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The separation of mixtures may be

done to enhance the purity of

substances.Accomplished using diferent
characteristic properties, such as
density, boiling point, melting point,
types of separation techniques
mechanical separation
simple distillation
fractional distillation
Distillation is a widely used method for separating mixtures
based on differences in the conditions required to change
the phase of components of the mixture. To separate a
mixture of liquids, the liquid can be heated to force
components, which have different boiling points, into the
gas phase. The gas is then condensed back into liquid form
and collected. Repeating the process on the collected liquid
to improve the purity of the product is called double
distillation. Although the term is most commonly applied to
liquids, the reverse process can be used to separate gases by
liquefying components using changes in temperature
andor pressure.
Distillation is used for many commercial processes, such as
production of gasoline, distilled water, xylene, alcohol,
paraffin, kerosene, and many other liquids. Types of
distillation include simple distillation !described here",
fractional distillation !different volatile #fractions# are
collected as they are produced", and destructive distillation
!usually, a material is heated so that it decomposes into
compounds for collection".
The disadvantages of distillation are the energy needs of the
unit, the cost, and the slow output. There is also the concern
that since distilling water removes all minerals, drinking
distilled water may "leach out" minerals such as calcium,
magnesium, and fuoride from the body.
One of the methods chemists use in separating substances
involves taking advantage of physical properties. Simple
distillation is one of those methods which use the diference in
boiling points as a means of separating diferent substances.
owever, it is important to understand that in order to separate
two compounds! the boiling point between the two substances
should be more than "# degrees centigrade. Once the boiling
point of one substance is reached it vapori$es and may be
removed as steam.
%hile distillation is useful in several industrial processes, one of
the most common is the production of alcoholic beverages.
Once yeast converts the sugar in the mash into alcohol,
distillers heat the product to collect the alcohol. The
manufacturer then dilutes the alcohol to the correct proportion,
and often stores it in wooden barrels to age and improve favor.
&anufacturers also distill water to provide a purer product.
'uring the distillation process, salts and materials with a higher
boiling point remain behind while the distillate is puri(ed water.
The manufacturer bottles the water and distributes it to stores
for consumer use where dissolved compounds might cause a
problem.)etroleum re(neries use distillation to separate crude
oil into various components. This allows the manufacturer to
collect various grades of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and
other petroleum products from the crude.'istillation separates
a li*uid into its components by forcing them to change to a gas.
+s the diferent components have diferent boiling points, the
change occurs in several stages. The operator cools the vapor
that forms back into a li*uid and collects it in diferent portions.
'ouble distillation involves the operator heating one of the
fractions a second time to increase the e,ciency of

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