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After reading The Year Of Living Dangerously, the writer use postcolonial

criticism focused on orientalism by Edward W said. Postcolonial study is a type of

cultural studies that analyzed the impact of colonialism toward the colonized.
Postcolonial criticism has many theorists, such as Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak, Homo K Bhaba, and many more.
Postcolonial have a focus on colonized and colonizer. The colonizer is
European and the colonized is India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Sri Langka, etc. Ashcroft,
Griffith and Tiffin in their book The Empire Writes Back : Theory and Practice in
Post-Colonial Literatures second edition, the terms postcolonial literature finally
preferred over the others because it points the way towards a possible study of the
effect of colonialism. (2001:23) It sees that postcolonial not only studies about
literary work itself but get the impact of colonialism itself. Colonialism happens
because of the superior power. It happens with eastern people who are colonized by
western. In this case this research need of historical perspective.
Tyson says, Colonialist ideology is as colonial discourse to mark its
relationship to the language in which colonialist thinking was expressed, was based
on the colonizers assumption of their own superiority (2006:419). It means
colonialism is about colonizer and colonized. Postcolonial have some discuses is
Orientalism, and this is the theory what writer use for this research.


In this research, the writer use this theory based on Edward W Said book
Orientalism, this theory use to take a part about the issues in the novel. According to
Edward Said the orient has helped to define Europe (or the west) as its contrasting
image, idea, personality, experience. (1979:1-2) it mean the Eastern is a binary
opposition of the western in many aspect, such as the idea, culture, and experience.
There is no western if there is no eastern, they complete each other.

Orientalis is discourses from the western for manage and even to produce the
western, it contain with all of system in the eastern. It sees in Edward Said book
Without examining Orientalism as a discourse one cannot possibly understand
the enonnously systematic discipline by which European culture was able to
manage-and even produce-the Orient politically, sociologically, military,
ideologically, scientifically, and imaginatively during the post-enlightenment
period (1979:3)
Western imperialism in the 19th century and early 20th century was one of the
most amazing facts in the history of politics. Said shows how cultural and political
cooperation is not simply of the European imagination, it is only about culture,
politic, social, and hegemony of the Western.

In this theory, Edward Said dividing two point of Orientalism is a Occident and
Orient. European countries colonist with the Orient, and the Orient is colonized with
European country.
Orientalism is not a mere political subject matter or field thet is reflected
passively by culture, scholarship, or institutions; nor is it a large and diffuse
collection of texts about the Orient; nor is it representative and expressive of some
nefarious western imperialist plot to hold down the Oriental world.
Orientalism by Edward Said revealed is a form of "knowledge" in order
power (power) colonialism. Since then, people in the West no longer wants to be
a predicate for the Orientalist intellectuals who study Asian - African region. The
word "orientalist" has become a pejorative word.

Post-colonial as a literary criticism appears in the 1970's. Post-colonial studies
in the West are marked by the appearance of Edward Said's work Orientalism
(1978) was followed by a number of other books that are still associated with the
Western perspective toward the East. Said books like Covering Islam: How the
Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World (1981) and
Culture and Imperialism (1993) is a sequel to the book Orientalism. Books like
The Empire Writes Back (1989) edited by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and
Helen Tiffin is another book which is often referred to in the discussion of post-
colonial theory.
Post-colonialism (post-colonial theory) is a specifically post-modern
intellectual discourse that consists of reactions to, and analysis of, the cultural
legacy of colonialism. Post colonialism comprises a set of theories found amongst
philosophy, film, political science, human geography, sociology, feminism,
religious and theological studies, and literature.
The ultimate goal of post-colonialism is combating the residual effects of
colonialism on cultures. It is not simply concerned with salvaging past worlds, but
learning how the world can move beyond this period together, towards a place of
mutual respect. This section surveys the thoughts of a number of post-
colonialism's most prominent thinkers as to how to go about this.
Post-colonialist thinkers recognize that many of the assumptions which
underlie the "logic" of colonialism are still active forces today. Exposing and
deconstructing the racist, imperialist nature of these assumptions will remove
their power of persuasion and coercion. Recognizing that they are not simply airy
substances but have widespread material consequences for the nature and scale of
global inequality makes this project all the more urgent.
A key goal of post-colonial theorists is clearing space for multiple voices.
This is especially true of those voices that have been previously silenced by
dominant ideologies - subalterns. It is widely recognized within the discourse that
this space must first be cleared within academia. Edward Said, in his book
Orientalism, provides a clear picture of the ways social scientists, specifically
Orientalists, can disregard the views of those they actually study - preferring
instead to rely on the intellectual superiority of themselves and their peers.

According to Edward Said in his book entitled Orientalism (1985).
Orientalism is a canonical text of cultural studies in which he has challenged the
concept of orientalism or the difference between east and west, as he puts it. He
says that with the start of European colonization the Europeans came in contact
with the lesser developed countries of the east. They found their civilization and
culture very exotic, and established the science of orientalism, which was the
study of the orientals or the people from these exotic civilization. (2)
As revealed by Said in Orientalism, there are a number of literary works in
the Western world which helped reinforce the hegemony of the West in view of
the East (Orient). A number of works of art that have legitimized the practice of
western colonialism East barbarity. Colonization is natural, even a sort of duty to
civilize the West to the East. Said assessment is indeed departed from Gramscian
hegemony theory and the theory of Foucaultian discourse. (3)
The word is often used as a postcolonial translation of a term that refers to
problems "time after" colonial. Though postcolonial not only refers to the study of
literature after the time of the colonial era, or the era of independence but more
broadly refers to all associated with colonialism in the 21st century, leaving only
the Americans as occupiers nation oversleep. Post-colonialism context also
includes the case of globalization and free trade is often regarded as a form of
Said the post should be construed as "beyond" that postcolonial studies is
beyond colonialism, that could be a post or other issues that are still relevant even
though it looks like apart from exceptional colonialism. Western imperialism in
the 19th century and early 20th century was one of the most amazing fact in the
history of politics. Through a brilliant interpretation on Western canons such as
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), Mansfield Park (Austen), and Aida (Verdi 's music
composition), Said shows how cultural and political cooperation. A basic concept
presented Italian Communist thinker, Antonio Gramsci on hegemony which states
that the power built upon domination (weapons) and hegemony (culture).
According to Said, culture and politics in the case of colonialism has worked
same, intentionally or not, gave birth to a system of domination that involves not
only the cannon and soldiers but a sovereignty that transcends forms, figuratively
and imagination rulers and ruled. (20)
The result is a vision to emphasize that the Europeans not only entitled, but
obliged to rule. The main argument lecturer at Columbia University U.S. literary
criticism is that Western imperial powers have always encountered opposition to
empire. The descendants of Palestinian men examine cultural areas where the
colonizers and the colonized live together and fight each other, and keep track of
the stories of "resistance" within post-colonial writers such as Fanon, CLR James,
Yeats, Chinua Achebe, and Salman Rusdhie.
In today's post-colonial world, Said petitions to the arguments that say that
culture and national identity are single entities and pure as said in the book
Culture and Imperialism. With a disarming sense of "us" and "them" of the
empire, Said shows how assumptions rotten imperialist politics and culture
continues to influence the West, since the media coverage of the Gulf War to the
teaching of history and literature in schools.
Orientalism by Edward Said revealed is a form of "knowledge" in order
power (power) colonialism. Since then, people in the West no longer wants to be
a predicate for the Orientalist intellectuals who study Asian - African region. The
word "orientalist" has become a pejorative word.

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