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ClLy College norwlch A2 Medla SLudles

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0.1( 2 3,.%4 5.6)7 1he lasuc uoLs - velveL Cafe
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lndle-sLyled muslc vldeo, focus on vlsual eecLs such as double exposure and Lhe use of green screen.
Also keeplng wlLh Lhe convenuonal washed, faded summer lndle aesLheuc, wlLh elemenLs of
experlmenLal movemenL convenuonal of Lhe psychedellc aspecL Lo Lhe song.

!oan Lynch (1984):
- erformance
- ConcepLual

!ohn Cow (1992):
- 1he speclal eecLs exLravaganza - vldeos ln whlch human performance ls over shadowed by
specLacular lmagery.
- 1he enhanced performance - vldeos whlch blend performance elemenLs wlLh oLher vlsual elemenLs,
a blend [usued Lhrough elLher assoclauonal, narrauve, or absLracL forms of mouvauon.

Andrew Coodwln:
- 1here ls a relauonshlp beLween Lhe lyrlcs and Lhe vlsuals (wlLh vlsuals lllusLraung, ampllfylng, or
conLradlcung Lhe muslc)
- 1here ls a relauonshlp beLween Lhe muslc and Lhe vlsuals (wlLh vlsuals lllusLraung, ampllfylng, or
conLradlcung Lhe muslc)
- arucular muslc genres have Lhelr own muslc vldeo sLyle and lconography.
- 1here ls a demand on Lhe parL of Lhe record company for loLs of close-ups of Lhe maln arusL/
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1aklng lnuence from Lhe dlrecLors umlLrl 8asll and 8ussell Mulcahy whlch l have sLudled, Lhe nal
plece wlll have a reLro gradlng convenuonal Lo Lhe lndle genre. locuslng on a 60s/70s gradlng,
lnsplred by my personal LasLes and 8asll's use of genulne 70's lenses, l would also llke Lo follow sulL
wlLh Lhe clnemaLography, feaLurlng pans, zooms, and maLch on acuon cuLs synonymous wlLh Lhls era.

Muluple exposure wlll feaLure heavlly ln Lhls vldeo, and perhaps encompass Lhe whole vldeo. l would
llke Lo experlmenL wlLh Lhls process, perhaps even brlnglng ln elemenLs of mouon conLrol Lo sync Lhe
movemenL of Lhe performer wlLh LhaL of Lhe overlald lmage.

Aer analyslng Lhe lyrlcs l sensed a forlorn lover who ls Lhe proLagonlsL, followlng around presumably
a female auempung Lo auracL her lnLeresLs. A resulL of Lhls would mean muluple shoLs whereby Lhe
female ls overlald onLo Lhe vocallsL, creaung a conunuous sense of boLh deLachmenL (as Lhey're ln
separaLe places) and wholeness (Lwo feaLurlng as one) as a qulLe meLaphorlcal buL sull evldenL
narrauve devlce whlch l do noL wanL Lo overwhelm Lhe lmages.
ClLy College norwlch A2 Medla SLudles
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Creen screen group fooLage - chroma key could have been more preclse, curLaln pulled back Lo reveal
more of screen. useful Lo play wlLh perspecuve and learn Lhe baslc conLrols.

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Canon 600u
lllm Cameras ln 1v SLudlo
use of Creen Screen ln 1v SLudlo
laln WhlLe ShlrL

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A maln proLagonlsL - male
CharacLer wlLhln lyrlcs - female

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1v SLudlo - besL days Wednesday & lrlday durlng college ume.

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