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What is HookDLL.DLL?

HookDLL.DLL is a Windows DLL file. DLL is the abbreviation for Dynamic Link Library. DLL files
are needed by programs or web browser extensions, because they contain program code, data,
and resources. The following information can help you determine if HookDLL.DLL belonging to
the Windows system or an application you can trust.
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HookDLL.DLL file information
The process known as Hook DLL (UNICODE) or Hook DLL or SetupHook or Hook Dll

belongs to software Logitech SetPoint or Wise Solutions, Inc. SetupHook or Productivity
Software Common Files orHook Dll or Wise Installation Studio or Wise Package
Studio (version 7.00 SP2) or Acoustica Effects Pack

by Logitech (www.logitech.com) or Wise Solutions (www.wisesolutions.com)
or Altiris (www.altiris.com).
Description: HookDLL.DLL is not essential for Windows and will often cause
problems. HookDLL.DLL is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files" - common
is C:\WINDOWS\system32\ or C:\Program Files\GRT\Controller\. Known file sizes on Windows
7/XP are 10,752 bytes (41% of all occurrences), 53,248 bytes and 10 more variants.
A .dll file (Dynamic Link Library) is a special type of Windows program containing functions that
other programs can call. This .dll file can be injected to all running processes and can change or
manipulate their behavior. The program has no visible window. There is no detailed description
of this service. The HookDLL.DLL file is not a Windows system file. It can change the behavior of
other programs or manipulate other programs. HookDLL.DLL is able to record inputs. Therefore
the technical security rating is 74% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.
The software vendor offers the option to uninstall Logitech SetPoint or Command & Conquer
3 software via Windows Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs and
Features (Windows 7/Vista).
Recommended: Identify HookDLL.DLL related errors
If HookDLL.DLL is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32, the security rating is 64%
dangerous. The file size is 4,608 bytes (75% of all occurrences), 73,728 bytes or 7,744 bytes.
The program is not visible. The service has no detailed description. It can change the behavior
of other programs or manipulate other programs. It is not a Windows core file. The program
starts when Windows starts (see Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). The software can
be uninstalled in the Control Panel. HookDLL.DLL is able to record inputs.
The software vendor offers the option to uninstall Wise Package Studio or Wise Installation
Studio software via Windows Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs
and Features (Windows 7/Vista).
If HookDLL.DLL is located in the folder C:\Windows, the security rating is 80% dangerous. The
file size is 204,888 bytes. You can uninstall this program in the control panel. There is no
information about the author of the file. It can change the behavior of other programs or
manipulate other programs. The program has no visible window. There is no detailed description
of this service. The application is loaded during the Windows boot process (see Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). The file is not a
Windows system file. HookDLL.DLL is able to record inputs.
The software vendor offers the option to uninstall IBM Personal Communications software via
Windows Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs and
Features (Windows 7/Vista).
Important: Some malware camouflages itself as HookDLL.DLL. Therefore, you should check the
HookDLL.DLL process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We
recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. This was one of
the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.

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