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Audit Level : The Audit Level property enables you to select the level of

information to be collected by the message tracking infrastructure. This information

is collected in the instance data store (database) associated with the SOA
Of ! "o composite instance tracking and payload tracking information is collected.
"o logging is performed.
Production! #omposite instance tracking is collected$ but the Oracle %ediator
service engine does not collect payload details and the process service engine does
not collect payload details for assign activities (payload details for other activities are
Development! &nables both composite instance tracking and payload detail
tracking. 'owever$ this setting may impact performance. This level is useful largely
for testing and debugging purposes.
Composite Instance State: This option enables separate tracking of the
running instances.
however$ that enabling this option may impact performance during instance
Logging Level : The default logging level is ("OT)#ATO"(. )or stress testing
and production
environments$ consider using the lowest acceptable logging level$ such as (&**O*(
or (+A*"",(
SOA Settings:
The dspInvokeThreads property speci-es the total number of threads allocated
to process invocation dispatcher messages. nvocation dispatcher messages are
generated for each payload received and are meant to instantiate a new instance. f
the ma.ority of re/uests processed by the engine are instance invocations (as
opposed to instance callbacks)$ greater performance may be achieved by increasing
the number of invocation threads. 'igher thread counts may cause greater #01
utili2ation due to higher conte3t switching costs. The default value is 45 threads. Any
value less than 6 thread is changed to the default.
The dspEngineThreads property speci-es the total number of threads allocated
to process engine dispatcher messages. &ngine dispatcher messages are generated
whenever an activity must be processed asynchronously. f the ma.ority of processes
deployed are durable with a large number of dehydration points (mid7process
receive$ on%essage$ onAlarm$ and wait activities)$ greater performance may be
achieved by increasing the number of engine threads. "ote that higher thread counts
can cause greater #01 utili2ation due to higher conte3t switching costs. The default
value is 85 threads. Any value less than 6 thread is changed to the default.
The dspSystemThreads property speci-es the total number of threads allocated to
process system dispatcher messages. System dispatcher messages are general
clean7up tasks that are typically processed /uickly by the server (for e3ample$
releasing stateful message beans back to the pool). Typically$ only a small number of
threads are re/uired to handle the number of system dispatch messages generated
during run time. The default value is 2.
The dspMaxRequestDepth property sets the ma3imum number of in7memory
activities to process within the same re/uest. After processing an activity re/uest$
Oracle 90&L 0rocess %anager attempts to process as many subse/uent activities as
possible without .eopardi2ing the validity of the re/uest. Once the activity processing
chain has reached this depth$ the instance is dehydrated and the ne3t activity is
performed in a separate transaction. f the re/uest depth is too large$ the total
re/uest time can e3ceed the application server transaction time out limit.This
process is applicable to durable processes. The default value is :55 activities.
#omposite Level
Inherit nherits the audit level from infrastructure level.
Of "o audit events (activity e3ecution information) are persisted and no logging is
performed; this can result in a slight performance boost for processing instances.
Minimal All events are logged; however$ no audit details (variable content) are
Error Logs only serious problems that re/uire immediate attention from the
administrator and are not caused by a bug in the product. 1sing this level can help
Production All events are logged. The audit details for assign activities are not
logged; the details for all other activities are logged.
Development All events are logged; all audit details for all activities are logged.
The oneWaDeliverPolic property controls database persistence of
messages entering Oracle 90&L Server. 9y default$ incoming re/uests are saved in
the delivery service database table dlv_message. These re/uests are later ac/uired
by Oracle 90&L Server worker threads and delivered to the targeted 90&L process.
This property persists delivery messages and is applicable to durable processes.
f you set the oneWayDeliveryPolicy property to async.cache and your system
fails$ you may lose messages. n addition$ the system can become overloaded
(messages become backlogged in the scheduled /ueue) and you may receiveout7of7
memory errors. One7way invocation messages are stored in the delivery cache until
delivered. I! the rate at "hich one#"a messages arrive is much higher than
the rate at "hich Oracle $PEL Server delivers them% or i! the server !ails%
messages ma &e lost'
asnc'persist )De!ault* <elivery messages are persisted in the database. +ith this
setting$ reliability is obtained with some performance impact on the database. n
some cases$ overall system performance can be impacted.
asnc'cache ncoming delivery messages are kept only in the in7memory cache. f
performance is preferred over reliability$ this setting should be considered.
snc <irects Oracle 90&L Server to bypass the scheduling of messages in the invoke
/ueue$ and invokes the 90&L instance synchronously. n some cases this setting can
improve database performance.
The SncMa+Wait,ime property sets the ma3imum time the process result
receiver waits for a result before returning. *esults from asynchronous 90&L
processes are retrieved synchronously by a receiver that waits for a result from
Oracle 90&L Server. This property is applicable to transient processes.
The default value is => seconds.
The validate-ML property validates incoming and outgoing ?%L documents. f
set to True$ the Oracle 90&L 0rocess %anager applies schema validation for incoming
and outgoing ?%L documents. The default value is )alse.
LargeDocument,hreshold property sets the large ?%L document
persistence threshold. This is the ma3imum si2e (in kilobytes) of a 90&L variable
before it is stored in a separate location from the rest of the instance scope data. The
default value is 65555 (655 kilobytes).
$PEL Properties Set Inside a Composite
inMemorOptimi.ation: This property indicates to Oracle 90&L Server that this
process is a transient process and dehydration of the instance is not re/uired. +hen
set to True$ the completion0ersist0olicy is used to determine persistence behavior.
This property can only be set to True for transient processes or processes that do not
contain any dehydration points such as receive$ wait$ on%essage and onAlarm
activities. The in%emoryOptimi2ation property is set at the 90&L component level.
)alse (default)! instances are persisted completely and recorded in the dehydration
store database.
True! The completion0ersist policy is used to determine persistence behavior
completionPersistPolic : This property con-gures how the instance data is
saved. t can only be set at the 90&L component level. The completion0ersist0olicy
property can only be used when in%emoryOptimi2ation is set to be True (transient
processes). "ote that this parameter may a@ect database growth and throughput
(due to reduced AO).
(alue Description
On )de!ault* The completed instance is saved normally
De!erred The completed instance is saved$ but with a di@erent thread and in
another transaction.
/aulted Only the faulted instances are saved.
Of "o instances of this process are saved.
Idempotent : An idempotent activity is an activity that can be retried (for
e3ample$ an assign activity
or an invoke activity). Oracle 90&L Server saves the instance after a nonidempotent
activity. This property is applicable to both durable and transient processes.
)alse! Activity is dehydrated immediately after e3ecution and recorded in the
dehydration store. +hen idempotent is set to )alse$ it provides better failover
protection$ but may impact performance if the 90&L process accesses the
dehydration store fre/uently.
True (default)! f Oracle 90&L Server fails$ it performs the activity again after
restarting. This is because the server does not dehydrate immediately after the
invoke and no record e3ists that the activity e3ecuted. Some e3amples of where this
property can be set to True are! read7only services (for e3ample$
#redit*atingService) or local &B9A+S) invocations that share the instanceCs
non$loc0ingInvo0e :9y default$ Oracle 90&L 0rocess %anager e3ecutes in a
single thread$ e3ecuting the branches se/uentially instead of in parallel. +hen this
property is set to True$ the process manager creates a new thread to perform each
branchCs invoke activity in parallel. This property is applicable to both durable and
transient processes. #onsider setting this property to True if you have invoke
activities in multiple Dow or Dow n branches. This is especially e@ective if the parallel
invoke activities are two7way$ but some bene-ts can be reali2ed for parallel one7way
invokes as well.
True! Oracle 90&L Server spawns a new thread to e3ecute the invocation.
)alse (default)! Oracle 90&L Server e3ecutes the invoke activity in the single
process thread.
validate-ML : &nables message boundary validation. "ote that additional
validation can impact
performance by consuming e3tra #01 and memory resources.
True! +hen set to True the engine validates the ?%L message against the ?%L
schema during EreceiveF and EinvokeF for this partner link. f the ?%L message is
invalid then bpelx:invalidVariables run time 90&L )ault is thrown. This overrides
the domain level validateXML property.
)alse (default)! <isables ?%L validation.
,a&les Impacted $ Instance Data 1ro"th
nstance data occupies space in Oracle 90&L 0rocess %anager schema tables. <ata
growth from auditing and dehydration can have a signi-cant impact on database
performance and throughput.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager Tables Impacted by Instance Data Growth
audit_trail Stores the audit trail for instances. The audit trail viewed in Oracle 90&L
#ontrol is created from an ?%L document. As an instance is processed$ each activity writes
events to the audit trail as ?%L.
audit2details Stores audit details that can be logged through the A0. Activities such as an
assign activity log the variables as audit details by default. Audit details are separated from
the auditGtrail table due to their large si2e. f the si2e of a detail is larger than the value
speci-ed for this property$ it is placed in this table. Otherwise$ it is placed in the auditGtrail
cu&e2instance Stores process instance metadata (for e3ample$ the instance creation date$
current state$ title$ and process identi-er)
cu&e2scope Stores the scope data for an instance (for e3ample$ all variables declared in
the 90&L Dow and some internal ob.ects that help route logic throughout the Dow).
dlv2message Stores incoming (invocation) and callback messages upon receipt. This table
only stores the metadata for a message (for e3ample$ current state$ process identi-er$ and
receive date).
dlv2su&scription Stores delivery subscriptions for an instance. +henever an instance
e3pects a message from a partner (for e3ample$ the receive or on%essage activity) a
subscription is written out for that speci-c receive activity.
document2ci2re! Stores cube instance references to data stored in the 3mlG document
document2dlv2msg2re! Stores references to dlvGmessage documents stored in the
3mlGdocument table.
"!tas0 Stores tasks created for an instance. The Task%anager process keeps its current
state in this table.
"or02item Stores activities created by an instance. All activities in a 90&L Dow have a
workGitem table. This table includes the metadata for the activity (current state$ label$ and
e3piration date (used by wait activities)).
+ml2document Stores all large ob.ects in the system (for e3ample$ dlvGmessage
documents). This table stores the data as binary large ob.ects (9LO9s). Separating the
document storage from the metadata enables the metadata to change fre/uently without
being impacted by the si2e of the documents.
3eaders2properties Stores headers and properties information.
nbound Throttling 9est 0ractices
The Oracle )ile and )T0 Adapters provide parameters that can be used
to throttle the inbound operations. The table below describes the
inbound throttling practices!
e (alues Description
MaxRaiseSize B#A <property
This parameter de-nes the
ma3imum number of -les
that the inbound adapter
would submit for
processing on each polling
e (alues Description
<efault! 65555 (ten
cycle. )or e3ample$ if your
inbound directory has
6555 -les and the
MaxRaiseSize is set to
100$ the adapter can
increase to 655 -les on
each polling cycle.
<e-ned in the nbound B#A
SingleThreadModel B#A <property
<efault! )alse (n this
case$ the global in7
memory /ueue is
f the value is true$ the
poller lists$ translates$ or
publishes -les in the same
thread. n other words$ it
does not use the global in7
memory /ueue for
<e-ned in the nbound B#A
ThreadCount B#A <property
t" value="10"/>
<efault! 76 (n this
case$ the adapter
uses the global
thread pool and in7
memory /ueue)
This parameter enables
the Oracle )ile and )T0
Adapters to create their
own processor threads
rather than depending on
the global pool of
processor worker threads
for processing the
en/ueued -les. This
parameter partitions the
in7memory /ueue and
each composite
application receives its
own in7memory /ueue.
f the ThreadCount is set
to 0$ then the threading
behavior is the same as
that of the
SingleThread%odel. f the
ThreadCount is set to !1$
e (alues Description
then the global thread pool
is activated$ which is the
same as the <efault
Threading %odel. The
ma3imum value that can
be set for ThreadCount is
<e-ned in the nbound B#A
Out&ound ,hrottling $est Practices
The Oracle )ile and )T0 Adapters provide parameters that can be used
to throttle the outbound operations. The table below describes the
outbound throttling practices!
Parameter ,pe (alue Description
B#A <property
<efault! 45 (n this
case$ not more than
45 translations occur
for a particular
outbound scenario.)
This parameter speci-es
the ma3imum number of
translation activities that
are allowed to start in
parallel for a particular
outbound scenario. The
translation step during
the outbound operation is
#01 intensive and must
be monitored as it might
cause other applications
or threads to starve. The
ma3imum value is 655.
<e-ned in the Outbound
B#A )ile.

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