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Surah Shura (42: 4-5)

Background: The meaning of this surah is consultation. Allah does not want people
to have blind faith. He wants them to think. Before Islam, the tribal system made
people slaves to their chiefs. They followed their chiefs commands like puppets
without thinking for once, why? But Allah asked Rasulallah to consult his people so
that they get a chance to ponder over the commands of Allah, their only true Lord.
Main Theme: In these verses of surah shura it is said that Allah is the master and
owner of the earth. No one shares this authority and power. And your Allah is one
Allah; there is no God but Him, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The angels
glorify and praise Him and seek His forgiveness for those on earth. Allah is most
forgiving and merciful. Allah says, But seek the forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is oft-
forgiving most merciful.
Importance: This surah helps man understand the superiority of Allah. It is not blind
faith but Allah Himself has asked us to ponder and no matter how hard and long we
think we will not find a thing that doesnt testify Allahs existence; because Islam is
the religion closest to nature and reality. If we believe in this surah and follow it, this
will develop thought and intellect; it will increase taqwa and make ones belief
Theme in Distinctive Way:
Allah is the Creator, the Master, the Sustainer, the Cherisher and Lord of the Heaven,
the Earth and all that exists between and within. No one has share in his knowledge
power or authority. Lord of the Heavens and of the earth and all between them.
The angels on one side glorify and praise Allah and on the other side seek
forgiveness of Allah for His creations on earth.Allah is One and only. And there is
none like unto Him. Since Allah is most forgiving and merciful, he forgives the sins
of those who transgress His commands ad reject His message. There are 100 parts
of Allahs mercy and He has sent down out of these one part of mercy upon the
jinn and human beings and insects and it is because of this one part they show love
and kindness to others, and Allah has reserved 99 parts of mercy with which He
would treat His servants on the Day of Resurrection. On the occasion of Isra and
Miraj Allah promised Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.) that He will forgive all the sins
of his Ummah if they havent committed shirk. Besides Allahs mercy His greatness
and supremacy cannot be compared to anything. He created the entire universe and
all that exists from a bacteria in the core if the earth to the biggest blue whale in the
deepest oceans. Verily, He created the earth in six days and then rose over the
throne. Allahs existence is the source of all life on earth and the whole entire
Surah Al-An am (6: 75-79)
Background: This is the 6
surah of the Quran. Al-An am means the Cattle. Ibrahim,
son of Azar belonged to an idol-worshipping family in Ur, Iraq. His father used to be
an idol maker and chief bishop. By age 7 to 14 Ibrahim used to play with the idols
and so he was beaten. He used to say how one could make a God out of clay and
worship it. By age 22 he wanted to see if he was wrong. He tried finding a god in
stars and the sky but failed. Then he broke all the idols while everyone was one for a
festival. People threw him into the fire but Allah saved him. He was expelled.
Main Theme: The verses describe the gradual enlightenment of Ibrahim. He lived
amongst idolaters who had knowledge of the heavenly bodies. He didnt believe in
idols. So he looked at the star, the sun and the moon to find God in them but since
they all disappeared he didnt want to believe in them. Finally he realized that the
true god was the creator master and sustainer of all these heavenly bodies and all
that exists. Abraham was indeed a model devoutly obedient to Allah (and) true in
faith and he joined not gods with Allah.But his people denied him and expelled
him. See they not how Allah originate the creation, and then repeats it. Verily that
is easy for Allah.
Importance: The verses show the importance in practical life of observing and
common sense. They also help develop Taqwa and increase faith in Tawheed.
Theme in a Distinctive Way:
Islam teaches us to ponder and observe the system of Allah around us. Travel in the
land and see how (Allah) originated the creation, and then Allah will bring forth the
creation of the Hereafter. Verily Allah is able to do all things. The best example
related to this is of hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) Ibrahim lived among the Chaldeans who
held great knowledge about the heavenly bodies and stars. His family worshipped
idols but he didnt believe in them. He looked for a God and pondered over the
system of the universe. First he thought that God was in the stars, or the sun or the
moon but they all disappeared. He knew a Gods existence should be everlasting and
not temporary; his Lord would be the master of everything. The originator of the
heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says it to Be!-and it
is. that was when he realized the truth and believed in one True God. He created
all that is in the heavens and the earth in 6 days and then rose over the throne.A
Muslim should be driven by the common sense in Islam to become closer to Allah
and strengthen his faith; after all he has to be answerable to Him on the Day of
Judgment. We all have to return to him in the end. Allah (alone) originates the
creation, and then He will repeat it, then to Him you will be returned.

Surah Al- Alaq (96: 1-5)
Background: This is the 96
surah of the Quran. Alaq means clot of congealed blood.
This surah is the beginning of revelation. Prophet (S.A.W) used to go to the cave Hira
for meditation when angel Gabriel came to him and told him to read, prophet
replied that he couldnt, Gabriel said it 3 times and the same reply was given, then
Gabriel squeezed him and started reciting the verses, so did the prophet. These 5
verses were revealed. Prophet related this to his wife, trembling. She got it
confirmed from her cousin that it was the same angel who came to Moses.
Main Theme: These verses describe the origin of man from a clot of congealed
blood. From a fluid-like slug shaped thing (the stages of pregnancy). It is great favour
of Allah (S.W.T.) that although man started from an insignificant state but Allah
honoured him and exalted him by giving him knowledge and wisdom and taught him
the use of the pen. And He taught Adam all the names (of everything) then He
showed them to the angels and said, tell me the names of these if you are
truthful. He made man the best and smartest species.
Importance: The surah tells the importance of knowledge, how it made man from a
clot to a human. It tells about the true creation and importance of mankind. And also
teaches about acquiring knowledge, Acquire knowledge even if you have to go to
China; and Allahs blessings.
Theme in a Distinctive Way:
Adam was created by gathering sand from all the continents and bowing the soul
into him, and then Eve was created from his rib bone. And indeed We created man
from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud. The rest were created by the clot of
congealed blood-primary state of the embryo; and a soul is blown into each
individual. When the soul is blown an angel brings a pinch where one will be buried,
mixed with that matter which is the person. Mohammed (S.A.W.) was an illiterate
man but his mind and soul were filled with spiritual knowledge, the time had come
and he became a prophet. He was taught by Allah that there is no God but Allah.
And your Allah is one Allah; there is no God but Him, the Most Gracious, Most
Merciful. The surah also mentions the lowly origin of the human contrasted with
the high density offered to him in his intellectual, moral and spiritual nature. The fact
that humans are called Ashraful Makhlooqat is in itself a proof of the qualities
bestowed on man. Has there not been over man a period of time when he was not
a thing worth mentioning. Allah taught man the art of writing-pen also refers to
the transmission of knowledge. He taught man what man did not know. Mans
knowledge is limited; he is only given what Allah wishes to give. Nor shall they
compass aught of His knowledge except as He wills.
Surah Maida (5: 110)
Background: This is the 5
surah of the Quran. Maida means the table with spread
food. The surah describes the miracles of Allah which includes the tale of Isa-the son
of Mari yam who was the daughter of Imran. Mari yam after going through puberty
got pregnant even though she was a virgin, by Jib rail who blew a soul into her
womb. The son was Isa. After the miraculous pregnancy, the baby was delivered as
Allah told her to shake a tree and eat its dates. Then she was told to go in public with
her baby. Although she was scared, she went, the baby spoke. This was another
Main Theme: The surah recounts the miracles of Allah. The verses describe a scene
of the day of Reckoning when Allah will recount His blessings on Prophet Isa, who as
born without a father, spoke as a child, But Allah raised him to Himself (and he is
in the heavens). And Allah is Ever-All Powerful and All-Wise, he was given prophet
hood, the Gospel, the wisdom, and the law. He could make birds out of clay and
blow life into them. He could also heal and cure the sick. He was raised to the
heaven. And at the time of Dajjal he will kill him. This shows Allahs power and
blessings over all things. And there is none like unto Him.
Importance: The surah tells us of Allahs miracles, and blessings. We should devote in
his worship. And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. It
increases Taqwa and trust on the accountability of the Prophet (S.A.W.) as he related
how Isa will return and break the cross.
Theme in a Distinctive Way:
Allah holds all power. His miracles are proofs of His Greatness and Majesty. The life
of Jesus is a proof in itself. First, his birth without a father, he was miraculously born.
Then when he spoke as an infant-a mere new born- and testified his mothers purity.
He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Afterwards when he
grew up he was bestowed the knowledge, the Gospel, the wisdom, the prophet
hood and the law. And Allah will teach him the Book and Wisdom the Law and the
Gospel. Isa then conveyed people the message. Isa was blessed with many miracles.
He could blow life into a bird of clay. He could heal the blinds and the lepers and
bring back the dead with the help and power of Allah. His people denied him and
called him a magician and tried crucifying him. He was raised to the heaven by Allah
and remains there. He will return at the time of Dajjal and end his tyranny, and finish
the concept of crucifixion. Behold! Allah said: O Jesus I will take you and raise you
to Myself an clear you (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme. Muslims must
believe in Allah and his unlimited and unattainable power. We are to believe in these
miracles, as they strengthen our faith and bring us closer to Allah and give us hope.

Surah Az-Zilzal
Background: Earlier people did not believe in the Last Day and resurrection, as they
did not understand how the dead will be brought to life. The surah was revealed to
warn mankind about judgment so we can increase our good deeds as our final
destination depends on our actions in this world. It says every minor deed will too be
Main Theme: Surah Zilzal explains the stages of the Last Day, and how resurrection
will occur. And when the graves are turned upside down, then shall each soul
know what it has sent forward and what it has kept behind. Allah will inspire the
earth to speak and justify the acts of every person. And they will say to their skins:
Why do you testify against us? And they will say: Allah has caused us to speak.
He causes all things to speak. And He created you and to Him you are made to
return. Men will be sorted into different groups according to their deeds.
Importance: Surah Zilzal is equal to 1000 ayahs in its fazeelat. It builds up Taqwa and
encourages men to seek Allahs forgiveness for their wrongdoings and avoid evil in
this world for a better hereafter.
Theme in a Distinctive Way:
In Surah Zilzal the supreme convulsion of the earth is described. It describes the
stages of Akhirah. First the earth will be destroyed due to a huge convulsion,
everyone will die. Every soul must taste of Death. and the earth will throw out all
that it has. And when the Earth is flattened out and casts forth what is within it
and becomes empty. The second stage would be resurrection and all the men will
come back to life. Man will ponder about what is happening all around him. They will
be told that the time for them to testify against their deeds has arrived. The third
stage would be Judgment. Every soul will be paid in full fruit of its deed and Allah
knows best they all do. Men will be sorted into groups according to their deeds in
this world. All the deeds will be written down and presented to them as a book.
They say: Ah! Woe to us! What a book is this! It leaves nothing small or great but
takes account thereof! They will find all that they did place before them. Belief in
the hereafter and the Day of Judgment is n integral part of faith. A Muslim must
believe in this because any individual who believes in this strive for this world and for
a better life in the next world, as he will shun vices and perform his duties sue this
fear of Allah.

Surah An-Naas
Background: A Jew once cast black magic on Prophet (S.A.W.), who dreamt about
the magic and the well where its source was hidden. Ali (R.A.) retrieved from the
well the Voodoo doll with 11 pins in it and the comb which had the hair of the
Prophet tied in 11 knots in its teeth. Surah Naas was revealed along with Surah Falaq
and as the Prophet recited, the pins came out and the knots untied.
Main Theme: In this surah refuge with Allah is sought, who is the Lord of mankind,
from evil sources that are within the person, around the person. These forces attack
him and then retreat and then attack and retreat over and over again. They deviate
man from the right path. Deviations maybe from Satan, evil men or mans own self.
This surah is recited for protection. I seek refuge with you from the suggestions of
the evil ones.
Importance: Satan had challenged Allah to misguide man upon which Allah said
according to the Prophet, Those who follow you will go to hell with you. Surah
Naas protects us from all evils and warns us about the evil forces surrounding us. It
also teaches us to annihilate evil from the society and spread that what is good.
Enjoin good and forbid evil
Theme in a Distinctive Way:
This surah as revealed along with Surah Falaq. They are both called by a common
name Muawwidhatayn. They were revealed to seek refuge from Allah against evil.
Aisha (R.A.) said that whenever Prophet (S.A.W.) as suffering from illness, he used
to recite the Muawwidhatayn over himself and blow over himself. Then if his pain
got severe Aisha (R.A.) would recite the Muawwidhatayn and take his hand and
wipe it over him seeking the blessing of those Surahs. She also said that whenever
Prophet (S.A.W.) went to bed every night, he would cup his hands together and
blow over it after reciting Surah Naas, Falaq and Ikhlas and then rub his hands over
whatever part of his body he was able to. The evil whisperer whispers in mans
heart consecutively when man becomes absent minded and heedless but retreats
when man remembers Allah. Evil can come from men; man himself, Satan and jinn,
that are hidden from mans eyes. Likewise did We make for every Messenger an
enemy evil ones among men and jinn inspiring each other with flowery discourse
and ways of deception. This Surah warns man of evil around him and tells him to
remember Allah all the time before sleeping, in pain, before and after Salah etc.

Surah Ad-Duha
Background: According to traditions, after a few revelations, Allah paused the
revelations for a while; the purpose of which was to calm down Prophet (S.A.W.)s
nerves and prepare him for the next. However Prophet (S.A.W.) thought that the
pause was due to the displeasure of Allah and he got so distressed that he wanted to
commit suicide. Then this surah was revealed to console him.
Main Theme: Allah compares the day and night differentiating between work
(revelations) and rest (the pause) to tell him that He is not displeased. He recounts
His blessings on the Prophet (S.A.W.) about his knowledge, prophet hood etc. And
thus We have sent to you a Ruh from Our command. You knew neither what the
book is nor what faith is. But We have made it a light wherewith We guide
whosoever of Our servants We will. He tells the Prophet that Allah has not
abandoned him and that there are abundant blessings coming his way.
Importance: The surah instructs us to be kind to the needy, the poor and the
orphans and always thank Allah for the blessings He bestowed upon us and be
patient. And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the petitioner for
love of Him.
Theme in a Distinctive Way:
Allah has assured the Prophet (S.A.W.) a better life than the life in this world. In
another verse Allah says, And (O Mohammed) follow the revelation sent to you
and be patient till Allah gives judgment. And He is the best of judges.Prophet
(S.A.W.) always refrained from worldly things and chose that which is with Allah over
this life when he was given an option of remaining in this life forever or moving on to
Allahs company. Prophet (S.A.W.) was an orphan but never suffered the
deprivations of an orphan because Allah put him in the care of his grandfather and
uncle. Allah made him rich by marriage to Khadijah. He was bestowed with the
guidance, the Book, the knowledge, and prophet hood. Allah has ordered us to take
care of the poor; And man has sinned enough if he neglects to feed those in
need, orphans and be kind to the petitioner. Even prophet (S.A.W.) was an orphan.
The best house of a Muslim is one which contains an orphan who is well-treated,
and the worst house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is
treated badly. Muslims must be patient and thankful to Allah in every condition;
whether destitute or wealthy, depressed or happy, sickness or in health. Whoever
overcomes some test (i.e. calamity) and mentions it to others, then he was indeed
ungrateful. And whoever conceals it, then indeed he was thankful.

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