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Karl Lentz The Courts are Free for us to use http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Karl: The free use of courts of recor& an& not of recor& 's to be (rante& to the people.
L')e * sa'& at the be('nn'n(+ every court of record is the Kings Court in his right of
the crown of dignity so his subjects have the benefit of it and therefore no other
court has the authority to fine or imprison. Th's 's out of Toml'n,s Law -'ct'onary .

"&'t'on+ pa(e /01. 2o * &on,t care 'f you want to cons'&er me a )'n(+ because 'n th's
country we are cons'&ere& sovere'(ns+ so we are all cons'&ere& on e$ual stan&'n( w'th the
)'n(. 2o+ you want to call me the )'n(? F'ne. 3ou want to call me the people? F'ne.
3ou want to call me the sub4ect? That,s f'ne because the common law court 's free to the
)'n( an& h's sub4ects. 2o+ call me a sub4ect or call me a )'n(. * &on,t care. 5s lon( as *
am (ett'n( 'n here for free. That,s all * care about.
"ma'l: )arl&'rectv06(ma'l.com
Karl: * wr'te the s'mple letter to the cler) an& * sa'&+ I write this for there are many of
the land similarly situated who have listened to me a few times who appear to be truly
interested and have told me they are willing to follow along with this case to witness the
results for I believe I have chosen a simple method to move my case to the court. I have
chosen to appear before federal district court in the capacity of a man aggrieved who
wishes and demands to order the restoration of my rights and to seek compensation of the
declared wrongs. That being said I now present to the District Court of the United States
of labama! my case. I! a man! wish and respectfully demand of this court"
#. to file my suit
$. to give me a case%action number
&. to deliver enclosed summonses to the wrongdoers
'. please time and file stamp my original copies of the suit and mail it back to
my address(
). it is my wish to not be charged a fee and I do not want to diminish my status
to that of a pauper(
I want my standing to remain that of a man aggrieved( I do not believe
I have been presented a bill for services rendered( 7see+ they &'&n,t
('ve me a b'll so why shoul& * ('ve them 8/91? :obo&y (ave me a
I do not believe at this time that any officer of the court can claim that
I owe this court a debt. 7why? <ecause they haven,t &one anyth'n( for
I do believe that this court was created for the use of man and those of
mankind to settle contentious matters in a civil manner without a fee(
I declare I appear before this court to seek a restoration of my rights that are secured and
protected by the United States Constitution and as all of the officers of this court have
bound themselves to the Constitution I as a man call upon the officers of this court to
perform their duties. That being said if the officers of this court still maintains that I am
in error of my beliefs I will accept that belief and therefore have enclosed a *******
brief+,- regarding the filing fee demanded of me from the clerk of the court for this
matter for this matter in controversy between I and the government of State of labama
that has gone on for too many years. So please .ust take the /&)0 as I need the case to
move out for once this case is settled everything will be returned. If you wish to allow me
to proceed please feel free to return the /&)0.
Karl: That was the letter * sent to the cler) of the court. *t 's 4ust bas'cally say'n(+ =*
bel'eve.> :ow+ 'f you bel'eve * have a false bel'ef then 4ust ta)e the 8/91 an& (et the
show on the roa&. That how * &'& the wor&'n(. * tal) to the hea& 4u&(e an& h's name was
Ch'ef Loc)'ns 7?; an& he was the hea& 4u&(e of the fe&eral &'str'ct court. * went r'(ht to
the top. 5s soon as the cler) of the court (ave me a l'ttle b't of nonsense yester&ay * rea&
the n'te& 2tates 2upreme Court &ec's'ons where somebo&y sa'& the cler) of the court
woul& not allow them to f'le on &eman& an& the cler) of the court was ('v'n( h'm a har&
t'me to move h's case 'nto the court. 2o the man sue& them an& 't went all the way to the
2upreme Court.
Karl: The 2upreme Court sa'& to the man+ 1hy did you not go to the head man of that
court, 1hy did you keep dicking around with the court clerks, If you went to the top man
of that court and he did not interfere with your rights you would have standing to sue and
we could have given you a million dollars. 2ut since you dicked around with the
subordinate people and you never let the man on top of the court reali3e that you were
filing a Claim and your rights were being interfered with you have no case4
Karl: so that 's what * &'& yester&ay. * v'&eotape& myself tal)'n( to the ch'ef 4u&(e+ the
hea& man+ of the court+ on the phone. 2o * tal)e& to 0 or / cler)s of the court an& then *
went stra'(ht up to the hea& (uy. 3ou can (o to the %'&&le 5labama fe&eral &'str'ct court
webs'te an& 'ts says that Ke'th Loc)'ns 's the ch'ef ma('strate+ the hea& ch'ef 4u&(e+ the
5rt'cle *** 4u&(e. * calle& r'(ht to h's secretary an& * tal)e& to the la&y for about 01
m'nutes+ an& * tol& her * was (o'n( to tell everyone on my tal)shoe call that she was a
really n'ce la&y. 2o she tal)e& to me for 01 m'nutes an& she sa'& you )now you are
tal)'n( to the hea& 4u&(e r'(ht now. * sa'&+ 5es! I know ma6am! you are his
representative and whatever I said to you is going to go to him. She said! 7that6s correct.
So this is an e8 parte communication and I6m starting to get uncomfortable with how this
is going.64 <ut+ she let me tal) to her for twenty m'nutes. 5n& * tol& her that was o)ay
that she woul& have 't 'n wr't'n( an& 't woul& be there by %on&ay. That 's the letter *
sent them+ that * &o not bel'eve that * have to pay the 8/91. * &on,t bel'eve anybo&y can
cla'm that * owe them a &ebt. * &on,t th'n) those people 7at the court; have &one anyth'n(
for me yet. 2o+ * haven,t seen someth'n( be'n( &one. 2o why shoul& * ?pay for my meal
unt'l * have eaten 't?, #hy shoul& * pay for someth'n( unt'l you have actually &one
someth'n( for me?
Karl Lentz+ 5n(ela,s tal)shoe
"p'so&e @AB 00@:11

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