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The impact of globalization on industrialization: a

study in the context of Bangladesh

introduction :
Globalization means the deepening of worldwide
interdependency, so that people who want to be in power
and shape their futures-in their local communities and
nations will also have to act globally. The impact of
globalization on Bangladesh is not a matter of simple
statistics and reports. Globalization consists of social,
economic, politics, culture, modern technology, sports
and recreation adjustment that people may embrace to
epitomize their culture and incorporate it with the world.
t is a concept that has its economic, culture, social and
political roots and conse!uences. To a large e"tent,
globalization promotes integration of the world and calls
for the removal of all cultural barriers. #lthough
globalization is a vital process toward transferring
$nowledge and education to the world, it still has its
negative e%ects on most cultures and civilizations. t
impact on cultures, business, social and other in this case
of Bangladesh is relatively controversial.
Significance of the study:
Despite the plethora of literature on the subject of globalization, and
more specifically,
globalization and have attempted to classify and categories the
experience of any individual developing country like bangladesh in
order to understand whether the experience has been positive or
o a large extent the literature is general or focuses on specific issues for
example, exploring the potential environmental implications
globalization has had on a specific developing country, and therefore,
does not explore the totality of effects of globalization.
!dditionally, much of the literature is "ualitative in nature, thereby,
exploring the implications but not combining the effects into a single
measure of impact.! few researches have been undertaken in
#angladesh on issues related to coastal fishermen communities and
development. $uakata is a tourist spot as well as a settlement for fishing
community. his research incorporated tourism
development seeking to formulate strategies for the sustenance of the
fishermen communities at $uakata.
%inally, much of the literature that has emerged on the subject is largely
conjectural, without clear empirical evidence to support the statements
&n summary, a clear gap in the current literature exists in providing a
comprehensive study of our country in order to understand if these have
been by'passed by the processes of globalization, and if not, whether the
net effect on these country #angladesh has been positive or negative.
In Bangladesh, Explore the economic impacts of national
commerce in agricultural or food products on farmers,
consumers, resources, agribusiness and rural communities.
Understand the longer-term policy, technology, demographic,
and resource cost or availability challenges and
opportunities for food firms, producers, and rural
communities associated with changes taking place in the
global food system
Evaluate the impact of foreign, and multinational political
institutions, organiations and economic policy on national
commerce in food, fiber and other natural resource products.
o identify the current status of tourism activities as well as likely
future trends and plans.
Examine the impact of enhanced bio-security measures and
border inspection protocols on global trade and the food
chain, with special emphasis on interdiction of plant pests
and animal diseases.
o identify the socio'economic status of the fishermen community,
particularly income generation, social structure and settlement
patterns. o study the fish catching practices of these people and
the catch pattern in different seasons.
&aintaining a low rate of in'ation and price stability
ncreasing e"ports and (liminating and lowering
tari%s on imported goods.
)eview of literature:
*lobalization as a phenomenon in general and the positive and negative
impacts of globalization in particular. +ven though many books and
articles have addressed globalization from the developing countries
point of view, few even mention its impact specifically on #angladesh.
*lobalization is a growing the concern and it is perceived as a vast
subject that can impact all aspects of the world, or a nation. ,eople
blame globalization for affecting everything from culture, to political
systems, to religious institutions, and the economy- all of these
perceived impacts of globalization would impact #angladesh differently
&t is important to determine how exactly it can impact #angladesh.
he literature generally looks at globalization from three different angles
in our country. hese are:
.. *lobalization as a phenomenon.
/. he positive impact of globalization.
). The negative impact of globalization. (conomically,
technological changes and government deregulation have
permitted the establishment of transnational networ$ in
production, trade, and *nance. The new production
networ$ describes *rms and multinational enterprises
who use advanced means of communications and new
technologies to spread their activities across the globe.
+olitical power and activities e"tend across the
boundaries of nation- states while policy ma$ing on
issues such as human rights, environmental degradation
and nuclear safety have re!uired global consensus.
globalization a%ects more than mar$ets and states.
Bangladesh as a developing country is not immune to the
challenges of globalization.
,nder the impact of globalization, development and
economic security perception in Bangladesh has
undergone some perceptible changes over the past few
years. Bangladesh faces vital challenges in terms of
ecological integrity, *nancial stability, identity and social
cohesion from national, regional and global levels. The
country needs to protect her socio-economic, political and
environmental interests to face the challenges in the era
of globalization
Globalization has involved greater openness in the
international economy, an integration of mar$ets on a
worldwide basis, and a movement toward a borderless
world, all of which have led to increases in global 'ows.
There are several sources li$e technological advances,
communication, liberalization liberalization etc.
globalization include the gains from trade in which both
parties gain in a mutually bene*cial e"change, where the
-parties. can be individuals, *rms and other
organizations, nations, trading blocs, continents, or other
Globalization involves not only bene*ts, but also has
costs or potential problems that some critics see as great
perils. globalization is that the control of national
economies is seen by some as possibly shifting from
sovereign governments to other entities, including the
most powerful nation states, multinational or global *rms,
and international organizations. /or many, globalization
was not delivering on its promises, and particularly not
delivering decent wor$.
#angladesh is the underdeveloped infrastructure. &nformation and
logistic infrastructure of bangladesh will be analyzed to discern whether
#angladesh has the re"uisite capacity to offer advantages to
multinational enterprises bringing in foreign direct investment into
country and creating greater economic growth potential. #angladesh find
a lot of difficulties in organizing their security and expenses. & mean
investment in #angladesh looks good, but very difficult in practicing it.
here are too many obstacles, especially, in obtaining telephone line,
transportation and so on.
&nformation &nfrastructure like elephone and &nternet , ,ower *rid.
0ogistics &nfrastructure like )oad 1etworks, )ail, ,ort %acilities etc.
#angladesh joined the 2( in .334 to avail the advantages of an open
and liberal trading system. &n #angladesh, the trade liberalization
process started in the mid
0123s. ("port diversi*cation and import liberalization
received the highest priority in early years. Towards the
end of the 0123s, import liberalization leapt forward. The
government too$ a number of bold steps, which include
liberalization of the trade, and foreign investment. The
customs tari% is the main instrument of Bangladesh4s
trade policy. in our country, globalization has huge impact
on e"port and import. *arments remained #angladesh5s large
export. he value of garment exports increased from .4bn aka in .366
to .47bn aka in /888. %urther, the proportion of export income
achieved by the )9* sector increased from :;< to ;:< over the same
time period =+&>
/88.a?. he main exports of #angladesh in .366 and /888 are presented
in %igure 7..@.
(ther exports such as jute manufactured goods, raw jute and seafood
diminished in
importance as sources of export earnings. &mports were largely industrial
specifically capital goods or e"uipments or raw materials for the )9*
globalization is all about interconnectedness. 5ountry,
nations, organizations, companies, groups or even the
individuals are now far more connected to each other
because of the globalization. Bangladesh is a very low
level player in the world of economic globalization.
Bangladesh should focus to ac!uire re!uired resources to
be economically globalized. 6umerous facts and studies
points at the infrastructure of Bangladesh which is
adversely a%ecting further investment and globalization
occurring within the country. Bangladesh has to be ready
with multifaceted means to follow multifaceted trac$s of
growth for the well being of her people. 7he has to chart
a policy destiny and strategic course of action to confront
the comple" and multidimensional problems of
globalization. 8iberalisation of economy in Bangladesh
seems an inevitable measure to meet the economic
challenges of globalization. #long with liberalisation,
government should encourage foreign investment.
&oreover, Bangladesh needs to have an honest, e9cient,
committed and professional public service that enhances
the accountability and responsiveness of public agencies.
)achelle simpson, Bictoria university.
9ajor rahman 9d faizur, #angladesh.
Copkins !* the history of globalization.
D omlinson, globalization and culture.
*oogle, 2ikipedia.

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