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Knowledge combined with the human proficiency with innovation has led to the technological advancement of the
modern age. Collectively, these two aspects of humanity have contributed to our existence in innumerable ways and can
indeed be considered as the true architects of human civilization. Yet, neither human knowledge nor human ingenuity
has been self-sufficient in achieving this goal. While one can be termed as Science, the other one is called Engineering.

Science in basic sense is the knowledge of the universe, both physical and metaphysical, while it also encompasses the
process of acquiring this knowledge. It involves an exhaustive understanding of all phenomena in the world obtained by
initial observations or predictions and later verified by systematic and meticulous experimentation. Often it is termed as
the know-what of the human intelligence.

On the other hand, Engineering is the know-how of the human intellect. It is a process of devising various methods to
solve a problem, using available technologies, while adhering to all the constraints set by the physical world. These
methods challenge the human imagination and lead to new designs and innovations.

Due to todays industrial advancement, which heavily incorporates both these areas, it is quite difficult to distinguish
between Science and Engineering. While science is a systematic study of processes with well detailed observations and
definitive resolution, engineering deals with designing of systems and machines which depends heavily on intuition or
prior experience. While working with a limited set of resources, the engineers need to be able to manage well when
creating a design.

Engineering is practical whereas science is theoretical. Engineers need to check for the feasibility of their design by
ensuring it does not violate the laws of nature and must also take into consideration its cost-effectiveness, efficiency and
reliability. Furthermore, it is the duty of engineers to materialize this design into a fully functional model with the help of
accessible technologies. However, scientific research involves developing a hypothesis and verifying it with the help of
mathematical principles and statistical data.

Moreover, science and engineering vary in their responsibility towards the society and nature. It is the principle
requirement of engineers to take into account the safety aspects as well as the long term benefits of their inventions
towards the society. They must also guarantee that their inventions do not harm the nature or over exploit its resources.
On the contrary, scientists pursue their study without any such obligations as their work is essentially directed towards
enriching human knowledge without considering the practical aspects of it.

Over the ages, engineering has always contributed towards the technological advancement of mankind. From the
invention of wheel to the steam engine, from telescope to satellites, the ability of an engineer to successfully
incorporate available resources and technologies to invent machines that can satisfy our requirements has
revolutionized the world. However, it is only over the last few centuries that the influence of scientific research truly aid
engineering in the quest for advancement into the modern age. Through intensive study, science has opened new vistas
of universe which were formerly unknown and has provided a platform for the engineers to utilize their talents.

While the concept of science is to study the past and present aspects of the world, the concept of engineering is to
analyze the present and create a future world for humanity. Science and Engineering remain the two approaches
through which humans believe they can comprehend and refashion the world. While they may be different but it is only
through the proper balance of both Science and Engineering that mankind can achieve further technological

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