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Should is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. We use should mainly to:
give advice or make recommendations
talk about obligation
talk about probability and expectation
express the conditional mood
replace a subjunctive structure
Structure of Should
subject + should + main verb
The main verb is always the bare infinitive infinitive without !to!".
subject auxiliary verb main verb
+ #e should go.
$ #e
should not
% Should he go%
&otice that:
Should is invariable. There is only one form of should.
The main verb is always the bare infinitive.
The main verb is always the bare infinitive.
We cannot say:
'ou should to go.
Use of Should
should: Giving advice, opinions
We often use should when offering advice or opinions similar to ought to":
There is no short form for should. The
negative should not can be shortened to
E !"#: (eople often say !They should...! )sually, the !they! is anonymous and means
the government, or the company, or somebody else $ but not us*
'ou should see the new +ames ,ond movie. -t.s great*
'ou should try to lose weight.
+ohn should get a haircut.
#e shouldn.t smoke. /nd he should stop drinking too.
What should - wear%
They should make that illegal.
There should be a law against that.
(eople should worry more about global warming.
should: $bligation, duty, correctness
/nother use of should also similar to ought to" is to indicate a kind of obligation, duty
or correctness, often when critici0ing another person:
'ou should be wearing your seat belt. obligation"
- should be at work now. duty"
'ou shouldn.t have said that to her. correctness"
#e should have been more careful.
1hould you be driving so fast%
should: #robability, expectation
We use should to indicate that we think something is probable we expect it to happen":
/re you ready% The train should be here soon.
234 is enough. -t shouldn.t cost more than that.
5et.s call 6ary. 1he should have finished work by now.
should: onditionals
We sometimes use should instead of would" for the first person singular -" and first
person plural we" of some conditionals:
-f - lost my job - should have no money.
-f he lost his job he would have no money."
We should be grateful if you could send us your latest catalogue.
This is not a very important distinction. 6ore about the use of shall7will and
should: %"f " were you " should&&&'
We often use the conditional structure !-f - were you - should...! to give advice.
-f - were you, - should complain to the manager.
-f - were you - shouldn.t worry about it.
- shouldn.t say anything if - were you.
&ote that we can omit !-f - were you...! and just say:
- should complain to the manager.
- shouldn.t worry about it.
- shouldn.t say anything.
-n these cases, the phrase !- should! really means something like !you should!.
should: #seudo subjunctive
We often use a special verb form called the subjunctive when talking about events that
somebody wants to happen, hopes will happen or imagines happening, for example:
The president insists that the prime minister attend the meeting.
#owever, this is much more common in /merican 8nglish. ,ritish 8nglish speakers
would probably convey the same idea using should:
The president insists that the prime minister should attend the meeting.
#ere are some more examples:
typically American English
Using should
typically British English
The president is insisting that pollution
be reduced.
The president is insisting that pollution
should be reduced.
The manager recommended that 6ary
join the company.
The manager recommended that 6ary should
join the company.
-t is essential that we decide today. -t is essential that we should decide today.
-t was necessary that everyone arrive on
-t was necessary that everyone should arrive
on time.
should: (hy should&&) * +ow should&&)
-f we don.t understand or agree with" something, we may use !Why should..%!:
Why should it be illegal to commit suicide% -t.s your life.
!Why should..%! and !#ow should..%! can also indicate anger or irritation:
!#elp me with this.! 9 !Why should -%!
!Where are my keys%! 9 !#ow should - know%!

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