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Administrative Information

- Project Title
A Mathematia! "#timi$ati%& A##'%ah (%' )a*i% +et,%'- .!a&&i&/
%( 01M23M41 5%-5iti&/ ,ith 6!et'%ma/&eti )a*iati%& 7a8e*
"79eti:e ;<&ti%&
=>? @ABC Principal Investigator -






Zaher Dawy AUB Associate
Beirut, Bliss
Str .
d!"#au$%edu%l$ 0!0"##$%
D>? E Co-Workers -



&ina Al 'an( AUB )*raduate
Amin A$del
AUB )*raduate
.lias /aacou$ AUB )*raduate
Duration - &
Decem$er 0, 1!!2 till 3une "!, 1!0!
Scientific Information

-KGL Objectives
0% De4elop no4el radio networ, plannin* optimiation al*orithms for 5S67U6TS co-e8istence and
co-citin*% This re9uires modelin* 5S67U6TS co-citin* as a multio$(ecti4e optimiation pro$lem
and de4elopin* low comple8ity al*orithms to efficiently sol4e it%
1% De4elop no4el radio networ, plannin* optimiation al*orithms with electroma*netic radiation
$ased o$(ecti4e functions% This re9uires inte*ratin* .6 radiation $ased constraints into the
optimiation pro$lem ta,in* into account difference $etween the 5S6 and U6TS systems and
ta,in* into account typical threshold 4alues accepted $y re*ional *o4ernin* $odies% This in turn
re9uires re4iewin* national7re*ional *uidelines on allowed .6 radiation le4els%
"% Implement the de4eloped al*orithms into a software tool that can $e used $y cellular networ,
operators and uni4ersity researchers% After succeedin* in modelin* the optimiation pro$lem and
efficiently sol4in* it, it is 4ery important to de4elop a user friendly software tool that can $e used $y
researchers wor,in* in the area and $y networ, operators to o$tain optimied 5S67U6TS
seamless networ,s with an option to ta,e into account .6 radiation le4els% This step is si*nificant
as it forms one of the main products of this research wor, and helps disseminatin* its results%
:% Perform practical radio networ, plannin* case study for 5S67U6TS co-citin* in the city of Beirut%
This re9uires accurate topolo*ical data for the city of Beirut in addition to statistics on user
densities, propa*ation models, ser4ices, etc% The si*nificance of this step is to test the de4eloped
software tool on real data in order to o$tain $etter assessment of the proposed al*orithms% This
re9uires initiatin* contact with local cellular networ, operators in order to o$tain re9uired data and
(ointly assess o$tained results%
;% Stimulate research acti4ities and colla$oration $etween uni4ersities and local7Ara$ networ,
operators in the field of cellular networ, plannin* and optimiation% <ellular networ, operators can
pro4ide useful practical information7data and can $enefit from the outcomes of the pro(ect
especially that many Ara$ countries are *radually mi*ratin*, or plannin* to mi*rate, to U6TS
networ,s with already e8istin* 5S6 networ,s%
MNOP QQR Acievements -
All pro(ect o$(ecti4es were achie4ed as summaried $elow% The items listed $elow correspond
to the pro(ect o$(ecti4es listed in the pre4ious section%
0% =e ha4e de4eloped no4el radio networ, plannin* al*orithms for networ, scenarios with
5S67U6TS co-citin*% The pro$lem was formulated as a multi-o$(ecti4e optimiation
pro$lem and mathematical optimiation techni9ues were used to sol4e it% >esults were
o$tained and e4aluated for 4arious scenarios%
Part of the research outcome was pu$lished in I... International <onference on
<ommunications 1!!? )I... I<<@!?+% 6oreo4er, an e8tended (ournal pu$lication is
currently in preparation%
1% =e ha4e de4eloped no4el radio networ, plannin* al*orithms for networ, scenarios with
electroma*netic radiation considerations% =e addressed the followin* two networ, plannin*
pro$lemsA optimied site selection from a *i4en set of candidate sites and optimied site
placement for findin* the $est locations of a *i4en num$er of sites in an area of interest%
Both pro$lems were formulated as multi-o$(ecti4e optimiation pro$lems and sol4ed usin*
mathematical optimiation techni9ues ta,in* into account power transmission and
electroma*netic radiation considerations% >esults were o$tained and e4aluated for 4arious
Part of the research outcome was pu$lished in the International <onference in
Telecommunications )I... I<T@0!+% 6oreo4er, an e8tended (ournal pu$lication has $een
"% =e ha4e implemented the de4eloped al*orithms into a simulation tool usin* 6AT&AB% The
tool has an interacti4e *raphical user interface and allows users to input parameters in order
to *enerate optimied networ, plans% An e8ecuta$le 4ersion of the de4eloped tool is planned
to $e posted online%
:% =e ha4e complemented the theoretical results of this pro(ect $y performin* practical radio
networ, plannin* case studies for the city of Beirut% The professional networ, plannin* tool
used is T.6S <ellPlanner from .ricsson% The scenarios studied included 5S67U6TS co-
citin* in addition to radio networ, plannin* with electroma*netic radiation considerations%
;% The scope and results of this pro(ect ena$led initiatin* contacts with other researchers in the
field and with local7re*ional telecom companies% =e discussed aspects related to the pro(ect
wor, and e8chan*ed ideas with en*ineers from .ricsson <ommunications &e$anon,
&e$anese Telecom >e*ulatory Authority )T>A+, and Batar Telecom )Btel+%
STU =R? Perspectives -
All pro(ect o$(ecti4es were achie4ed as listed in the pro(ect proposal% 6oreo4er, the pro(ect
helped *enerate new ideas and e8tensions which we are currently wor,in* on% The research
team who wor,ed on the pro(ect included three *raduate students on a part time $asis in
addition to the pro(ect PI% As a result of the pro(ect wor,, two international conference
pu$lications ha4e already $een pu$lished )$oth can $e downloaded from I... Cplore+ and one
I... (ournal pu$lication has $een accepted for pu$lication%
VA @T WX ! Publications ! Communications
"ournal papers#
A$del 'hale,, &% Al-'an(, Z% Dawy, and 5% Tur,iyyah, DEptimiation 6odels and
Al*orithms for 3oint Uplin,7Downlin, U6TS >adio Networ, Plannin* with SI>-$ased
Power <ontrol,F accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
Conference papers and conference participation#
&% Al-'an(, Z% Dawy, and 5% Tur,iyyah, DA 6athematical Eptimiation Approach for >adio
Networ, Plannin* of 5S67U6TS <o-Sitin*,F in proceedin*s of IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC 200!, Dresden, 5ermany, 3une 1!!?%
A$del 'hale,, &% Al-'an(, Z% Dawy, and 5% Tur,iyyah, DSite Placement and Site Selection
Al*orithms for U6TS >adio Plannin* with Buality <onstraints,F in proceedin*s of 1"th
International Conference on Telecommunications 2010 (ICT 2010!, Doha, Batar, April 1!0!%
=R? YCIO Z [\ Abstract -
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