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Event Summaries:

The Garden of Eden-

1. Light

2. Sky

3. Sea, land, vegetation

4. Sun, moon, stars

5. Birds and aquatic creatures

6. Livestock and Man

7. Sabbath

Eve is tempted by the snake and the snake tempts her by saying that the fruit will make her think

like God. She eats and sin entered the world. We are kicked out of the Garden of Eden and

forced to wander. We are now forever separated from God.

Adamic Covenant- God gave us responsibility over the livestock and earth for 6 days and

on the seventh we rest. Symbol- Covenant

Serpants punishments-

• He will crawl on his belly and eat dust

• He will strike mans’ heal but man will crush his head (Jesus)

• There will forever be hate between woman and offspring to snakes

Cain and Abel-

Cain is the worker of the soil and Abel of the livestock. Cain brings an offering of some fruit to

God and Abel brings the new born calf (very precious meat). Cain kills Abel out of jealously.

Now, there has been the first murder, and we see the first example of jealously. Cain is send to

wander in the land of Nod, and all his descendants would be evil doers(lamech- boasted about

killing). Seth’s descendants would go on to have Enoch (Never died and lived 600 years) and


Noah’s ark-

God floods to earth to get a clean start due to the large amount of sin. God tells Noah that

he is put an end to all people and make yourself an ark of cypress wood and make rooms within

it. Bring two of all living creatures, male and female. And take every kind of food that can be

eaten and bring it aboard for food. Take seven of every type of clean animal and two of every

unclean and seven of every bird . Rain for forty days and forty nights. The ark rests on Mt.

Ararat on the 7th day of the 7th month. Sent out a raven- came back when waters were gone. Dove

fails once and then comes back a second time with an olive branch signaling peace and that the

flood was over.

Total time on ark- 1 year, 1 month, 1 day

Noah’s covenant- You cannot eat any meat with blood in it. And God will never rid

the world of creation again. Symbol- The Rainbow

Tower of Babel-
Men try and create a tower to heaven that will make a name for themselves and bring

everyone together. God sees this and destroys the tower and makes all the men speak different

languages. Then, they all are spread throughout the world like God had said he would.

Abrahamic Covenant- I will make you into a great nation….. etc. Abrahams People

will fill the earth, he will be the father of the great nations. The sign of this is circumsicion.

He leaves with Lot (first-born son) and Sarai (wife) from Haraan to Canaan. Abram

travels through Shechem and God appears to Abram and tells him He gives his this land.

Canann- Promised Land.

Abram disguises Sarai as his sister when they go to Egypt so that he will not be killed so

that an Egyptian can steal his wife. The pharaoh sees her and takes her to marry him. Pharaoh

then kicks them out once he finds out the truth.

Now they travel to the Negev River, and again settle in the promised land (Bethel).

Because Sarai cannot bear Abram children, she gives him Hagar to make children for her.

They have Ishmael which is the son not part of the Abrahamic Covenant. Ishmael will hate his

brothers ( muslims vs. Christians). Then, God comes to Abram and turns him into Abraham.

Sarai will be Sarah and will bear Isaac. Isaac will continue the Abrahamic covenant of being

fruitful and being the father of nations (making more descendants).

Abraham is tested of his faith when he is called by God to take Isaac up onto the

mountain and make him a burnt offering. Then an angel comes down and stops Abraham from

killing his son and Abraham finds a ram caught in the bushes. He sacrifices this instead.
Sarah dies in Canaan and Ephron allows Abraham to bury her in the cave of Machpelah.

Isaac and Rebekah have Esau (Older) and Jacob. God tells Rebekah that one day the

older would serve the younger. So Jacob gets Esau who was starving to sell him his inheritance

for beef stew. Esau agrees. Then Jacob dresses as Esau to receive the Family Blessing from Isaac

who was blind. He dressed in Esau’s clothing letting of Esau’s scent and put wool on his neck.

This convinced Isaac this was Esau. Then Isaac flees to Padan Aram to get away from Esau.

Rebekah tells Isaac it is so that he can marry someone that is not a foreigner. So he goes to Uncle

Laban in Padan Aram and falls in love with Rachel. On his way, he has a dream of a stairway to

heaven. Jacob then marks the rock of the city with oil and marks it as Bethel. He and Laban

agree that Jacob shall work 7 years to marry Rachel. He works and then Laban gives him Leah

instead of Rachel because the oldest must be married off before the younger. Then, Jacob says he

will work 7 more years after he marries Rachel. He marries Rachel after the wedding week and

then works for 7 more years.

Leah= Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah.

Bilhah (rachel’s servant)- Dan, Naphtali

Zilpah ( Leah’s servant)- Gad, Asher

Leah= Isaachar, Zebulun, Dinah (Daughter)

Rachel= Joseph ( Abrahamic Covenant carry-on)

Rachel- Benjamin.

Jacob flees back to Canaan within it is his father and brother

Laban pursues him to get his household gods back that Rachel had stolen. Jacob and him

make a covenant out of the fear of Isaac and Laban returns home after kissing his kids and

grandkids goodbye. Esau meets Jacob with three hundred slaves and kisses and cries over him.

Then, they safely return home. The yolk has been removed from Esau.

On the way in Shecem, Prince shecem sees Dinah and takes her and rapes her. Then he

wants to marry her. The brothers raid Shecem out of revenge for the rape and kills everyone in

the town.

Jacob becomes Israel on the way from Bethel to Padan Aram.

Joseph is sold by his brothers to an Egyptian because he is the most favorite of Jacob.

Potiphar is the name of the Joseph’s owner. Potifar’s wife wants Joseph to lay with her. He

refuses and she accuses Joseph of rape. He is sent to the Pharaoh’s jail because Potiphar is one of

the chief pharaoh officials.

There he meets the cupbearer and the baker. He interprets their dreams.

The cup bearer dreams of him finding three grape branches and squeezing them into the

pharaoh’s wine glass. Joseph interprets that the cupbearer will be freed in 3 days and returned to

his full position.

The Baker dreams of bread making and Joseph says he will die.

Both come true.

Then, he is freed to interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams. The pharaoh dreams of 7 fat cows

being consumed by 7 skinny cows, and then 7 grains of good wheat being dominated by 7

bushels of bad wheat. The dreams are interpreted as there will be seven prosperous farming years
and 7 years of famine. So pharaoh is pleased with Joseph and gives him second in command.

The save up food for the famine and saved the land of Egypt. Then Joseph’s brothers come back

to Egypt to buy wheat for the famine. Joseph, without them recognizing him accuses them of

being spies. Simeon is sent to jail as the one to be sent to jail, and the others return home to get

Benjamin. When they finally return, Judah takes care of Benjamin. During the feast at Josephs

house, Joseph slips a silver cup in Benjamin’s bag. Then accuses him of stealing. During the

court, he reveals himself to the brothers and they are frightening. He tells them to go get the rest

of the family so that they can survive the famine. When they return, The pharaoh gives them the

land of Goshen- the best land in Egypt. They get all of the pharaoh’s livestock and care for them.

Then, we times get tough. The pharaoh gives them seed and money for the livestock. He gave

them land, and the pharaoh will provide them with seed, but 1/5 of crops will go to Pharaoh.

Manasseh and Ehphraim are Joseph’s sons. They travel to Canaan to see Israel who is

dieing. Ephraim is blessed by Israel to be greater than Manasseh even though he is younger.

Then, Joseph goes and travels to get the sons, and Israel blesses them. He dies and they bury his

bones in the cave of machpelah. Then his brothers return from the trip of the burial, and are

frightened that now that Israel is dead there are no reasons for Joseph not to kill them but Joseph

reassures them that he will not.

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