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CIVENMA EJ (MW 0915-1045 V406) Group D Project Ph!

e "
#INA$ W%I&&EN %EP'%&
Coloso, Robert Marri
Cuartero, Maejann
Lim, Kimberly Hannah
Ng, Raymond Albert
Rieta, Angela
Uy, Vienne
Villanueva, Nikko aolo
V!llasana, "o#ett
PA%& 1* The Nature of Work and Experience of the Company
$he %eatured &onstru&tion &om#any is R'V' Rieta $rading ( )eneral
Constru&tion' !t is registered in the *e#artment o% $rade and !ndustry
as a sole #ro#rietorshi# o+ned and managed by ,ngineer Ronaldo V'
Rieta, and duly li&ensed by the hili##ine Contra&tors A&&reditation
-oard .CA-/, +ith a CA- &erti0&ation o% Category C in general
engineering' Common #roje&ts in&lude the &onstru&tion o% bridges,
#ubli& s&hools, muni&i#al halls, t+o1 to %our1story multi1#ur#ose
buildings, multi1#ur#ose #avements, &on&rete and as#halt roads, as
+ell as su&h 2ood &ontrol in%rastru&ture as ri#ra#s, drainages and sea
+alls' -eing a member o% the hili##ine )overnmental ,le&troni&
ro&urement 3ystem .hil),3/ under the *e#artment o% -udget and
Management, its servi&es are also #rimarily governmental #roje&ts o% a
hori4ontal nature +ith the *e#artment o% ubli& 5orks and High+ays,
lo&ated around the Cavite area +here the &om#any is based and
o&&asional #roje&ts in 6ambales, asay, Manila, and Makati'
PA%& +* Some Pictures of Projects Undertaken
Figure 1 avement &onstru&tion in Cavite'
Figure !' )routed stone ri#ra# border ere&tion o% the same #avement'
Figure " Constru&tion o% a sea+all alongside a nearby &reek'
PA%& "* Some #igh$ights of the Company %ith regard to Engineering
Highlights ,laboration
Use o% the Criti&al ath Method
,7e&tive s&heduling and e8&ient
time management is brought
about by the use o% CM, taking
into a&&ount #roblems due to
in&lement +eather, e9ui#ment
availability and #roje&t
simultaneity, +ith the #roje&t
s&hedule duly #resented to the
#roje&t o+ner : &lient'
ro#er *o&umentation a#ers o% the &om#any are
ade9uately handled, %a&ilitating
the dealings +ith the &lient,
es#e&ially +ith government
agen&ies and lo&al government
units, o+ing to the &om#leteness
and &om#lian&e o% the di7erent
re9uired li&enses and #ermits in
a&&ordan&e +ith the la+ and
governmental #oli&y'
3ituation Analysis and Resour&e
;a&tors su&h as the #roje&t
0nan&ial &ost, the allotted budget,
the duration o% the #roje&t, the
9uantity o% needed e9ui#ment,
and available man#o+er, among
others, are brought into
&onsideration be%ore embarking on
a #roje&t to gauge its #lausibility,
rather than leave the +ork
PA%& 4* 'nsights pertaining to the Company regarding Engineering
&anagement and chosen Fie$ds of Specia$i(ation
Name $arget
Coloso, Robert Marri
Cuartero, Maejann
Villanueva, Nikko
$he e<#erien&es o% the Com#any
sho+ the #ra&ti&al im#ortan&e o%
being mind%ul that undertaking a
#roje&t, be it hori4ontal and
verti&al, re9uires not only
soundness o% the stru&tural design
but &onsidering as +ell the
e&onomi& #lausibility o% the
#ro#osed #lans'
Ng, Raymond Albert Hydrauli&s
and 5ater
=bservation o% &om#any #ra&ti&es
+ith regard to +ater1related
in%rastru&ture hel#s to be heed%ul
o% the di8&ulty +ith #lanning out
e9ui#ment needed %or the site,
ho+ +ork is to be done during the
season o% in&lement +eather,
a&&ess to the site, and others, i'e',
&are%ul #lanning'
Lim, Kimberly
Hannah Rieta,
Uy, Vienne
Villasana, "o#ett
!nvestigating ho+ the Com#any
&arries out its +ork sheds light on
the im#ortan&e in #arti&ular o% the
task o% s&heduling, man#o+er
#lanning and resour&e allo&ation
in the #rom#t a&&om#lishment o%
duties' Coo#eration o% both
#ro%essional #ersonnel and
manual laborers is also %ostered
by good relationshi#s at +ork and
just bene0ts'

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