny a) (adjective) making you laugh.
b) (adjective) strange, unusual.
6) moving a) (adjective) changing position.
b) (adjective) affecting you emotionally.

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Self correction activity 2.7
Underline in the text all the forms of the verb can.

Something people always asked Christopher Reeve when he made the first Superman
film was: Can you give us your definition of a hero? He used to answer that it was a
person who did something heroic without considering consequences. Now, he says, his
definition is different: a hero is an ordinary person who finds the strength to go on living
in spite of enormous obstacles. By that definition, he is a hero, perhaps even a
superhero since the day in May 1995 when he fell off a horse, hit his head on the ground
and broke his neck.
Before that day, he seemed to be an exceptionally lucky man. He was born into a rich
family, went to expensive private schools and was tall, good looking and talented. He
could act very well but he also was very good at sports. He could sail, fly a plane and
even do scuba diving. He could also practise horse- riding.
Just after the accident, Reeves mother thought his son was not going to be able to
recover. She could not imagine that he would want to live in a wheelchair for the rest of
his life. The only person who was able to convince him that life went on, was his wife
Dana, when she told him Its your life and you have to make a decision. But I want you
to know that Ill be with you. Youre still you and I love youThis was the key to his
Although even today Reeve can not breathe without artificial help, he has still hope.
Just three months after he had the accident he was able to appear at the Oscars
ceremony in a wheelchair. Now he is working as a film director and he is also working in
his foundation to raise money for research into spinal injuries. He knows he will never
be able to ride and ski again, or even walk, but he tries to be optimistic about the
future, although it is difficult for him to be positive every day.
When I opened this book I was expecting a sentimental Hollywood story about a famous
star and a tragic accident. When I got to the end, I felt whit a feeling deep admiration for
a brave, intelligent and funny man. Christopher Reeves autobiography is a very moving

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 2.8
Complete with the correct form of the verb can.

1) Icant swim. Im afraid of the water.
2) Hed like to be able to . speak a foreign language perfectly.
3) I couldnt..talk until I was three years old.
4) I used to able to.... play chess very well but now I cant.
5) I lovebeing able to ...stay in bed on Sunday mornings.

Self correction activity 2.9 listening activity
Listen to Christopher Reeve biography and say if the following sentences are T or False.

1) Christopher was born in September 1953. F
2) His father was a newspaper reporter. F
3) 3 ) His parents divorced when he was a little boy .T
4) He and his brother moved to Princeton. T
5) His mother got married again. T
6) He went to state schools where he appeared on their plays. F
7) He couldnt play any musical instrument. F
8) When he was 9 years old he acted in a professional theatre. T
9) In 1978 he was chosen to be Superman in a movie. T
10) One year later he won an Oscar for his performance in Superman, The Movie.T
11) When he was making the movie in England he met his three children s mother F.
12) In 1992 he got married to Dana Morisini, her wife at present. T
13) Will is his third and youngest son. T
14) Christopher is involved in many organisations. These organisations help different
people or institutions. T

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 2.9 Listening activity -

Tape script

Christopher Reeve was born on September 25th, 1952 in New York City to Franklin
D'Olier Reeve (novelist and professor of creative writing) and Barbara Johnson
(newspaper reporter). They divorced when Chris was about 3-4 years old. His mother
then moved Chris and his brother Benjamin to Princeton, and married a stockbroker.
Chris spent the majority of his schooling in private school and by the age of eight, he
had appeared in school plays.
He was also quite interested and talented in music and piano. At nine, he was hand
picked to be in a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta for Princeton's professional theatre. At 15,
he got an apprenticeship in Williamstown, and by 16, he had an agent. In 1974, Chris
received his B.A. from Cornell University (English and Music Theory). He later attended
the Juilliard School in New York City where he shared his room with Robin Williams. In
1978, Chris was chosen for the role of Superman. In 1979, Reeve won the British
Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in Superman: The Movie. During the
18 months of shooting (in England), Chris began a relationship with modelling executive
Gae Exton. This relationship produced two children, Matthew and Alexandra. In 1987,
still unmarried, Gae and Chris got apart. And during the summer in Williamstown, Chris
met Dana Morosini. In four months they were living together. In 1992 they were married
and had a son, Will.
Christopher Reeve is involved with many charitable activities such as: The Actor's Fund
of America, Special Olympics, American Paralysis Association, Save The Children
Foundation, American Cancer Society, Save the Theatres, and is one of the founding
fathers of the Creative Coalition.

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Mdulo III

Lesson 3
A healthy lifestyle

Read and listen to the conversation between a couple.

Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. And could you bring some
chips and a bowl of ice cream? And . . . uh . . . a slice of pizza from the fridge.
Woman: Anything else?
Man: Nope, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organising a
company basketball team, and I'm thinking about joining. What do you think?
Woman: Humph.
Man: "Humph" What do you mean "Humph." I was the star player in high
Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heart
attack running up and down the court.
Man: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that
out of shape.
Woman: Well . . . you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I
mean. You used to play basketball five years ago.
Man: Well, okay, but . . .
Woman: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like
ice-cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Man: Yeah, you're probably right.
Woman: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your
muscles or perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular system. Oh, and
you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV half the night.
Man: Hey, you're starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor!
Woman: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time.

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 3.1
Vocabulary working
Look at the following words taken from the dialogue. Read the definition and write the
words from the box in the correct place.

out of shape humph cut back hon fridge abandon
cardiovascular system take up a physical

1) . (noun): short for 'refrigerator'.
- I think we need to buy a new ... The old one just doesn't cool properly.
2) .(pronoun): short for 'honey'.
- ., could you wake me up early tomorrow morning?
3) .: a word showing disbelief.
- . There's no way you can lift all that weight!
4) .. (verb): in this case, `give up` the idea.
- They had to the plan to build a house due to a financial crisis.
5) : in poor physical condition.
- I have to start exercising because I'm so
6) ..(noun): a medical examination.
- She had to have a before she joined the track team.
7) . (verb): to reduce.
- I have to on the fatty foods if I want to lose weight.
8) .. (verb): begin or start.
- He decided to .. cooking in his spare time.
9) . (noun): your bodys blood circulation system including your
heart, veins, and arteries.
- Running at least 30 minutes a day helps improves your .

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 3.2
Read the dialogue again and choose the best option.

1) What does the man want to do?
a. play baseball with friends from work.
b. try out for the company basketball team.
c. get in shape and compete in a cycling race.
2) What is the woman's main concern?
a. She is worried because her husband is going to spend too much time
away from home.
b. She is afraid her husband can become a fitness freak.
c. She is concerned about her husband's health.
3) What is the woman's first suggestion to her husband?
a. He should see a doctor.
b. Her husband should start with a light workout.
c. Her husband needs to visit a fitness trainer.
4) What does the woman advise about the man's diet?
a. He should consume less salt.
b. He should eat less fatty foods.
c. He should add more protein products to his diet.
5) Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?
a. It is good for improving muscle tone.
b. It helps strengthen the heart.
c. It helps develop mental toughness.

Lets analyse the dialogue, read the following sentences taken from it.

Well . . . you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I mean.
And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Should I just abandon the idea?

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And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try
cycling to build up your cardiovascular system.

What do you think ought toand shouldmean?

Read the following example:

Rose: Mary, you look very tired!!!
Mary: I am. Im working very hard.
Rose: Well, you should relax and work less.
Mary: Yes! Its a very good piece of advice. But
Im not sleeping very well lately.

Rose: Do you eat healthy food or do exercise?
Mary: No, I dont.
Rose: Oh, you ought to eat better food, like fresh vegetables, fruit and drink a
lot of water. You should also start doing a sport. You will be able to feel better.
Mary: Yes, you are right.

What do oughtto and shouldmean?

Mdulo III

Giving advice
Should and ought to are modal forms. They are used to give advice or to
express your opinion about something. Ought to is more formal than
should. (Should and ought to se utilizan cuando queremos dar consejos
o expresar opiniones. You should eat vegetables (Deberas comer
Should and ought to are used in the present form and they are the same
for all personal pronouns.
You should / ought to eat fresh fruit. (+)
You shouldnt / ought not to drink a lot of coffee (-)
What should I do? (?)

Self correction activity 3.3
Choose, to complete each sentence, either should or shouldn't.
1) Listen to that music! Our neighbours __________ play music that loud at this hour.
2) If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you __________ go to the dentist's.
3) Cathy __________ keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now.
4) Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you __________ try and learn something of
the language. You will enjoy things a lot more.
5) You __________ always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office.
6) We __________ bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed
7) That model on the TV is too skinny. She __________ eat more, I think!
8) Lizzie __________ ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course
last year.
9) Pregnant women __________ smoke as it can damage the baby.
10) We __________ leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 3.4 Listening activity

Listen to a radio programme called Tell me your problem, Ill give you a handYou are
going to listen to different people talking about their problems and waiting for some
pieces of advice, then decide which piece of advice is the correct for each situation.

Personal problems.

Giving advice.

a) Well, this is a very common problem among teenagers. You ought to talk to your
father and tell him what you would like to do and why. But if he really doesnt
want to listen to you, maybe, you should study both!!!
b) I think you should stop working so much and start thinking about you. You should
practise a sport, go shopping, go to the cinema or the theatre, join a club or go on
holidays. You need relaxing activities and meeting new people. You should
specially care about you. Do it now!
c) I think you should talk to your sister and tell her how you feel. You should also
listen to her feelings. Why is she acting like that? What does she need or want
from you?
d) Well! Theres really a quite big difference between the two places. But I think
everything is new. You got married two months ago, and getting married is a very
important change in somebodys life. You have also spent only two weeks there.
I think you should wait some time, try to relax and see if you like the place or not.
If you still continue feeling like that you ought to talk to you husband about it.

Mdulo III

e) You shouldnt worry about giving me your name or not. But it is very important for
you to understand this: You should immediately go to a doctor or specialist on
drugs abuse. Dont waste your time! Life is wonderful!!
f) I think you should talk to you family and explain how tired you are about this
situation. I think that you are able to find a solution together.

Self correction activity 3.5 Listening activity

Listen to the programme again, but this time with the advice given by the specialist.
Check if your answers in self correction activity 3.4 were correct.

Self correction activity 3.6 Vocabulary revision -
Do you remember the parts of the body? Match the pictures and the words.







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Mdulo III
a) Stomach .......... i) Muscle .........
b) Legs ......... j) Arm .........
c) Heart ......... k) Brain ........
d) Cheek ........ l) Head .........
e) Liver ......... m) Bones ........
f) Chest ........ n) Neck .........
g) Back ......... o) Spinal cord ........
h) Lungs .........

Self correction activity 3.7 Reading comprehension activity -

Read these letters. Who do you think has the most serious problem?

Mdulo III

A) The Dirty Rat!
Last night I was washing my husband's
when I discovered bright red lipstick on a
collar. It wasn't mine! I think he's seeing
another woman. We have no children.
I divorce him?
From Shocked in Seattle.

B) Classroom Love
I started taking lessons with a beautiful
English teacher three weeks ago. She's
28, single and has a wonderful smile. I'm
in love with her, but I'm only 18, and I'm
really spotty. I have no confidence.
Should I tell her how I feel?
From Shy in Seoul

C) I'm Getting Fat!
I'm 26, and I'm worried about my weight.
I put on three kilos. I know I should eat healthy
food, but salads are boring! I love fast food,
such as hamburgers and pizza. Help me!
From Huge in Honolulu.

D) I'm boring
Recently, I overheard some people who said that I was a boring old man. It's not true! But when
I talk about my computer, CD ROM drivers and other great topics, people don't stay very long.
I'm 48 and single. Will I ever find a woman?
From Single in Sydney

Read the letters again and write the names.

1) is deeply in love? ...........................
2) lives in Sydney?................................
3) likes computers a lot?......................
4) is single? ............................... ....................................
5) doesnt like healthy food? ................................
6) is married? .................................
7) is from Honolulu? ..............................
8) washes the clothes? ..........................

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 3.8 Reading comprehension activity
Read the Aunt Jennifers replies . Which answer is for which problem Write the name
in the spaces.


Yes - divorce him today! You should
also throw all his clothes into the trash,
and put a virus on his computer. Why
not get a good lawyer so you can take all
his money?


I don't think you should worry about
your weight so much. I think that lettuce
and tomatoes are really boring as well.
You should be fat and happy.
Supermodels are really thin - but they all
look miserable.


No - you shouldn't date your teacher,
even if she is beautiful. It's an awful
idea. English teachers are poor and they
drink too much. They also go back home
after 18 months. Why not wait for your
spots to go? You might meet someone
much better.


Yes, you are a very boring person
indeed. Do you have any friends? You
should change your life. Why don't you
throw away your computer and get a
better haircut? People might start liking you.

Self correction activity 3.9 Vocabulary working: Getting Fit
Look at the pictures and match them with the correct word or words, if it is necessary
look up words in a dictionary or in the glossary.

get fit aerobics - sneakers equipment leotard weight lifting work
out jogging sweat get in shape (do) exercise advice - sign up
join -


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Self correction activity 3.10 Listening activity

Listen to the following dialogue. Complete it with the missing words.

Mdulo III
In the Gym.
J ane: Hello, my name is Jane and I'd like to ask ................ questions about -
.............. fit.
Teacher: Hi Jane. What .......... I do for ..............?
J ane: I need to get in ..................
Teacher Well, you ............ to the right place. Did you do ................. before?
J ane: I'm afraid not.
Teacher OK. We are going to .............. of slow. Which ............. of exercise do you
............ doing?
J ane: I like doing ......................, but I hate jogging. I don't mind ............. some
weight-lifting, though.
Teacher Great, that gives us .............. to work with. How often can you .............out?
J ane :............. or three times a .............. would be good.
Teacher: Why don't we start with an aerobics ..............twice a week followed by a
little ............ lifting?
J ane: Sounds ............ to me.
Teacher You should start .............., and build up gradually to three or four times a
J ane: OK. What kind of ..............do I need?
Teacher: You ............. bring a leotard and ............. sneakers.
J ane: Is that all? How do I ............ .......... for the classes?
Teacher : We need you to join the gym and then you can choose which classes
........... your schedule best.
J ane: Great! I can't .......... to start. Thanks for your ..............
Teacher: No ............... I'll see you in ................... class!

Activity 1 Giving advice
Read the following problems and give your piece of advice.

Remember the activities are checked by the tutor in the Magna Classroom

Mdulo III
Problems Your advice
1) I feel very tired.
2) My friend is always late.
3) She has a stomach-ache.
4) I gained 5 kilos last month.
5) He forgot my mothers birthday.
6) They need money.

Mdulo III

Self correction activities - Keys -

Self correction activity 3.1

1) fridge. (noun): short for 'refrigerator'.
- I think we need to buy a new fridge... The old one just doesn't cool properly.
2) hon.(pronoun): short for 'honey'.
- Hon., could you wake me up early tomorrow morning?
3) humph..: a word showing disbelief.
- Humph. There's no way you can lift all that weight!
4) abandon.. (verb): in this case, `give up` the idea.
- They had to abandon the plan to build a house due to a financial crisis.
5) out of shape: in poor physical condition.
- I have to start exercising because I'm so out of shape
6) physical..(noun): a medical examination.
- She had to have a physicalbefore she joined the track team.
7) cut back. (verb): to reduce.
- I have to cut back on the fatty foods if I want to lose weight.
8) take up... (verb): begin or start.
- He decided to take up.. cooking in his spare time.
9) cardiovascular system. (noun): your bodys blood circulation system
including your heart, veins, and arteries.
- Running at least 30 minutes a day helps improve your cardiovascular

Self correction activity 3.2
1) What does the man want to do?
a. play baseball with friends from work.
b. try out for the company basketball team.
c. get in shape and compete in a cycling race.

Mdulo III

2) What is the woman's main concern?
a. She is worried because her husband is going to spend too much time
away from home.
b. She is afraid her husband can become a fitness freak.
c. She is concerned about her husband's health.
3) What is the woman's first suggestion to her husband?
a. He should see a doctor.
b. Her husband should start with a light workout.
c. Her husband needs to visit a fitness trainer.
4) What does the woman advise about the man's diet?
a. He should consume less salt.
b. He should eat less fatty foods.
c. He should add more protein products to his diet.
5) Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?
a. It is good for improving muscle tone.
b. It helps strengthen the heart.
c. It helps develop mental toughness.

Self correction activity 3.3
1) Listen to that music! Our neighbours shouldnt play music that loud at this hour.
2) If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you should go to the dentist's.
3) Cathy shouldnt keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now.
4) Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you should try and learn something of the
language. You will enjoy things a lot more.
5) You should always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office.
6) We should bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise.
7) That model on the TV is too skinny. She should eat more, I think!
8) Lizzie should ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last
9) Pregnant women shouldnt smoke as it can damage the baby.
10) We shouldnt leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.

Mdulo III
Self correction activity 3.4 Listening activity

1) Hi, My name is Sandra. Im 15 years old. I live with my family in a flat, I have a
sister. She is 13 years old. She always wants to go where I go and she wears
my clothes, she is always touching my things. Im fed up with her!
2) I am Patricia. I am a housewife and I live in a very big house which I have to
clean everyday. My husband and my children never help me with the housework.
3) My name is Nick. Im 18 years old. I love music so I want to be a musician but my
father wants me to go to the University. I dont want to be a lawyer as my father
wants. What can I do?
4) Hello! My name is Maria. I got married two months ago. I am living in Newcastle,
Nebraska now with my husband. We moved two weeks ago. We used to live in
the big city of Chicago. My husband is very happy living here but I hate it. I dont
know what to do...
5) I cant tell you my name because my problem is a very serious one. I am a drug
addict. I usually smoke crack or marijuana. I want to stop doing this, but I cant!! I
dont know how. Please I dont wanna die, please help me.
6) Hi, my name is Carla. Im 28 years old. I think I am suffering from stress or
depression. I work in an office for 12 hours a day approximately. Thats not
really my timetable. I can leave work at 2pm but I stay in the office working
because I am saving some money and I have nothing more interesting to do; I
dont have a family to take care, not even a dog. Im alone. Sometimes...I want
to stop living!!!

Self correction activity 3.5 Listening activity

Tape script
1) Hi, My name is Sandra. Im 15 years old. I live with my family in a flat, I have a
sister. She is 13 years old. She always wants to go where I go and she wears
my clothes, she is always touching my things. Im fed up with her!

I think you should talk to your sister and tell her how you feel. You should also listen
to her feelings. Why is she acting like that? What does she need or want from you?

Mdulo III

2) I am Patricia. I am a housewife and I live in a very big house which I have to
clean everyday. My husband and my children never help me with the housework.

I think you should talk to you family and explain how tired you are about this
situation. I think that you are able to find a solution together.

3) My name is Nick. Im 18 years old. I love music, so I want to be a musician but
my father wants me to go to the University. I dont want to be a lawyer as my
father wants. What can I do?

Well, this is a very common problem among teenagers. You ought to talk to you
father and tell him what you would like to do and why. But if he really doesnt want
to listen to you, maybe, you should study both!!!

4) Hello! My name is Maria. I got married two months ago. I am living in Newcastle,
Nebraska now with my husband. We moved two weeks ago. We used to live in
the big city of Chicago. My husband is very happy living here but I hate it. I dont
know what to do...

Well! Theres really a quite big difference between the two places. But I think
everything is new. You got married two months ago, and getting married is a very
important change in somebodys life. You have also spent only two weeks there. I

think you should wait some time, try to relax and see if you like the place or not. If
you still continue feeling like that you ought to talk to you husband about it.

5) I cant tell you my name because my problem is a very serious one. I am a drug
addict. I usually smoke crack or marijuana. I want to stop doing this, but I cant!! I
dont know how. Please I dont wanna die, please help me.

Mdulo III
You shouldnt worry about giving me your name or not. But it is very important for
you to understand this: You should immediately go to a doctor or specialist on drugs
abuse. Dont waste your time! Life is wonderful!!

6) Hi, my name is Carla. Im 28 years old. I think I am suffering from stress or
depression. I work in an office for 12 hours a day approximately. Thats not my
timetable really. I can leave work at 2pm but I stay in the office working because I
am saving some money and I have nothing more interesting to do; I dont have a
family to take care of, not even a dog. Im alone. Sometimes...I want to stop

I Think you should stop working so much and start thinking about you. You should
practice a sport, go shopping, go to the cinema or the theatre, join a club or go on
holidays. You need relaxing activities and meeting new people. You should specially
care about you. Do it now!.

Self correction activity 3.6 Vocabulary revision -
Do you remember the parts of the body? Match the pictures and the words.

a) Stomach 8 i) Muscle 14
b) Legs 4 j) Arm 7
c) Heart 1 k) Brain 12
d) Cheek 15 l) Head 5
e) Liver 6 m) Bones 2

f) Chest 13 n) Neck 9
g) Back 10 o) Spinal cord 11
h) Lungs 3

Self correction activity 3.7 Reading comprehension activity -

Read these letters. Who do you think has the most serious problem?

Mdulo III
I think (name) has the most serious problem.


1) is deeply in love? ....Shy in Seoul......
2) lives in Sydney?...Single in Sydney....
3) likes computers a lot?..Single in Sydney.....
4) is single? ....Shy in Seoul.... .....Single in Sydney...
5) doesnt like healthy food? ....Huge in Honolulu....
6) is married? ...Shocked in Seattle......
7) is from Honolulu? ...Huge in Honolulu....
8) washes the clothes? ..Shocked in Seattle....

Self correction activity 3.8 Reading comprehension activity

Dear Shocked in Seattle

Yes - divorce him today! You should
also throw all his clothes into the trash,
and put a virus on his computer. Why
not get a good lawyer so you can take all
his money?

Dear Huge in Honolulu

I don't think you should worry about
your weight so much. I think that lettuce
and tomatoes are really boring as well.
You should be fat and happy.
Supermodels are really thin - but they all
look miserable.

Dear Shy in Seoul

No - you shouldn't date your teacher,
even if she is beautiful. It's an awful
idea. English teachers are poor and they
drink too much. They also go back home
after 18 months. Why not wait for your
spots to go? You might meet someone
much better.

Dear Single in Sydney

Yes, you are a very boring person
indeed. Do you have any friends? You
should change your life. Why don't you
throw away your computer and get a
better haircut? People might start liking

Mdulo III
Self correction activity 3.9 Vocabulary working: Getting Fit

1) aerobics
2) advice
3) sweat
4) sneakers
5) get fit/ get in shape/ (do) exercise/ work out
6) weigh lifting
7) leotard
8) equipment
9) jogging
10) sign up/ join

Self correction activity 3.10 listening in activity
Tape script
In the Gym

J ane: Hello, my name is Jane and I'd like to ask a few questions about getting fit.
Teacher: Hi Jane. What can I do for you?
J ane: I need to get in shape.
Teacher Well, you've come to the right place. Did you do exercise before?
J ane: I'm afraid not.
Teacher OK. We are going to start of slow. Which type of exercise do you enjoy
J ane: I like doing aerobics, but I hate jogging. I don't mind doing some weight-lifting,
Teacher Great, that gives us plenty to work with. How often can you work out?
J ane :Twice or three times a week would be good.
Teacher: Why don't we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a little
weight lifting?
J ane: Sounds fine to me.
Teacher You should start slowly, and build up gradually to three or four times a

Mdulo III
J ane: OK. What kind of equipment will I need?
Teacher: You should bring a leotard and some sneakers.
J ane: Is that all? How do I sign up for the classes?
Teacher : We need you to join the gym and then you can choose which classes fits
your schedule best.
J ane: Great! I can't wait to start. Thanks for your advice.
Teacher: No problem. I'll see you in aerobics class!

Activity 1
Ask you tutor for guidance or correction.

Mdulo III

Mdulo III
Lesson 4
At the doctors

Richard Brown wants to see a doctor; he needs to have his annual check- up.
He phones to the doctors office. There he talks to her secretary.

Listen to the dialogue between Richard and the receptionist.

Making an Appointment

Richard: Hello. This is Richard Brown. I'd like to make an
appointment to see Dr. Habi.
Receptionist: Certainly. What seems to be the problem?
Richard: I'd like to have my annual check-up.
Receptionist: Fine. When would you be available to come in to
see Dr. Habi?
Richard: Any day next week in the morning would be great.
Receptionist: How about next Thursday at 10 o'clock?
Richard: That sounds fine. Thank you.
Receptionist: Well, see you next Thursday Mr. Brown. Goodbye.

Self correction activity 4.1 Vocabulary illnesses
Richard made an appointment to see the doctor. He is not ill, he only needs an annual
check-up. Now lets see the following illnesses. Match the pictures and phrases.

1). 4) 7)..
2). 5) 8)..
3). 6) 9)..

Mdulo III










1) Shes got sore throat.
2) Shes got a cold.
3) Her shoulder hurts. She has a pain in her shoulder.
4) Shes got a stomach-ache.
5) Hes got flu.
6) Hes got a temperature.

Mdulo III
7) Shes got a cough.
8) My back hurts. Ive got a backpain.
9) He has a headache.

Self correction activity 4.2 Listening activity

Richard is in Thailand. Listen and answer these questions.

1) Whats the time?
2) Wheres Peter?
3) How is he?
4) What should he do?


Self correction activity 4.2 Listening activity

Richard is feeling awful so he phones the reception because he needs a doctor.
Listen and complete Richards notes.

DR ...
Take my

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 4.4
Look at the pictures and give these people a piece of advice. What should they do?
You can use the chart.

call a doctor go to the hospital - go to bed lie down go home and rest
take an aspirin take some medicine

Im not feeling well. I ve got a headache.

She has got a temperature, a sore throat and a cold. I think she
has flu.

Oh! My back hurts.

He fell down. I think his leg is broken. Maybe he needs a

Mdulo III

Giving advice - revision
The modal verbs Should and Ought to are used to give advice. They both have
the same meaning but ought to is a little stronger.
You should go to the doctor.
You ought to go to the doctor.
You shouldnt worry so much.
You oughtnt to worry so much.
What should I do?
Should I take sleeping pills?

Self correction activity 4.5 listening activity
Listen to Richard. He is at the doctors office.

A) Whats the matter with Richard?

B) Listen again and complete the doctors advice.

Youve got a ....virus.
You must .
You mustnt.
Come back..

Mdulo III

Giving advice 2
Must / mustnt +infinitive
+ You must go to bed.
- She mustnt go to work.
? How many tablets must I take?

We use must/ mustnt for strong advice and obligation.
(Utilizamos must / musnt cuando queremos expresar un consejo sobre algo que
es necesario hacer. Es ms fuerte que should. Tambin usamos must para
expresar obligacin. Lo que se debe hacer.)
We use mustnt to talk about prohibition.
(Mustnt expresa la idea de prohibicin)
So we use must / mustnt to express RULES.

Self correction activity 4.6

Richard feels much better because he took the medicine the doctor gave him. He
decides to stay some more time in Thailand. He wants to learn Thai. Complete the
rules for the Thai Language School, using must or mustnt.

1) The students .speak their own language.
2) They..speak Thai in the lesson.
3) They ... smoke in the classroom.
4) They do their homework every night.
5) They . eat in the lesson.

Mdulo III
6) They . take drinks into the classroom.
7) They . be punctual.
8) They ask the teacher if they dont understand.

Self correction activity 4.7 Listening activity
Listen to the rules in self correction activity and check your answers.

Self correction activity 4.8
Complete the following sentences using must, mustnt, should or shouldnt.

1) You ............................... be 18 to see that film.
2) You look tired. I think you go to bed early tonight.
3) Children, you cross if the lights are red
4) You .. sit so near the TV. Its bad for you eyes.
5) You really go to the Louvre when you are in Paris. Its wonderful.
6) In volleyball you. touch the ball with your feet.

Self correction activity 4.9 Reading comprehension
Read the following dialogue and say if the following sentences are T (true) or F (false).

Doctor: Hello, what's the matter?
Peter: Good morning. I have a terrible ache in my lower back.
Doctor: How long has your back been bothering you?
Peter: I had pain the last two weeks.

Mdulo III
Doctor: Do you have any history of back problems?
Peter: No, this is the first time.
Doctor: Are you taking any medicine at the moment?
Peter: No, just an aspirin from time to time to kill the pain.
Doctor: OK. Let's have a look at your back. Please take off your shirt ....

1) Peter has a problem in his neck.
2) He has a backpain.
3) Its the first time he has this kind of problem.
4) He took some aspirins.
5) He is taking a very strong pain killer.
6) The doctor suggested him to do yoga.

Activity 1 Giving advice
Give advice to the following people:

1) One of my teeth is loose.
2) Claras got a very bad cold.
3) I lost my cheque book and credits cards one hour ago.
4) Keith wants to drive home, but he hasnt got his glasses.
5) Anns phone bill is enormous. Its three hundred pounds!
6) Jenny and Tony are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married.
7) My children spend all their pocket money on sweets.
8) My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them last week!

Mdulo III
Self correction activities Keys

Self correction activity 4.1 Vocabulary illnesses.

1) Shes got a stomach-ache.
2) Shes got a cold.
3) Hes got flu.
4) He has a headache.
5) Shes got a sore throat.
6) Hes got a temperature.
7) My back hurts. Ive got a backpain.
8) Shes got a cough.
9) Her shoulder hurts. She has a pain in her shoulder.

Self correction activity 4.2 Listening activity (Suggested Answers).

1) Its half past ten/ Its ten thirty.
2) Peter is in 563, Chest Road.
3) He doesnt feel very well/ He isnt feeling very well.
4) He should make an appointment as soon as possible.

Tape script
(The telephone rings in his hotel room)
Receptionist: Good morning Mr Brown.
Mr Brown: Thank you..Oh, I feel awful.
Mr Brown: Hello, Reception. I dont feel very well

Self correction activity 4.3 Listening activity

DR Okker..
Take myPassport and insurance documents

Mdulo III
Address........563, Chest Road.

Tape script
Mr Brown: Hello, Reception. I dont feel very wellI need to see a doctor.
Receptionist 1: Just a moment. The doctor for this hotel is Doctor Okker. Thats O
- double K -E R. Ill give you her number. Its 7649773. You have to make an
Mr Brown: Does she speak English?
Receptionist 1: Yes, very well.
Mr Brown: Thanks
Mr. Brown: Hello. Do you speak English?
Receptionist 2: Yes, a little.
Mr Brown: Could I make an appointment to see the doctor as soon as possible,
please. Im a tourist.
Receptionist 2: Yes, Could I have your name, please?
Mr Brown: Richard. R-I-C-H-A-R-D. Brown B-R-O-W-N
Receptionist 2: What nationality are you?
Mr Brown: Im American.
Receptionist: Have you got any medical insurance?
Mr Brown: Yes, I have.
Receptionist 2: Is half past ten in the morning, OK?
Mr Brown: Ten thirty. Yes, thats fine.
Receptionist 2: Dont forget to bring your passport and insurance documents.
Mr Brown: All right. Whats your address?
Receptionist 2: Its Chest Road, thats C-H-E-S-T Road, number 563
Mr Brown: C-H-E-S-T, Chest, number 563, is that it?
Receptionist 2: Thats right.
Mr Brown: Thank you. Goodbye.

Mdulo III
Self correction activity 4.4

Im not feeling well. Ive got a headache.

You should lie down go home and rest take an aspirin

She has got a temperature, a sore throat and a cold. I think she
has flu.

She should call a doctor go to bed lie down go home and
rest take an aspirin take some medicine

Oh! My back hurts.

You should lie down go home and rest take an aspirin

He fell down. I think his leg is broken. Maybe he needs a plaster.

He should go to hospital

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 4.5 listening activity

He has a stomach-ache and a headache

B) Listen again and complete the doctors advice.

Youve got a stomach....virus.
You must rest for a few days...
Dont try to do too much
You mustnteat any fried food or drink alcohol..
Come backand see me tomorrow...

Doctor: Good morning, Mr Brown, isnt it?
Mr Brown: Yes, thats right.
Doctor: Please sit down. Now, whats the matter?
Mr Brown: Ive got a really bad stomach-ache and a headache. I feel terrible.
Doctor: What did you have for dinner last night?
Mr Brown: I had fish, some vegetables and I had a few glasses of wine
(Some minutes later)
Doctor: Well, Mr Brown, I think youve got a stomach virus. Its very common at the
moment. You must rest for a few days.
Mr Brown: Does that mean I cant go out?
Doctor: Well you can go out if you like, but dont try to do too much.
Mr Brown: I won t. Ill take it easy.
Doctor: The most important thing is your diet. You mustnt eat any fried food or drink
Mr Brown: Dont worry, I wont.
Doctor: Heres a prescription for some medicine. There is a pharmacy on the corner of
this street. Read the instruction in the box. How long are you staying in Bangkok?

Mdulo III

Mr Brown: Only for another two days.
Doctor: Well, if you dont get better, come back and see me tomorrow.
Mr Brown: Thank you very much.

Self correction activity 4.6

1) The students mustnt.speak their own language.
2) Theymust..speak Thai in the lesson.
3) They mustnt... smoke in the classroom.
4) They must do their homework every night.
5) They mustnt. eat in the lesson.
6) They mustnt. take drinks into the classroom.
7) They must. be punctual.
8) They must tell the teacher if they dont understand.

Self correction activity 4.8

1) You ........must....................... be 18 to see that film.
2) You look tired. I think you .should go to bed early tonight.
3) Children, you mustnt cross if the lights are red.
4) You shouldnt.. sit so near the TV. Its bad for you eyes.
5) You really shouldgo to the Louvre when you are in Paris. Its
6) In volleyball you..mustnt. touch the ball with your feet.

Self correction activity 4.9 Reading comprehension

1) Peter has a problem in his neck. F
2) He has a backpain. T
3) Its the first time he has this kind of problem. T
4) He took some aspirins. T

Mdulo III

5) He is taking a very strong pain killer. F
6) The doctor suggested him to do yoga. F

Mdulo III

Mdulo III
Lesson 5
Living with stress

Read the following text

Living with stress by Roma Marsh
Stress is everywhere in our daily life. And it is not just men who suffer from it but women
and young people, too.
The main causes of stress are: death, divorce, marriage, money, moving house,
changing jobs, ending relationships and taking exams.
So how do you know if you suffer from stress? Do the Stress Test and find out!
Stress Test
Do you:
often sleep badly?
get headaches a lot?
find it difficult to relax?
need alcohol or cigarettes to calm
your nerves?
usually hide your feelings?
find it difficult to concentrate?
take tranquillisers or sleeping pills?
get angry when things go wrong?

Mdulo III
If you answer YES to more than two of these questions, you are one of many people
who suffer from stress. So what can you do about it?
Doing yoga or relaxation exercises, chewing gum and playing with worry beads are
all common ways of relieving stress. But doctors now say that there are simpler ways.
Their advice is that people should laugh and smile, so in that way, your body relaxes.
They also say that people and especially men ought to cry more frequently. Crying
is a natural way or relieving stress.

Self correction activity 5.1
Read the text about stress and answer the following questions:

1) What are some common causes of stress?
2) What are some common ways of relieving stress?
3) What simple advice do doctors give?
4) Do the Stress Test, compare your answers with others in the classroom. Do many
people suffer from stress?

Self correction activity 5.2

Never gets home until 10.30 in the evening.

Always takes work home from the office.
Never goes to bed before one o clock
Smokes forty cigarettes a day.
Drinks coffee before she goes to bed.
Never goes out in the evening.
Works all Sunday.
Walks to the underground station but takes no
other exercise.
Takes touring holidays in her car with her family.

Mdulo III
This woman suffers from stress. Look at the notes about her lifestyle. Give advice like
the examples.
She shouldnt work so late in the evening. Or She ought to get home earlier.


Self correction activity 5.3 Reading comprehension
Read the following text about stress and answer questions:

You wake up late, dive into the shower, move quickly into your clothes, grab a toast from
the kitchen, (of-course, if you're a parent, you have to dress and feed your children, too),
take your car, drive to work or drop off the kids at school and run directly into a massive
traffic jam.
Meanwhile, at the office, your boss and two impatient clients await your arrival.
When you finally arrive home after a rough day, your Spouse/Mate is irritated with you
because you forgot to put out the trash and let the dog (or) cat out before you left the
house in the morning, and now there's a big mess to clean up.
Welcome to the world of stress! Stress seems to be an inescapable reality of today's
modern world. People who suffer from it have many disorders, ranging from Allergies to
Asthma, from all kinds of stomach and digestive problems, to cancer and heart
problems. In fact, some Drs. estimate that at least 80% of their patients have stress-
related symptoms.

Mdulo III
Stress is characterized by feelings of fear, dread, and/or anxiety, accompanied by a
variety of physical side effects, including: muscle tension, changes in heart rate and/or
blood pressure, respiration, balance, metabolism, and immune function. It also effects
levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Stress is another word for fear, often a low-
level of fear, maintained chronically over a period of time.
Severe or Chronic stress can cause numerous mental and physical disorders including:
anxiety, depression, dyspepsia, heart palpitations, muscular aches and pains, (including
back-aches, headaches, neck and shoulder aches), depressed immune system
response, hormonal imbalance, kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke,
sleeplessness, moodiness, irritability and memory problems.
STRESS? Read on to learn more.

Whole grains promote the production of the brain neurotransmitter, serotonin, which
increases your sense of being well. Green, yellow, and orange vegetables are all rich in
minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals, which boost immune response and protect
against disease.

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks,(such as sodas).If you are currently addicted to
coffee, drink black tea instead, it has a third of the caffeine of coffee, and none of the
harmful oils.
Fried foods and foods rich in fat are VERY IMMUNE -DEPRESSING, especially when
Stress is already doing that as well.

Mdulo III
Reduce Animal foods. High Protein foods elevate brain levels of DOPAMINE AND
NOREPINEPHRINE both of which are associated with higher levels of anxiety and

Start an Aerobic exercise program, do it daily.
Try going for walks in the woods, a park, or on a beach.
Participate in some sort of sporting event, such as tennis, basketball, volleyball, softball,
or just riding a bike.
Tai chi or some other form of Martial arts.
Relaxation Techniques, and Meditation are excellent ways to unwind.

Warm baths relax muscles and the brain. Soak in a warm bath for twenty to thirty
minutes, add some relaxing and soothing essential oils as well, such as: Lavender,
Sage, Pine, or Sandalwood, Geranium, and/or Chamomile.
Burning candles with these same scents, after a stressful day is also quite relaxing. If
your boss will let you, try burning a few of these candles while you are working, it will
help to keep you calm and collected.
You can even carry a small bottle of Lavender with you in your purse or pocket, and put
a small amount on a cloth or cotton-ball and inhale it, when you are having a very busy
and stressful day.
Also try listening to soothing music, such as: Nature sounds mixed with piano, or the
sounds of water or the Ocean.

Mdulo III

Exhale and breathe deeply.
Drop your shoulders, relax, and rotate shoulders in small circles, then do the same with
your head/neck area. Breathe deeply and exhale.
Pray, Meditate, and Surrender.
See a comedy.
Adopt a pet.
Talk to a friend or counsellor.
Go fishing, guaranteed Peace of Mind.
Go camping.
Take up Bird Watching.
Enjoy Life!!!!

1. Peter is married and has got two children. He is stressed and he has a very stressful
life. Imagine and write his routine according to the text.
2. What are the common symptoms that a stressed person has?
3. Whats stress?
4. What serious illnesses can you develop if you suffer from stress?
5. Peter has a terrible diet. He eats fried food, fast food, he smokes and drinks a lot of
coffee. Imagine you are a Peters friend, give him some pieces of advice about his
way of eating.
6. Now imagine you are Peters doctor. Peter is having High Blood Pressure. He must
change his life style. Give him some strong pieces of advice.
7. Are there other ways of relaxing? Name them.
8. Are you stressed? How do you relax?

Mdulo III








(You can use an extra sheet of paper if it is necessary. Remember to talk to the teacher
in the Magna classroom if you have any problem with this self-correction activity).

Self correction activity 5.4 Listening activity

You are going to listen to a person talking about alternative medicine. Read the following
sentences. Listen to the tape and then decide what alternative medicine is the sentence
about: aromatherapy, homeopathy or reflexology.

1) You need to have an annual check up before starting a treatment.
2) Its very helpful in stressed people.
3) The practitioner use massage to make you feel better.
4) The medicine comes in many forms.

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5) Its concentrated in mind and body at the same time.
6) You can feel better only smelling different oils.
7) The practitioner is able to know how you feel only touching your feet.

Look at the following words taken form the different texts in this lesson:
badly frequently quickly directly carefully

What do they mean?

What kind of words are they? Are they adjectives or adverbs?

Adjectives or adverbs?


Adjectives Modify Nouns
Adjectives are placed directly before a noun:
Tom is an excellent singer.
I bought a comfortable chair.
She's thinking about buying a new house.
Adjectives are also used in simple sentences with the verb 'to be'. In this
case, the adjective describes the subject of the sentence:
J ack is happy.
Firo was very tired.
Mary is going to be sad when you tell her.
the verb Adjectives are used with sense verbs or verbs of appearance
(feel, taste, smell, sound, appear and seem) to modify the noun which
comes before

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The fish tasted awful.
Did you see Peter? He seemed very upset.
I'm afraid the meat smelled rotten.


Adverbs Modify Verbs, Adjectives and Other Adverbs
1. Adverbs are easily recognized because the end in '-ly' (with a few
Adjective careful Adverb carefully
Adjective quick Adverb quickly
2. Adverbs are often used at the end of a sentence to modify the verb:
J ack drove carelessly.
Tom played the match effortlessly.
J ason complained about his classes constantly.
3. Adverbs are used to modify adjectives:
They seemed extremely satisfied.
She paid increasingly high prices.
I was suddenly surprised by Alice.
4. Adverbs are also used to modify other adverbs:

Examples: The people in the line moved incredibly quickly.
She wrote the report unusually tidy
Irregular adverbs:
Adjective Adverbs
Good Well
Late Late
Early Early
Fast Fast
Hard Hard

Self correction activity 5.5
Look at these examples:

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Anna is a dangerous driver. (adjective)
Anna drives dangerously. (adverb)

Now choose the correct option:

1) Anna walks.............................................................
a. heavy
b. heavily

2) Sharon is.................................................................
a. beautiful
b. beautifully

3) Maria speaks Chinese...
a. fluent.
b. fluently

4) David arrived ............................. yesterday morning.
a. late
b. lately

5) They are learning Japanese .......................................
a. quick
b. quickly

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6) Pat usually sings ..................................................
a. sad
b. sadly

7) Bill understands Spanish very ...............................
a. good.
b. well

8) The women are working .......................................
a. hard
b. hardly

9) I like living in a ........................................ house.
a. clean
b. cleanly

10) This soup tastes................................................
a. good
b. well

11) The orchestra sounds.......................................
a. bad
b. badly

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12) Tina runs very ...................................................
a. fast
b. fastly

Self correction activity 5.6
Decide if each bold word is being used correctly. If not, change it.

1) We are real happy to be of service to you and your family.
2) The perfume smells sweetly.
3) I feel bad about what happened.
4) Of all the holidays, this is the most joyful.
5) This wine tastes dryly to me.
6) Dont feel too badly about what you said.
7) This girdle hugs me firmly.
8) Life in the city is exciting, but life in the country is best.
9) If you dont talk clear, the audience will not be able to understand you.
10) The sweet smell of roses has no-match.
11) Walk slow or you are going to fall.
12) You dont look as though you feel well today.
13) My son doesnt feel very good today.
14) She was the most beautiful of the two.
15) Speak slower or you will lose your audience.

Self correction activity 5.7
Identify if the following words in Italics are adjectives or adverbs.

1) She drives very fast.
2) Its a fast car.

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3) He is a hard worker.
4) He works hard.
5) Hes a better swimmer than me.
6) He swims better than me.
7) She bakes good pies and cakes.
8) Everything she bakes is good.
9) He has a deep well behind his house.

10) He reached deep in his pockets.

Self correction activity 5.8
Choose the correct form: adjective or adverb.

1) I was _____________(total/ totally) surprised when I heard the news.
2) This shirt looks _______________(good/ well) on you.
3) I don't feel very ________________(good/ well) today.
4) This is an ____________________(unbelievable/ unbelievably) discovery.
5) He doesn't like his teacher; he says he treats him _______________(horrible/
6) You shouldn't drive so ___________(fast/ fastly); that's (extreme/ extremely)
7) This can't be _______ (truly/ true)! It's ________ (real/ really)______________
(amazing/ amazingly).
8) Be ______________ (reasonable/ reasonably), please!
9) His speeches are ___________ (high/ highly) _______________ (impressive/
10) They serve _______________ (delicious/ deliciously) food in that restaurant.

Self correction activity 5.9 listening activity
You are going to listen to 10 sentences, listen and copy them.

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Self correction activity 5.10
Find the adverbs.

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Self correction activities Keys

Self correction activity 5.1

1) What are some common causes of stress? Some common causes of stress are:
death, divorce, marriage, money, moving house, changing jobs, ending
relationships and taking exams.
2) What are some common ways of relieving stress? Some common ways of
relieving stress are: doing yoga exercises, chewing gum and playing with
worry beads.
3) What simple advice do doctors give? Their advice is that people should laugh,
smile and cry more often.

Self correction activity 5.2- Suggested Answers

Never gets home until 10.30 in the

Always takes work home from the
Never goes to bed before one oclock
Smokes forty cigarettes a day.
Drinks coffee before she goes to bed.
Never goes out in the evening.
Works all Sunday.
Walks to the underground station but
takes no other exercise.
Takes touring holidays in her car with
her family.

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1) She shouldnt work so late in the evening/ She ought to get home earlier.
2) She shouldnt take work home from the office./ She ought to rest when she gets
3) She shouldnt go to bed so late./ She ought to sleep earlier.
4) She shouldnt smoke so many cigarettes./ She ought to try and reduce the amount of
5) She shouldnt drink coffee before she goes to bed./She ought to drink milk instead.
6) She shouldnt stay at home in the evenings./She ought to have a walk in the
7) She shouldnt work all Sunday./She ought to rest at least one day in the week.
8) She shouldnt be so lazy./She ought to do more exercise.
9) She shouldnt take touring holidays in her car. /She ought to relax and take a bus.

Self correction activity 5.3 Reading comprehension Suggested Answers

1. Peter wakes up late, dives into the shower, moves quickly into his clothes, grabs a
toast from the kitchen, takes his car, drives to work or drops off the kids at school and
runs directly into a massive traffic jam.
Meanwhile, at the office, his boss and two impatient clients await his arrival.
When he finally arrives home after a rough day, his Spouse/Mate is irritated with him
because he forgot to put out the trash and let the dog (or) cat out before he left the
house in the morning, and now there's a big mess to clean up.
2. The common symptoms that a stressed person has are: feelings of fear, dread,
anxiety, muscle tension, changes in heart rate and/or blood pressure, respiration,
balance, metabolism and immune function.
3. Stress is another word for fear, often a low-level of fear, maintained chronically over a
period of time.
4. If you suffer from stress you can develop serious illnesses such as cancer, heart
problems, anxiety, depression, dyspepsia, kidney disease, high blood pressure, stroke,
sleeplessness, moodiness, irritability and memory problems.
5. -You shouldnt eat so much fried food./ You ought to eat healthy food.

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-You shouldnt smoke so much./You ought to try and reduce the amount of cigarettes.
- You shouldnt drink so much coffee./You should drink milk instead.
6. -You mustnt eat so much fried food.
- You mustnt smoke.
- You mustnt drink so much coffee.
7. There are other ways of relaxing such as: start an aerobic exercise program, go for
walks, participate in some sort of sporting event, do yoga, Tai chi or meditation. You can
also pray, see a comedy, adopt a pet, talk to a friend and go fishing or camping.
8. I usually listen to music, do relaxation exercises, go for a walk, play tennis, meet my
friends or see a comedy.

Self correction activity 5.4 Listening activity
1) You need to have an annual check up before starting a treatment.

2) Its very helpful in stressed people.
3) The practitioner use massage to make you feel better. Aromatherapy/Reflexology.
4) The medicine comes in many forms. Homeopathy.
5) Its concentrated in mind and body at the same time. Homeopathy.
6) You can feel better only smelling different oils. Aromatherapy.
7) The practitioner is able to know how you feel only touching your feet. Reflexology.

Tape script
Alternative medicine
Aromatherapy uses carefully chosen blended essential oils, which are readily absorbed
into the body, to produce therapeutic results. It is helpful in stress related
problems, skin problems, poor digestion, pain, sleep problems and so forth. The oils
(which are highly concentrated and rarely used undiluted) can be inhaled, used in
massage, or be incorporated into ointments, creams lotions and compresses. Before

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any treatment the therapist will conduct a consultation asking about personal and
medical history in order to plan an individual treatment for you.

Homeopathy is a system if medicine based on the principal "let likes treat likes". It is
used for treating many problems both physical and emotional. Homeopathic medicines
or remedies come in form of tablets, drops, granules or powders that dissolve in the
mouth. Homeopathic doctors work in the same way as their conventional colleagues.
History taking, examination and investigation are all important in establishing the
diagnosis - in understanding just what is wrong. However, homeopathic doctors consider
a wider range of aspects of the patient's condition - personality traits, physical features,
the effects of a variety of environmental influences, patterns of disease within families,
and family and social relationships. During the initial consultation the client is asked
about their medical history and characteristics of their personality, since the whole
person is treated and not just the symptoms. A diagnosis is then reached and a
treatment formulated and dispensed.

Reflexology is a form of 'alternative' or 'complementary' medicine and involves a method
of treatment using massage to reflex areas found in the feet and the hands.
Most commonly, the feet are used as the areas to be treated. In the feet, there are
reflex areas corresponding to all the parts of the body and these areas are arranged in
such a way as to form a map of the body in the feet with the right foot corresponding to
the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body. By
having the whole body represented in the feet, the method offers a means of treating the
whole body and of treating the body as a whole. This latter point is an important factor of
a natural therapy and allows not only symptoms to be treated but also the causes of
symptoms. Reflexology involves massaging areas of the feet. The theory behind it is
that every part of the foot corresponds to a specific part of the body. When you first visit
a reflexology practitioner, a detailed medical history will be taken. The client will then sit
on a chair and have his feet examined before commencing with the massage

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movements. If the area being worked on is out of balance, slight tenderness will
determine how out of balance the particular area is. The number of treatments required
varies from person to person but generally one treatment a week initially and then as
required by the client.

Self correction activity 5.5

1) Anna walks.................... heavily...........................
a. heavy
b. heavily
2) Sharon is........................ beautiful.........................
a. beautiful
b. beautifully
3) Maria speaks Chinese fluently ..
a. fluent.
b. fluently
4) David arrived .......... late.......... yesterday morning.
a. late
b. lately
5) They are learning Japanese .............. quickly.............
a. quick
b. quickly

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6) Pat usually sings .................... sadly...................
a. sad
b. sadly
7) Bill understands Spanish very ........... well............
a. good.
b. well
8) The women are working ................... hard...........
a. hard
b. hardly
9) I like living in a ................... clean............. house.
a. clean
b. cleanly
10) This soup tastes....................... well................
a. good
b. well
11) The orchestra sounds................. bad...............
a. bad
b. badly
12) Tina runs very ..................... fast........................
a. fast
b. fastly

Self correction activity 5.6
Decide if each bold word is being used correctly. If not, change it.

1) We are real happy to be of service to you and your family. Really.

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2) The perfume smells sweetly.
3) I feel bad about what happened.
4) Of all the holidays, this is the most joyful.
5) This wine tastes dry to me.
6) Dont feel too badly about what you said. Bad.
7) This girdle hugs me firmly.
8) Life in the city is exciting, but life in the country is best. Better.
9) If you dont talk clear, the audience will not be able to understand you. Clearly.
10) The sweet smell of roses has no-match.
11) Walk slow or you are going to fall. Slowly.
12) You dont look as though you feel well today.
13) My son doesnt feel very good today. Well.
14) She was the most beautiful of the two.
15) Speak slower or you will lose your audience.

Self correction activity 5.7
Identify if the following words in Italics are adjectives or adverbs

1) She drives very fast. (Adverb)
2) Its a fast car. (Adjective)
3) He is a hard worker. (Adjective)
4) He works hard. (Adverb)
5) Hes a better swimmer than me. (Adjective)
6) He swims better than me. (Adverb)
7) She bakes good pies and cakes. (Adjective)
8) Everything she bakes is good. (Adjective)
9) He has a deep well behind his house. (Adjective)

10) He reached deep in his pockets. (Adverb)

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Self correction activity 5.8

1) I was ___totally________(total/ totally) surprised when I heard the news.
2) This shirt looks _____good__________(good/ well) on you.
3) I don't feel very _____well___________(good/ well) today.
4) This is an ___unbelievable_________(unbelievable/ unbelievably) discovery.
5) He doesn't like his teacher; he says he treats him ___horribly____________(horrible/
6) You shouldn't drive so __fast_____(fast/ fastly); that's extremely (extreme/
extremely) dangerous!
7) This can't be __true_____ (truly/ true)! It's ___really_____ (real/
really)_____amazing_________ (amazing/ amazingly).
8) Be ___reasonable________ (reasonable/ reasonably), please!
9) His speeches are ____highly_______ (high/ highly) ___impressive____________
(impressive/ impressively).
10) They serve _____delicious__________ (delicious/ deliciously) food in that

Self correction activity 5.9 listening activity

Tape script

1) Mary is a slow swimmer.

2) Andrew plays the piano beautifully.

3) Mr Thompson speaks loudly.

4) Mr Garcia reads loudly.

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5) His kids are good students.

6) Joanna sings awfully.

7) John writes clearly.

8) Jessica is a good basketball player.

9) Patty doesnt cook well.

10) Mr. Lopez is not a careful policeman

Self correction activity 5.10

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Lesson 6
Health and fitness

Self correction activity 6.1- listening activity -

a) You are going to listen to a radio programme about strange sport statistics. The first
time you listen, cover the texts. What were the world records for?
b) Listen again and complete the missing information.

Strange sporting statistics


The 1)..................... marathon runner in the world was Dimitrion Yornadidis from Greece
who completed the Athens Marathon in 1976 in 7 hours 2)................... minutes aged

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The worlds 4) ................... sport is probably the triathlon, were the competitors must
swim 5).................. Km, cycle 6) ................... Km and run a marathon. (42.195 km)


The 7).................. basketball player was Suleiman Ali Nashnush who played for the
Libyan team in 1962. He was 8)................... tall.
The 9)...................... number of points scored by one player in a basketball match was
achieved by a Swedish player, Mats Wermelin, who scored all the points in his teams
victory in a tournament in Stockholm in 1974. The Final score was10)...................


The 11).................... crowd at a football match was in the Macaran Municipal Stadium
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 16
July, 12).................... for the match between Brazil and
Uruguay. There were 13)..................... spectators.

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The 14)...................... international goalkeeper on record was Willie fattyFoulke who
played for England. He was 15)...................... tall and weighted 16) ................. He once
stopped a game when he broke the bar of the goal.

Self correction activity 6.2
Match these numbers and scores with the correct way of saying them.

1) 200 m
2) 150 kg
3) 175 kph
4) 1.65 m
5) 4.6 km
6) 64.5 kg
7) 4 1
8) 2 0
9) 3 3

a) four point six kilometres.
b) Two nil
c) One hundred and seventy-five kilometres per hour
d) Two hundred metres
e) Three - all
f) One hundred and fifty kilos.
g) One point sixty-five metres ( one metre sixty-five)
h) Sixty - four point five kilos
i) Four -one

Self correction activity 6.3 Grammar revision
Read the comparative and the superlative quiz. Do it!

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Comparative and superlative quiz

Part 1: Whats the opposite of....?

Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives
Longer The slowest
Smaller The coldest
Cheaper The safest
More difficult The saddest
More interesting The rudest
Better The best
More The most

Part 2: Correct the mistakes

1. She cant swim as fast than her sister.
2. I think skiing is the more enjoyable winter sport.
3. He plays squash much better than me.
4. That was the better match I saw.
5. Their teams shirt is the same colour than ours.
6. Hes the most exiting footballer of the world.

Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
Grammar rules
1-syllable + er
+ est
2- syllable More + adj
More common
The most + adj
The most common
2-syllable ending in Y + ier
+ iest

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3-sylable or more More + adj
More difficult
The most + adj
The most difficult
More + adverb
More slowly
The most + adverb
The most slowly
Adjectives Adverbs
Good Well Better The best
Bad Badly Worse The worst
To compare two things, use:
A comparative adjective/ adverb + than
Boxing is more dangerous than rugby.
I can run faster than you.
Not as + adjective + as
Rugby isnt as dangerous as boxing.
I cant run as fast as you.
To express maximums or minimums, use:
The + a superlative adjective/ adverb.
Shes the tallest /most exciting player.
She plays the best.
To say that two things are the same, use:
As + adjective/ adverb + as
Our team is as good as yours.
He can play as well as me.
The same as
My racket is the same as yours.

Self correction activity 6.4
Complete with the comparative or the superlative.

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1) He was the ................................... referee we had in the last three years. (bad)
2) I think swimming is ....................................than jogging. (relaxing)
3) The new sports centre is much ........................... than the old one. (good)
4) It was the .....................................crowd of the season. (big)
5) Im much ............................. than I used to be in the past (fit)
6) One of the ..................................... sports to do is cycling. (easy)
7) Cross-country skiing is ...................... than normal skiing. (tiring)
8) It was the ................................... match I saw this week. (exciting)

Activity 1
Compare the following.

1) motor racing / motorcycling (dangerous)
2) live sport / sport on TV (exciting)
3) golf / cycling (boring to watch)
4) swimming/ aerobics (good for you)
5) Watching sports/ doing sports (enjoyable)
6) squash/ tennis (tiring)

Self correction activity 6.5
Match the pictures and the correct sport player




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a) a runner ............
b) a shot putter ............
c) a footballer ............
d) a canoeist ............
e) a tennis player ............

Self correction activity 6.6 Reading comprehension -

Read part 1 of an article about five students who do the sports in self correction activity
6.5. Answer the following questions.

1) What do the boys study?
2) Whats the house like?
3) How do they earn extra money?
4) How often do they do sports a day?
5) Who do you think is the fittest?

Part 1

Whos the fittest?

When you walk into number 4 Walpole Street, Chester, in the north England, you must
be careful you dont fall over the mountain bikes, sports bags, and various pieces of
sports equipment all over the hall. Five sports science students from the University

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College, Chester, occupy the house. They work hard to keep fit. Karl, the canoeist
describes a typical day: in the morning, we go for a run before breakfast and then we
attend lectures at college. Then we go running again or swimming, and then a quick
lunch. In the afternoons we do coaching to earn some extra money, and evenings are
spent in the gym or playing football.
All five boys are obviously fit. But who is the fittest? We asked them to do a series of
tests to find out the answer.

Self correction activity 6.7 Reading comprehension 2

Read the following mini- glossary and answer the questions giving your opinion

Ahead: in front
Be left: be still existing. Eg: Theres only one egg left.
Endurance: the ability to keep doing something difficult.
Last: to continue for a certain amount of time
Manage: to be able to do something with difficulty.
Measure: find the height, the length, the width etc, of something
Stretch: to push out your arms, legs, etc, as fast as possible

The footballer / the tennis player / the canoeist / the runner / the shot putter

1) Who had the least body fat? ...................................
2) Who was able to keep running the longest time? ...................................
3) Who was the most flexible? ....................................
4) Who was able to jump the highest? ....................................
5) Who was the fastest sprinter? ....................................
6) Who was the slowest? ....................................
7) Who was able to do the most sit-ups? ....................................
8) Who did the fewest? .....................................

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To check your answers do self-correction activity 6.8

Self correction activity 6.8 Reading comprehension 3

Read part 2 and check your answers in self correction activity 6.7
Then read again and say if the sentences are T o F

Body fat
The testing started by measuring body fat. Not surprisingly, the one with the most was
the shot putter, and then one with the least was the tennis player.

The athletes had to run at a speed, which was controlled by an audio signal from a
cassette. After each minute, the signal was faster, and they had to try to keep going for
as long as possible. The first to get tired was the shop putter who lasted 10 minutes
followed by the canoeist (you dont have to run in a canoe), and the runner not
surprisingly, latest the longest.

When they had recovered, they had to do some stretching. This gave the shot putter the
chance to win some points, and he was the most flexible, followed by the runner.

The next test involved lifting weight to test the strength of their arms. Logically, the shot
putter was the strongest. Then leg strength was measured using a jump test, and the
runner jumped the highest, 1-cm more than the canoeist.

An electric timing was used to measure sprinting speed and the results, a surprise, was
the tennis player was the fastest, just ahead of the footballer and the shot putter was

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Abdominal muscles
To complete the fitness test, their abdominal muscles were tested by doing continuous
sit-ups. The footballer only manages two minutes and after five minutes the only left was
the tennis player who lasted the full eight minutes.

Try again and compare your answers
The footballer / the tennis player / the canoeist / the runner / the shot putter

1) Who had the least body fat? ...................................
2) Who was able to keep running the longest time? ...................................
3) Who was the most flexible? ....................................
4) Who was able to jump the highest? ....................................
5) Who was the fastest sprinter? ....................................
6) Who was the slowest? ....................................
7) Who was able to do the most sit-ups? ....................................
8) Who did the fewest? .....................................

Self correction activity 6.9 listening activity

Who was the fittest?

Who was the least fit?

Are you surprised?

Listen to Part 3 of the text and answer the questions.

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Self correction activity 6.10 listening activity

Listen to two women talking about two gyms, their old gym called Gymtonic and a new
one called Superfit.
a) Listen to their conversation once and say. Which gym do they decide to go to?


b) Listen again and write S (Superfit) or G (Gymtonic)

Which of the two gyms....
1. has bigger changing rooms? ..........
2. has more modern equipment? ..........
3. is open for longer time? ..........
4. is more flexible? .........
5. is more expensive? .........
6. is nearer Amanda and Carols house? .........

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Self correction activities Keys -

Self correction activity 6.1- Listening activity
1) oldest
2) 33 (thirty-three)
3) 98 (ninety-eight)
4) hardest
5) 3.8 km (three point eight kilometres)
6) 180 Km (one hundred and eighty kilometres)
7) tallest
8) 2.45 m (two point forty five metres tall)
9) highest
10) 272 (two hundred and seventy two) nil (0)
11) largest
12) 200,000 (two hundred thousand)
13) heaviest
14) 1.90 m (one point ninety metres tall)
15) 165 Kg (one hundred and sixty five kilograms)

Tape script
... and to finish tonight on World Sport we have some more of those incredible statistics
for you. Starting with athletics.... Did you know that the oldest marathon runner in the
world was Dimitrion Yordanidis from Greece? He completed the Athens Marathon in
1976 in 7 hours 33 minutes at the incredible age of 98!
And if you think that jogging round a park is hard work, why dont you try triathlon? The
triathlon is probably the worlds hardest sport because you must listen to this swim
3.8 km then cycle 180 km and finally run a marathon which is 42.195 km.
Now onto basketball. Well all know that basketball players are tall, but the tallest
basketball player known is Suleiman Ali Nashnush who played for the Libyan national

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team in 1962. He was and I promise this is true 2.45 m tall. I bet he has problems
finding clothes to fit him.
And the highest number points scored by one player in a basketball match? Well that
records held by a Swedish player called Mats Wermeli who scored all the points in his
teams victory in a tournament in Stockholm in 1974. The final score ...272- nil!
And finally, football, Brazilians love football, but did you know that the largest crowd ever
at a football match was in the Macaran municipal stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on
July 1950 for a match between Brazil and Uruguay? There were almost 200,000
spectators there. Imagine that!
And to finish, heres a really unusual statistic for you. Did you know that the heaviest
international goalkeeper on the record was Willie (Fatty) Foulke who played for
England? He was 1.90m tall and weighted 165 kg. They said they once had to stop the
game because he broke the bar of the goal! Perhaps he sat on it!
Thats all weve got time for tonight on World Sport...

Self correction activity 6.2

a. 200 m Two hundred metres
b. 150 kg One hundred and fifty kilos.
c. 175 kph One hundred and seventy-five kilometres per hour
d. 1.65 m One point sixty-five metres ( one metre sixty-five)
e. 4.6 km four point six kilometres.
f. 64.5 kg Sixty - four point five kilos
g. 4 1 Four one
h. 2 0 Two nil
i. 3 3 Three all

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Self correction activity 6.3 Grammar revision

Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives
Longer shorter The slowest
The quickest
The fastest
Smaller bigger The coldest The hottest
Cheaper more expensive The safest
The most
More difficult easier The saddest The happiest
More interesting
more boring
less interesting
The rudest The most polite
Better worse The best The worst
More less The most The least

Part 2: Correct the mistakes

1. She cant swim as fast than her sister.
She cant swim as fast as her sister
2. I think skiing is the more enjoyable winter sport.
I think skiing is the most enjoyable winter sport.
3. He plays squash much better than me.
4. That was the better match I saw.
That was the best match I saw.
5. Their teams shirt is the same colour than ours.
Their teams shirt is the same colour as ours.
6. Hes the most exiting footballer of the world.

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 6.4

1) He was the .........worst................ referee we had in the last three years. (bad)
2) I think swimming is ........more relaxing....................than jogging. (relaxing)
3) The new sports centre is much .....better........... than the old one. (good)
4) It was the ........biggest.....................crowd of the season. (big)
5) Im much ............fitter............. than I used to be in the past (fit)
6) One of the ................easiest............. sports to do is cycling. (easy)
7) Cross-country skiing is ........more tiring......... than normal skiing. (tiring)
8) It was the ......most exciting..............match I saw this week. (exciting)

Activity 1
Remember to send this activity to your teacher in the Magna classroom.

Some examples:

1) motor racing / motorcycling (dangerous)
Motor racing is a bit more dangerous than motorcycling.
Motor racing is as dangerous as motorcycling.
2) live sport / sport on TV (exciting)
Live sport is much more exciting than sport on TV
3) golf / cycling (boring to watch)
Golf is as boring to watch as cycling.
4) swimming/ aerobics (good for you)
Swimming is as good for you as aerobics.
5) Watching sports/ doing sports (enjoyable)
Watching sports is less enjoyable than doing sports.
6) squash/ tennis (tiring)
Squash is as tiring as tennis.

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 6.5
Match the pictures and the correct sport player

a) a runner .....4.......
b) a shot putter .....1......
c) a footballer .....5.......
d) a canoeist .....3......
e) a tennis player .....2.......

Self correction activity 6.6 Reading comprehension -

1) What do the boys study?
They study sport science.
2) Whats the house like?
The house is full of sport equipment.
3) How do they earn extra money?
They do coaching.
4) How often do they do sports a day?
Three times a day
5) Who do you think is the fittest?
In this question you give your own opinion. Ask the teacher in the Magna classroom if
you have problems.

Self correction activity 6.7 Reading comprehension 2

In this activity you give your own opinion. Ask the teacher in the Magna classroom if you
have problems.

Self correction activity 6.8 Reading comprehension 3

The footballer / the tennis player / the canoeist / the runner / the shot putter

Mdulo III

1) Who had the least body fat? .....the tennis player....
2) Who was able to keep running the longest time? .....the runner...............
3) Who was the most flexible? .....the shot putter.......
4) Who was able to jump the highest? .....the runner.............
5) Who was the fastest sprinter? .....the tennis player...
6) Who was the slowest? .....the footballer..........
7) Who was able to do the most sit-ups? .....the tennis player...
8) Who did the fewest? .....the footballer..........

Self correction activity 6.9 listening activity

Who was the fittest?
The runner
Who was the least fit?
The shot putter
Are you surprised?
You give your own opinion

Tape script

So, at the end of the day, who was the fittest? Using a points system for each of the
tests, the result was as follows:
In the last place, the shot putter, then the canoeist, then the footballer. In second place
was the tennis player and the winner was Robert, the runner.

Self correction activity 6.10 listening activity

Which gym do they decide to go?

Which of the two gyms....

Mdulo III

1. has bigger changing rooms? ....S......
2. has more modern equipment? ....S.....
7. is open longer? ....G......
8. is more flexible? ... G.....
9. is more expensive? ....S.....
10. is nearer Amanda and Carols house? ....G....

Tape script

Amanda: Ok, so tell me about Superfit. Whats it like?
Carol: Well, of course its new, so everything looks really nice and clean. The changing
rooms are much more bigger than at Gymtonic and theres lot of space. There are ten
Amanda: Wow! What about equipment?
Carol: Its amazing, Its the most modern gym Ive ever seen, Its got all the latest
Amanda: And opening times? Because thats the good thing about Gymtonic. We can
go when we want and stay as long as we like. And its open till 11 every day.
Carol: Yeah, I know. In fact thats the main disadvantage of Superfit. They close at
10pm and they dont open on Sundays. And its not very flexible. You must book a time.
You cant just go whenever you want to, like at Gymtonic.
Amanda: What about the price? I suppose its much more expensive.
Carol: No, I was surprised. There isnt much difference. Its only 10 a month more than
Gymtonic. So what do you think?
Amanda: Well, I think we should stay at Gymtonic. I know its not as new, but its much
nearer and we can go whenever we want. I think thats more important than big
changing rooms and new equipment.
Carol: Yeah, so do I. Well stay where we are.

Mdulo III
Specific vocabulary self correction activities

Body and health
The body
Self correction 1
Match the words and the pictures:










Mdulo III

a) brain .......... f) lungs ..........
b) bowels .......... g) kidneys ..........
c) skin .......... h) bone ..........
d) heart .......... i) blood ..........
e) muscle .......... j) liver ..........

Stress and fitness
Self correction activity 2
Complete the text with the words in the box.

cold headaches hurt -illnesses keep fit pains
- pull a muscle relax stressed - stressful

Nowadays many people have very 1).................lives. Doctors say that stress can cause
many 2) .................., and in some cases even heart attacks. If you are feeling 3)
...................... you are more likely to get a 4) ............... or flu, or suffer from 5)
................. You should try to rest and 6) ..............., and do exercise to 7) ............... . But
be careful! You should start slowly or you could 8) .................. your back, or 9)
........................... If you notice any 10).................... after doing exercises, see a doctor.


Mdulo III

Symptoms of illness

Self correction activity 3
Look at the symptoms. Translate them.

Ive got a cold.
a cough.
a sore throat.
a temperature
Ive got a headache.
an earache.
a toothache
a stomach-ache.
My back hurts
Ive got a pain in my leg
Ive hurt myself.

Food and diet
Your diet

Self correction activity 4
Complete the text with the following words.

balanced carbohydrates healthy overweight unhealthy
healthy calories fast food lose put on vegetarians

What you eat is very important for your health. Many people today have an 1)
.................. diet. They eat too much 2) ..................... (especially take-away food) and
processed food (tinned or frozen) A healthy 3) ........................diet should include
proteins, 4) ....................., fats and fresh fruit and vegetables. You should control the

Mdulo III

amount of fat and carbohydrates you eat if you dont want to 5) ................. weight. If you
are 6) ............... you can go on a diet to 7) .................. weight, for example avoiding food
with too many 8) ................. Many people today are 9) .................. and dont eat any
meat. This 10) .................... diet if you make sure you eat enough protein from pulses
(beans, lentils, etc) eggs and cheese.

People in sport

Self correction activity 5
Match the people and definitions.
captain players coach referee - crowd spectator goalkeeper team

1) The .................... are people who play a sport. Eg tennis, basketball.
2) The ..................... is the head of the team.
3) The .................... is the person who controls a sport match.
4) A ...................... is a person who trains a team or a player.
5) A ....................... is a person who watches a sport.
6) The ..................... is the big group of people who watch a sport
7) A ..................... is people who play a sport together on one side.
8) The ........................ is the player who defends the goal. Eg in football.

Whats the score?
Self correction activity 6
Complete with all, love, nil or deuce

Most sports
3 - 3 = three ...........................................
1 0 = one ............................................
15 - 15 = fifteen .......................................
40 - 0 = forty ............................................
40 - 40 = ..................................................

Mdulo III

Winning or losing
Self correction activity 7
Write the past tense of these verbs

Beat ........................ United Manchester beat Liverpool 4 0
Win.......................... United Manchester won 4 0
Lose ....................... Chelsea lost to Arsenal 2 1
Draw ....................... Everton drew with Leeds 0 0

You win a match or competition. You cant win a person
You beat another team or a person.

Self correction activity 8
Add some more sports to each column:

Indoor sports Outdoors sports Water sports
play handball
do karate
play rugby
go cycling
go sailing
go swimming

Play for racket and ball sports (play tennis, volleyball)
Do for exercise (do yoga) and martial arts (do karate)
Go + verb + ing (go swimming)

Mdulo III

Specific vocabulary self correction activities KEYS -

Self correction activity 1

a) brain ...3....... f) lungs ...7.......
b) bowels ...10...... g) kidneys ...5......
c) skin ....9...... h) bone ...2.......
d) heart ....4...... i) blood ...1.......
e) muscle ....8...... j) liver ....6....

Self correction activity 2

Nowadays many people have very 1) stressful lives. Doctors say that stress can
cause many 2) illnesses, and in some cases even heart attacks. If you are feeling 3)
stressed you are more likely to get a 4) cold or flu, or suffer from 5) headaches. You
should try to rest and 6) relax, and do exercise to 7) keep fit . But be careful! You
should start slowly or you could 8) hurt your back, or 9) pull a muscle. If you notice
any 10)pains after doing exercises, see a doctor.

Self correction activity 3
Look at the symptoms. Translate them.

Ive got a cold.
a cough.
a sore throat.
a temperature
Ive got a headache.
a earache.
a toothache
a stomach-ache.
Tengo un resfro.
Tengo tos.
Tengo dolor de garganta.
Tengo fiebre.
Tengo dolor de cabeza
Tengo dolor de oidos.
Tengo dolor de muelas.
dolor de estmago.

Mdulo III

My back hurts
Ive got a pain in my leg
Ive hurt myself.
Me duele la espalda
Tengo un dolor en mi pierna.
Me lastim.

Self correction activity 4
Complete the text with the following words.

What you eat is very important for your health. Many people today have an 1) unhealthy
diet. They eat too much 2) fast food (especially take-away food) and processed food
(tinned or frozen) A healthy 3) balanced diet should include proteins, 4) carbohydrates,
fats and fresh fruit and vegetables. You should control the amount of fat and
carbohydrates you eat if you dont want to 5) put on weight. If you are 6) overweight you
can go on a diet to 7) lose weight, for example avoiding food with too many 8) calories.
Many people today are 9) vegetarians and dont eat any meat. This 10) healthy diet if
you make sure you eat enough protein from pulses (beans, lentils, etc) eggs and

Self correction activity 5

1) The players are people who play a sport. Eg tennis, basketball.
2) The captain is the head of the team.
3) The referee is the person who controls a sport match.
4) A coach is a person who trains a team or a player.
5) A spectator is a person who watches a sport.
6) The crowd is the big group of people who watch a sport
7) A team is people who play a sport together on one side.
8) The goalkeeper is the player who defends the goal. Eg in football.

Mdulo III

Self correction activity 6

Most sports
3 - 3 = three ............... all...................
1 0 = one ................ nil.......................
15 - 15 = fifteen .................. all................
40 - 0 = forty ................ love.................
40 - 40 = .................... deuce.....................

Self correction activity 7

Write the past tense of these verbs
Beat .......beat................. United Manchester beat Liverpool 4 0
Win..........won................ United Manchester won 4 0
Lose .......lost................ Chelsea lost to Arsenal 2 1
Draw .......drew................ Everton drew with Leeds 0 0

Self correction activity 8

Indoor sports Outdoors sports Water sports
play handball
do karate
play tennis
play football
play basketball
play volleyball
do yoga
play baseball

play rugby
go cycling
play volleyball
play football
play golf
play hockey
go skiing
go climbing
go hunting

go sailing
go swimming
go windsurfing
go canoeing
go scuba diving

Mdulo III

Ability: habilidad
Ache: dolor
Advice: consejo
Advise: aconsejar
Although: A pesar

Allergy: alergia
Anxiety: ansiedad
Appointment: entrevista
Aromatherapy: aromaterapia
Arrange (verb): organizar / acordar una cita
Arrangement: acuerdo

Arteries: arterias
Aspirin: aspirina
Asthma: asma

Athlete: atleta
Available: disponible
Award: reconocimiento / premio
Back: espalda
Beat: ganar / vencer
Bill: boleta
Blood circulation system: sistema

Mdulo III

Blood pressure: presin arterial
Bone cancer: cancer de hueso
Bones: huesos
Bother: molestar
Brain: cerebro
Brave: valiente

Breathe: respirar
Burn: quemar
Calm: calmar
Candle: vela
Cause: causa
Cold (n): resfrio
Collapse: colapsar

Collar: cuello de camisa
Competition: competicin
Check-up: chequeo
Cheek: mejilla
Chest: pecho

Chewing gum: chicle
Damage: dao
Death: muerte
Delayed: atrasado
Develop: desarrollar
Disability: discapacidad

Mdulo III
Disabled person: discapacitado
Disbelief: no creer en algo
Disc: disco
Disease: enfermedad
Dive: zambullir /bucear
Dopamine: dopamina
Due to: porque / a causa de
Earn: ganar dinero trabajando
Either: tampoco
Elevator (Am): ascensor
Enclosure: jaula / encierro
Expect: esperar
Fall off (phrasal verb): caer

Fatty food: comida grasosa
Fear: miedo
Find out: encontrar

Fishing net: red para pescar
Flexible: flexible

Flu: gripe
Flute: flauta
Fried food: fritos
Funny: divertido
Funny: raro
Feel: sentir

Mdulo III
Geranium: geranio
Get fit: ponerse en forma
Get in shape: ponerse en forma
Get over (phrasal verb): recuperarse de
una enfermedad o situacin difcil.
Get stuck: quedarse atrapado
Give up (phrasal verb): abandonar / dejar
de hacer algo / renunciar
Go on (phrasal verb): continuar

Grains: granos/ cereales
Handle: manejar
Harm: dao
Harmful: daino

Headache: dolor de cabeza
Healthy: saludable
Heart: corazn
Homeopathy: homeopata
Hope (n): esperanza
Hospitalised: hospitalizado
Hurt: doler
Hurt: lastimar
Hydrotherapy: hidroterapia

Illness: enfermedad
Improve: mejorar
In spite of: a pesar de
Increase: incrementar / aumentar

Injury: lesin / herida
J oin: unir
Kidney: rin

Laugh: reir

Mdulo III
Lavender: lavanda
Lift (Br): ascensor
Lift (v): levantar
Lipstick: lpiz de labios
Liver: higado
Loose: flojo
Lose weight: perder peso / adelgazar
Lose: perder
Lungs: pulmones
Massage: mensaje
Massive: masivo

Medicine: medicina/ medicamento
Merits: con meritos
Metal: metal
Miracle: milagro
Moodiness: cambios en el humor
Moving: conmovedor

Muscle: msculo
Neck: cuello
Nerves: nervios
Neurotransmitter: neurotransmisor
Ordinary: ordinario / comn
Overheard: escuchar comentarios al

Pain (n): dolor
Pain (V): doler
Pain killer: analgsico
Paraplegic: paraplgico
Perhaps: quizs
Persuade: persuadir
Pine: pino

Mdulo III
Plaster: yeso / apsito
Prize: premio
Protein: protena
Punctual: puntual
Put on (phrasal verb) weight: aumentar
de peso

Race: carrera
Raise money: recaudar
Recovery: recuperacin

Reflexology: reflexologia
Research: investigacin
Return: regresar/ retornar
Rough: difcil/ spero

Sail: navegar
Sandalwood: sndalo
Scent: escencia
Schedule: esquema
Seem: parecer
Severe: severo
Share: compartir

Sit ups: hacer abdominales
Skinny: muy flaco

Sleeping pills: pastillas para dormir
Sleeplessness: insomnio/ problemas para

Mdulo III
Slice: pedazo/ feta
Sneakers: zapatillas
Soak: mojarse
Somewhere: en/ a alguna parte
Sound: suena
Spare time: tiempo libre
Spinal cord: columna vertebral
Spotty: con manchas
Stack: apilar
Stomach: estmago
Stomach-ache: dolor de estomago
Strength: fuerza
Strengthen: fortalecer
Suffer: sufrir
Sweat: transpirar
Symptom: sntoma
Take off (pharsal verb) clothes: sacarse
la ropa
Temperature: fiebre
Therapy: terapia
Touch: tocar

Trash: basura
Veins: venas
Virus: virus
Waist: cintura
Waste: perder (tiempo o dinero)
Weight lifting: levantar pesas
Wheelchair: silla de ruedas
Whole grains: granos enteros

Mdulo III
Whole: entera/ toda
Work out: entrenamiento fsico
Worry: preocuparse

Mdulo III

Mdulo III

Presentacin .................................................................................................................................... 3
Lesson 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Theres always a way. ..................................................................................................................... 5
Self correction activity 1.1 ......................................................................................................... 6
Self correction activity 1.2 ......................................................................................................... 6
Self correction activity 1.3 ......................................................................................................... 6
Grammar: Can and be able to ........................................................................................................ 8
(How many languages are you able to speak?) (I ts very formal and it isnt common) ............. 8
Self correction activity 1.4 ......................................................................................................... 8
Self correction activity 1.5 ......................................................................................................... 9
Grammar: Could or was/ were able to? ....................................................................................... 11
She could see the camera but she couldnt reach it. ................................................................... 11
Self correction activity 1.6 ....................................................................................................... 12
Self correction activity 1.7 Listening Activity- ................................................................... 12
Self correction activity 1.8 ....................................................................................................... 12
Self correction activity 1.9 ....................................................................................................... 13
Self correction activities - Keys ..................................................................................................... 14
Self correction activity 1.7 Listening Activity- ................................................................... 16
Lesson 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Super Heroes ................................................................................................................................. 19
Terry Fox ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Self correction activity 2.1 ....................................................................................................... 20
B) I nterpretation ...................................................................................................................... 20
D) Understanding ..................................................................................................................... 21
Self correction activity 2.2 listening activity .................................................................... 22
Self correction activity 2.3 ....................................................................................................... 23
Book of the month Another super hero ................................................................................. 24
Still me by Christopher Reeve ................................................................................................... 24
Self correction activity 2.4 ....................................................................................................... 25
Self correction activity 2.5 ....................................................................................................... 25
Self correction activity 2.6 ....................................................................................................... 26

Mdulo III
Self correction activity 2.7 ....................................................................................................... 26
Used to ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Be able to ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Self correction activity 2.8 ....................................................................................................... 28
Self correction activity 2.9 listening activity .................................................................... 29
Self correction activities Keys ................................................................................................. 30
B) I nterpretation ...................................................................................................................... 30
D) Understanding ..................................................................................................................... 30
Lesson 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 39
A healthy lifestyle .......................................................................................................................... 39
Self correction activity 3.1 ...................................................................................................... 40
Self correction activity 3.2 ....................................................................................................... 41
Giving advice ................................................................................................................................. 43
Self correction activity 3.3 ....................................................................................................... 43
Self correction activity 3.5 Listening activity .................................................................. 45
Self correction activity 3.6 Vocabulary revision - .............................................................. 45
Self correction activity 3.7 Reading comprehension activity - ......................................... 47
B) Classroom Love ........................................................................................................................ 48
From Shy in Seoul ....................................................................................................................... 48
From Huge in Honolulu. ............................................................................................................. 48
D) I 'm boring ................................................................................................................................. 48
Self correction activity 3.8 Reading comprehension activity ......................................... 49
Self correction activity 3.9 Vocabulary working: Getting Fit ....................................... 49
Lesson 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 63
At the doctors ............................................................................................................................... 63
Making an Appointment ............................................................................................................... 63
Self correction activity 4.1 Vocabulary illnesses ............................................................. 63
Self correction activity 4.2 Listening activity .................................................................. 65
Self correction activity 4.2 Listening activity .................................................................. 65
Self correction activity 4.4 ....................................................................................................... 66
Giving advice - revision ............................................................................................................ 67
Self correction activity 4.5 listening activity .................................................................... 67
Self correction activity 4.6 ....................................................................................................... 68
Self correction activity 4.7 Listening activity .................................................................. 69

Mdulo III
Self correction activity 4.8 ....................................................................................................... 69
Self correction activity 4.9 Reading comprehension ....................................................... 69
Self correction activities Keys ................................................................................................. 71
Lesson 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 78
Living with stress ........................................................................................................................... 78
Self correction activity 5.1 ....................................................................................................... 79
Self correction activity 5.2 ....................................................................................................... 79
Self correction activity 5.3 Reading comprehension ....................................................... 80
STRESS--THE I NESCAPABLE REALI TY OF MODERN-DAY LI FE" ................................ 80
Self correction activity 5.4 Listening activity .................................................................. 84
Adjectives or adverbs? ................................................................................................................... 85
Self correction activity 5.5 ....................................................................................................... 86
Self correction activity 5.7 ....................................................................................................... 89
Self correction activity 5.8 ....................................................................................................... 90
Self correction activity 5.10 ..................................................................................................... 91
Self correction activities Keys ................................................................................................. 92
Tape script ..................................................................................................................................... 94
Lesson 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 102
Health and fitness ....................................................................................................................... 102
Strange sporting statistics ........................................................................................................... 102
Athletics ....................................................................................................................................... 102
Basketball .................................................................................................................................... 103
Football ................................................................................................................................... 103
Self correction activity 6.2 ..................................................................................................... 104
Self correction activity 6.3 Grammar revision .............................................................. 104
Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs ................................................................ 105
Self correction activity 6.4 ..................................................................................................... 106
Self correction activity 6.5 ..................................................................................................... 107
Self correction activity 6.6 Reading comprehension - ..................................................... 108
Self correction activity 6.7 Reading comprehension 2 .................................................. 109
Self correction activity 6.8 Reading comprehension 3 .................................................. 110
Self correction activity 6.9 listening activity .................................................................. 111
Self correction activity 6.10 listening activity ................................................................ 112
Self correction activities Keys - ................................................................................................ 113

Mdulo III
Correct ......................................................................................................................................... 115
Correct ......................................................................................................................................... 115
Specific vocabulary self correction activities ....................................................................... 120
Body and health ..................................................................................................................... 120
The body ...................................................................................................................................... 120
Self correction 1 ..................................................................................................................... 120
Stress and fitness ......................................................................................................................... 121
Self correction activity 2 ........................................................................................................ 121
Symptoms of illness ..................................................................................................................... 122
Self correction activity 3 ........................................................................................................ 122
Food and diet .......................................................................................................................... 122
Your diet ...................................................................................................................................... 122
Self correction activity 4 ........................................................................................................ 122
Sport ........................................................................................................................................ 123
People in sport ............................................................................................................................. 123
Self correction activity 5 ........................................................................................................ 123
Whats the score? ........................................................................................................................ 123
Self correction activity 6 ........................................................................................................ 123
Winning or losing ....................................................................................................................... 124
Self correction activity 7 ........................................................................................................ 124
Sports ........................................................................................................................................... 124
Self correction activity 8 ........................................................................................................ 124
Specific vocabulary self correction activities KEYS - .......................................................... 125
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 128

Mdulo III

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