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Ingls II

Mdulo VI

Mdulo VI

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Mdulo VI
Les presentamos una manera dinmica y actualizada para que Uds. aprendan a
manejar el idioma ingls de forma prctica y sencilla. En el recorrido de los mdulos,
podrn leer y comprender los dilogos que se entablan entre los distintos personajes y
a partir de all, resolvern actividades que los conducirn al aprendizaje de la lengua.
Uds. encontrarn las respuestas a cada autoevaluacin al final de cada leccin.
Con esta metodologa, corroborarn su propio progreso y les permitir rever las
lecciones anteriores en el caso que fuera necesario.
Las actividades sealadas como tales sern evaluadas por los tutores, como as
tambin el test de evaluacin (assessment), que se encuentra al final de cada mdulo,
que les ofrecer una amplia visin sobre la efectividad en el manejo de esta lengua.
La gramtica correspondiente a los contenidos se encuentra inserta en el
desarrollo de cada leccin. El glosario bsico se encuentra en un anexo al final de cada
Uds. tendrn la oportunidad de manejar tres medios para lograr aprender ingls:
1) Primero y principal: leer y realizar las propuestas en el mdulo grfico.
2) Como soporte indispensable para que ustedes dominen la escucha y el manejo de
la correcta pronunciacin, debern utilizar el cassette conjuntamente con el mdulo
grfico .
3) En forma complementaria, el CD-ROM como herramienta multimedial que
colaborar en su prctica peridica, en donde encontrarn videos, audio,
autoevaluaciones y vocabulario animado.
Les recomendamos utilizar los medios detallados en el orden establecido para no
obviar ninguna etapa del proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera, as como
tambin para obtener ptimos resultados.
En este segundo nivel no se incluirn las traducciones correspondientes a textos,
dilogos y consignas. Nuestra intencin con estas modificaciones cumple dos objetivos
fundamentales: primero, que Uds. logren un dominio an mayor de la lengua en forma

Mdulo VI
autnoma, segundo consideren que aunque les resulte dificultoso en un principio les
resultar beneficioso finalmente.
Uds. podrn utilizar el glossary (glosario) que se encuentra al final del modulo
pero le recomendamos que no se concentren en cada una de las palabras que no
conozcan al realizar la lectura, sino que traten de comprender globalmente el contenido
y posteriormente recurran al uso del glosario o diccionario.

Mdulo VI
Lesson 1
How will we live in fifty years time?

Read some predictions for the year 2050.

We will have new laser toilets in our homes. We wont have water toilets because water
will be very expensive.

Very few people will smoke and cigarettes will be illegal.

Mdulo VI

We will use our eyes for personal identification for example, to get into our homes. We
will not have I.D. cards.

We wont have money- we will use portable cards.

We will go on -virtual reality holidays- because they will be cheaper than the real

Mdulo VI

Most books will disappear- we will only have one electronic book. But we will change
the content of our electronic book when we want.

We will have portable computers in our shoes and communicate information to people
by touch.

Petrol cars will disappear. We will have electric or solar cars and more people will use
public transport.

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 1.1

Read the text again and say which changes are good or bad.

For example:
I think virtual reality holidays are bad.

Self correction activity 1.2

Match the words and the pictures.

1) 2) 3)


Mdulo VI
5) 6) 7)

a. portable .. f. illegal .
b. toilet .. g. identification (I.D) ..
c. touch ..
d. expensive ..
e. public transport

Making predictions

In level 1 we have practised a way of making predictions. Do you remember how?

Read and listen to the following dialogue:

J ohn: Oh! Look at those grey clouds!
Maria: Yes, They are really black. Its going to rain!
J ohn: By the way, do you know anything about Mark?
Maria: Yes, he has a new girlfriend. I think they are going to get married soon.
They are really in love!
J ohn: Great! I started a new job two months ago. I earn quite a lot of money, so
Im thinking about changing my car.
Maria: So you are going to buy a new car. Which car would you like to buy?
J ohn: Well, I still dont know.

When do we use be going to?

Mdulo VI

(Be) Going to
The structure of these tense is the following:

To make predictions:
We may use be going to to make predictions if we are certain (sure) about the
prediction and there is some physical evidence. Example:
Look! Hes lost a ski. Hes going to fall
To talk about future plans, intentions or decisions.
Helena s going to go to the University next year.

Self correction activity 1.3 listening activity

Talking about birthdays.

1) Write words connected to birthdays.

2) You are going to listen to three people: Sara, Peter, Martha, talking about their
birthdays. Listen to them and answer the following questions.

a. Who doesnt usually celebrate their birthday with their family?
b. Who usually celebrates their birthday with their family?
Subject + verb to be + going to + an infinitive verb

Mdulo VI
c. Who doesnt usually celebrate their birthday at all?

3) Listen to the people again and write what each of them is going to do or to get at their

Making predictions 2

Read the text at the beginning of the lesson. What word do we use to express future?

Simple Future

Example: We wont use money in the future, we will use electronic cards.

Example: Will petrol cars disappear?
We use will/ wont +infinitive to make predictions which are your opinions (what
you think/ guess in the future).
I think pollution will soon be the worlds biggest problem.

Self correction activity 1.4
Use the words to write sentences about life in the future.

Subject + will + infinitive.
wont (will not)

Will + subject + infinitive.
Wont (will not)

Mdulo VI
Women/ have/ better jobs. More men/ work/ at home.
Women will have better jobs. More men will work at home.

1) Most forests/ disappear. Wood/ become/ very expensive.
2) Most children /not go/ school. They study/ home/ the Internet.
3) People/ not work. Robots /do / their work.
4) Scientists/ find/ a cure for cancer and AIDS.
5) People not buy/ books. They/ use / the Internet.

Self correction activity 1.5

Who said that, and when? Try to match the speakers, dates and predictions


Lord Haldane, politician
Dick Roe, London record producer.
James Davinson, music critic.
Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister 1979 90
Richard Nixon, President of the USA
Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM


1860 1907 1943 1961 1971 1976

Mdulo VI

We all make mistakes!
Even experts can be wrong. Here are six
of the worlds worst predictions:

I dont think well have
another war. This one is
probably the last one

I dont think therell be a
woman Prime Minister in
my lifetime.

Verdi Rigolettto will be
famous for a day or two
and they will be forgotten

Therell only be a world
market for about five

These boys wont be a

The aeroplane will never
be able to fly

I think Margaret Thatcher said .in 19..


Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 1.6 listening activity

Listen and check your prediction in self correction activity 1.5.

Self correction activity 1.7 Reading activity

Star signs predictions for the coming year!

J an21
Youll have
a lot of
during the
year so try
to relax as
much as
Youll get
closer to
your family
this year.
Friends will
be very
this year
and youll
have a
The colour
yellow will
be lucky for
Mar21 Apr
Youll have a
meeting in
February, and
luck with
money in
April. You
wont work or
study as hard
as you did this
A letter or
phone call
from abroad
will mean a
surprise trip,
and youll
have news
from a
friend you
seen for a
long time.
May22 -
J un21
Youll have
a relaxing
and the
second half
of the year
will be
better than
the first. A
will bring
you a lot of
J un22 -
J ul23
This is the
year when
youll find
your ideal
possibly in
spring. If
you have to
do any
youll pass

Mdulo VI
J ul24 -
new will
come into
your life
during the
number 8
will be
for you and
an older
person will
give you
some good
pieces of
This year
youll find a
new job, or
get a
in your
present job.
May and
June wont
be easy

Sep24- Oct23
Itll be a good
year for you if
you want to
sell or buy a
house or flat.
Youll get
interested in
medicine like
Youll feel
this year
and will
learn to do
new. It
wont be a
good year
number 35
will help
you win
money this
year and itll
also be a
good year
for parties.
will invite
you on an
exciting trip
Therell be
changes in
your family
this year,
and some
visitors. A
meeting will
go very

Read the horoscope and write the star sign:

1) Who will probably meet their future partner in spring? .
2) Who will learn to do something new? .
3) Who will get some good advice? .
4) Who will be in touch with an old friend this year? .
5) Who should buy some yellow clothes this year? .
6) Who wont be so lucky in the first half of the year? .

Mdulo VI
Self correction activities - Keys

Self correction activity 1.1

Your answers may vary according to your opinion. If you have any doubt
remember to talk to your teacher in the Aula Magna.

Self correction activity 1.2

Match the words and the pictures

1) 2) 3) 4)

5) 6) 7)

a. portable 6 f. illegal 3.
b. toilet 2. g. identification (I.D) 4..
c. touch 7.
d. expensive 1.
e. public transport 5

Correction activity 1.3 listening activity

1) Suggested answers

Mdulo VI

Present, celebrate, party, food, drink, balloons, cake, music, dancing,
friends, have fun, sing.

a. Sara
b. Marta
c. Peter

Tape script
Martha: Hello. My name is Martha and Im from Taiwan. Im a flight attendant with China
Airlines, so I sometimes work on my birthday. But I usually celebrate my birthday with
my family. We go to a restaurant in the evening and eat dumplings and noodles. My
parents and my grandmother always give me money. This year Im going to have a
party. I hope all my friends can come.
Sara: Hi. Im Sara and I live in Tokyo. My birthday is on May 14th. The weather is
usually really nice, so I often go to the park and have a picnic with my friends.
Sometimes we go to a movie in the evening. I dont usually celebrate my birthday with
my family, but they buy me presents. This year Im going to be eighteen, and my mother
and father are going to buy me a guitar.
Peter: My name is Peter and Im from Pusan in Korea. Its my twentieth birthday next
week. Twenty is a very special age in Korea so my friends are going to have a party for
me. My brother and sister are going to come, too. I dont usually have a party. In fact, I
usually dont celebrate my birthday at all. But my mother sometimes cooks a special
meal for my family. Id like a CD player for my birthday, but I dont really know what Im
going to get.

Mdulo VI

Martha is going to have a party.
Sara is going to get a guitar.
Peter is going to have a party, but he doesnt know what hes going to get
(although hed like a CD player).

Self correction activity 1.4

1) Most forests/ disappear. Wood/ become/ very expensive.
Most forests will disappear. Wood will become very expensive.
2) Most children /not go/ school. They study/ home/ the Internet.
Most children wont go to school. They will study at home using the Internet.
3) People/ not work. Robots /do / their work.
People will not work. Robots will do their work.
4) Scientists/ find/ a cure for cancer and AIDS.
Scientists will find a cure for cancer and AIDS.
5) People not buy/ books. They/ use / the Internet.
People wont buy books. They will use the Internet.

Self correction activity 1.5

Check your answers in self correction activity 1.6 listening activity

Self correction activity 1.6 listening activity

Tape script

1) In 1971 Richard Nixon, President of the United States of America, said about the
Vietnamese war I dont think well have another war. This one is probably the last
2) In 1976 Margaret Thatcher, at the time British Minister for Education, said I
dont think therell be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime

Mdulo VI

3) In 1860 J ames Davison, a music critic, said Verdis Rigoletto will be famous for
a day or two and then will be forgotten.
4) In 1943 Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, said, Therell only be a world market
for about five computers.
5) In 1961 Dick Roe, a London record producer, said about the Beatles, These
boys wont be a success .
6) In 1907 Lord Haldane, the British War Minister, said, The aeroplane will never
be able to fly.

Self correction activity 1.7 Reading activity

1. Cancer
2. Scorpio
3. Leo
4. Taurus
5. Pisces
6. Gemini

Mdulo VI

Mdulo VI
Lesson 2
Old friends

Self correction activity 2.1 Listening activity -
Debbie calls and leaves a message on Tims answering machine. Listen and answer.

1) Whens Debbie going to Budapest?
2) Why?
3) How long is she staying?

Self correction activity 2.2 Listening activity

Listen to Debbies second message. Complete her travel details.

Ms Debbie Morgan
Date of journey:
London (Heathrow) 7.45 a.m.
Budapest a.m. (local time)
Flight number
(Malev Airlines)
Phone Number

Debbies an interpreter.
Shes going to Budapest.
Her friend Tim works at
Budapest University and
she really wants to see
him when shes there.

Mdulo VI
Listen to the tape again (self correction activity 2.2) and answer the following question:

How do you say these dates?

March 14
May 30
5.2.84 21/9/96 August 12


You write March 14
but you say ... March (the) fourteenth.
March (the) fourteenth (of) March

(the) fifth (of) February
eighteen eighty- four.
August 12
August (the) twelfth-
nineteen ninety-nine

Self correction activity 2.3
Lean las siguientes fechas.
December, 22

1st, June
4th, June
February 11th, 1979

Self correction activity 2.4 vocabulary working
Match the verb and phrases.
arrive at arrive in have leave meet see stay

1) a film, a friend

Mdulo VI
2) at the hotel, a friend
3) a message, home
4) dinner, a meal
5) in a hotel, for a week

Arrive at a building.
in a town or country

Self correction activity 2.5

Complete the sentences with the verbs from self correction activity 2.4. Write them into
the correct tense.

1. Last year we went on holidays to London. We .. in a beautiful five stars
hotel. We a wonderful time.
2. I phoned her many times but nobody answered so I .. her a message.
3. What time . she usually ..home?
4. We have to hurry up! Mark is . the airport at 2.00 p.m.
5. Yesterday afternoon I went to the cinema. There I .friend and we .. a film
6. When you Italy? I will be waiting for you!

Self correction activity 2.6

Do you remember Debbie and Tim? Tim got a Debbies postcard. Use the travel
details in self correction activity 2.2 to complete her card.

Mdulo VI
Dear Tim,
How are you? I hope youre well. Your mother gave me your address. She said you
were fine, but busy. Ive got a surprise for you. Im 1)going to Budapest soon, on
March 14th. Here are my travel arrangements. Im 2) London at 3) a.m. and
Im 4) in Budapest at 5) a.m. Im 6) at the 7) hotel.
Im 8) for a week. Im 9) with 10) Airlines (flight number 11)
Im really looking forward to seeing you again.
Debbie XX
PS I hope you get this card before I arrive.

Look at Debbies postcard

1) What tense does she use for travel arrangements?

2) Is she talking about now or the future?

Present continuous with future meaning

Look at these two sentences. What is the difference?

Debbie is arriving in Budapest at 10.00 a.m. (This sentence expresses
future. Debbie is going to Budapest. She has the ticket)
Debbie is leaving a message right now. (The action is happening at the
moment of speaking)

We use the present continuous (be + verb + ing) + a future expression (tomorrow,
next, this afternoon, etc) to talk about arrangements (e.g. things you write on a

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 2.7

Look at Tims diary. Make sentences with the verbs in the box
have fly go (x2) meet Play see

Sunday 25
Vienna (flight YL71G)
Monday 26
The dentists
Tuesday 27
Wednesday 28
Viktor (University)
Thursday 29

Saturday 31
The ballet

E.g. On Sunday hes flying to Vienna.

Self correction activity 2.8 listening activity

Tim calls Debbie in England. Listen and answer.

1) What days cant they meet? Why?

2) What day can they meet?

Self correction activity 2.9 Listening activity

Mdulo VI
Listen again and complete the invitations. Tick the answers you hear.

Invite / suggest Accept / refuse
1) What . .
on Sunday night?
Well actually, Im.
Nothing especial.
2) Are you . Tuesday
No, Im
Yes, I am.
3) . Wednesday?

Sorry, Im busy.
Yes, thats fine.
4) you ..
have dinner?
Sorry, I cant. Im.
Id love to.
5) Where can we ..?
At the hotel?
No, lets meet at the station.

Self correction activity 2.10 listening activity

Listen to phrases from the dialogue. Repeat. Copy the intonation.

Self correction activity 2.11 listening activity

1) Listen to six invitations. Accept or refuse
2) Listen to the six invitations again and write them.


Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 2.12 Listening activity

Tim meets Debbie. Listen. What happens?

Activity 1

Talking about your arrangements.
Answer the following questions:

1) What are you doing after the English class?
2) What are your doing this evening?
3) Where are going tomorrow?
4) Are you going out next Saturday?
5) Are you doing anything special next Friday night?
6) What are you doing next Sunday?

Mdulo VI
Self correction activities - Keys -

Self correction activity 2.1 Listening activity -

1) Whens Debbie going to Budapest?
2) Why?
3) How long is she staying?

1) (Shes going there) next Sunday
2) Shes going to a conference at the university
3) (Shes staying) for a week

Tape script
Tim: Hi. This is Tim Hursts answering machine. Sorry Im not here to take your call.
Please leave your name and message after the tone. Thanks.
Debbie: Hello, Tim? Its me, Debbie. Hope youre OK. I sent you a postcard but Im
going to a conference at Budapest University. Im flying to Budapest next Sunday,
and Im flying for a week. Listen Im leaving

Self correction activity 2.2 Listening activity

Ms Debbie Morgan
Date of journey:
Sunday March 14
London (Heathrow) 7.45 a.m.
Budapest 10.30..a.m. (local time)
Flight number
MA209 (Malev Airlines)
The Danube Hotel..
Phone Number
0161 855 907.

Mdulo VI
Tape script

Debbie: Hi, Tim. Its Debbie again. Sorry I didnt finish my message. As I was saying.
Im going there next Sunday, Sunday March 14
. Im arriving in Budapest at half past
ten your time. Im flying with Malev Airlines- flight number MA209 Im staying at
Danube Hotel. Thats D-A-N-U-B-E. Listen Tim, I really hope we can meet in
Budapest. Call me at home. My numbers 0161 855 907 0161 855 907. Ok? Bye!

Listen to the tape again (self correction activity 2.2) and answer the following question.

Tape script

Debbie: Hi, Tim. Its Debbie again. Sorry I didnt finish my message. As I was saying.
Im going there next Sunday, Sunday March 14
. Im arriving in Budapest at half past
ten your time. Im flying with Malev Airlines- flight number MA209 Thats D-A-N-U-
B-E. Listen Tim, I really hope we can meet in Budapest. Call me at home. My
numbers 0161 855 907 0161 855 907. Ok? Bye!

How do you say these dates?

March 14
March (the) fourteenth.
May (The) third (of) May.
July (The) thirtieth (of) J uly.
5.2.84 (The) fifth (of) February, nineteen eighty-four.
21/9/96 (The) twenty-first (of) September, nineteen ninety- nine
August 12
1999 August (the) twelfth, nineteen ninety- nine.

Self correction activity 2.3
Lean las siguientes fechas.
December, 22nd December the twenty second

1st, June The first of J une
4th, June The fourth of J une

Mdulo VI
February 11th, 1979 February the eleventh, nineteen seventy-nine
9.7.1977 The nineth of J uly nineteen seventy- seven

Self correction activity 2.4 vocabulary working

1) see a film, a friend
2)meet at the hotel, a friend
2) leave a message, home
3) have dinner, a meal
4) stay in a hotel, for a week

Self correction activity 2.5

Complete the sentences with the verbs from self correction activity 2.4. Write them into
the correct tense.

1. Last year we went on holidays to London. We stayed.. in a beautiful five
stars hotel. We had a wonderful time.
2. I phoned her many times but nobody answered so I left.. her a message.
3. What time does. she usually leave..home?
4. We have to hurry up! Mark is arriving at. the airport at 2.00 p.m.
5. Yesterday afternoon I went to the cinema. There I met.friend and we saw..
a film together.
6. When didyou arrive inItaly? I will be waiting for you!

Self correction activity 2.6

Do you remember Debbie and Tim? Tim got a Debbies postcard. Use the travel
details in self correction activity 2.2 to complete her card.

Mdulo VI
Dear Tim,
How are you? I hope youre well. Your mother gave me your address. She said you
were fine, but busy. Ive got a surprise for you. Im 1)going to Budapest soon, on
March 14th. Here are my travel arrangements. Im 2) leaving London at 3) 7.45
a.m. and Im 4) arriving in Budapest at 5) 10.30 a.m. Im 6) staying at the 7)
Danube hotel. Im 8) staying for a week. Im 9) flying with 10) Malev Airlines (flight
number 11)MA209).
Im really looking forward to seeing you again.
Debbie XX
PS I hope you get this card before I arrive.

Self correction activity 2.7

Sunday 25
Vienna (flight YL71G)
Monday 26
The dentists
Tuesday 27
Wednesday 28
Viktor (University)
Thursday 29

Saturday 31
The ballet

E.g. On Sunday hes flying to Vienna.
1) On Monday hes going to the dentists.
2) On Tuesday hes playing squash.
3) On Wednesday hes meeting Viktor at the university.
4) On Thursday hes going to see Troy.
5) On Friday evening hes having dinner with Erika.
6) On Saturday hes going to the ballet.

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 2.8 listening activity

1) What days cant they meet? Why?
Sunday, because Tims going to Vienna, Monday because Debbies
busy, Tuesday, because Tims playing squash.
2) What day can they meet?

Tape script
Debbie: Hello?
Tim: Debbie, Its Tim.
Debbie: Tim! Great to hear from you!
Tim: And You! I got your message and your postcard.
Debbie: Great! When can we meet then? What are you doing on Sunday night?
Tim: Well, actually, Im going to Vienna on Sunday.
Debbie: Oh, no! How long for?
Tim: Only for the day. Im coming back on Sunday night, but late.
Debbie: Im busy on Monday night. Are you free on Tuesday evening?
Tim: No, Im playing squash. What about Wednesday?
Debbie. Wednesday? Yes, thats fine. Would you like to have dinner?
Tim: Id love to. Where can we meet? At the hotel?
Debbie: Fine. What time?
Tim. 8.00?
Debbie: Great. I cant wait to see you, Tim. Two years is a long time!
Tim: See you next week, then. Bye.
Debbie: Bye.

Self correction activity 2.9 Listening activity

Mdulo VI
Invite / suggest Accept / refuse
1) What are. you . doing.on
Sunday night?
Well actually, Im.
Nothing especial.
2) Are you freeon Tuesday
No, Im
Yes, I am.
3) what about. Wednesday?

Sorry, Im busy.
Yes, thats fine.
4) Would you liketo..
have dinner?
Sorry, I cant. Im.
Id love to.
5) Where can we meet..?
At the hotel?
No, lets meet at the station.

Tape script
Debbie: Hello?
Tim: Debbie, Its Tim.
Debbie: Tim! Great to hear from you!
Tim: And You! I got your message and your postcard.
Debbie: Great! When can we meet then? What are you doing on Sunday night?
Tim: Well, actually, Im going to Vienna on Sunday.
Debbie: Oh, no! How long for?
Tim: Only for the day. Im coming back on Sunday night, but late.
Debbie: Im busy on Monday night. Are you free Tuesday evening?
Tim: No, Im playing squash. What about Wednesday?
Debbie. Wednesday? Yes, thats fine. Would you like to have dinner?
Tim: Id love to. Where can we meet? At the hotel?
Debbie: Fine. What time?
Tim. 8.00?
Debbie: Great. I cant wait to see you, Tim. Two years is a long time!
Tim: See you next week, then. Bye.
Debbie: Bye.

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 2.10 listening activity

Listen to phrases from the dialogue. Repeat. Copy the intonation.

Tape script
Debbie: Hello?
Tim: Debbie, Its Tim.
Debbie: Tim! Great to hear from you!
Tim: And You! I got your message and your postcard.
Debbie: Great! When can we meet then? What are you doing on Sunday night?
Tim: Well, actually, Im going to Vienna on Sunday.
Debbie: Oh, no! How long for?
Tim: Only for the day. Im coming back on Sunday night, but late.
Debbie: Im busy on Monday night. Are you free Tuesday evening?
Tim: No, Im playing squash. What about Wednesday?
Debbie. Wednesday? Yes, thats fine. Would you like to have dinner?
Tim: Id love to. Where can we meet? At the hotel?
Debbie: Fine. What time?
Tim. 8.00?
Debbie: Great. I cant wait to see you, Tim. Two years is a long time!
Tim: See you next week, then. Bye.
Debbie: Bye.

Self correction activity 2.11 listening activity

Tape script
1) Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
2) Would you like to go to go to the opera tomorrow?
3) Would you like to come to a party on Saturday night?
4) Would you like to have dinner with me?
5) Would you like to go for a walk on Sunday afternoon?
6) Would you like to come to my house for coffee after class?

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 2.12 Listening activity
Tim: Hi Debbie!
Debbie: Tim! How are you?
Tim: Im fine. How are you?
Debbie: Fine! You havent changed at all! You look fantastic!
Tim: Thanks. So do you.
Debbie: Right. Where are we going?
Tim: I know a good restaurant near here.
Debbie: Great! Lets go.
Tim: Well, actually, well have to wait for Erica first.
Debbie: Erica?
Tim: Yes, EricaThere she is. Debbie, this is Erica.
Debbie: Hi Erica.
Erica: Debbie! Nice to meet you! Tim has talked a lot about you.
Tim: Ok, girls. Ready to go? Lets go!

Activity 1

Check your answers with the teacher in the Aula Magna

Mdulo VI

Mdulo VI
Lesson 3
I will write again soon

Kate and Andy Morgan are saying goodbye to their American cousin, Cindy. Kates
friend, Sue, is also there.

Mrs Morgan: Kate! Andy! Cindys living in a few minutes. Come and say goodbye.
Sue: Where are you going, Cindy?
Cindy: Im going to travel around Europe for a couple of months.
Kate: Youre lucky!
Cindy: Ah! Theres Rick! Hes taking me to the station.
Rick: Hi everybody!
Andy: Shall I take your rucksacks for you?
Cindy: Thanks, Andy, but you neednt bother. Ill carry them.
Rick: Ok. Lets go.
Cindy: Bye, everyone! Ill send you a postcard!

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Self correction activity 3.1

Which is correct?
1) Cindy is going
a. to the USA
b. to Europe.
2) She is starting her journey
a. by train
b. by plane.
3) Rick is taking Cindy
a. to Paris
b. to the station
4) Cindy promises to
a. write them soon
b. carry her rucksacks.

Self correction activity 3.2

Complete the cartoons 1 to 6 with the sentences

I wont do it again.
Ill have the steak.
Shall I take a message?
Ill pay you back tomorrow.
Ill take this one for you.
Ill come back tomorrow.

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Self correction activity 3.3 listening activity-
Listen to the dialogues in self correction activity 3.2 and check your answers.

Use 1
WILL to express a voluntary action

Will often suggests that the speaker will do
something voluntarily. A voluntary action is one the
speaker offers to do for someone else.
Often, we use will to respond to someone elses
complaint or request for help.

A: Im really hungry.
B: Ill make you some

A: Im so tired. Im about to fall
B: Ill get you some coffee.

Use 2

WILL to express a promise

Will is usually used in promises.

- I will call you when I arrive.
- If I am elected President of the
United States, I will make sure
everyone has access to
inexpensive health insurance.
- I promise I will not tell him about
the surprise party.

The Simple Future
The Simple Future has two different forms in English: will and (be) going to. Although the two
forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings.
These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and practice the
differences will become clear.
Both will and (be) going to refer to a specific time in the future.

past present FUTURE

will +verb E.g.: I will help him later.
I will never help him.
Note: When youre using a verb tense with more than one part, such as simple future (e.g. will
help), adverbs usually come between the first part and the second part (e.g. will never help)

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Use 3

WILL to make an offer
Will is usually used in offers.

Shall I help you?
Ill call him for you.
Shall we teach him?

Self correction activity 3.4
Complete the chart with the sentences from self correction activity 3.2
Use will / shall for:
1) offers of help Shall I take a message?
2) promises Ill pay you back tomorrow.

3) unplanned decisions Ill come back tomorrow.

Self correction activity 3.5
What do you say? Write a sentence with will / shall and one of the verbs.

tell pay forget answer turn on- have -

1) Youre in a caf. You decide to pay for everybodys drinks.
Dont worry. for these.
2) Youre in a room. Its getting dark. Make an offer.
the light?
3) You look at the restaurant menu and decide you want the roast chicken.
Tell the waiter.

4) Youre at a friends flat. Hes cooking. The phone rings. Make an offer.

5) A friend tells you a secret. Make a promise.

6) Youre going on holiday. Make a promise to a friend.

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to send you a postcard.

Self correction activity 3.6 listening activity
Cindy is talking to Sue on the phone. Listen to the following dialogue and answer the
1) Where is Cindy?

2) Why does she phone Sue?

3) Why is the book important?

4) What does Sue promise?

5) Is Cindy going to phone again? Why?

Self correction activity 3.7

David is saying goodbye to this fiance, Cindy, who is going to work in Italy for a few
months. Complete the dialogue with will, ll or wont

David: Promise you write!
Cindy: I write every day!
David: And you .. forget to phone when you arrive.
Cindy: No, I . I.. phone you as soon as I get to Milan
David: Anyway, have a good time.
Cindy: Im sure I ... Oh, I almost forgot my houseplants! I hope they
David: Dont worry. I.. water them. And every time I do, I . think of

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 3.8 Listening activity-

Listen to David saying goodbye to Cindy and check your answers in self correction
activity 3.7

Mdulo VI
Self correction activities Keys

Self correction activity 3.1
Which is correct?
1) Cindy is going
a. to the USA
b. to Europe.
2) She is starting her journey
a. by train
b. by plane.
3) Rick is taking Cindy
a. to Paris
b. to the station
4) Cindy promises to
a. write them soon
c. carry her rucksacks.

Self correction activity 3.2

Ill have the steak.

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Ill take this one for you.

Ill come back tomorrow.

Shall I take a message?

Ill pay you back tomorrow.

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I wont do it again.

Self correction activity 3.3 listening activity-

Tape script
Waiter: The fish is very good, Sir.
Man: Ill have the steak.
Man: Dont worry. Ill take this one for you.
Woman: Im not sure. I think Ill come back tomorrow.
Woman: Its for you. Shall I take a message?
Woman: Can you lend me some money? Ill pay you back tomorrow.
Boy: Sorry! I wont do it again!

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 3.4

Use will / shall for:
1) offers of help Shall I take a message?
Ill take this one for you
2) promises Ill pay you back tomorrow.
I wont do it again!
3) unplanned decisions Ill come back tomorrow.
Ill have the steak ..

Self correction activity 3.5

1) Youre in a caf. You decide to pay for everybodys drinks.
Dont worry. Ill pay for these.
2) Youre in a room. Its getting dark. Make an offer.
Shall I turn on the light?
3) You look at the restaurant menu and decide you want the roast chicken.
Tell the waiter.
Ill have the roast chicken
4) Youre at a friends flat. Hes cooking. The phone rings. Make an offer.
Shall I answer it?
6) A friend tells you a secret. Make a promise.
I wont tell anybody
6) Youre going on holiday. Make a promise to a friend.
I wont forget to send you a postcard.

Self correction activity 3.6 listening activity

Expected answers
a. Where is Cindy?
Cindy is in Paris

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b. Why does she phone Sue?
Because she needs a book.
c. Why is the book important?
Because she needs it to study. She has an exam.
d. What does Sue promise?
When she finds it she will send Cindy her book.
e. Is Cindy going to phone again? Why?
Yes, she is. Because she needs to talk to Sues mother.

Tape script
Cindy: Hi. Is it Sue?
Sue: Shes speaking
Cindy: Hi, Sue. Its me Cindy!
Sue: Hello Cindy. How are you?
Cindy: Im Ok. But I have a problem.
Sue: Tell me. How can I help you?
Cindy: I think I left a very important book I need to study for my exams. It
must be in Marks bookshelves.
Sue: Dont worry Sue. Ill look for your book and when I find it , Ill send it to you
Cindy: Ok Thanks. Ill give you my address in Paris.
Sue: Wait a minute. I need a pen; Ill go and look for one!
(after some minutes)
Sue: Im back!
Cindy: Its 2245 St. Louse Street. Paris.
Sue: Great! Ill send your book as quickly as I can. Shall I do anything else for
Cindy: No, thanks. Ill call back later because Id like to talk to your mother. I
know she in not there now.
Sue: Yes, you are right. She isnt here. Shall I take a message for her?
Cindy: No, its OK. I really need to talk to her.
Sue: OK, Cindy. Ill tell her about it. Bye Cindy. Take care of yourself.

Mdulo VI
Cindy: I will. Thank you very much. Bye!!

Self correction activity 3.7

David is saying goodbye to this fiance, Cindy, who is going to work in Italy for
a few months. Complete the dialogue with will, ll or wont

David: Promise youll write!
Cindy: Ill write every day!
David: And you wont forget to phone when you arrive.
Cindy: No, I wont. Ill phone you as soon as I get to Milan
David: Anyway, have a good time.
Cindy: Im sure I will. Oh, I almost forgot my houseplants! I hope they wont
David: Dont worry. Ill water them. And every time I do, I will think of you!

Tape script

David: Promise youll write!
Cindy: Ill write every day!
David: And you wont forget to phone when you arrive.
Cindy: No, I wont. Ill phone you as soon as I get to Milan
David: Anyway, have a good time.
Cindy: Im sure I will. Oh, I almost forgot my houseplants! I hope they wont die.
David: Dont worry. Ill water them. And every time I do, I will think of you!

Self correction activity 3.8 Listening activity-

Tape script
David: Promise youll write!
Cindy: Ill write every day!

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David: And you wont forget to phone when you arrive.
Cindy: No, I wont. Ill phone you as soon as I get to Milan.
David: Anyway, have a good time.
Cindy: Im sure I will. Oh, I almost forgot my houseplants! I hope they wont die.
David: Dont worry. Ill water them. And every time I do, I will think of you!

Mdulo VI
Lesson 4
Transportation of the future

Read and listen to this article from the science section of a magazine. It describes
transportation in the future.

Transportation of the future
In the next few decades people are
going to travel very differently from the
way they do today. Everyone is going
to drive electrically operated cars. So in
a few years people wont worry about
running out of gas.
Some of the large automobile
companies are really moving ahead
with this new technology. F&C Motors,
for example, is holding a press
conference next week. At the press
conference the company will present
its new, electronically operated models.

Transportation in the future wont
be limited to the ground. Many people
predict that traffic will quickly move to
the sky. In the coming years, instead of
radio reports about road conditions and
high away traffic, news reports will talk
about traffic in the sky.
But the sky isnt the limit. In the
future, youll probably even be able to
take a trip to the moon. Instead of
listening to regular airplane
announcements, you will hear
someone say, The shuttle to the moon
leaves in ten minutes. Please check
your equipment, no more than ten
ounces of carry-on baggage are

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 4.1

Read and listen to the following interview with Professor Jason Lin, a well-known
researcher of the Future Watch institute. There are fifteen forms that refer to the future.
Find and underline them.
Interviewer: For those of you who are just tuning in, this is looking into the Future. I
am Mary Bee, and we are talking with Professor Jason Lin. Good afternoon, Professor. I
understand you are going to tell our listeners about the cars of the future.
Professor Lin: Thats right. I believe there will be some surprising changes in the next
century. Let me give you some examples. Cars of the future are going to have brains.
Theyll start themselves, and theyll adjust the seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
automatically. Luxury cars will even ask you where you want to go and tell you the best
route to take.
Interviewer: That certainly is amazing! Im sure lots of our listeners have questions
for you, but, unfortunately, we only have time for a few call-in today.
Professor Lin: Well, you know, Im speaking at the annual Car Show next week. The
show begins at 10.00 am on August 11. Im going to talk more about the plans for cars
of the future. Im also going to show some models. I hope many of your listeners will be
Interviewer: Im sure they will. We have to pause for a commercial break. But dont go
away, listeners. Well be right back and Professor Lin will be ready to answer some of
your questions.

Mdulo VI
Lets see what you have underlined

Interviewer: For those of you who are just tuning in, this is looking into the Future. I
am Mary Bee, and we are talking with Professor Jason Lin. Good afternoon, Professor. I
understand you are going to tell our listeners about the cars of the future.
Professor Lin: Thats right. I believe there will be some surprising changes in the next
century. Let me give you some examples. Cars of the future are going to have brains.
Theyll start themselves, and theyll adjust the seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
automatically. Luxury cars will even ask you where you want to go and tell you the best
route to take.
Interviewer: That certainly is amazing! Im sure lots of our listeners have questions for
you, but, unfortunately, we only have time for a few call-in today.
Professor Lin: Well, you know, Im speaking at the annual Car Show next week. The
show begins at 10.00 am on August 11. Im going to talk more about the plans for
cars of the future. Im also going to show some models. I hope many of your listeners
will be there.
Interviewer: Im sure they will. We have to pause for a commercial break. But dont go
away , listeners. Well be right t back and Professor Lin will be ready to answer some
of your questions.

What tenses can you identify?

Talking about the future

There are several ways to talk about actions and states in the future. You can use be
going to, the present continuous, will or present simple. Look at the following chart and
learn how to talk about the future

Mdulo VI
Future tenses
Form Meaning / Usage Example
(Simple future)
volunteering to do something
deciding at the time of speaking to
do something
Angelo: I need a pencil.
Sarah: I'll lend you mine.
"Going to"
talking about something that is
already decided
Angelo: Have you registered for
the class yet?
Sarah: Not yet. I'm going to
register tomorrow.
talking about something that is
already arranged
Angelo: Do you want to go to the
movies tonight?
Sarah: Sorry, I can't. I'm playing
Present simple
talking about a schedule, timetable
or program
Angelo: What time does the next
bus leave?
Sarah: It leaves at six.
Predicting the future
When you are predicting what you think will happen in the future, you should choose the
form based on how certain you are. If you're not too sure, it's fine to use "will", but if
you're nearly certain about something, it's best to use "going to":
I think it will rain. (I'm not sure, but it looks like it
It's going to rain. (I'm sure it's going to rain -- I can
see black clouds in the sky.)

Mdulo VI

Self correction activity 4.2

Read the conversations and circle the more appropriate future form.

Anna: I just heard the weather report.
Ben: Oh? Whats the forecast?
Anna: tomorrow.
a. Its raining .
b. Its going to rain.
Ben: Oh no. I hate driving in the rain. And its a long drive to that meeting we have to
attend tomorrow.
Anna: Wait! I have an idea. the train instead.
a. Well take
b. Were going to take.
Ben: Good idea! Do you have a train schedule?
Anna: Heres one. Theres a train which at 7.00 am
a. will leave
b. leaves
Ben: Good. some sandwiches for the trip-
a. Ill make
b. Im making
Anna: Great!
Ben: You know, its a long trip. What all those hours?
a. are we going
b. are we going to do
Anna: We can prepare for the meeting and then sleep!
Ben: Very funnyVery funny Well we have to get up really early. I think
home now.
a. Im going
b. Ill go
Anna: OK. I have to stay here a little longer. Mr. Smith at 5.15

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a. will call
b. is calling
Ben: Ok. tomorrow.
a. Im seeing you
b. Ill see you.
Anna: Good night
Ben: Good night

Self correction activity 4.3 listening activity -

Listen to the dialogue between Anna and Ben and check your choices in self correction
activity 4.2

Self correction activity 4.4

Radio listeners are calling in with questions for Professor Lin. Complete the questions
and the answers. Use the words in brackets and will or wont.

Caller 1: Hello, Professor Lin. My question is this:.. the car of the future
..(run) gasoline?
Professor Lin: No, it . It probably (use)
batteries. Thanks for calling. Next?
Caller 2: Good morning. I had a flat tire yesterday. I was wondering, .. we still
..(get) flat tires on there future cars?
Professor Lin: No, we . In fact, by the year 2010, flat tires
(be) a thing of the past. Tires (have) a special seal so
they ..(repair) themselves automatically. Next caller , please.
Caller 3: Sounds great, In what other ways .the car of the future
(be ) different?
Professor Lin: Well, instead of keys, cars (have) magnetic entry
systems. These (look) a lot like credit cards. They ..(open)

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doors, and they (adjust) the seats, mirrors, and steering wheels. They
even ..(control) inside temperature.
Caller 3: ..they (help) prevent car thefts?
Professor Lin: Yes, they ..! Ok, next caller.
Caller 4: Hello. Im curious. How much .. these cars (cost)?
Professor Lin: I dont know exactly, but they certainly (be) cheap-

Self correction activity 4.5 Listening activity

Professor Lin is going to take the train from New York to New Heaven on Monday. She is
asking questions at the information booth. Listen to the dialogue and complete the train

Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
New York New Haven New York New Haven New York New Haven
2:23 12.35 4.55 6:04 7:46
1:30 3.37 3:37 5:17 6:30 8.16
6:02 7:48 4:02 5:44 7:06 8:51
7:05 8:55 4:07 5:58 7:37 9:28
8:07 9:57 4:22 6:06 8:07 9:55
9:07 4:35 6:17 9:07 10:55
10:07 11.53 4:45 6:49 10:07 11:55
12:53 5:02 6:40 11:20 1:02
12:07 1:53 5:13 7:26 12:35 2:23
1:07 2:54 5:18 7:03 1:30 3.35
2:07 3:55 5:35 7:11
3:02 4.38 5:39 7:55

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 4.6 Listening activity

Listen again to the Professor and try to complete the dialogues with the questions he
does to the receptionist.

Tape script

Professor Lin:
Receptionist: It leaves New York at 12.35 am
Professor Lin:
Receptionist: It takes about two hours.
Professor Lin:
Receptionist: It arrives at 10:53 am
Professor Lin:
Receptionist:; They depart eight times a day.
Professor Lin:
Receptionist: It leaves at 11:07 am

Mdulo VI
Self correction activities Keys -

Self correction activity 4.1

Interviewer: For those of you who are just tuning in, this is looking into the Future. I
am Mary Bee, and we are talking with Professor Jason Lin. Good afternoon, Professor. I
understand you are going to tell our listeners about the cars of the future.
Professor Lin: Thats right. I believe there will be some surprising changes in the next
century. Let me give you some examples. Cars of the future are going to have brains.
Theyll start themselves, and theyll adjust the seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
automatically. Luxury cars will even ask you where you want to go and tell you the best
route to take.
Interviewer: That certainly is amazing! Im sure lots of our listeners have questions
for you, but, unfortunately, we only have time for a few call-in today.
Professor Lin: Well, you know, Im speaking at the annual Car Show next week. The
show begins at 10.00 am on August 11. Im going to talk more about the plans for
cars of the future. Im also going to show some models. I hope many of your listeners
will be there.
Interviewer: Im sure they will. We have to pause for a commercial break. But dont go
away , listeners. Well be right t back and Professor Lin will be ready to answer some
of your questions.

Self correction activity 4.2

Anna: I just heard the weather report.
Ben: Oh? Whats the forecast?
Anna: tomorrow.
a. Its is raining .
b. Its going to rain.
Ben: Oh no. I hate driving in the rain. And its a long drive to that meeting we have to
attend tomorrow.
Anna: Wait! I have an idea. the train instead.

Mdulo VI
a. Well take
b. Were going to take.
Ben: Good idea! Do you have a train schedule?
Anna: Heres one. Theres a train which at 7.00 am
a. will leave
b. leaves
Ben: Good. some sandwiches for the trip-
a. Ill make
b. Im making
Anna: Great!
Ben: You know, its a long trip. What all those hours?
a. are we going
b. are we going to do
Anna: we can prepare for the meeting and then sleep!
Ben: Very funny. Well we have to get up really early. I think home
a. Im going
b. Ill go
Anna: OK. I have to stay here a little longer. Mr. Smith at 5.15
a. will call
b. is calling
Ben: Ok. tomorrow.
a. Im seeing you
b. Ill see you.
Anna: Good night
Ben: Good night

Self correction activity 4.3 listening activity -

Tape script

Anna: I just heard the weather report.

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Ben: Oh? Whats the forecast?
Anna: Its going to rain tomorrow.
Ben: Oh no. I hate driving in the rain. And its a long drive to that meeting we have to
attend tomorrow.
Anna: Wait! I have an idea. Well take the train instead.
Ben: Good idea! Do you have a train schedule?
Anna: Heres one. Theres a train that leaves at 7.00 am
Ben: Good. Ill make some sandwiches for the trip-
Anna: Great!
Ben: You know, its a long trip. What are we going to do all those hours?
Anna: We can prepare for the meeting and then sleep!
Ben: Very funnyVery funny Well we have to get up really early. I think Ill go
home now.
Anna: OK. I have to stay here a little longer. Mr. Smith is calling
at 5.15
Ben: Ok. Ill see you tomorrow.
Anna: Good night
Ben: Good night

Self correction activity 4.4

Radio listeners are calling in with questions for Professor Lin. Complete the questions
and the answers. Use the words in brackets and will or wont.

Caller 1: Hello, Professor Lin. My question is this:will.. the car of the future
run..(run) gasoline?
Professor Lin: No, it wont. It will probably use(use)
batteries. Thanks for calling. Next?
Caller 2: Good morning. I had a flat tire yesterday. I was wondering, will .. we still
get..(get) flat tires on there future cars?

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Professor Lin: No, we wont. In fact, by the year 2010, flat tires will
be(be) a thing of the past. Tires will have(have) a special seal so they ll
repair..(repair) themselves automatically. Next caller , please.
Caller 3: Sounds great, in what other ways will.the car of the future be
(be ) different?
Professor Lin: Well, instead of keys, cars will have(have) magnetic entry
systems. These ll look(look) a lot like credit cards. They ll open..(open)
doors, and they ll adjust(adjust) the seats, mirrors, and steering wheels. They
will.even control..(control) inside temperature.
Caller 3: Will..they help(help) prevent car thefts?
Professor Lin: Yes, they will..! Ok, next caller.
Caller 4: Hello. Im curious. How much will.. these cars cost(cost)?
Professor Lin: I dont know exactly, but they certainly wont be (be) cheap.

Self correction activity 4.5 Listening activity

Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
New York New Haven New York New Haven New York New Haven
12:35 2:23 12.35 4.55 6:04 7:46
1:30 3.37 3:37 5:17 6:30 8.16
6:02 7:48 4:02 5:44 7:06 8:51
7:05 8:55 4:07 5:58 7:37 9:28
8:07 9:57 4:22 6:06 8:07 9:55
9:07 10.53 4:35 6:17 9:07 10:55
10:07 11.53 4:45 6:49 10:07 11:55
11:07 12:53 5:02 6:40 11:20 1:02
12:07 1:53 5:13 7:26 12:35 2:23
1:07 2:54 5:18 7:03 1:30 3.35
2:07 3:55 5:35 7:11
3:02 4.38 5:39 7:55

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Tape script

Professor Lin: When does the first train to New Heaven leave New York?
Receptionist: It leaves New York at 12.35 am
Professor Lin: How long does the trip to New Heaven take?
Receptionist: It takes about two hours.
Professor Lin: So, What time does the 9:07 train arrive in New Heaven?
Receptionist: It arrives at 10:53 am
Professor Lin: How often do morning trains depart for New Heaven?
Receptionist:; They depart eight times a day.
Professor Lin: And What time does the last morning train leave New York?
Receptionist: It leaves at 11:07

Self correction activity 4.6 Listening activity

Tape script

Professor Lin: When does the first train to New Haven leave New York?
Receptionist: It leaves New York at 12.35 am
Professor Lin: How long does the trip to New Haven take?
Receptionist: It takes about two hours.
Professor Lin: So, What time does the 9:07 train arrive in New Haven?
Receptionist: It arrives at 10:53 am
Professor Lin: How often do morning trains depart for New Heaven?
Receptionist:; They depart eight times a day.
Professor Lin: And what time does the last morning train leave New York?
Receptionist: It leaves at 11:07

Mdulo VI

Mdulo VI
Lesson 5
If it rains, we wont go.

Introduction: Josh and Eva are planning to go to the theatre. Listen and read what they

J osh: Theres a Shakespeare play next month at the National Theatre.
Eva: Is there?
J osh: Yes. If you want to, Ill get some tickets.
Eva: Great.
J osh: Ill book them next week.
Eva: Why not book them now? If we book today, we will get better seats.
J osh: We will be in trouble because sometimes I have to work late.
Eva: Dont worry. If you have to work late, Ill meet you at the theatre.
J osh: But I might be very late.
Eva: Well, if you are very late, Ill leave your ticket at the box office. What about a
meal afterwards?
J osh: Well, If it finishes before 10.30, Ill take you out for a meal.
Eva: O.K. Thanks.
J osh: If I go straight from work, how will you get there?
Eva: By bus. Or if its raining, Ill take the underground.
J osh: Ok, Ill book them right now!

Read the dialogue carefully what does the following sentences mean?
If we book today, we will get better seats.
If you have to work late, Ill meet you at the theatre.
If it finishes before 10.30, Ill take you out for a meal.
What do they express?

After the if clause what tense do we use?

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If we book today,
If it finishes before
And what about the other clause? What tense do we use?
we will get better seats.
. Ill take you out for a meal.

First conditional sentence
A first conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause:
if clause main clause
If you study hard, you will pass the test.
If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second,
there is no need for a comma:
main clause if clause
You will pass the test if you study hard.
We use different verb forms in each part of a first conditional:
if clause if + subject + simple present verb
main clause subject + will + verb

Using the first conditional
The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the
future -- things which may happen:
Example Explanation
If it's sunny, we'll go to the park.
Maybe it will be sunny -- that's
Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.
Maybe J uan will leave -- that's
If you cook the supper, I'll wash
the dishes.
Maybe you will cook the supper --
that's possible.

Mdulo VI

Self correction activity 5.1

Josh is going to the theatre by bus. There he finds a friend, who tells him a very strange
story. Read the beginning of the story then look at the pictures and complete the story
with the verbs in the box.

become - fall in love invite - lend - find -run away meet kill - start

young American was traveling by train across Europe to Paris. It was a long
journey and he was bored. Sitting opposite him was a Frenchman of about
fifty. There was a newspaper on the seat next to him.
Excuse, The American said. Can I borrow your newspaper, please?

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No the man answered. Im sorry. You cant
Why not? The American asked.
Well, the man said its quite simple. If I 1).lend. you my paper, we 2)..
talking. If we 3). talking, we 4) friends. If we 5). friends, I
6)..you to my house. If I 7) you to my house, you 8).. my
beautiful daughter, Yvette. If you 9) Yvette, you 10).. with her. If you
11).. with her, you 12). together. If you 13) together, I
14)you. If I 15)..you, I 16). you. O thats why I dont want to
lend you my paper

Self correction activity 5.2 listening activity

Listen and check. Then answer the following questions:

1) Whos Yvette? Where does she live?

2) Why doesnt the Frenchman want the American to meet her?

3) Does the Frenchman lend the American his paper?

Tape script
An American in Paris
A young American was traveling by train across Europe to Paris. It was a long journey
and he was bored. Sitting opposite him was a Frenchman of about fifty. There was a
newspaper on the seat next to him.
Excuse me, The American said. Can I borrow your newspaper, please?
No the man answered. Im sorry. You cant
Why not? The American asked.
Well, the man said its quite simple. If I lend you my paper, we will start talking. If we
start talking, we will become friends. If we become friends, Ill take you to my house. If I
take you to my house, you will meet my beautiful daughter, Yvette. If you meet Yvette,

Mdulo VI
you will fall in love with her. If you fall in love with her, you will run away together. If you
run away together, Ill find you. If I find you, Ill kill you. Thats why I dont want to lend
you my paper

Self correction activity 5.3
Josh and Evan went to the theatre. Josh invited Eva to have dinner at his flat. They are
watching the news on TV. Two candidates who are running for mayor of a large city.
Read their statements and say if the following sentences are T (true) or F (false)

Daniel Baker
Party: Democrat
Occupation: Mayor
Background: City clerk, State Assembly,
Education: Yale Law School, LL.B, Howard
University, BS cum laude.
Statement supplied by candidate:
Four years ago, I promised to create a
government that you could count on. Today,
after four years as mayor of this great city, I am
proud to say that we have come a long way. But
the job is not finished. If I am reelected,
together we will finish the work we started
four years ago.
The backbone of our effort must be education.
In the next ten years , there will be 16 million
new jobs in the united States. A lot of these
jobs will be filled by citizens of our city if we
prepare them. But they wont be ready
unless we improve our school system now.
My second priority is housing. It wont do any
good to provide jobs if people continue to
live in bad conditions. We must continue
Gabriela Ibarguen
Party: Republican
Occupation: City controller
Background: City controller, District Attorney,
member U.S. House of Representatives.
Education: U.C.L.A Law School. LL.B, U.S.C,
Statement supplied by candidate:
Our streets are plagued by crime, and many
people are afraid to go out of their homes. If I
am elected, my highest priority will be to
give the neighborhoods back to the citizens.
A lot of this violence is being committed by very
young offenders. My administration will say to
these young people: if you want to stay out of
trouble, we will help you to do that. But if
you do crime, youll do the time. If you
commit a violent crime, you will go to jail,
and you will serve your full sentence.
If I become mayor, I will help citizens protect
their neighborhoods. I will put more police on
the streets, demand mandatory prison

Mdulo VI
rebuild housing in our city neighborhoods. My
opponent talks about waging a war on crime
and drugs. I agree that violent crime is a
problem. But were not going to solve the
social problems in this city if we dont house
people better.
If our city offers an educated work force,
business will thrive here. And as business
thrives, we will have more money to rebuild
housing. If our citizens have decent homes,
then our neighborhoods will become healthy
again. Im not going to pretend that these
problems will go away quickly. But. If we work
together, we will solve them.
I urge everyone to get out and vote on election
day. If you dont vote, you will not have a
saying on the future of our great city.
sentences for drug dealers , and set up a
cooperative program between police and
communities. If I am elected, I will help you
fight for every street, for every house.
Together we will win.
But our young people wont have a reason
to avoid crime in they dont have some hope
for their futures. Thats why my second
priority as mayor will be bring business back to
our city. My opponent raised taxes as soon as
he took office four years ago. As a result,
business left in droves we have lost over
100,000 jobs in the last four years.
If we lower taxes, business will return. If
business return , our youth will have jobs to
look forward to and some reason to hope.
And if they have hope, they will not turn to a
life of crime.
I urge you to vote for me next Tuesday. If I
am elected, well hang out a sign: Open for
business again.

1) Both candidates are mayor
2) One of them wants to be reelected.
3) Daniel is concerned about education and housing.
4) Gabriela wants to raise the taxes.
5) Gabriela promises they will have business again.
6) Daniel promises better educated people and better housing conditions.
7) Both of them study Law.

Self correction activity 5.4
Read the following sentences and match the condition with their result. If it is necessary
read the text in self correction activity 5.4

1. If Ibargen wins, she g
2. If we lower taxes, business .

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3. If businesses move back to the city, there .
4. If the education systems improves, we .
5. If you dont register, you .
6. If you dont vote, you .
7. If the sanitation workers strike, there .
8. if crime decreases, this .
9. if Baker wins, he ..

a. will improve housing.
b. will be more jobs.
c. wont have a say in government.
d. will be more garbage in the streets.
e. will have and educated force.
f. wont be able to vote.
g. will be the first female mayor.
h. will move back to the city.
i. will be a safer place to live

Self correction activity 5.5
Complete this interview with another mayoral candidate, Herb Trasane. Use the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.

Interviewer: Election day is just around the corner. Polls indicate that you have a pretty
good chance of winning. Whats the first thing you ..(do) if you
(get) elected?
Tresante: Well, its been a long, hard campaign. If I .(win), I
(take) a short vacation with my family.
Interviewer: Sounds good. Where to?
Tresante: To be perfectly honest, Id rather not say. If I ..(become) mayor,
I .(try) to keep my private life private.
Interviewer: I can understand that. Now, every election has a winner and a loser. What
you (do) if you ..(close)?

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Tresante: Well, letshope that wont happen. But, if I (not win) this
election, I .(continue) to be active in politics. If both parties
..(not cooperate), this city (not be) as great as it can be. If my
opponent .(accept) my help, I (work) to improve the
school system. And last, but not least, if the people ..(not elect) me to office
this time, I (be) back in four years to try again!

Self correction activity 5.6

The president of Eastward, Inc. is trying to convince a job candidate to work for him. All
of his statements are false. Correct them, using the words in brackets.

1) If you work for Eastward, youll be very happy. (miserable)

2) If you take the job, youll have the chance to travel a lot. (never leave your office)

3) If you become an employee of Eastward, youll get a raise every year. (every two

4) If you join East ward, youll receive wonderful benefits. (terrible benefits)

5) If you accept Eastward s offer, it will be the best career move of your life. (the worst)

Self correction activity 5.7 listening activity -
Gabriella Ibarguen, one of the candidates is organizing a NetAid charity event. Listen to
four people talking about the NetAid charity event. Write either Yes or No beside each
statement to show what the speakers say.

1) Before you listen. Complete this text about an unusual charity with words from the
webside events Internet member exchange log on poverty donations

Mdulo VI

NetAid is a charity which fights world 0)poverty If you have access to a computer,
you can 1) .to the 2) and find the charitys
3)... There you can find information about 4)..the charity organizes,
how to make financial 5) . and how to become a
6)..You can also 7) ideas with people from all over
the world.

2) Now listen to the four speakers.

Speaker 1
A. The concerts can only be viewed on the Internet.
B. The organizers hope they will make money to help people in need.
Speaker 2
A. The charitys message reaches people everywhere.
B. Most people only think about enjoying themselves.
Speaker 3
A. This is an easy way for young people to give money to help others.
B. This will become a more popular way of raising money in the future.
Speaker 4
A. The money sits in the bank until is needed.
B. The money is given to projects selected by another organization.

Mdulo VI
Self correction activities Keys

Self correction activity 5.1

young American was traveling by train across Europe to Paris. It was a long
journey and he was bored. Sitting opposite him was a Frenchman of about
fifty. There was a newspaper on the seat next to him.
Excuse, The American said. Can I borrow your newspaper, please?
No the man answered. Im sorry. You cant
Why not? The American asked.
Well, the man said its quite simple. If I lend you my paper, we will start talking. If
we start talking, we will become friends. If we become friends, Ill take you to my
house. If I take you to my house, you will meet my beautiful daughter, Yvette. If you
meet Yvette, you will fall in love with her. If you fall in love with her, you will run away
together. If you run away together, Ill find you. If I find you, Ill kill you. O thats why I
dont want to lend you my paper

Self correction activity 5.2 listening activity

1) Whos Yvette? Where does she live?
Shes the Frenchmans daughter. She lives in Paris
2) Why doesnt the Frenchman want the American to meet her?
Because he doesnt want she falls in love with the American man.
3) Does the Frenchman lend the American his paper?
No, he doesnt

Tape script
An American in Paris
A young American was traveling by train across Europe to Paris. It was a long journey
and he was bored. Sitting opposite him was a Frenchman of about fifty. There was a
newspaper on the seat next to him.

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Excuse me, The American said. Can I borrow your newspaper, please?
No the man answered. Im sorry. You cant
Why not? The American asked.
Well, the man said its quite simple. If I lend you my paper, we will start talking. If we
start talking, we will become friends. If we become friends, Ill take you to my house. If I
take you to my house, you will meet my beautiful daughter, Yvette. If you meet Yvette,
you will fall in love with her. If you fall in love with her, you will run away together. If you
run away together, Ill find you. If I find you, Ill kill you. Thats why I dont want to lend
you my paper

Self correction activity 5.3

1) Both candidates are mayor. F
2) One of them wants to be reelected. F
3) Daniel is concerned about education and housing. T
4) Gabriela wants to raise the taxes. F
5) Gabriela promises they will have business again. T
6) Daniel promises better educated people and better housing conditions. T
7) Both of them study Law. T

Self correction activity 5.4

1. If Ibargen wins, she g
2. If we lower taxes, business h.
3. If businesses move back to the city, there b.
4. If the education systems improves, we l.
5. If you dont register, you f.
6. If you dont vote, you c.
7. If the sanitation workers strike, there d.
8. if crime decreases, this i.
9. if Baker wins, he a..

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 5.5
Complete this interview with another mayoral candidate, Herb Trasane. Use the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.

Interviewer: Election day is just around the corner. Polls indicate that you have a pretty
good chance of winning. Whats the first thing you will..(do) if you
get(get) elected?
Tresante: Well, its been a long, hard campaign. If I win.(win), I will
take(take) a short vacation with my family.
Interviewer: Sounds good. Where to?
Tresante: To be perfectly honest, Id rather not say. If I become..(become) mayor, I
ll try.(try) to keep my private life private.
Interviewer: I can understand that. Now, every election has a winner and a loser. What
will you do(do) if you close.(close)?
Tresante: Well, letshope that wont happen. But, if I dont win(not win) this
election, I ll continue.(continue) to be active in politics. If both parties dont
cooperate..(not cooperate), this city wont be(not be) as great as it can be. If my
opponent accepts.(accept) my help, I ll work(work) to improve the school
system. And last, but not least, if the people dontelect.(not elect) me to office
this time, I ll back(be) back in four years to try again!

Self correction activity 5.6

Expected answers

1) If you work for Eastward, youll be very happy. (miserable)
If you work for Eastward, youll be very miserable.
If you work for Eastward, you wont t be very happy, you will be miserable.
2) If you take the job, youll have the chance to travel a lot. (never leave your office)
If you take the job, youll never leave your office.
3) If you become an employee of Eastward, youll get a raise every year. (every two

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If you become an employee of Eastward, youll get a raise every two years
4) If you join East ward, youll receive wonderful benefits. (terrible benefits)
If you join East ward, youll receive terrible benefits.
5) If you accept Eastward s offer, it will be the best career move of your life. (the worst)
If you accept Eastward s offer, it will be the worst career move of your life.

Self correction activity 5.7 listening activity -

NetAid is a charity which fights world 0)poverty If you have access to a computer,
you can 1) log on.to the 2) Internetand find the 3) charitys
webside. There you can find information about 4)..events.the charity
organizes, how to make financial 5) donations and how to become a
6)member..You can also 7) exchangeideas with people from all
over the world.
Speaker 1
A. The concerts can only be viewed on the Internet. no
B. The organizers hope they will make money to help people in need. yes
Speaker 2
A. The charitys message reaches people everywhere. yes
B. Most people only think about enjoying themselves. no
Speaker 3
A. This is an easy way for young people to give money to help others. no
B. This will become a more popular way of raising money in the future. yes
Speaker 4
A. The money sits in the bank until is needed. no
B. The money is given to projects selected by another organization. yes

Tape script
Speaker 1
The next big NetAid charity event will be three concerts which will take place at the
same time in London, Geneva and New York. Many well-known bands will be
performing at the concerts, which aim to raise money for people around the world who

Mdulo VI
live in poverty. You can either buy a ticket and go to one of the stadiums where the
concerts are taking place, or you can watch the concert live on the Internet and make
donations on line.
Speaker 2
I think its very important for everyone to show their support for NetAid and going to an
event like this is a great way to prove it. If going to see your favourite performers on
stage at an amazing event like this can help to fight the world poverty then therea
future for everyone. Thanks to modern technology , everyone in the world can
participate in the event, and that means more aid for those who are suffering and who
need our help. So, my view is, lets take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to enjoy
ourselves and, at the same time, do something together about the world poverty.
Speaker 3
A friend told me about the charity gig and thought great a chance to see my favourite
band perform and do something useful at the same time. Actually, I asked my parents to
make a donation for me from my pocket money you cant do it yourself because its all
done on the Internet with credit cards and that kind of thing so its quite hard for young
people to give money directly but I think its great and Im sure more people will make
use of it in the years ahead. After all, if we dont do something now, things will only get
Speaker 4
Many people give money after one of our events and they often ask us where all the
money that we raise at these events goes. Of course, they want to know if its sitting in a
bank somewhere doing nothing and thats quite understandable. Well, to put it simply,
all the money charity received is looked after and handed out by a special organization
called a foundation. This foundation chooses and donates money to projects which they
feel will help to get rid of poverty in the world. The foundation then follows up what
happens to those projects later and reports on the results to all those who have given

Mdulo VI
Lesson 6
Robot Rebellion

Read and listen to the first Episode of this story:
Episode 1
Karen and Carl Edberg were twelve-year-old twins. They lived in Los
Angeles with their father Roy, an engineer. Karen was tall and had dark hair and
large brown eyes. She absolutely loved computers. She loved playing with
computers, programming them and making them. Her brother Carl was also tall,
but he had red hair and wore glasses. He also liked computers, but his favourite
hobby was designing robots.
The Edbergshouse was a strange place. They didnt have any normal
robots or computers like other houses. Karen and Carl programmed their own
computers. In the garden they had a guard robot called Rambo.
They had their own personal robot called Junior. Junior was small, friendly
and very clever. He could cook, do the washing-up and answer difficult questions.
It was Friday September 24th 2050 when it happened. Carl, Karen and
Junior were upstairs doing some homework. It was a boring composition about
galactic history. Suddenly, they heard a terrible noise outside in the street. They
looked outside and saw cars crashing and they heard lots of explosions.
Karen was worried. Whats happening Junior? She asked nervously.
I think weve got big problems! Carl said.
Oh be quiet, Carl. Whats happening Junior? Karen asked.
Just a moment. I can check with my satellite information system. Here you

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Self correction activity 6.1

Read the story and find the names:
1) She is 12 years old. She loves computers.
2) Hes twelve years old. He designs robots.
3) The childrens father.
4) A personal robot.
5) A guard robot.

Self correction activity 6.2

Read the story again and say if the sentences are True (T) or false (F).

1) Carl has dark hair.
2) The twins lived with their mother.
3) Karen and Carl Edberg liked computers and robots.
4) The Elbergs house is normal.
5) Karen and Carl programmed and designed their computers and robots.
6) They heard a terrible noise downstairs.
7) They asked juniors to give them information
8) The guard robots were shooting people.

Self correction activity 6.3
Choose the correct future form to complete the sentences below. Once you have
decided on your answer, click on the arrow to check your answer.
There are terrible problems everywhere in South
California. All robot cars are crashing. The
domestic robots are not doing their work. The
house computers are exploding. The guard
robots are shooting people in the streets. There
is complete chaos in Los Angeles!

Mdulo VI

1) I'm hungry - Oh, I ..(make) you a sandwich.
2) He (study) Law at UCLA next year.
3) Oh darling! I love you so much, .(you/marry) me?
4)The flight .(leave) at 8 p.m.
5) Look at those clouds! It .(rain) any minute.
6) Jack ..(meet) Tom tomorrow afternoon.
7) I think he (be) very successful.
8) When ..(visit) me next year?
9) The class (begin) at 9, it
..(begin) at 10.
10) As soon as she arrives in Dallas she .(give) you a call.
11) Look at those clouds on the horizon! It is .(rain) soon.
12) Who do you think .(win) the next national elections?
13) We are ..(fly) to Austin next week for a meeting with the
advisory board.
13) I promise you: I .(finish) my homework on time next
14) I'll take this letter to the post office when I (go) into town this

Self correction activity 6.4
Robot Rebellion
Episode 2
Carl looked at Karen. What can we do? He asked.
Letsask Junior for some information, she replied. Junior, what has
happened? Why are all the robots doing this?
Just a moment, Ill check in my satellite information system
Somebody has entered the Computer Programming
Centre and has programmed all the commercial
computers. I think this person is DR Z, the computer
criminal who escaped from prison last week. He has

Mdulo VI
now got complete control over the city. He does not
control Rambo and myself, because you
programmed us!

So we are the only people who can stop this! said Carl. We must get to
the Computer centre immediately.
No. During the day the guard robots can see us, Karen replied. We
should wait and go out when its dark. Lets have a look at the map. The
computer centre is about 5 kilometers from here.
That afternoon Karen, Carl and Junior waited. Outside it was quiet. The
robot cars did not move and the guard robots were in the streets. People could
not go out of their offices, shops or houses. They were prisoners of the robots!
At ten oclock Karen, Carl and Junior left the house. They walked along the
roads towards the computer centre. There were no people. When a guard
robot passed them in the street they had to hide. They crossed the river and
went past the park. They could see the enormous computer centre, a building
with fifty storeys.
Suddenly five guard robots appeared in front of them. The guard robots
looked horrible, with square-shaped heads and big red triangular eyes.
Dont move, they said, or well shoot. They pointed their laser guns at
Karen and Carl. Come with us

Self correction activity 6.5

Answer the questions.
1) Who did Karen and Carl ask for more information?
2) Who has programmed all robots?
3) Why did Karen and Carl wait until night time?
4) What time did they leave the house?
5) How many storeys did the computer centre have?
6) How many guard robots were there?

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 6.6

Read the following dialogue and choose the correct option.

Ray: We're not going to get a better offer than that. If you 1).......... my advice, you'll
accept it.
Dave: I'm not so sure. If we 2).......... a few more days, I think we'll get other offers.
Ray: Perhaps you are right. If you 3).......... , I'll tell Jagger that we need time to think it
over. When he 4)......... that, he'll be a bit impatient but I'm sure that if I 5).......... to him
sweetly enough he'll hold on and not look elsewhere. If things are looking a bit dicey, I
6).......... to you.
Dave: So, if I 7).......... from you, I'll assume everything is fine.
Ray: Yep. I'll only call you if I 8).......... there is a problem.
Dave: So unless I 9).......... from you, I 10).......... no need to worry.
1. If you .......... my advice, you'll accept it.
a) will be taking
b) will take
c) are taking
d) take
2. If we .......... a few more days, they will solve the problem.
a) hang on
b) are hanging on
c) will hang on
d) will be hanging on
3. If you .......... , I'll tell J agger that we need time to think it over.
a) want
b) are wanting
c) will want
d) would want
4. When he .......... that, he'll be a bit impatient
a) is hearing
b) will hear

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c) would hear
d) hears
5. I'm sure that if I .......... to him sweetly enough he'll hold on and not look
a) 'm talking
b) will talk
c) talk
d) would talk
6. If things are looking a bit dicey, I .......... to you.
a) get back
b) 'll get back
c) would get back
d) am getting back
7. So, if I .......... from you , I'll assume everything is fine.
a) don't hear
b) hear
c) am hearing
d) won't hear
8. I'll only call you if I .......... there is a problem.
a) would think
b) will think
c) think
d) am thinking
9. So unless I .......... from you,
a) hear
b) am hearing
c) will hear
d) would hear
10. I .......... no need to worry.
a) have
b) am having
c) do not have

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d) will have

Self correction activity 6.7 listening activity -

A TV reporter is talking to a woman who has won a lot of money while the robots
were getting control of the city. Listen to the cassette and answer the questions.

1) What questions does the reporter ask?
2) What is the woman going to do?

3) What isnt she going to do?

Self correction activity 6.8 Listening activity

Finally the rebellion was controlled, life in the city turns to be normal. Listen to a radio
presenter talking about an auction they are organizing for charity and complete the
details about the event

1) Before you listen
The words and phrases 1-6 included in the listening text you are going to hear.
Match 1-6 with definitions a-f.
1. modem a. song or section of a CD
2. supporting b. sale where are sold to the person who offers the most money
3. track c. something you buy that has already been used by somebody else.
4. phone in d. something that connects a computer to the Internet.
5. second-hand e. giving money to, or helping in some other way.
6. auction f. radio programme where members of the public telephone the radio

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2) Note taking
Now listen and complete the text
_Charity Auction_
Radio station will ask 1) ..for offers of something the radio station can sell at
an auction.
Do not want items like paintings, old TVs, 2)
Suggestions: an afternoon teaching someone how to use the internet a morning giving a
free 3) .. half a day doing someones gardening.
Details of all offers will appear in local paper.
Auction will take place on 4) ..
Amount they hope to raise: 5) .
Money will go to a charity called: 6) .

Mdulo VI
Self correction activities Keys

Self correction activity 6.1

1) She is 12 years old. She loves computers. Karen
2) Hes twelve years old. He designs robots. Carl
3) The childrens father. Roy
4) A personal robot. J unior
5) A guard robot. Rambo

Self correction activity 6.2

Read the story again and say if the sentences are True (T) or false (F)

1) Carl has dark hair. F
2) The twins lived with their mother. F
3) Karen and Carl Edberg liked computers and robots. T
4) The Elbergs house is normal. F
5) Karen and Carl programmed and designed their computers and robots. T
6) They heard a terrible noise downstairs. F
7) They asked juniors to give them information. T
8) The guard robots were shooting people. T

Self correction activity 6.3

Choose the correct future form to complete the sentences below. Once you have
decided on your answer, click on the arrow to check your answer.

1) I'm hungry - Oh, I ll make..(make) you a sandwich.
2) He is going to study (study) Law at UCLA next year.
3)Oh darling! I love you so much, will you marry .(you/marry) me?

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4)The flight leaves.(leave) at 8 p.m.
5) Look at those clouds! It' s going to rain.(rain) any minute.
6) Jack is meeting..(meet) Tom tomorrow afternoon.
7) I think he will be(be) very successful.
8) When will you visit..(visit) me next year?
9) The class doesnt begin / wont begin(begin) at 9, it .. begins / will begin
..(begin) at 10.
10) As soon as she arrives in Dallas she ll give.(give) you a call.
11) Look at those clouds on the horizon! It is going to rain .(rain) soon.
12) Who do you think will win .(win) the next national elections?
13) We are flying / going to fly..(fly) to Austin next week for a meeting with the
advisory board.
13) I promise you: I ll finish.(finish) my homework on time next week.
14) I'll take this letter to the post office when I go(go) into town this afternoon.

Self correction activity 6.5

1) They asked J unior.
2) Dr Z has programmed all the robots.
3) Because the guard could see them
4) They left the house at 10 oclock.
5) The centre had fifty storeys.
6) There were 5 guards there.

Self correction activity 6.6

1. If you .......... my advice, you'll accept it.
a) will be taking
b) will take
c) are taking
d) take

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2. If we .......... a few more days, they will solve the problem.
a) hang on
b) are hanging on
c) will hang on
d) will be hanging on
3. If you .......... , I'll tell J agger that we need time to think it over
a) want
b) are wanting
c) will want
d) would want
4. When he .......... that, he'll be a bit impatient
a) is hearing
b) will hear
c) would hear
d) hears
5. I'm sure that if I .......... to him sweetly enough he'll hold on and not look
a) 'm talking
b) will talk
c) talk
d) would talk
6. If things are looking a bit dicey, I .......... to you.
a) get back
b) 'll get back
c) would get back
d) am getting back
7. So, if I .......... from you , I'll assume everything is fine.
a) don't hear
b) hear
c) am hearing
d) won't hear
8. I'll only call you if I .......... there is a problem.

Mdulo VI
a) would think
b) will think
c) think
d) am thinking
9. So unless I .......... from you,
a) hear
b) am hearing
c) will hear
d) would hear
10. I .......... no need to worry.
a) have
b) am having
c) do not have
d) will have

Self correction activity 6.7 listening activity -

A TV reporter is talking to a woman who has won a lot of money while the robots
were getting control of the city. Listen to the cassette and answer the questions

1) What questions does the reporter ask?
A Are you going to have a big party to celebrate?
B Are you going to stop working?
2) What is the woman going to do?
She s going to stop working
3) What isnt she going to do?
She is not going to change her life much

Tape script
Reporter: Are you going to have a big party to celebrate?
Woman: No, I am not going to have a big party. Just a few friends maybe.
Reporter: Are you going to stop working?

Mdulo VI
Woman: Yes, of course Im going to stop working! But apart form that, my life wont
change much. Im not going to buy a big house or a car, or anything like that. I dont
want the robots to take everything.
Reporter: Ok. Thank you very much!

Self correction activity 6.8 Listening activity

1) Before you listen


2) Note taking
_Charity Auction_
Radio station will ask 1) listeners..for offers of something the radio station can
sell at an auction.
Do not want items like paintings, old TVs, 2) second-hand clothes
Suggestions: an afternoon teaching someone how to use the internet a morning giving a
free 3) riding lessons.. half a day doing someones gardening.
Details of all offers will appear in local paper.
Auction will take place on 4) Saturday May 13..
Amount they hope to raise: 5) over ten thousand pounds.
Money will go to a charity called: 6) Second Sight.

Mdulo VI
Tape script
Before we go on to the next track, Id like to tell you about this years Fox FM charity
auction. It was a great success last year. And this year I think, it will be better after
the robots rebellion. In case you dont remember how the charity auction works, Ill
remind you of what we do.
We ask you listeners for offers of something you can give and we can sell- but we
are not asking for kinds of things you can buy in shops. We dont want paintings or
second- hand clothes.
Let me give you a few examples of what we mean. If you have a computer and a
modem, you could offer an afternoon teaching class to someone on how to use the
Internet. If you have a horse, you could offer a mornings free riding horse lesson. Or
could offer something like half a days work at someones gardening.
Nearer the time, we will print all your offers in the local newspaper, and people will
have a chance to see if theres anything that interests them. Then on the day itself-
thats Saturday May 13, we will begin the auction. Itll be a phone-in programme, and
each offer will go to the person who offers the most money.
Now remember, its all in a very good cause, and if everything goes well, we will raise
over ten thousand pounds. This year the charity we are supporting is called Second
sight. Second sight runs an eye hospital in India, and it offers free operations for
people who cannot see because of eye disease.
So get thinking about what you might like to offer, and phone us on 278 273 with
your ideas. Remember we are happy to take anything you offer, big or small. And
now our next record from.

Mdulo VI

Accept: aceptar
Adventurous: aventurero/a
Ahead: adelante
Amazing: sorpendente
Announcement: anuncio
Anyway: de todos modos
Arrangement: arreglo
Auction: remate
Backbone: columna vertebral / espinazo
Be able to: ser capaz de
Be forgotten: ser olvidado
Be proud of: estar orgulloso de
Booth: cabina
Break: descanso / romper
Call-in: llamar
Carry-on luggage: equipaje de mano
Cause: causa
Century: siglo
Certain: seguro
Chairman: presidente
Chance: oportunidad
Chaos: caos
Charity: caridad
Citizen: ciudadano
Closer: cercano
Commercial: comercial
Commit: cometer
Conference: conferencia

Mdulo VI
Count on: contar con
Criminal: criminal
Decent: decente
Design: disear
Disease: enfermedad
Donation: donacin
Drug: droga
Drug dealer: traficante de drogas
Dumpling: budn
Earn: ganar dinero trabajando
Electrically: elctricamente
Enormous: enorme
Equipment: equipo
Fill: llenar
Force: forzar
Foundation: fundacin
Get rid of: sacarse de encima /librarse de
Gig: banda musical/ grupo de msica
Guard: guardia
Hang out: pasar el tiempo

Hide: esconder
Hope: esperar
Houseplant: macetas
Housing: vivienda
Identification: identificacin
Illegal: ilegal
Immediately: inmediatamente
Improve: mejorar

Mdulo VI
Instead: en vez de
Interpreter: intrprete simultneo
J ail: crcel
J ourney: viaje
Look forward to:esperar
Luck: suerte
Lucky: afortunado
Mandatory: mandatario
Mayor: alcalde
Neighbourhood: vencindario
Nervously: nerviosamente
Noodles: fideos
Offender: ofensor

Offer: ofrecer
Perform: interpretar / representar (una obra de teatro)
Performance: representacin
Plague: plaga
Pocket money: mensualidad / dinero para gastos
Point: sealar
Poll: votacin
Portable: porttil
Poverty: pobreza
Predict: predecir
Priority: prioridad

Mdulo VI

Prisoner: prisionero
Probably: probablemente
Project: proyecto
Promise: promesa
Protect: proteger
Provide: proveer
Public transport: transporte pblico

Quite: bastante
Reelect: reelegir
Refuse: negar
Reply: contestar
Robot: robot
Rucksacks: mochilas/ bolsos
Run out of: quedarse sin
Schedule: programa
Seat: butaca
Second-hand clothes: ropa de segunda mano
Serve: servir
Set up: levantar / colocar
Shoot: herir de bala
Sight: vista
Stage: escenario
Star sign: signo del zodaco
Storey: piso / planta
Suffer: sufrir

Mdulo VI
Support: apoyo /sostn
Taxes: impuestos

Thrive: crecer mucho/ crecer bien
Touch: tocar
Towards: hacia / en direccin a
Understandable: comprensible
Unless: A menos que...
Urge: impulso / pedir con insistencia
Violence: violencia
Virtual reality : realidad virtual
Volunteering: ofrecerse
Vote: votar
Waging: sueldos
Youth: juventud

Presentacin ............................................................................................................ 2
Lesson 1 .................................................................................................................. 5

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 1.1 ........................................................................................ 8
Self correction activity 1.2 ........................................................................................ 8
Making predictions ................................................................................................... 9
(Be) Going to ........................................................................................................ 10
Self correction activity 1.3 listening activity ......................................................... 10
Making predictions 2 .............................................................................................. 11
Simple Future ....................................................................................................... 11
Self correction activity 1.4 ...................................................................................... 11
Self correction activity 1.5 ...................................................................................... 12
Self correction activity 1.6 listening activity ......................................................... 14
Self correction activity 1.7 Reading activity ......................................................... 14
Lesson 2 ................................................................................................................ 21
Self correction activity 2.1 Listening activity - ........................................................ 21
Self correction activity 2.2 Listening activity ........................................................ 21
Self correction activity 2.3 ...................................................................................... 22
Self correction activity 2.4 vocabulary working .................................................... 22
Self correction activity 2.5 ...................................................................................... 23
Self correction activity 2.6 ...................................................................................... 23
Present continuous with future meaning ................................................................... 24
Self correction activity 2.7 ...................................................................................... 25
Self correction activity 2.8 listening activity ......................................................... 25
Self correction activity 2.9 Listening activity ........................................................ 25
Self correction activity 2.10 listening activity ....................................................... 26
Self correction activity 2.11 listening activity ....................................................... 26
Self correction activity 2.12 Listening activity ...................................................... 27
Activity 1 .............................................................................................................. 27
Self correction activities - Keys - ........................................................................... 28
Lesson 3 ................................................................................................................ 37
Self correction activity 3.1 ...................................................................................... 38
Self correction activity 3.2 ...................................................................................... 38
Self correction activity 3.3 listening activity- .......................................................... 40
Self correction activity 3.5 ...................................................................................... 41
Self correction activity 3.6 listening activity ......................................................... 42
Self correction activity 3.7 ...................................................................................... 42
Self correction activity 3.8 Listening activity- ......................................................... 43
Self correction activities Keys .......................................................................... 44
Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................ 51

Mdulo VI
Self correction activity 4.1 ...................................................................................... 52
Talking about the future ......................................................................................... 53
Future tenses ........................................................................................................ 54
Self correction activity 4.2 ...................................................................................... 55
Self correction activity 4.3 listening activity - ......................................................... 56
Self correction activity 4.4 ...................................................................................... 56
Self correction activity 4.5 Listening activity ........................................................ 57
Self correction activity 4.6 Listening activity ........................................................ 58
Self correction activities Keys - ........................................................................... 59
Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................ 65
First conditional sentence ....................................................................................... 66
Self correction activity 5.1 ...................................................................................... 67
Self correction activity 5.2 listening activity ......................................................... 68
Self correction activity 5.3 ...................................................................................... 69
Self correction activity 5.4 ...................................................................................... 70
Self correction activity 5.5 ...................................................................................... 71
Self correction activity 5.6 ...................................................................................... 72
Self correction activity 5.7 listening activity - ......................................................... 72
Self correction activities Keys .......................................................................... 74
Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................ 79
Self correction activity 6.1 ...................................................................................... 80
Self correction activity 6.2 ...................................................................................... 80
Self correction activity 6.3 ...................................................................................... 80
Self correction activity 6.4 ...................................................................................... 81
Self correction activity 6.5 ...................................................................................... 82
Self correction activity 6.6 ...................................................................................... 83
Self correction activity 6.7 listening activity - ......................................................... 85
Self correction activity 6.8 Listening activity ........................................................ 85
Self correction activities Keys .......................................................................... 87
Glossary ................................................................................................................. 93

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