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The Heart

1. State the function of human heart.

2. Everything in heart seems to come in fours:
There are four main blood vessels in the heart. Name the blood vessels labelled A, B, C
and D in the diagram, and state their functions.
3. There are four chambers: left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle.
E!lain "hy the left ventricle has the thic#est muscle "all.
4. There are four main valves: bicus!id valve, tricus!id valve and t"o semi$lunar valves.
State their function.
5. There are four structures involved in the beating of the heart: sinoatrial node %SAN&,
atrio$ventricular node %A'N&, bundle of (is and )ur#in*e fibres. State the functions of the
SAN and A'N.
6. The !acema#er of a !atient+s heart fails to function. An electronic !acema#er is used to
re!lace the original !acema#er. E!lain ho" this "or#s.
7. Com!are the rate of blood flo" in blood vessels A and D.
What's In Our Blood - Riddles
Born very early in the born marro"
, !ass through blood vessels no matter ho" narro"
, live but for three months and not a day more
-rom the lungs, , ta#e u! a gas that you need in every flo" ... .ho am ,/0000000000000000000
1y nucleus is lobed and my cyto!lasm granular
A soldier , am "ith a nucleus irregular
To eat your enemy is my function
And, for that, , have both gut and gum!tion ... .ho am ,/0000000000000
At a cut, , act fast and cause a clot
This is my life, this is my !lot
But , do it only "hen you need me too
-or if you lose your blood, you+d soon turn blue ... .ho am ,/0000000000000
Smooth and large, my nucleus is round
,n the lym!hatic system am , found
, shoot out antibodies "hen , get the chance
)athogens shrivel u! and fall into a dead trance ... .ho am ,/000000000000000
.hile blood !lasma ta#es u! 223 of blood fluid, blood cells ma#e u! the remaining 423
Re!ie" #uestion $or %ir&ulator' ('ste)
5& .hich camber of the human heart has the thic#est "all/ E!lain "hy.
6& .hat are the differences in the structure and function of an artery and a vein/
7& Differentiate a single circulatory system from a double circulatory system.
4& .hat is the advantage of having o!en circulatory system/
Essay 8uestion.
a& A boy ta#es a hot bath. .hile in the bath his body tem!erature rises from 79
C to 7:
(is heartbeat rate changes from ;< beats !er minure to 9< beats !er minute immediately
after the hot bath.
i. State t"o effects of the change in body tem!erature on the body=s face.>6 mar#s?
ii. E!lain the cause of each effect. >; mar#s?
iii. Suggest a !ossible e!lanation for the increase in heartbeat rate immediately after
the bath. >; mar#s?
b& After the hot bath, the boy goes immediately into his air$conditioned study room "hich is
maintained at a tem!erature of 6<
C. State and e!lain the changes that the boy "ill
e!erience as a result of the sudden e!osure to the lo" tem!erature in the study room.
>; mar#s?

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