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You are invited to a Socratic

Seminar on:
December 18, 2009
Speak Final Exam Outline

100 points possible

1. Attend class the day of your Socratic Seminar or complete a
written assignment at school before Christmas Break.
2. Type a 1 ½ page paper as your entrance ticket to the seminar.
a. If you are without the required paper, you will type a longer
paper (assigned topic) during class on December 18. This
paper will determine your grade for the exam.
b. If you are prepared for the seminar, you will keep your paper
until the end of the class period. This allows you to refer to
your paper throughout the class.
3. During the seminar, you must participate in four ways. Once you
have participated, you have completed the requirements of the
exam. You will no longer verbally participate in the seminar,
allowing others to complete their requirements. Your grade is
based on your comments. Therefore, don’t quickly complete the
assignment just to be finished.
a. You will have four cards that explain how to participate
during the seminar:
i. Ask the big question addressed in your paper and give
your response from you essay.
ii. Connect to someone else’s idea from the seminar with
yourself or the world. This must include an explanation.
iii. Give your opinion of someone else’s comment during
the seminar. This must include an explanation and a
reference to the book.
iv. Agree/Disagree with someone’s comments in the
seminar. This must include an explanation and a
reference to the book.
4. The results of the seminar are determined by me.
5. If I have any questions about your participation in the seminar, I
will refer to your paper.

Your paper is your ticket into the seminar. It must follow these guidelines:
1. 1 ½ pages, typed, double spaced, Times New Roman Font, 1 inch
2. It must discuss a big question presented in the book. This isn’t a
question that you have about plot or characters. Instead, it is a
global question. Choose a question from class or create on your
own. In your paper ask the question and answer it. Use examples
from the book, for journals, etc.
a. To complete this paper satisfactorily, create an introductory
paragraph that introduces the book, the author, the main
ideas, and your thesis statement. Use your question and
response to create your thesis statement. The rest of the
paper will give specific examples from the book, class
discussions, and journals to support your thesis.
b. Use complete paragraphs to finish your paper filled with
supports and evidence from the book. 3/4 of your paper
needs evidence from the book; however, ¼ of the paper may
be personal experience and knowledge. Remember to be very
specific. Include concrete details and commentary.
c. End your paper with a concluding paragraph. The paragraph
restates the main idea, just in different words. It also
restates your thesis in a different way.
d. Revise and edit your paper. Take the time to make sure the
grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are
correct. If you are unable to participate in the ways above,
your grade will be based on this paper.
e. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you plagiarize, you will
get a ZERO on the exam.

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