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Practical Training Report
Undertake at
ADANI WILMAR L.T.DS(fortun o!"#P"$nt
Su'(!tt& !n )$rt!$" fu"f!""(nt for t* $+$r& of t* &,r of
M!33. An4!t$ W$&*+$ Mr. M$43oo& A"!

:ontnt3 P$, no.
;. Acknowledgement 3
-. Preface 4
<. Executive Summar !
=. "ompan Profile #
a$ "ompan %i&tor '
($ T)e *eginning 1+
c$ ,a-or ,ile&tone& 14
d$ Award& . Recognition& 1#
e$ Unit wi&e Structure +/
f$ Preview of Top ,anagement +1
g$ ,a-or Promoter& of 0eader& of Adani ++
)$ Product 0ine +1
i$ ,anufacturing 2acilitie& 33
-$ 3i&tri(ution 4etwork 31
>. 5ntroduction to %uman Re&ource ,anagement 3!
a$ 5ntroduction 36
($ 2unction& 3#
c$ %uman Re&earc) development 3'
d$ Significance 4/
e$ O(-ective& 4/
?. %R3 2unction& 5n A3A45 41
a$ %ierarc) of %R3 43
($ Proce&& of %uman Re&ource Planning 44
/.7ue&tionnaire =>
@. 2inding& 4#
1.Re&earc) 2inding 4'
a$ 2inding& t)roug) ")art& 1/
($ ,a-or 2inding& 11
;.."onclu&ion &ugge&tion 1'
1/$ *i(liograp) !/

T)i& i& to acknowledgement t)e valua(le guidance of ,r$ Ra-ni&) Saini 8%R
manager9 of Adani :ilmar 0td$ :it)out w)ic) it would )ave (een difficult to
carrout t)i& pro-ect$
5 al&o acknowledge t)e guidance received from t)e &taff mem(er& of Adani :ilmar
0td$*undi$ 3uring t)e pro-ect t)eir va&t experience in t)eir re&pective department al&o
)elp& me for t)e &ucce&&ful completion of t)i& pro-ect$ , &incere t)ank& to all t)o&e
w)o are directl or indirectl )elped me during t)i& pro-ect$

Progre&& i& t)e continuou& proce&&$ 5t i& relative and a(&olute$ :e can not &top at
certain de&tination and declare t)at target )a& ac)ieved$
T)e &ummer training program i& de&igned to give t)e manager of t)e future; a feel of
t)e corporate )appening and work culture$ T)e&e real life &ituation& are entirel
different from t)e &imulation exerci&e enacted in an artificial enviroment in &ide of
cla&&room$ And it i& preci&el (ecau&e of t)i& rea&on t)at t)i& &ummer training i& a
(ridge (etween t)e in&titute and t)e organi<ation$ Summer training program made me
to under&tand )ow t)eoretical knowledge will (e applied in practical field$
5t exactl in t)i& context t)at 5 wa& privileged enoug) to -oin Adani :ilmer 0td$ On 1
April +//'; a& a &ummer trainee$ T)i& i& one of t)e 5ndia=& top producer of So(ean
oil; and it i& known not onl in profe&&ional management; (ut al&o in enlig)tened and
progre&&ive approac) toward& emploee welfare and (etterment of &ociet$
T)e experience t)at 5 got over t)e pa&t 41 da& )a& certainl provided me wit) an
orientation; w)ic) 5 (elieve will )elp me; &)oulder an a&&ignment &ucce&&full in
5n rapidl c)anging &cenario it i& extremel nece&&ar for an organi<ation to &ee t)at
t)eir policie& provide complete &ati&faction to t)eir emploee&; ( fulfilling t)eir
need&$ 3uring t)i& pro-ect 5 wa& out of organi<ation &urve> pertaining to find out
t)e &ati&faction level again&t t)eir -o( in t)e emploee&$ 5 )ave collected all t)e
relevant information t)roug) t)i& &urve$
3uring t)i& &urve; 5 )ave colleceted all t)e primar and &econdar data; w)ic) were
availa(le in Adani :ilmar ltd=& %R department to develop a "O,PET5T5?E
PO05"@ w)ic) could )elp t)e organi<ation to improve t)e &ati&faction level in t)eir
T)e re&t of t)e report wa& done after a deep compre)en&ive and full fledged &tud$
Adani :ilmer 0td$ 5& 5ndia=& foremo&t oil manufacturing compan$ 5t i& among
t)e famou& oil producing compan$ T)e compan i& recogni<ed ( it&$ *rand
name i$e$ 2ORTU4E RE254E3 O50$
5n t)i& pro-ect t)e prime o(-ective of &urve i& to find out t)e &ati&faction level
in t)e emploee&$ T)e pro-ect o(-ective i& emploee &urve to identif t)e
&ati&faction level in t)e emploee&$
T)e &econdar o(-ective i& to identif t)e emploee&; t)eir concern
toward& t)eir work and ot)er compan policie& w)ic) )elp t)e emploee& to
work (etter$ T)e &urve wa& conducted among 3+ emploee& out of 1!$



5t i& one of t)e fa&te&t growing corporate )ou&e& in 5ndia wit) a
turnover exceeding R&$+!/// crore in +//#$ 5t& 2lag&)ip "ompan A
Adani export& ltd; i& a five Star Trading House; t)e )ig)e&t &tatu&
conferred ( t)e Bovernment of 5ndia$
T)e Adani group=& corporate ideolog originated from t)e initiated
Adventuri&m of ,r$ Bautam Adani; t)e group c)airman$
Over t)e ear&; t)i& core team )a& a&&imilated one of t)e mo&t coveted talent pool&; on t)e
indu&tr ( carefull &electing t)e (e&t$ ,an ot)er experienced profe&&ional& -oined t)e
group; in&pired ( ,r$ Bautam Adani=& entrepreneurial a(ilitie&$ T)e profe&&ional
deci&ion making proce&& i& &pread acro&& t)e group=& ma-or corporate (ranc)e& in 5ndia;
and a&&ociate& in 3u(ai; ,o&cow; Singapore . Sout) Corea$
Companies under Adani group
Adani :illmar 0td
Adani export& ltd
Bu-arat Adani energ ltd
Bu-arat Adani port 0td
,undra SED
Adani retail 0td
5 call 5ndia ltd
Adani agri fre&)
Pro-ect ,anagement "ell
Major Activities
T)e Broup trade& in nearl 4/ commoditie& in more t)an 11 countrie& around t)e
Own& a multiEpurpo&e port at ,undra in t)e Bulf of Cutc); Bu-arat$
%a& opened 1+ &uper &tore& in Bu-arat ( t)e name of Adani$ Supermarket&
t)roug) Adani Retail 0td$
%a& &et up a *PO in A)meda(ad$
Activel involved in infra&tructure development t)at include& a 4atural Ba&
di&tri(ution pro-ect and a SED at ,undra$
Adani group i& t)e fa&te&t growing corporate entitie& in 5ndia$ T)i& )a& onl (een
po&&i(le (ecau&e of t)e excellence of man people w)o dedicate t)em&elve& dail and go
t)at extra mile to ac)ieve$

FTo (e glo(all competitive 5ndia "entric Organi<ation; wit) 0eader&)ip in
,anufacturing and 5ntegrated *u&ine&&e&; committed to t)e delig)t of our "u&tomer&G
FTo &et a pattern of growt); di&tinct and uniHue; ( (eing proactive on (ot) t)e &uppl
and demand &ide of glo(al trade and to promote development of world cla&& infra&tructure
Adani :ilmar 0imited 8A:09 i& t)e flag&)ip compan of Adani Broup and i& activel
involved in t)e (u&ine&& of Blo(al Trading$ Awl=& )ead office i& &ituated in A)meda(ad;
w)ic) i& one of t)e mega citie& of 5ndia$
A:0 commenced it& operation& in 1'##; driven ( t)e de&ire FTo (ecome t)e leader in
trading (u&ine&&G; and it )a& ac)ieved a 1/// fold growt) from R&$+$+ crore in 1'##E#' to
R&$ +'// crore in 1'''E+///$Adani :ilmar 0imited 8A:09 i& a -oint venture (etween
two glo(al corporation& t)e R3. ;/... :ror7 Adani group of 5ndia E t)e leader& in
international trading . private infra&tructure; and t)e US C > '!""!on :ilmar %olding&
pvt$ 0td of Singapore E one of t)e :orldI& large&t trader and refiner of edi(le oil&$ Adani
:ilmar )a& 6/ (ranc)e& all over 5ndia$
Toget)er Adani Broup and :ilmar Broup )ave &et up 5ndia=& fir&t port (a&ed refiner
in 1'''; at ,undra; Bu-arat$ Toda t)e ,undra refiner i& one of 5ndia=& large&t and mo&t
&op)i&ticated oil refinerie&$ FORTUNE7 RAA5 and 8U%ILEE are t)e (rand& under
w)ic) A:0 &ell& it& range of edi(le oil; vana&pati and (aker &)ortening$
5n addition to ,undra refiner; A:0 al&o own& refinerie& at %un&! DR$E$3t*$nF7
H$"&!$ DW3t %n,$"F $n& M$ntr$"$G$( DAn&*r$ Pr$&3*F. 5t& cumulative refining
capacit i& more t)an <-.. Ton3 )r D$G (TPD#.
T)e compan al&o )a& packing operation& at ")atral JBu-aratK; 0atur J,a)ara&)traK;
Laipur JRa-a&t)anK; 3)arwad JCarnatakaK and "oc)in JCeralaK$
Awl=& flag&)ip (rand Fortun )a& &et a &corc)ing pace in t)e 5ndian edi(le oil
market$ 5t i& ranked 3/t) among t)e top 1/ 2,"B (rand&$ An ac)ievement t)at i&
commenda(le for a (rand; w)ic) i& -u&t 3 ear& old$
Started a& partner&)ip firm
Entrepreneurial vi&ion
0imited capital; infra&tructure
One market; one (u&ine&& focu&
"u&tomer centric approac)
Blo(al a&piration&
Pa&&ion; )ard work; will to &ucceed
MStar Trading %ou&eM
"onver&ion in to a Pu(lic 0imited "ompan
FSuper Star Trading %ou&eG
5PO N R&$11/O&)are$ Over &u(&cri(ed +1 time& Overall value creation a& mantra
1 P 1 *onu&

,undra Port Operational
"oal (u&ine&& commenced
Sale& touc)e& US3 !/# ,n

Su(&idiar in UAE
1 P 1 *onu&

"a&tor Export&
Rice Export&
Sale& touc)e& US3 !4/ ,n$
Edi(le Oil Refiner
:)eat Export&
Rice 5mport&
FBolden Super Star Trading %ou&eG

Su(&idiar in Singapore
Awarded F2ive Star Export %ou&eG &tatu&
Sale& Turnover cro&&e& US3 + *illion

Sale& Turnover cro&&e& US3 3 *illion
,arket "apitali<ation US3 3+6,n

Adani Agrifre&) commence& (u&ine&&
AE0 commi&&ion& two floating crane (arge
:ork on &etting up grain &ilo& under Adani Agri 0ogi&tic& &tarted
"ommencement of con&truction of !!/ ,: t)ermal power pro-ect at ,undra
Expan&ion of -ettie& at ,undra Port initiated$
-../P T)e "ompan )a& &ucce&&full completed foreign currenc converti(le (ond i&&ue
US3 +1/ ,n for it& (u&ine&& expan&ion plan&$
-..>P T)e "ompan )a& received pre&tigiou& reorgani<ation of F2ive Star Export %ou&eG
on account of valua(le contri(ution in countr=& overall export&$
Sale& turnover )a& cro&&ed R&$13; 1// "rore& during 2@ +//4E/1$ T)e compan )a&
&ucce&&full completed foreign currenc converti(le (ond i&&ue of US3 3# ,n and
proved it& glo(al reac)$
-..=2 T)e "ompan )a& cro&&ed R&$6111 "rore& &ale& turnover mark$ Succe&&full
di&inve&ted it& &take of ,undra "ontainer Terminal to P . O Port&; Singapore$
5ntroduction of new product& like 5ron Ore; Power Trading; ,ai<e; Se&ame Seed&;
Sorg)um; *arle etc$

-..; & -..<2 Actual net wort) at R& 11/ "r&$ 3uring 2@ +//+E+//3 "ompan )a&
ac)ieved turnover of R&$ +#63 "r& a& again&t R&$+1## cr& for 2@ 1''#E'' 8a 3/ Q
growt)9$ *ecome& t)e top net foreign exc)ange 842E9 earner of t)e countr$ T)e large&t
private &ector plaer awarded wit) pre&tigiou& award of FBolden Super Star Trading

;111 & -...2 3eclare& a 1P1 (onu&$ ,arket capitali<ation of t)e compan ri&e& (eond
R& 161/ cr& in wake of it& &crip price touc)ing R& 661$!/ per &)are 8a& on Lune /'; +///9;
&u(&cri(er& to t)e 5PO &ee mone growing ( 1'!! per cent in -u&t 1 ear&$ 3uring 2@
1'''E+/// "ompan )a& ac)ieved all time )ig) turnover& of R&$ +#13$11 cr& a& again&t
R&$+1## cr& for 2@ 1''#E'' 8a 3/ Q growt)9$
;11@ $n& %Gon&2 Pr!o&
;11@2 Turnover leap& to R& +;41#$! cr& for t)e 2@ 1''6 E '#$ Expand& it& trade (a&ket; at
pre&ent trade& in more t)an 4/ commoditie& and in +# countrie&$ *ecome& t)e top net
foreign exc)ange 842E9 earner of t)e countr and t)e large&t private &ector Super Star
Trading %ou&e in 5ndia$ Lett at ,undra Port (ecome& operational$
;11= 0 ;11/2 Pr!o& of 5ro+t*
;11/2 Super Star Trading %ou&e &tatu& extended for anot)er 3 ear&; upto 31&t ,arc);
+///; in&pite Hualification limit& for t)i& &tatu& (eing &u(&tantiall en)anced$
;11?2 Turnover cro&&e& t)e coveted R& 1;/// cr levelR at R& 1;134$! cr& for t)e 2@ 1''1 E
'!$ 3eclare& a 1P1 (onu& in 4ovem(er; 1''!R paid up capital increa&e& to R& 11$/+ cr&$

;11=2 %it& t)e primar market in Septem(er 1''4 wit) it& initial pu(lic offering 85PO9 of
1+$1/ lak) eHuit &)are& of R& 1/ eac) at a premium of R& 14/ per &)are aggregating R&
1#$61 cr& R float over&u(&cri(ed ( more t)an +1 time&$ Accorded t)e &tatu& of FSuper Star
Trading %ou&eG on April 1; 1''4 ( t)e ,ini&tr of "ommerce; Bovernment of 5ndiaR t)e
ounge&t trading )ou&e and t)e onl one from t)e State of Bu-arat to )ave (een granted
t)i& &tatu&$
;1@@ 0 ;11<2 T* In!t!$" Y$r3
;11<2 "onverted into a pu(lic limited compan on +nd ,arc) 1''3 wit) a paid up
capital of R& 1 "rore$ Accorded t)e &tatu& of FStar Trading %ou&eG on April 1; 1''3 (
t)e ,ini&tr of "ommerce; Bovernment of 5ndia$
;1@@2 "onceived a& a partner&)ip firm ( Bautam S Adani wit) an initial capital of R& 1
lak)&; po&t& a mode&t turnover of R& +$+/ cr& in t)e fir&t ear of it& operation$
A(ilit to identif and procure a wide range of product& and commoditie& acro&&
(oundarie& at competitive price&$
2ocu&ed policie& and continuou& realignment wit) an ever evolving market$
An impecca(le record in &c)edule& and con&i&tenc of &upplie& wit)out
compromi&ing on Hualit$
A )ig)l motivated; trained and courteou& work& force t)at (elieve& in learning (
A%ards $ Recognition
4irat S)ree Bold Trop) 8+//4E/19
4irat S)ree Bold Trop) 8+//3E/49
Awarded a& F2ive Star Export %ou&eG$
5"S5 award for Excellence in "orporate Bovernance; S/4 among t)e Top +1
Awarded t)e FBolden Super Star Trading %ou&eG$
3#t) in *S 1///E5ndia=& "orporate Biant& +//3
SOPA Award; +//1E/+; +///E/1; 1'''E//
Bold Trop); SRTEP" 1'''E// and +///E/1
25EO=& 4irat S)ree Bold Trop); 1'''E//
MANTRALAYAM (An&*r$ Pr$&3*#
MUNDRA (6ut:*#
HALDIA (W. %n,$"#
< P$:4!n,
Organi'ation "tructure
2ormal 3Etiered governance &tructure
*oard of 3irector&

"orporate ,anagement "ommittee

Executive "ommittee

?alue creation in (u&ine&&e& t)roug) E?A

Strategic (u&ine&& review meet& 7uarterl O %alf earl O @earl (a&i&

7uantified target &etting . linking to reward&
Strong proce&& orientation t)roug) SOP&
5nve&tment in futuri&tic 5T infra&tructure

TOP MANAGMNT at Adani Wi(mar Ltd )
Top Management at Adani Wi(mar Ltd) P(ant
Ra-e&) Adani
,anaging 3irector
Pranav Adani
Executive 3irector
Sud)ir Pro)it
T$C kanan
B, 82.A9
Lae&) 4aik
Ang&)u ,allik
P$C *)argava
%ead 5nternal
Pranav Adani :ilmar 0td
Executive 3irector
R$C Sing)
R$P Sing)
3ominic B
Gautam S. Adani7 ")airman
A man of tremendou& fore&ig)t; t)e dnamic and enterpri&ing Bautam S Adani )a&
over +4 ear& of varied experience in manufacturing and trading$ %e -oined t)e famil
(u&ine&& of trading in textile& in t)e earl eig)tie& w)ile completing )i& education$
Ever &ince t)ere )a& (een no looking (ack for t)e 43 ear old vi&ionar$ %i&
unparalleled experti&e in international trade; &olution oriented approac)e&; innovation and
endurance in an increa&ingl competitive and rapidl expanding trading market )a& &een
t)e Adani group metamorp)o&e it&elf from a trading )ou&e to an infra&tructure
(uilder and (a&ic utilit provider$

Rajesh S. Adani; ,anaging 3irector
A *ac)elor in "ommerce; t)e 41 ear& old Ra-e&) S Adani )a& (een a catal&t in t)e
rapid expan&ion of t)e Broup$ An expert w)en it come& to financial and commercial
intricacie&; )e i& in c)arge of t)e da to da operation& of t)e compan$ %i& proactive and
per&onali<ed approac) to (u&ine&& and a competitive &pirit )a& (een in&trumental in AE0
e&ta(li&)ing (u&ine&& relation&)ip& and a wide network of contact& wit) trader& acro&& t)e
Vasant S. Adani; :)ole time 3irector
Aged 1/ ear& and a *ac)elor in Art&; ?a&ant S Adani i& activel looking into t)e
admini&trative a&pect& of t)e Adani group$ :it) a(out 1! ear& of experience in real
e&tate development and general management; )e lend& an overall corporate admini&trative
touc) to t)e operation& of variou& Adani Broup entitie&$
Mr. Pradeep Mittal; :)ole time 3irector
,r$ ,ittal )a& done )i& po&t graduate diploma in ,arketing; and )a& over 3/ ear&
experience in t)e glo(al energ and mineral& trade$ %e wa& c)ief Beneral ,anager of
Caramc)and T)aper and *rot)er& 8"S9 0td$ (efore -oining t)e Adani Broup in 1''#$
Jay H. Shah; 3irector
Aged 41 ear& and a law graduate; La % S)a); )a& (een wit) t)e compan &ince it&
inception$ Acknowledged ( one and all in t)e compan to po&&e&& t)e acumen of an
artful trader; )i& connection& and glo(al &ourcing &kill& )ave earned )im a reputation in
t)e c)emical& and petroc)emical& (u&ine&& in ,um(ai$
Dr. A. C. Shah; 3irector
3r A " S)a); t)e er&tw)ile ")airman and ,anaging 3irector of *ank of *aroda )a& more
t)an t)irt ear& of exten&ive (anking experience$ An , A and P)3 in Economic&; 3r
S)a) )a& &erved a& a director on t)e *oard of reputed companie& like UT5 *ank; Reliance
"apital; Let Airwa&; 4O"50; Copran and Bu-arat 0ea&e 2inance$ %e )a& c)aired &everal
committee& on (anking; t)e mo&t recent one (eing t)e R*5 "ommittee for functioning of
4onE*anking 2inancial "ompani3 (N%FC3#.
Dr. Pravin P. Shah; 3irector
Aged 14 ear&; 3r Pravin P S)a) i& a practicing ")artered Accountant and t)e &ole
proprietor of t)e renowned Pravin P S)a) . A&&ociate&; a firm of c)artered Accountant&$
%e )a& a(out +1 ear& of experience in auditing; legal matter& and taxation planning$
C. R. Shah; D!r:tor
S)ri "$ R$ S)a) o(tained ,a&ter 3egree in Art& wit) fir&t po&ition from Bu-arat
Univer&it$ %e wa& a Bold ,edali&t )aving o(tained fir&t po&ition in ,a&ter of 0aw&
examination wit) 3i&tinction$ Pre&entl; )e i& pre&ident of Bu-arat ")am(er& of
"ommerce and 5ndu&tr 8B""59$
"trong mar*et recognition in di+(e oi(
4umero uno in (randed oil &egment
o ++ Q market &)are in all oil&
o 13 Q market &)are in &oa oil
One of t)e fa&te&t growing 2,"B in +//4
3/t) rank among top 1// (rand& in 5ndia
Product (ine
1$ Fortun Refined Soa (ean oil
Refined Sunflower oil
Refined "otton&eed oil
Refined groundnut oil
Cac)i g)ani mu&tard oil
Pure groundnut oil
Pure mu&tard oil
Pure coconut oil
-. Raag ?ana&pati
Refined Soa (ean oil
Pure mu&tard oil
<. 8u'!" *aker S)ortening
Refined cooking oil
1$ Sunf"o+r3
A 3unf"o+r 3& Htr$:t!on !3 +!&"G u3& $3 )rot!n ($tr!$" for $n!($"
f&. In&!$n 3unf"o+r 3& Htr$:t!on3 :ont$!n $'out <.I :ru& )rot!n +!t*
<.I f!'r. A"t*ou,* 3unf"o+r )rot!n !3 "o+ !n "G3!n7 (t*!on!( & :G3t!n
"J"3 $r f$Jour$'" to (t )ou"trG f& rKu!r(nt3. It !3 3u)r!or to (o3t
J,t$'" )rot!n3 !n &!,3t!'!"!tG. Sunf"o+r3& Htr$:t!on3 !3 t*rfor 3u))"0
(nt& +!t* "G3!n7 or f& +!t* ot*r *!,* "u3!n )rot!n ($"37 "!4 3oG'$n
($" or f!3* ($". R:nt &J"o)(nt of J$r!ou3 nLG( )r)$r$t!on3 +*!:*
:$n $:t u)on f!'r !n 3unf"o+r ($"7 ($4!n, !t (or &!,3t!'"7 :$n r3u"t !n $n
:ono(!:$" 3u'3t!tut for J$r!ou3 )rot!n 3our:3.

+$ R$)3&
Rape&eed meal )a& minimum 3#Q O . A and 1+Q maximum fi(re$ 5t )a& a
ver low fat content 8/$1Q9 and i& ver ric) in protein& 836Q9$ T)e dige&ti(ilit of t)e
)ull fraction i& good$ T)e erucic acid content of t)e meal i& ver low 8/$+1Q max$9$ 5t&
extremel good amino acid compo&ition; often compared to milk protein; contri(ute&
to it& )ig) nutritive value$ T)e amino acid profile &)owing adeHuate l&ine and
met)ionine i& ver muc) favoura(le to t)e nonEruminent poultr feed$

<. Se&ame Seed
S3$( 3& Htr$:t!on !3 *!,* )rot!n f& ($". T* )rot!n *$3 $ *!,*
:ontnt of (t*!on!n $n& :G3t!n $n& !t !3 $"3o r!:*
!n $r,!n!n $n& trG)to)*$n 'ut !3 &f!:!nt !n "G3!n $n& to 3o(
Htnt !n !3o"u:!n. T* PER J$"u of t* 33$( Htr$:t!on :$n
' &ou'"& 'G (!H!n, !t +!t* $n Ku$" +!,*t of 3oG'$n ($"7
+*!:* *$3 *!,* "G3!n :ontnt. T*!3 :$n $"3o ' $:*!J& 'G
3u))"(nt$t!on +!t* 3Gnt*t!: $(!no $:!&3 "!4 "G3!n (..-I#
$n& !3o"u:!n (..;I#. It !3 '!n, u3& $3 $ J$"u$'" !n,r&!nt
u)to >I !n +"" for(u"$t& )ou"trG f&.

3$ Cotton S&
3ecorticated cotton &eed meal i& one of t)e (e&t protein &upplement for dair
cow&; (uffaloe& and &)eep$ 5t )a& (een )ig)l recommended for incorporation in t)e
formulated feed &o a& to function a& a (Epa&& protein to rai&e t)e milk ield$
=. Broundnut
5ndia i& in a po&ition to offer groundnut extraction )aving protein content
varing from 41Q E 1/Q wit) aflatoxin content of le&& t)an /$1Q /$+Q or /$/1 ppm$
Broundnut extraction i& a ver good vegeta(le protein for poultr feed and can (e
u&ed up to t)e level of +1Q$
!$ &o(ean
3oG'$n Htr$:t!on3 *$3 $ *!,* )rof$t :ontnt (=1I 0 >.I# :o()$r& to $
==I )rof$t :ontnt of C*!n$ $n& ot*r W3trn :ountr!3 $n& !3 JrG +"" $::)t&
!n t* !ntrn$t!on$" ($r4t.
/. Co:onut
"oconut meal i& fed mo&tl to dair cattle$ T)oug) it i& comparativel a
moderate protein 8+/Q E ++Q9 &ource; it i& )ig)l palata(le and it& protein )a& a ver
)ig) (Epa&& value$ T)e copra meal produce& firm (utter of exceptional Hualit if it i&
u&ed in cattle feed preparation&$

2igure& pertaining to e&timated production of ma-or cultivated oil&eed&;
availa(ilit of edi(le oil& from all dome&tic &ource& and con&umption of edi(le oil& 8from
3ome&tic and 5mport Source&9 during t)e la&t few ear& are a& under PE
85n lak) Tone9
Oil @ear
Production of
4et availa(ilit of edi(le
oil& from all dome&tic
"on&umption of Edi(le Oil&
8from dome&tic and import
+///E+//1 1#4$4/ 14$'' '!$6!
+//1E+//+ +/!$!3 !1$4! 1/4$!#
+//+E+//3 14#$3' 4!$!4 '/$+'
+//3E+//4 +11$#! 61$4/ 1+4$3/
+//4E+//1 +43$14 6+$46 116$#'
+//1E+//! +6'$6' #3$1! 1+!$/4
+//!E+//6 +4+$#' 63$6/ 111$#6
+//6E+//#8E9 +#+$/# #4$+6 1+1$'1
Source P 8i9 Production of oil &eed& P ,ini&tr of Agriculture
8ii9 4et availa(ilit of edi(le oil&P 3irectorate of ?ana&pati; ?egeta(le Oil& . 2at
Question: What are MUFA & PUFA? When an oil is said to be MUFA or PUFA based, does it mean that other compounds are
An3 2 ,U2A . PU2A are t)e &)ort form& of ,ono Un&aturated 2att Acid& and
Pol Un&aturated 2att Acid&; re&pectivel$ All edi(le oil& contain (ot) ,U2A .
PU2A; t)oug) one of t)e&e ma (e pre&ent in )ig)er percentage t)an t)e ot)er$
%owever; all edi(le oil& contain &ome Saturated 2att Acid& 8SA2A9 a& al&o trace& of
nonEoil compound& A &ome of w)ic) )ave important role& in nutrition and )ealt); like
?itaminEE and 0ecit)in
Question: Is it true that some edible oils have cholesterol while some are cholesterol!ree?
An3 2 All edi(le vegeta(le oil& are free from c)ole&terol$ ")ole&terol i& onl
pre&ent in animal fat& like (utter and g)ee$

Question: Are there an" oils, which are saturated, !at!ree?

An3 2 Oil& ma (e low on &aturate&; t)oug) t)ere are no &aturated fat free oil&$

Question: What is #holesterol and what is its relevance?

An3 2")ole&terol& are made up of a fat 8lipid9 part and a protein part and )ence are
al&o called 0ipoprotein&$ Total ")ole&terol compri&e& of t)ree tpe& of 0ipoprotein&P
%ig) 3en&it 0ipoprotein& 8%309; 0ow 3en&it 0ipoprotein& 80309 and ver 0ow
3en&it 0ipoprotein& 8?0309$ Of t)e&e; %30 are called Bood ")ole&terol a& t)e
carr c)ole&terol E t)at can cau&e (lockage in t)e arterie& E from our cell& (ack to
our liver to (e removed from our (od$ 030 and ?030 are called *ad ")ole&terol
a& t)e form t)e plaHue on arter wall& t)at develop& into a (lockage t)at re&trict&
(lood flow to t)e )eart A leading to at)ero&clero&i& and coronar )eart di&ea&e&$ To
look at t)e total c)ole&terol alone doe& not give an adeHuate reflection of c)ole&terol
level&$ :)at i& important i& t)e ratio (etween t)e good and (ad$ T)e optimum ratio of
Total ")ole&terol to 030 &)ould (e le&& t)an 3$1 to1 82or 030 ratio take t)e Total
")ole&terol and divide ( 0309$ T)e ideal ratio of Total ")ole&terol to %30 &)ould (e
le&& t)an 3 to 1 82or %30 ratio take t)e Total ")ole&terol and divide ( %309$

Question:Is it alri$ht i! I don%t eat an" !at?

An3 2 2at i& an e&&ential nutrient reHuired for )ealt) and growt); like protein;
car(o)drate; vitamin& and mineral&$ 2at& &uppl e&&ential fatt acid& &uc) a& linoleic
acid and alp)aElinolenic acid; w)ic) our (odie& cannot manufacture$ 4utritioni&t&
&ugge&t t)at; for adult&; a(out 3/Q of t)e kilo-oule& con&umed &)ould (e derived from
fat$ T)i& tran&late& to 1/E!/ gram& of fat dail for a &edentar adult woman con&uming
61// kilo-oule& 81#// calorie&9 a da$ T)e tpe of fat i& important E no more t)an 11
gram& a da &)ould (e &aturated fat$

Question: I have heard that !ats don%t $ive us an"thin$ e&cept 'ilo(oules
)calories*+ Is it true? And what is the role o! !ats in our dail" diet?
An3 2 2at &erve& man function& in nutrition$ 2atP
Provide& in&ulation and Mcu&)ioningM for internal organ&R
MSpare&M protein for it& primar role of (uildingR and
Serve& a& a McarrierM of fatE&olu(le vitamin& 8vitamin& A; 3; E and C9 and fatE&olu(le
antioxidant& like (etaEcarotene and ot)er carotenoid&$

Question: In order to lose e&cess wei$ht, is it necessar" !or me to

eliminate all !at !rom m" diet lose?
An3 2 A recent &tud conducted ( %arvard Sc)ool of Pu(lic %ealt) u&ed a
regre&&ion anal&i& of data from t)e 4ur&e& %ealt) Stud 8#/;/// women for 14 ear&9
&ugge&t& t)at replacing &aturated fat and tran& un&aturated fat& wit) monoun&aturated
8,U2A9and polun&aturated fat& 8PU2A9 i& more effective in preventing coronar
)eart di&ea&e in women t)an reducing overall fat intake$

Question: Is it true that canola oil is to&ic,contains a poison?

An3 2 T)i& mt) )a& (een circulating on t)e internet wit) no &u(&tantiation$ 5t
pro(a(l aro&e from canolaI& a&&ociation wit) it& parent; rape&eed; w)ic) contain&
naturall )ig) level& of erucic acid; (ut t)i& c)aracteri&tic )a& (een (red out of canola$

Question: -o li$ht oils 'eep m" !at inta'e low?

An3 2 0ig)t or MliteM oil& )ave exactl t)e &ame fat and kilo-oule content a& regular
oil&$ T)e are &impl lig)t in flavour or lig)ter in colour$
M$n)o+r 3trn,t* $t AWL2
T)e total &trengt) of A:0 i& #'' emploee&$
T)e detail& of ,an Power &tatu& at ,anufacturing unit O *ranc)e& O "orporate Office
i& a& mentioned (elowP
%$O . *RA4"%ES E 44/
,U43RA E +43
,A4TRA0A@A, E 6+
*U435 E !3
%A035@A E ##
M$nuf$:tur!n, f$:!"!t!3

T)e compan )a& &trategicall located it& refining and proce&&ing facilitie& to
(ot) cater to different part& of t)e countr a& well a& )arne&& t)e potential of oil&eed
growing area&$ T)e location& are at ,undra 8Bu-arat9; ,antralaam 8And)ra Prade&)9;
*undi 8Ra-a&t)an9 and %aldia 8:e&t *engal9$
T)e endEu&er& of our product& areP )ou&e)old& and in&titutional (uer& Jcatering O
)o&pitalit O proce&&ed food O &nack&K &etEup&$ A:0 )a& &et up a &trong di&tri(ution
network of "ompan 3i&tri(utor& and Super Stocki&t& for it& retail operation&$ T)i& c)ain
)elp& to tap even t)e &mall retailer&Otrader& and t)u& increa&ing our reac).
Toda A:0 )a& it& di&tri(ution foot print& all acro&& t)e countr wit)
variou& &tockEpoint& catering to more t)an 1/// di&tri(utor&; !// Super Stocki&t& and
numerou& (roker& and ot)er trade a&&ociate&$ A:0I& retail reac) i& more t)an 1;///;///
outlet& and it& con&umer reac) i& more t)an #/ million 5ndian&$
,anagement=& (a&ic -o( i& t)e effective utili<ation of %uman re&ource& for t)e
ac)ievement of organi<ational o(-ective& vi<$ profita(le operation& and growt) t)roug)
t)e &ati&faction of certain need& of t)e cu&tomer& and &ociet$ 5t i& t)roug) t)e com(ined
effort of )uman re&ource& or per&onnel t)at tec)nological; financial; p)&ical and all ot)er
re&ource& are utili<ed$ T)e effectivene&& wit) w)ic) variou& kind of )uman re&ource& are
co A effectivene&& wit) w)ic) variou& kind of )uman re&ource& are co A originated and
utili<ed i& re&pon&i(le for &ucce&& or failure in ac)ieving organi<ational o(-ective&$
FEver a&pect of firm=& activitie& i& determined ( t)e competence; motivation and
general effectivene&& of it& )uman organi<ation; of all t)e ta&k& of management managing
)uman component& i& t)e central and mo&t important ta&k (ecau&e all depend& upon )ow
well it i& done;G Ren&i& 0inkert$
According to t)e in&titution of per&onnel management 8 U$C$9; FPer&onnel
,anagement i& an integral (ut di&tinctive part of management concerned wit) people at
work and t)eir relation&)ip wit) in t)e organi<ation$G
,anagerial M 1$ Planning$
+$ Organi<ing$
3$ 3irecting$
4$ "ontrolling$
1$ Staffing.
Operative T 1$ Emploment$
+$ Training .
3$ Remuneration;
:orking condition&$
4$ ,otivation$
1$ Per&onnel Record&$
!$ 5ndu&trial Relation&$
6$ Separation$
Advi&or T 1$ Advice to top ,gt$
+$ Advice to departmental )ead&$

An overview
T)e concept of %R3 i& comparativel of recent origin and i& now u&ed at (ot) macro and
micro level$ At t)e micro origination& level; %R3 i& de&cri(ed a& t)e core of all
development effort& in t)e &en&e of improvement of Hualit of life of people of a nation$
At t)e micro or organi<ational level; %R3 connote& improvement in t)e Hualit of
manager& and worker& &o a& to ac)ieve greater Hualit and )ig)er level& of productivit$
HRD involves
:a& to (etter ad-u&t t)e individual to )i& -o(; t)e environment$
T)e greate&t involvement of an emploee in variou& a&pect& of )i& workR and
T)e greate&t concern for en)ancing t)e capa(ilitie& of t)e individual$
Goals o HRD
Provide an opportunit and compre)en&ive framework for t)e development of
)uman re&ource& in t)e organi<ation for full expre&&ion of t)eir talent& and
manife&t potential&$
3evelop eac) individual=& capa(ilitie& to perform t)e pre&ent -o( and )andle
future likel role&$
3evelop t)e &en&e of team &pirit; teamwork and interE team colla(oration$
3evelop t)e organi<ation )ealt); culture and climate$
4o organi<ation can grow and &urvive in t)e pre&entEda environment wit)out t)e
growt) and development of it& people$ 5n t)e view of fa&t development c)ange&; t)e %R3
mu&t (e viewed a& t)e total &&tem interErelated and interacting wit) ot)er &&tem at work
A t)e production; t)e finance; t)e marketing; wit) w)ic) a (u&ine&& &&tem function$
%R3 facilitate& t)e integrated growt) of emploee&$ 5t )elp& emploee& to know t)eir
&trengt)& and weakne&& and ena(le t)em to improve t)eir performance and t)at of t)e
O-.CTI," O& !RD
A&&e&& future recruitment need&
2ormulate training program&
3evelop promotion and career development policie&
Anticipate and; w)ere po&&i(le; avoid redundancie&
3evelop a flexi(le workforce to meet c)anging reHuirement&
"ontrol &taff co&t& w)il&t en&uring &alarie& remain competitive
A&&e&& future reHuirement& for capital eHuipment; tec)nolog and premi&e&$

&unctions o/ !RD in Adani Wi(mar Ltd)
;. Tr$!n!n, $n& DJ"o)(nt2
Training and development i& one of t)e mo&t important function& of %R3$ Training i& an
organi<ed activit to learn t)e (a&ic &kill& and knowledge nece&&ar for a particular -o( or
group of -o(&$ 3evelopment mean& growt) of an individual in all a&pect&$
-. Prfor($n: $))r$!3$"2
Performance apprai&al i& &&tematic evaluation of t)e per&onalit and performance of
eac) emploee ( )i& &upervi&or or &ome ot)er per&on trained in t)e tec)niHue& for
comparing individual in a work group; in term& of per&onal Hualit or deficiencie& and t)e
reHuirement& of t)eir re&pective -o(&$
<. C"!))!n,3 for 3oft 'o$r&2
Some important information w)ic) t)e department feel&; can (e valued to it& emploee& i&
&ent to all department or t)e concerned department; &o t)at t)e can pin it up on t)eir
notice (oard$
=. Su,,3t!on 3:*(2
Sugge&tion (oxe& are placed at different location& in t)e organi<ation$ An(od .
ever(od i& welcomed to give &ugge&tion& w)ic) ma )elp in (rining improvement in
t)e polic matter& of t)e compan$
>. %!rt*&$G W!3*32
To develop a &en&e of (elongingne&& and clo&ene&& among t)e emploee& and )elp in
con&olidating friendl relation&)ip; t)e compan greet& eac) . ever emploee on )i&
?. In&u:t!on2
5nduction i& t)e welcoming proce&& to make t)e new emploee feel at )ome and generate
in )im a feeling of (elongingne&& to t)e organi<ation$ T)e %R3 department arrange&
induction programme for t)e new emploee$
Eac) new emploee )a& to vi&it eac) and ever department to t)e compan and know
a(out t)e function of t)e department and it& mem(er&$ T)e range& of information t)at ma
(e covered under induction programme areP
"ompan )i&tor and p)ilo&op)
Product& of t)e compan
"ompan=& organi<ation &tructure
0ocation of department and emploee &ervice
Per&onnel policie& and practice&
Emploee activitie&
Rule& . Regulation&
At t)e end of t)e induction programme emploee& &u(mit& induction report to t)e %R3
6$ ?ocational training to t)e *EO,"AO,*AO*"A etc$
#$ "oun&eling of emploee&$

,anager 8%R .
83$ ,anager 8%R .
8Lr Officer 8%R .
Supervi&or %R
. A3,54$
8Sr$ Officer 8%R .
Supervi&or 8%R .
A&&i&tant 8%R .
PROC"" o/ !uman Resource Management
T)e o(-ective of our &tud i& toP
5dentif general practice& in t)e organi<ation& w)ic) i& u&ed to
mea&ure t)e &ati&faction level in t)e emploee&$
3etermine w)ic) companie&= policie& are mo&t effective$

Business unit

Control and
Evaluation of

Deficit H.R

!urplus H.R


Plea&e take a few minute& to complete t)i& &urve$ *a&ed on our per&onal experience in
t)i& organi<ation; plea&e fill t)i& form to )elp u& (uilding our organi<ation muc) (etter .
profe&&ional$ S)are our view& ( putting a mark in t)e (oxe& again&t eac) Hue&tion$
To maintain confidentialit; plea&e don=t mention our name anw)ere in t)i& form$
Wor4!n, !n t*!3 or,$n!L$t!on
P$rt!:u"$r3 A % C D
;. T)e &tandard of working and ot)er facilitie& i&
-. T)e )uman re&ource planning in our organi<ation i&
well organi<ed$
<. Training and development programme& are regularl
conducted in our organi<ation$
=. @ou get an output from t)e training and development
>. @ou get an apprai&al from our management according
to our performance$
?. T)e )uman re&ource planning in our organi<ation i&
&ucce&&ful in removing t)e inaccurac$
6$ @ou find our&elf comforta(le communicating wit) our
&u(ordinate& O %O3=&
@. @our (o&& follow& t)e t)um( rule$
1. T)e (o&&e& )ere &ee development of &u(ordinate& a& an
important part of t)eir -o($
;.. Team &pirit i& of )ig) order in t)e organi<ation$
;;. Emploee& feel free to voice t)eir opinion& freel$
;-. Proper work aid& O facilitie& are provided to ou$
;<. T)ere i& a feeling of tru&t (etween me and m
immediate (o&& O %O3$
;=. @ou are paid fairl con&idering our Hualification;
experience . re&pon&i(ilitie&$
;>. Promotion deci&ion& are (a&ed on t)e &uita(ilit of t)e
promotee rat)er t)an on favoriti&m$
;?. @ou receive prompt feed(ack to our Huerie& from our
;/. @ou )ave t)e freedom and aut)orit to perform our
;@. @ou are full aware of w)at i& expected from ou and
ou are informed well in time$
;1. T)i& organi<ation make& all effort& to keep emploee&
-.. @ou are prai&ed ( our &enior w)en ou do a good -o($
-;. T)ere i& a good canteen O cafeteria facilit for t)e
--. Per&onnel Policie& in t)i& organi<ation facilitate&
emploee development
-<. @ou can approac) to our &enior or top management
wit)out an difficult to di&cu&& our pro(lem&$
-=. :eakne&&e& of emploee& are communicated to t)em in
a nonEt)reatening wa$
->. :)enever ou take deci&ion&; ou are afraid our (o&&
would not like it$
-?. Apprai&al of t)e organi<ation i& growt) and
development oriented$
+6$ ,o&t of t)e time ou feel )elple&& and powerle&&$
+#$ T)e noi&e around our work place doe& not allow ou to
work properl$
+'$ ,anagement )a& provided a clear pat) for
advancement O career growt)$
3/$ Emploee& in our organi<ation are di&criminated )ere
(a&ed on ca&te; region; language etc$
31$ T)ere i& a kind of worker& participation in management
in our organi<ation$
3+$ @ou are &ati&fied wit) our participation in management$
,anagement en&ure& emploee welfare to &uc) an
extent t)at t)e emploee& can &ave a lot of t)eir mental
energ for work purpo&e&$
34$ T)e )ealt) and welfare programme in our organi<ation
i& &ati&factor$
31$ T)e wage& . &alar admini&tration in our organi<ation
i& &ati&factor$
3!$ T)e climate O working environment i& &ati&factor$
,anagement communicate& it& goal& . &trategie&
effectivel to it& emploee&$
3#$ Senior management &)ow& genuine intere&t in t)e well
(eing of emploee&$
3'$ @ou are )app to (e a part of t)i& organi<ation$
4/$ , (o&& encourage& me to experiment wit) new
met)od& and tr out creative idea&$
Anythin! else you would li"e to share20
3uring t)e Surve; it wa& found t)at P
1$ ,a-or part of Adani Emploee& are &ati&fied wit) t)e Securit level in t)e
Organi<ation w)et)er Lo( Securit or Per&onal Securit; (ut &till a &ignificant
no$of emploee& are prett di&&ati&fied wit) t)e Securit level$
+$ ,a-or part& are &ati&fied wit) t)e working of Refiner$
N$( of D)$rt(nt2
1. Security
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
2. Refnery
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
3. System
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
4. Internal audit
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
5. Accounts
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
6. Stores
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
7. Purchase
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
8. o!istics
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
". #radin!
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
1$. %ommercial
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
11. &uality Assurance
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
12. Acid 'il
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
13. Pac(a!in!
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
14. )echanical
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
15. *lectrical
1$ %ig)l Sati&fied +$Sati&fied
3$ 3i&&ati&fied 4$%ig)l 3i&&ati&fied
'+*RA *+* ', SA#IS,A%#I'- I-
#.* *)P'/**S
2rom our &tud and per&onal interview on FEmploee &ati&factionG in Adani :ilmar 0td$
we conclude t)atP
,ore t)en 6/Q of t)e emploee& t)ink t)at t)e &tandard of working; ot)er
facilitie& . )uman re&ource planning in Adani :ilmar ltd$ i& &ati&factor$
T)e )uman re&ource planning in t)eir organi<ation i& &ucce&&ful in removing t)e
Emploee& find t)eir &elf comforta(le w)ile communicating to t)eir %O3=&O
T)e are paid fairl according to t)eir -o($
Emploee& are not )app wit) t)e cafeteria in t)eir organi<ation$
Emploee& are al&o looking for &ome training . development programme in
Adani :ilmar$
Almo&t ever emploee i& )app wit) t)eir freedom and aut)orit to perform t)e
T)ere i& a good communication c)annel (etween t)e emploee& and t)e top
Almo&t ever emploee=& are &ati&fied wit) t)e pre&ent reward &&tem$
Team &pirit i& of )ig) order in t)e organi<ation$
Emploee& feel free to voice t)eir opinion& freel$
Emploee& receive prompt feed(ack to t)eir Huerie& from t)e manager of t)e
re&pective department$
T)e climate O working environment i& ver comforta(le$
"ommercial; Packaging; Acid oil . 0ogi&tic& department=& are not t)at muc)
"a&) reward &)ould (e introduced in t)e organi<ation$
"anteenO "afeteria need to (e improved$
Training . development programme &)ould (e conducted more in t)e
5nfra&tructure facilitie& need to (e improved$
;. *tt2OO+++.$&$n!+!"($r.:o(O
-. *tt2OO+++.$&$n!,rou).:o(O
<. *tt2OO+++.,oo,".:o(O
=. 5.S 3u&&*$20*u($n r3our3* &J"o(nt

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