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Burns: Understanding Nursing Research, 5

Chapter 01: Introduction to Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Test Ban
1. The primary purpose of nursing research is to:
a. bring prestige to the discipline.
b. fund nursing education.
c. generate scientific knowledge to guide nursing practice.
d. promote the importance of nursing in society.
The ultimate goal of nursing research is the generation of an empirical knowledge base to
guide practice.
Although high-uality research would bring prestige to nursing! that is not the reason for
conducting the research. The ultimate goal of nursing research is the generation of an
empirical knowledge base to guide practice.
Although high-uality research could promote the importance of nursing! that is not the
reason for conducting the research. The ultimate goal of nursing research is the
generation of an empirical knowledge base to guide practice.
A research grant may pro"ide assistance with educational e#penses for persons connected
with it. The research itself does not fund education! nor is funding education the purpose
of the research. The ultimate goal of nursing research is the generation of an empirical
knowledge base to guide practice.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. )
*. A research study in"estigating the benefits of ambulation after cesarean section would be
an e#ample of which type of research e"idence+
a. Control
b. $escription
c. (#planation
d. ,rediction
ANS: -
$escription in"ol"es identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and
the relationships among these phenomena.
Control can be described as the ability to write a prescription to produce the desired
(#planation clarifies the relationships among phenomena and identifies why certain
e"ents occur.
Through prediction! the probability of a specific outcome can be estimated in a gi"en
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. .
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Test -ank
1. A research study "alidates the positi"e effect that a nursing inter"ention! patient
2ournaling! has on decreasing spiritual distress during cancer reco"ery. This would be an
e#ample of which type of research e"idence+
a. Control
b. $escription
c. (#planation
d. ,rediction
Control indicates the ability to use a prescribed inter"ention to produce a desired
$escription in"ol"es identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and
the relationships among these phenomena.
(#planation clarifies the relationships among phenomena and identifies why certain
e"ents occur.
Through prediction the probability of a specific outcome can be estimated in a gi"en
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. 3
). A nurse who reads research articles and incorporates research findings into nursing
practice would demonstrate which of the following research roles+
a. Collaborator
b. Consumer
c. ,rimary in"estigator
d. ,roducer
ANS: -
A research consumer reads research reports! critiues the reports! and makes decisions
about incorporating research into practice.
A collaborator is someone who works closely with the primary in"estigator in conducting
a research study.
A primary in"estigator leads a research team in the completion of a study.
,roducers of research conduct studies to generate and refine the knowledge needed for
nursing practice.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. *.
4. &lorence Nightingale is most noted for which of the following contributions to nursing
a. Case study approach to research
b. $ata collection and analysis
c. &ramework and model de"elopment
d. 5uasi-e#perimental study design
ANS: -
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Test -ank
Nightingale is known for her data collection and analysis of the plight of in2ured soldiers
during the Crimean 6ar. 7er research led to inter"entions that reduced the mortality rate
from )18 to *8.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: 9nowledge '(&: p. 10
:. A ma2or focus of nursing science during the 13.0s was:
a. communication of research findings.
b. health care deli"ery.
c. illness pre"ention.
d. nursing education.
Communication of research findings was a ma2or issue for nursing in the 13.0s. National
and international research conferences were held! and se"eral new research 2ournals were
published during this decade.
7ealth care deli"ery became a focus in the 13;0s and 1330s.
%llness pre"ention has become the focus of current research in nursing.
Nursing education was focused on more in the 1340s.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: 9nowledge '(&: p. 1*
.. <ne ma2or focus of nursing research during the 13;0s was:
a. communication of research findings.
b. illness pre"ention.
c. increased funding for nursing research.
d. nurses= 2ob satisfaction.
>ost of the federal funds before this time were designated for medical studies in"ol"ing
the diagnosis and cure of disease.
The communication of research findings was a ma2or issue in the 13.0s.
Current ?*000s@ research focus and funding is e#panding from the treatment of illness to
include health promotion and illness pre"ention inter"entions.
The conduct of clinical research was the focus of the 13;0s.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: 9nowledge '(&: p. 11
;. 6hich of the following historical e"ents had a ma2or impact on the funding for nursing
a. $e"elopment of a Nursing 'esearch Council as part of the American Nurses
b. $e"elopment of local! national! and international nursing research conferences by
Sigma Theta Tau
c. &ormation of the National Center for Nursing 'esearch
d. %nitiation of the Agency for 7ealth Care ,olicy and 'esearch
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The National %nstitute of Nursing 'esearch! originally the National Center for Nursing
'esearch! is a federally funded arm of the National %nstitutes of 7ealth! pro"iding nursing
with federal support for nursing research priorities.
The National 'esearch Council helps guide the focus of nursing research.
These conferences ser"ed to disseminate research in a much more consistent fashion.
The Agency for 7ealth Care ,olicy and 'esearch facilitates conduct of outcomes
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: 9nowledge '(&: p. 11
3. -enner ?13;)@ emphasiAes the importance of acuiring clinical knowledge and e#pertise
a. authorities.
b. borrowing from other disciplines.
c. personal e#perience.
d. research.
-ased on her research! -enner proposes that a nurse=s personal e#perience affects the
breadth and depth of that nurse=s knowledge and e#pertise.
-enner did not emphasiAe acuiring clinical knowledge and e#pertise through authorities.
-enner did not emphasiAe acuiring clinical knowledge and e#pertise through borrowing
from other disciplines.
Although research is important! it was not the focus of -enner=s description of
knowledge acuisition.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. 1.
10. An e#ample of inducti"e reasoning is:
a. going from a single diabetic patient to all diabetic patients.
b. mo"ing from all chronically ill patients to a single chronically ill patient.
c. using a standard nursing care plan to care for a specific patient.
d. using a computeriAed nursing care plan to care for insulin-dependent diabetic
%nducti"e reasoning mo"es from the specific to the general.
>o"ing from all chronically ill patients to a single chronically ill patient is an e#ample of
mo"ing from the general to the specific. This is deducti"e reasoning.
Bsing a standard nursing care plan to care for a specific patient is an e#ample of mo"ing
from the general to the specific and is an e#ample of deducti"e reasoning.
Bsing a computeriAed nursing care plan to care is for insulin-dependent diabetic patients
is an e#ample of mo"ing from the general to the specific. This is an e#ample of deducti"e
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. 1;
11. Scientific knowledge is generated through:
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Test -ank
a. authorities.
b. borrowing from other disciplines.
c. personal e#perience.
d. research.
ANS: $
'esearch is needed to pro"ide a sound scientific basis for nursing. <ther ways of
knowing ?e.g.! tradition! authority! borrowing! trial and error@ help to inform nursing
knowledge! but knowledge based on factual information is necessary to de"elop scientific
Authorities may contribute to scientific knowledge by conducting research! but not by
their Cauthority.D
-orrowing does not generate scientific knowledge. 'esearch is needed to pro"ide a sound
scientific basis for nursing.
,ersonal e#perience may lead one to conduct research! but does not by itself generate
scientific knowledge.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. 13
1*. 5uantitati"e and ualitati"e research approaches are particularly useful in nursing
because they:
a. are easy to implement.
b. are process oriented.
c. pro"ide different "iews.
d. reuire few resources.
5uantitati"e and ualitati"e research approaches complement each other because they
generate different kinds of nursing knowledge useful in practice.
Neither type of study is particularly easy to implementE all methods take significant
5ualitati"e research is process oriented. 5ualitati"e research focuses on the holistic "iew
of the phenomenon under study.
All research reuires resources! some more than others! but related to the particular study!
not the type of study. Typically the generation of an e#tensi"e literature re"iew occurs
early in the research process for uantitati"e studies! and later in ualitati"e studies!
because of the nature of their processes.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. 13
11. <utcomes research in health care is oriented toward establishing:
a. characteristics and description of nursing phenomena.
b. critical indicators.
c. predicti"e relationships.
d. uality and effecti"eness.
ANS: $
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Test -ank
<utcomes research is focused on the end results of care or determining changes in health
status for patients.
<utcomes research is primarily concerned with patients and their families and is focused
on the end results of care or determining changes in health.
Critical indicators would more likely come from uantitati"e research.
5uantitati"e research looks for predicti"e relationships.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. *1
1). 6hat type of research has a ma2or focus on e#amining the long-term! short-term!
negati"e! and positi"e results of care across a "ariety of settings+
a. Correlational
b. (thnographic
c. 7istorical
d. <utcomes
ANS: $
<utcomes research is focused on the end results of care or determining changes in health
status for patients.
Correlational research e#amines relationships between and among "ariables.
(thnographic research e#plores members of a culture.
7istorical research is a narrati"e description or analysis of past e"ents.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Analysis '(&: p. **
14. 6hat knowledge is reuired to fully define nursing research+
a. An e#hausti"e list of the research that has already been conducted in nursing
b. 6ays to perform the ma2or descripti"e and inferential statistics needed for analysis
c. 'esearch studies well recei"ed by other disciplines for collaborati"e pro2ects
d. A determination of what nurses need to know to pro"ide the best patient care
ANS: $
$efining nursing research reuires determining the rele"ant knowledge needed by nurses.
An e#hausti"e list is not necessary to define nursing research.
Nursing research is not defined by the ways to perform the ma2or descripti"e and
inferential statistics needed for analysis.
Nursing research is not defined by research studies well recei"ed by other disciplines for
collaborati"e pro2ects.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. )
1:. The main purpose of studying research for a -SN student is to:
a. learn how to conduct a small research study.
b. learn how to generate new scientific knowledge to use in practice.
c. mentor associate-degree prepared nurses in research pro2ects.
d. understand the basic principles of research.
ANS: $
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Test -ank
A -SN graduate must become a consumer of research and has a significant role in
critiuing and synthesiAing research findings for use in nursing practice.
Although a -SN graduate may learn how to conduct a small research study! it is not an
e#pectation of the -SN graduate.
Fenerating new knowledge is the responsibility of the doctoral-prepared nurse.
Although a -SN graduate may act as a mentor! it is not an e#pectation of the -SN
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. *.
1.. A study was conducted to determine which palliati"e care measures patients prefer.
Statistical analysis re"ealed that most of them ranked e"ening back rubs and calming
music the highest in helpfulness. This research would most likely fall under which of the
following categories+
a. 5ualitati"e research
b. 5uantitati"e research
c. <utcomes research
d. There is not enough information to answer this uestion.
ANS: -
5uantitati"e research would ask patients what they prefer from a list of possibilities or
simply create a freuency distribution of their answers. These responses would then be
tabulated! and descripti"e statistics could be reportedE thus the finding that back rubs and
calming music are the most popular answers.
5ualitati"e research might ask the patient what is most helpful! but there would not be
statistical analysis! nor would the responses be ranked.
<utcomes research would ask uestions about the uality and effecti"eness of health
There is enough information to answer the uestion. 5uantitati"e research would ask
patients what they prefer from a list of possibilities or simply create a freuency
distribution of their answers. These responses would then be tabulated! and descripti"e
statistics could be reported! thus the finding that back rubs and calming music are the
most popular answers.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Analysis '(&: p. *0
1;. 6hich of the following studies would not be considered nursing research+
a. Assessing the knowledge base of caregi"ers of AlAheimer=s patients
b. $e"eloping inno"ati"e pin insertion techniues for fracture treatment
c. ("aluating the effecti"eness of wound care in diabetic patients
d. 'e"iewing staff nurse retention policies in rural hospital settings
ANS: -
Nursing research in"ol"es direct or indirect generation of new knowledge. This research
is applicable to biomedical and medical sciences.
'esearch focuses on important aspect of practice in assessing caregi"ers.
'esearch focuses on careGpractice aspect of nursing.
'esearch focuses on cost and a uality-effecti"eness approach to health care deli"ery.
Copyright / *011 by Saunders! an imprint of (lse"ier %nc.
Test -ank
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. )
13. According to Healthy People (HP) 2010 and the mission of the National %nstitute of
Nursing 'esearch ?N%N'@! focus for future nursing research includes which of the
a. $e"elopment of new indications for e#isting drug therapies in hypertension
b. ("aluating therapeutic life style changes for effecti"eness in reducing hypertension
c. %n"estigating the role of incretins in managing glycemic control in diabetic patients
d. 'educing medical errors caused by inaccurate dispensing of prescriptions
ANS: -
Nursing research focus! per N%N' and HP 2010! is to establish basis for care of
indi"iduals across the lifespan.
$rug de"elopment is beyond the scope of nursing research.
%n"estigating the role of incretins in managing glycemic control in diabetic patients
in"ol"es e#tensi"e biological research and is beyond the scope of nursing research.
'educing medical errors caused by inaccurate dispensing of prescriptions in"ol"es a
critical re"iew in pharmaceutical distribution to reduce error and is beyond the scope of
nursing research.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. 14
*0. 6hich of the following would be considered le"el 1 research e"idence when e"aluating
e"idence for the establishment of %H site care and maintenance for a medical-surgical
a. Case study re"iew of dressings used at a similar-siAed hospital
b. (#pert opinion of best dressings used in hospital settings
c. 5uasi-e#perimental study e"aluating types of dressings used at selected hospitals
d. 'andomiAed clinical trial study conducted on types of dressings used in hospital
ANS: $
'andomiAed clinical trials ?'CT@ pro"ide the strongest e"idence for establishing
e"idence-based practice guidelines because of the strength of the research process.
Case studies pro"ide neither the same rigor in the process nor generaliAable results.
(#pert opinion pro"ides the lowest le"el of strength because it is not a conducted study.
5uasi-e#perimental studies often lack randomiAation and ha"e limited generaliAability of
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Analysis '(&: p. *4
*1. 6hich would not be considered e"idence for the establishment of an e"idence-based
protocol for reducing falls in frail elderly people+ A report or paper on the:
a. correlational study in"estigating the use of pain medications and incidence of falls
in hospitaliAed elderly people.
b. ethical position paper on restraining elderly people in e#tended care facilities.
c. e#pert opinion statement regarding balance training and therapy.
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Test -ank
d. meta-analysis of reporting falls among elderly people in e#tended care facilities.
ANS: -
(thical position statements e#amine the potential "iolation of rights. These documents are
not reports of conducted research and are not considered research e"idence.
Correlational studies are used as e"idence in re"iews for the establishment of e"idence-
based guidelines.
(#pert opinions are usedE howe"er! they are considered the lowest le"el for inclusion.
>eta-analyses are used as e"idence in re"iews for the establishment of e"idence-based
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Application '(&: p. *4
**. The main purpose of le"eling or re"iewing research e"idence in the establishment of
e"idence-based guidelines is to:
a. critiue the usefulness of the research in e#panding knowledge.
b. de"elop guidelines for pro"iding care to clients.
c. generate new nursing research pro2ects.
d. re"iew research methods for appropriateness within a research report.
ANS: -
The main purpose of le"eling research e"idence in the establishment of e"idence-based
practice guidelines is to de"elop standard guidelines for pro"iding care to clients that are
based on the strongest e"idence known! to impro"e the uality of care.
The purpose of a critiue of a research article is to establish usefulness in one=s particular
This would be a potential CoffshootD of research e"idence re"iewE it is not the main
The purpose of a peer re"iew before publication is to see that the establishment of the
stated purpose or aim of the research was achie"ed.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. )
*1. Sources for credible! rigorous e"idence-based guidelines for healthcare practice include
b. CCN(
c. NFC
d. NIN
The National Fuidelines Clearinghouse ?NFC@! established by the Agency 7ealth
'esearch J 5uality! was initiated in 133; to establish e"idence-based guidelines for
e"idence-based practice in the Bnited States.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing ?AACN@ was established to promote
and uphold the educational standards of nursing education in the Bnited States.
The purpose of the Certification of Colleges of Nursing (ducation ?CCN(@ is to accredit
or certify colleges or schools of nursing in the Bnited States.
Copyright / *011 by Saunders! an imprint of (lse"ier %nc.
Test -ank
The National Ieague for Nursing ?NIN@ ad"ocates for nursing practice! education and
research! also is in"ol"ed in accrediting schools and programs of nursing in the Bnited
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: 9nowledge '(&: p. *:
*). A hospital wishes to de"elop a new protocol for immediate postoperati"e reco"ery of
trauma patients in the post anesthesia care unit ?,ACB@. A team of nurses must be
selected to comprise the group to de"elop the new protocol. %deally the minimum
educational preparation of the leader of their group should ha"e earned aGan:
a. Associate of Science in Nursing.
b. -achelor of Science in Nursing.
c. >aster of Science in Nursing.
d. $octorate in Nursing.
>aster=s-prepared nurses are able to critically appraise and synthesiAe findings from
studies to re"ise of de"elop protocols for use in practice.
Associate-prepared nurses pro"ide direct patient care! and are limited to the
implementation of established research-based inter"entions.
-accalaureate-prepared nurses are prepared to identify best e"idence! and can plan and
implement e"idence-based inter"entions based on research.
$octoral-prepared nurses can critiue! implement! plan! and de"elop new or re"ised
guidelines! as well as generate and replicate knowledge "ia conduction of research.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. *;
1. 6hy can research be considered a CworldD of its own+ ?Choose all that apply.@ -ecause
a. in"ol"es new rules and new e#periences.
b. is a new way of e#periencing reality.
c. is conducted in certain geographical areas of the world.
d. reuires learning a uniue language.
ANS: A! -! $
Nursing research is a new way of e#periencing realityE it reuires a uniue language! and
it in"ol"es new rules and new e#periences.
Nursing research is a new way of e#periencing realityE it reuires a uniue language! and
it in"ol"es new rules and new e#periences.
Nursing research is a new way of e#periencing realityE it reuires a uniue language! and
it in"ol"es new rules and new e#periences.
Nursing research is not confined by geographic area.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. 1
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Test -ank
*. A doctoral-trained nurse is prepared to do which of the following+ ?Choose all that
a. Coordinate research teams.
b. (#pand the basic body of nursing knowledge.
c. >entor other nurses in research.
d. Seek and obtain grants.
ANS: A! -! C! $
The doctoral-prepared nurse is capable of coordinating research teams.
The doctoral-prepared nurse is capable of e#panding the basic body of nursing
The doctoral-prepared nurse is capable of mentoring other nurses in research.
The doctoral-prepared nurse is capable of seeking and obtaining grants.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Comprehension '(&: p. *;
1. 6hich of the following uestions might be asked by a ualitati"e researcher+ ?Choose all
that apply.@
a. 7ow does the e#perience of being in a car accident affect a person=s dri"ing speed+
b. 6hat is it like to li"e with a terminal illness+
c. 6hich medication is most effecti"e in treating pain resulting from an amputation+
d. 6hat percentage of patients en2oys the food ser"ed to them while in the hospital+
ANS: A! -
5ualitati"e researchers ask uestions that e#plore the e#perience of indi"iduals and how
life affects them.
5ualitati"e researchers ask uestions that e#plore the e#perience of indi"iduals and how
life affects them.
5uestions about the most effecti"e pain medication would be addressed using either a
sur"ey or poll. These are uantitati"e means.
5uestions that e"oke numerical responses are uantitati"e uestion.
$%&: Cogniti"e le"el: Analysis '(&: p. *0
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