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331 1ofLrees Avenue, SulLe 308
SLaLe College, A 16803
[oselulsdebora[gmall.com (913) 383-9018

2u1S-Piesent !"##$%&'(#)( +,(," -#)'".$),%
PhB Sociology
Anticipateu uiauuation Bate: Nay 2u17

2u1u -#)'".$),% /0 1"2($ (, 3& !($/
Bacheloi of Aits Bouble Najoi: Psychology, Sociology
uPA: Psychology: S.S8 Sociology: S.7u
2+"3$##("1,4 5$6*$+#7(8
Ameiican Association foi Public 0pinion Reseaich
Ameiican Sociological Association
ASA Altiuism, Noiality, anu Social Soliuaiity Section
ASA Social Psychology Section
ASA Sociology of Religion Section
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Fall 2u1S- !"#"$%&' )##*&+$,"- )##*&+$,+*. */ !"0+1+*. 2$,$ )%&'+3"#
Piesent Piocess uata files foi online aichiving anu fiist level contact foi useis.
Summei 2u1S- 4%$56$," !"#"$%&' )##+#,$.,- 7".. 8,$,"
Spiing 2u14 0puateu annotateu bibliogiaphy on open souice softwaie. Bevelopeu
multiple annotateu bibliogiaphies on topics such as cybei-aggiession,
genuei anu fiienuship, anu open souice softwaie. Conuucteu analysis
foi online uating pioject using 0kCupiu uata.
Summei 2u12 8*&+$0 8&+".&"9:6;$.+,+"# !"#"$%&' )##*&+$," < "#$ %&'() &*&+,( -.,
/0&*10 20$0(#34 2%)5.#%#5*0+ 01( 6#5*#5'+&'$0+ 7%8,5&% #" /#9
:*$&.9,*;.&< 0& &., =1*>,$%*&) #" -,30% 0& 601 71&#1*#? Revieweu anu
iecoiueu physical suiveys into uigital foimat foi futuie analysis.
Tiansciibeu 8u+ in-uepth inteiviews.
Fall 2u11- 4%$56$," !"#"$%&' )##+#,$.,4 =.+3"%#+,> */ ?"@$# $, 8$. ).,*.+*
Spiing 2u12 Assisteu with SPSS couing anu uata entiy. Assisteu in assessment of
unueigiauuate woik foi a public health anu ieseaich methous couise
unuei the supeivision of Biiectoi of Institute foi Bealth Bispaiities
Reseaich, Bi. T.S. Sunil.
2u1u !"#"$%&' )##+#,$.,- A%+;+.$0 B6#,+&" $.5 C".,$0 :"$0,' D$E- =?F7
Assisteu in stuuy, "Nental Bealth Tieatment-Seeking Bispanics in the
Ciiminal }ustice System." Assisteu in ieview of liteiatuie useu to cieate
measuies implementeu in the uata gatheiing mateiial. Tianslateu the

inteiviewsuivey packet fiom English to Spanish. Scieeneu foi eligible
paiticipants anu conuucteu semi-stiuctuieu inteiviews. Tiaineu othei
stuuents on how to conuuct ieseaich inteiviews to continue the
ieseaich effectively.
Summei 2uu8 0niveisity of Texas at El Paso Stuuy Abioau Scholaiship Recipient
<$,/7(1= -:8$+($1/$
2u12-2u1S @$0('0&, 7%%*%&01&A6266 B#C8'&,$ /0D
Nanageu a computei lab open to unueigiauuate sociology stuuents
eniolleu in Quantitative Reseaich Nethous couises. Pioviueu assistance
in theii SPSS baseu assignment anu geneial inquiiies.
2uu9-2u1u =1(,$;$0('0&, 2,,$ /,0(,$A-,05.,$ 7%%*%&01&< =-E2? uiaueu weekly
essays anu monitoieu online class uiscussions. Neuiateu between
stuuents anu the piofessoi. Pioviueu acauemic counseling ielateu to
class piogiess.
;"/(,4 2+">$/0#
Fall 2uu8 Enviionmental }ustice anu Ninoiity Communities in the 0.S. couise
pioject. "Youi Neighboihoou Pollutei." Beboia, }ose L., anu Robeit
Summei 2uu7 Reseaich with Photo voice methou, "Inteivening Factois of 0besity in
the Boiuei," piesenteu at 0TEP's College of Bealth Science.
?..(0("1,4 5$6*$+#7(8# @ A1B"4B$6$10
2u1S Nembei of Phi Kappa Phi, Collegiate honoi society.
2u12 Nembei of 0micion Belta Kappa< National leaueiship honois society.
2u12-2u1S Tieasuiei of Alpha Kappa Belta-Alpha Xi< Inteinational Sociology Bonoi
Society chaptei at 0TSA.
Spiing 2uu9 Keystone Beiitage Paik - Enviionmental effoit to pieseive wetlanu.
Summei 2uu8 Stuuieu Fiench language anu cultuie at Centie Inteinational B'Etuues
Fianaise in Angeis, Fiance, thiough 0TEP's stuuy abioau piogiam.
2uu7, 2uu9 volunteeieu with the Centei Foi Civic Engagement }ust Reau! Seivice
Leaining piogiam at 0TEP.
2uu7-2uu8 Nembei of the Campus Activities Boaiu Bealth Awaieness Committee.
2uu7-2uu8 Nembei of the Amnesty Inteinational chaptei at 0TEP.
2uuS-2u1u Anime Appieciation Society of El Paso at 0TEP.
+/0,5(." 6(#78(7" !./0)9)"#9%
Niciosoft 0ffice, STATA, SPSS Fluent Spanish speakeiwiitei

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