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Hybridity and multiculturalism are two words most important in cultural and

social life. They are two different notions but they are closely bound.
Hybridities are the modalities in and through which multicultural conditions get
lived out, and renewed. Through the different sources we tryed to understand these
processes, the history, causes and consequences. In the process of our investigation we
found that in definition of hybridity and multiculturalism played a big role the others
meanings as a race, genre, ethnicity, immigration/migration. And we considered
necesserely to use them in order to have the full and satisfactory picture of hybridical
and multicultural processes. And we will also try to explain more actual moments and
facts answering the following questions that me have put: Are the hybridity and
multiculturalism prejudicial and dangerous or a necessery condition of contemporary
life? Why are they closely bound?
On the examples of USA and England, we would like to show the difference in
development of hybridity and multiculturalism, taking these two states as a justaposition
as a European country and independent state.
The most prominent professor and scientist, Hommi K.Bhabha, refered that
hybridity the" new structure of authority, new political initiatives, promoting the
emergence of a new area of neglitiation of meaning and representation." He contends
that all cultural statements and systems are constructed in a space that he calls the 'The
Third Space of enunciation'; he was sure that cultural identity always emerges in this
ambivalent space and the recognition of it may help us to overcome the exoticism of
cultural diversity: " It is significant that the productive capacities of this Third Space
have a colonial or postcolonial provenance.
For a willingness to descend into that alien territory...may open the way to
conceptualizing an international culture, based not on the exoticism of multiculturalism
or the diversity of cultures, but on the inscription and articulation of culture's hybridity."
( Bhabha 1994: 38).
Hence; the scientist affirmed the hybridity as a individual cultural emergence and
not as a branch of others cultural spheres. In a simple word Hybridity- it is a mixture of
two or more different cultures that make its own individual culture. This term refers in
its most basic sense to mix. Hibridity originated from the Latin hybrida a term used to
classify the offspring of a tame sow and wild boar. As an explicative term, hybridism
became a useful tool in forming a fearful discourse of racial mixing that arose toward
the end of the 18th Century. Scientific models of anatomy were used to argue that
Africans and Asians were racially inferior to Europeans. The fear of Miscegenation that
followed responds to the concern that the offspring of racial interbreeding would result
in the disillusion of the European race.
Hybrids were seen as an aberration, worse than the inferior races, a weak and
diseased mutation. Hybridity as a concern for racial purity responds clearly to the
zeitgeist of colonialism where despite the backdrop of the humanitarian age of
enlightenment, social hierarchy was beyond contention as was the position of
Europeans at its summit. The social transformations that followed the ending of colonial
mandates, rising immigration, and economic liberalisation profoundly altered the use
and understanding of the term hybridity.
Both the hibridity and multiculturalism contrast with the Monoculturalism and
homogeneity. Multiculturalism is an ideology advocating that society should consist of,
or at least allow and include, distinct cultural groups, with equal status. The term is
almost always applied to distinct cultures of immigrant groups in developed countries,
not to the presence of indigenous people.
From The History of Multiculturalism and Hybridity

Multiculturalism began as an official policy in English-speaking countries,

starting in Canada in 1971. It was quickly adopted by most member-states in the
European Union, as official policy, and as social consensus among the elite. In recent
years, several European states notably the Netherlands and Denmark, right-of-centre
governments have reversed the national policy consensus, and returned to an official
monoculturalism. A similar reversal is the subject of debate in the United Kingdom and
Germany, among others.
Multiculturalism has its supporters and critics alike. Its supporters often see it as a
self-evident entitlement of cultural groups, as a form of civil rights grounded in equality
of cultures. They often assume it will lead to interculturalism-beneficial cultural
exchanges, where cultures learn about each other's literature, art and philosophy (high
culture), and influence each other's music, fashion and cuisine. Its opponents often see it
as something which has been imposed on them without their consent. They fear it will
lead to cultural ghettos, undermining national unity. In Europe especially, opponents see
multiculturalism as a direct assault on the national identity, and on the nation itself.
It is very difficult to speak about multiculturalism in historical societies which did
not use this term before modernity. The degree of cultural homogeneity in past societies
also depends on their size: smaller groups are more likely to show cultural unity.
However, it is clear that in the past large states, especially beginning, the
American nation: has been characterized by rapid population growth, movement and
mixing. Hence, it is also hybrid country because due to the mixture of different cultures
USA were formed as a unique state and the contribution of multicultural experiences
gave the opportunity to create its own culture. But many immigrants of US try to keep
their own culture and traditions. For example, many Jews can speak English but they try
to keep their language alive in America. Italians, Asians have kept a lot of their customs
alive by celebrating Holidays and parties.
And this is an example when the multiculturalism and hybridity are bound: due to
the accumulation of Immigrants and the creation of multicultural condition it gave
origin of hybridity. Old Immigrants that rooted in American land of generations still
don’t forget their origin and try to maintain their native language, customs, habits, there,
in Immigration, in America. And it also proved hybridity depends of multiculturalism.

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