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Portland Daily Press
January 13, 1880
M <] J

AY, ^mTA'RY 13, 1880.-TRIPtB' S New York Herald

January 13, 1880
to Join stives pr

of organ
was ent
bnt few
of affairs
ON WITH caused gr
DRAWING Maine Republicans Take Possession of have been
about. M
he saw th
Ike State House, Augusta. "1 prot
The Ge
] permit th
, 18(80. . pleased.
There w
n that a halls wer
General ana lendi
banquet In t ie
national meeting
he Pall Major General Chamberlain Re- chair. P
as been Assistsnt
ation of
fuses to Interfere. and eigh
a s jthere cans, wn
collision Smith wa
stationed POLITICIANS EXCITED. the face o
ithdrawn Charles \V
district. Brackett,
Lovejoy w
Vienna Fusionists Alleged to Have "Left Town botirne as
military ANOT
on Family Matters." The fol
n oil Rus- Ordered,
a n j fron- >* of tho tieu
rumors H tht'Senaie
upon the J
touching t
western [BT TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 niittli Leg
Senate Mic
m a y in AUGUSTA, Jan. 12Midnight. tho premis
umstance Tho State House presents a strange aspect to the The mem
i e n c e ac- citizens of Maine to-night. A body claiming to be Mr. Hale,
the Legislature is In session, and will continue to temporary
ho whole who calle
sit nobody knows for how long a time. The
in a republica
events of the evening may be briefly summed Eighty-fiv
i n corre- up. According to previous agreement the repub- to the
i s afloat lican members elect of both branches, and those who Stratton,
claim seats but have no certificates to show for county a
will b e members,
them, appeared at the State House about six o'clock. elected on
They had previously asked of General Chamberlain ot 1H77, w
the use of tho Legislature halls for meeting this Mr. Strou
elected Sp
ET. evening, and the request had been granted. General
After o
Chamberlain is understood to deny that he resolution
knew what the purpose was. With a rush the appoi
NTRT B E - ion ot the
the crowd overpowered the doorkeepers and entered
TORYAN- the halls and then went to work. An organization ot the or
resolve M
RIAL I N - was at once effected according to the programme of stances uu
the republican caucus a fortnight ago, and then, ac- of the org
cording to tho plan wnich had been adopted, a sin- ailecting
gular piece of business was transacted. A commit- Stato gove
sion of th
1SS0. tee was appointed'to prepare questions to be sub-
7 9 s h o w s mitted to the Supreme Court, upon the decision of The Ho
and ex which would rest the validity of this alleged Legisla- attempted
ture. Then the two brauches settled down to await Hall. H.
being did not
developments. The Speaker of the new House, Mr. authority
i s l i t t l e George E. Weeks, of this city, at about half-past riman re
o n t h e eleven sent a messenger to the committee asking statement
1 8 7 8 , when they would be ready to report, and was told particular
the briber
t e r s b u r g that, owing to t i n magnitudo of tho subject, it White. S
would be one or t w o hours before they could him at m
rt was
be beard from. At midnight the Senate chamber his cousin
n r o u n d is occupied by a dozen sleepy gentlemen, some sulted h
0 0 0 , 0 0 0 of whom have surrendered to the influences drew up
to take
be a d o of Morpheus, and some of whom are braced up ami he was ask
w e r e en- watching. Iu the committee room, between the tion. Cha
that no o
b a l a n c e Senate and House, s stout and stalwart Senator or either cas
claimant, es the case may be, was stretched upon a tated abou
or exam-
table sound asleep. The floor of the house was tilled sulting Go
u l a t e d at with republicansthose who have seats, those vestigation
2 5 0 , 0 0 0 who want seats, those who come .to confer Mr. Hal
a d b e e n with the Representatives, and a miscellaneous crowd and A. A.
iston, aud
0 0 0 , 0 0 0 besides. On some desks were crackers and cheese, as the com
and some members bad more appetizing repasts sent
them from the hotels or elsewhere. Everybody was The foll
x p e c t e d ; good nature 1. members
railways It will probably be a long time before Maine sees Resolved,
Hall, of N
; t h e re- such a sight again. A curious crowd filled the ro- Bragdon,
rests t h e tunda, but that was quiet and orderly. Mayor Nash LinnotiH,
all iu
was on the floor in the House, watching
r e c e i p t s, events. General Chamberlain's vigilance uever as member
of the Fift
Bleeps. At this hour the question is. How long will
good nature 1. members
r railways It will probably be a long time before Maine sees Resolved
Hall, of
s ; t h e re- such a sight again. A curious crowd filled the ro- Bragdon,
orests t h e tunda, but that was quiet and orderly. Mayor Nash LinnotiH,
was on the floor in the House, watching all iu
e r e c e i p t s, events. General Chamberlain's vigilance uever as membe
of the Fi
d the sale Bleeps. At this hour the question is. How long will Stephen D
this state of things continue? Although everything boro: F. W
less t h a n indicates a session ot the republican Legislature John II
lasting into to-morrow, a prominent member ot that Leipliton,
party who has been talked with denies
expected that anything of the kind Is intended,
and this statement is emphasized by the THE
stic trade
fact that the fusionlst leaders claim to
sia bad a have received from tbe busy, bothered and invisible
specialis t Major General Commanding assurances that the The de
floor of tbe House and Senate will be at their dis-
e super- twelve ba
osal at the hour of meeting o n Tuesday. At this
e of the E our it does not seem likely that the republicans
will butt against tho Major General Commanding.
ballot sto
gleton, 40
sly, and WHAT DOES I T MEAN? as 58 on
ower than There has been a rush to town to-night; but the fested, bu
new comers have been all of one color. On the
gal value. train which leaves Portland soon after five o'clock
h a s done there were a Congressman or two. some generals,
ble nor to some United States officials, some politicians of
less note and various people whose interest
s h e d for- in our complications is only that of pri- The U
expected. vate, peace-loviDg citizens. They found the Lorenzo S
hotels crowded, but their patriotism sus-
e Tiirkes- tained them. On arriving they found some of aDd Orson
e Cdntral tho most prominent fusionists getting out of town members
on family matters," it was said, but the sceptical from Gov
n budget did not believe it. When the Pullman traiu arrived
tory, and from Bangor, at eleven o'clock, it brought fifty citi- TH
zens of that town, which just now owes a divided
n, as the allegiance to politics and mining. They
probably started at half an hour's notice. If the A specia
time for preparation had been twice as L
Europe,.] long the delegation wonld have been four times ' there Is
oe strong. They all struck for the State House and as far
created something of a sensation when they made Mr. Pag
their entrance. It nothing happens to prevent it requisitio
Augusta will hold to-morrpw moro politicians, es~ 15. \ Governor
pecially republican, thau it ever held before, and a tary to p
s - -'

onging t o great mauy men besides who are not politicians, ia timidated
tho ordinary sense of the word, but who are re- upon Ma
mages are solved that the count out shall not triumph.
Nest with
man was service.
the Chil- have Ills
sits. The
obably go receiving
who are u
and Sir THE LEGISLATURE. be able t
ustees of AUGUSTA, Jan. 12,1880. cents pe
ompany's On tho assembling of the Senate this morning fifty-five c
o place of President Lamsou sent a letter announcing that he
had assumed the duties of Governor. The letter
was tne same as was telcgriphed last night.
e dea^h of Senator Ellis, of Waldo, was chosen President
n lawyer pro tern. The Committee on Gubernatorial Votes By a pec
incorrect. reported tho following votes as thrown suddeu br
se of Ser- at tbe last September election. Whole number of ship Lan
came very
ongestion votes, 138.807; necessary to a choice, 69,401. Daniel passenger
F. Davis had (>8,770, Joseph L. Smith 47,469, Alonzo Railroad.
Garcelou 21,844, Blon Bradbury 263, Daniel F . Davis 'heavily lo
H. 200. The remainder are scattering and the constitu- street dr
tion candidates are Daniel F. Davis, Joseph L. bridge wh
12, 1880. Smith. Alonzo Garcelon and liion Bradbury. The wire
ame upon On the proposition of the Senate to hold tbe sigu
r t h e past a joint convention for the purpose of quali- br dge wi
d trees of fying the Actiug Governor, Mr. Locke, of twisted, t
ared the was broke
Cumberland, made lengthy speech, in which he were bent
ect in tbe reviewed the action of the Governor and Council position.
d on the and took up the cases of the counted out members scene at t
d crop. and the grounds upon which they were counted out. passenger
Mr. Locke claimed that the certificates issued by the feet away.
QRT. Governor and Council to those not chosen were not bridge th
legal, and the acts passod by such u body would He reve
not be recognized by tho courts or obeyed air brak
by t i e people. Messrs. Barker and Stricklaud re- to a stop
plied, claiming that to all intents and purposes this tne tram
into tho w
is a legal Legislature, the members holding certifi- high tide
to cooler cates trom the Governor ana Council. They meant, have bee
oudy aud as honorable gentlemen, to do the fair thing of groat
wheu an investigation shou'd take place before covering
clesjr or tbe proper com mi toe of the Legislature. Tbejoint its occurr
mperature convention was formed, and iu preseuce of the Sec- protection
j retary of Stato and several members of the Council wore unlo
John D. Lamson took the oath aud was proclaimed depot. A
ower lake
acting Governor of the State. Only sixty members making t
r, north- Sunday tra
were present in tbe House, and it adjourned with- suffered bu
warmer, out transacting any business.
ississippi General Chamberlain has issued tho following C
arometer, order:
aud clear AUGUSTA, Jan. 12. lfWU. j A gener
'leneral Order No. 3.
England, www.joshualawrencechamberlain.com
fir*The attention of all military organisations now In
the service of the Stale, and ot all men liable to military
duty iu this State. Is directed to the following ordur*: county
orthwest STATU OK MALIK. ADJUTANT OKNKRAL B Orriric, i three an
eather. AUGUSTA, Jan. 5, INSU. (
warmer, out transacting any business.
Mississippi General Chamberlain has issued tho following
barometer, order:
aud clear AUGUSTA, Jan. 12. lfWU. j A gen
'leneral Order No. 3.
fir*The attention of all military organisations now In among
England, the service of the Stale, and ot all men liable to military
duty iu this State. Is directed to the following ordur*: county
northwest STATU OK MALIK. ADJUTANT OKNKRAL B Orriric, i three a
weather. AUGUSTA, Jan. 5, INSU. (
General Order No. 12 all coal m
er, except FVrafThe several coustiea of this Stats are constituted cated alo
ion. into the f i r s t division itl militia of Maine rivers wo
.So-onrJ Major General Josuua L Chainberlaln is assigned in dema
ates, tem- to tho command of the First division. la main
ThinlThe commanding oflicera of all military organi- though
sations accepted Into tbe service of the Slate are required
slight rise to report to him. H e will be obeyed and rospeciod ac- atrike
cordingly. dications
By order of the Governor and Commander in Chief. resist th
at Sandy S. J). LKAV1TT. Adjutant General. ooal in t
STATE o r M A I N E , ADJUTANT GKNKKAL'S OrricB. / who sup
May, jland AUGUSTA. Jan. 5, l r u ) yield.
Port Eads. KI'F.fIA I. OKmtlt* Nil 4 >.
Major General Josh nit L Chamberlain is hereby author-
nry, Kitty ised and directed to protect pnblie properly aud lastitu- PUR
tiou* ot State until my successor la duly qualified.
SmmtlI s m now dlseJurgiutr the duties thus devolved
on iu a In protecting public property and institutions of Large t
State until a Governor i s legally elected and duly quali-
es in t b e fied. cently b
, in Com- Thin' Particular attention is called to the law render- tbe Carbo
ing it uulawful tor s n y fcody of roan other than the regu-
t year, s s larly organued eorps of the militia, without authority ex- are all ma
pressly s i v e u . lo associate themselves together aa a mili-
harmacy, tary company or organisation or to parade iu public with
arm a. AN
870. lorn). Fourth All puraona and organisations will take notice
accordingly, and all aalhorised military organisations
30 1 7 will umdorstanu that they ai . to report to me tor orders
30 44 until they are oincrwla* ordered by or through mo. Gradin
M SS JOSHUA L. C II AM UK It LAIN, Major General. - -
"J Si FRANK K. N r s , Major and Assistant Adjutant Genera*. Alma and

date SrJJET.
45 ,S
At twenty
minutes to six this evening t b e republi-
Sauta Fe
pH can members of the Scnato ojid House of B o p m e n t -
stives proceeded to the State Bous e for the purpose

AT. of organizing the Legislature. The movement

was entirely unknown to the fusionists. and
bnt few of the republicans outside of the
immediate members were aware of t h e position
of affairs. The news that the republicans bad taken
A spec
"Tbe lin
possession of the State House spread rapidly, and ten mile
caused great rejoicing among the republicans who fectly cle
sion of have been impatient to hove just this result brought
about. Mr. Lsmson, President of the Senate, when
he saw tho people assembling, proceeded to General
contact w
three the
Chamberlain's headquarters aud excitedly said: of sunlig
"1 protect against these raeu cumin.' Iu !" light, en
The General informed Mr. Lsmson tbst be should view, br
permit the meu to come in and stay ss long as they toward
pleased. the bord
There was no forcible resistance whatever. The peared a
halls were lighted, minor officers or the previous primitiv
DIATED. Legislatures tan iliar witli the premises tatiug hold the moon
equal in
ana lending tueir assistance.
In t ie Senate Mr. Jeremiah Dtngley, Jr., called the the centr
meeting to order and Austin Harris was called to the tbe uppe
n Re- chair. Prayer was offered by Hev. Dr. Butler, a
member ot the House. -Mr. Charles W. Turner,
were pro
Assistsnt Secretary of the last Senate, called the roll The sun
and eightceu Senators responded to t h e call. A tbe eclip
q u o r u m w a s announced present, ajl being republi- ration th
cans, wn o proceeded to qualify, the oath being signs of
administered by William M. Stratton. Andrew It. 8. boring r
Smith was declared Senator from Lincoln county on where tb
TED. the face of the returns. Joseph A. Locke was chosen
president, receiving all the votes cadnineteen.
tell eigh
Charles \V. Tild' n was chosen secretary and George E.
Brackett, of Belfast, assistant secretary. Charles J.
Lovejoy was chosen messenger and A. B. T. Chad-
Town botirne assistant nie*seuger.
The following order was passed : observed
Ordered, thst s committee, consisting of three members gan, and
of tho tieuste, bo appointed by the President, to report to
tht'Senaie for it- action whether the Senate shall call time naif
upon the Justice* of the Supreme Court for their opinion,
touching tho legsl organization of the Senate lor i d - Kift.r-
1 niittli Legislature, and to report for the action of tho
dnight. Senate Mich questions as the law and the facta rtquire i s
tho premises. CHABOE
ct to the The members of the House were called to order by
ing to be Mr. Hale, Mr. Wentworth, . Kittery, was i u l e
ntinue to temporary chairman, and Oxarnatidai Smith, Clerk,
e. The who called the roll of the members-elect. All the A little
republicans responded, but the fusiouitsts did not.
summed Eighty-five members of the House responded been laid
e repub- to the call, ami were qualified by William against M
hose who Stratton, Clerk of the Court of Kennebec here, for
how for county and tUttimutt potettatem. Subsequently six box of je
members, who w o i e u o t by the face of the returus spector
x o'clock. elected on account ot defects amended under the law case, and
mberlain ot 1H77, were admitted by a resolution submitted by has repo
ing this Mr. Strout. Geor 0 e K. Weeks, of Augusta, was Fiuance,
General elected Speaker. exequatu
After org unzatioii Mr. Hale offered a Fimflar matter w
that he resolution to that parsed by the Keuate, calling tor asserted
a rush the appointment ot a committee to request tiie opin- been regu
d entered ion ot the Supreme Judicial Court as to tho legality
anization otwww.joshualawrencechamberlain.com
the organization ot the House. In making tho
resolve Mr. Halo spoke of the extraordinary circum-
amme of stances uuder which they met: said riiat tiio object
then, ac- of the organization was to settle ilie vital questions A meet
eting this 0 Fiuance,
. General elected Speaker. exequatur
After org unzatioii Mr. Hale offered a Fimflar matter wa
that he resolution to that parsed by the Keuate, calling tor
a rush the appointment ot a committee to request tiie opin- been regu
nd entered ion ot the Supreme Judicial Court as to tho legality
rganization ot the organization ot the House. In making tho
resolve Mr. Halo spoke of the extraordinary circum-
gramme of stances uuder which they met: said riiat tiio object
d then, ac- of the organization was to settle ilie vital questions A meeti
pted, a sin- ailecting the organization of the Legislature aud held at
A commit- Stato government, aud tho House will obey the deci- which Mr
sion of the Court.
to be sub- T H E l.lt I1EKY CHARGES.
will b- m
decision of The House committee to investigate the charges of ex-Judge
ed Legisla- attempted bribery met iu the Representatives'
n to await Hall. H. it. White was summoned to appear, but
did not respond. Ha declined to recognize the
House, Mr. authority of the committee. Messrs. Swau and liar-
t half-past riman reiterated in substance their affidavits and Generil
tee asking statements in the House, with some additional the Brevo
d was told particulars. Mr. Swan said he first learned ot Massachu
the bribery through J. O. White, a relation ot H. It.
ubject, it White. Solon Chase testified that Swan called upon Jutlson, o
hey could him at midnight of the 5th inst., at ine residence of Pomeroy,
e chamber his cousin, M. V. 13. Chase, called him up aud con- Senator J
men, some sulted him in regard to the transaction, and Congressm
drew up the statement that he was going
influences to take the $l,00:i and promise to do what is at the P
ced up ami he was asked to tor the sake of exposing tbe transac- Is at tbe
tween the tion. Chase advised him to go ahead. It appeared Boggs, Un
Senator or that no other parties witnessed the transaction in
either case. Harri man testified that he at first hesi- Alvord, U
d upon a tated about going into tbe business, but after con-
Edward C
was tilled sulting Gove and others concluded to do so. The in-
itan. Ben
ats, those vestigation will be continued to-morrow.
to confer Mr. Hale's resolution was adopted unanimously, the New Y
ous crowd and A. A. Strout, or Portland, L. Hutchison, of Lew- mont, and
iston, aud Silas C. Hatch, of Bangor, were appointed N. Y., ar
nd cheese, as the committee.
ybody was The following is the resolution seating tbe six
members who had been couuted out: M
Maine sees Resolved, That raac Hanscom. of Lebanon: Edward K.
Hall, of Nohlexhuro: (ieorfr S. Hill, of Kxoter; Oliver
ed the ro- Bragdon, of Sullivan: Krank C. Nickerson, of
ayor Nash LinnotiH, and Koltert M. Lorlnjf. of Perry, The stea
watching all iu this State, ho admitted to seat* erpool, wi
ce uever as members prima fun* of tho Ifoitae of Representatives
of the Fifty.ninth Legislature of Maine, in the places of The mai
long will Stephen D. Lord, of Ix>b'nnon ; James VV. Clark, of Nobles-
verything boro: F. W. Hill, o f E x o l e r ; Jatnos W. Klyj. of S u l l i v a n ;
at half-pas
egislature John II KroM-n. of ITnynesville, and James M. The N E W
er ot that Leipliton, of Perry, In the State of Maine.
be ready a
h denies
intended, Single c
laim to
invisible JACKSON, Miss., Jan. 12, 1880.
that the The democratic caucus adjourned after taking CREir.ir
their dis- Tbe rela
twelve ballots. No decision was reached. The last funeral,
At this
publicans ballot stood :Barksdale, 54>i; Walthall, 3HJ i; Sin- st., Newar
anding. gleton, 40; scattering, 4. Barksdale received as high A- M. Int
as 58 on the sixth ballot. Much interest is mani- venience
; but the fested, but no ill felling exists. [
On the
generals, cathartic a
icians of internal so
interest SALT LAKE. Jan. 12, 1880.
brane. Al
of pri- The Utah Territorial Legislature met to-day. may be kno
und the Lorenzo Snow was elected President ot the Council
sm sus- DUMINY
some of aDd Orson Pratt Speaker of tho Honse. All but six
ut of town members are polygamists. No message was received
sceptical from Goveroor Emery, he being at Washington.
u arrived Superior to
fifty citi- THE WEST VIRGINIA RIOT. sole
a divided
They WHEELING. Jan. 12, 1880. FURS.
If the A special despatch from Huntington states that tlemeti; Se
wice as L
ur times ' there Is no change iu affairs at Hawk's Nest, GENUIN
House and as far as the miners are concerned, but Grande Gri
hey made Mr. Page, owner of the mine, made a ot the kidn
revent it requisition on the aide-de-camp of t h e
cians, es~ 15. \ Governor, residing at Charleston, for mili- I WAS V
ore, and sa- -' tary to protect lus workmen, who were being in- tent fever:
icians, ia timidated by officers of the Knights of Labor, v Here- MA
o are re- upon Major Appleton was ordered to Hawk's
h. VAN B E
Nest with the Charleston City Guards, ready for snmption. C
service. They lot t on tho No. 1 train, and on
MSON AND their arrival Mr. Page will take steps to Consumptio
have Ills employes resume work under t h e
UME SU- protection ot the military iu spito of
UBLICANS the outsiders. It is rumored that the disturbers are
receiving encouragement lrom interested parties
who are unwilling any operator in tho valley should A THOM
don. W
be able to mine his coal at thirty-eight and forty sine Franca
cents per ton, when others are obliged to pay
morning fifty-five cents for the same work. B RISTOL
dens. W
best situatio
that he tinental sty
he letter A NARROW ESCAPE. ana modern
st night.
ial Votes By a peculiar
BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 12. 1880.
combination of circumstances the B RUSSEL
fart im-r
first class r
thrown suddeu breaking of a bell wire on board the steam- ter to P. C ,
umber of ship Lancaster iu the harbor yesterday morning
came very near resulting in a terrible disaster to a
1. Daniel passenger train on the New York and New England C
The only
most fashio
9, Alonzo Railroad. Tho Lancaster, a large irou vessel, gantly furn
F . Davis 'heavily loaded with coal, had passed the Congress French cuis
constitu- street draw and was approaching the railroad C. DIETT
and Hotel S
Portland Daily Press
January 14, 1880
Whig and Courier
January 14, 1880

New York Herald
January 14, 1880
Portland Daily Press
January 15, 1880
Eastern Argus
January 15, 1880
Whig and Courier
January 15, 1880

New York Herald
January 15, 1880


New York Tribune
January 15, 1880

New York Tribune
January 16, 1880


New York Herald
January 16, 1880


Portland Daily Press
January 16, 1880


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