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Lab Tutorial 1


Sketching and Extrusion
To create a sketch in the sketcher mode of PorE and then convert in to a 3-D part b
using the extrusion command!
"!Start Pro Engineer soft#are b c$icking on the icon!
%!&n the Pro E #indo# c$ick on the fi$e menu and then c$ick '(e#'!
3!&n the '(e# Dia$og )ox' check the 'part' radio button in the tpe option and 'so$id'
radio button in the subtpe option! *ive the name of the fi$e! +ncheck the '+se defau$t
temp$ate' button!
,!- ne# dia$og box #i$$ open! Se$ect the in$bs.part.so$id option in the temp$ate
categor and a$so give the parameters!
/!The ProE base #indo# is no# open #ith the datum p$anes and the too$ boxes!
0!Se$ect the Sketch too$! &n the Sketch dia$og box se$ect the 12O(T p$ane as the
sketch p$ane and the 2&*3T p$ane as the reference p$ane! Orientation of the right
p$ane is right and #e can change the direction of vie# b using the f$ip button! -fter
setting4 c$ick the Sketch tab!
5!- references dia$og box #i$$ open and the ProE #i$$ go in the sketching mode!
Se$ect the references if desired and then c$ick c$ose!
6!1rom the too$ box4 se$ect the circ$e option and create a circ$e of diameter %77! The
dimensions can be changed b doub$e c$icking on them after the too$ is unse$ected b
c$icking the mid mouse button! Se$ect the drop do#n menu of the circ$e too$ and
se$ect the concentric circ$e option! 8$ick on the previous circ$e4 its center is
automatica$$ se$ected and #e can create another circ$e of diameter "%/!
9!8$ick ! ProE #i$$ exit the sketching mode and #i$$ continue #ith the current
"7!(o# c$ick the extrude too$ !The extrude too$ #i$$ open as sho#n in the
#indo#! Set the extrusion depth to "77! Se$ect the 'extrude as so$id' option and then
c$ick 'the app$ and save button'

""!The extruded comp$ete part is sho#n in the figure!
Extrude 8ommand:
:hen the extrude command is activated4 its options are sho#n in a too$ chest sort of a
#a4 as sho#n in figure!
There are a number of different options avai$ab$e in the extrude command! - sketch
can be either extruded as a so$id4 as #e have done in this tutoria$ or it can be extruded
as a surface! The depth of extrusion can be set on either side of the sketching p$ane or
the tota$ depth can be e;ua$$ divided on both sides of the sketching p$ane! Extrusion
command can be used to remove the materia$ from a previous$ made part! This
option #i$$ be discussed in another tutoria$!
Some extrusion depth options are given be$o#:
Extrude from sketch p$ane b a specified depth va$ue

Extrude on both sides b ha$f the specified depth va$ue on both sides

Extrude up to next surface
Extrude to intersect #ith a$$ surfaces

Extrude to intersect #ith se$ected surface
Extrude to se$ected point4 curve4 p$ane or surface
- variet of parts and assemb$ies are produced using the above mentioned procedure
and options! The extrusion command is the most used command in the ProE so$id part

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