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In this era of globalization, like all aspects of life are required to go ahead
and develop rapidly. Improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia
continue to be pursued and developed along with the development of an
increasingly global era. Improvement of human resources also affects the
education world. Education is spearheading the development of human resources
to be able to play an active role in improving the quality as well as quantity.
Development efforts must be in accordance with the proper process of teaching so
that students can merima well educated.
There are various methods that had been introduced in Indonesia. But there
is no research that the method has been successfully led students have good
English language competence. This is because there are some things (a) the
teacher's teaching methods are not mengetrapkan well (b) the method does not
match the style leatning students.
But in this world a lot of good language learners. So even though the
method is not in accordance with the teaching of students, but also many
successful language learners. They are good language learners or Good Language
Learner. One hallmark of a good learner is having the capacity to find their own
way in learning a foreign language. (O'Malley and Chamot 1990) The implication
of this statement is that the good language learner can learn on their own without
the help of others.
In this simple paper will be presented a variety of strategies and
approaches to English language learning students' interest in foreign languages.


A. Strategy
Strategy usually requires some sort of planning for setting goals.
Learning strategies is a teacher of learning activities undertaken with the aim
of the learning process that takes place in the classroom can Achieve (goals)
to effectively and efficiently. In principle, the learning strategy of conceptual
plans that decisions will be taken in the learning process. Viewed from the
side of the strategy, can be grouped into two general categories: exposition-
discovery learning, individual and group-learning. Learning strategy is still
conceptual, Necessary for the implementation of certain teaching methods.
Of learning approaches that have been passed down to the next set of
learning strategies. Kemp (Wina Sanjaya, 2008) suggests that learning
strategies is a learning activity that must be done so that the teacher and
student learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently.
Furthermore, citing thought David J. R, Wina Sanjaya (2008) states that the
meaning contained in the learning strategy planning. That is, that strategy is
still essentially conceptual decisions to be taken in the implementation of
learning. Judging from its strategy, learning can be divided into two parts,
namely: (1) exposition-discovery learning, and (2) individual-group learning
(Rowntree in Wina Sanjaya, 2008). Judging from the way of presentation and
the way of processing, learning strategies can be distinguished between
inductive learning strategies and deductive learning strategies. Learning
strategies are still conceptual in nature and is used to implement a variety of
specific teaching methods. In other words, the strategy is "a plan of operation
Achieving something" while the method is "a way in Achieving something"
(Wina Sanjaya (2008).
Newman and Logan (Abin Ma'mun Shamsuddin, 2003) suggests four
elements of the strategy are:
1. Identify and define the specification and qualification results (output) and
the target (the target) to be achieved, taking into account the aspirations
and tastes of the people who need it.
2. Consider and choose the main approach road (basic way) the most
effective way to achieve the goal.
3. Consider and define the steps (steps) that will dtempuh from the starting
point to the target.
4. Consider and establish benchmarks (criteria) and standard size (standard)
to measure and assess the level of success (achievement) effort.
Various English language learning strategies
1. Direct Strategies
a. Memory Strategy
1) Creating mental linkages: grouping, associating/elaborating,
placing words into context
2) Applying images and sounds: using imagery, semantic mapping,
using keywords, representing sounds in memory.
3) Reviewing well: structured reviewing.
4) Employing action: using physical response or sensation, using
mechanical technique.
b. Cognitive Strategies
Practising: repeating, formally practising with sounds and writing
systems Recognizing and using formulas and patterns, recombining,
practising naturalistically.
1) Receiving and sending messages: getting the idea quickly, using
resources for receiving and sending messages.
2) Analyzing and reasoning: reasoning deductively, analyzing
expressions, analyzing contrastively ( across language ),
translating, transferring.
3) Creating structure for input and output: taking notes, summarizing,
c. Compensation strategies
1) Guessing intelligently: using linguistic clues, using other clues
2) Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing: switching to the
mother tongue, getting help, using mime or gesture, avoiding
communication partially or totally, selecting the topic, adjusting or
approximating the message, coining words, using a circumlocution
or synonym
2. Indirect Strategies
a. Metacognitive Strategies
1) Centering your learning: overviewing and linking with already
known material, paying attention, delaying speech production,
2) Arranging and planning your learning: finding out about language
learning, organizing, setting goals and objectives, identifying the
purpose of a language task., planning for language task, seeking
practice opportunities
3) Evaluating your learning: self-monitoring and self- evaluation
b. Affective Strategies
1) Lowering your anxiety: using progressive relaxation, deep
breathing or meditation, using music, using laughter.
2) Encouraging yourself: making positive statements, taking risks
wisely, rewarding yourself
3) Taking your emotional temperature: listening to your body, using
checklist, writing a language learning diary, discussing your
feeling with someone else.
c. Social Strategies
1) Asking questions: asking for clarification or verification and asking
for correction.
2) Cooperating with others: cooperating with peers, cooperating with
proficient users of the new language.
3) Empathizing with others: developing cultural understanding,
becoming aware of others thoughts and feeling

B. Approach
Approach is the way in which teachers in the implementation of the
concepts presented in order to adapt to the students. Learning approach can be
interpreted also as a point of departure or our view of the learning process,
which refers to a view of the occurrence of a process that are still very
common, in which facilitate, inspire, strengthen, and underlie learning
methods with specific theoretical coverage
Approach has the meaning of 'approach'. In the world of teaching,
approach or approaches can be interpreted how to start learning. In the opinion
of Wahjoedi (1999), the learning approach is a way to manage student
learning activities and behavior so that he can actively perform learning tasks
so as to obtain an optimal learning outcomes. Approach to learning can be
interpreted as a point of departure or our view of the learning process, which
refers to a view of the occurrence of a process that are still very common, in
which facilitate, inspire, strengthen, and underlying theoretical learning
methods with a particular coverage. Judging from his approach, there are two
types of learning approaches, namely: (1) student centered approach and (2)
teacher centered approach. Functions Learning Approach is as a general
guideline in preparing the measures of teaching methods to be used.
Various Approaches to Learning
1. Individual approach
Individual approach is direct approaches to the teachers do their
students to solve the case of his protg. Individual approach has a very
important meaning for the benefit of teaching. Classroom management is in
need of this individualized approach. The selection method can not simply
ignore the usefulness of individual approach, so that teachers in carrying out
their duties is always individualized approach to the students in the class . The
issue of children's learning difficulties more easily solved by using the
individual approach, although a group approaches when necessary.
Individual approach is an approach that serves the individual
differences of students such that the application of this approach allows the
development of individual potential of each student optimally. The rationale
of this approach is that there are individual differences in the recognition of
each individual student. As the basic needs of the individual child has both
physical and needs as children to be recognized as a person, the need to
respect and respect for others, safety needs, and also as social beings, children
have a need to adapt to the environment either with her or with teachers and
2. Group approach
With the approach of the group, is expected to be a social sense is
grown high in each of the students themselves. They fostered for selfish sense
of control that is within each of them, so the attitude of social solidarity forged
in the classroom. Of course this attitude on the good things only. They realize
that life is interdependent, as the chain of the ecosystem in the lives of all
living beings in the world. There is no living thing that constantly stand alone
without the involvement of others, directly or indirectly, consciously or
unconsciously, other creatures that take part in the life of a particular creature.
Varied approaches
In teaching, teachers who use only one method is usually difficult to create a
classroom atmosphere that is conducive to a relatively long time. If there is a change
in classroom atmosphere, hard menormalkannya back. This is a sign that there is an
interruption in the learning process. As a result, the course becomes less effective
lessons, efficiency, and effectiveness of goal attainment was so disturbed. Due to
the poor students berkonsentrasi.metode which only one is used can not be played,
because it terpangkal disruption of the weaknesses of the method. Therefore, in
teaching most teachers use multiple methods and rarely use a single method.

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