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We extend a special welcome to our guests, visitors and all who join us in worship today. Please let us know of your
presence or any prayer requests you have by filling out one of the cards in the pew rack and placing them in the offering
plate. We hope that our church home becomes your church home and the spiritual place where you grow through the
Word of God.

Nursery care for children up to three years old is located on the main floor of the Welcome Center across from the
library. Older children attending the church service are encouraged to borrow a Toddler Tote filled with activities as you enter
the Sanctuary.

Concerning the Sacrament of the Altar
We believe that Jesus offers Himself to us in the Sacrament His true body and blood, for the forgiveness of sins. We also
share the scriptural concern for those who participate in the Lords supper that they recognize what they are receiving
(1 Corinthians 11:27). Therefore, we ask that all who desire to receive the Lords Supper please carefully examine
themselves using the communion information card found in the pew rack.
Communion is celebrated on the 1
and 3
Sundays at both services.

For those who desire, we offer gluten-free wafers (please indicate your desire to the Pastor or Elder) and
non-alcoholic wine (located in the inner circle of the individual cup tray).

Caring for the Least Greatest
Protecting the Greatest

September 14, 2014

8:00 am Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling LSB 650
10:45 am Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (chorus)
The Same Love

INVOCATION See screens

BAPTISM 10:45 am Sophia Kay Varner
RECOGNITION OF BAPTISM 10:45 am Addison Rae Varner

CONFESSION See screens
P: Let us then confess our sins to God our Father.
C: Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against You in thought,
word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole
heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve Your present and eternal punishment.
For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may
delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name. Amen.



8:00 am Great is Thy Faithfulness LSB 809
10:45 am How Can I Keep From Singing

OLD TESTAMENT READING Romans 14:1-3, 13-21 Bible page 948
SPECIAL MUSIC How Deep the Fathers Love for Us Praisemakers

GOSPEL READING Matthew 18:5-9 Bible page 823

STATEMENT OF FAITH Apostles Creed See screens

8:00 am Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way LSB 857
10:45 am We Believe

SERMON Vicar Mike Weider

SONG OF RESPONSE 8:00 am God of Grace and God of Glory LSB 850




8:00 am Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise LSB 917
10:45 am Beautiful One

The altar flowers are given to the glory of God by
Sandra Petersen in loving memory of her parents



9:30 am: Families and Children (Nursery - 8
grade & parents) (Loomis Center)
High School Youth (9
grade) (Loomis Center classroom by kitchen)

9:30 am: Adults The Sacraments: Mysterious and Miraculous Intended for adults seeking instruction as well as those
interested in expanding/refreshing their understanding. Pastor Davis will lead the discussions. (Loomis Center 1


9:45 am: Adults LifeLight: Proverbs Vicar Mike Weider leads an in-depth study of the book of Proverbs, digging deep
into the Wisdom of Solomon. (Welcome Center 2


Members: Elsie Calafell; Mike Czina; Elizabeth Drescher; Sam Engman; Ursula Fitzner; George & Karen Garland; Toni
Greason; Jennie Grisbee; Priscilla Johansen; Marie Lau; Maribel Lian; Norris Miertschin; Betty Pampell; John Pierce;
Phyllis Radcliff; Dennis Riske; Mary Smith; Dorothy Swain; Don & Cathie Thomas; Addison Varner.

Military Friends & Family: Kyle Appelt (Keith & Laura Evans nephew), USAF Academy, Colorado; Stephen Appelt
(Keith & Laura Evans nephew), USMC, Camp Pendleton, CA; Joel Davidson (son-in-law of Ron & Debby Ferguson),
CWO, US Army, Afghanistan; and Jeffrey Gruetzmacher, USN.

Friends & Family: Gene & Joan Bach (Jody Cooks parents); Pamela Brown (Diana Marquardts daughter); Melinda
Cieszinski (Stephen Leffingwells sister); Suzan Dohty (Pastor & Elva Musgroves daughter); Jeff Falk (Bob Plautzs brother-
in-law); Bob Fay (Erika Johnsons father); Donnie Heinrich (Leslie Sandifers father); Audrey Hansen (Glenn Hansens
mother); Brendan Husfeld (Rich & Linda Husfelds nephew); Mike Lightle (Judys husband); Betty Maeker (Brenda Davis
mother); Bobby Norris (Robin Stankus uncle); Joanna Odham (preschool teacher); Katie Ondrias (Holly Martinezs friend);
Maycel Plautz (Bob Plautzs mother); Candace Richardson (Tim & Marilyn Gandres friend); Ryan Richardson (Tim &
Marilyn Gandres friend); Gilbert Rippe (Joyce Adams brother); Roger & Olga Segura (Rachel Peckenpaughs parents);
Bryce; Wayne Toye (Jennifer Pergandes father); Don Ude (former member) and Troy Williams (Charlotte Graessers son).


Acolytes 8:00 am: Trevor Stall
10:45 am: Allison Pergande
Altar Guild Joyce Adams; Denise Chalk; Brenda Davis; Cindy Michalk
Audio 8:00 am: Kristina Hansen; Bob Plautz
10:45 am: Bob Plautz; Jack Somich
Elder 8:00 am: David Elmore
Elder 10:45 am: David Pergande
Greeters 8:00 am: Robin Stankus; Vi Tarpey
10:45 am: Bob and Kathy Cowan; Tim and Christy Raisbeck
Nursery 8:00 am: Lydia Sides
10:45 am: Ashley Bretting; Meredith Bretting
Ushers 8:00 am: Richard Greason; Jeff Gruetzmacher; Ricky Nietsche; Alan Ostermann; Steve Schulze
10:45 am: George Hintz; Nelson Scroggins; Jim Slater; Joe Pier; Rob Whittecar

September 14 - 21, 2014

Sunday ~ 14
8:00 AM Worship Service
9:30 AM Altar Guild
9:15 AM Mens Chorus
9:30 AM Bible Studies
10:45 AM Worship Service
1:00 PM Servicios en Espaol
5:00 PM Girls Loving Christ (GLC)

Monday ~ 15
7:00 PM Handbells
7:00 PM Kids Handbells
7:00 PM Women In Mission
7:30 PM Building Committee

Tuesday ~ 16
9:45 AM Lifelight
6:00 PM Helping Young Parents (HYP)

Wednesday ~ 17
6:00 PM Livin in 3D
7:15 PM Praisemakers
8:00 PM Womens Chorus

Thursday ~ 18
6:30 PM Praise Team
7:00 PM Leadership Team

Saturday ~ 20
9:00 AM Get Out of Debt Seminar

Sunday ~ 21
8:00 AM Communion Worship Service
9:30 AM Bible Studies
10:45 AM Communion Worship Service
1:00 PM Servicios en Espaol
6:00 PM High School Youth

Treasurers Weekly Report

9-7-14 Year-to-date

Offerings $18,196.00 $601,323.13
Offerings expected in budget 572,733.27
Expenses (586,333.67)

Life-to-date total

Rise Up and Build Income $ 22,738.00 $900,009.37
Rise Up and Build Expenses ( 64,993.69)

Any questions or concerns may be addressed to the Treasurer, Nelson Scroggins.

Practical suggestions to aid Disciples of Jesus in taking on the character of Jesus,
especially the character attribute of generosity.

Have you ever considered all you have? Have you ever taken an inventory of everything with which you have been blessed-
not just in generalizations, but also in detail? For instance, many people are grateful for their health, for their body working
as it should. But have you ever stopped to give thanks for your eyes (and each part of them) and the marvel of creation they
are to see all you see; for your ears and the amazing way in which they work; for your brain that processes all it receives? We
usually dont think about all the different parts of our body until something isnt working, and then, when we are healed, we
are grateful. If we tried to count all the blessings of body and soul, they would perhaps be too numerous to count. And, that
is just one area of blessing! Add in our family, house, work, country, and all the things Luther describes in the explanation to
the first article of the Apostles creed, and counting our blessings becomes a major projectone in which we would probably
never get done. But it doesnt hurt to dive in and begin to consider a few of the countless blessings! Even more importantly,
it is essential for us to consider our incredibly generous God who has blessed us with all of these blessings, purely out of
fatherly, divine goodness and mercy without any merit or worthiness in us. And for all of this, it is our duty to thank and
praise, serve and obey Him, and live generously with all that we have been given!

TIP OF THE MONTH: Count Your Blessings!

1. This month, take some time each week to start counting your blessings!
2. Keep a journal in a notebook or make an ongoing list on your computer or tablet.
3. Work on a different category of blessings each time. You can use Luthers list found in the First Article explanation
or the Lords Prayer 5th petition (What is Daily Bread?) to help you get started.
4. Finally, each week, as you conclude your list of, come up with a way to generously give back based on the blessings
receivedboth counted and not counted! Record the generosity idea as well as how it was implemented. You might
even add to your notes the further blessings you received from your generosity!


What can I do vs. What can I keep

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