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History I

Muslims in the Philippines by Cesar Adib Majul

Chapter 1
Definitions of Terms:
1. Tarsila/Salislas written enealoi!al a!!ounts of "ultans and Datus
#. Khalif/Caliph "u!!essor to the Prophet $Sallawlahu alaylahi wa salam/".A.".%
&. hadith propheti! tradition $the Prophet's ("A") presumed opinions%
*. khutbah sermon deli+ered by an imam after the ,riday noon prayer $Salat al-
-. Tartib e.presses the rule i+in the !riteria for the !hoi!e of a "ultan as well as
the pro!edure or proto!ol that should o+ern the relations between the ruler/ the
o+ernin !lass and the subje!ts.
0. Sejarah Melayu Malay Annals that tra!e the enealoy of the first Mela1an
"ultan Iskandar Shah/Iskandar ulkarnain to as far as the line of Ale.ander the
3. Kitab boo1let or notes that show not only the list of "ultans who reined but
also some of the salient features of their !hara!ters and e.ploits.
4. Sharia 5oly 6aw $!omposed of the !ontents of the !uran" hadith #udsi" Ijima
and !iyas7 but sometimes/ in Mindanao e.tended to $dat%.
8. %ajah Muda heir apparent
19. &ran' Selat sea:farin peoples li+in alon the "traits of Temase1/"inapore
and ;atam.
Chapter #
Theories in the <slami=ation of the Malaysian >orld:
1. Trade theory Muslim traders brouht <slam alon with their mer!handise hen!e
were also reliious mentors.
#. Missionary theory thru the wor1s of professional tea!hers of the ,aith?maybe
Sufi tare#at $members of Sufi mysti! brotherhood%.
&. Politi!al theory the adoption of <slam by the lo!al rulers and the !ourt for
politi!al moti+es where Muslim traders enjoyed the prote!tion of !on+erted rulers
while the traders supported the rulers with their e!onomi! resour!es.
*. @!onomi! theory with the lo!al rulers' !on+ersion to <slam/ they were able to
parti!ipate more e.tensi+ely and profitably in the international trade in the area
from the Aed "ea to the China "ea.
-. <t satisfied !ertain spiritual aspirations and e.pe!tations or it freed the nati+es
from the deradin !aste systems $the part of "@A that were under the 5indu
Madjapahit @mpire pra!ti!ed the !aste or (arna system%.
0. Crusader theory <slam ser+ed as a for!e !ountera!tin the !omin of >estern
imperialism and Christian !oloni=ation durin the 10
Time:line of @+ents Aesponsible for the "pread of <slam in "outheast Asia:

03* C@ presen!e of forein Muslim !olony in the west !oast of "umatra
434 C@ )uan' Cha* sa!1ed Khanfu that led to the dispersion of Persian and Arab
and Persian Muslim traders to other parts of "outheast Asia.
::this is followed by the Muslim traders' settlement at Kalah $present:day
Around 8-9 Arab traders were ba!1 in Chuan Ch*u/,aitun
::The presen!e of the two routes of the -anhai $southern sea route from China
to the other parts of Asia: the >estern -anhai?hued the mainland !oast
of Asia7 the @astern -anhai?!rosses the China "ea to Taiwan/ the pro!eed
to .u )sun' $6u=on%/ Bolo/ ;orneo then to Ba+a.
833 /u--i $eastern ;orneo% sent embassy to China headed by a !ertain /u $li 0$bu
84# a ship arri+ed in Canton from Ma-i/M*-1i/Ma-it !arryin +aluable mer!handise
$13 Mar!h/ 1991C?the 1in of /u Tu-an/2utuan in Min-t*-lan' $Mindanao%/
brouht old to the Dorthern "un !apital of /ien .ian'/Kai 3en'%
19#-?19&- e.isten!e of Muslim settlements in /han %an'/Champa $@astern
194# presen!e of a flourishin Muslim !olony in .eran $@astern Ba+a%.
1#4#?two en+oys from Samudra/Sumatra/ )asan and Sulayman/ went to China
1#8# Mar!o Polo obser+ed that the nati+es of /erlak had been !on+erted to <slam
1#83?Malik as-Salih/ the first Muslim ruler of Samudra-/asai $"umatra% died.
5e is belie+ed to be a ;anali who married a prin!ess of nearby /erlak.
1&9& a hih minister of state of Tren''anu $eastern !oast of Malaya% had been
!on+erted to <slam.
1&19?a !ertain Tuhan Ma#balu was buried in one of the slopes of 2ud Dah*/ on the
month of %ajab as testified by an Arabi! ins!ribed tombstone found there.
1*1*?%aja /arameswara of Melaka was !on+erted to <slam !hanin his name to
Iskandar Shah $e+en Iskandar ulkarnain Shah%.
1*18?Maulana Malik Ibrahim $an aulia or Muslim saint% died in +resik7 he miht
ha+e been the father of Karim ul-Makdum who went to "ulu and Tawi:Tawi
1*-4:1*33?rein of Mansur Shah of Melaka/ <slam started to spread due to the wor1
of missionaries.
1*39?%aden %ahmat died in +resik4
1*34?fall of Madjapahit
1-98?Portuuese defeated a Muslim fleet at Dui $eastern !oast of <ndia%
1-11?Alfonso de AlbuFuerFue sa!1ed Mala!!a leadin the Muslim traders to settle in
/asai. Sukadana" 2anjarmasin and $mb*n be!ame <slami=ed.
1-#1?;runei started to !on+ert neihborin areas to <slam.
::%aja Matanda !aptured by the for!es of Piafetta off the !oast of ;runei. %aha
Matanda was the un!le of %aja Sulayman of Maynila.
1-#*?Muslim prin!ipality of $5heh $in Dorthwest "umatra% anne.ed /asai.
1-&8?the $5henese sultan 6$la ud-Din %iayat Shah waed a war aainst the paan
2ataks of ;orneo
1-09s?;ornean missionaries arri+ed in 6u=on
1-3- "ultan 2ab-ullah of Ternate !ompleted the destru!tion of the labors of the
Portuuese missionaries in the Molu!!as.
1-44?failed attempt by the former leaders of Manila and the "ultan of ;runei to
reta1e Manila from the "paniards due to a betrayal by one Ca(itena !on+ert to

Propounded "taes Aeardin the @arly Part of the <slami=ation of "ulu:
1. Durin the last Fuarter of the 10
!entury or earlier/ a Muslim settlement or
!ommunity e.isted in "ulu !onsisted of forein traders some of whom miht ha+e
married members of the lo!al rulin families or e+en played some politi!al role
li1e Tuan Mashikai and Tuhan Ma#balu.
#. Around the #
half of the 1*
!entury/ the arri+al of the Makhdumin with Sufi
o+ertones were met with ood re!eption due to the memory of Muslim leadin
personaes and the rise to so!ial and politi!al prominen!e of the des!endants of
some su!h personaes li1e the des!endants of Tuan Mashaika.
&. At the beinnin of the 1-
!entury/ the !omin of Muslim Malays from "umatra
li1e %aja 2a'uinda with politi!al impli!ations sin!e he was a!!ompanied with
!ourtiers learned in reliious matters preser+in the wor1 of the missionaries.
*. ;y the middle of the 1-
!entury/ <slami! politi!al institutions were established
spe!ifi!ally the "ultanate under the Sharif ul-)ashim/ attestin to the spread of
<slam to the whole of "ulu toether with orani=ed reliious instru!tion.
-. ;y the beinnin of the 10
!entury/ in!reased !onta!ts/ both politi!al and
!ommer!ial/ with other <slami=ed parts of the Malaysian world/ transformed "ulu
into an interal part of an e.pandin dar ul-Islam.
0. Around the end of the 10
!entury/ and in the first de!ades of the 13
politi!al allian!es with neihborin Muslim prin!ipalities aainst the in!reasin
daners of >estern !oloni=ation and Christiani=ation as well as the !onsistent
arri+als of itinerant tea!hers or missionaries li1e 6$lawi 2alpaki further uarantee
the preser+ation of <slam in "ulu.
Main "taes of the <slami=ation of Mauindanao and its "urroundin Areas in
1. Around the middle of the 1-
!entury/ probable Arabs or of Arab des!ent
missionaries appeared/ li1e Sharif $wliya and the Sharif Maraja" passin by the "ulu
ar!hipelao on their way to Mauindanao that would lead to the beinnin of a
Muslim settlement in the area of the /ulan'i ;asin.
#. <n the first Fuarter of the 10
!entury/ the pro!ess of <slami=ation is a!!elerated by
the immiration of <slami! peoples and the arri+al of Sharif Muhammad
Kabun'suwan/ !oin!idental with the arri+al of @uropeans in Malaysia/ a few
de!ades after the fall of Madjapahit.
&. <n the last Fuarter of the 10
!entury/ !hara!teri=ed by marriae allian!es between
the royal families of "ulu/ Mauindanao and Ternate in Molu!!as and the
appearan!es of ;ornean and Ternatan prea!hers and itinerant Arab learned men.
*. The stiffenin of <slami! attitudes in the fa!e of "panish attempts at !oloni=ation and
Christiani=ation around the beinnin of the 13
!entury plus the a!!eleration of the
<slami! pro!ess in the Maranao areas. Gnder the rein of "ultan !udarat/ a eneral
awareness amon the peoples of Muslim Mindanao that they belon to a wider dar
Chapter &
The "e+en Hbsta!les Aeardin the Con+ersion of the Muslims in the Philippines
1. The pride of the Muslim leaders who ha+e been used to o+ernin/ as well as the
loyalty of their followers to them and to their reliion.
#. The Muslims ha+e seen how the other nati+es of the Philippines were payin ta.es
and 5edulas pers*nales while they did not.
&. $and *
% The reliious hierar!hy whose base of power was <slam and the hajis who
presumably retuned with more 1nowlede about their faith.
-. The liberalism of the times and reliious indifferen!e amon "panish !olonial
offi!ials. <t was the idea of reliious freedom whi!h hampered the re!onition of the
ne!essity of !on+ersion.
0. The Chinese who embra!ed <slam when they !ame to li+e with the Muslims or who
married Muslim women and whose !hildren did not row up amon the indi*s but
amon the Moros with whom they ot their edu!ation.
3. The Di+ine Messae $meanin Christianity% had not yet rea!hed the Muslims.
Chapter * ,irst ,our "taes of the Moro >ar
1. The !onfli!t between the "paniards/ who out to transform the Philippines into a
!olony of "pain and Christiani=e its inhabitants/ and the ;orneans who were
a!!eleratin their politi!al/ e!onomi!/ and reliious influen!e o+er the
#. The efforts of the "paniards to redu!e the peoples of Mauindanao and "ulu into
&. ,rom 1-88 to 10&-/ was the period of about &- years when the Mauindanao
!ontested the rule of "pain in the Ar!hipelao by atta!1in or intimidatin those
nati+es utili=ed the "paniards to strenthen their hold on the islands.
*. "tarted with the establishment of Iamboana fort in 10&- in a site that formed
part of the dominions of the "ulu ruler/ !learly re+ealin the "panish intentions?
the !onFuest of Muslim lands and the e+entual !on+ersion of the people into their
reliion. This ended with the abandonment of Iamboana in 100& due to the
threat of K*7in'a in Manila.

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