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7th Semester-CAHS72-P
Bachelor of Architectural Techolo!" a# Costructio $aa!emet
Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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*+*+ Itro#uctio
*+2+ Defiitio a# Uses
*+,+ Pre-ious stu#ies a# .or/ Process
*+0+ U#er1ii! $etho#s
*+2+ Coclusio

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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1.1. Introduction
Duri! the last "ears icreasi! ee#s for costructio of multile-el 3asemet4
mail" ite#e# to 1ar/i! s1ace ha-e raise# all arou# the 5orl#+ E)ca-atios
5ith -ertical cuts that ma" !o to #e1ths of *2-*2m ecessar" for the costructio
of these 3asemets4 ha-e re6uire# to 1erform shori! a# u#er1ii! 5or/s of
e)isti! structures+

1.2. Definition and uses
U#er1ii! is a 3roa# term to #escri3e the 1rocess of mo#if"i! a e)isti!
fou#atio 3" a##i! su11ort+ This ca 3e #oe 3" se-eral metho#s such as
cocrete caissos4 1iles or !routi!+ Each oe has its o5 a#-ata!es a#
#isa#-ata!es #e1e#i! o the s1ecific characteristics of the Pro7ect+ Differet
U#er1ii! solutios are 1resete# i the e)t 1ictures+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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8urthermore4 e)isti! 3uil#i!s4 li/e historical costructios4 sometimes e)1eriece
e)cessi-e settlemet u#er their #esi! loa# or face the 1ros1ect of e)cessi-e
settlemet i the future if a cha!e of 3uil#i! use is re6uire# a# icrease#
fou#atio loa#i! 3ecause of the cha!e of the 3uil#i! use+
'arious reasos ma" result i the ee# for u#er1ii!+ Ho5e-er i !eeral4
u#er1ii! of a structure is re6uire#9
- To su11ort a structure that is si/i! of tilti! #ue to 1oor soil or ista3ilit"
of su1erstructure
- As a safe!uar# a!aist 1ossi3le settlemet of a structure 5he e)ca-ati!
close to or 3elo5 its fou#atio le-el
- To su11ort a structure 5hile ma/i! alteratios to its fou#atios or mai
su11orti! mem3ers+
U#er1ii! of a structure is re6uire# for the reasos a3o-e a#4 i a##itio9
- To ea3le the fou#atios to #e #ee1ee# for structural reasos4 for
e)am1le to costruct a 3asemet+
- To icrease the 5i#th of a fou#atio to 1ermit hea-ier loa#s to 3e carrie#4
for e)am1le 5he icreasi! the hei!ht of a 3uil#i! 5ith e5 le-els+
- To ea3le a 3uil#i! to 3e mo-e# 3o#il" to a e5 site+

U#er1ii! 5or/s are hi!hl" s/ille# o1eratios a# shoul# 3e u#erta/e ol" 3"
e)1eriece# com1aies+ No oe u#er1ii! 7o3 is li/e aother 3ecause of
#ifferet techical 1oits a# each oe must 3e !i-e s1ecific cosi#eratio for the
most ecoomical a# safest scheme to 3e 5or/e# out+
That:s 5h"4 the im1ro-emet a# #e-elo1met of u#er1ii! techi6ues ha-e
3ee !ro5i! fast+
Tra#itioal U#er1ii! metho#s etail lar!e amouts of hea-" a# uhealth"
maual la3or+ Ne5 re!ulatios re!ar#i! 5or/i! co#itios a# a#a1tio to
er!oometric research results i other 3raches of the 3uil#i! a# costructio
i#ustries ha-e ma#e the 1oor co#itios o u#er1ii! sites e-e more
uacce1ta3le+ 8or this reaso ol"4 e5 metho#s 5ere ee#e#+
So4 a um3er of metho#s for u#er1ii! hea-" structures ha-e 3ee #e-elo1e#
or a#a1te# to these co#itios #uri! the last fe5 "ears+
Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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1.3. Previous studies and Work Process
Before u#erta/i! a" scheme of u#er1ii!
5hether i coectio 5ith a#7acet costructio
o1eratios4 or to 1re-et further settlemet as a
result of !rou# su3si#ece or o-erloa#i! of
fou#atios4 it is im1ortat to carr" out a careful soil
i-esti!atio 3" meas of 3ori! or trial 1its a#
la3orator" tests o soil sam1les to #etermie
allo5a3le 3eari! 1ressures for the e5

If u#er1ii! is ecessar" to sto1 settlemet4 it is
essetial that the u#er1ie# fou#atios shoul#
3e ta/e #o5 to relati-el" u"iel#i! !rou# 3elo5
the ;oe of su3si#ece+ The u#er1ii! must 3e
ta/e #o5 to a #ee1er a# relati-el"
icom1ressi3le stratum4 if ecessar" 3" 1iers or

If the structure to 3e u#er1ie# is close to the e)ca-atio4 it is ofte co-eiet
to com3ie the u#er1ii! 5ith the su11orts to the e)ca-atio+ The loa# of the
3uil#i! ca the 3e trasferre# to the to1s of the 1iles+ Alterati-el"4 a s"stem of
close-s1ace# 3ore# 1iles ca 3e use#+
I all cases 5here u#er1ii! is 1ro-i#e# close to e)ca-atios4 it is im1ortat to
#esi! the u#er1ii! mem3ers to carr" a" lateral loa#s trasmitte# to them
from the retaie# earth or !rou# 5ater+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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1.4. Underpinning Methods.
Co-etioal 1it metho# u#er1ii! has 3ee use# for ceturies+ This metho#
cosists of elar!i! a#< or #ee1ei! e)isti! fou#atios 3" remo-i! soil from
3eeath the fou#atios a# re1laci! it 5ith cocrete4 reiforcemet4 a# a !rout
material+ I some cases the structure is tem1oraril" shore# to 1re-et settlemet+
The 1it metho# ofte results i mo#erate #eformatio of the structure a# usafe
5or/i! co#itios+ That:s 5h" #uri! the last 2= "ears4 se-eral less #istur3i!
metho#s #e-elo1e# to u#er1i structures that result i much less #eformatio
a# a faster4 less e)1esi-e a# safer o1eratio+
The meas a# metho#s of su11orti! a structure fou#atio #e1e# o ma"
factors iclu#i!9

- 8ou#atio loa#s9 static a# #"amic> 1ermaet a# tem1orar"
- State of e)isti! fou#atios+
- T"1e a# ma!itu#e of allo5a3le structural mo-emet i+e+ #eformatios+
- Su3surface soil co#itios+
- Su3surface !rou#5ater co#itios+
- Co#itio of the structure+
- Access a# mo3ilit" to the fou#atios+
- Potetial for e-irometal ha;ar#s+
- Seismic loa#i!+
This list is 3" meas e)hausti-e a# each of these factors must 3e cosi#ere# i
ma/i! the e-aluatio of 5hich u#er1ii! metho# ca 3est satisf" the 1ro7ect
.ith the e5 metho#s #e-elo1e# 3elo54 u#er1ii! ca 3e achie-e# ot 7ust 3"
loa# trasfer4 3ut also 3" soil treatmet4 or 3" a com3iatio of these t5o
mechaisms+ &oa# trasferri! metho#s literall" ta/e structural loa#s a# trasfer
them to a u#erl"i! stratum that is more suita3le for su11ort+ Soil treatmet
cha!es the 1h"sical 1ro1erties of the !rou# to ma/e it stro!er a# more
su11orti-e4 ofte 5ithout a" cha!e to e)isti! fou#atios+ I some cases4
!rou# treatmet ca 3e utili;e# to stre!the the !rou# 5hile also acti! as a
loa# trasfer+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Hu#re#s of u#er1ii! metho#s e)ist arou# the 5orl#+ Each u#er1ii!
techolo!" has its o5 s1ecific soil a# loa#i! co#itios 5here its a11licatio is
most effecti-e+ I some cases4 costructa3ilit" ca 3est #etermie the s"stem to
3e use#+
I the sectios that follo54 I 5ill #escri3e the #ifferet techi6ues that are mostl"
use# o5a#a"s i t"1ical 1ro7ects+
A. Jet routing
?et Grouti! is a loa# trasferri! s"stem for the u#er1ii!4 ofte also ser-i!
as a e)ca-atio su11ort a# !rou#5ater cotrol s"stem+ This is a i situ
metho# of costructio u#erta/e 3eeath fou#atios+
Sim1l" state#4 hi!h -elocit" i7ectio of flui#s4 ofte eclose# i air4 ero#es the
soils a# re1laces the soil 5ith a# e!ieere# !rout4 formi! a cemetatios
1ro#uct /o5 as soilcrete that is ca1a3le of attaii! ucofie# com1ressi-e
stre!ths i e)cess of 7=4,= /!<cm2+ Grou1s of * to *42= m #iameter soilcrete
colums are costructe# to trasfer fou#atio loa#s to u#erl"i! suita3le
3eari! material+
This techolo!" re6uires s1eciali;e#
e6ui1met a# e)1eriece to costruct
the soilcrete+
.or/ is accom1lishe# safel" a3o-e !ra#e4
a# se6uece# so that little or o
structural #eformatio occurs+ I fact4 it is
the most 5i#el" use# s"stem for
u#er1ii! historical a# sesiti-e
?et !routi! for u#er1ii! has 3ee a11lie# to costruct #ee1 fou#atio
s"stems4 i site !ra-it" 5all structures4 a# !rou#5ater cutoff 3arriers+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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B+ !o"paction routing+
Com1actio !routi! ca 3e either a soil treatmet s"stem or a com3iatio of soil
treatmet a# loa# trasfer+ Soil i a loose or soft state ca 3e #esifie# 3"
i7ecti! a -er" -iscous sa-cemet !rout ito these soil ;oes+ Com1actio
!routi! uses #is1lacemet to im1ro-e !rou# co#itios+ .ith a#e6uate
cofiemet stress a# slo5 i7ectio rates4 the lo5 mo3ilit" !rout 5ill #is1lace the
soil ito a #eser arra!emet4 this icreasi! its 3eari! ca1acit" a# re#uci! its
com1ressi3ilit"+ I case 5here !rou# #ro1outs are a 1ro3lem4 settle# structures
ca 3e 1ushe# 3ac/ to ear ori!ial 1ositio as 1art of the !rout treatmet
De1e#i! o the locatio a# arra!emet of the !rout i7ectio a# the 6ualit"
of the cure# com1actio !rout4 the !rout elemet ca 3e use# as a loa# trasfer
mechaism as 5ell as a soil im1ro-emet s"stem+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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!. Micropi#es
This t"1e of u#er1ii! is use# to sta3ili;e or u1!ra#e e)isti! fou#atio 3"
istalli! micro1iles throu!h 1re-#rille# holes #etermie# 3" loa# characteristics+
$icro1iles are #escri3e# as small #iameter 1iles that ca 3e istalle# i almost a"
t"1e of soil a# that ca carr" loa#s u1 to 2== tos #e1e#i! o the t"1e of it+
These micro1iles are steel reiforce# 1lace# ito a small #iameter hole a# scale#
to the !rou# 3" !rout i7ectios u#er relati-el" hi!h 1ressure+
$icro1iles are 5i#el" reco!i;e# as a commo reme#ial o1tio for u#er1ii!
structures ha-i! fou#atio 1ro3lems after com1letio or #uri! ser-ice 1erio# i
ma" coutries+ Some of the a#-ata!es of micro1iles are hi!h carr"i! ca1acit"4
less site costrait 1ro3lem4 lo5 oise a# -i3ratio a# self-sustaie# o1eratio+
8urthermore4 a ma7or a#-ata!e 5he usi! micro1iles for u#er1ii! is that
the s"stem ca 3e #esi!e# to ha-e -er" lo5 settlemets+ It is commo for these
1iles to #e-elo1 settlemets o the or#er of a fe5 millimeters or less u#er
5or/i! loa#s+ The ol" #isa#-ata!e of micro1iles is the relati-el" hi!her cost as
com1are# to other 1illi! s"stems+ There are #ifferet t"1es of micro1iles a#
#ifferet s"stems #e1e#i! o the solutio ee#e#> this is 5hat 5ill icrease the
fial 1rice of the 5or/+
I the last fe5 "ears4 micro1ili! techi6ues ha-e #e-elo1e# !reatl" mail" #ue to
the 3eari! ca1acit" im1ro-emet relate# 5ith the use of hi!h 1ressure !rout
i7ectio techi6ues a# hi!h resistace steel hollo5 tu3es+
Also4 micro1iles ca 3e coecte# to the structure i #ifferet 5a" as I 5ill
#escri3e 3elo5+ There are #ifferet solutios #e1e#i! o the t"1e of
costructio4 the s1ace to 5or/4 the i-estmet4 the solutio re6uire# a# the
3uil#i!s arou#+ ( the 3asis of the a3o-e4 the #ifferet solutios 3ases o
micro1iles are9
Pile a# Beam
Pile a# Catile-er Beam
@uc/le Pile
Pile# Raft
A!le Pile
T5i Pile
Catile-er Ri! Beam
?ac/ Do5 Piles
Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Pi#e and $ea"
This s"stem of u#er1ii! ca 3e use# 5ith #ifferet 1ile o1tios+ This metho#
cosists o istalli! mii-1iles to either si#e of the affecte# 5all4 a 1oc/et of
3ric/5or/ is the remo-e# 3elo5 !rou# le-el the a 1refa3ricate# steel ca!e is
istalle# to s1a o-er the t5o 1iles+ This is the is1ecte# 3" local 3uil#i! cotrol
a# the cocrete#+

&oa#i!s are 3ase# u1o the 3eari! ca1acit" of the u#erl"i! strata 5hich 5ill
#etermie mii-1ile t"1e a# si;e for this s"stem+ 'er" hi!h fou#atio loa#s ca
3e accommo#ate# 3" re#uci! the s1a 3et5ee ee#le 3eams9

Geeral Gui#elies for $ii-Pile Si;i!
A= mm #ia+ U1 to 0= /N
*=2 mm #ia+ 0=-B= /N
*2= mm #ia+ B=-*== /N
2== mm #ia A= C *2= /N
22= mm #ia+ *2= C 2== /N
22= mm #ia *2=- 22= /N

Istallatio Proce#ure

Istall 1iles i 1airs4 #ri-e4 #rille# or au!ure#4 at lo!itu#ial ceters
a11ro)imatel" *+=m - *+2m> lateral ceters *+=m - *+2m> e)ca-ate4 3rea/ out for
a# costruct reiforce# cocrete ee#le 3eams+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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aD Because lar!e e)ca-atios are ot re6uire#4 #isru1tio a# mess are /e1t to a
3D S"stem 3ecomes cost effecti-e 5he the #e1th of tra#itioal u#er1ii!
e)cee#s *+2m+
cD Coser-ati-e #esi! 5he 1ile ceters #o ot e)cee# *+=m+
#D Hi!h loa# ca1a3ilit"+
eD Euic/er 5he com1are# 5ith #i!-out s"stems+
fD Suita3le for restricte# access+
!D Nee#le 3eam ca 3e

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Pi#e and !anti#ever $ea"
This s"stem is 3ase# o the sta3ili;atio of a e)isti! 5all fou#atio 3" the
istallatio of RB mii-1iles i 1airs4 oe as a tesio 1ile4 oe as a com1ressio
1ile4 coecte# 3" a reiforce# cocrete or cocrete ecase# structural steel
ee#le 3eam su11orti! the 5all+
This solutio is use# 5he the fou#atio suita3le 3eari! strata occurs at #e1ths
i e)cess of *42 m+

&oa#i!s are 3ase# u1o the 3eari! ca1acit" of the u#erl"i! strata 5hich 5ill
#etermie mii-1ile t"1e a# si;e for this s"stem+

Geeral Gui#elies for $ii-Pile Si;i!
A= mm #ia+ U1 to 0= /N
*=2 mm #ia+ 0=-B= /N
*2= mm #ia+ B=-*== /N
2== mm #ia A= C *2= /N
22= mm #ia+ *2= C 2== /N
22= mm #ia *2=- 22= /N

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Istallatio Proce#ure

Istall 1iles4 either #ri-e4 #rille# or au!ure#4 i 1airs4 at lo!itu#ial ceters
a11ro)imatel" *+=m - *+2m> lateral ceters *+=m - *+2m4 e)ca-ate4 3rea/ out for
a# costruct reiforce# cocrete or cocrete ecase# structural steel ee#le


aD Because lar!e e)ca-atios are ot re6uire#4 #isru1tio a# mess are /e1t to a
3D Access from oe si#e of a 5all+ (ccu1ats ma" ot ecessaril" ee# to 3e
cD Euic/er 5he com1are# 5ith #i!-out s"stems+
#D S"stem 3ecomes cost effecti-e 5he the #e1th of tra#itioal u#er1ii!
e)cee#s *+2m+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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%nuck#e Pi#e.
I this case the 1rocess cosists o the sta3ili;atio of a e)isti! 5all fou#atio
3" the istallatio of a series of /uc/le 1iles coecte# to the e)isti! 5all from
oe si#e+
This /i# of solutio is use# 5ith all t"1e of shallo5 fou#atio4 es1eciall" 5here
tra#itioal u#er1ii! is usuita3le or 5here access is restricte#+

@uc/le 1ile has a ca1acit" of loa#i!s u1 to *== /N<m4 #e1e#et u1o
u#erl"i! 3eari! strata+ I#i-i#ual @uc/les are !eerall" rate# at 2=/N+

Istallatio Proce#ure+
This 1rocess starts e)ca-ati! a small area at each /uc/le 1ositio+ Brea/ out
1ro7ectio of fou#atio as ecessar"+ Istall either 3" #ri-i! casi! or au!uri!4
a *2=mm #iameter 1ile at ceters as re6uire# to accommo#ate loa#i!s> 3rea/ out
a ,==mm ) ,==mm 1oc/et i e)isti! 3ric/5or/> istall mai /uc/le
reiforcemet> cocrete /uc/le esuri! a#e6uate co-er to reiforcemet+ Istall
at =42m - *+2m ceters+

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aD &ess #isru1tio tha tra#itioal u#er1ii!+
3D 8ast com1are# 5ith tra#itioal u#er1ii!+
cD Access re6uire# from oe si#e of the 5all ol"+
#D (ccu1ats ma" ot ha-e to 3e relocate#+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Pi#ed &aft.
The i#ea of this t"1e of u#er1ii! is the sta3ili;atio of e)isti! 5all
fou#atios Fto 5hole roomsD 3" the istallatio of mii-1iles4 ca11e# 5ith a
reiforce# cocrete raft icor1orati! ee#le 3eams a# reiforce# cocrete ri!
3eams as ecessar" to su11ort 5alls a# to 1ro-i#e lateral restrait a# a e5

This metho# is useful 5he the 3eari! strata is at #e1ths i e)cess of *+2m 5here
com1lete rooms4 or structures are to 3e u#er1ie# a# iclu#es the 1ro-isio of
a e54 sus1e#e# iteral floor sla3+ Alterati-e a11licatio of this s"stem ma" 3e
use# 5here e)1asi-e soils e)ist+ FCla"s - hea-e<shri/a!eD+

&oa#i! is 3ase# u1o the 3eari! ca1acit" of the u#erl"i! strata 5hich 5ill
#etermie mii-1ile si;e for this s"stem+ Pile si;es ma" !eerall" 3e cosi#ere# as

Geeral Gui#elies for $ii-Pile Si;i!
A= mm #ia+ U1 to 0= /N
*=2 mm #ia+ 0=-B= /N
*2= mm #ia+ B=-*== /N
2== mm #ia A= C *2= /N
22= mm #ia+ *2= C 2== /N
22= mm #ia *2=- 22= /N

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Istallatio Proce#ure

Istall 1iles4 either #ri-e4 #rille#4 7ac/e# or au!ure#4 iterall" at ceters
#etermie# 3" loa#i!s+ Brea/ out a# costruct reiforce# cocrete ee#le 3eams
at *+=m - *+2m ceters+ Reiforce a# costruct ri! 3eam a# reiforce# cocrete
floor sla3+


aD Ecoomic at #e1ths !reater tha *+2m+ A##itioal costs are liear for icrease#
3D Pro-i#es lateral a# tras-erse ties throu!hout the structure 5ith 1ile#
fou#atios for iteral 5alls a# floors
cD Pro-i#es full" sus1e#e# re1lacemet !rou# floor sla3
#D Euic/er 5he com1are# 5ith #i!-out s"stems
eD Es1eciall" suita3le 5here access e)terall" is restricte# a# lateral a#
lo!itu#ial restrait is re6uire#
fD $iimi;es #isru1tio to e)isti! e)teral ser-ices Fi+e+ #rais a# ser-ice 1i1esD
a# cose6uetial reistatemet
!D Recomme#e# for total structure isolatio from u#erl"i! strata4 1articularl" i
cla" hea-e<shri/a!e situatios+

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Ang#e Pi#e
The #escri1tio of the 5or/ is the sta3ili;atio of a e)isti! 5all 3" the use of
1iles istalle# at a a!le isi#e a# outsi#e throu!h #rille# holes i the e)isti!

This solutio ca 3e use# 5ith all t"1es of cocrete stri1 fou#atio or 3ases
fou#e# at a #e1th i e)cess of 0==mm 3elo5 !rou# le-el+

&oa#i!s are 3ase# u1o the 3eari! ca1acit" of the u#erl"i! strata4 5hich 5ill
#etermie mii-1ile si;e for this s"stem+
Hi!h fou#atio loa#s ca 3e accommo#ate# 3" re#uci! the s1aci! of the mii-

Geeral Gui#elies for $ii-Pile Si;i!
A= mm #ia+ U1 to 0= /N
*=2 mm #ia+ 0=-B= /N
*2= mm #ia+ B=-*== /N
2== mm #ia A= C *2= /N
22= mm #ia+ *2= C 2== /N
22= mm #ia *2=- 22= /N

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Istallatio Proce#ure

The e)isti! fou#atio is 1re#rille#> ormall" usi! air flushe# rotar" 1ercussi-e
e6ui1met+ Permaetl" case# steel #ri-e 1iles are the istalle# throu!h the
1re#rille# hole 5ith the casi! termiate# at the u#ersi#e of the e)isti!
fou#atio+ The 1ile is the cocrete# a# reiforce# u1 throu!h the e)isti!


aD Recomme#e# lo5 cost u#er1ii! scheme+
3D Because lar!e e)ca-atios are ot re6uire#4 the #isru1tio a# mess are /e1t to
a miimum+
cD Ecoomical at #e1ths !reater tha *+2m+ A##itioal costs are liear for
icrease# #e1th+
#D Coser-ati-e #esi! 5he 1ile ceters #o ot e)cee# *+=m+
eD Hi!h loa# ca1acit"+
fD Euic/er 5he com1are# 5ith all other s"stems+
!D Suita3le for restricte# access+

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'(in Pi#e
The s"stem com1rises of a series of 1airs of reiforce# steel case# mii-1iles
istalle# from oe si#e of the 5all ol"+
Coectio to the e)isti! fou#atio is ma#e 3" 3o# 5ithi a hole #rille#
throu!h the fou#atio+

The re6uiremets for this solutio are the miimum thic/ess of fou#atio is
222mm for the A=mm #iameter 1ile a# 2==mm for the *==mm #iameter 1ile+
The &oa#i! ca1a3ilities of his s"stem ha-e a ma)imum
loa# of 2=/N 1er 1air of 1iles+ The miimum achor 1ile
le!th is ,+,m actual re6uire# le!ths -ar" 5ith soil
1arameters+ The miimum com1ressio 1ile le!th is

Istallatio Proce#ure
The 1iles are forme# 3" 3ottom #ri-i! A=mm or
*2=mm thi 5alle# steel casi! to le!ths #ictate# 3"
set a# static calculatio+ The re6uire# reiforcemet is
the 1lace# i the casi! after 3ei! fille# 5ith
Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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aD Recomme#e# lo5 cost u#er1ii! scheme+
3D Because lar!e e)ca-atios are ot re6uire#4 #isru1tio a# mess are /e1t to a
cD Ecoomical at #e1ths !reater tha *+2m+ A##itioal costs are liear for
icrease# #e1th+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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!anti#ever &ing $ea"
This t"1e of micro 1ile is use# to sta3ili;atio of a e)isti! 5all fou#atio 3" the
istallatio of mii-1iles i tesio a# com1ressio coecte# 3" a reiforce#
cocrete ri! 3eam icor1orati! ee#le 3eams to a su11ort the 5all+
Catile-er Ri! Beam s"stem is use# 5here 3eari! strata is at #e1ths is e)cess
at *42m a# 5here lo!itu#ial sta3ilit" is also re6uire#+

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&oa#i! Ca1a3ilities
&oa#i! ca1acities are 3ase# u1o the 3eari! ca1acities of the u#erl"i! strata
5hich 5ill #etermie mii-1ile t"1e a# si;e for this s"stem+
Istallatio Proce#ure
Istall 1iles4 #ri-e4 #rille# or au!ure#4 sta!!ere# at a11ro)imatel" *+=m ceters
lo!itu#iall" a# laterall"4 ca11e# 5ith a reiforce# cocrete ri! 3eam 5ith
ite!ral cocrete ecase# steel ee#le 3eams to su11ort the 5all+
aD Ecoomic at #e1ths !reater tha *+2m+ A##itioal costs are liear for icrease#
3D Because lar!e e)ca-atios are ot re6uire#4 #isru1tio a# mess are /e1t to a
cD Euic/er 5he com1are# 5ith #i!-out s"stems+
#D Access from oe si#e of a 5all+
(ccu1ats ma" ot ecessaril"
ee# to 3e relocate#+
eD Pro-i#es lo!itu#ial sta3ilit" to
#istresse# 5alls+

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Jack Do(n Pi#es+
This s"stem is 3ase# o the silet a# -i3ratio less istallatio of 1iles usi!
h"#raulic 7ac/i! techi6ues for9
aD The u1!ra#i! a# sta3ili;atio of e)isti! fou#atios a# colum 3ases+
3D The 1ro-isio of e5 1iles i sesiti-e areas+
Because of the #ifferet a#-ata!es that this s"stem has4 "ou ca use this metho#
i all t"1es of fou#atio sta3ili;atio4 u1!ra#i! a# e5 5or/s 1ili!+

&oa#i! Ca1a3ilities
The #ea# loa# of the structure4 !rou# achors a#<or /etle#!e is use# to
mo3ili;e sufficiet resistace to e6ual the 5or/i! loa# of the 1ile 1lus its factor of
safet"+ .or/i! loa#s a-aila3le -ar" a# are #e1e#et u1o9
aD Grou# co#itios
3D The fa3ric of the e)isti! structure
cD S1ace a-aila3le for the 1ro-isio of /etle#!e
Piles ca 3e istalle# to S+.+&+ i e)cess of *=== /N i hea# rooms of less tha

Istallatio Proce#ure
After the 1ro-isio of a suita3le reactio me#ium e!4 RC 3eams a# rafts4 steel
!rilla!e4 /etle#!e4 !rou# achors or e)isti! fou#atios> hea-" steel casi!s or
1recast cocrete 1iles are 7ac/e# i sectios to the re6uire# loa#+ The 1iles are
cocrete# a# 3o#e# to the structure to 3e su11orte#+
aD Recomme#e# for use o liste# 3uil#i!s a# for hi!hl" loa#e# structures+
3D E-er" 1ile is teste# as it is istalle#+
cD Almost silet a# -i3ratio free+
Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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#D The 7ac/ ri!s are o1erate# 3" h"#raulic 1o5er 1ac/s that ca 3e site# a5a"
from the area of 5or/s+ Electric 1o5er 1ac/s are a-aila3le+
eD Clea4 #ust free - 1iles ha-e 3ee istalle# i o1eratioal foo# factories a#
o1eratioal 1riti! 1ress halls+
fD Piles ca 3e istalle# 5ithi 2B=mm of a 5all to the ceter lie of the 1ile a#
2==mm ito a iteral corer+
!D Because of their ui6ue si;e a# a#a1ta3ilit"4 the 7ac/ ri!s ca 3e maha#le#
ito the most #ifficult areas4 5ith ma)imum o1erati! hea#room of *+Gm 3ut a
access si;e re6uiremet of ol" *+2m ) =+7m+

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1.5. Conclusion
The demand for underpinning has increased gradually in the last years as
renewals and renovation works have gained popularity because the quantity of
buildings built in the last years. This space problem united with the world crisis
have reduced the number of constructions, and increased the renovation works.
Furthermore the different solutions existing in this subject allow to solve any
construction problem, which does that underpinning is a really good solution.
On the other hand, it is important, with the different alternatives available, detailed
subsurface information and an understanding of the critical ground performance is
fundamental. n experienced geotechnical consultant can offer much to the
success of an underpinning system.
Finally, it is important point out that underpinning works requires experts in the
design and execution levels, along with safe working practices, because of the
difficulty of this kind of works and specially the dangerousness for the renovation
building and the buildings around it.

Dissertation Topic: Underpinning 7 Semester

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Foundation %ngineering &andbook, 'interkorn ( Fang, )an *ostrand !einhold.
+nderpinning " its practice and applications, %dmund stley, -a.arus 'hite, *ew
/ork" 0olumbia +niversity 1ress

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