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CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical

ber sensor tec!nolog"

Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
fiber sensor technology
Application Number 200810098867 Application Date 2008.05.16
Publication Number 101294856 Publication Date 2008.10.29
Priority Information
Applicant)!* Name Nan+in, In!titute of In-u!try .ec/nolo,y
In0entor)!* Name 1u 'ui2/on,
Patent A,ency o-e %2204 Patent A,ent c/enyan,
Ab!tract./e in0ention -i!clo!e! an online multi3parameter monitorin, -e0ice of a fiber optic !en!or
tec/nolo,y ba!e- tran!former. ./e output en- of an 4546 fiber optic temperature !en!or mo-ule
unit7 t/e output en- of an 4546 fiber optic 0ibration !en!or mo-ule unit7 an- t/e output en- of an
4546 fiber optic noi!e !en!or mo-ule unit are connecte- 8it/ t/e input en- of a !en!in, !i,nal
interface con0er!in, circuit unit& t/e output en- of t/e !en!in, !i,nal interface con0er!in, circuit unit
i! connecte- 8it/ t/e input en- of a -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit& an- t/e output en- of t/e -i,ital
!i,nal proce!!in, unit an- a net8or9 interface are connecte- 8it/ t/e input en- of an output !oun-
an- li,/t alarm circuit unit. In t/e -e0ice7 t/e fiber optic !en!or! con-uct real3time !i,nal collection of
t/e parameter! of t/e tran!former in operatin, !tate7 an- t/e online monitorin, of t/e tran!former i!
reali2e- t/rou,/ -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in,. ./e temperature7 t/e 0ibration an- t/e noi!e parameter! of
t/e tran!former are tran!mitte- in real time in t/e manner of optical communication7 an- t/e online
real3time monitorin, of t/e tran!former in a po8er !y!tem i! reali2e- after -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in,.
:it/ t/e -e0ice7 unatten-e- tran!former! are reali2e-7 an- t/e monitorin, le0el of !afe operation of
t/e tran!former i! impro0e-.
#$gina 1 de 7
CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
ber sensor tec!nolog"
17 A online multi3parameter monitorin, -e0ice of tran!former of ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or tec/ni=ue7 /aracteri2e- in> it inclu-e! 4546 fibre optic temperature !en!or mo-ular unit
)1*7 4546 optical fibre 0ibration !en!or mo-ular unit )2*7 4546 optical fibre ultra!onic !en!or
mo-ular unit )%*7 tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit )4*7 -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit
)5* an- net8or9 interface an- output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit )four to !i?3tene/!*& 4546
fibre optic temperature !en!or mo-ular unit )1* output7 4546 optical fibre 0ibration !en!or mo-ular
unit )2* output an- 4546 noi!e in fiber lin9 !en!or mo-ule unit )%* output all are connecte- 8it/
tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit )4* input7.ran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter
circuit unit )4* output i! connecte- 8it/ -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit )5* input& Di,ital !i,nal
proce!!in, unit )5* output i! connecte- 8it/ t/e net8or9 interface an- t/e input of output !oun- an-
li,/t alarm circuit unit )four to !i?3tene/!*.
27 ./e online multi3parameter monitorin, -e0ice of tran!former of ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or tec/ni=ue accor-in, to claim 17 c/aracteri2e- in> -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit )5* unit inclu-e!
2000 !erial D6P! of .I.
%7 ./e online multi3parameter monitorin, -e0ice of tran!former of ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or tec/ni=ue accor-in, to claim 17 c/aracteri2e- in> tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit
unit )4* i! inclu-in, a !et of 6. !in,lec/ip.
47 ./e online multi3parameter monitorin, -e0ice of tran!former of ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or tec/ni=ue accor-in, to claim 17 c/aracteri2e- in> t/e net8or9 interface compri!e! net8or9
-ri0er c/ip7 @A45 connector7 N type trio-e an- po8er relay 8it/ output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit
unit )four to !i?3tene/!*.
57 ./e online multi3parameter monitorin, -e0ice of tran!former of ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or tec/ni=ue accor-in, to claim 17 c/aracteri2e- in> t/e net8or9 interface inclu-e! !oun- an-
li,/t alarm an- !/ort information of cell p/one 8arnin, 8it/ output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit
)four to !i?3tene/!*.
#$gina 2 de 7
CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
ber sensor tec!nolog"
The online multi-parameter monitoring device of transformer based on the !ibre Optical
Sensor techni"ue
The technical field
./e pre!ent in0ention relate! to a tran!former on3line monitor -e0ice7 i! one 9in- particularly
an- combine! to,et/er a-0ance 4<54 )4icro3<ptical35lectro34ec/anical 6y!tem7 micro3p/oto
-ynamoelectric !y!tem* t/e fiber optic !en!in, tec/nolo,y an- -ata ac=ui!ition an- analytic
tec/ni=ue7 t/rou,/ t/e net8or9 communication mo-e7 reali2e! t/e tran!former multi3parameter on3
line monitor -e0ice ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical 6en!or tec/ni=ue of po8er !y!tem tran!former
./e bac9,roun- art
./e tran!former i! t/e 9ey e=uipment in t/e po8er !y!tem7 an- it! ,oo- operation /a!
important meanin, to electric 8ire nettin, !afety.(ut in t/e tran!former in 8or97 becau!e t/e ine0itable
influence t/at recei0e! 0ariou! factor!! !uc/ a! electricity7 /eat7 0ibration7 en0ironment7 in!ulation
a,)e*in,7 t/e continuou! -e,ra-ation of it! tec/nical feature ma9e! t/e runnin, !tate not ,oo-.At
pre!ent7 t/e perio-ic in!pection an- t/e !afety e?periment are t/e main mean! of ,uaranteein, t/e
tran!former !afe operation7 an- ne0ert/ele!! becau!e t/e o0er/aul perio- i! lon,7 pre0ailin,
precautiou! te!t pro+ect i! in!en!iti0e7 untimely to t/e -e0elopin, internal fault! reflection of
tran!former7 an- t/e -e0elopment !pee- often can not in time be -i!co0er !e0eral -ay! to !e0eral
8ee9! local -efect7 lea-! to ta9in, place 0ariou! trouble! )li9e o0er/eat fault!7 -i!c/ar,in, fault7
o0er/eate- -i!c/ar,e fault!7 t/e mec/anical brea9-o8n etc. /el- concurrently* an- ma+or acci-ent
e0en7 arou!e! t/at part an- e0en lar,e tract! of lan- /a0e a po8er failure7 cau!e /u,e -irectne!! an-
in-irect economic lo!! an- !ocial influence.on!e=uently7 ur,ently nee- a-0ance tec/nolo,ical
mean!7 carry out online monitorin, effecti0ely to t/e tran!former7 ma!ter t/e runnin, !tate of
tran!former in real time7 maintain 8it/ t/e maintenance of pertinence to replace t/e perio-ic
in!pection7 re-uce t/e lo!! of outa,e7 reali2e t/e initial failure foreca!t7 a0oi- t/e !afe operation tar,et
of !eriou! acci-ent emer,ence../e online monitorin, of tran!former runnin, !tate i! t/e -e0elopment
tren- of tran!former !afe operation.
.ran!former many reference amount! optical fiber monitorin, tec/ni=ue i! ba!e- on t/e
a-0ance 4<54 of .8enty fir!t century )micro3p/oto -ynamoelectric !y!tem* t/e fiber optic !en!in,
tec/nolo,y7 t/rou,/ polytype ;ibre <ptical 6en!or7 a! 4546 fibre optic temperature !en!or7 4546
optical fibre 0ibration !en!or7 4546 optical fibre ultra!onic !en!or etc.7 t/e runnin, !tate of online
monitorin, tran!former !ince ;ibre <ptical 6en!or in!ulatin, ability e?cellence7 appearance !mall an-
e?=ui!ite7 -o not recei0e t/e electroma,netic interference7 !o can t/e -irect mount in!i-e t/e
#$gina 3 de 7
CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
ber sensor tec!nolog"
tran!former7 /a0e better -etection !en!iti0ity an- fault location ability.4onitor t/e runnin, !tate of
tran!former on line 8it/ t/e ;ibre <ptical 6en!or7 an- -irect 8it/ t/e li,/t !i,nal t/e mo-e 8it/ t/e
0alue of con!ult 0olume con0eyin, after t/e Di,ital 6i,nal Proce!!in,7 monitor t/e tran!former
runnin, !tate in real time on line7 !en- t/e operatin, -ata to tran!former !ub!tation control room or
control room in.:/en tran!former !/elf -epreciation 0olume e?cee- !tan-ar-7 tran!former oil an-
8in-in, focu! e?ce!! temperature i! o0er/eate-7 iron core an- 8in-in, -eformation7 8/en
mec/anical brea9-o8n !uc/ a! not /ar- up ta9e! place7 carry out !oun-7 li,/t 8arnin, automatically
an- !en- t/e 8arnin, 646 to t/e operator on -uty7 it pro0i-e! belie0able foun-ation to maintain for
t/e timely maintenance of tran!former7 reali2e! t/e unmanne- of tran!former7 impro0e! tran!former
!afe operation monitorin, le0el.(ecau!e t/e tran!former on3line monitor -e0ice a-opt! t/e fine
-etection tec/ni=ue of full ,lo!!7 t/e -etection probe an- t/e tran!mi!!ion line of in!tallation of
tran!former all are t/e optic fibre material7 con!e=uently7 -o not /a0e t/e electrical connection
bet8een on3line monitor -e0ice an- t/e tran!former7 -o not /a0e any influence to t/e electric 8ire
nettin,.Al!o t/ere i! not t/e tran!former multi3parameter on3line monitor -e0ice ba!e- on t/e ;ibre
<ptical 6en!or tec/ni=ue in t/e e?i!tin, mar9et.
./e -i!clo!ure of t/e in0ention
./e purpo!e of t/e in0ention pro0i-e! t/e tran!former multi3parameter on3line monitor -e0ice
ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical 6en!or tec/ni=ue7 an- t/e monitorin, -e0ice i! u!e- t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or an- i! carrie- out t/e @eal3.ime 6i,nal! collection to t/e tran!former multi3parameter of
runnin, !tate7 an- reali2e! online monitorin,7 reali2ation unmanne- an- automatic alarm 8it/ t/e
-i,ital !i,nal proce!!in,)D6P*.
./e purpo!e of t/e in0ention reali2e! li9e t/i!>
A tran!former on3line monitor -e0ice of ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical 6en!or tec/ni=ue7 It inclu-e!
4546 fibre optic temperature !en!or mo-ular unit7 4546 optical fibre 0ibration !en!or mo-ular unit7
4546 noi!e in fiber lin9 !en!or mo-ule unit7 tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit7 D6P
unit7 net8or9 interface an- output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit& 4546 fibre optic temperature
!en!or mo-ular unit output7 4546 optical fibre 0ibration !en!or mo-ular unit output7 4546 noi!e in
fiber lin9 !en!or mo-ule unit output all are connecte- 8it/ tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter
circuit unit input7.ran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit output i! connecte- 8it/ t/e -i,ital
!i,nal proce!!in, unit input& ./e -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit output i! connecte- 8it/ t/e net8or9
interface an- t/e input of output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit.
In t/e in0ention7 4546 fibre optic temperature !en!or mo-ular unit output .11@11 lin9! to
eac/ ot/er 8it/ tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit input7 an- 4546 optical fibre
0ibration !en!or mo-ular unit output .12@12 lin9! to eac/ ot/er 8it/ tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface
con0erter circuit unit input7 an- 4546 noi!e in fiber lin9 !en!or mo-ule unit output .1%@1% lin9! to
eac/ ot/er 8it/ tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit input..ran!-ucin, !i,nal interface
#$gina 4 de 7
CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
ber sensor tec!nolog"
con0erter circuit unit output .1@1<N1 lin9! to eac/ ot/er 8it/ t/e -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit
input.Di,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit output .145@145<B.13n lin9! to eac/ ot/er 8it/ t/e input of
net8or9 interface 8it/ output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit.
In t/e in0ention7 !ai- -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit compri!e! 2000 !erial D6P! of .I an- le0el
tran!lation c/ip 74CD14..ran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit i! by a !et of multi3-i!c
6. !in,lec/ip an- )6.895402* an- 6erial ommunication -ri0in, c/ip 4A12%2 an- connector
D(9 con!titution../e net8or9 interface compri!e! net8or9 -ri0er c/ip7 @A45 connector7 N type trio-e
an- po8er relay )AE3%;312DD* 8it/ output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit.
./e t/eory of operation of t/e in0ention i!> accor-in, to t/e !pecification of t/e online multi3
parameter monitorin, of tran!former7 !et! for temperature parameter7 t/e 0ibration parameter! an-
!uper!oun- parameter in tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit !in,lec/ip an- -i,ital
!i,nal proce!!in, unit.A--in, t/e electrician an- -oin, t/e bac97 !in,lec/ip an- D6P c/ip D6P carry
out t/e initiali2ation operation7 an- t/e bac9 i! accompli!/e- in t/e initiali2ation7 an- t/e C5D in t/e
-e0ice pro0i-e! t/e !tatu! !i,nal of !cintillation7 an- t/e -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit i! importe- after
pa!!in, t/rou,/ t/e con0er!ion of t/e parameter !i,nal onfucian cla!!ic! an- commentarie! !en!e
!i,nalin, interface con0erter circuit unit t/at t/e @62%2 !erial communication mout/ e?porte- to t/e
multic/annel ;ibre <ptical 6en!or7 after t/e Di,ital 6i,nal Proce!!in,7 !en- t/e operatin, -ata to
!ub!tation control room or control room in.:/en tran!former emer,ence abnormal con-ition!7 carry
out !oun-7 li,/t 8arnin, automatically an- !en- 8arnin, 6467 reali2ation unmanne- to t/e operator
on -uty.
In t/e in0ention7 t/e -etection probe of in!tallation of tran!former an- tran!mi!!ion line all are
t/e optic fibre material7 con!e=uently7 -o not /a0e t/e electrical connection bet8een on3line monitor
-e0ice an- t/e tran!former7 -o not /a0e any influence to t/e electric 8ire nettin,.
./e in0ention combine! to,et/er t/e p/otoelectric !en!in, tec/nolo,y an- t/e -i,ital !i,nal
proce!!in,)D6P*7 i! un-erta9en t/e real3time tran!mi!!ion to t/e temperature of tran!former7
0ibration an- !uper!oun- parameter by t/e mo-e of optical communication7 reali2e! t/e online multi3
parameter real3time -etection function of po8er !y!tem tran!former after t/e Di,ital 6i,nal
Proce!!in,../e in0ention /a! reali2e- unmanne- an- automatic alarm7 i! bran-3ne87 an an- !afe
an- reliable tran!former multi3parameter on3line monitor -e0ice7 /a! fairly ,oo- application pro!pect
an- mar9et pro!pect!../e in0ention 8ill impro0e tran!former !afe operation online monitorin,
tec/nolo,y le0el ,reatly7 to re-ucin, t/e operation of po8er net8o9! co!t7 reali2e t/e !ub!tation
automation an- !cientific mana,ement7 en!ure better t/at t/e reliable !ecurity of po8er pro-uction i!
./e -e!cription of -ra8in,!
./e circuit !tructure bloc9 -ia,ram of 1 in0ention in t/e picture&
#$gina 5 de 7
CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
ber sensor tec!nolog"
;i,ure 2 i! a circuit -ia,ram of in0ention .
./e -etaile- -e!cription of t/e in0ention
A tran!former on3line monitor -e0ice t/at t/e in0ention i! !ai- ba!e- on t/e ;ibre <ptical
6en!or tec/ni=ue7 inclu-in, 4546 fibre optic temperature !en!or mo-ular unit 17 4546 optical fibre
0ibration !en!or mo-ular unit 27 4546 noi!e in fiber lin9 !en!or mo-ule unit %7 D6P unit 57
tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit 47 net8or9 interface an- output !oun- an- li,/t
alarm circuit unit four to !i?3tene/!.
1 output .11@11 of 4546 fibre optic temperature !en!or mo-ular unit lin9! to eac/ ot/er 8it/
4 input! of tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit.2 output .12@12 of 4546 optical fibre
0ibration !en!or mo-ular unit lin9 to eac/ ot/er 8it/ 4 input! of tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter
circuit unit.% output .1%@1% of 4546 noi!e in fiber lin9 !en!or mo-ule unit lin9 to eac/ ot/er 8it/ 4
input! of tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit.4 output .1@1<N1 of tran!-ucin, !i,nal
interface con0erter circuit unit lin9 to eac/ ot/er 8it/ 5 input! of -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit.5 output
.145@145<B.13n of -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit lin9 to eac/ ot/er 8it/ t/e input of net8or9
interface 8it/ output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit four to !i?3tene/!.
.ran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit 4 can /a0e t/e ;ibre <ptical 6en!or of a
plurality of confi,uration @62%2 !erial port! !imultaneou!ly../e 5 confi,uration 104'F of -i,ital
!i,nal proce!!in, unit an- t/e 1004'F net8or9 ban-8i-t/ are communicate- 8it/ !ub!tation control
room or control room../e net8or9 interface can pro0i-e t/e !oun- an- li,/t alarm of 0ariou! 8ay!
an- t/e me!!a,e alarm of cell3p/one 8it/ output !oun- an- li,/t alarm circuit unit four to !i?3tene/!
(efore t/e in0ention i! u!e-7 accor-in, to t/e !pecification of t/e online multi3parameter
monitorin, of tran!former7 !et for temperature parameter7 t/e 0ibration parameter! an- !uper!oun-
parameter in tran!-ucin, !i,nal interface con0erter circuit unit !in,lec/ip an- -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in,
unit.A--in, t/e electrician an- -oin, t/e bac97 !in,lec/ip an- D6P c/ip D6P carry out t/e
initiali2ation operation7 an- t/e bac9 i! accompli!/e- in t/e initiali2ation7 an- t/e C5D in t/e -e0ice
pro0i-e! t/e !tatu! !i,nal of !cintillation7 an- t/e -i,ital !i,nal proce!!in, unit i! importe- after
pa!!in, t/rou,/ t/e con0er!ion of t/e parameter !i,nal onfucian cla!!ic! an- commentarie! !en!e
!i,nalin, interface con0erter circuit unit t/at t/e @62%2 !erial communication mout/ e?porte- to t/e
multic/annel ;ibre <ptical 6en!or7 after t/e Di,ital 6i,nal Proce!!in,7 !en- t/e operatin, -ata to
!ub!tation control room or control room in.:/en tran!former emer,ence abnormal con-ition!7 t/e
in0ention i! automatic to be carrie- out !oun-7 li,/t 8arnin, an- !en-! 8arnin, 6467 reali2ation
unmanne- to t/e operator on -uty.
./e in0ention combine! to,et/er t/e p/otoelectric !en!in, tec/nolo,y an- t/e -i,ital !i,nal
proce!!in,)D6P*7 i! un-erta9en t/e real3time tran!mi!!ion to t/e temperature of tran!former7
#$gina 6 de 7
CN101294856 Transformer device on-line multi-parameter monitoring device based on optical
ber sensor tec!nolog"
Dibration an- noi!e parameter by t/e mo-e of optical communication7 reali2e! t/e online multi3
parameter real3time -etection of po8er !y!tem tran!former after t/e Di,ital 6i,nal Proce!!in,7 an-
can reali2e unmanne- an- automatic alarm7 an- it i! !afe an- reliable.
#$gina 7 de 7

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