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Polymorphism Control in Nanostructured Metal Oxides

A Dissertation Presented
Shantanu Sood
The Graduate School
in Partial Fulfillment of the
for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Materials Science and Engineering
Stony Brook Uniersity
August 20!
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!o"yright by
Shantanu Sood
Stony "roo# $ni%ersity
The Graduate School
Shantanu Sood
#e$ the dissertation committee for the aboe candidate for the
Doctor of Philoso"hy degree$ hereby recommend
acce"tance of this dissertation%
Prof& Pelagia '& (ouma ) Dissertation Ad%isor
Professor* Materials Science and Engineering
Dr& Dilip (ersappe + Chairperson of Defense
Professor* Materials Science and Engineering
Dr& Milutin Stanace%ic
Associate Professor* Electrical Engineering
Dr& Ming,hao -iu
Assistant Materials Scientist* "roo#ha%en National -a.oratory
This dissertation is acce"ted by the Graduate School
!harles Taber
Dean of the Graduate School
Abstract of the Dissertation
Polymorphism control in nanostructured metal oxides
Shantanu Sood
Doctor of Philosophy
Materials Science and Engineering
Stony Brook Uniersity
Polymor"hic "hase transformations are common to all nanocrystalline binary metal
o&ides% The "olymor"hic nature of such metal o&ides makes aailable a large number of "hases
'ith differing crystal structures$ each stable under certain conditions of tem"erature$ "ressure$
and(or "article si)e% These different crystal structures translate to unique "hysical and chemical
"ro"erties for each structural class of "olymor"hs% Thus "redicting 'hen "olymor"hic "hase
transitions are likely to occur becomes im"ortant to the synthesis of stable functional materials
'ith desired "ro"erties% Theoretical calculations using a heuristic a""roach hae resulted in an
accurate estimation of the critical "article si)e "redicting metastable to stable "hase transitions%
This formula is a""lied to different case studies* for anatase to rutile titania+ ,-Alumina to .-
Alumina+ and tetragonal to monoclinic )irconia% The theoretical alues calculated hae been seen
to be ery close to the e&"erimental results from the literature%
/anifestation of the effect of "hase transitions in nanostructured metal o&ides 'as
"roided in the study of metastable to stable "hase transitions in #01% 2ano'ires of tungsten
trio&ide hae been synthesi)ed in-situ inside an electron microsco"e% Such structure of tungsten
trio&ide result due to a metastable to stable "hase transformation$ from the cubic to the
monoclinic "hase% The transformation is massie and com"lete% The structures formed are unique
one-dimensional nano'ires% Such a method can be scaled inside any equi"ment equi""ed 'ith an
electron gun$ for e&am"le lithogra"hy systems either using ST3/ or 3-beam lithogra"hy%
Another study on nano'ire formation in binary metal o&ides inoled the synthesis of
stable orthorhombic /o0
by means of blend electros"inning% Both a traditional single 4et
electros"inning set u" and a noel high-through"ut "rocess to get high as"ect ratio nano'ires%
The latter is a 4et-controlled and flo' controlled electros"inning%
The mechanism of the formation of nano'ires of both tungsten trio&ide and molybdenum
trio&ide are discussed in relation to the "olymor"hic nature of the o&ides%

Dedicated to
/y highly motiating and su""ortie family%
3s"ecially to my mother$ Dr% /adhoolika Sood%
/a.le of Contents
List of Tables..........................................................................................................................ix
Publications (Journal and Proceedings)...............................................................................xvi
Chapter 1 !ntroduction.......................................................................................................2
&& Polymorphs of 0O1...............................................................................................................3
&2& Polymorphs of MoO1.............................................................................................................4
&1& Polymorphs of other .inary metal oxides..............................................................................5
&!& Metasta.ility in nanocrystalline .inary metal oxides...........................................................6
&2& Phase /ransformations due to nanoscale particle si,e........................................................10
&3& Polymorphic nano4ires of 0O1 and MoO1.........................................................................12
&5& Applications of nanocrystalline .inary metal oxides...........................................................14
&6& Polymorphic nano4ires as sensing materials......................................................................22
&7& Statement of the pro.lem.....................................................................................................24
Chapter " #$perimental %etails........................................................................................35
2&& Synthesis Methods...............................................................................................................35
2&&& Sol+(el synthesis..............................................................................................................35
2&&2& Electrospinning................................................................................................................35
2&&1& 8igh throughput electrospinning.....................................................................................37
2&2& Characteri,ation Methods...................................................................................................39
2&2&& 9+ray diffraction..............................................................................................................39
2&2&2& :aman Spectroscopy........................................................................................................39
2&2&1& /ransmission electron microscopy...................................................................................40
2&2&!& 8igh resolution /ransmission electron microscopy.........................................................40
2&2&2& Scanning Electron Microscopy........................................................................................40
Chapter & 'euristic model of pol(morphic transitions......................................................42
1&&& /heory..............................................................................................................................43
1&&2& Entropic contri.ution......................................................................................................44
1&&1& Surface ;ree Energy........................................................................................................45
1&&!& Surface Stress...................................................................................................................46
1&&2& ;ree Energy due to particle shape...................................................................................46
1&&3& Critical particle si,e.........................................................................................................47
1&2& Case Studies.........................................................................................................................48
Chapter ) Tungsten Trio$ide nanowire in*situ T#+ s(nthesis..........................................53
!&& Precursor phase...................................................................................................................53
!&2& 'n+situ nano4ire synthesis...................................................................................................56
!&1& /hermodynamics of nano4ire formation............................................................................61
Chapter , +ol(bdenum Trio$ide nanowires b( electrospinning........................................67
2&& MoO1 Electrospun nano4ire formation..............................................................................67
2&2& Single <et..............................................................................................................................69
2&1& Multi+=et...............................................................................................................................72
2&1&& Case study on P>P and CA fi.ers....................................................................................73
2&1&2& Process Parameters..........................................................................................................75
2&1&1& Nanofi.er Synthesis.........................................................................................................77
Chapter - %iscussion and future work..............................................................................84
3&& Polymorphic transitions and critical particle si,e...............................................................84
3&2& Phase transitions and 0O1 nano4ire synthesis...................................................................89
3&1& Polytypism in nano4ires......................................................................................................92
3&!& ;uture 4or#.........................................................................................................................95
Appendi$ A Comparison between bulk and nano phases................................................105
Appendi$ . Cr(stalline /tructures..................................................................................107
Appendi$ C !nternal pressure calculations.....................................................................108
Appendi$ % 0ree energ( due to particle shape calculations............................................109
Appendi$ # Per mole con1ersion of surface energ(2tension and surface stress terms.....110
Appendi$ 0 +echanism behind the 'igh throughput electrospinning............................114
-ist of ;igure
;igure ? Traditional electros"inning set u"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%15
;igure 2? @aA /odified flo' controlled and 4et controlled high through"ut electros"inning set u"% @.A
Source disk$ the metallic "late 'here one terminal of the high oltage source attaches is isible$ 56
equidistant 7mm diameter holes drilled in to the inner base of the disk 'ith one hole "lugged for attaching
the oltage terminal+ @cA Schematic of the setu"$ dimensions and other details are labeled%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%16
;igure 1? The source disk is a critical com"onent of the set u"+ @aA Schematic sho'ing the side ie' of
the source disk% @.A Schemtic sho'ing the bottom ie' of the source disk% @cA The bottom ie' of the
source disk% @dA The to" ie' of the source disk%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18
0igure )3 (a) Low magnification SEM image of sol-gel synthesied nanoparticles of tungsten trio!ide
annealed at "#$%, (b) shows the higher magnification SEM image with uniformly distri&uted particle
sie' (c) Shows the Raman spectra of the nanoparticles, the &ands o&ser(ed are mar)ed' (d) Shows the
*R+ of the nanoparticles'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 87
;igure 2 ? @-eftA T3/ microgra"h of the cubic nano"articles of Tungsten trio&ide$ @:ightA SAD "attern$
brighter rings can be inde&ed to 97::;+ 977:;+ 957:; "lanes of the cubic "hase%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%85
0igure -3 (Left) ,EM of nanowires grown on a Silicon -itride support film, (4ight) ,EM of nanowires
grown on form(ar support film on a %opper mesh grid'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%86
0igure 53 (Left) ,ypical Electron diffraction pattern ta)en from a region with high concentration of
nanowires' (4ight) Schematic of crystal structure of the monoclinic phase, with the preferred growth
direction, the distortions ha(e &een e!aggerated to ser(e the purpose of illustration'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%88
;igure 6? @-eftA <ighly aligned nano'ires$ sho'ing the =::7> gro'th direction along the long a&is+
@:ightA !orres"onding diffraction "attern%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8?
0igure 63 .igh resolution ,EM of the structure of the nanowires/ (!nset) S0+ pattern from indi(idual
nanowire'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8@
;igure 0? Gra"h "lotting the free energy for cubic and monoclinic "hase due to "article si)e$ and oerlay
is the difference in the free energies for cubic nano"articles and monoclinic nano'ires as a function of the
as"ect ratio of the nano'ires kee"ing the radius of nano'ires constant at the obsered alues 5:nm%%%%%%?:
;igure @aA S3/ microgra"h of metal o&ide enca"sulated electros"un nanofibers% @.A /olybdenum
trio&ide enca"sulated inside ele&tros"un fibers$ @'nsetA 3DS "attern of the enca"sulated "articles%%%%%%%%%%%??
;igure 2* @aA S3/ microgra"h of heat treated nanofibers at 8::!+ @.A S3/ microgra"h of high as"ect
ratio nano'ires%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ??
0igure 1&3 (a) -anowire growth after heat treatment at 1#$% and (inset) its corresponding S0+ pattern/
(b) -anowire growth after heat treatment at #$$% and (inset) its corresponding S0+ pattern/ (c)
.R,EM image of the nanowire and (inset) its corresponding S0+ pattern'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%?@
;igure !? @aA <RT3/ of <igh-through"ut P7 electros"un fibers+ @.A S3/ of T23 "rocessed P7
electros"un fibers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @:
;igure 2? @aA S3/ of <igh-through"ut P5 electros"un fibers+ @.A S3/ of T23 "rocessed P5
electros"un fibers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @7
;igure 3 2anofiber diameter and "roduction rates "lotted as a function of oltage and concentration% % %@5
;igure 5? @a+dA S3/ microgra"hs for different oltages and concentration for PAP fibers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@1
;igure 6? 3lectron microsco"y com"arison bet'een the nanofibers synthesi)ed by traditional needle
setu" 9a B c; and those synthesi)ed by high throug"ut set u" 9. B d;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@8
;igure 7* @aA !rystal structure of orthorhombic /o01 along 'ith )one a&is as marked% @.A B-Ray
diffraction of /o01 orthorhombic nano'ires synthesi)ed by both traditional and high through"ut
nano'ires$ the "lanes marked are from C!PDS D:8-:8:E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@8
;igure 20? Schematic describing the gro'th of monoclinic tungsten trio&ide nano'ires from
nano"articles of cubic "hase in a ste"'ise fashion% Ste" 7 sho's the starting nano"articles 'hich hae a
radius of bet'een 1: to 6:nm% As an electron beam is sho'n onto these nano"articles the "articles start to
gro' into nano'ires as sho'n in ste" 5% As the nano"articles get consumed they start to coagulate and
gro' into nano'ires% Ste" 1 sho's ho' these nano"articles gro' from "referred direction to form
randomly oriented nano'ires before being totally consumed and forming highly aligned nano'ires of
tungsten trio&ide as sho'n in ste" 6% The 'hole "rocess may take a fe' micro seconds to com"lete once
the nano"articles receie the required amount of energy%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%E1
;igure 2* FFT images of the nano'ires+ 9Feft; Usually obsered nano'ire+ 9right; "eriodic nano'ire
structure%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% E6
;igure 22* Analysis of electron diffractions of differently oriented nano'ires$ "ossibly sho'ing the
reason for the streaking "resent in the diffraction "atterns%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%E@
0igure "&3 Rotating source dis) design'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%G:
Figure 56* 9a; Structure 7* Rutile-ty"e Tetragonal+ 9b;Structure 5* Peroskite-ty"e+ 9c;Structure 1*
!orundum-ty"e Rhombohedral+ 9d;Structure 6* !a!l5-ty"e 0rthorhombic+ 9e; Structure8* Rh501%%%%%%%%%G8
;igure 22? A liquid dro"let 'ith radius HrI$ a hy"othetical cylindrical dro"let 'ith radius HrI and height
HhI%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% G?
;igure 23 @aA Dro"let formation at the surface of the metallic disk+ @.A As the dro"let gro's aboe the
critical si)e$ it forms into a conical 4et+ @cA This 4et gets solidified as nanofibers at the cylindrical collector%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GE
;igure 25? /ulti"le 4et formation on the disk surface%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%GE
;igure 26? The electric field distribution$ 9a; bet'een the outer collector cylinder and source disk+ 9b; on
the surface of the source disk%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GG
;igure 27? Geometric inter"retation of the electros"inning "rocess$ 9Jnset; sho'ing the double fiber
formation in the 4et oerla" region%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7::
;igure 10? Plot of theoretical yield 9g(h; s number of holes and loss of yield due to K oerla" s number
of holes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7:7
-ist of /a.les
/a.le * /etastable "hases of /etal 0&ides%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@
/a.le 2? !om"arison bet'een bulk and nano "hase at ambient tem"erature and "ressure%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%77
/a.le 1? Standard entro"y of formation a fe' Polymor"hs%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6:
/a.le !* Alumina$ titania$ )irconia critical "article si)e calculations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%66
/a.le 2
* !ontributions from the three main factors influencing the nano'ire gro'th%
/a.le 3* Data accumulated from the literature$ and the free energy calculations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8E
/a.le 5? Preious attem"ts to increase "roduction rates of electros"un fibers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%?E
/a.le 6? !om"arison bet'een traditional needle electros"inning and high through"ut electros"inning for
PAP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @:
/a.le 7* /odels for "hase transformation behaior de"endence on "article si)e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%E:
/a.le 0? !om"arison bet'een bulk and nano for same "hase and different conditions for tem"erature
and "ressure%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% G1
The 'ork done here focuses on understanding and controlling "hase transitions in
nanostructured binary metal o&ides$ 'ith em"hasis on the synthesis of nano'ires of the stable
"hases of molybdenum trio&ide and tungsten trio&ide$ res"ectiely%
!ha"ter 7 introduces the conce"t of o&ide "olymor"hism and discusses bulk "hase
"olymor"hs of arious metal o&ides like$ #0
$ /o0
$ Ti0
$ Sn0
$ !r0
$ Lr0
$ Jn
$ Fe
$ and
% Further the nanocrystalline "hases of these metal o&ides hae been tabulated% The
"olymor"hs that result from "hase transformations at the nanoscale are also discussed% Parts of
this 'ork hae been "ublished in -anomaterials and Energy 2 95;$ 7 95:71;%
!ha"ter 5 focuses on the e&"erimental details and both synthesis techniques and
characteri)ation techniques used for tungsten trio&ide and molybdenum trio&ide nanomaterials%
!ha"ter 1 discusses a heuristic a""roach used to arrie u"on the critical "article si)e for
the "hase transformation bet'een a metastable and stable "hase of a metal o&ide% !ase studies
hae also been used to ascertain the accuracy of the e&"ression% This 'ork has a""eared in
"ublication$ 2ournal of 0merican %eramic Society 7395;$ 178 95:71;%
!ha"ter 6 discusses the in-situ synthesis of #0
based on a "olymor"hic "hase reaction%
The formation of nano'ires by such a non-inasie route by the irradiation by an electron beam
has im"ortant consequences for deelo"ment of a non-chemical route for nano'ire synthesis%
The im"artation of energy using an electron beam can "otential be achieed by any electron
beam based system%
!ha"ter 8 adds to the earlier 'ork done on the synthesis of single crystal nano'ires of
/o01 by ada"ting a multi4et system% Such a system has been designed to achiee high
through"ut synthesis of nanfibers% Jt is a 4et-controlled and flo'-controlled system% Part of this
'ork has a""eared in "ublications$ 2ournal of -anoenegineering and -anomanufacturing$ !97;$
1G95:76; and MRS eproceeding$ 327$ 5:76%
!ha"ter ? discusses the im"ortant consequences of the 'orks described in this thesis% The
im"ortance of a""lication of critical "article si)e "henomenon$ in-situ nano'ire synthesis of
and unique as"ects of the high through"ut /o0
nanofiber synthesis are discussed% The
future research directions as eoled from this 'ork are also outlined
J 'ould like to e&tend the foremost gratitude to my adisor$ Dr% P% Gouma% She has been a
source of great su""ort all throughout my stay at the uniersity% She has been a there through all
the u"s and do'ns and it is only due to her encouragement that J hae been able to achiee
anything% She is a kno'ledgeable mentor and the most "atient adisor% <er constructie
criticisms hae allo'ed me to gro' to be a ca"able researcher% A short "aragra"h cannot be
enough for the gratitude J hae for her$ it has been a "leasure to 'ork under her guidance for
more than three years%
J 'ould like to thank the su""ort of the de"artment$ es"ecially$ Dr% Cim Muin$ Deborah
/ichien)i$ !handrani Roy and Shauntae Smith% Additionally$ J 'ould like to thank our graduate
coordinator$ Dr% Dili" Gersa""e for being there to ans'er all my graduation related queries and
for all the hel" he has rendered during my stay%
Brookhaen 2ational Faboratory has been a source of intellectual "ro'ess during my
doctorate% J 'ould like to thank /r% Nim Nisslinger for "atiently training me on the T3/$ Dr%
3ric Stach for letting me use all the facilities in the electron microsco"y grou" and for guiding at
im"ortant 4unctures in the "ro4ect%
J 'ould like to ackno'ledge 2ational Science foundation 92SF D/R D77:?7?E and 2SF
JJS D7517@?7;$ for the financial su""ort "roided to'ards the research%
J hae s"ent most of my time in the lab$ therefore the su""ort and enironment "roided
to me due to my lab mates has been the most im"ortant contributor to'ards my successful
com"letion% J 'ould like to thank$ Dr% Cusang Fee$ Gagan Codhani$ Dr% Outaka 2omura for
teaching me in lab% 0ther lab members$ Prasad Sundaram$ Narishma Ti4ori'ala$ Guokuo Lheng$
Fei Fi$ Cing Lhang$ Ruiyao !ui$ Ciahao huang$ Fynne Fiao$ Selda To"cu hae all contributed to
making my e&"erience in lab a "leasant one%
And finally J 'ould like to thank the most im"ortant "eo"le in my life$ my family$ 'ho J
kno' 'ould al'ays be there no matter 'hat% /y father$ mother$ brother and both sisters and

Shantanu Sood
3orn4 Canuary 7@$ 7GEG$ Rhotak$ Jndia%
"&E& 9Culy 5::? P /ay 5:7:;$ /etallurgical 3ngineering$ Pun4ab 3ngineering !ollege Uniersity of
Technology$ !handigarh$ Jndia%
M&S& 9Canuary 5:77 P /ay 5:71;$ State Uniersity of 2e' Oork$ Stony Brook$ 2O$ USA%
:esearch Assistant 90ctober 5:77 P "resent;$ De"artment of materials science and engineering$ State
Uniersity of 2e' Oork$ Stony Brook$ 2O$ USA%
/eaching Assistant 9Se"tember 5:75 P /ay 5:71;$ De"artment of materials science and engineering$
State Uniersity of 2e' Oork$ Stony Brook$ 2O$ USA%
Pu.lications @<ournal and ProceedingsA
7% P% Gouma$ S% Sood 95:71;% MRS 5nline Proc' Li&' 211%
5% S% Sood$ P% Gouma 95:71;% 2' 0m' %eram' Soc', 73 Q5R$ 187P186%
1% S% Sood$ P%Gouma$ -anomaterials and Energy$ 292/35;$ 7-7895:71;%
6% S% Sood$ S% Diya$ P%Gouma$ 2ournal of nanoengineering and nanomanufacturing !$ 7P?$
8% S% Sood$ G% Lheng$ P% Gouma 95:76;% MRS 5nline Proc' Li&' 327%
Chapter & 'ntroduction
Although$ "olymor"hism 'as discoered by Nla"roth in 7@GE Q7R$ 'hen he sho'ed that the
chemical com"osition of minerals calcite and aragonite is same$ !a!01$ fe' gae any
im"ortance to it at the time% Jt 'as the result of the 'ork of a young chemist and amateur
mineralogist$ 3ilhardt /itscherlich Q5R in 7E5:s$ that "olymor"hism 'as uniersally acce"ted%
/itscherlich "ublished "a"ers on arsenates Q1R$ "hos"hates Q1R and sulfur Q6R$ /itscherlichSs Tla'
of isomor"hismT is sim"ly stated* Substances that crystalli)e in isomor"hous forms 9i%e%$ hae
identical crystalline forms and form mi&ed crystals; hae similar chemical com"ositions% Bulk
state o&ide "olymor"hism has been 'idely studied% Jn modern times 'ith the adent of
nanoscience$ "olymor"hism has made aailable a s"ectrum of materials 'hich 'ere hitherto not
aailable to science% S"ecifically nanocrystalline metal o&ides are of increasing interest Q8$ ?R
and it 'as sho'n that certain metal o&ides deiate significantly from their bulk state "hase
transformation "ro"erties 'hen they are sub4ect to similar conditions at the nanoscale% Follo'ing
'e discuss certain binary metal o&ides 'hich crystalli)e in metastable forms as they are sub4ect
to differing conditions of "ressure and tem"erature Q@R% These metastable states become aailable
at ambient conditions due to the nanometer si)e of the "articles or grains% Table S7 in A""endi&
A tabulates the bulk "hase transitions in the binary o&ides%
Polymor"hic nanocrystalline metal o&ides hae been "roen time and again to hae better
"ro"erties than there bulk counter"arts% 2anocrystalline !r0
a half metallic ferromagnetic QER
o&ide has seen a""lications in magnetoelectronics Q8R and there magnetotrans"ort "ro"erties hae
been inestigated Q8R% 0rthorhombic "hase of Sn0
is ery im"ortant in terms of gas sensing
a""lications QGR% 2anocrystalline Tungsten trio&ide$ is another im"ortant sensor material and its
sensing "ro"erties hae been 'ell studied Q7:R% /echanism for sensing behaior of metal o&ides
can be described by the surface "henomenon$ 'hen there are surface acancies on o&ide surface$
the o&idising gas can get adsorbed$ and for e&am"le 20B gas is adsorbed at the monoclinic
#01 surface$ on the contrary 'hen there is an access of electrons on the surface a reducing gas
can get adsorbed% Polymor"hism can also be an im"ortant "henomenon 'hen considering
electrochemical reactions in fuel cells$ different "olymor"hs of a metal o&ide can hae different
ion conductiity$ for e&am"le$ in the case of .-Bi501$ U-Bi501$ ,-Bi501$ V-Bi501 the ion
conductiities 'ere found to be 1B7:-6$ 5B7:-1$ 8B7:-1$ 7 res"ectiely Q77R% Polymor"hism is
also im"ortant in "hotocatalytic behaior% Tungsten Trio&ide is a metal o&ide that e&ihibits
"hotocatalytic behaior% Titania is by far the most 'idely used "hotocatalytic material$ but due to
its 'ide bandga" it has some limitations$ 'hereas tungsten trio&ide 'hich has much smaller
bandga" of bet'een 5%6 to 5%EeA Q75R and has better "hotocatalytic "ro"erties% Polymor"hism
also "lays an im"ortant role in electrochemical cells and batteries% The lattice of orthorhombic
molybdenum trio&ide due to its layered structure is "articularly suitable for FiW insertion reaction
Q71R% Authors of ref% Q7?R re"orted Fithium ca"acity u" to 7%8 Fi(/o and discharge ca"acity oer
1:: mAh gX7% The lattice of <e&agonal molybdenum trio&ide consists of a three-dimensional
array of corner-sharing /o0? octahedrons and has a more o"en structure 'hich not only "ermits
the ready intercalation of some monoalent cations including 2aW$ NW and 2<6W$ but also
allo's them to be readily mobile in the tunnels Q78R% Authors of ref% Q76R re"orted lithium
ca"acity of u" to 5%5 Fi(/o and discharge ca"acity oer 6:: mAh gX7$ 'hich is clearly much
better than the orthorhombic molybdenum trio&ide%
7%7%Polymor"hs of #0
has numerous "olymor"hs 'ith different structures$ all originating as distortions of the
ideal symmetry 'hich is cubic$ based on the re"etition of #0
regular octahedral% The structure
of #0
is close to the Re0
structure% For bulk state$ "hase transformations in #0
take the
follo'ing route Q7@$ 7ER$ the monoclinic Y-#0
9'ith s"ace grou" Pc; 'ith lattice constants$ a Z
8%5@@ [$ b Z 8%788 [$ c Z @%??1 [$ transforms to triclinic V-#0
9P6; at 51:N$ 'hich then
transforms to monoclinic ,-#0
8n; 'ith lattice contants$ a Z @%5G@ [$ b Z @%81G [$ c Z
@%?EE [ at 1::N% The room tem"erature monoclinic "hase is the stable form of #0
normal conditions and transforms to orthorhombic U-#0
9Pnma; 'ith lattice constants a Z
@%1E6[$ b Z @%875 [$ c Z 1%E6? [ at ?51N% U-#0
tranforms to tetragonal .-#0
9P18ncc; at
G::N 'hich is the high tem"erature "hase%
7%5%Polymor"hs of /o0
e&hibits seeral "olymor"hs* the .-"hase 9s"ace grou" Pbmn; that is stable under
ambient conditions+ the U-"hase 9P57(c;$ a metastable "olymor"h+ /o0
-JJ 9P57(m; a metastable
high-"ressure "hase+ and the he&agonal "hase$ h-/o0
% Both bulk .- and U-/o0
octahedra a the basic structural unit and their structure is formed by the linkage of
distorted /o0
octahedra Q7GR% .-/o0
crystalli)es 'ith lattice constants a Z 71%E88 [$ b Z
1%?G? [ and c Z 1%G?1 [ 9S"ace Grou" Pbnm;% U-/o0
is similar to #0
and is related to the
three-dimensional Re0
structure$ 'hich consists of corner-connected octahedra net'ork% Jt
crystalli)es 'ith lattice constants a Z @%755 [$ b Z 8%1?? [$ and c Z 8%8?? [ 9s"ace grou" P57(c;%
Phase transition bet'een "olymor"hs in the bulk state has been obsered to be much different
than at the nanoscale% /c!arron 97GE?; Q5:R first obsered the U-"hase to .-"hase transformation
in the bulk state and concluded that /o0
transforms from amor"hous to U-"hase at 881N and
then to .-"hase aboe ?@1N% Similar results 'ere later confirmed by Leng 97GGE; Q57R and it 'as
concluded that the U-"hase to the .-"hase reaction is both e&othermic and "hotochromic$ 'ith a
yello'-colored U-/o0
conerting to the 'hite-colored . "hase aboe ?6EN at moderate heating
7%1%Polymor"hs of other binary metal o&ides
naturally occurs as crystalline "hases Q55$ 51R* rutile tetragonal 9a Z 6%8G1@ [$ c Z
5%G8E@ [; 9P65(mnm;$ anatase tetragonal 9a Z 1%@E68 [$ c Z G%8761 [; 9J65(amd; and brookite
orthorhombic 9Pcab; 9a Z 8%688E [$ b Z G%7E7G [$ c Z 8%765G [;% Rutile is thermodynamically
stable at room tem"erature$ and anatase is kinetically stable and transforms to rutile at higher
tem"eratures Q56R%
crystalli)es in the rutile-ty"e tetragonal structure at ambient conditions and it
transforms to !a!l
-ty"e$ then to 9-Pb0
Pty"e$ and finally a "yrite 9modified fluorite;-ty"e
structure under high-"ressure Q58R% Rutile-ty"e tetragonal "hase and !a!l
-ty"e orthorhombic
"hase are the t'o most common and im"ortant "olymor"hs of Sn0
% 0ther high "ressure
"olymor"hs e&ist 9the reader is directed to follo'ing references; Q5?$ 5@R%
is one of the sim"lest kno'n half-metals$ a metastable chromium o&ide and can easily
decom"ose to chromia 9!r
;$ it crystalli)es into the rutile structure Q5ER 9S"ace grou"
P65(mnm$ LZ5; at ambient conditions$ a structure commonly found in many metal dio&ides
+ /ZTi$ !r$ /n$ Sn$ Ge$ Pb$ etc%;% The synthesis of nanocrystalline !r0
is difficult since$
as it is a metastable state$ most attem"ts hae resulted in transformation into the more stable
o&ide of chromium% Jn atmos"heric "ressure !r0
decom"oses to !r
at as lo' as 6@1N
can ado"t three different crystalline structures$ that is$ cubic$ tetragonal$ and
monoclinic "olymor"hs% The monoclinic "hase$ stable at room tem"erature$ is transformed to
tetragonal at 7661N$ and then to cubic at 5?61N Q1:R% These t'o high-tem"erature "hases are
unstable in bulk forms at ambient tem"erature 9although many dialent and trialent cationic
s"ecies such as /g
$ !a
$ and O
hae been incor"orated into )irconia to "re"are cubic and
tetragonal )irconia that is stable at room tem"erature;%
crystalli)es in cubic bi&byite-ty"e structure 9cubic-Jn
$ s"ace grou" Ja1; Q17R under
ambient conditions% !orundum-ty"e indium9JJJ; o&ide 9he&agonal-Jn
$ s"ace grou" R c; is 33
kno'n to be the high-"ressure modification of Jn
Q15$ 11R%
e&ists in a stable . "hase and has three metastable "hases ,$ U$ Y-Fe
% At high
tem"eratures Fe
conerts to amor"hous "hase% And melts at 7E1E N% U "hase 'ith lattice
constant$ a Z G%6:6 [$ is thermally unstable and conert to . "hase 'ith lattice constants$ a Z
8%:18 [$ c Z 71%@6E [$ aboe @@1N Q16R% Jnformation on the U$ Y "hases is scarce% The , \ .
transformation in bulk occurs at around G11N Q18R%
e&ists is arious "olymor"hic forms$ .$ ,$ V$ ]$ ^-Al
Q1?$ 1@$ 1ER .-Al
corundum$ 'ith lattice constants$ a Z 6%@8E [$ c Z 75%GG5 [$ and ,-Al
'ith lattice constants$ a
Z @%G66 [ are the more im"ortant "olymor"hs% At high "ressures of 7::GPa corundum changes
to Rh
9JJ;-ty"e orthorhombic structure Q1GR%
7%6%/etastability in nanocrystalline binary metal o&ides
Bet'een the stable state and unstable state of a material system there can be many
metastable states$ i%e% relatie stable states that succeed each other in ste"'ise decreasing free
energy% This is kno'n as 0st'ald-ste" rule or _the la' of successie reactions` Q6:R% The
occurrence of metastability is based on the structural transformations inoled% /tructure is the
fundamental propert( of pol(morphs$ thus to hae a clearer understanding as to 'hy certain
materials result in ariable structural configurations at arying tem"eratures and ho' e&actly the
"hases do transform% Table J lists the o&ide "olymor"hs that hae been synthesi)ed at the
nanoscale$ along 'ith the synthesis techniques$ "rocessing conditions$ and relatie "article si)e
of the transforming material%
Table 14 Metasta&le phases of Metal 5!ides

Conditions of
P and /
Particle Si,e Synthesis /echniEues 4eference
Rutile Aboe 7751N Belo' 77nm SolXgel method :16; < :17;
Anatase RT 77 to 18nm SolXgel method :16; < :17;
Brookite -- <igher than 18nm SolXgel method :16; < :17;
?51N 18 to E:nm
!hemical method inoling
com"osite "recursor$ no
o&idation to !r501 obsered
u"til @@1N
3iswas and Ram
(7$$1), :1";
3"ita&ial chromium dio&ide
by Selectie-Area gro'th
=ou and *iao,
-- 7:: nm to 5 >m
3lectron-beam lithogra"hy
and Reactie ion etching
*iao et al', :1#;
-- 1:-6:nm dia
Thermal ea"oration of Sn0
=hou et al':1?;
-- 8:nm
0r&iol et al':1@;
E6EN Grain si)e 5:nm
/echanical milling of tin
mono&ide "o'ders

Conditions of
P and /
Particle Si,e Synthesis /echniEues 4eference
7661N 7:nm --
Bar(ie and
?::N-7:@1N 1%7nm 2onhydrolytic solXgel
2oo et al':#$;
Aboe 75@1N G%8nm to 5:nm
Fiquid Thermal S"ray
%hras)a et al'
Aboe @51N ?:nm Jon-beam de"osition :#7;, :#";, :#1;
7:-8:nm dia%
2ano'ires$ length
Bouma et al'
Belo' @51N 2ano"articles Sol-gel method
0' D' Prasad,
h- /o0
RT As"ect ratio of ?:
Fo'-Tem"erature !hemical
Phase change
to U-/o01
aboe @::N
7D structures of
5:: nm dia b
length of E:: nm
!hemical "reci"itation
and 3ose,:#C;
661N to
8:nm diameter b
7am length
#et !hemical route +hage et al',:?$;
8@1N to @51N 8:-7::nm
Thermal annealing of
ammonium tungsten bron)e
?::N 1:-8:nm thick Soft !hemical route
3alasi et al'
:?7, ?";/:?1;
,-#01 ?@1N 2ano"articles Sol-gel method :?#;
Y-#01 RT 5:nm dia Flame S"ray Pyrolysis
Bouma et al'
?6EN to @@1N
E:nm dia
3lectros"inning :?1;,:?@;
u"to ?6EN 2ano'ires 3lectros"inning :?1;,:?@;

Conditions of
P and /
Particle Si,e Synthesis /echniEues 4eference
7:@1N 2anobelts and
<eat Treatment under
3thanol Aa"or Flo'
.an et al' :?A;
Single and
nanorods$ diameter
8-Gnm$ length 7:-
/icro'ae "lasma 'ith
he&acarbonyl "recursor
+' Follath et al'
and Pressure
7:nm aerage grain
Gas-condensation method
3alachandran et
al' :@$;
.-"hase Aboe ?@1N Aboe 1:nm
Three-com"onent /icro-
emulsion Technique
P 0yyu& et al'
,- Fe
-- 8nm to 1:nm
Three-com"onent /icro-
emulsion Technique
P 0yyu& et al'
8?1N - ?@1N 8nm to 58nm
Thermal treatment fo ,-
Fe00< and Fe106 "recursors
Gen et al' :@7;
Stable at
3lectrode"osition directly
from an alkaline Bi9JJJ;
tartrate solution
?51N 8:nm 2ano'ires Thermal 3nhanced Process Hung et al':@1;
U- Bi501
-- 8:-7::nm Flame S"ray Pyrolysis
Madler and
6@1N - ?51N @nm dia 2ano'ires
0&idatie /etal Aa"or
Trans"ort De"osition
Gang et al':@?;
?51N 8:nm Dia !itrate gel method
0nil)umar et al'
?@1N Aerage Dia 75nm Sol-gel method :@A;
@8:N Dia E:nm
Dehydration of the Jn00<
Gu et al':@C;
E@1N 1:-8:nm Solothermal method :A$;
PhaseDPhase Conditions of Particle Si,e Synthesis /echniEues 4eference
transition P and /
S"ecific surface
area of alumina is
larger than 758
(g$ or "article
si)e less than about
71 nm
Mchale et al'
6@1N 1%5nm% 2onaqueous Sol-Gel route :A7;
7%8%Phase Transformations due to nanoscale "article si)e
/etastability is key in "hase reactions inoling nanocrystals% Polymor"hic "hases often
e&ist in metastable states for long "eriods of time$ 'hich makes these states ery useful in
functional a""lications like gas sensing$ catalysis etc% At the nanoscale surface "ro"erties of
"olymor"hic materials differ and in most cases are a""reciably enhanced% For e&am"le the
catalytic "ro"erties of nanoscale !o0 are im"roed com"ared to the bulk state at lo'

QE1R% Thus it is im"ortant to study indiidual metal o&ides and come u" 'ith the
nanoscale characteristics of each$ such characteristics can find e&tensie uses in "hotocatalysis$
gas sensing$ electrochemical$ electrochromic deices to name a fe'%
Such differing "hase transformations due to nano si)e are not 4ust seen in "olymor"hic
metal o&ides$ but in general in all metal o&ides$ "olymor"hic or not$ for e&am"le the Room
tem"erature bulk "hase of !u conerts to cubic !u
0 by o&idation at ery high tem"eratures of
greater than 75::N QE6R$ if the tem"eratures are still increased the monoclinic !u0 forms%
!ontrary it 'as obsered QE8R that !u
0 nano"hase starts to form aboe 851N$ and !u0 starts to
form beyond ?51N$ the "article si)e at 851N and ?51N 'ere 7? and 1:nm res"ectiely% Jt is
obsered that cubic !u
0 is more stable at the nanodimentions also QE?$ E@R than the monoclinic
!u0 due to the increase ionic nature caused by reduction in the "article si)e% !u
0 nanocrystals
at lo'er than bulk tem"eratures hae been "re"ared by ion irradiation QEER$ s"uttering QEGR$
reduction route QG:R$ etc%
Thus$ e&"erimental obserations confirm that for nanocrystalline metal o&ides "hase
transformation occurs ia different mechanism at the nano scale$ such as reersal in "hase
stability at small "article si)e is obsered in some systems$ melting tem"eratures are generally
lo'er in nano"articles$ transition tem"eratures to high tem"erature "hases are often lo'er$ 'hile
transition "ressures to high "ressure "hases can be higher or lo'er% 0ne of the reasons that
nano"articles sho' such differing "ro"erties is because of the significantly higher surface areas
at nano scale 'hich makes the contribution from surface energies much more significant QG7R%
Thermodynamic as"ects of the "hase transformations at nanoscale hae been elaborated in the
ne&t sections% Table 5 gies a com"arison bet'een bulk and nano "hase at ambient tem"erature
and "ressure% Similarly table in a""endi& A gies com"arison bet'een bulk and nano for same
"hase and different conditions for tem"erature and "ressure%
Table "3 %omparison &etween &ul) and nano phase at am&ient temperature and pressure
Oxide at
"ul# phase Nano Phase
e and
tetragonal "hase
RT and 7
RT and 7
C7, C",
1@, 1A
!ubic bi&byite-
ty"e structure
RT and 7
!ubic bi&byite-
ty"e structure W
RT and 7
@A, @C,
!orundum ty"e
trigonal .-"hase
RT and 7
!ubic , "hase Belo'
7@nm and
RT and 7
C1, A6,
Rutile RT and 7
Anatase Belo'
RT and 7
16, 17
0rthorhombic .
RT and 7
0rthorhombic .
"hase W
and 661
to ?@1N
RT and 7
#C, ?$
Triclinic V-"hase RT and 7
/onoclinic Y
2anosi)e RT and 7
C#, ??,
/onoclinic "hase RT and 7
RT and 7
1C, #$,
7%?% Polymor"hic nano'ires of #0
and /o0
All the discussion u" till no' has concentrated on "olymor"hism in s"herical nano"articles$
though nano"articles are im"ortant for engineering a""lication but the high as"ect ratio of the
nano'ires "roide an een larger surface area% This enhances the "ro"erties of the material
thereby increasing the range of a""lications% 2ano'ires of semiconducting materials are
nanostructures 'ith high-as"ect ratio$ enormous surface area$ and controlled crystallogra"hic
orientation that make them ideal for a""lications in sensing in a breath diagnostic tool QG@R$
catalysis$ and nano-electronics deices QGE$ GGR% Such nanostructures hae been 'idely
considered in the literature since the early re"ort of single crystal silicon by a a"or-liquid solid
technique Q7::R and single crystal semiconducting nano'ires hae been synthesi)ed by "ulsed-
laser ablation Q7:5R% /onocrystalline nano'ires of metal o&ides 9#0
$ /o0
$ !u0 etc; hae
been "roduced through arious routes$ from thermal o&idation of a metal mesh$ to tem"late-
assisted blend electros"ining$ to colloidal synthesis of o&ides Q7:7-7:8R$ as tabulated in table 7%?
Table 1-4 Results from earlier research in our group'
Synthesis method Possi.le analyte sensed 4ef
nano'ires 3lectros"inning Ammonia 6$1, 6$#
nano'ires 3lectros"inning 2itrogen Dio&ide CA
!u0 nano'ires Tem"late assisted gro'th -- 6$"
1D !u0 nanogrids 3lectros"inning and
thermal o&idation
3thanol 616
<e&agonal #0
!hemical synthesis Ammonia 6"7
nano"lates Thermal o&idation !arbon /ono&ide 61$
Single crystal nano'ires are of higher alue than "olycrystalline(multigranular
nano'ires% Although this is only true 'hen single crystal nano'ires hae a s"ecific "lane
e&"osed$ and the "ro"erties like gas sensitiity are enhanced Q7:8R% Jn that case the
"olycrystalline nano'ires hae a disadantage$ because the "lanes are randomly oriented% But
reerse maybe true 'hen gas sensitiity is not de"endent on s"ecifically oriented e&"osed "lane
Q765R% For e&am"le$ in the case of "olycrystalline nano'ires of Jn
Q765R$ it 'as seen that
"orosity due to ery small grain si)e increased the sensitiity to 3thanol$ as com"ared to single
crystal nano'ires$ this can be the case in non-s"ecific materials% For highly s"ecific materials$
like single crystals of monoclinic #0
Q761R the sensitiity is highly de"endent on the s"ecific
"lanes being e&"osed and the absence of defects%
nano'ires$ in "articular$ hae also been synthesi)ed from gro'th directly from
tungsten substrate Q7:?R or by thermal heating of a tungsten "late Q7:@R% 2on-aqueous
"re"aration of crystalline tungsten o&ide nano'ires has been carried out using a tungsten
iso"ro"o&ide "recursor in ben)yl alcohol Q7:@R% 2eertheless$ there has been no direct
obseration of #0
nano'ire gro'th in-situ and solely from solid o&ide "recursors until no'$
and thus the nature of the s"ontaneous transition of o&ide nanocrystals to nano'ires under the
influence of an electron beam is being addressed here%
nano'ires$ in "articular hae also been synthesi)ed by other researchers% Pure
orthorhombic structured nano'ire arrays of molybdenum trio&ide 'as synthesi)ed by Lhou et al%
Q7:ER$ these 'ere gro'n on a silicon substrate% Due to the instability of trio&ide form of
molybdenum o&ides$ many 'orks hae managed to synthesi)e molybdenum dio&ide in
con4unction 'ith molybdenum trio&ide% Such structures hae been reie'ed e&tensiely by /ai
et al% Q7:GR and the readers are directed to the source for more information%
7%@% A""lications of nanocrystalline binary metal o&ides
As has been elaborated aboe nanocrystalline metal o&ides hae "ro"erties much different
from bulk metal o&ides% For e&am"le$ orthorhombic "hase of Sn0
is ery im"ortant in terms of
gas sensing a""lications Q77:R% This high tem"erature and high "ressure bulk "hase has been
re"orted at nano scale as single "hase Q77:$ 777R and as coe&istence of orthorhombic Sn0
rutile-ty"e Sn0
"hase nano'ire Q775R% 2anocrystalline #0
$ is another im"ortant sensor
material and its sensing "ro"erties hae been 'ell studied Q771R%
Sensing behaior of nanocrystalline metal o&ides has been outlined by Gouma 95::?;
Q776R$ gas selectiity can be achieed by achieing a s"ecific crystallogra"hic "hase of a "ure
metal o&ide% Surface interactions on metal o&ides are "rimarily due to gas adsor"tion$ hydrogen
e&traction$ or o&ygen addition% Due to structural differences the orientation of the surface atoms
of metal o&ides differ 'hich intern causes differing catalytic behaiors for eery indiidual "hase
of different metal o&ides% /echanism for sensing behaior of metal o&ides can be described by
the surface "henomenon$ 'hen there are surface acancies on o&ide surface$ the o&idi)ing gas
can get adsorbed$ and e%g% 20
gas is adsorbed at the monoclinic #0
surface$ on the contrary
'hen there is an access of electrons on the surface a reducing gas can get adsorbed% /ost of the
aboe mentioned metal o&ides sho' sensitiity or selectiity to different gases% The monoclinic
"hase of /o0
for e&am"le$ is selectie to o&idi)ing gas like iso"rene 'hereas the orthorhombic
"hase of /o0
is selectie and sensitie to amines like 2<
Q778$ 77?R% Similarly$ the monoclinic
"hase of #0
is selectie to o&idi)ing gases like 20
and 0
$ 'hereas the orthorhombic "hase is
selectie to'ards reducing gases Q77@$ 77E$ 77GR%
Catalysis hel"s the reaction go faster$ or 'hich alters the rate of a chemical reaction%
<eterogeneous catalysis$ homogeneous catalysis$ biocatalysis$ electrocatalysis$ organocatalysis
are all forms of catalysis% Jn the conte&t of "olymor"hism$ electrocatalysis 'hich is the basis for
solid o&ide fuel cell Q75:R technology is im"ortant% 2anoscale si)e has additional benefits for
fuel cell technology$ meso"ore si)e distribution and nanocrystalline channel 'alls may lead to
im"roements in fuel mass trans"ort$ o&ide ion mobility$ electronic conductiity$ and charge
transfer% For e&am"le Lirconia 9Lr0
; is an effectie fuel cell material$ /amak et al% Q757R
synthesi)ed meso"orous yttrium stabili)ed )irconia by soft chemistry route 'ith cubic
mor"hology and obsered it to be more thermally stable 9u" to 7:@1N;$ haing more uniform
intergranular "ore si)e and enlarged tri"le-"oint boundary9TPB;% Similar to )irconia$ arious
"olymor"hs of Bismuth o&ide 9Bi
; hae also seen a""lications in Solid o&ide fuel cells
9S0F!s; because of its ionic conducting nature$ i%e% o&ygen atoms readily moe through it%
!once"tually S0F!s are an o&ygen ion conducting electrolyte through 'hich the o&ide ions
migrate from the enironment electrode 9cathode; side to the fuel electrode 9anode; side reacting
'ith the fuel 9<
$ !0$ etc%; thereby generating electrical oltage% Bismuth o&ide 'as used as one
of the layers in a bilayer ceria(bismuth o&ide assembly 'hich hel"ed enhance the o"en-circuit
"otential 90!P; Q755R%
Photocatalysis is the increase in the rate of a "hotoreaction occurs in the "resence of a
catalyst% Photogenerated catalysis is 'hen the "hotocatalytic actiity 9P!A; de"ends on the
ability of the catalyst to create electronPhole "airs$ 'hich generate free radicals like hydro&yl
grou" 'hich are able to undergo secondary reactions% Ability of titania for 'ater catalysis 'as
the discoery by Fu4ushima and <onda 97G?G; that led to its early com"rehension in the 7G?:s
Q751R% Titania has t'o "rimary "hases$ rutile and anatase$ both haing different band ga"s% Rutile
e&hibiting a lo'er band ga" 91%: eA; in com"arison to anatase 91%5 eA; 'hich can cause it to be
e&cited by irradiation at longer 'aelengths 'hereas anatase generally e&hibits su"erior
"hotocatalytic actiity to rutile as a result of a significantly higher surface area and thus higher
leels of adsorbed radicals Q756$ 758R% This 'as elaborated more e&tensiely in a recent reie'
Q75?R% Jn recent times the nanometer si)e has enhanced some "ro"erties related to this
"henomenon and the so called second generation "hotocatalyst hae been deelo"ed% As stated
earlier$ anatase can be achieed at lo'er tem"eratures 9?@1N; for nanoscale si)e$ this is essential
because of the fact that it sho's better "hotocatalytic behaior$ nanoscale si)e hel"s in increasing
the "hotocatalytic behaior by increasing the number of "ores and enhancing solid-solid
interactions% Jt has been seen that 'hen nano-titania is calcined to higher tem"erature 9aboe
8@1N; the "hotocatalytic actiity is decreased Q75@R% This de"endence of "hotocatalytic actiity
on titania "olymor"h 'as established 'hen !a""elletti et al% Q75ER found that for nanocrystalline
sam"les of anatase-brookite com"osite and rutile$ the former had better "hotocatalytic actiity at
G6K at G: min reaction time as against E:K at G: min reaction time for rutile% They also
concluded that the mi&ed "hases of anatase-brookite or anatase-rutile sho'ed better
"hotocatalytic actiity%
7%E% Polymor"hic nano'ires as sensing materials
2ano'ires nanostructures are solid$ one dimensional materials 'ith diameters in the 7:-E:
nm range$ and are metallic or semiconducting in nature$ made from metals or metal o&ides most
often% #ires made from molecular entities and diameter less than 8nm are often called /olecular
2ano'ires$ and these are different from 2ano'ires% !arbon nanotube research and nano'ires
research are often "arallel% Though carbon nanotube materials are different$ the sensing
mechanisms and underlying behaior are usually ery similar% 2ano'ire hae large surface area
to olume ratio "romising high sensitiity and the si)e of the nanostructures is similar to the si)e
of s"ecies being sensed$ thus nano'ires make good candidate transducers for "roducing the
signals that are then read and recorded by conentional instruments% Since they 'ere discoered$
silicone nano'ires hae "rimarily been inestigated for sensing a""lications in biological
systems Q75GR% Biomedical research 'ould greatly benefit from the adent of nano'ires as
sensors and they hae been ie'ed as one of most "romising areas Q71:R% Techniques for
generating arious ty"es of im"ortant nano'ires$ nanorods$ nanobelts$ and nanotubes$ synthetic
strategies$ design of sensing deices$ and sensing mechanism has been reie'ed Q717R%
2ano'ire nanostructure sensors of metal o&ides hae enhanced "ro"erties as o""osed to
nano"article nanostructures$ this is "articularly true for sensing sensitiity% For e&am"le$
sensitiity of nano'ire structures of orthorhombic "hase of /o0
to 7:: ""m ammonia gas 'as
5:%8 in com"arison to nano"articles 'here the sensitiity 'as ?%E for same concentration Q715$
711R% Similarly in the case of #0
the sensor sensitiity analysis to'ards 20
sho'ed that the
sensitiity im"roed significantly 'hen nano'ires 'ere used as o""osed to nano"articles Q716R%
Single crystals are of "articular im"ortance for sensing of analytes$ as com"ared to the
multigranular crystals% Jnstabilities may form at the grain .oundaries$ 'hich cause lo'ering of
sensitiity to'ards gaseous analytes% Ra et al% Q718R studied such an affect for Ln0 nano'ires%
They obsered much slo'er recoery and res"onse times and additionally the sensing res"onse
'as much more unstable for multigranular nano'ires as com"ared to single crystal Ln0
nano'ires% Therefore the single crystal character of 'ell-defined nano'ires is highly desirable
for their use in sensing a""lications% Stoichiometry also "lays an im"ortant role in defining the
sensing "ro"erties of nano'ires% The difference bet'een a non-stoichiometric and stoichiometric
nano'ire may cause it to change sensing behaior significantly% Gali et al% Q71?R studied such
behaior for Jn
nano'ires$ and found that lo'er the stoichiometry of the nano'ires higher
'as res"onse to the o&idi)ing gas$ 'hereas 'hen the stoichiometric behaior increased it led to a
more significant res"onse to reducing gas% Therefore$ a single crystal nano'ire of desired and
kno'n stoichiometry 'ould be an ideal candidate for sensing lo' concentrations of s"ecific
analytes% Exposed surfaces of the single crystals of nano'ires is another factor that influences
the sensitiity behaior of the crystals% Jn many instances the "resence of higher surface o&ygen
on certain "lanes "romote adsor"tion of the analytes at the surface% For e&am"le$ Naneti et al%
Q71@R studied the gas-sensing behaior of Ln0 as it aries due to differently e&"osed crystalline
"lanes% Jt 'as obsered that the 9:::7; "lane had double sensitiity to'ards 3thanol as com"ared
to the 97:7:; "lane%
Jn "reious 'ork done in our grou"$ the most common routes of synthesis of nano'ires has
been either traditional needle electros"inning Q71ER or o&idatie synthesis Q71GR% These methods
are effectie and "roduce clean mor"hology nano'ires$ though the inasie a""roach and slo'
"roduction rates deter there industrial ado"tion% Jn this 'ork the a""roach to nano'ire
"roduction has been to'ards high rate and(or instant gro'th 'hile maintaining mor"hological
7%G% Statement of the "roblem
Polymor"hic reactions in binary metal o&ides are abundant% Due to the numerous number of
crystalline configurations aailable$ the range of "olymor"hs of any binary metal o&ide offers a
ariety of materials 'ith constant com"osition but distinct "ro"erties suitable to an array of
engineering a""lications%
/ost of these aailable "olymor"hs occur in high tem"erature and high "ressure range in the
bulk form% Although due to the inherent energies inoled 'hen the "article si)e is lo'ered to
sufficiently lo' alues$ many of the high "ressure and high tem"erature "olymor"hs could be
aailable at ambient conditions at the nanoscale% This fact makes it im"eratie to study the
"article si)e effect in the control of "olymor"hic reactions and the determination of "hase
stability fields for nanostructured o&ides%
2anostructures of metal o&ides occur in many different sha"es% S"herical nano"articles are
the most common structures% 2ano'ire structures hae higher surface area and therefore are of
greater use in engineering a""lications% This thesis also e&"loits "hase 9meta; stability for the
synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructures%
7% /% <% Nla"roth% Bergmannische C%$ 5G697@GE;%
5% 3% /itscherlich% Abhl% Akad%$ Berlin$ 6197E51;%
1% 3%/itscherlich% Ann% !him% Phy% 7G$ 18:97E55;%
6% 3%/itscherlich% Ann% !him% Phys%$ 56$ 5?697E51;%
8% /arion 3% Franke$ Tobias C% No"lin$ and Ulrich Simon% Small 597;$ "ages 1?95::?;%
?% Ricardo <% R% !astro and Beibei #ang% C% Am% !eram% Soc%$ G691;$ 5:77$ G7E95:77;%
@% A% 3% <enrich and P% A% !o&% The Surface Science of /etal 0&ides% 9!ambridge Uniersity
Press$ !ambridge 7GG6; Aol% BJA$ "% 6?6 "$ JSB2 :P857P661EG-B%
E% S% Bis'as and S% Ram% !hem% Phys% 1:?97-1;$ 7?195::6;%
G% Cordi Arbiol$ 3lisabetta !omini$ Guido Faglia$ Giorgio Sbereglieri$ Coan Ramon /orante%
Cournal of !rystal Gro'th 17:97;$ 58195::E;
7:% Geng #ang$ Miang #ang$ #u Fu$ and Cinghong Fi% C% Phy% !hem% B$ 77:961;$ ""
77% 2% Randrianantoandro$ A% /% /ercier$ /% <erieu and C% /% Greneche% /ater% Fett% Aol%
6@91;$ 78:95::7;%
75% D # Bullett% C% Phys% !* Solid State Phys% 7?$ 57G@97GE1;%
71% S%<% Fee$ /%C% Seong$ !%3% Tracy$ A% /ascarenhas$ C%R% Pitts$ S%N% Deb% Solid State Jonics
76@$ 75G95::5;%
76% Cimei Song$ Biong #ang$ Biaomin 2i$ <uagui Lheng$ Lude Lhang$ /ingrong Ci$ Tao Shen$
Bing'ei #ang% /aterials Research Bulletin% 6:97:;$ 7@8795::8;%
78% C% Guo$ P% Laali4 and /%S% #hittingham% C% Solid State !hem% 77@$ 15197GG8;%
7?% 2% Numagai$ 2% Numagai and N% Tanno% 3lectrochim% Acta 15$ 785797GE@;%
7@% 3%!a))anelli$ !%A inegoni$ G%/ariotto$ A%N u)min$ and C%Puransc% C% Solid State !hem% 761$
7E% 0% Berger$ #%C% Fischer and A% /ele% C% /ater% Sci* /ater% in 3lectr% 78$ 6?195::6;%
7G% F% Nihlborg% Arki Nemi% 57$ 18@97G?1;%
5:% 3% /% /c!arron% C% !<3/% S0!% !<3/% !0//U2% 6$ 11?97GE?;%
57% <%!% Leng% C% !ryst% Gro'th 7E?$ 1G197GGE;%
55% <% !heng$ C% /a$ L% Lhao$ and F% Mi% !hem% /ater% @$ ??197GG?; %
51% Cing Sun and Fian Gao% C% Am% !eram% Soc% E89G;$ 51E595::5;%
56% ! Suresh$ A Bi4u$ P /ukundan$ N%G%N #arrier% Polyhedron 7@97E;$ 171797GGE;%
58% Shieh S% R%$ Nubo A%$ Duffy T% S%$ Praka"enka A% B% and Shen G% Phys% Re% B @1$
5?% 0no S%$ Funakoshi N%$ 2o)a'a A% and Nikega'a$ T% C% A""l% Phys% G@$ :@185195::8;%
5@% F% Gracia$ A% Beltrdn$ and C% Andres% C% Phys% !hem% B 777951;$ ?6@G95::@;
5E% B% R% /addo&$ !% S% Ooo$ Dee"a Nasinathan$ #% 3% Pickett$ and R% T% Scalettar% Phys% Re% B
@1$ 76677795::?;
5G% /% Rabe$ C% Drefen$ D% Dahmen$ C% Pommer$ <% Stahl$ U% Rgdiger$ G% Ggntherodt$ S% Sen)
and D% <esse% C% /agn% b /agn% /at% 577$ 17695:::;%
1:% /% Ruehle% Ad% /ater% G$ 7G897GG@;%
17% A% 3% SoloSea% Refractories and Jndustrial !eramics 5E9@-E;$ 1E:97GE@;
15% R%D%Shannon% Solid State !ommun% 6$ ?5G97G??;%
11% !%T% Pre'itt$ R%D% Shannon$ D%B% Rogers and A%#% Sleight% Jnorg% !hem% E$ 7GE897G?G;%
16% R% /% !ornell$ U% Sch'ertmann% #iley-A!<$ ed% 5$ 9#einheim$ Germany$ 5::1;$ JSB2*
18% 0)den 0)demir and Subir N% Baner4ee% Geo"hysics research letters 7791;$ 7?797GE1;%
1?% Cung-Fu Fin$ 0lga Degtyarea$ !harles T% Pre'itt$ Pr)emysla' Dera$ 2agayoshi Sata$
3ugene Gregoryan)$ <o-k'ang /ao and Russell C% <emley% 2ature /aterials 1$ 1EG95::6;%
1@% Narl #efers and !hanakya /isra% Alcoa Technical Pa"er 7G$ Reised Alcoa Fab%$ 7GE@%
1E% Takayuki Tsukada$ <ideo Sega'a$ Atsuo Oasumori and Niyoshi 0kada% C% /ater% !hem% G$
1G% 2% Funamori and R% Ceanlo)% Science 5@E$ 77:G97GG@;%
6:% 0st'ald$ #% Leitschrift fgr Physikalische !hemie 55$ 5EG97EG@;%
67% <eng)hong Lhang and Cillian F% Banfield% C% Phys% !hem% B$ 7:6978;$ 16E795:::;
65% Bisheng Oe$ Cian Sha$ Lhengkuan Ciao$ Fide Lhang%2anostructured /aterials E9@;$
61% S% Bis'as and S% Ram% !hem% Phys%1:?97-1;$ 7?195::6;
66% Biao4ing Lou and Gang Biao% A""lied Physics Fetters$ Aolume G7977;$ 77187595::@;
68% M% Lhang$ O% Fi$ A% A% 2urmikko$ G% B% /iao$ G% Biao$ and A% Gu"ta% C% A""l% Phys% G?$
6?% O%B% !hen$ F%C% !am"bell$ #%F% Lhou% Cournal of !rystal Gro'th% 5@:91-6;$ 8:895::6;
6@% Cordi Arbiol$ 3lisabetta !omini$ Guido Faglia$ Giorgio Sbereglieri$ Coan Ramon /orante%
Cournal of !rystal Gro'th 17:97;$ 58195::E;
6E% C% Famelas% Cournal of A""lied Physics G?977;$ ?7G895::6;
6G% R% !% Garie$ /% F% Goss% C% /ater% Sc% 57$ 758197GE?;
8:% Cin Coo$ Taekyung Ou$ Ooung #oon Nim$ <yun /in Park$ Fan&in #u$ Cin L% Lhang$ and
Taegh'an <yeon% C% Am% !hem% Soc% 758$ ?88195::1;
87% Tomas !hraska$ Ale&ander <% Ning and !hristo"her !% Berndt% /aterials Science and
3ngineering A5E?$ 7?G95:::;
85% A%N% Prasad$ P%J% Gouma$ D% C% Nubinksi$ C%<% Aisser$ R%3% Soltis$ and P%C% Schmit)% Thin
Solid Films 61?$ 6?95::1;
81% A% N% Prasad and P% Gouma% C% /at% Sci% 1E$ 616@95::1;
86% A% N% Prasad$ D% Nubinski$ and P% J% Gouma% Sensors b Actuators B G$ 5895::1;
88% P% Gouma$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ and A% Bisho"% Cournal of /aterials Research$ 2ano'ires
and 2anotubes s"ecial issue 57977;$ 5G:695::?;
8?% Arun N% Prasad% Phd thesis$ Stony brook uniersity$ 5::8
8@% !%A% Ramana$ A%A% Atuchin$ J%B% Troitskaia$ S%A% Gromilo$ A%G% Nostrosky$ G%B% Sau"e%
Solid State !ommunications 76G$ ?95::G;
8E% !% A% Ramana$ J% B% Troitskaia$ A% A% Atuchin$ /% Ramos$ and D% Ferrer% C% Aac% Sci% Technol%
A 5E$ @5?95:7:;
8G% Angamuthura4 !hithambarara4 and Arumugam !handra Bose% Beilstein C% 2anotechnol% 5$
?:% Dhage S% R%$ <assan /% S% and Oang 0%B% /ater% !hem% Phys% 776$ 87795::G;
?7% J%/% S)ilagyi F%S% #ang$ P%J% Gouma$ !% Bala)si$ C% /adaras)$ and G% Pokol% /aterials
Research Bulletin$ 6691;$ 8:895::G;
?5% !% Bala)si$ F% #ang% 3%0% Layim$ J%/% S)ilagyi$ J%/iklos$ N% Sedlackoa$ C% Pfeifer A%F%
Toth$ and P%J% Gouma% C% 3ur% !eram% Soc% 5E98;$ G7195::E;
?1% !% Bala)si$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ 3%0% Layim$ C% Pfeifer$ A$F% Toth and P%J% Gouma% Acta
/etallurgica Sloaca 71$ 7E?95::@;%
?6% G%A% #ang$ O%A% Ci$ B%R% <uang$ B%M% Oang$ P%J% Gouma$ and /% Dudley% C% Phys% !hem% B
77:96@;$ 51@@@95::?;
?8% P%J Gouma and N% Nalyanasundaram% A""l% Phys% Fett% G1$ 5667:595::E;
??% F% #ang$ A% Teleki$ S% 3% Pratsinis$ and P% J% Gouma% !hem% /ater% 5:$ 6@G695::E;
?@% N%/% Sa'icka$ A%N% Prasad and P%J% Gouma% Sensor Fetters 1$ 1795::8;
?E% Miang <an$ Fi4un #u$ Aaron Stein$ Oimei Lhu$ Cames /ise'ich$ and Cohn #arren% Ange'%
!hem% Jnt% 3d% 68$ ?88695::?;
?G% D% Aollath$ D%A% S)ab$ C%0% #illis% /aterials Fetters 5G$ 5@797GG?;
@:% U% Balachandran$ R% #% Siegel$ O% B% Fiao$ T% R% Aske'% 2anostructured /aterials 898;$
@7% P Ayyub$ / /ultani$ / Parma$ Ar Palkar and R Ai4ayaraghaan% C% Phys% !* Solid State
Phys% 57$ 555G97GEE;
@5% Fu Su Oen$ #ei !hien !hen$ Canne /in Oang$ and !hen Tsung <ong% 2ano Fetters 591;$
@1% 3ric # Bohannan$ !hristo"her ! Caynes$ /ark G Shumsky$ Culie N Barton and Cay
A S'it)er% Solid State Jonics 71797-5;$ Cune G@95:::;
@6% !% !% <uang$ J% !% Feu$ and N% L% Fung% 3lectrochemical and Solid-State Fetters E96;$
@8% Fut) /adler and Sotiris 3% Pratsinis% C% Am% !eram% Soc% E89@;$ 7@7195::5;
@?% Oongfu Miu$ Dongfang Fiu$ Cinhu Oang$ and Shihe Oang% Ad% /ater% 7E$ 5?:695::?;
@@% Anilkumar$ Renu Pasricha and A% Rai% !eramics Jnternational 17$ EEG95::8;
@E% Ale&ander Gurlo$ 2icolae Barsan$ Udo #eimar$ /aria Janoskaya$ Antonietta Taurino$ and
Pietro Siciliano% !hem% /ater% 78951;$ 61@@95::1;
@G% Dabin Ou$ Shu-<ong yu$ Shuyuan Lhang$ Cian Luo$ Debao #ang$ and Oitai Mian% Ad%
Funct% /ater% 719?;$ 6G@95::1;
E:% Ciaqiang Bu$ Ou"ing !hen$ Cianian Shen% /aterials Fetters% ?59E-G;$ 71?195::E;
E7% C% /% /c<ale$ A% Aurou&$ A% C% Perrotta and A% 2arotsky% Science 5@@9815@;$ @EE97GGE;
E5% Shu&ue Lhou$ /arkus Antonietti$ and /arkus 2iederberger% Small 198;$ @?195::@;
E1% Ale&andra 2arotsky !hengcheng /a$ Nristina Filoa and 2ancy Birkner% Science 11:$
E6% A%0 /usa$ T Akomolafe and /%C !arter% Solar 3nergy /aterials and Solar !ells 87$ 91-6;$
E8% Sheng <an$ <ong-Oing !hen$ Ouh-Bin !hu and <an !% Shih% Cournal of Aacuum Science b
Technology B 519?;$ 588@95::8;
E?% B% Balamurugan$ B% R% /ehta$ S% /% Shia"rasad% A""lied Physics Fetters @G97G;$
E@% A% R% Palkar$ Pushan Ayyub$ Soma !hatto"adhyay$ and /anu /ultani% Phys% Re% B 8198;$
EE% B% Balamurugan$ B% R% /ehta$ D% N% Aasthi$ Fouran Singh$ Akhilesh N% Arora$ /%
Ra4alakshmi$ G% Raghaan$ A% N% Tyagi and S% /% Shia"rasad% Cournal of A""lied Physics
G59?;$ 11:695::5;%
EG% Tane4a P%$ !handra R%$ Baner4ee R% and Ayyub P% Scri"ta /ater%$ 66$ 7G7895::7;%
G:% Biao4ing Lou and Gang Biao% A""lied Physics Fetters$ Aolume G7977;$ 77187595::@;%
G7% C% /% Blakely% Jntroduction to the Pro"erties of !rystal Surfaces% 9Pergamon Press$ 0&ford$
7st edn%$ 7G@1;%
G5% L% R% Dai$ C% F% Gole$ C% D% Stout$ and L% F% #ang% C% Phys% !hem% B 7:?$ 75@695::5;%
G1% N% Suito$ 2% Na'ai$ O% /asuda% /aterials Research Bulletin 7:9@;$ ?@@97G@8;
G6% C% /% /c<ale$ A% 2arotsky$ A% C% Perrotta% C% Phys% !hem% B 7:796;$ ?:197GG@;%
G8% A% G% Sou)a Filho$ P% T% !% Freire$ 0% Pilla$ A% P% Ayala$ C% /endes Filho$ F% 3% A% /elo$ A% 2%
Freire$ and A%Femos% Physics Reie' B ?59?;$ 1?GG95:::;%
G?% Arai /%$ <ayashi S%$ Oamamoto N% and Nim S% S% Solid State !ommun% @89@;$ ?7197GG:;%
G@% P% Gouma$ S% Sood 95:71; 1-sensor Array for <and <eld Breath Diagnostic Tool% MRS
5nline Proc' Li&' 7811%
GE% P% Gouma 95::G;% -anomaterials for %hemical Sensors and 3iotechnology 9Pan Stanford
GG% F% #ang$ P% Gouma 95:75;% Integrated Microanalytical Systems$ cha"ter 8 9eds% /% A%
!ar"enter et al%;$ 7?@-7EE%
7::% R%S% #agner$ #%!% 3llis 97G?6;% Aa"or-liquid-solid mechanism of single crystal gro'th%
0ppl' Phys' Lett' 6$ EG%
7:7% G% F% Frey$ Rothschild$ C% Sloan$ Rosentseig$ R% Po"oit) Biro and R% Tenne 95::7;%
Jnestigations of nonstoichiometric tungsten trio&ide nano"articles% 2' Solid State %hem' 7?5$
7:5% O%F% Lhang$ O%<% Lhang$ 2% #ang$ D%P% Ou$ !%S% Fee$ J% Bello$ S%T% Fee 97GGE;% Silicon
nano'ires "re"ared by laser ablation at high tem"eratures% 0ppl' Phys' Lett' @5$ 7E18%
7:1% N% Sa'icka$ /% Naradge$ P% J% Gouma 95::6;% 0&idation synthesi)ed !u0 nano'ires for
gas sensing a""lications% Microsc' Microanal% 7:$ 1?:-1?7%
7:6% P% Gouma$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ A% Bisho" 95::?;% 3lectros"un Single !rystal /o01
2ano'ires for Bio-!hem sensing "robes 2' Mat' Res' 57977;$ 5G:6-5G7:%
7:8% Patent granted US(Patent 2o @$GE7$578 issued on :@(7G(5:77$ entitled _3lectros"un
Single !rystal /o01 2ano'ires for Bio-!hem Sensing Probes`
7:?% Fusheng Bu$ Ste"hen D% Tse$ Cafar F% Al-Sharab and Bernard <% Near 95::?;% Flame
synthesis of aligned tungsten o&ide nano'ires% 0ppl' Phys' Lett' EE$ 561778%
7:@% G%O% !hen$ A% Stolo4an$ D%!% !o&$ !% Giusca$ S%R%P% Sila 95::?;% Gro'th of tungsten
o&ide nano'ires using sim"le thermal heating% Emerging ,echnologies - -anoelectronics,
J333 !onference$ 1@?%
7:E% Cun Lhou$ 2ing-Sheng Bu$ Shao-Lhi Deng$ Cun !hen$ Cun-!ong She and Lhong-Fin
#ang% 0d(' Mat' 78 957;$ 7E18 95::1;%
7:G% Fiqiang /ai$ Fan Oang$ Ounlong Lhao$ Bu Bu$ Fin Bu$ Bin <u$ Oan)hu Fuo$ <angyu
Fiu% /aterials today 769@-E;$ 16? 95:77;
77:% Cordi Arbiol$ 3lisabetta !omini$ Guido Faglia$ Giorgio Sbereglieri$ Coan
Ramon /orante% Cournal of !rystal Gro'th 17:97;$ 58195::E;
777% O%B% !hen$ F%C% !am"bell$ #%F% Lhou% Cournal of !rystal Gro'th% 5@:91-6;$ 8:895::6;%
775% L% R% Dai$ C% F% Gole$ C% D% Stout$ and L% F% #ang% C% Phys% !hem% B 7:?$ 75@695::5;%
771% Geng #ang$ Miang #ang$ #u Fu$ and Cinghong Fi% C% Phy% !hem% B$ 77:961;$ ""
776% /% #ilson% C% Am% !eram% Soc% E797:;$ 588E97GGE;%
778% Arun N% Prasad% Phd thesis$ Stony brook uniersity$ 5::8%
77?% P% Gouma% Re% Ad% /ater% Sci% 8$ 75195::1;%
77@% P%J% Gouma$ A% N% Prasad$ and N%N% Jyer% 2anotechnology 7@$ S6E95::?;%
77E% /% Bendahan$ C% Guerin$ R% Boulmani$ N% Aguir% Sensors and Actuators B* !hemical% Aol
75697;$ 5695::@;%
77G% N%/% Sa'icka$ A%N% Prasad and P%J% Gouma% Sensor Fetters 1$ 1795::8;
75:% Shinichi Nomaba$ 2aoaki Numagai$ Neiko Nato and <itoshi Oashiro% Solid State Jonics
718$ 7G195:::;%
757% /arc /amak$ 2eil !oombs$ and Geoffrey 0)in% C% Am% !hem% Soc% 75591@;$
755% !% Delmas$ <% !ognac-Auradou$ C% /% !occiantelli$ /% /enetrier and C% P% Doumerc%
Solid State Jonics ?G$ 58@97GG6;%
751% A% Fu4ishima$ N% <onda and S% Nikuchi% Nogyo Nagaku Lasshi @5$ 7:E97G?G;%
756% Amy F% Finsebigler$ Guangquan% Fu$ Cohn T% Oates% !hem% Re% G891;$ @1897GG8;%
758% Pa) O$ <eller A% C% /ater% Res% 75$ 5@8G97GG@;%
75?% Dorian A% <% <anaor$ !harles !% Sorrell% C% /ater% Sci% 6?$ E8895:77;%
75@% Oao-<suan Tseng$ !hien-Sheng Nuo$ !hia-<ung <uang$ Ouan-Oao Fi$ Po-#en !hou$
!hia-Fiang !heng and /ing-Sho' #ong% 2anotechnology 7@$ 56G:95::?;%
75E% G% !a""elletti$ !%F% Bianchi$ S% Ardi))one% A""lied !atalysis B* 3nironmental% Aol
@E91P6;$ 7G195::E;%
75G% !ui$ O%$ M% #ei$ <% Park$ and !% /% Fieber% 5::7% Science% 5G1* 75EG%
71:% <ood$ F%$ C%R% <eath$ /%3% Phel"s$ B% Fin% 5::6% Science% 1:?* ?6:P?61%
717% <uang$ B%C% and O%-N% !hoi% 5::@% Sensors and Actuators B* !hemical% 755 95;* ?8G-?@7%
715% Nrithika Nalyanasundaram$ Phd Thesis$ Stony Brook Uniersity$ 5::@%
711% P% Gouma$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ and A% Bisho"% Cournal of /aterials Research$
2ano'ires and 2anotubes s"ecial issue$ 57977;$ ""% 5G:6-5G7:$ 5::?%
716% N%/% Sa'icka$ A%N% Prasad and P%J% Gouma$ Sensor Fetters 91;$ ""% 7-8$ 5::8%
718% <-# Ra$ R Nhan$ C T Nim$ B R Nang and O < Jm% 2anotechnology$ 57 :E88:5 95:7:;
71?% Pradee" Gali$ Go"al Sa"kota$ A C Syllaios$ !hris Fittler and U Phili"ose% 2anotechnology
56$ 558@:6 95:71;
71@% Ousuf A% Naneti$ Lheng4ie Lhang$ Ceffrey Oue$ Muadir /% D% Lakaria$ !huyang !hen$
Buchuan Ciang and Aibing Ou% Phys% !hem% !hem% Phys%$ 5:76$ 7?$ 776@7
71E% P% Gouma$ A% Bisho" and N%N% Jyer$ TSingle !rystal /etal 0&ide 2ano'ires as Bio-
!hem Sensing ProbesT$ Rare /etal /aterials 3ngineering$ 18$ ""% 5G8-5GE$ 5::?%
71G% N% Sa'icka$ /% Naradge and P% J% Gouma$ T0&idation synthesi)ed !u0 nano'ires for gas
sensing a""licationsS$ /icrosc% /icroanal% 7: 9Su""l 5;$ ""% 1?:-1?7$ 5::6
76:% P% J% Gouma and /% C% /ills$ _Anatase to Rutile Transformation in Titania Po'ders`% C%
Am% !eram% Soc%$ E6 Q1R$ ?7G-?5595::7;%
767% C% Fee and P%J% Gouma$ TTailored 1D !u0 2anogrid FormationT$ C% 2anomaterials$
5:77 95:77;$ Article JD E?1?17%
765% Cun Fiu$ Lai"ing Guo$ Nai&ing Lhu$ #en4un #ang$ !haofeng Lhang and Biaolong !hen%
C% /ater% !hem%$ 5:77$ 57$ 77675
761% P%J Gouma and N% Nalyanasundaram% A""l% Phys% Fett% G1$ 5667:5$ 5::E%
Chapter 2& Experimental Details
5%7% Synthesis /ethods
5%7%7% Sol-Gel synthesis
Jn a ty"ical colloidal sol-gel "rocess the "recursor material 9either an inorganic salt or
metal alko&ide solution; is chemically "rocessed to form hydrous metal o&ides or hydro&ides
9hydrolysate;% !olloidal dis"ersions 9sols; of the hydrolysate are "re"ared by "e"ti)ation 9the
"rocess res"onsible for the formation of stable dis"ersion of colloidal "articles in 'ater;$ a gel is
formed by dehydration or "< control$ and the resulting body calcined to form the stable o&ide
"roduct% A unique as"ect of sol-gel "rocessing is the ability to "roceed from molecular "recursor
to final ceramic "roduct$ enabling intimate control oer all stages of "rocessing and the synthesis
of _tailor-made` materials%
Both #0
and /o0
colloidal "articles 'ere "roduced using sol-gel synthesis% Tungsten
Jso"ro&ide 98K '( in Jso"ro"anol$ Alfa Aesar; 'as used hydroly)ed 'ith deioni)ed 'ater to
synthesi)e the sol% The mi&ture 'as ultrasonicated and aged for 56 hours$ u"on 'hich 'hite
"reci"itates 'ere obsered$ indicating the com"letion of hydrolysis% The synthesi)ed
nano"articles 'ere subsequently dried in air and the finally the "o'der 'as heat-treated at 18:!
in a tube furnace for E hours% Sol-gel synthesis 'as carried out on the "recursor /olybdenum
Jso"ro"o&ide 98K '( in Jso"ro"anol$ Alfa Aersar;% Precursor 'as hydroly)ed using deioni)ed
'ater to get :%7m/ solution% This solution 'as allo'ed to age for 56 hours%
5%7%5% 3lectros"inning
3lectros"un nanofiber mats "ossess high surface area and ariable "orosity Q7R% The
traditional 4et-electros"inning "rocess requires a "olymer solution 'hich is loaded onto a
syringe$ a flo' meter to control the flo' rate of the solution$ a needle 'ith a diameter in the
millimeter range$ a collector "late 'hich is grounded and a high oltage "o'er su""ly% Jn the
traditional set u"$ a dro"let forms at the ti" from the source$ 'hich is the syringe and needle$ and
there is a buildu" of electrostatic charge at the surface of the dro"let 'hich induces the formation
of a 4et% 3en though the single 4et technique makes a aluable research tool to e&"eriment on
getting the best "recursors and "rocess "arameters for nanofiber mat formation of the desired
configuration$ it has largely "roduced small amounts of nanomaterials that hae satisfied the
engineering curiosity$ rather than offering a "rocessing route for nanofiber manufacturing%
0igure 13 ,raditional electrospinning set up
/o01 nanofibers 'ere synthesi)ed using this method% The sol-gel synthesi)ed /o01
colloidal "articles 'ere mi&ed 'ith :%7 molar PAP solutions in ratios of 7*6 and 7*8% The
enca"sulation ma&imi)ed at 7*8 ratio% The solution 'as electros"un 97ENA oltage+ :%1:hm(min
flo' rate+ 7:cm collector to needle distance; to get metal o&ide enca"sulated nanofibers%
/olybdenum trio&ide nano'ires 'ere then formed after the nanofibers 'ere heat treated in a
tube furnace% Jt 'as obsered that electros"un nano'ires al'ays gre' into the orthorhombic .-
/o01 structure no matter the heat treatment tem"erature%
5%7%1% <igh through"ut electros"inning
The 4et-controlled and flo'-controlled set u" used in this study is sho'n in Figure 7% An
analogous flo' control mechanism is em"loyed to that of the traditional set u" to feed the
"recursor solution% /ost solutions that could be s"un in the traditional single 4et set u" can be
s"un in this scaled u" arrangement% For greater fle&ibility$ all the "arameters that are ariables in
the case of traditional needle electros"inning 9T23;$ such as flo' rate$ 'orking distance$ oltage
and material concentration can also be aried in this modified set u"%
Figure 59a-c; describes the dimension of the scalable set u" used here% Jn our attem"t to
hae multi"le dro"lets form at the surface$ a metallic source disk 9Figure 7:9b;; of height ? mm
and$ outer diameter 7: cm 'as used% The de"th of the source disk 'as 5mm$ 'hile the inner
diameter G: mm% Fluid solutions 'ere "um"ed into the hollo' source disk 'ith the hel" of a
"rogrammable syringe "um" 9Nd scientific;% The flo' rate 'as ke"t at 7: to 75 times higher than
the traditional needle electros"inning 9T23;% Testing to "roe the design conce"t 'as carried out
using 51 equidistant holes drilled at the inner base of the disk% The 'orking distance 'as ke"t at
78cm$ 'hich 'as the difference bet'een the outer collector cylinder and the source disk% The
'hole set-u" 'as made out of aluminum% The charge distribution 'as such that the ma&imum
charge accumulation occurred at the ring at the leel of the holes% Jn order to achiee the required
leel of electrostatic charging at the dro"let surface$ the source disk bottom 'as machined to a
minimum thickness for bottom surface% The "roblem of refilling the disc 'as oercome Q5R by
using a re"lenishing source to constantly fill the disc%
0igure "3 (a) Modified flow controlled and Eet controlled high throughput electrospinning set up'
(b) Source dis), the metallic plate where one terminal of the high (oltage source attaches is
(isi&le, 71 eJuidistant 6mm diameter holes drilled in to the inner &ase of the dis) with one hole
plugged for attaching the (oltage terminal/ (c) Schematic of the setup, dimensions and other
details are la&eled'
To synthesi)e the nanofibers of /o0
using this set u" certain modifications had to be
done to the source disk% The holes in the disk 'ere reduced in diameter to i mm and "laced at an
angle of 68 degrees and by "lacing them at the inside edge of the disk in addition to the reduction
of the hole diameter to "roides the ca"illary action that hel"s enca"sulate the sol inside the
"olymer 'as achieed% !a"illary action generated by the needle in traditional needle
electros"inning technique is an essential com"onent to get enca"sulation of /o0
sol-gel inside
the PAP "olymer%
0igure &3 ,he source dis) is a critical component of the set up/ (a) Schematic showing the side (iew of
the source dis)' (b) Schemtic showing the &ottom (iew of the source dis)' (c) ,he &ottom (iew of the
source dis)' (d) ,he top (iew of the source dis)'
5%5% !haracteri)ation /ethods
5%5%7% B-ray diffraction
B-Ray Diffraction 'as carried on Rigaku Ultima JJJ B-Ray Diffractometer 'as used to
characteri)e the films de"osited on sensor substrates and to confirm the "hases "resent in the
stabili)ed sensors% Rigaku Ultima JJJ "erforms a kind of a non-destructie analysis of materials$
ty"ically in "o'der or thin film form% The diffractometer o"erates at oltage and current alues
of 6:kA and 1:mA% B-ray 'aelength is of !u N radiation 'hich is 7%867E6 [% The d alues are
then com"ared 'ith standard C!PDS "o'der diffraction data for the material under test and
"ossible "hases are identified%
5%5%5% Raman S"ectrosco"y
Raman studies 'ere "erformed on a #itec Al"ha combination near field o"tical and
raman microsco"e% Jn combination 'ith B-ray diffraction Raman data 'as used to ascertain the
"hase of the material% Jt 'as also used to eliminate the "ossibility of #-! and #-0< bond
"resence in the colloidal solution%
5%5%1% Transmission electron microsco"y
Transmission electron microsco"e$ in a C30F 76:: Soft-bio 'as carried to determine the
"hase and to obsere the grains of ceramic nano"articles synthesi)ed by sol-gel method%
Additionally$ nano'ires 'ere obsered under the microsco"e and the as"ect ratio 'as
The C30F 76:: T3/ has a FaB? cathode electron source% Jt o"erates at a oltage of
75:NeA and has a resolution of 5nm% Jt is es"ecially suited for soft and bio materials% The
electron diffraction ca"abilities of the microsco"e 'as e&tensiely used to determine the crystal
structures of the materials%
5%5%6% <igh resolution Transmission electron microsco"y
<igh resolution transmission electron microsco"y 'as carried on the C30F 57::F at
Brookhaen national lab% The nano'ire "hase for both tungsten trio&ide and molybdenum
trio&ide 'as ascertained using this% The C30F 57::F o"erates at 5::NeA and has a resolution of
5 angstrom% This makes it es"ecially suited for determining the lattice structure of nano'ires%
Additionally$ it is also 'ell suited to obsere the defects in the crystals of ceramic nano"articles%
5%5%8% Scanning 3lectron /icrosco"y
S3/ imaging 'as "erformed on Schottky Field 3mission Scanning 3lectron /icrosco"e
9S3/; 9F30 Gemini 788:; and analytical high resolution S3/ 9C30F @?::F;% S3/ analysis
has been used e&tensiely throughout the research% The nano"article si)e distribution analysis is
carried out using S3/% Traditional and high through"ut electros"inning nanofiber formation and
diameter si)e obserations are also carried out using S3/%
7% A%/% A)ad and P%J% Gouma% 3ncyclo"edia of 2anoscience and 2anotechnology$ <%S%
2al'a 93ditor;$ American Scientific Publishers$ 76$ 1:7-15G95:77;%
5% S% A% Theron$ A% F% Oarin$ 3% Lussman$ 3% Nroll% Polymer$ 6?$ 5EEG95::8;%
Chapter 1& 8euristic model of polymorphic transitions
As described in the "reious section$ binary metal o&ides go through a "olymor"hic
transition 'hen they are heat treated at high tem"eratures% Polymor"hic transformation
tem"eratures in nanocrystalline binary metal o&ides are obsered to be lo'er than bulk%
3&am"les include ,-Fe501 to .-Fe501Q7$5R$ monoclinic to orthorhombic transformation in
/o01Q1R$ anatase to rutile transformation in TitaniaQ6R$ , to . Alumina transformationQ8$?R%
/any models e&ist 'hich deelo" our understanding of the mechanism of melting tem"erature
lo'ering due to reduction in "article si)eQ@R$ cohesie energy based models to "redict
thermodynamic "ro"erties of metallic nano"articlesQE$GR% But only a fe' attem"ts hae been
made to study the thermodynamics of solid-solid "hase transformations of nanocrystalline binary
metal o&ides$ theoretical alues for anatase to rutile transformation tem"erature Q7:R 'ere
calculated to be bet'een ?:: and E::N at a critical "article si)e of 76nm% Gouma et al% 97GGG;
Q77R obsered rutile gro'th at as lo' as ?@1N and 'ith a critical "article si)e of Enm$ 'hich 'as
in agreement 'ith the earlier theoretical "redictions% Jn this communication for the first time$ an
attem"t is made to "roide a generali)ed formula$ accounting for entro"ic$ si)e$ and other effects
that control the onset of "olymor"hic "hase reactions in nanocrystalline o&ide systems%
Jt is generally true that the relatie stability of any t'o "olymor"hs de"ends on their free
energies+ the most stable "olymor"h has a minimum Gibbs free energy% Surface effects$ 'hich
'ere ignored due to the small surface to olume ratio in bulk hae to be taken into consideration
since the surface to olume ratio of nanocrystals is fairly large$ and the surface can affect the
HbulkI "ro"erties of nanocrystals Q76R% Jnternal "ressure due to e&cessie number of dangling
bonds has seen to cause discre"ancy in theoretical and e&"erimental "article si)e alues Q75R%
0ther affects like sha"e factor Q71R also contribute to the general stability and thus hae to be
considered 'hen deelo"ing theoretical background to "redict critical "article si)e alues% Thus$
in our a""roach 'e hae taken into account the combined effect of all the factors to "redict the
"article si)e quantitatiely for an obsered "olymor"hic transition%
1%7%7% Theory
Jf the nano"articles are kinetically stable the gibbs free energy is gien by$
G Z < P T%S W 9" W "I;%A W ,%A W other terms 91%7;
T and " are tem"erature and "ressure res"ectiely$ "I is an e&cess internal "ressure
associated 'ith strain at the surface+ A is the surface area+ , is the surface
energy(enthal"y(tension% /etastable states that differ from their bulk equilibrium "hases can
stabili)e as "article si)e HrI is reduced to the nanoscale dimensions% Ciang and yang95::E;Q78R
take the e&am"le of nanocarbon "hase transition to illustrate the solid-solid "hase transitions%
#autelet et al% Q7ER hae demonstrated the im"ortance of "article sha"e 'hen considering solid-
liquid "hase transformation% Banfield and Lhang97GGE;Q7:R illustrated the im"ortance of surface
stress and 'ere able to successfully "redict the critical "article si)e in the case of titania%
Follo'ing 'e demonstrate ho' these factors contribute in "redicting the critical "article si)e
belo' 'hich the behaior of metal o&ides so noticeably changes%
For the conce"tuali)ation of the thermodynamics inoled for nanocrystalline metal
o&ides$ 'e need to find an e&"ression for the gibbs free energy of "hase transformation$
9T$r;$ from a U "hase to . "hase% From 3quation 91%7;+
9T$r; Z j
9T$r; P T%j
9T$r; W j9P%A;
9T$r; W j9A%,;
9T$r; W other factors 91%5;
For bulk$ the gibbs free energy of "hase transformation is the difference bet'een the
standard free energy of formation of indiidual "hasesQ51R$
9T$r; Z j
9T; - j
Although$ additional factors contribute to the gibbs free energy of "hase transformation
for nanocrystals%
1%7%5% 3ntro"ic contribution
Jn the case of solid-solid "hase transformation$ for the ease of calculations$ the entro"ic
difference may be ignored$ also due to the nano si)e there is a lo'ering of the transformation
tem"erature$ thus the term$ T%j
9T$r;$ is too small to affect the "article si)e calculations%
Table 6 gies entro"y of formation of some "oymor"hs under standard conditions of "ressure
and tem"erature$
Table &3 Standard entropy of formation a few Polymorphs
Metal Oxide Polymorph Standard Entropy of ;ormation
Al501 Al"ha 8:%G8 C(N(molQ7?R
Gamma 85%1: C(N(molQ7?R
Delta 8:%?5 C(N(molQ7?R
Fe501 Al"ha E@%6 C(N(molQ7?R
Gamma G1 C(N(molQ7@R
Ti05 Anatase 6G%G C(N(molQ7?R
Rutile 8:%5G5 N(molQ7?R
Although for many materials data for standard free energy of formation is aailable in
s"ecific tem"erature range Q7?R$ and for them the alues can be "lugged into the follo'ing
equation and free energy at s"ecific transformation tem"erature can be directly found$
G9T; Z A W B%T W !%T%lnT W D%T
W 3%T
W F(T 91%6;
But for most binary metal o&ides such data may not be aailable$ in those cases the
a""ro&imation$ j
9T$r; Z j
9T$r;$ is useful% 3nthal"y data can be found by DS!(TGA
analysis of a "ure binary metal o&ide%
1%7%1% Surface Free 3nergy
The surface to olume ratio is ery high in case of nanocrystals and this causes surface
free energy$ jG
9r;$ to constitute a large "art of the total free energy of the substance for
nanocrystalsQ7:$51R% Thus an additional term is necessary in equation 91%5;%
9r; Z A
- A
#here A
and A
are the molar surface areas and ,
and ,
are the surface energies%
Further$ the molar surface area can be e&"ressed in terms of molar olume and "article si)e$
(r 91%?;
9r; Z 9A
;(r 91%@;
Thus$ equation 91%8; can be 'ritten as$
9T$r; Z 9A
;(r 91%E;
1%7%6% Surface Stress
Jt has been obsered that there e&ists a "ressure contribution due to the e&istence of
surface stress and due to the curature of nano"articles Q15R% 3hrman97GGG;Q75R obsered in the
case of silica that the obsered theoretical "redictions of "article si)e 'ere not in agreement 'ith
the obsered e&"erimental results and attributed this discre"ancy u"on the internal "ressure
effects% Similar internal "ressure effects 'ere also obsered in another study Q11R done on
anatase titania% The authors had to a""ly additional "ressure to nanocrystalline anatase to
com"ensate for the internal "ressure due to the nanosi)e%
This e&cess "ressure can be quantified into the Gibbs free energy of "hase
9r; Z P
P 1%P
Jnternal "ressure can be e&"ressed in term of f
$ 'hich is the surface stress due to the
e&cess internal "ressureQ76$56R$
Z 5% f
(r 91%7:;
3quation 91%7:; can be re'ritten as$
9r; Z 95%f
P 5%f
;(r 91%77;
1%7%8% Free 3nergy due to "article sha"e
The sha"e of nano"articles induces another constraint to "hase transformation%
2ano"articles can be 2ano'ires$ 2anorods$ thin films etc% The aboe theory holds good for
s"herical nano"articles% #autelet et al%Q7E$7G$5:R describe ho' sha"e affects the melting
tem"erature of nano"articles$ and the follo'ing analysis has been ada"ted from ref% 7E$7G$5:
'hich hae been modified for solid-solid "hase transformations% A geometric factor HgI could
account for sha"e of a "article% There has been ery little theoretical 'ork on "redicting such a
factor for solid-solid transformations% Sha"e of a "article can alter the theoretical alues for
"article si)e% Free energy of such a "article de"ends on geometrical factor in the follo'ing 'ay$
9r; Z g% 9,
- ,
; (2
Z -.%lj
9T; -j
9T;m (5%r 91%75;
Aalues of . 'ere calculated by the authors of ref% 7G for small "articles of inorganic materials$
they found . to be "ositie and in the range of :%6 to 1%1nm% Such calculations are not aailable
in literature for binary metal o&ides%
1%7%?% !ritical "article si)e
From the aboe mentioned discussion it can be inferred that$
9T$r; Z j
9r; W jG
9r; W jG
9r; W jG
#e kno' that at "hase transformation tem"erature there is an equilibrium bet'een t'o "hase
thus$ jG
9T;nZ:% Thus sim"ly substituting equations 1%E$ 1%77$ 1%75 in equation 1%71
and rearranging 'e get the alue for the critical "article si)e%
9T;Z l9A
W 5%f
9T; - j
9T;; P .(5 91%76;
Aboe equation can be 'ritten in terms of density H^I of "hase . or U$ by substituting$ A
Z /(^$
'here / is the molar mass$
9T;Z l/%9,
P ,
W 5%f
;m (9j
9T; - j
9T;; P .(5 91%78;
1%5% !ase Studies
Jn table 8 'e summari)e the "rediction of the critical "article si)e$ using equation 1%78 and
the a""ro&imation of surface stress$ belo' 'hich a metastable "hase is "redicted to remain
stable% The alue matches 'ell 'ith the e&"erimental results%
Table )4 0lumina, titania, irconia critical particle sie calculations
,-Alumina to
Anatase to
Rutile Titania
Tetragonal to
/onoclinic Lirconia
9T; -
9T; Z
55%7@ kC(mole 5E 5%?7 kC(mole 5G
7:o7 kC(mole
?%6 C(m
8%?E g(cc
5%7 C(m
!ritical Particle
6%:Enm b
G%:Gnm b
Bet'een 5E%1nm b
!ritical Particle
1%5nm at
1: 7:nm 5G
7 Fu Su Oen$ #ei !hien !hen$ Canne /in Oang$ and !hen Tsung <ong% _!rystallite si)e
ariation of nanosi)ed Fe501 "o'ders during , to . "hase transformation`$ 2ano Fetters$
5Q1R$ 568-58595::5;%
5 0)den 0)demir and Subir N% Baner4ee$ _<igh tem"erature stability of maghemite9,-
Fe501;`% Geo"hysics research letters$ 77Q1R$ 7?7-7?697GE1;%
1 Arun N% Prasad% Phd thesis$ Stony brook uniersity$ 5::8%
6 P% J% Gouma and /% C% /ills$ _Anatase to Rutile Transformation in Titania Po'ders`% C%
Am% !eram% Soc%$ E6 Q1R$ ?7G-?5595::7;%
8 Shu&ue Lhou$ /arkus Antonietti$ and /arkus 2iederberger$ _Fo'-Tem"erature
Synthesis of ,-Alumina 2anocrystals from Aluminum Acetylacetonate in 2onaqueous
/edia`% Small 1Q8R$ @?195::@;%
? C% /% /c<ale$ A% 2arotsky$ A% C% Perrotta$ _3ffects of increased surface area and
chemisorbed <50 on the relatie stability of nanocrystalline ,-Al501 and .-Al501`% C%
Phys% !hem% B$ 7:7Q6R$ ?:1P?7197GG@;%
@ !ouchman$ P%R%+ Cesser$ #%A$ _Thermodynamics theory of si)e de"endence of melting
tem"erature in metals`% 2ature 5?G$ 6E797G@@;%
E # < Mi$ / P #ang$ / Lhou and # O <u$ _Surface-area-difference model for
thermodynamic "ro"erties of metallic nanocrystals`% C% Phys% D* A""l% Phys% 1E$
G #%<% Mi$ /%P% #ang and G%O% Bu$ _The "article si)e de"endence of cohesie energy of
metallic nano"articles`% !hemical Physics Fetters 1@5$ ?1595::1;%
7: <eng)hong Lhang and Cillian F% Banfield$ _Thermodynamic analysis of "hase stability of
nanocrystalline titania`% C% /ater% !hem% 6$ 5:@197GGE;%
77 P%J%Gouma$ P%N% Dutta and /%C%/ills$ _Structural Stability of Titania Thin Films`%
2anostructured materials 77QER$ 751797GGG;%
75 Sheryl <% 3hrman$ _3ffect of "article si)e on rate of coalescence of silica nano"articles`%
Cournal of !olloid and Jnterface Science 571Q7R$ 58E97GGG;%
71 /% #autelet$ _3ffects of si)e$ sha"e and enironment on the "hase diagrams of small
structures`%2anotechnology 1 97GG5; 65-61%
76 C% /% Blakely$ Introduction to the properties of crystal surfaces$ Pergamon Press$ 0&ford$
edn%$ 7G@1%
78 Ciang$ M% Oang$ !% !$ _Si)e effect on the "hase stability of nanostructures`% !urrent
2anoscience 6Q5R$ 7@G95::E;%
7? /% #% !hase$ C% F% !urnutt$ A% T% <u$ <% Pro"het$ A% 2% Syerud$ and F% !% #alker%
CA2AF Thermochemical Tables$ 7G@6 9Su""l%;%
7@ Cura4 /a4)lan$ Nlaus-Dieter Greel$ Ale&andra 2arotsky$ _Thermodynamics of Fe
o&ides* Part JJ% 3nthal"ies of formation and relatie stability of goethite 9.-Fe00<;$
le"idocrocite 9,-Fe00<;$ and maghemite 9,-Fe501;`% American /ineralogist$ EEQ8-?R$
7E R Aallee$ / #autelet$ C P Dauchot and / <ecq$ _Si)e and segregation effects on the
"hase diagrams of nano"articles of binary systems`% 2anotechnology 75$ ?E95::7;%
7G /ichel #autelet$ _3stimation of the ariation of the melting tem"erature 'ith the si)e of
small "articles$ on the basis of a surface-"honon instability model`% C% Phys% D* A""l%
Phys% 56 161%
5: /ichel #autelet and Aram S% Shirinyan$ _Thermodynamics* 2ano s% macro`% Pure A""l%
!hem%$ Aol% E7$ 2o% 7:$ ""% 7G57P7G1:$ 5::G%
57 ! Suresh$ A Bi4u$ P /ukundan$ N%G%N #arrier$ _Anatase to rutile transformation in sol-
gel titania by modification of "recursor`% 7@Q7ER$ 171797GGE;%
55 /% R% Ranade$A% 2arotsky$ <% L% Lhang$ C% F% Banfield$ S% <% 3lder$ A% Laban$ P% <%
Borse$ S% N% Nulkarni$ G% S% Doran$ and <% C% #hitfield$ _3nergetics of nanocrystalline
Ti05`% P2AS$ GG$ ?6@?95::5;%
51 <ill$ T%F% ,hermodynamics of small systems% 9Ben4amin$ #%A% 2e' Oork$ 2O$
7G?1(7G?6; Aol% J$JJ%
56 R% !% !ammarata and N% Sierad)ki$ _Surface and Jnterface stresses`% Annu% Re% /ater%
Sci%$ 56$ 57897GG6;%
58 Blonski$ S+ Garofalini$ S$ <$ _/olecular dynamics simulations of .-alumina and ,-
alumina surfaces`% Surface science$ 5G8Q7-5R$ 5?1-5@697GG1;%
5? T% Ookoka'a and 0% C% Nle""a$ _A !alorimetric Study of the Transformation of Some
/etastable /odifications of Alumina to .-Alumina`% C% Phys% !hem% ?EQ77R$ 156?97G?6;%
5@ /% R% Ranade$ A% 2arotsky$ <% L% Lhang$ C% F% Banpeld$ S% <% 3lder$ A% Laban$ P% <%
Borse$ S% N% Nulkarni$ G% S% Doran$ and <% C% #hitpeld$ _3nergetics of 2anocrystalline
Ti05$` P2AS$ GG$ ?6@? 95::5;%
5E S% Lhou$ /% Antonietti$ and /% 2iederberger$ _Fo'-Tem"erature Synthesis of c-Alumina
2anocrystals From Aluminum Acetylacetonate in 2onaqueous /edia$` Small$ 1 Q8R @?1
5G <% Lhang and C% F% Banpeld$ _Thermodynamic Analysis of Phase Stability of
2anocrystalline Titania$` C% /ater% !hem%$ E$ 5:@1 97GGE;%
1: R% !% Garie$ _The 0ccurrence of /etastable Tetragonal Lirconia as a !rystallite Si)e
3ect$` C% Phys% !hem%$ ?G$ 751EP67 97G?8;
17 T% Ookoka'a and 0% C% Nle""a$ _A !alorimetric Study of the Transformation of Some
/etastable /odipcations of Alumina to a-Alumina$` C% Phys% !hem%$ ?E Q77R 156?
15 Lhao D%S%$ Lhao /% and Ciang M$ _Si)e and tem"erature de"endence of nanodiamon-
nanogra"hite transition related 'ith surface stress`% Diam% Relat% /ater% 77$ 51695::5;
11 Aarghese S'amy$ Ale&ei Nu)netso$ Feonid S% Dubroinsky$ Rachel A% !aruso$ Dmitry
G% Shchukin$ and Barry !% /uddle$ _Finite-si)e and "ressure effects on the Raman
s"ectrum of nanocrystalline anatase Ti05`% Phys% Re% B$ @7$ 7E61:595::8;%
Chapter !& /ungsten /rioxide nano4ire in+situ /EM synthesis
Jn this section 'e describe the gro'th of highly aligned nano'ires of the monoclinic
"olymor"h transformed from metastable "olymor"hs under the influence of an electron beam%
The mor"hological transformation is a ra"id manifestation of a self-catalytic massie-ty"e "hase
reaction occurring in acuum% The reaction a""ears to be self-cataly)ed due to the instability of
the metastable "hase nano"articles under the influence of the beam% Jt is sho'n that the
nano"articles due to the electron energy of the beam become 'ire-like gro'ing into highly
aligned "eriodic crystalline structures% This finding has im"ortant im"lications for achieing
scalable and controlled nano'ire synthesis%
6%7% Precursor "hase
The #0
nano"articles 'ere synthesi)ed using a sol-gel route% Tungsten Jso"ro"o&ide 98K
'( in Jso"ro"anol$ Alfa Aesar; 'as used in equal quantities 'ith$ ethanol and acetic acid 9to
control "<; to synthesi)e the sol% The mi&ture 'as ultrasonicated and aged for 56 hours$ u"on
'hich 'hite "reci"itates 'ere obsered$ indicating the com"letion of hydrolysis% The synthesi)ed
nano"articles 'ere subsequently dried in air and this resulted in a bro'nish "o'der% Finally the
"o'der 'as heat-treated at 18:! in a tube furnace for E hours resulting in a yello'ish "o'der%
This resulted is the formation of a metastable ma4ority cubic "hase 'hich has been obsered
earlier using similar synthesis technique Q@R%
The images in Figure 6 9a; and 9b; sho' a uniform distribution of nano"articles of radii 1:-
6:nm% !rystalline si)e calculated from BRD using Scherrer equation gies a alue of roughly
1E%8nm% Figure 6 9c; sho's the Raman s"ectra of the annealed nano"articles% The #-0-#
stretching mode that is the characteristic of the #0
octahedra can be obsered at @G5cm
although 'ith a slight shift% The "eaks bet'een @6:cm
and GE:cm
"oint to the "resence of
distorted octahedral Q7R% The broad band obsered in the s"ectra bet'een starting about 78: to
6:: can be ascribed to the cubic "hass Q8R% Similarly a broad instead of shar"er "eaks bet'een
and E8:cm
can also be ascribed to the cubic "hase Q8R% Peaks Q?R sho'n bet'een
and 5@:cm
in addition to one at 156cm
$ these "eaks are not sufficient to distinguish a
"articular "hase of #0
from the other$ although these are indicatie of all stable #0
Therefore BRD 'as used$ Figure 6 9c; sho's the BRD of the nano"articles annealed at 18:q!%
All the "eaks of the cubic "hase$ C!PDS card D67-:G:8$ can be identified$ 'hich is the ma4or
"hase% Although many "eaks of monoclinic "hase 9C!PDS card D61-7:18; can also be identified%
This "oints to distortions in the crystal$ 'hich can also be confirmed by the SAD "attern sho'n
in figure 89Right; 'here 'e can obsere the "resence of other dimmer rings in addition to the
rings corres"onding to the 97::;+ 977:;+ 957:; "lanes of the metastable cubic "hase of tungsten
trio&ide% The nano"articles of cubic tungsten trio&ide are sho'n in figure 89Feft;$ 'ere
characteri)ed under a C30F C3/-76:: analytical T3/%
0igure )3 (a) Low magnification SEM image of sol-gel synthesied nanoparticles of tungsten
trio!ide annealed at "#$%, (b) shows the higher magnification SEM image with uniformly
distri&uted particle sie' (c) Shows the Raman spectra of the nanoparticles, the &ands
o&ser(ed are mar)ed' (d) Shows the *R+ of the nanoparticles'
0igure , 3 (Left) ,EM micrograph of the cu&ic nanoparticles of ,ungsten trio!ide, (4ight)
S0+ pattern, &righter rings can &e inde!ed to (6$$)/ (66$)/ (76$) planes of the cu&ic phase'
6%5% Jn-situ nano'ire synthesis
The "re"ared nano"articles 'ere dro" coated onto a T3/ grid consisting of a Formar
su""orting film 95:: /esh !o""er grids 'ith su""ort films$ T3D P3FFA Jnc%;% Formar is a
family of "olymers formed from "olyinyl alcohol and formaldehyde as co"olymers 'ith
"olyinyl acetate Q5R$ they are non-reactie class of com"ounds Q1R and additionally hae a
2FPA @:6 reactiity rating of :% A 75:kA soft(bio materials analytical transmission electron
microsco"e 9C30F C3/-76::; 'as used to gro' the nano'ires in-situ% The formar film 'as
intact after the gro'th and 3DS analysis 9A""endi& G; sho'ed no carbon on the nano'ires 9ery
small atomic "ercentages 9small "eak; is obsered$ 'hich can be attributed to the "resence of
su""orting film in the icinity$ similarly the co""er "eak is due to the co""er mesh of the T3/
grid;% To com"letely rule out the "ossibility of the transformation being affected by the "resence
of carbon on the su""ort film$ the nano'ire gro'th 'as carried on a grid containing Silicon
2itride as su""ort film$ the nano'ires gre' similar to the formar su""ort film%
A 75:keA electron beam 'as used for the nano'ire gro'th% The beam 'as s"read initially
'hile obsering the nano"articles and it 'as then slo'ly conerged on the sam"le$ the cubic
"hase of the nano"articles instantaneously gre' into highly aligned nano'ires 9Figure ?; due to
the energy im"arted by the electron beam% #hereas the stable monoclinic "hase did not
transform$ this is consistent 'ith obseration of certain nano"articles not transforming% Such
energy can be calculated% The C30F C3/76:: T3/ uses a FaB
filament as the electron source
'hich gies a current density of 76A(cm
on the s"ecimen 'hen using a :%Emrad illuminating
a"erture Q6R% This current density can be conerted to energy density using the "o'er formula of
current times oltage$ 'hich gies a alue of 7?E: 4oules(cm
for 7 second at 75:kA accelerating
oltage% For 8:::B magnification$ a focused electron beam of 75:kA 'ould "roide @?keA of
energy at the surface of an aerage 6:nm grain si)e nano"article for about half a microsecond to
instantly transform it to a monoclinic "hase nano'ire% Figure ? 9Feft; and 9Right; images sho's
the S3/ of nano'ires gro'n on Silicon 2itride su""ort film and T3/ of nano'ires gro'n on
the Formar su""ort film%
2ano'ires gro'n on Silicone 2itride su""ort films 2ano'ires gro'n on Formar su""ort films

0igure -3 (Left) ,EM of nanowires grown on a Silicon -itride support film, (4ight) ,EM of
nanowires grown on form(ar support film on a %opper mesh grid'
0igure 53 (Left) ,ypical Electron diffraction pattern ta)en from a region with high
concentration of nanowires' (4ight) Schematic of crystal structure of the monoclinic phase,
with the preferred growth direction, the distortions ha(e &een e!aggerated to ser(e the
purpose of illustration'
concentration of nano'ires causes a distinct diffraction "attern at high magnification$ the
diffraction "attern can be made into a ring "attern by reducing the magnification and taking a
larger sam"le area into focus$ figure @9left;% The rings corres"ond to lattice "lanes 9::5;$ 95::;$
955:;$ 9575;$ 9717;$ 9::6;$ 9767;$ 9 15;$ in Figure @9left;$ of the monoclinic ,-#0 33
9C!PDS D61-
7:18;% A Re0
ty"e corner sharing octahedral forms the basic building block of all "hases of
tungsten trio&ide% The crystal lattice symmetry of monoclinic #0
is a distorted rhenium o&ide
cubic configuration$ figure @9Right;%
0igure 73 (Left) .ighly aligned nanowires, showing the K$$6L growth direction along the
long a!is/ (4ight) %orresponding diffraction pattern'
The nano'ires gro' in to highly aligned crystals$ figure E9Feft; along the =::7> direction$
'ith the corres"onding SAD "attern is sho'n in figure E9Right;% The high resolution T3/ 'as
carried out on C30F 57::F Field 3mission Forent) T3/% The microgra"h in figure @ along 'ith
the SAD "attern in figure G9Jnset; gies a more detailed "icture of the crystal structure% The
s"acing of :%1E1nm and :%11nm corres"ond to the 9::5; and 975:; "lanes of the monoclinic
"hase of tungsten trio&ide 9C!PDS D61-7:18;% Gro'th direction of =::7> "er"endicular to the
9::5; "lane is along the long a&is of the nano'ires%
0igure 63 .igh resolution ,EM of the structure of the nanowires/ (!nset) S0+ pattern from
indi(idual nanowire'
6%1% Thermodynamics of nano'ire formation
By e&"loring the theoretical mechanism 'hich goerns the metastable to stable "hase
in nanocrystalline materials QER 'e can further e&"lain the gro'th of stable "hase
nano'ires% The thermodynamic data for a "suedocubic "hase 'as unaailable$ thus that of cubic
is used%
The free energy of a nano"articles system 9jG2S9T$r;; or a nano'ire system
9jG2#9T$r;; de"ends on three factors$ surface free energy 9jGS9T$r;;$ surface stress
9jGP9T$r;;$ and free energy due to "article sha"e 9jGG9T$r;;$ as discussed in "reiously
"ublished 'ork by the authors QER%
jG2S9T$r; Z jG
9T$r; W jGS9T$r; W jGP9T$r; W jGG9T$r;
jG2S9T$r; Z Am%, W Pin%A W .%r
Table ,
4 %ontri&utions from the three main factors influencing the nanowire growth'
NanoparticleDNanosphere Nano4ireDNanocylinder
jGS9T$r; 96%s%r5;%, 95%s%r5 W 5%s%r%h;%, QA""endi& !R
96%s%r1(1; Q97(h W 7(s%r;%5%fsR%9s%r
<f(5%r .%r
<f%95(h W 5(r; QA""endi& DR
Therefore$ the free energy for the nano'ire 9
and nano"articles
systems can be gien by$
9T$r; Z 96%s%r5;%, W
96%s%r1(1; W .%rS
9T$r; Z 95%s%r5 W 5%s%r%h;%, W
Q97(h W 7(s%r;%5%f
%h; W
<f%95(h W 5(r; 96%6;
Table -4 +ata accumulated from the literature, and the free energy calculations
0bsered 2ano'ire radius 5:nm
Predicted 2ano'ire length 8?:nm
Aerage nano"article radius 6:nm
,monoclinic :%?58 C(m
,cubic 7%?@ C(m
for 9::7; "lanes QGR
<f 9cubic;
- @@%5 NC(mole

<f 9monoclinic;
-7G5%?8 NC(mole
s9monoclinic; 7%58 C(m
s9cubic; 1%16 C(m
. 5nm Q7:R
jGP9T$r; 92#;
5%68 NC(mole
jGS9T$r; 92#; 57E%@8 NC(mole
jGG9T$r; 92#; -5: NC(mole
jGP9T$r; 92S;
5%8@ NC(mole
jGS9T$r; 92S; 71E%?7 NC(mole
jGG9T$r; 92S; -7%G1 NC(mole
71G%58 NC(mole
5:7%5 NC(mole
Table @ tabulates all the alues substituted and the results for the free energy% Jt can be
seen that the free energy alues for nano'ires is greater than for nano"articles% Thus for the
transformation to occur an e&ternal source 'ith the energy equialent to the difference in the free
energy of nano'ire and nano"article is necessary for the gro'th to occur% jG
9T$r; -
To ascertain the a""licability of this theory$ a lot of data "oints 'ere "lotted using
/icrosoft 3&celt% The gra"h in figure 7: "lot difference in free energy 9jG
9T$r; -
9T$r;; s nano"article radius% Jn the eent that a single nano"article formed a single
nano'ire s"ontaneously 9'ithout any e&ternal "erturbation;$ then a 1:-6:nm aerage "article
si)e 'ould form a nano'ire 'ith radius bet'een E and 7:nm 'ith as"ect ratio 1:$ this ha""ens
'hen jG
9T$r; - jG
9T$r; goes to )ero% Although this is not 'hat is obsered in our
e&"eriments$ the reaction is not s"ontaneous 9e&ternal "erturbation is required; and the gro'th is
due to coalesce and gro'th of nano"article therefore the aerage nano'ire radius obsered is
5:nm 'ith lengths of u" to half a micron%
Figure 10: (Lef) Free energy (in KJ/mole) vs nanopar!le ra"i#s $or "i%eren& ra"ii an" aspe!& rao
nano'ires. (Right) Free energy (in KJ/mole) vs nanopar!le ra"i#s (eeping aspe!& rao !ons&an&.
7% G% F% Frey$ Rothschild$ C% Sloan$ Rosentseig$ R% Po"oit) Biro and R% Tenne 95::7;%
Jnestigations of nonstoichiometric tungsten trio&ide nano"articles% 2' Solid State %hem'
7?5$ 1::%
5% 3% Daison$ #% !olquhoun 97GE8;% Ultrathin formar su""ort films for transmission
electron microsco"y 2' Elect' Micros' ,ech% 2* 18-61%
1% /% Stadermann$ S% 0% Nucheye$ C% Fe'icki$ and S% A% Fetts95:75;% Radiation tolerance
of ultra-thin Formar films% 0ppl' Phys' Lett% 7:7$ :@7G:E%
6% C% !% <% S"ence 97GE7;$ E!perimental .igh-resolution Electron Microscopy 90&ford
Science Publications$ ""58:%
8% F% Sangaletti$ F% 3% De"ero$ G% Sbereglieri$ B% Alieri$ 3% Bontem"i and S% Gro""elli
97GGG;% Gro'th of #0
crystals from #-Ti-0 thin films% 2' %ryst' Bro' 7GE(7GG$ 756:%
?% 3% !a))anelli$ !% Ainegoni$ G% /ariotto$ A% Nu)min$ and C% Purans 97GGG;% Fo'-
Tem"erature Polymor"hism in Tungsten Trio&ide Po'ders and Jts De"endence on
/echanical Treatments% 2' Sol' St' %hem% 761$ 56D15%
@% A%N% Sriastaa$ S%A% Agnihotry$ /% Dee"a 95::?;% SolPgel deried tungsten o&ide films
'ith "seudocubic triclinic nanorods and nano"articles% Thin Solid Films 878 767GP7651%
E% S% Sood$ P% Gouma 95:71;% Polymor"hic "hase transitions in nanocrystalline binary metal
o&ides 2' 0m' %eram' Soc', G? Q5R$ 187P186%
G% Peter /% 0lier$ Ste"hen !% Parker$ Russell G% 3gdell and Frances <% Cones 97GG?;%
!om"uter simulation of the surface structures of #0
% 2' %hem' Soc', Haraday ,rans'
G5975;$ 5:6G-5:8?%
7:% /% #autelet 95:::;% 3stimation of the Aariation of the /elting Tem"erature 'ith the si)e
of Small Particles$ on the Basis of a Surface-Phonon Jnstability model% 2' Phys' +4 0ppl'
Phys% 56$ 161%
Chapter 2& Moly.denum /rioxide nano4ires .y electrospinning
8%7% /o0
3lectros"un nano'ire formation
Single crystals of ceramic materials in one-dimensional nano'ire mor"hology by a single
ste" non-catalytic "rocess has been inented and demonstrated by P% Gouma and her grou" Q7R%
2anofiberous mats hae been "roduced by blend electros"inning 'hich is a bottom u" synthesis
method Q5R% These com"osite nanofibrous mats are heat treated and after doing so "ure metal
o&ide nano'ires are formed$ and there e&ist no organic residual material% !ontinuous single
crystals of e&tremely high as"ect ratio 9nm diameter s mm; are "roduced in this 'ay%
Such a high as"ect ratio gro'th needs to be analy)ed further$ and main issues need to be
analy)ed 'ith regards to their mor"hology and structure% The reasons for the gro'th into single
crystals and gro'th into high as"ect ratio structures$ both need to understood in de"th%
/etastable to stable "olymor"hic reactions in metal o&ides hae been demonstrated earlier Q1-6R%
Jn such reactions a critical "article si)e nuclei is initially formed and further the nanocrystalline
aggregates gro' into "referentially oriented high as"ect ratio structures 'hile retaining
mor"hology of the original aggregates Q6R%
The "olymeric fiber 'all structure is im"ortant for determining the mor"hology of
nanocrystalline aggregates in the sol-gel o&ide in electros"un com"osites 9ref Gouma et al%;% The
sol-gel com"onent in the com"osite gro's undisturbed until it runs out of material forming into
single crystal "olymor"hs% Relatie "hase stability of "olymor"hs determine the heat treatment
conditions$ this is unique for each metal o&ides and yield stable "hase in single crystalline
nano'ire structures% This 'as first sho'n in our grou" for #0
system% A PAP-#0
com"osite 'as used to electros"un single crystal nano'ires of #0
$ these nano'ires 'ere
different from the ones formed in earlier 'ork% Such a "rocess forms ery large as"ect ratio
nano'ires$ the as"ect ratio is much larger than the earlier formed nano'ires although they hae
larger diameters than before% This 'as the foundation of the later 'ork done on /o0
QER in our
grou"$ and therefore to assess the uniersality of such a system the 'ork done here is also based
on such a system% Jn such a system a com"osite system similar to PAP-#0
$ a PAP-/o0
system is electros"un to form enca"sulated nanofibers$ 'hich are then heat treated to form the
nano'ires$ similar to ref 7C$ but much different from the 'ork described earlier%
is kno'n for gro'ing in anisotro"ic mor"hologies% The 9orthorhombic "hase; consists
of distorted edge-sharing octahedra% 0ctahedral layers share edges along the a-a&is Q7::R and
corners along the c-a&is Q::7R% Along the b-a&is$ the layers are bound by Aan der #aals forces%
Gro'th along the a-a&is is energetically faorable o'ing to the fact that only one /oP0 bond
has to be created as o""osed to the c-direction$ in 'hich t'o such bonds 'ill hae to be formed%
Aarious methods hae been used to crystalli)e different "olymor"hic forms of /o0
% /o0
nano"articles hae been synthesi)ed using sol-gel$ hydrolysis of /olybdenum iso"ro"o&ide
leads to colloidal /o0
nano"articles 9Figure 6;$ u"on heat treatment these colloidal "articles
crystalli)e in different "olymor"hic structures Q@$ GR$ metastable U-/o0
monoclinic structure
bet'een 6::! to 68:! and stable .-/o0
orthorhombic bet'een 68:! and 878!%
0rthorhombic /o0
'as synthesi)ed by ion beam de"osition Q8$ ?$ @R and as electros"un
nano'ires QER for gas sensing a""lications% 2anostructured orthorhombic /o0
$ the stable
"olymor"h of /o0
has also been synthesi)ed by Ding et al% Q7:R using thermal o&idation of
/olybdenum and Fi et al% Q77R synthesi)ed /o0
nanostructures using an enironmentally
friendly chemical route% The metastable "olymor"hs$ U-/o0
monoclinic and h-/o0
structures are much more com"licated to synthesi)e as nanostructures% U-/o0
nanosheets 'ere de"osited onto silicon substrate using atmos"heric micro"lasma QER% <e&agonal
nanorods 'ere synthesi)ed at room tem"erature by "reci"itation of molybdenum o&ide
from an ammonium "aramolybdate solution Q71$ 76$ 78$ 7?R$ they 'ere seen to be stable u"to
@::N$ and transformed to .-/o0
aboe @::N%
8%5%Single Cet
#e synthesi)e ery high as"ect ratio nano'ires of .-/o0
orthorhombic structure% The
mechanism of formation of nano'ires is e&"lained% Jt is seen that unlike sol-gel synthesis$
electros"un nano'ires al'ays gro' in the stable orthorhombic mor"hology no matter the heat
treatment conditions% Such nano'ires can be used for sensing a""lications% By arying the
tem"erature of the films de"osited on the substrate different gases can be sensed Q7@R%
Sol-gel synthesis 'as carried out on the "recursor /olybdenum Jso"ro"o&ide 98K '( in
Jso"ro"anol$ Alfa Aersar;% Precursor 'as hydroly)ed using distilled 'ater to get :%7m/ solution%
This solution 'as allo'ed to age for 56 hours% The sol-gel synthesi)ed colloidal "articles 'ere
mi&ed 'ith :%7 molar PAP solutions in ratios of 7*6 and 7*8% The enca"sulation ma&imi)ed at 7*6
ratio% The solution 'as electros"un 97ENA oltage+ :%1:hm(min flo' rate+ 7:cm collector to
needle distance; to get metal o&ide enca"sulated nanofibers 9Figure 89a$ b;;% The aim is to
minimi)e the amount of material in s"lat form and ma&imi)e the enca"sulation of metal o&ide
inside the electros"un fibers%
0igure 11 (a) SEM micrograph of metal o!ide encapsulated electrospun nanofi&ers' (b)
Moly&denum trio!ide encapsulated inside ele!trospun fi&ers, (!nset) E+S pattern of the
encapsulated particles'
To get molybdenum trio&ide nano'ires$ the nanofibers 'ere heat treated in a tube
furnace% The heat treatment 'as carried out at tem"eratures ranging from 65:! to 8::!% The
yield of nano'ires 'as obsered 9Figure 8a;% Jt 'as found that the yield ma&imi)ed at 8::!%
Although still not ideal$ the nano'ires 'ere ery high as"ect ratio 9Figure 8b; 'hich is useful for
sensing a""lications%
0igure 1"4 (a) SEM micrograph of heat treated nanofi&ers at #$$%/ (b) SEM micrograph of
high aspect ratio nanowires
a) b)
a) b)
The nano'ires gre' in high as"ect ratio structures after heat treatment% Preious DS!
results Q7ER hae sho'n that /olybdenum trio&ide is monoclinic U-/o0
u"to tem"erature of
6E8! and then transforms to its stable form orthorhombic .-/o0
% Although it 'as obsered
that nano'ires al'ays gre' into the orthorhombic .-/o01 structure no matter the heat
treatment tem"erature% At 68:!$ figure ?9a; the nano'ires 'ere orthorhombic 9C!PDSD :8-
:8:E;$ similarly at 8::! 9Figure ?9b;;% Figure ?9c; sho's high resolution T3/ image sho'ing
the lattice structure of the nano'ires$ the orthorhombic .-/o0
consists of distorted edge-
sharing /o0
octahedra$ 'hich share edges along the a-a&is Q7::R and corners along the c-a&is
Q::7R% The measured d-s"acing for a-a&is 'as 1%G@[ and 1%@5[ for c-a&is$ 'hich is in agreement
to the unit cell "arameters for the aboe crystals aZ1%G?1: [$ bZ71%E8? [$ and cZ1%?G?? [
corres"onding to the standard C!PDS file :8-:8:E% Jt is kno'n that 9:7:; is the closed "acked
"lane in the .-/o0
$ and the gro'th along Q::7R direction has been 'idely documented Q7G$ 5:R%
0igure 1&3 (a) -anowire growth after heat treatment at 1#$% and (inset) its corresponding
S0+ pattern/ (b) -anowire growth after heat treatment at #$$% and (inset) its corresponding
S0+ pattern/ (c) .R,EM image of the nanowire and (inset) its corresponding S0+ pattern'
3en though the single 4et technique makes a aluable research tool to e&"eriment on getting
the best "recursors and "rocess "arameters for nanofiber mat formation of the desired
configuration$ it has largely "roduced small amounts of nanofibers that hae satisfied the
engineering curiosity$ rather than offering a "rocessing route for nanofiber manufacturing% Thus
focus has diersified into high through"ut techniques% Researchers hae "ro"osed arious
techniques and mechanisms$ enlisted in Table E% Although none so far has seen a""ro"riate for
easy ado"tion$ mainly due to shortcomings like$ requirement for high oltages in some cases
Q57R$ requirement for s"ecific material iscosity in others Q5?R% Jt is our belief that an
electros"inning mechanism closest to traditional electros"inning technique 'hile simultaneously
increasing the yield to a""ro"riate leels$ in addition to being scalable is the requirement% Thus
'e "ro"ose a scalable set u" 'ith an o"erating mechanism similar to the traditional set u" 'hich
"roduces fibers of similar mor"hology% All the "rocess "arameters$ oltage$ 'orking distance$
flo' rate$ material concentration$ ariable in traditional set u" are also ariable in the scaled u"
set u"%
Table 53 Pre(ious attempts to increase production rates of electrospun fi&ers
Source Collector >oltage Production :ate 4eferences
Flat disk !ylindrical 88NA for
initiation+ 7?NA
U" to :%?E6gm(hour :76;
Porous cylindrical
#ire mesh
5:kA 8gm(hour :77;
/ulti"le needles Rotating
solid cylinder
5:kA U" to :%71Egm(hour :7";
drien nine 4et
Flat collector 7:kA across all
nine no))les
55%8 ml(9cm
to 55%8 l(9cm
"er 7 cm
of the
s"inneret "late
!onical metal 'ire-
Flat collector ?:kA U" to 5%@8g(h :7#;
/agnetic field
Flat collector U"to 1:kA 75-fold increase :7?;
8 no))les 'ith holes
on the surface and
conductie fluid
/oing flat
7:-6:kA -- :7@;
8%1%7% !ase study on PAP and !A fibers
Polymeric solutions named$ P7$ and P5 'ere used for electros"inning% Solution P7 'as
:%7m/ "olyinyl"yrrolidone 9PAP+ 9!
20;n; 'ith an aerage molecular 'eight of 7$1::$:::
gm(mol 'ith ethanol as the solent% Solution P5 of 7:K cellulose acetate 9!
;n;$ n Z :%1 ; haing a molecular molecular 'eight of 5G$::: gm(mol 'ith a solent
solution containing acetone and acetic acid% The electros"un sam"les 'ere s"utter coated 'ith
gold "articles to make them conductie% T3/ 'as "erformed using clam"ed T3/ grid made of
co""er on C30F 76::F T3/$ a 75:kA soft(bio materials T3/%
Polyinyl"yrrolidone and cellulose acetate fibers 'ere "rocessed by this noel "rocess%
They are im"ortant carrier(substrate "olymer systems and are used as model materials in this
study% Preious 'ork by the authors has e&tensiely researched the "ro"erties of as-s"un mats of
these systems "rocessed by T23 Q5E$ 5GR% The e&"eriments carried out 'ith the high through"ut
tool$ "roduced mats 'ith fiber diameter similar to those obtained in T23 haing similar
"arameters like$ 'orking distance$ flo' rate$ solution concentration and oltage% Figure @9a;$
E9a;$ sho' the high through"ut nanofibers in com"arison to the nanofibers s"un using T23$
sho'n in Figure @9b;$ E9b;% /ost of the "rocess "arameters remained unchanged+ Table G enlist a
com"arison bet'een the T23 and the modified set u" for sam"les P7and P5% Due to larger
'orking distance and hole si)e the oltage is slightly higher in the case of the modified set u"$ as
e&"lained in the ne&t section% The fiber mor"hology remained unchanged as can be seen from the
S3/ and T3/ microgra"hs% Thus 'ith similar "rocess "arameters this scalable set u" can
"roduce fibers com"arable to T23%
Table 73 %omparison &etween traditional needle electrospinning and high throughput
electrospinning for PFP
P7 P5
T23 Scaled u" set u" T23 Scaled u" set u"
Production :%55? g(h 2&36 gDh :%556 gm(hour 2&52 gDh
Flo' Rate :%:18-:%:68
:%6-:%8 ml(min :%:18-:%:68
:%6-:%8 ml(min
Aoltage 5:kA 58kA 55kA 58kA
!oncentration :%7m/ :%7m/ 7:K solent 7:K solent
Source to
7::mm 78:mm 7::mm 78:mm
Ag% fiber
7::-1::nm 5::-18:nm :%?-7 micron :%E-7%8 micron
0igure 1)3 (a) .R,EM of .igh-throughput P6 electrospun fi&ers/ (b) SEM of ,-E processed P6
electrospun fi&ers
0igure 1,3 (a) SEM of .igh-throughput P7 electrospun fi&ers/ (b) SEM of ,-E processed P7
electrospun fi&ers
8%1%5% Process Parameters
Ascertaining the "rocess "arameter is essential to control the nanofiber mor"hology% To
do so 'e use the "olymer Polyinyl"yrrolidone 9PAP; 'ith ethanol as the solent% The ceramic
nanofibers are synthesi)ed using a com"osite of PAP and /o0
sol-gel% Thus using PAP as a
reference system to deelo" these "arameters can gie a fair control oer the nanofiber synthesis%
!a"illary action generated by the needle in traditional needle electros"inning technique is an
essential com"onent to get enca"sulation of /o0
sol-gel inside the PAP "olymer%
Figure G sho's the de"endence of oltage on the nanofiber diameter$ there seems to be a
"arabolic de"endence$ 'ith fiber diameter smallest at 55k and 1:k$ although at lo'er
concentration of :%:Em/ there 'as bead formation and at higher oltage of 1:k there 'as high
distribution of nanofiber diameter as can be seen by larger error bars$ thus 56k 'as chosen for
nanofiber synthesis% Figure G also sho's negligible de"endence of concentration as
com"ared to oltage to'ards nanofiber diameter% The "roduction rate has a similar "arabolic
de"endence to oltage and the error bars sho'n are due to the concentration ariation% 0n
aerage the "roduction rate is 5%8gm(hr%
Figure 7: 9a-d; sho's S3/ microgra"hs for nanofibers for different concentration and
oltage$ as can be seen the diameter is more uniform for lo'er oltages as com"ared to higher
@aA :%:Em/ b 55kA @.A :%75m/ b 55kA
0igure 1- -anofi&er diameter and production
rates plotted as a function of (oltage and
@cA :%7m/ b 56kA @dA :%7m/ b 5?kA
0igure 153 (a*d) SEM micrographs for different (oltages and concentration for PFP fi&ers'
8%1%1% 2anofiber Synthesis
Jn this section 'e demonstrate an a""lication of this set u" for "roducing high yield of
ceramic nanofibers% A com"osite material of "olymer and ceramic sol is electros"un to form high
as"ect ratio nanofibers of single crystal /o0
similar to that accom"alished by Gouma et al%
earlier Q17R% The source disk of the set u" 'as modified from the earlier set u" Q5?R$ the holes
diameter 'as reduced to i mm as sho'n in figure 7: 9a-d;$ and the holes 'ere "laced at the
bottom corners of the disk at an angle of 68 degrees% Figure 5 and 1 sho's the schematic of the
set u" used% The source is constantly re"lenished using a syringe "um" 9Nd scientific; at a
constant flo' rate% The 'orking distance although ariable$ is ke"t constant at 78cm for this
study% <igh oltage is a""lied bet'een the source disk and collector cylinder to synthesi)e
ceramic nanofibers%
nanofiber synthesis is one of the a""lications that such a set u" can be used for% To
synthesi)e the nanofibers of /o0
'e electros"in a com"osite material 'ith com"osition similar
to ref' "6' This resulted in /o0
sol gel enca"sulated 9in PAP; nanofibers similar to ref' "6% The
analysis u"til no' suggests the "rocess "arameters need to be modified for this set u" as
com"ared to that used in ref "6% The oltage used 'as 56k$ 'ith 'orking distance being fi&ed at
78cm and flo' rate of :%16ml(hour% The "olymer fibers 'ere burned off by heat treating the
electros"un material at 8:: degree !elsius in a tube furnace for E hours%
Figure 8 sho's com"arison bet'een the "ost heat treated nanofibers formed by the
traditional needle set u" similar to earlier study Q17R and those formed by the set u" in this study%
The figures 77 9a; and 9b; are the S3/ microgra"hs of the nanofiber formed% As can be seen the
yield as a "ercent of total 'as less but as a quantitatie com"arison to the 'hole 'as ? to E-fold
higher% This calculation 'as achieed by using the S3/ analysis and 'eight of nanofibers
"roduced% The 'eight of material synthesi)ed after heat treatment 'as 75-fold higher% The
gro'th of the single crystal of /o01 nanofibers seems to be as a concentric cylindrical layers of
fibers forming on to" of each other and gro'ing as layered structures as is eident from figure 77
9d;$ seen at the to" of the nanofiber%
@aA /o0
nanofibers "roduced using
traditional needle electros"inning
@.A /o0
nanofibers "roduced using
<igh- through"ut electros"inning
@cA T3/ of /o0
nanofibers synthesi)ed
using T23$ 9Jnset; sho's the selected
area diffraction$ 'ith the "lanes
labeled for =:7:> )one a&is%
@dA T3/ of /o0
nanofibers synthesi)ed
using high through"ut set u"$ 9Jnset;
sho's the selected area diffraction$
'ith the "lanes labeled for =::7> )one
0igure 173 Electron microscopy comparison &etween the nanofi&ers synthesied &y traditional
needle setup (a 8 c) and those synthesied &y high througput set up (b 8 d)'
0igure 164 (a) %rystal structure of orthorhom&ic Mo5" along with one a!is as mar)ed' (b)
*-Ray diffraction of Mo5" orthorhom&ic nanowires synthesied &y &oth traditional and high
throughput nanowires, the planes mar)ed are from 2%P+S M$#-$#$A'
Figure 77 9c; and 9d; sho' the T3/ microgra"hs of a single nanofiber of /o01
synthesi)ed using traditional needle electros"inning and the high though"ut set u" in this study%
Jn the inset is the SAD "atterns of each of the nanofibers 'hich sho' there single crystal
mor"hology% Figure 779c P Jnset; can be inde&ed to the orthorhombic "hase of /o01 9C!PDS
D:8-:8:E; 'hich is the stable "hase of /o01% The inde&ed "lanes hae been labeled for )one
a&is =:7:> as sho'n in figure 759a;% Figure 779d P Jnset; is also inde&ed to the orthorhombic
"hase of /o01 9C!PDS D:8-:8:E;$ the inde&ed "lanes are labeled for )one a&is =::7> as sho'n
in figure 759a; 'hich is also the gro'th a&is and the long a&is of the nanofiber% Figure 75 9b;
gies the BRD of the sam"le for both traditional needle and high through"ut setu"% As is eident
from the shar" "eaks$ both the BRD are of the single "hase$ the orthorhombic one%
Therefore$ it has been demonstrated that this high though"ut set u" can "roduce high
yield high quality nanofibers 'ith controllable mor"hology% #e successfully "roduced single
crystal /o01 nanofibers% The yield 'as much higher at ? to E folds and the mor"hology and
crystallinity of the nanofibers 'as not com"romised% This could hae im"ortant im"lication for
e&am"le for "roducing nanosensors for ammonia detection% #ith higher yield of controllable
nanofibers of orthorhombic "hase of /o01$ the hindrance to slo' "rocessing of nanosensors
could be oercome%
7% P% Gouma$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ and A% Bisho"$ T3lectros"un Single !rystal /o01
2ano'ires for Bio-!hem sensing "robesT$ Cournal of /aterials Research$ 2ano'ires and
2anotubes s"ecial issue$ 57977;$ ""% 5G:6-5G7:$ 5::?%
5% N% Sa'icka and P% J% Gouma$ T3lectros"un com"osite nanofibers for functional
a""licationsT$ C% 2ano"article Research$ E9?;$ ""% @?G-@E7$ 5::?%
1% P% J% Gouma$ P% N% Dutta$ and /% C% /ills$ TStructural Stability of Titania Thin FilmsT$
2anostructured /aterials$ 779E;$ ""% 7517-751@$ 7GGG%
6% P% J% Gouma and /% C% /ills$ TAnatase to Rutile Transformation in Titania Po'dersT$ C%
Am% !eram% Soc%$ E6 Q1R$ ""% ?7G-?55$ 5::7%
8% TReactiely S"uttered /o01 films for ammonia sensingT$ A%N% Prasad$ P%J% Gouma$ D% C%
Nubinksi$ C%<% Aisser$ R%3% Soltis$ and P%C% Schmit)% ,hin Solid Hilms$ 61?$ 2001$ ""% 6?-
?% _/o01 and #01 based thin film conduductimetric sensors for automotie a""lications`$
A% N% Prasad and P% Gouma% 2' Mat' Sci% 1E$ 2001$ "" 616@ P 6185$
@% T!om"arison of Sol-Gel and RF S"uttered /o01 Thin Film Gas Sensors for Selectie
Ammonia DetectionT$ A% N% Prasad$ D% Nubinski$ and P% J% Gouma' Sensors < 0ctuators
3 G$ 2001$ ""%58-1:$
E% P% Gouma$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ and A% Bisho"$ T3lectros"un Single !rystal /o01
2ano'ires for Bio-!hem sensing "robesT$ 2ournal of Materials Research, -anowires
and -anotu&es special issue$ 57977;$ 2003$ ""% 5G:6-5G7:$
G% _Study of gas s"ecificity in /o01(#01 Thin Film Sensors and their Arrays`$ Arun N%
PrasadIs% Phd thesis$ Stony brook uniersity$ May 2002%
7:% M%P% Ding$ <%B% <uang$ C%<% Duan$ C%F% Gong$ S%G% Oangu$ B%2% Lhao$ O%#% Du%
_/olybdenum trio&ide nanostructures "re"ared by thermal o&idi)ation of molybdenum`%
Cournal of !rystal Gro'th 5G6 95::?; 1:6P1:E
77% Guicun Fi$ Fi Ciang$ Shu"ing Pang$ <ongrui Peng$ and Lhikun Lhang% _/olybdenum
Trio&ide 2anostructures* The 3olution from <elical 2anosheets to !rosslike
2anoflo'ers to 2anobelts`% C% Phys% !hem% B 5::?$ 77:$ 566@5-566@8%
75% _/onoclinic U-/o01 nanosheets "roduced by atmos"heric micro"lasma* a""lication to
lithium-ion batteries`% Daide /ariotti$ <enrik Findstrom$ Arumugam !handra Bose and
Nostya 9Nen; 0striko% -anotechnology 2006 7G 6G81:5
71% _Fo'-tem"erature synthesis of mor"hology controlled metastable he&agonal
molybdenum trio&ide 9/o01;`$ !%A% Ramana$ A%A% Atuchin$ J%B% Troitskaia$ S%A%
Gromilo$ A%G% Nostrosky$ G%B% Sau"e% Solid State %ommunications Aolume 76G$ Jssues
7P5$ <anuary 2007$ Pages ?PG$
76% _3lectron microsco"y characteri)ation of he&agonal molybdenum
trio&ide 9/o01;nanorods`$ !% A% Ramana$ J% B% Troitskaia$ A% A% Atuchin$ /% Ramos$
and D% Ferrer$ 2' Fac' Sci' ,echnol' 0 5E$ 200$ @5?
78% _Jnestigation on structural$ thermal$ o"tical and sensing "ro"erties of meta-stable
he&agonal /o01 nanocrystals of one dimensional structure`$ Angamuthura4
!hithambarara4 and Arumugam !handra Bose% 3eilstein 2' -anotechnol% 5$ 20$ ""
7?% _Fo' tem"erature fabrication of he&agon sha"ed h-/o01nanorods and its "hase
transformation`$ Dhage$ S% R%+ <assan$ /% S%+ Oang$ 0%B% Mater' %hem' Phys' 776$ 2007$
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7@% P% Gouma$ A% N% Prasad and /% Stanaceic$ TSelectie nanosensor deice for e&haled
breath analysisT$ C% Breath Res%$ 8$ :1@77:$ 5:77%
7E% Nrithika Nalyanasundaram$ Phd Thesis$ Stony brook uniersity$ 5::@%
7G% _Aa"our "hase gro'th of orthorhombic molybdenum trio&ide crystals at normal "ressure
of "urified air`$ <%!% Leng% Cournal of !rystal Gro'th 7E? 97GGE; 1G1-6:5
5:% _Fo'-tem"erature synthesis of large-scale single-crystal molybdenum trio&ide 9/o01;
nanobelts`$ Biao-Fin Fi$ Cun-Feng Fiu$ and Oa-Dong Fi% A""l% Phys% Fett% E7$ 6E15
57% 2 / Tho""ey$ C R Bochinski$ F J !larke and R 3 Gorga% -anotechnology$ 55
55% 0% 0% Dosunmu$ G% G% !hase$ #% Nata"hinan$ D% <% Reneker% -anotechnology$ 77$
51% B% Ding$ 3% Nimura$ T% Sato$ S% Fu4ita$ S% Shiratori% Polymer$ 68$ 7EG89200!A%
56% S% A% Theron$ A% F% Oarin$ 3% Lussman$ 3% Nroll% Polymer$ 6?$ 5EEG92002A%
58% B% #ang$ <% 2iu$ T% Fin$ B% #ang% Polym' Eng' Sci%$ 6G$ 78E592007A%
5?% A% F% Oarin$ 3% Lussman% Polymer$ 68$ 5G@@9200!A%
5@% P% <eikkilv$ A% <arlin% Polymer Letters* 19@;$ 61@P668 92007A%
5E% A%/% A)ad and P%J% Gouma% Encyclopedia of -anoscience and -anotechnology, .'S'
-alwa (Editor), 0merican Scientific Pu&lishers* 76$ 1:7-15G920A%
5G% N% Sa'icka and P% J% Gouma% 2' -anoparticle Research* E9?;$ @?G-@E792003A%
1:% S% Sood$ S% Diya$ P%Gouma$ 2ournal of nanoengineering and nanomanufacturing !$ 7P?$
17% P% Gouma$ N% Nalyanasundaram$ and A% Bisho"% 2ournal of Materials Research,
-anowires and -anotu&es special issue 2977;$ 5G:6-5G7:$ 5::?%
Chapter 3& Discussion and future 4or#
The strength of the internal bonds in the crystal structure corres"ond to there stability%
Some crystals could hae ery stable bonds 'hereas others may only be held by Aan Der #aals
forces% Solubility of crystals in a "articular solent is also an indication of its stability% The less
the stability of the crystal stucture$ more the solubility% This is due to higher "olarity% This is the
reason for the amor"hous materials being higher in solubility than the crystalline "hases% Such is
also the reason for metastability arising in "olymor"hs of metal o&ides% This is because een if
certain conformations of crystals maybe stable at one tem"erature$ heating the crystal could
loosen the bonds$ as a result other crystal conformations may become o"timal% As discussed
earlier in cha"ter 1$ due to nanoscale certain additional forms of energies that 'ere negligible in
bulk "hase become significant% Jn terms of solubility$ this results in nanocrystalline materials
being more soluble in a "articular solent than its bulk counter"art Q7R%
?%7%Polymor"hic transitions and critical "article si)e
3&"erimental obserations confirm that for nanocrystalline metal o&ides "hase
transformation occurs ia different mechanism at the nano scale$ such as reersal in "hase
stability at small "article si)e is obsered in some systems$ melting tem"eratures are generally
lo'er in nano"articles$ transition tem"eratures to high tem"erature "hases are often lo'er$ 'hile
transition "ressures to high "ressure "hases can be higher or lo'er% 0ne of the reasons that
nano"articles sho' such differing "ro"erties is because of the significantly higher surface areas
at nano scale 'hich makes the contribution from surface energies much more significant Q5R%
Thermodynamic as"ects of the "hase transformations at nanoscale hae been elaborated in
cha"ter 1% Researchers hae time and again seen nano scale "olymor"hic transitions 'hich differ
from bulk "hase$ some results about the same hae been elaborated ahead%
Jn the case of Sn05 studies Q1$ 6R hae sho'n that the high "ressure orthorhombic Sn05
"hase require "ressures of u"to 78 kbar at 7:@1N for its synthesis% But$ for nanometer "article
si)e this high "ressure orthorhombic structured Sn0
has been obsered at ambient "ressures%
Although$ Famelas Q8R 'ho synthesi)ed nanocrystalline tin dio&ide by mechanical milling of tin
mono&ide "o'ders argued that the formation of orthorhombic "hase at nano scale is not a si)e
drien behaior$ but the formation of the orthorhombic "hase

is faored by a nucleation barrier
'hich is lo'er than

that for cassiterite$ nanoscale tin mono&ide is o&idi)ed to form tin

dio&ide at
ambient "ressure% This finding 'as based on an earlier result Q?R 'here the authors reduced the
"article si)e to as lo' as 5%8nm but orthorhombic "hase 'as not obsered%
Titania is kno'n to transform from anatase "hase to rutile Q@$ ER "hase at 76@1N 'hen in
bulk si)e$ ho'eer this transition occurs at tem"eratures as lo' as ?@1N for Enm nanocrystals of
anatase QG$ 7:R% /ore recently$ the ne' "olymor"h of titanium dio&ide$ Ti0
9B;$ has been
synthesi)ed as nano'ires Q77R by facile solothermal route% The mechanism of "hase
transformation in o&ides changes 'ith decreasing "article si)e% 3&"eriments hae confirmed that
this is true% /ost "hase transitions in binary metal o&ides differ for nanocrystals% Belo' 'e
"resent eidence collected from the literature%
The .-Fe
to ,-Fe
"hase transformation at nanoscale 'as studied by Oen et al% Q75R$ 'ho
obsered a critical "article si)e of about 58nm aboe 'hich .- Fe
'as more stable and belo'
'hich u" to 8nm ,- Fe
'as more stable% Further$ as the tem"erature increased from 8@1N to
about @::N$ there 'as coarsening of grains and .- Fe
'as more stable% The decrease of
surface enthal"y 'ith increasing metastability of the bulk "olymor"h leads to crossoers in
enthal"y 9and also free energy; of "olymor"hs at the nanoscale% Thus$ ,- Fe
becomes stable 'ith res"ect to .- Fe
The monoclinic to tetragonal transformation in Lr0
'as also found to be si)e de"endent
'hen Garie and Goss Q71R obsered si)e de"endence of "hase transformation tem"erature and
found the reci"rocal crystallite si)e is a linear function of the transformation tem"erature%
!oncluding that the 9unquenchable; high tem"erature tetragonal Lirconia "hase that is stable
only aboe 7661N$ e&isted indefinitely at room tem"erature in nanocrystals of about 7:nm
Jn nanocrystalline #0
. Y "hase transition Q76$ 78R occurs at much higher tem"eratures
than the bulk% Both of these transition hae been "roen to be si)e drien$ Gouma et al% Q76R
sho'ed ho' si)e effects caused the formation of Y-#0
at tem"eratures aboe room
tem"erature% Arai et al% Q78R had first obsered the "resence of Y "hase at RT in #0
% Further$
they also concluded that as the "article si)e decreases$ the ratio of Y-#0
The cubic-Jn
to he&agonal-Jn
"hase transition under ambient conditions is su""osed to
be faored 'hen a foreign atom / 9Fe
$ Sn
; Q7?$ 7@R 'ith a smaller ionic radius than indium is
inserted into the cubic indium o&ide net'ork in bulk conditions% The formation of he&agonal
under ambient conditions 'ithout any do"ing is unusual% A study Q7ER demonstrated the
de"endence of "hase transformation nano"article si)e of indium o&ide on "article si)e of Jn00<
"recursor% The authors could ary the si)e of the indium o&ide nanocubes by sim"ly changing the
amount of surfactant used% They obsered that the formation of small Jn00< nano"articles 'as
an indis"ensable ste" to'ards the formation of indium o&ide nanocubes and obtained indium
o&ide nanocubes 'ith aerage si)e of 7:nm%
to .-Al
"hase transformations is also seen to be si)e de"endent% .- Al
corundum structure is the stable "hase in bulk but at the nano scale ,-Al
is more stable% This
'as confirmed by 2arotsky and /c<ale Q7GR 'hen using high tem"erature o&ide melt
calorimetry for nanocrystalline Al
$ it 'as obsered that ,-Al
9the "hase obsered for nano-
si)ed "articles; is more stable in enthal"y than nano"hase .-Al
9corundum;$ others hae also
synthesi)ed ,-Al
Q5:-55R and hae been able to obsere similar results%
Such differing "hase transformations due to nano si)e are not 4ust seen in "olymor"hic metal
o&ides$ but in general in all metal o&ides$ "olymor"hic or not$ for e&am"le the Room tem"erature
bulk "hase of !u conerts to cubic !u
0 by o&idation at ery high tem"eratures of greater than
75::N Q51R$ if the tem"eratures are still increased the monoclinic !u0 forms% !ontrary it 'as
obsered Q56R that !u
0 nano"hase starts to form aboe 851N$ and !u0 starts to form beyond
?51N$ the "article si)e at 851N and ?51N 'ere 7? and 1:nm res"ectiely% Jt is obsered that
cubic !u
0 is more stable at the nano dimensions also Q58$ 5?R than the monoclinic !u0 due to
the increase ionic nature caused by reduction in the "article si)e% !u
0 nanocrystals at lo'er than
bulk tem"eratures hae been "re"ared by ion irradiation Q5@R$ s"uttering Q5ER$ reduction route
Q5GR$ etc%
Therefore$ "olymor"hic transitions are much different at the nanoscale$ the higher
inherent energies inoled lo'er the conditions of tem"erature and "ressure required for "hase
transformation% Thus$ as can be seen the literature is filled 'ith such e&am"les of "olymor"hic
transitions$ therefore the aim of this study 'as to establish theoretical background so that any
metastable to stable "hase transitions could be "redicted before they are obsered%
Table 64 Models for phase transformation &eha(ior dependence on particle sie
-iterature models /arget Materials :esultant Euantity 4ef
/etallic nanocrystals /elting Tem"erature lo'ering+
acancy formation energy
!ohesie energy model /etallic nanocrystals !ohesie energy "6
Thermodynamic analysis
of "hase stability
Titania s"ecific Particle si)e and tem"erature
of transformation
2ano"articles 9in
Su"ersaturation ratio
Thermodynamics of
catalytic kinetics
2ano"article si)e ""
As can be seen in table 7:$ the literature doesnIt "roide any generali)ed model that
could "redict the critical "article si)e for nanocrystalline binary metal o&idesI metastable to
stable "hase transformations% Thus the heuristic a""roach deelo"ed in this 'ork$ has formulated
a useful basis to "redict the critical nucleus si)e% Jt has been kno'n for quite a 'hile that there
e&ists a "oint of infle&ion at 'hich the instability in the metastable system of a binary metal
o&ide become too high for the material to remain in that state Q16R% By combining three im"ortant
factors 9surface energy affects$ internal "ressure affects and "article sha"e affects;$ yields the
most accurate formulation of this critical "article si)e for the metastable to stable "hase
transformation% A mani"ulation of surface and interfacial energies become driing forces leading
to "olymor"hic transitions% During the transformation "rocess$ binary metal o&ides reach a
critical "article si)e at the nucleation stage at 'hich the internal "ressures and surface energies
are sufficiently high that one "olymor"hic "hase begins to crystalli)e from another 'ith much
smaller "erturbation in the form of e&ternal a""lied tem"erature%
As described in the aboe sections$ t'o different 'ays can be deduced to take adantage
of the model sho'n in cha"ter 1% Due to the im"ortant addition of the sha"e considerations$ the
heuristic a""roach 'as modified to take into consideration the sha"e change in addition to the
metastable to stable "hase transformation%
9T;Z l9A
W 5%f
9T; - j
9T;; P .(5 9?%7;
9T$r; - jG
9T$r; Z 9A7 P A5;%, W
9A7 P A5; W .%rS
Thus such an a""roach can be used to either directly calculate the critical "article si)e$
equation ?%7 or by deducing the free energies inoled such an a""roach can "redict the "hase
transformation behaior$ equation ?%5 if certain e&"erimental conditions are kno'n%
?%5%Phase transitions and #0
nano'ire synthesis
e&ists in an array of stable and metastable "hases Q18R$ from triclinic 'hich is lo'
symmetry to higher symmetrical structures like tetragonal "hase% This is mainly due to the
electronic structure of #0
$ 'hich is a three dimensional net'ork of corner-sharing #0
octahedra$ and ariable o&idation states% Synthesis of these "hases in nano'ire mor"hology is
highly desirable Q1?R% The mechanism of massie Q1@R nucleation and gro'th aboe a critical
"article si)e of metastable "hase has been "reiously established Q1ER% 3&"erimentally such
transformations hae been obsered in titania by Gouma et al% Q1G$ 6:R as did the nano'ire
formation obsered for the orthorhombic "hase of /o0
Q65R system%
3arlier 'ork by our
research grou" has also "roduced monocrystalline #01 nano'ires Q67R%
Gu et al% Q61R
synthesi)ed single crystal nano'ires of he&agonal #0
by a tem"late-less and direct
hydrothermal method% Similarly Fu et al% Q66R synthesi)ed the nano'ires of monoclinic "hase of
by thermal ea"oration on a silicon substrate% This monoclinic "hase of tungsten trio&ide is
the stable "hase and has been obsered to be highly sensitie and selectie to 2itric 0&ide Q68R%
Thus high yield and through"ut synthesis of nano'ires of monoclinic "hase of #0
$ due to its
higher surface area$ 'ould hel" im"roe u"on the sensitiity and selectiity%
The most im"ortant contribution of this 'ork is the ability to synthesi)e the material in a
single ste" onto any desired substrate% The unique "ro"erty of self-catalysis and synthesis under
the electron beam irradiation of the "recursor is the key to gro'th of nano'ires% Such a synthesis
lends su""ort of the earlier theoretical 'ork Q6?R% The monoclinic nano'ires are a result of the
metastable 9cubic-#0
; to stable 9monoclinic-#0
; "hase transition%
A cubic to monoclinic "hase transition has been "reiously obsered in nano"articles of
Re01 'hich is an isostructural material to #01 Q6@R% A lo'ering of e&ternal "erturbation
required 9"ressure in that case; 'as re"orted to be much lo'er than that required for the bulk
Re01% There has been no direct obseration of cubic to monoclinic "hase transformation in
tungsten trio&ide nanocrystals$ 'hich may be due to the high energies inoled in the
transformation in the bulk "hase% Although a cubic to orthorhombic "hase transformation has
been obsered Q6ER$ as both orthorhombic and monoclinic "hase of tungsten trio&ide are stable
"olymor"hic structures%
0igure "93 Schematic descri&ing the growth of monoclinic tungsten trio!ide nanowires from
nanoparticles of cu&ic phase in a stepwise fashion' Step 6 shows the starting nanoparticles
which ha(e a radius of &etween "$ to 1$nm' 0s an electron &eam is shown onto these
nanoparticles the particles start to grow into nanowires as shown in step 7' 0s the nanoparticles
get consumed they start to coagulate and grow into nanowires' Step " shows how these
nanoparticles grow from preferred direction to form randomly oriented nanowires &efore &eing
totally consumed and forming highly aligned nanowires of tungsten trio!ide as shown in step 1'
,he whole process may ta)e a few micro seconds to complete once the nanoparticles recei(e the
reJuired amount of energy'
Figure 5: sho's the schematic of the "ro"osed gro'th of the nano'ires% The nucleation
and gro'th of the stable "hase can either occur randomly throughout the crystal by doing so at
s"ecific defects or crystal edges or such a gro'th can occur in a diffusie manner like a front
moing for'ard at a fast rate% Jn the gro'th of nano'ires in this study$ it a""ears that "hase
change occurs ra"idly by a moing front that results in a massie Q1@R grain gro'th and radical
sha"e change% The metastable "hase "articles on the "ath of the moing front are consumed and
transformed$ as sho'n in figure 5:% As the nano'ire gro'th "roceeds the nano"articles coalesce
and get consumed 'hich gies rise to ery long thin nano'ires%
?%1%Polyty"ism in nano'ires
Polyty"es are essentially a "olymor"h$ although such indiidual "olymor"hs differ in crystal
structures in one dimension only% Such "olyty"ic structures are ery common in geological
settings Q8:R% A 'idely quoted e&am"le for "olyty"ism is Silicon !arbide Q6GR% Polyty"es are
common in metal o&ides$ for e&am"le Jn
"olyty"es 9I5
1$ Ia
$ and R
; hae been
studied and there is a "ressure induced transition bet'een the three Q87R% As can be seen from
"olyty"es e&am"le$ the "olyty"es essentially differ in the crystal structure$ indicated by
different s"ace grou"s% The crystallogra"hic character is thus an im"ortant feature in the study of
"olyty"es$ and "eriodicity is fundamental to it%
Thus by controlling "olyty"ism 9crystal structure at atomic leel;$ 'e can adance
successfully in using such materials in a""lications like single-electron memories Q?5R$ single-
molecule sensors Q?1R and nano'ire lasers Q?6R% Semiconducting material can be made more
controllable and highly efficient$ for e&am"le controlled "olyty"ic gro'th of 'urt)ite nano'ires
'as studied by !aroff et al% Q?8R% #urt)ite "olyty"es 'ere obsered in another study Q??R% A
ty"ical light and dark bands 'ere obsered in images taken using the transmission electron
microsco"e$ similar to our nano'ires 9Figure E;% Jt 'as obsered from high resolution imagery
that the bands 'ere "er"endicular to the gro'th direction$ 'hich is also similar to our
obserations% There 'as streaking obsered in the electron diffraction "attern 'hich is ty"ical for
stacking faults and t'inning as e&"lained earlier%
The nano'ires "roduced in this 'ork are e&"ected to be "olyty"ic in character% The formed
nano'ires are one-dimensional structures 'hich "otentially gro' as this front ra"idly gro's out
of the cubic "hase into the "referred =::7> monoclinic direction in a non-"eriodic manner% The
streaking ty"e diffraction "attern obsered$ figure E9Right; and figure G9Jnset; lend credibility to
this argument Q85R% Jt is im"ortant to note that in electron microsco"y "eriodic re"eats of only a
fe' units can be seen% A material is essentially described by t'o indicators$ com"osition and
structure% /aterials haing different "eriodicities are e&"ected to hae different structures and
should be dealt 'ith se"arately as indiidual "olyty"es%
Jnitial FFT microgra"h analysis is sho'n in figure 57% The nano'ire in figure 57 9right; is
"eriodic$ and the obsered FFT a""ears to sho' a dot "attern% #hereas the FFT "atterns in figure
57 9left; sho' the usually obsered nano'ires$ 'here streaking is common% Thus initial
obserations "oint to the fact that the non-"eriodicity in the lattice structure of the nano'ires is
the reason for the streaking obsered%

0igure "14 HH, images of the nanowires/ (Left) Nsually o&ser(ed nanowire/ (right) periodic
nanowire structure'
As defined earlier$ "olyty"es are essentially a "olymor"h 'hich differ in crystal structure in
one dimension only$ eidence of the same has been obsered% Figure 55 sho's the com"arison
bet'een the electron diffraction "atterns for differently oriented nano'ires% The streaking goes
a'ay 'hen the nano'ires are oriented e&actly at a )one a&is% This may be due to the non-
"eriodicity of the lattice s"acing in the ( direction as sho'n in the figure 55% Although the dot
"attern is indeci"herable due to numerous dots in one direction% Jn contrast if the nano'ire is
"erfectly "eriodic in both directions$ and is oriented at a )one a&is then the e&"ected diffraction
"attern is obsered%
A randomly oriented
2ano'ire oriented "erfectly
on a )one a&is
A "eriodic nano'ire on )one
a&is =::7>
;igure 22* Analysis of electron diffractions of differently oriented nano'ires$ "ossibly sho'ing
the reason for the streaking "resent in the diffraction "atterns%
?%6%Future 'ork
The future 'ork should concentrate on follo'ing directions$
7% Scanning Transmission 3lectron /icrosco"y route for nano'ire formation$ should be
The electron beam has been seen to affect the materials being analy)ed% The beam affects
the material in arious forms$ some of 'hich can be heating affect$ ioni)ation damage$
electrostatic charging$ etc Q81R% Similar to electron beam lithogra"hy based systems$ this 'ork
demonstrates another usefulness of the electron beam% Researchers hae used Scanning
Transmission 3lectron /icrosco"e based systems to 'rite lithogra"hy "atterns Q86R% This is
encouraging as such a system mirrors closely 'ith the obsered scenario in this 'ork% Such an
ST3/ based method could be useful$ as the resist adhesion difficulties are obsolete% /oreoer
such an a""roach 'as recently demonstrated Q88R for "roducing ultra-thin nano'ires of /oS
an ST3/ based system% The 'ork also 'as a result of a "hase transition$ though from a
semiconducting to a metallic "hase due to the energy im"arted from the beam% The nano'ires
that are formed due to irradiation of the electron beam inside a T3/$ can also be formed by
using a Scanning transmission electron microsco"e 9ST3/; route% A lithogra"hy system requires
im"artation of energy by the beam on to a material under a resist thereby e&"osing it to form a
"attern% Some of the im"ortant factors for the deelo"ment are$ feature si)e$ 'hich are of the
order of 7: to 5:nm in our case and the "oint-s"read function 9PSF;% Additionally getting the
resist right is one of the ma4or challenges in such a system$ therefore im"ortantly the absence of
resist in our system is an adantage%
5% !rystallogra"hic consideration for #0
nano'ires$ should be e&"lored%
Jt is "ro"osed that 7D "late like "lanes oriented in non-"eriodic bands$ due to "olyty"ism$
this causes multi"le s"ots on the diffraction "attern because of arying lattice "arameter on (
direction 'hile the lattice "arameter remains constant in the u direction% There hae been arious
obserations of "olyty"ism% Geological sciences are filled 'ith minerals that occur under
differing conditions% Figure 51 9ada"ted from ref' 8?; sho's the crystal structure of one such
mineral$ there is non-"eriodicity in the crystal structure although there is "eriodicity inside the
crystal 'here lattice s"acing of 7E$ G and 86 angstrom can be obsered% Therefore such a mineral
is "olyty"ic in character%
0igure "&3 (0dapted from ref' #?) Electron microscope micrograph of a typical mineral
specimen showing polytypism at the lattice structure le(el'
0ur nano'ires are "olyty"ic too$ due to the non-"eriodicity% Although more
crystallogra"hic analysis needs to be done in order to find the "eriodicity "resent inside the
crystal% This 'ould be an im"ortant contribution in crystallogra"hy of #0
as such "olyty"es
hae neer been obsered as "er our kno'ledge in #0
monoclinic "hase% Jnde&ing these
"olyty"es could be a "ro4ect in itself%
1% U"grading the high through"ut electros"inning set u"$
The needleless$ multi4et electros"inning described in this 'ork hae clear adantages
oer the other 'orks done in the field of high through"ut electros"inning% A ty"ical edge
electros"inning Q8@R has adantage of "roducing higher yield due to high number of 4ets$ though
the high initiating oltage required is a ma4or dra'back 'hen considering ease of ada"tation$
additionally the iscosity of material being s"un also has to be taken into consideration% The ti"-
less electros"inning Q8ER has the adantage of eliminating the difficulty of "olymer clogging
though it is hard to estimate the "olymer 4et number and the 'orking oltage could be rather
high% /ulti"le needle electros"inning Q8GR has the adantage of ease of scaling u" to increase
"roduction rate% Though the 4et "aths are greatly affected by e&ternal field and columbic
interactions$ and the "roduced nanofibers are non-uniform due to re"ulsie forces% 0ther source
modifications such as ste""ed "yramid sha"ed s"inneret Q?:R and conical 'ire coil Q?7R hae
their disadantages$ ranging from easily blocked 4et holes to instability of 4ets and high 'orking
The setu" designed in this 'ork attem"ts to oercome most of these challenges and has the
follo'ing adantages oer the aboe mentioned 'orks$
Relatiely lo' 'orking oltage
Due to the relatiely lo' 'orking oltage and no s"ecific initiating oltage requirements$ this
set u" can be easily ada"ted to the traditional setu"% This is achieed due to the cleer "lacement
of holes 'hich hel"s "roduce ca"illary action and the dro"lets are formed inde"endently of the
oltage requirements in contrast to the edge electros"inning
<igh "roduction rate and scalable technology
The number of 4ets "roduced in this 'ork are controllable therefore e&"ected yields are
achieed% By changing the dimension or addition of additional source disks the technology is
easily scalable%
All the "arameters can be indiidually aried
Another im"ortant factor for ease of ada"tion and 'ider engineering sco"e of the technology
is that all the "arameters that are aailable for modification in a traditional setu" can also be
modified in this setu"% Aoltage$ flo' rate$ 'orking distance and material concentration can be
indiidually modified%
A range of materials can be electros"un
Due to the addition of a flo' controller$ iscosity of the "olymer is not one of the
consideration for the "rocess% This means that almost any material that could be electros"un on
the traditional setu" can also be synthesi)ed on this setu"% This has clear adantages 'hen
considering com"arisons 'ith edge and ti"less electros"inning%
0igure ")3 Rotating source dis) design'
The addition of a motor 'ould add another "arameter to the design and 'ould aid in the
generation of e&tremely long fibers% !ou"led 'ith thin nanofibers$ the higher as"ect ratio
achieed could be useful in arious "olymeric a""lications% Such a "roision has already been
"roided in e&isting design% T'o im"ortant considerations for such a modification are$ one$
maintaining constant contact bet'een rotating disk and electrical contact$ 'hich can be achieed
by haing a cylindrical electrical contact 'hich is attached to the source disk% T'o$ ball bearing
mechanism should be added to the source re"lenishing "i"e so that the disk maybe free to rotate
'hile the source is constantly re"lenished%
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1% 0% Berger$ #%C% Fischer and A% /ele% C% /ater% Sci* /ater% in 3lectr% 78$ 6?195::6;%
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8?% Peter R% Buseck and Sumio Ji4ima% American /ineralogist% ?:$ @@7-@E6 97G@8;
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2anotechnology$Aol% 7:$ 7-?$ 5:7:
8G% S%A% Theron$ A%F% Oarin$ 3% Lussman$ 3% Nroll% _/ulti"le 4ets in electros"inning*
e&"eriment and modeling `Polymer$ Aol% 6?$ 5EEG-5EGG$ 5::8
?:% Guo4un Ciang$ Sai Lhang$ Biaohong Min$ _<igh through"ut of quality nanofibers ia one
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?7% Bin #ang$ <aitao 2iu$ Tong Fin$ Bungai #ang$ _2eedleless 3lectros"inning of
2anofibers #ith a !onical #ire !oil `$ Polymer engineering and science$ Aol% 6G$ 78E5$
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?1% Duan$ B%$ <uang$ O%$ Agaral$ R% b Fieber$ !% /% 2ature 657$ 567 P566 95::1;%
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?8% P% !aroff$ N% A% Dick$ C% Cohansson$ /% 3% /essing$ N% De""ert and F% Samuelson% 2ature
2ano% 6$ 8: 95::G;%
??% Oang Ciang$ Biang-/in /eng$ Ci Fiu$ Lhi-Ro <ong$ un-Sing Fee and Shuit-tong Fee%
Ad% /ater% 78$ 77G8 95::1;%
A""endi& A% !om"arison bet'een bulk and nano "hases
,a&le 6$4 %omparison &etween &ul) and nano for same phase and different conditions for
temperature and pressure
"ul# phase Nano Phase 4ef
and pressure
. 7 atm b RT
to 6@1N
. 1:-E:nm ?51N 6, 7
7 atm b RT
to 6@1N
m Phase
2anorods U"to 7:@1N ", 1
. W , G11N . W , 1:nm @71N #
, @@1-G11N , 1:nm to
8?1-?@1N ?, @, A
V G75-7:G@N V 8:-?8nm Belo' ?51N C, 6$, 66,
6", 61
y ?:1-G51N y @nm 6@1-?51N C, 6$, 67
7% Ou% Nu)netsoa$ C% S% de Almeidab$ F% Dubroinsky$ R% Ahu4ab$ S% N% N'onb$ J%
Nantor$ A% Nantor$ and 2% Guignotc% C% of A""% Phy% GG98;$ 88195::7;%
5% S% Bis'as and S% Ram% !hem% Phys% 1:?97-1;$ 7?195::6;%
1% P%Pascal$ 2oueau traitea de chimie minearale 9/asson$ Paris$ 7G8G; Aol% 76$ "% 7@7%
6% Miang <an$ Fi4un #u$ Aaron Stein$ Oimei Lhu$ Cames /ise'ich$ and Cohn #arren%
Ange'% !hem% Jnt% 3d% 68$ ?88695::?;%
8% Bisheng Oe$ Dongsheng Fin$ Lhengkuan Ciao and Fide Lhang% C% Phys% D* A""l% Phys% 17$
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@% P Ayyub$ / /ultani$ / Parma$ Ar Palkar and R Ai4ayaraghaan% C% Phys% !* Solid State
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E% Fu Su Oen$ #ei !hien !hen$ Canne /in Oang$ and !hen Tsung <ong% 2ano Fetters 591;$
G% <%A% <ar'ig$ Phd% Thesis$ State Uniersity Utrecht$ 7G@@%
7:% P% Shuk$ <% D% #iemhzfer$ U% Guth$ #% Gz"el and /% Greenblatt% Solid State Jon%
EG$ 7@G97GG?;%
77% 3ric # Bohannan$ !hristo"her ! Caynes$ /ark G Shumsky$ Culie N Barton and Cay
A S'it)er% Solid State Jonics 71797-5;$ Cune G@95:::;%
75% Oongfu Miu$ Dongfang Fiu$ Cinhu Oang$ and Shihe Oang% Ad% /ater% 7E$ 5?:695::?;%
71% !% !% <uang$ J% !% Feu$ and N% L% Fung% 3lectrochemical and Solid-State Fetters E96;$
76% Anilkumar$ Renu Pasricha and A% Rai% !eramics Jnternational 17$ EEG95::8;%
A""endi& B% !rystalline Structures
Higure 7#4 (a) Structure 64 Rutile-type ,etragonal/ (&) Structure 74 Per(os)ite-type/ (c)Structure
"4 %orundum-type Rhom&ohedral/ (d)Structure 14 %a%l7-type 5rthorhom&ic/ (e) Structure#4
A""endi& !% Jnternal "ressure calculations
For the internal "ressure calculations for cylindrical surfaces$ the s"herical liquid dro"let
should be re"laced 'ith a cylindrical surface%
0igure "-3 0 liJuid droplet with radius OrP, a hypothetical cylindrical droplet with radius OrP and
height OhP'
Jnstead of a half s"here$ 'e hae a half cylinder as the dro"let$ thus$ modifying la"lace-
young equation$
%A Z 9edge length;%9surface tension; 9!%7;
9s%r%h;(5 Z 9sr W h;%f
Z 97(h W 7(s%r;%5%f
A""endi& D% Free energy due to "article sha"e calculations
Due to lack of literature data on the alue of .$ 'e 'ill consider it similar for both cylindrical
and s"herical "articles$ but the 7(r term 'hich stems from the Area(Aolume term is altered for
considering the cylindrical sha"e of the nano'ires% Thus$ for cylindrical "article sha"e%

jGG9T$r; Z .%r
<f%9A(A; Z .%r
<f%95(h W 5(r; 9D%7;
A""endi& 3% Per mole conersion of surface energy(tension and
surface stress terms%
The olume of single unit cell of cubic tungsten trio&ide$ can be calculated using the lattice
constants gien in the C!PDS file D67-:G:8$ 'hich comes out to be 8%75 B 7:
monoclinc tungsten trio&ide$ can be calculated using the lattice constants gien in the C!PDS file
D61-7:18$ 'hich comes out to be 5%77 B 7:
% Therefore number of molecules in an aerage
s"herical "article of 6:nm radius and in an aerage cylindrical "article of 5:nm radius and
8?:nm length can thus be calculated%
Z /olar Aolume of nano'ires or nano"articles(mole
Z /olar surface area of nano'ires or nano"articles(mole
Nanoparticle calculations
2umber of "articles in a gien olume of aerage nano"article
Z Aolume of s"herical "article(olume of single unit cell{number
of molecules "er unit cell
Z 5%?E B 7:
( 8%75 B 7:
Z 8%51 B 7:

2umber of moles in a olume of an aerage nano"article
Z 8%51 B 7:
( ?%:51 B 7:

Z E%?E B 7:
92S; Z /olar olume of an aerage nano"article
Z 5%?E B 7:
( E%?E B 7:
Z 1%:E B 7:
2umber of surface "articles in a gien surface area of aerage nano"article
Z Surface area of a s"herical "article(surface area of one face of unit
cell{number of molecules "er unit cell
Z 5:%7 B 7:
( 71%E B 7:
Z 7%68? B 7:
2umber of moles in a surface area of an aerage nano"article
Z 7%68? B 7:
( ?%:51 B 7:
Z 5%65 B 7:
Am 92S; Z /olar surface area of an aerage nano"article
5:%7 B 7:
( 5%65 B 7:
Z E%1 B 7:
F(P@/*rA Z Pin%AmZ
Z 9E%18 B 7:
; % 91%:E B 7:
(mole; Z 2&25 G<Dmole
F(S@/*rA Z Am%, Z 9
E%1 B 7:
;%97%?@ C(m5; Z 16&3 G<Dmole
Nano4ire calculations
2umber of "articles in a gien olume of aerage nano'ire
Z Aolume of cylindrical "article(olume of single unit cell{number
of molecules "er unit cell
Z 1%11 B 7:

2umber of moles in a olume of an aerage nano'ire
Z 1%11 B 7:
( ?%:51 B 7:

Z 8%85 B 7:
92#; Z /olar olume of an aerage nano'ire
Z 5%87 B 7:
( 8%85 B 7:
Z 6%86 B 7:
2umber of "articles in a gien surface area of aerage nano'ire
Z Surface area of a cylindrical "article(surface area of one face of unit
cell{number of molecules "er unit cell
Z ?%5 B 7:
( 8%E B 7:
Z 7%:@ B 7:
2umber of moles in a surface area of an aerage nano'ire
Z 7%:@ B 7:
( ?%:51 B 7:
Z 7%@@ B 7:
Am 92#; Z /olar surface area of an aerage nano'ire
?%5 B 7:
( 7%@@ B 7:
Z 1%8 B 7:
F(P@/*rA @N0A Z
Q97(h W 7(s%r;%5%f
m Z 9;
% 96%86 B 7:
(mole; Z 2&!2 G<Dmole
F(S@/*rA @N0A Z Am%, Z 9
1%8 B 7:
; % 9:%?58 C(m5; Z 26&52 G<Dmole
A""endi& F% /echanism behind the <igh through"ut electros"inning
The set u" described in section 5%7%1 aids in the "roduction of ery high yield of nanofibers%
Jt is also im"ortant to note that such a design is easily scalable after addition of additional disks%
Therefor the u""er limit as far as the yield is concerned is limitless% Although it is im"ortant to
reali)e the mechanism behind the formation of the nanofibers% Jn this section 'e describe using
electric field analysis$ geometric analysis the reasons for such im"roed yields and the
e&"lanation for the "arameters used%
0igure "5 (a) +roplet formation at the surface of the metallic dis)/ (b) 0s the droplet grows
a&o(e the critical sie, it forms into a conical Eet/ (c) ,his Eet gets solidified as nanofi&ers at the
cylindrical collector'
0igure "73 Multiple Eet formation on the dis) surface'
Figure 5?9a; sho's ho' the dro"let forms on the surface of the metallic source disk% As
the dro"let reaches a critical si)e it is stretched into a conical 4et$ Figure 5?9b;$ similar to T23$
this 4et solidifies onto the collector cylinder$ Figure 5?9c;% The flo' rate is oer an order of
magnitude higher than the T23$ and in combination 'ith the multi4et "rocess$ figure 5@$
significantly im"roes the "roduction rate% The main dra'back hindering the multi4et
electros"inning "rocesses is the deterioration of local electric field at the needle ti" Q7$ 5R%
0igure "63 ,he electric field distri&ution, (a) &etween the outer collector cylinder and source
dis)/ (&) on the surface of the source dis)'
3lectric field models 'ere generated to model the electric field distribution% A soft'are
"ackage !0/S0F| /ulti"hysics 'as used for electrostatic field calculations% Figure 5E9a;
illustrates the electric field distribution bet'een the outer collector cylinder and the source disk%
Jt sho's that the side 'here the terminals 'ere connected had more intense field on the outer
cylinder$ 'hich 4ustifies 'hy higher concentration fibers 'ere collected on this side% Jn future
designs to obtain a more uniform fiber distribution$ the terminals 'ould be connected at four
distinct locations around the outer cylinder to hae a more uniform distribution of oltage%
Figure 5E9b; sho's the electric field distribution around the disk% Due to this uniformity in the
distribution a disk like structure 'ith holes is a better alternatie to multi"le needles set u"%
2umber of holes is a critical "arameter for the "rocess% Too many holes 'ould lead to
oerla""ing of taylors cones forming double fibers 9Figure 5G9Jnset;; and too fe' 'ould lo'er
the effectie yield increase% Thus o"timum number of holes need to be calculated%
0igure &93 Beometric interpretation of the electrospinning process, (Inset) showing the dou&le
fi&er formation in the Eet o(erlap region'
!ircle A! in figure 5G re"resents the disk 'ith 56 equidistant holes$ the fluid 4et shoots
out and then forms a conical 4et starting at "oint B$ an imaginary circle B! is dra'n$ . is the 4et
angle$ 6:%@ degrees and because .
is an angle subtended by the arc at the circumference of the
circle B!$ its alue is 5:%18 degrees% Because ! is the center of the collector dome$ the length of
the segment subtended can be calculated% The "ercent of oerla" is the ratio of the total length
coered by the 4ets and the actual circumference of the collector surface%
0igure &13 Plot of theoretical yield (g8h) (s num&er of holes and loss of yield due to Q o(erlap
(s num&er of holes'
This is "lotted in figure 1:$ along 'ith the e&"ected theoretical yield for increasing
number of holes$ the "lot of yield is "arabolic as there 'ill be an effectie loss of efficiency due
to oerla""ing fibers% #ith 56 holes there is an acce"table 1:K oerla" and the yield is at the
higher end of the gra"h% Unlike T23 there is no ca"illary action inoled in this set u"% The
ca"illary action is re"laced 'ith the internal "ressure generated inside the disk 'hich hel"s to
"ush the liquid out of the holes% Thus using taylors e&"ression Q1R for the critical oltage$
Z 96<
;%9:%77@{s{R{,;%l ln95R(F; P 7%8m
This e&"ression can be more sim"ly 'ritten as$
Z 95%<(F;%}!%R
#here ! is a constant consisting of the surface tension and natural logarithmic terms%
Thus the alue of F can be a""ro&imated as the diameter of the source disk$ and the radius$ R of
the tube is 7mm in this set u"% Plugging in the electrode distance alues of 78:mm and 7::mm
for our set u" and T23 res"ectiely$ 'e get the ratio of the oltages for our scaled u" set u" and
9Scaled set u"; ( A
9T23; Z 7%?8
#hich e&"lains the slight increase in the required oltage$ although this increase 'ould
be true in an ideal system% 2ot all the holes s"un in our e&"eriments$ thus requiring a lesser
increase in the critical oltage%
7 S% A% Theron$ A% F% Oarin$ 3% Lussman$ and 3% Nroll% Polymer 6?$ 5EEG-5EGG92002;%
5 0%0%Dosunmu$ G%G% !hase$ '% Nata"hinan$ and D%<% Reneker% -anotechnology 7@$ 7751-
1 G% J% Taylor$ Proc' Royal Soc' Lond% 5E:$ 1E1 973!;%

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