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Role of Change Agent in Organizational Development & Change

Change agents are the persons who initiate change and manage change in the
organizations. They are specialized in theory and practice of managing changes. The
change agent may be a member of organization or an outsider such as a consultant.
An internal agent very well knows the organization and have ability, knowledge and
experience of directing people for changes. But, internal agent is removed from
regular duties to concentrate on the transition. owever, external agents view the
organization from the system point of view and is much affected by the organization
norms. Top managers also prefer hiring specialized consultant change agents as
they can offer more ob!ective prospective than insiders. "xternal experts are,
however, not well aware of the desires and attributes of the employees, therefore,
the changes suggested by them are generally resisted by the employees.
Change agents have five set of powers as support of managers is essential but not
enough. #ollowing are the powers,
$. igh status given by the members of the client organization, based on their
perception that the change agent is similar to them in behaviour, language
%. Trust based on his consistent handling of information and maintaining proper
role in the organization.
&. "xpertise in the practice of organizational change.
'. Credibility based on experience with previous clients.
(. )issatisfied constitutions who see the change agents as the best opportunity
to change the organization to meet their needs.
There are four subject matters which a change agent can change.
Structure *tructure is defined as how the tasks are formally divided,
grouped and co+ordinated. #or inastance, change in plant layout or new
techni,ue can only succeed when the structure is changed according to
change in environment. e may also change responsibility, authority,
functions, performance according to the need of the change. e might also
redesign !obs or work schedule.
Technolog! The introduction of new e,uipment and work process is
technological change. Automation or computerization is the common
technological change. -a!or technological changes involve introduction of new
tools and e,uipment, automation, computerization.
"eople This involves changing attitudes and behaviour of members thorugh
communication, decision making and problem solving. They help individuals
to work more efficiently and effectively together. The changes may only be
possible in case the members are positive. .n case there is lack of agreement,
stress and tension occurs with the employees.
"h!sical Setting .t involves change in interior design, e,uipment
placement, plant layout, tool placement. These changes are helpful in
organizational development. /hysical setting considers flow process,
information flow and outcome. The smoothness of flow increases the
effectiveness of changes.
Top 10 Competencies for Change Agents
September 13, 2012, 1:04 pm
Filed under: Change !"ecution, C# $esources, %rgani&ation Change #anagement,
'eople Change #anagement, 'rofessional (e)elopment * Tags: Agents, Change
#anagement, +in,ed-n, 'rofessional (e)elopment
.hat competencies should leaders and agents e"cel at to be successful/ Are 0ou building
a Communit0 of 'ractice or Centre of !"cellence/ .hat1s on 0our list/
2elo3 is m0 topten list for change agents43ith a bonus for change targets5 A pre)ious
post pro)ided m0 top ten list for change leaders5
Late addition: Some might ask why there is no mention of methodologies or tools here
to which I would like to quote my friend Tamara Moore A fool with a tool is still a
fool !erha"s the two single most critical success factors in e#ecuting change are the
quality of the s"onsor and the agent So what makes for quality$
Change Agents
15 Trustworthiness6As change agents, 3e need to earn the respect of leaders
7uic,l0 so the0 3ill seriousl0 consider our ad)ice and factor it into their
decisions5 This is the foundation of a relationship of partnering that recogni&es the
)alue each brings to the relationship5 -t begins 3ith %eing trustworthy and
demonstrating this e)er0 da0, in e)er0 3a04from being on time 8i5e5, reliable9 to
being insightful 8i5e5, adding )alue95 #ore in :10 Tips for 2ecoming a Trusted
Ad)isor in Change #anagement;5
25 Resilience6Thin, of the old T-#!< slogan :ta,es a lic,ing and ,eeps on
tic,ing;5 :$esilience is the abilit0 to absorb high le)els of disrupti)e change 3hile
displa0ing minimal d0sfunctional beha)ior5 $esilient people sidestep the
d0sfunctions of future shoc, because the0 are pliable and ha)e a high capacit0 to
rebound5; 8:=uman $esilience (uring Change;, Conner 'artners .hite 'aper95
All indi)iduals in the change benefit from de)eloping resilience5 2ecause change
agents are in the fra0, - belie)e the0 benefit most from this5
35 Conflict management6Stress often leads to d0sfunction that, at its most e"treme,
e"presses itself in conflict5 The abilit0 to remain calm and ob>ecti)e and to help
others 3or, out their differences in constructi)e and healing 3a0s is important5
$ic, #auer has an insightful summar0 in his 3or, on resistance: :le)el one6-
don1t get it? le)el t3o6- don1t li,e it? le)el three6- don1t li,e 0ou;5 Change
agents must de)elop the abilit0 to understand 3hen beha)iors e"pressed as :-
don1t li,e 0ou; 8an0one in the )icinit0, but particularl0 change agents9 are actuall0
resistance to the change5
45 Coaching6Fe3 resources 8leaders, agents, or targets9 in the change process ha)e
all the competencies necessar0 to transition5 @reat coaching helps resources
understand and de)elop in specific areas5 Change agents need to be able to earn
the trust of others and confront the difficult con)ersations through coaching 3ith
respect and candor5
A5 Facilitation6Change is about mo)ing people1s thin,ing5 %ften this happens in
meetings5 The role of the facilitator is to ob>ecti)el0 structure and run e)ents such
that energ0 is focused on the topic and all rele)ant participants are heard5
-nformation and perspecti)es are shared5 Anal0sis is generated and decisions are
made5 -ndi)iduals enter the room 3ith their o3n isolated starting position and
lea)e 3ith a fuller understanding of the group1s perspecti)es5 Agreement is not
necessaril0 re7uired, but engagement informs the participant1s decision regarding
his or her o3n le)el of commitment5
B5 Advanced communication skills6Cot broadcasting, but rather t3o3a0 engaging
dialogue, listening and tal,ing5 The abilit0 to surface resistance and help
indi)iduals tal, through it is essential5 Sometimes people don1t 3ant to commit to
the change5 @etting them to the point that the0 3ill ma,e a decision is difficult,
and essential 8e)en, perhaps especiall0, 3hen the ans3er is :- 3ill not commit to
this change;95
D5 Emotional Intelligence6:The abilit0 to manage oneself6to ha)e selfa3areness
and selfregulation6is the )er0 basis of managing others, in man0 3a0s5;
8:(aniel @oleman on +eadership and The 'o3er of !motional -ntelligence;,
Forbes, Sept 1A 201195 -f !E is important to :managing others; imagine ho3
important it is to helping others transition change5
F5 Tolerance for ambiguity and the ability to manage polarities6%ne of the
distinguishing features of transformational change is that the change is constantl0
changing5 The phrase :3e are building the bridge as 3e 3al, on it; comes to
mind5 The )ar0ing high le)els and d0namic nature of ambiguit0 and constant
changes in direction 3ears on people5 -t 3ears on leaders, agents, and targets5
2eginning 3ith a high a3areness of the nature of transformational change and
resilience helps5
G5 Service mindset6Change agents act in ser)ice of the organi&ation, specificall0
the sponsor5 The0 must de)elop anal0sis, ad)ocate for recommendation, and
support decisions5
105 ove of learning6The fields of strateg0 e"ecution and change management are
so broad and so deep that the path to master0 can be both fulfilling and long5
Knowledge Base
!ature of change6.hile this is onl0 one bullet, the content behind it is huge5
Hnderstanding different magnitudes of change, and ho3 humans respond to it, is a
deep science5
"ow organi#ations work$%rgani&ation design6and ho3 the0 reall0 3or,
8politics and other human d0namics9
Consulting Skills
%ro&ect 'anagement
(usiness Analysis
Bonus ListChange Targets
!ature of Change6Change is first an indi)idual >ourne05 An understanding of
the nature of change empo3ers people to ta,e more control in their o3n li)es and
in their careers5
Resilience 8as noted abo)e9
%ersonal responsibility6!mplo0ees 3ho ta,e responsibilit0 for themsel)es ma,e
informed choices and the0 accept responsibilit0 for their actions, and nonactions5
The0 figure out 3hether the0 3ill participate in the change and are selfa3are
enough to a)oid )ictimi&ation5

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