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ACA Simplified 2013

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ACA Simplified is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the ICAEW.

ACA Simplified does not participate in the ICAEW Partners in Learning

ACA Simplified provides materials for the ACA chartered accountancy
examinations. ACA Simplified does not provide the services of a
chartered accountant. Nothing in these materials should be interpreted
as the provision of chartered accountancy services.


ACA Simplified 2013
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Overview of Q&As and other study materials
ACA Simplified provides materials for all ACA papers
As each paper has its own unique elements, our materials have been
tailored to reflect the different approach required. See p4 onwards for
detailed explanation of our approach to each paper.
Current Offering
Titles in development are indicated in italics.

Professional Stage
Audit & Assurance Q&A (35)
Business Strategy Q&A (35)
Financial Accounting Q&A (35)
Financial Management Q&A (35)
Financial Reporting Q&A (35)
Taxation Q&A (35)
Financial Reporting Study Notes (35)

Technical Integration Stage
Audit Q&A (35)
Business Analysis Q&A
Corporate Reporting Q&A
Taxation Q&A
Audit Risks and Procedures (35)

A complete suite of TI materials is in development, to be released
before the July 2013 sitting. Case Study materials will be released over
the March to June 2013 period in time for the July 2013 sitting.


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Case Study
Cracking Case How to Pass the ICAEW Case Study
November 2012 Revision and Preparation Mock Exams

July 2013 Preparation Mock Exams
July 2013 Pass Guaranteed Tuition (Classroom Tuition)

Available as a set of 2 or 5 past papers with mark schemes and
analysis. These mock exams use the November 2012 Case to illustrate
the principles you need to use in your July 2013 attempt.


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Q&As work by providing a very large number of short questions which
focus on one or two topics/techniques at a time. This allows your brain to
work on one thing at once, making it easier to learn points properly.
The short nature of the questions means that you can complete them
many times before the exam, helping to consolidate your knowledge. It is
impossible to become bogged down in short questions so you will gain
confidence as you repeat the questions and surprise yourself with how
much you have learned, just by testing yourself repeatedly and without
really trying.
Full past paper questions require you to set aside 30-40 minutes. Often
the figures you need to practise certain parts of the question will depend
on you taking the time to work out earlier figures so it is not possible to
dive into only those topics which you find hard. On the other hand, our
short Q&As split up questions into self-contained component parts, with
no follow-on elements, meaning you can focus only on those bits which
are tricky for you personally.
Our Q&A questions can be attempted in 5 minutes or less (in most
cases, the questions can be done in 2 minutes or less). We recognise
that busy trainees do not have huge amounts of study timeindeed, this
is probably the single biggest challenge of the ACAso we have
designed questions which can help you make meaningful progress
without having to find 2-3 hours for study.
If you only have 15 minutes to spare (or only want to spend 15 minutes
on revision!) you can still study a number of self-contained questions
fully. You will feel like you have covered a lot of ground in those 15
minutes, in contrast to half completing one full question in the same time.
Q&As are available for all Professional Stage papers, priced at 35 each,
for between 330 and 643 questions dependent on paper. This amounts
to between 5p and 10p per question.
Q&As for the TI papers are currently in production and will be available
from the end of March 2013, in plenty of time for the July 2013 exams.
All Q&As start with analysis of mark allocations over the 2009 to 2012
period, showing the examiners favoured topics. This gives you an
indication of which areas are more likely to come up and so which must
be given more emphasis. Some of the results of this analysis are
surprising, giving you an edge over students who have unsupported
expectations of what comes up.


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Professional Stage Q&As
Each Professional Stage paper has its own quirks and therefore we have
designed our Q&As in subtly different ways to cater for this, as follows:
Audit & Assurance (356 questions) heavy emphasis on ethics and
deciding whether to qualify or moderate a report as these have
historically been important areas.
The final Topic Area focuses exclusively on audit test procedures as a lot
of marks are always available for these procedures. Audit test
procedures are also a very important part of Audit at the TI stage so our
Q&A provides ideal preparation and revision material to return to later.
Business Strategy (486 questions) the Q&A provides questions to
revise all key models and theories. We provide a number of mnemonics
to help you remember lists of points to make on, for example, change,
growth strategies, market development etc.
Business Strategy is almost entirely a written paper so it is vital to be
able to expand your points often failing students will get the basic idea
and have a good enough understanding for real world purposes but in
exam world you need to make more points to get the marks. We
therefore provide a number of list-based questions to help you expand
your answers, combined with mnemonics to help you recall these.
Although primarily a written paper, Business Strategy does contain some
calculations so the Q&A reviews and drills some common forms of
calculation, based on analysis of past papers.
Financial Accounting (448 questions) Financial Accounting is a
relatively predictable paper and will generally involve a trial balance
question, a cash flow question, a groups question and then a fourth
unpredictable question (often on correcting errors or preparing
disclosures notes and calculations).
Our Q&A drills trial balance, cash flow and group questions in detail via
numerous calculation questions. We then analyse the fourth type of
question, which is less predictable but generally involves writing some
disclosure notes (including figures) for something like leases or PPE.
Key topics revised are leases (including easy ways to remember the
different types of calculation), groups, financial instruments, intangibles
and the Reporting Framework.
Financial Management (330 questions) Financial Management is
definitely the most predictable Professional Stage paper. You know that


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you will always get an NPV question and a hedging question so the Q&A
contains a lot of questions on these. We go through all the different types
of hedge and point out common confusions in the calculations. We have
a chapter dedicated to FTSE and interest rate hedging and then a
separate chapter dedicated to forex hedging. This helps you keep these
different approaches separated.
A less well recognised fact about Financial Management is that the
purely narrative questions (e.g. discuss pros and cons of sensitivity
analysis, discuss theories of capital, dividend theories, non-hedging
forms of protecting against currency risk and so on) account for 30% of
the marks on a typical paper. Put simply, the answers to these are
exactly the same every time so you can rote learn them. The first chapter
of the Q&A therefore in fact drills you in the most common purely
narrative questions and the second chapter looks are less tested purely
narrative questions.
The split between narrative and numerical questions is not always
obvious from the Study Manual and basic narrative issues can get lost
or mixed in with the numerical. We have found that by separating out the
narrative questions into their own section, students give the due attention
to this part of the course and can boost their marks easily.
Financial Reporting (643 questions) this paper has traditionally had a
very low pass rate, in the low 70%s in some years, versus 80%+ for the
other papers. The Financial Reporting syllabus is vast. Our Q&A
therefore focuses on the key areas but splitting these into essential and
advanced questions. This allows you to focus on the key areas
(essential) but also have a look at points which may score a few more
marks (advanced).
The Q&A gives significant attention to leases, financial instruments and
groups, three of the favoured topics for the examiner. We also provide
dedicated narrative topic areas on IFRS v GAAP and the reporting
framework. In this sense, Financial Reporting shares something with
Financial Management in that there are always some very easy narrative
marks for rote-learned, standard narrative answers.
In addition to the Q&A, we also provide a separate set of Financial
Reporting Study Notes which reduce the 600+ page Study Manual to
around 140 pages of notes, focusing on the key points and giving plenty
of exam tips to squeeze out marks from points you are probably already
making. We also explain the Principle of Triple Effect, a way of getting 3
times the marks for the same general point.


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If you want to drill calculations, the Financial Reporting Q&A is for you.
However, note that passing the Financial Reporting paper is more a
matter of your written responses and conceptual understanding and this
is why we provide the companion Financial Reporting Study Notes,
which concentrate much more on narrative aspects.
Taxation (574 questions) this Q&A thoroughly revises income tax,
corporation tax, VAT, IHT and ethics. As a very computational paper, we
drill the main numerical aspects. We also look at some of the more fiddly
rules which the examiner likes to test, giving examples which show the
different ways these principles can be tested. The ethics section of this
Q&A is very useful for all Professional Stage papers and the Technical
Integration stage so is a very useful revision resource.
Audit (TI Stage) currently in production, this Q&A looks at Audit TI
areas, including audit testing and procedures (probably the key area for
the Business Reporting stage). It is almost possible to pass Business
Reporting on your audit knowledge alone so it is important not to neglect
this paper.
As you are allowed to take materials into the Exam Hall, this Q&A can
also serve as a quick reference and generator of ideas in the exam.
Audit Risks and Procedures (TI Stage) Audit TI questions basically
reduce to two elements: 1. state the risk of misstatement; 2. state the
procedures used to reduce this risk and investigate.
We have therefore thoroughly reviewed all past paper questions, the
Study Manual and the Question Banks to create an alphabetical list of all
risk areas, followed by related tests. This allows you simply to look up the
topic area (e.g. financial instruments, PPE, investment property, related
parties etc) and instantly see possible risks and tests to use. This is an
invaluable resource, saving you time in learning lists of tests and
procedures. Our innovation is to provide these in alphabetical format,
and encompassing all risk areas that the examiner seems to like.
Since Audit accounts for around 35-45% of a typical Business Reporting
paper, and since TI Audit is essentially risks and procedures, it is not an
exaggeration to say that our Audit Risks and Procedures text will set you
well on your way to a pass in the tricky, technical Business Reporting


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Case Study
The next sitting of Case is July 2013. We are currently preparing a suite
of materials which will be useful both to first timers and resit candidates.
Case is marked unlike any other ACA paper in the sense that if you
make a point which is not on the mark scheme, there is no way for the
examiner to give you any credit. It therefore follows that your starting
point should be in understanding the mark scheme and knowing what will
always be rewarded without this knowledge, you are basically relying
on luck to pass.
Cracking Case How to Pass the ICAEW Case Study
This 80 page book starts by examining the 2 Case Studies set under the
new mark scheme which has applied since July 2012 (LuvLox, Fluent
Speech) to detect the relevant patterns. The book then explains to the
reader where the basic marks can be found and drills the techniques to
access the harder marks.
Cracking Case is interspersed with comments and advice from two
students who easily passed at the second attempt, after following our
approach and advice. These provide a practical and students eye view
of the process. The book ends with an explanation of techniques to
practise in the run up to the exam.
Some people will tell you that you cannot prepare for Case but this is
phenomenally poor advice never has the phrase failing to prepare
means preparing to fail been more true!
November 2012 Revision and Preparation Mock Exams
The Big Two providers may suggest that you practise past papers, just
like with the other ACA exams. This advice is fine, but unfortunately
reading and analysing each set of Advance Information is very time-
consuming. Also, if you read a new Advance Information pack each time,
you can never be sure whether it is pure technique or knowledge of the
particular Advance Information which is letting you down. Clearly the only
way to test this is to stick to one set of Advance Information which you do
know well and be exposed to exams which test the various ways that the
same Advance Information can be used by the examiner. This will
ensure that you are focusing on your technique (skills which will be
useful on the day) and learning the patterns, not particular past paper
Advance Information (irrelevant on the day).


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We therefore provide a set of up to 5 exercises
on the Fluent Speech
Case Study. By focusing in on just one set of past Advance Information
you can practise the techniques and see the patterns in marking emerge.
If you sat Fluent Speech in November 2012 and did not pass, revising
this Case may be painful but will definitely allow you to see where you
went wrong.
All our mock exams have full ICAEW-standard question papers and
marking schemes. We also include an examiners viewpoint section,
which sets out the way in which our examiners drafted the questions,
and what Case skills/patterns they were seeking to test with each
element of the question. This will provide a further guide as to what you
are being implicitly directed to say if you want to pass Case.
July 2013 Preparation Mock Exams
We believe that the best form of practice is to practise questions. We will
therefore provide a set of 5 mock exams
within 10 days of release of the
July 2013 Advance Information. This will provide the best way of getting
to know the Advance Information and will hopefully allow you to practise
scenarios which emerge on exam day.
Unlike the Big Two, we believe in providing students with materials well
in advance of the exam, not just in the week before. This is particularly
important for students also sitting the Technical Integration papers. We
found it very frustrating to be given mock exams on the Friday before the
exam week, forcing us to try to learn the lessons from the Case mocks
on the weekend before other, more technical exams.
July 2013 Pass Guaranteed Tuition
These classes, to be held in Birmingham, come with our promise to
refund your tuition fee in full if you do not pass the Case Study exam. We
are confident in our approach and want to incentivise our tutors to excel,
helping you beyond the level you may have experienced in the past.
Held over 3 days, we will review the main principles of our approach,
starting with thorough analysis of mark scheme patterns.
Over the course of the 3 days, you will be exposed to a further 5 original
mock exams (different to those offered in our July 2013 Preparation
Exams pack explained above), giving you excellent exposure to possible

Students will be able to purchase a pack of 2 or, alternatively, 5 mock
As with the November 2012 revision papers, students will have the
option to buy a pack of 2 or a pack of 5 mock exams.


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scenarios. We should be able to cover all possibilities. We will not force
you to sit all 5 exams in class time since this would be a waste of time
we will instead present you with the paper, give you the planning time (1
hour, hopefully less as you become used to the patterns) and then
discuss together to ensure you would have been on the right lines. We
believe that this is an efficient use of time.
Class sizes will be strictly limited to 8 participants to ensure sufficient
tutor attention to the needs of individual students.
The first day of the course will be held soon after release of the Advance
Information, giving us an opportunity to meet up and discuss the potential
way the exam could go. We then have another class a few weeks later,
after you have had time to learn the Advance Information in more detail.
The final class takes place on the weekend before the Case exam, to
ensure that you have not fallen into any bad habit, answer any last
minute questions and reinforce the main principles of our approach.
Any tuition company can say that they want to do their best to help
through our Pass Guaranteed promise we are putting our money where
our mouth is and proving our confidence in the approach we have
developed. We do want you to pass because we want to be paid!

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