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The Great Eminent Scholar

Muhammad Amin Sheikho

May God sanctify his soul
A "ialo#ue
$ith the #reat scholar Muhammad Amin Sheiko and Sir %ohn G
' ' '
The Sources of S(rin# )ater in the )orld
*esearch on disco+ery of the
Secret of ,ircumcision
,hecked and -ntroduced .y/
Scholar 0rofessor
A.dul-1adir %ohn
alias Al-"ayrani
-n the 2ame of God3 the ,om(assionate3 the Merciful
0raise .elon#s to God3 the Sustainer of the $orlds3
communication $ith Allah and safety are throu#h Muhammad the
master of 0ro(hets ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him!4 The
a(ostles are sent .y the Almi#hty as a mercy to the $orlds and a
shinin# lam( to the di+inely ins(ired4 To .rin# ha((iness u(on
mankind and u(lift them to the stations of thinkin#3 mi#htiness and
faith3 to tolerance3 a5ection3 intimacy3 .rotherhood and self-denial3
to a $orld of (erfection3 and self de+otion3 lofty traits and
The (ure hearted $ill .e those $ho ado(t his method and seek
enli#htenment from him4
6ere is our #reat master3 merciful #uide3 the o$ner of this lofty
and su(reme #uidance3 $ho deserted fatal $him to the realm of
lo#ic3 $ho a$akened human thou#ht from its dee( slee(3 and s(ent
his (recious life doin# #randeur acts4 This s(irit $ho had .reathed
little .ut a lofty hea+enly inclination therefore s(rin#s of $isdom
(assed throu#h his heart and ton#ue4
So he (erformed miraculous acts3 defended ri#hts3 defeated
falsehood3 hel(ed the (oor and sym(athi7ed $ith an or(han4
6e hel(ed the hel(less (eo(le and called for u(liftin# the s(irits
to o.ey the one and only God4
6e did a lot to lift the in8ustice and a##ression and su.mitted to
the omni(otent God3 $ho arran#es e+erythin#4
)here does this #reat man .rin# all his $ords3 his #uidance and
su(reme morals from9
6e e:ceeded e+eryone .y his .ra+ery3 as $ell as e:ceedin# the
#reatest (oliticians and $isdom and correct o(inion4 6e is similar to
a dee( sea in his endless and limitless kno$led#e4
6is tolerance3 tenderness and kind treatment; he to$ered hi#h
a.o+e all the $ise and #reat men4
6e e:ceeded e+eryone in his kno$led#e and hi#h manners4 6e
ar#ued e+ery o((oser and defeated all those $ho defended o(-
(ression4 6e #ot all this from his lo+e to the Almi#hty God and 6is
0ro(het ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him!4
-f you $ant a ha((y life3 a continuous s(iritual health and the
en8oyment of the e+erlastin# life3 su.mit to the 0ro+ider and .elie+e
in 6im and then 6e $ill hel( and su((ort you4 God states in Al-6a88
(0il#rima#e! +erse (0!/
Allah will certainly aid those who aid His cause, for verily
Allah is omnipotent.
This is an intellectual ascent $ith the &ritish Sir &ennet to the far-
thest (arts of the Earth3 to the 2orth and South (oles and to the
ice.er#s3 $hich .rilliance may cause .lindness4
This is .ut a little .it of the kno$led#e of our #reat Scholar
Muhammad Amin Sheikho (may God sanctify his soul!4
A.dul-1adir %ohn
alias Al-"ayrani
-n the 2ame of God3 the ,om(assionate3 the Merciful
This is the a#e of scienti<c studies and research that .e#an some
time a#o4 Then researchers follo$ed in =uick succession; entrustin#
one another $ith the mana#ement of research and in+esti#ation
durin# (rolon#ed ni#hts of disco+ery4 S(endin# most of their li+es
amon# .ooks3 co(ies and +olumes; many of them remained trou.led
.y curiosity4 Then3 they sank into a sea $here none of them $ould
kno$ ho$ he sailed into and $here he is a.le to anchor4
The story of the great scholar with the British man Sir John
)hat is the soul9 )here is the centre of its e:istence9 And $hat is
its function9
)hat is thou#ht9 )here does it e:ist9 And $hat is its function9
)hat is the mind9 )here is its centre9 And $hat is its function9
)hat is its relation $ith the Thou#ht9 And $hat are the relations
of the a.o+e-mentioned items to each other9
These =uestions are an introduction to a #reater =uestion that3
the &ritish scholar3 Sir %ohn G &ennet asked our Eminent Scholar4
)ho is Sir &ennet9 6o$ $as the meetin# held9 And $hat $as his
#reater =uestion9 )e should kno$ <rst $ho Sir %ohn G &ennet is4
6e is a man of kno$led#e and (olitics; an intelli#ent and e:(ert
(erson3 $ho ascended to the (ost of the counselor to the Turkish
Sultan4 6e a((eared to .e loyal to the Turkish state4 )hen3 he $ent
.ack to his country he achie+ed a #reat +ictory and a $ide
re(utation in the di(lomatic <eld4 6e increased his truthfulness and
research until he ac=uired $orld-$ide fame and .ecame a #reat
(hiloso(her3 a .rilliant astronomer and an author of international
read .ooks4 6is articles3 kno$led#e and theories $ere con+eyed to
most countries of the $orld and tau#ht at their uni+ersities4 6e
recei+ed the title of >Sir? $hich is the hi#hest rank #i+en to a (erson
accordin# to the @in#dom of Great &ritain3 a title #ranted only to the
(erson $ho has undertook a #reat and lar#e amount of ser+ices to
his country4
)hat is mentioned a.o+e is a .rief hint of the life and kno$led#e
of Sir &ennet4 2o$ let us #o .ack to kno$ ho$ they met and ho$ the
a.o+e-mentioned =uestions3 $hich .e$ildered the hearts and minds
of thinkers and (hiloso(hers in the course of #enerations and
centuries3 $ere asked4
"urin# his ser+ice3 our honora.le scholar had a friend of the
u((er class society $ho had #reat im(ortance durin# the Arench
mandate in Syria4 6e $as called (rince A.dul-Ma8eed 6ayder4
This (rince $ho had a distin#uished (osition and a hi#h
re(utation $as intelli#ent and $ell-educated4 6e had not left a
scienti<c3 literary or social <eld $ithout ha+in# masterin# it4
6e $as a mem.er of Sharif 6ussein family in Al-6i8a7 (Saudi
Ara.ia!3 a descendent of the 6ashimite (ro#eny $hose linea#e #oes
.ack to 0ro(het Muhammad3 communication $ith Allah and (eace
are throu#h him4
Arance3 follo$in# the e:am(le of the &ritish $ho cro$ned his
relati+e @in# Aaisal on -ra= and @in# A.dullah in %ordan3 $anted to
cro$n him as a kin# on Grand Syria4 Then3 for (olitical reasons he
.ecame the am.assador of %ordan in Bondon4 6is ne$ (ost made
him meet Sir &ennet4 -n one of the meetin#s that 0rince 6ayder
attended $ith Sir &ennet the latter said to the (resent scholars3
>A =uestion (u77led me3 and for forty years - ha+e .een in=uirin#3
e:aminin# and in+esti#atin# .ut $ith no result3 no con+incin# re(ly
or a conclusi+e ans$er4 -s the $orld inca(a.le of re+ealin# this
0rince 6ayder said3 >- kno$ that you are lost in a (ersistent search4 -
kno$ $ho can ans$er your =uestion3 un+eil the am.i#uity of your
=uestions and unco+er the truth for you4 - am =uite certain and sure
of $hat - am sayin#4?
Sir &ennet3 >)ho is this #reat man $ho $ill =uench my thirst9 )ho
is the one $ho $ill un+eil the am.i#uity of my =uestions9 - ha+e left
no country3 no (hiloso(her or a Meditati+e scholar in the most and
the .i##est countries of the $orld $ithout askin# for an ans$er3 .ut
in +ain3 then - al$ays retrace my ste( frustrated4?
0rince 6ayder3 >Dou can achie+e your aim there in the Erient3 in
Sir &ennet (features chan#ed3 sur(rise and curiosity a((eared on his
face!3 >-n the Erient9 -n "amascus9 And only he can ans$er my
0rince 6ayder3 >Truly - mean $hat - say4 -f you are really interested
in your =uestion3 you had .etter #o to Syria in $hich there is a city
called "amascus4 As no one $ill .e a.le to ans$er you e:ce(t that
#reat man4?
Sir &ennet3 >- am ready to #o to him immediately4?
-ndeed3 0rince 6ayder ca.led his friend in Syria and informed him
of Sir &ennetFs arri+al4 At once Sir &ennet contacted the air(ort and
.ooked a seat on the <rst (lane lea+in# for "amascus4
The (lane took o53 (iercin# the clouds of the sky3 tra+ersin# one
country after another4
Sir &ennet $as inside the (lane3 detached from those inside it3
from its noise and from its tur.ulence4 S(eakin# to himself3 >)ho is
this #reat man9 And $here did he #et his kno$led#e from9? 6e
ima#ined descri(tions and ima#es of this #reat man and (ke(t
askin#! himself3 >-s he actually in "amascus9 -s he actually9 -s he
actually9 )hat a $onderC?
The (lane landed on the #round of the air(ort and its (ilot
announced they $ere in "amascus4 Then3 Sir &ennet a$oke from his
s(eculation and +isions4 6e headed for the Erient 0alace 6otel
$hich3 until recently3 recei+ed forei#ners for its ma#ni<cence4
Eur +enera.le scholar $ent to the hotel accom(anied .y a
num.er of his disci(les for the translation of the dialo#ue4
-n the hotel3 our +enera.le scholar $armly $elcomed his #uest3
and after ha+in# their seats3 he re=uested him to ask his =uestion4
"urin# the discussion3 they .oth disco+ered that they s(oke Turkish4
This made the atmos(here more Ge:i.le and com(rehensi.le4
They s(ared the translators4 Sir &ennet asked the aforementioned
=uestions and our Henera.le Scholar ans$ered them sayin#/
>The s(irit/ -t is the su.tle conscious of man4 -t is a Godly li#ht
and its centre is the chest4 -ts rays s(read to all (arts of the .ody
throu#h the ner+es4 This s(irit3 con<ned to the .ody3 kno$s the
thin#s surroundin# it .y the senses4 -t sees .y the eye3 hears .y the
ear3 smells .y the nose3 feels and touches .y the skin and tastes
Ga+ors of thin#s .y the ton#ue3 $hich is also used to e:(ress ideas
and thou#hts4
-n detail3 $e say that if one stands at the sea shore3 undou.tedly3
$atchin# the sea $ill make him re+ere and #lorify it4 This su.mission
and #lori<cation is from the >s(irit4?
-f $e see someone dear to us $ith his hand .leedin# .ecause it is
.adly $ounded3 $e feel sorry and sym(athi7e $ith him4 This (ain
and #rief is from the >s(irit4?
-f $e hear that one of our dear relati+es has returned safely from
their lon# 8ourney3 $e feel (leased and ha((y4 These (leasure and
ha((iness are from the >s(irit4? Thus3 the s(irit is the essential
element of man4 -t #lori<es and su.mits3 #rie+es3 annoys3 deli#hts3
re8oices3 feels contentment3 an#er3 tastes3 en8oys and su5ers4 -t is
the centre of e:istence4
The >s(irit? is al$ays addressed in the 1urFan3 it is char#ed to
follo$ the strai#ht (ath3 and it feels (ain $hen treated $ith a cure4 -t
en8oys remainin# in (aradise; and does not like to .e remo+ed there
-t is called a >s(irit? $hich is deri+ed in Ara.ic from the $ord/
Ma#ni<cent +alue4
This is a dro( of an ocean of $hat Eur Henera.le scholar said
a.out the >S(irit4? Then he added to the introduction to the ori#in of
the >S(irit? sayin#3
>-n a 0ro(hetic sayin#3 the 0ro(het ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah
.e u(on him! God said3 >- $as a hidden treasure then - desired to .e
kno$n3 so - created the creatures and ac=uainted them $ith me3
they kne$ me throu#h me4?
"escri.in# the meanin# of this holy sayin# - say3 >the treasure? is a
.eautiful +alua.le thin#4 -n the Sayin#3 it means that #reat Godly
&eauty and the su(reme (erfection >hidden? unkno$n to anyone4
>- liked to .e kno$n3? refers to the #enerosity and kindness of the
Almi#hty God4 -t $as the aim of the most #enerous (Allah! to sho$
his #enerosity and kindness to manifest4
>- created the creatures3? -t means to en8oy $atchin# that Godly
&eauty and to sink into $atchin# that endless 0erfection4 -t indicates
that God has created the creatures in that $orld called >Al-A7al?3 the
(re-e:istent $orld4
>Ac=uainted them $ith Me3? - sho$ed them My Greatness and My
&ene+olence on them in creatin# them4
>They kne$ Me throu#h Me3? &y lookin# at themsel+es they could
kno$ Me3 then they en8oyed $atchin# that #lorious treasure as they
sa$ a (art of my .eauty and (erfection4
)hen the creatures $ere <rst created .y Almi#hty God in that
$orld >Al-A7al?3 the (re-e:istent $orld3 they $ere a.stract s(irits
$ithout sha(es and .odies4 Man3 animals3 the sky3 the Earth3 the
An#els and %inns (#host like demons!4
That is to say3 all creatures $ere then of one kind and one =uality
$ithout any di5erence amon# them4 All these s(irits en8oyed
$atchin# that treasure and $ere +ery fond of seein# that #reat
Godly &eauty4 (The #reatest (leasure of 0aradise is #a7in# at God4!
The (re+ention of these creatures3 at one de#ree3 of seein# the
di+ine .eauty $ould make them later feel .ored of their status4
To make this clear $e say3 >-f a man sits in a +ery .eautiful3
une=ualled orchard and stays there for a lon# time3 he $ill
undou.tedly #et .ored of it4 And he $ill not see its .eauty any more4
To ha+e this (leasure continued3 he has to mo+e to a more .eautiful
orchard than his4?
The creature cannot soar .y #a7in# at the di+ine from a state to a
hi#her one unless he has done #ood deeds $hich his ,reator is
satis<ed $ith4 Such deeds $ill .e like an ele+ator throu#h $hich he
#ets nearer to God4 Therefore3 God o5ered to all these s(irits an
e:odus from the realm in $hich they ha+e nothin# to do4 -nto a
$orld3 $here their #ood deeds hel( them to come nearer to their
,reator and to seek that #lorious treasure4 -n order to drink
continuously and endlessly from the seas of .eauty and (erfection
of (aradise4
To sho$ the e5ect of deed in the ele+ation of the S(irit and its
nearness from its ,reator3 $e #i+e this e:am(le3 >Bet us ima#ine a
commander <#htin# a .attle $ith his soldiers4 )hen they come .ack
after the .attle3 $ill all the soldiers .e in the same (sychic3 and
s(iritual-status3 and on the same footin#9 Indou.tedly3 they $ill .e
at di5erent ranks4 The .ra+er soldier $ho has done $ell and has
sacri<ced a lot $ill come .ack feelin# himself nearer to his
commander; ha+in# hi#her (osition and en8oyin# a #reater share of
s(iritual $ell.ein# than others4?
This e:am(le a((lies to the sons $ith their fathers3 the students
$ith their teachers3 the disci(les $ith their #uide and those o.edient
$ith their ,reator4
Ene of the <rm rules of the s(irit is that it cannot a((roach unless
it has a #ood deed u(on $hich it can de(end3 and the #reater the
sacri<ce and #ood deeds are3 the closer its a((roach $ill .e4
This is $hy the Almi#hty God made this $orld an a.ode of deeds
and a (ath to the other $orld4
Dearnin# is the stimulus throu#h $hich taste and ha((iness are
achie+ed4 -t #i+es the act its +alue and $ithout it3 the deed has no
+alue in the doerFs eye4 The more its attraction and desire to the
s(irit3 the more +alua.le the sacri<ce $ill .e3 and the more e5ect it
has on the s(irit4 -f man does not like money or does not yearn for it3
then charity $ill ha+e no meanin#3 and he does not <nd a s(iritual
ele+ation or 7eal for s(endin#4 The similar is the case of a+ertin#
ones #a7e and a.stinence from (erformin# for.idden acts4
God the Almi#hty #a+e us the freedom of choice $hich #i+es the
creature the a.ility to do the deed $ithout o.li#ation; and in fact
any creature cannot a((roach3 one ste(3 throu#h his deed to$ards
his ,reator and does not <nd it $orthy unless such a creature has
freedom of choice4 (This choice is from o(tions #i+en .y the ,reator
as he alone kno$s $hat $e are #oin# to do and $hat $e ha+e
Eri#inally3 the $ill of the creatures is the (ossession of their
,reator and su.8ect to 6is 0o$er4
Therefore3 they ha+e no +olition or choice4 As God $anted to #i+e
the S(irits the most (recious #ift3 6e sho$ed them the means .y
$hich one can attain this #ift4
6e o5ered to make the $ill3 $hich is his o$n3 a trust $ith the
S(irits and made them free to follo$ the road leadin# to the
achie+ement of the deeds; as a result of their yearnin#4
The #ift of this $ill and freedom of choice is meant .y the $ord
-n the $orld of Al-A7al3 the (re material $orld3 God o5ered the
>trust? to all the S(irits $ithout discrimination and sho$ed them that
the shoulderin# of the Trust; that is to say3 the freedom of choice
to$ards the deeds3 is a +ery dan#erous thin#4 The creature can
ascend3 $ith his $ork3 to the hi#hest rank or his deed could
humiliate him to the lo$est rank4
So3 out of GodFs mercy u(on his creatures 6e clari<ed to them
that if they acce(ted to .ear the >trust? and come to e:istence4 6e
$ill send them a .ook to .e a li#ht and #uidance for their acts4 -f
they #et illuminated .y 6is li#ht $hen they start the act comin# out
of yearnin#3 seek 6is #uidance and ask 6im ins(iration in their
mo+ement3 their $ay $ill .e strai#ht3 their mo+e safe3 and their act
com(lyin# $ith the ri#ht (ath sho$n to them in 6is .ook4 Thus3 they
are (rotected from committin# e+il and from fallin# in the $ron#4
Their deeds $ill .e the cause of their rise and su.limation4 )hen
they come to God after death3 their hi#h humanist acts $ill .e the
.asis they rely on in their comin# near to God3 $here they succeed
.ein# nearer to 6im3 risin# successi+ely and (ersistently in the
(aradises of eternal deli#ht4
-f they carry the trust and come to e:istence $ithout .ein#
#uided .y 6is li#ht or seekin# 6is #uidance $hen they start their
deeds3 they $ill undou.tedly miss the ri#ht (ath $hich leads them
to ha((iness3 therefore all their $ork $ill .e harm and dama#e to
the creatures4 )hen they #o out of this $orld3 they $ill face their
,reator ashamed of their $ron# acts; des(ised .ecause of their
mean shameful deeds3 humiliated .y their un#ratefulness and
.aseness $hich force them to thro$ themsel+es in <re4 They ho(e to
for#et their #reat (ain and s(iritual torture .y the (ain of <re and
torture of .urnin#4 -4e4 esca(e from 6ell to Aire4
-n a 0ro(hetic sayin#3 the 0ro(het ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e
u(on him! said3
>Man $ill .e restricted .y the s$eat of shame on doomsday that he
re=uests3 >My 0ro+ider; relie+e me e+en to Aire4?
-n another sayin#/
>Shame $ill .efall man on doomsday until he says3 >EF My (ro+ider3
sendin# me to Aire is easier than $hat - am su5erin#3 althou#h he
kno$s the #reat torture in it4?
Mankind $as called >Al-2ass? in Ara.ic $hich means for#etful or/
Mankind in for#etfulness4 The $ord >Al-2ass? is a #eneric name for
all sons of Adam4 They $ere name .ecause their comin# to this
$orld and their comin# out of the $orld of sha(es and .odies made
them for#et their kno$led#e of God in the $orld of >Al-A7al?3 the
$orld of s(irits4 This (hysical .ody .ecame the +eil $hich (re+ented
the >s(irit? from kno$in# itself concernin# its $eakness3 its
com(lete need for its ,reator and the continuity of its former
kno$led#e of The ,reator4
To clarify the >s(irit?3 God says in the 6oly 1urFan in An-2ass
+erses (-J!/
Say! " see# refuge in the provider of man#ind, The #ing of
man#ind, od of man#ind, from the evil of the snea#ing
whisperer who whispered evil in the chests of man#ind, of
$inns and man#ind.
And in An-2amil (the Ant! +erse (K!3 And verily your %rovider
#nows all what their chests hide as well as all that they
And 6e says in Al--mran (the Aamily of -mran L! +erse (M9!3 Say!
"f you hide what is in your chests or reveal it, Allah is aware
of it.
The s(irit s(reads throu#h the ner+es and $hen the ner+es are
anestheti7ed3 the s(irit retreats from the (lace of anesthesia3 so the
(atient does not feel any (ain e+en if one of his lim.s is am(utated
.ecause of the s(iritFs esca(e from the anestheti7ed (lace4
God says in the 6oly 1urFan/
"t is Allah who ta#es &ac# the spirits when dead and those
who have not died, during their sleep. He ta#es &ac# those
on whom He has passed the decree of death, &ut He sends
the rest for an appointed term.
The s(irit of the (atient lea+es his .ody .ecause of the
anesthesia3 and the s(irit of the slee(er lea+es the .ody too .ecause
of the slee(4 The soul remains in the .ody $hich mo+es3 and the
heart (ulses3 .ut he does not hear3 understand or see anythin#4
)e #o .ack to the $omen $ho cut their hands in the story of
(Dusuf! %ose(h3 the (ro(het4 -n the 6oly 1urFan God says3
(hen she heard of their cunning )their malicious tal#*, she
sent for them and prepared a &an+uet, she gave each of
them a #nife and said to Joseph! -ome out &efore them.
(hen they saw him, they did glorify him and )in their
ama.ement* cut their hands, they said! od Blameless/ 0o
mortal is this/ This is none &ut a pure )no&le* angel.
The $omen cut their hands .ecause their souls $ere shocked
$hen they sa$ %ose(hFs .eauty4
-n this case3 the s(irits left their .odies headin# for 0ro(het
%ose(h4 So3 they cut their hands $ithout feelin# that3 .ecause they
Az-Zumer verse (42)
verse (31)
$ere ra+ished at the si#ht of his .eauty and $ere o.li+ious of all
' ' '
As for the soul3 it is the su((ort of the Godly li#ht $hich Go$s into
the .lood4 -ts centre is this (hysical heart3 and it is the mo+in#
(o$er of all the systems and cells of the .ody4 Throu#h it the .ody
nourishes and mo+es3 so the life of the .ody de(ends on it4 -t is the
e:ecuti+e (o$er of the ends3 re=uirements3 demands3 and desira.le
thin#s of the s(irit4 -t is under the command of the S(irit that mo+es
in the ner+es throu#h its rays4 The S(irit directs and controls all the
+oluntary and in+oluntary or#ans4 The soul of the human .ein#3
animal and all li+in# creatures is the same3 .ut in the (ro(hets and
a(ostles3 it is a sacred soul; that is3 far from im(urities and lo$
(ur(oses .ecause their souls $ere not contaminated .y the $orldly
stains of life and its e+il4 Their souls remained +irtuous3 (ure and
sacred3 so they only utter the #ood3 ri#ht3 +irtue and (erfect4
)here+er they settle3 #oodness3 .liss3 .less3 ha((iness and
deli#htful eternal .eatitude of Allah s(read on all those $ho direct
themsel+es to$ards them3 and those $ho are around them4
The 0ro(het Muhammad ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on
him! communication $ith Allah (mi#hty and ma8estic! is a channel of
(eace throu#h him4 6e e:(lained the soul and its rays Go$in#
throu#h the .ody .y the means of .lood4 The 0ro(hetic sayin#
>Satan Go$s throu#h a son of Adam as the .lood circulates in the
And that is $hat the 2o.le 1urFan Mar+elous +erse states3 >They ask
thee concernin# the soul4? They ask you >Muhammad? a.out the
They really asked him a.out it to frustrate and defeat him3 .ut
God the Almi#hty ans$ered them/
Say! 23 4uhammad! The soul is of the command of my
The $ord >the command of my (ro+ider? indicates (ro+idence
and sho$s that Godly su((ort s(readin# in the e:istence4 The mo+e
and li+in# of a human .ein# as $ell as all li+in# creatures includin#
man3 animal and (lants are all .y the su((ort of God the Almi#hty4
A motion does not mo+e e:ce(t .y 6is (ro+ision and command4 -f
God had $ithdra$n 6is su((ort; that is to say3 the soul from the
creatures3 they $ould ha+e .ecome motionless3 lifeless3 and
The soul in the creatures is like the electric current $hich mo+es
all machines o(erated .y it4
-f (o$er is disconnected3 the machines sto( and .ecome
motionless4 Similarly3 the soul in the .ody is (oured into the heart of
the human .ein# and Go$s .y its rays into the .lood $hich carries
nourishment and o:y#en to all (arts of the .ody and .rin#s .ack the
$astes and (oisons to .e re8ected out of the .ody throu#h urination
and e:halin#4
>-s at the command of my (ro+ider? in the 1uranic +erse means
that su((ly to the heart and .lood so as to com(lete the circle of
life4 -f that su((ly is sto((ed3 the li+in# creatures $ill .e lifeless and
>-t is only too little omniscience that is #ot to you3? (human .ein#s!4
The statement >-t is only too little omniscience that is #ot to you?
does not mean the (ro(het of God .ut the (addressee! in this +erse
is the askers .ecause it comes in a (lural form4 -f it means the
0ro(het3 it $ill come in sin#ular4 6e is the s(eaker; it comes/ Say to
them Muhammad/ -t is only too little omniscience that is #ot to you3
' ' '
)e .rieGy say that if man thinks dee(ly and thorou#hly of this
uni+erse3 his s(eculation and contem(lation $ill lead him to the fact
that there is a #reat ,reator and a $ise "is(oser4 Then3 he .ecomes
strai#ht3 and this strai#htness #enerates #ood actions and trust in
These .ecome manFs means to #et nearer to God and he ac=uires
(erfection from his ,reator throu#h communication $ith 6im4 Then
he lo+es the o$ners of (erfection and the master of the (erfection3
0ro(het Muhammad ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him!3
communication $ith Allah and (eace are throu#h him4 Thus3 his
s(irit accom(anies the s(irit of the 0ro(het $ho al$ays a((roaches
Allah3 then he sees the luminous (ro+ision of God (re+alent in
e+erythin# in e:istence3 and this is $hat $e call the >soul4?
Arom the aforementioned3 it is clear to us that there is a #reat
di5erence and contrast .et$een the soul and the s(irit4 -n fact3 this
thin# $as not clari<ed .y anyone after the master of 0ro(hets
((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on them all! .efore this #reat
' ' '
TH5 4"06
2o$ let us s(eak in details a.out the mind .ut .efore that $e
should di5erentiate .et$een mind and thou#ht4
All mankind ha+e not di5erentiated .et$een them4 They
sometimes say >thou#ht? and at other times >mind?4
Eur #reat scholar continued his s(eech sayin#/
The mind is a s(iritual =uality attri.uted to the s(irit $hen it
ac=uires3 assimilates and a.sor.s a certain fact $hich .ecomes a
#arment to it4 So the s(irit is distin#uished and characteri7ed .y it3
.ecomin# the mind4
The s(iritual conce(ts are $hat this mind assimilates4 The s(irit is
like a mirror4 )hen it heads for somethin#3 it is im(rinted on it4 -t is
ori#inally a .lank and (ure surface4 )hen somethin# is im(rinted on
it and (reoccu(ies it3 it is then called a mind4 The mind is s(iritual3
thou#ht is cere.ral3 the soul is dynamic and the .ody is .ut a mount
and a +essel to them all4 )hen the s(irit cares for somethin# and it
is fully true in seekin# it3 it directs its radiation to the .rain $hich
acts accordin#ly and it is im(rinted on it4
This im(rint on the s(irit is called >the mind?4
The s(irit has a radiation $hich tra+els like the sun rays or e+en
faster .y far4 -f you $ere honest3 true to God and loyal to 6is
Messen#er ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him!3 you $ould
reach a ray to eternity4 Almost as if you $ould #o .ack to >Al-A7al?3
the (re-material $orld4 &y this state3 it reaches s(iritually .efore
reachin# it (hysically3 and this is also the mind4 )hen it .elie+es
that there is certainly in death3 it (enetrates throu#h it into the
hereafter then $itnessin# $hat #oes on there4 As (ro(het
Muhammad did ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him! those
$ho see .y their hearts and s(irits li#hts are the com(anions of the
0ro(hets3 the true3 the martyrs and those $ho ha+e #ot the a.ility
to do #ood3 and those in #ood com(any4 Man and animal ha+e the
ac=uired mind that is to say3 the (re-material ac=uired mind
$hich Allah has im(rinted on (a#es of all s(irits .efore their comin#
to this $orld to carry out their missions (erfectly4 God says in the
2o.le 1urNan/
>0haraoh said/ >)ho then3 E Moses3 is the Sustainer of you9?
6e said
3 2ur provider is He who gave everything its
creation, then gave guidance to it.
Aor e:am(le3 let us take the suckin# infant3 $ho #uides him to his
motherNs .reast from the <rst moment of comin# to this life9 The
ducklin# s$ims in the $ater from the <rst moment of lea+in# the
e## and chicks (eck the #round in search of food4
)ho tau#ht the infant and told him suckle9 )ho tau#ht the
ducklin# to s$im3 and the chick to search for food in the soil9 -t is
the ins(ired mind3 that is to say3 $hat has .een im(rinted on the
s(irit of each creature since Al-A7al3 the $orld of s(irits4 -n order to
(erform tasks4 The animal comes and #oes3 in this life3 accordin# to
the im(ression on it and it cannot chan#e its function4 The human
.ein# is the only creature $ho has the a.ility to chan#e and modify3
to im(rint and to (ercei+e ne$ thin#s in this life4
The mind of man is achie+ed in t$o cases/
1) 0ictures and a((earances of thin#s4
2) Aacts and realities of thin#s4
The (ictures of thin#s3 as $e (re+iously stated3 comes from the
truthfulness and determination of the s(irit and its (roceedin# to the
thin# it desires4

Azali is Pre-material.
(2) Both Moses and his brother Aron.
An e:am(le/ The dri+er of a car faces diOculties $hen learnin#
ho$ to dri+e and he uses all his senses4 Ainally3 after he learns $ell
all the thin#s .ecome +ery easy for him4 Soon you see him dri+in#
and smokin# a ci#arette or a.sor.ed in talkin# a.out im(ortant
matters .ut $ithout feelin# that he is concentratin#4 6e sto(s at the
red traOc li#ht3 and starts at the #reen li#ht and a+oids accidents4
Su((ose one has mastered ho$ to s$im4 )hile he is aslee( at the
.ank of a ri+er or a (ool; he falls into the $ater4 &efore kno$in#
$here he is and $hat ha((ened you see his hands mo+in# and le#s
strikin# the $ater; -n order to raise himself to the surface of $ater
automatically3 $ithout kno$led#e or reali7ation or consciousness4 So
he does not dro$n4 All this ha((ens e+en .efore $orkin# the $heels
of his thou#ht or his $ill this is the mind4 6is s(irit has (ro#rammed
s$immin# and it a((lies it unconsciously4
-n re#ards memori7in# facts of thin#s3 this needs a li#ht stron#er
than the (hysical li#hts seen .y us3 such as that of the sun3 the
moon3 electricity and others4 -t needs the li#ht of the Almi#hty God3
.ut this de(ends if manFs follo$s the ri#ht (ath3 his truthfulness $ith
his 0ro+ider3 his o.edience throu#h (ractice of the orders of God
$hich he hears from 6is Messen#ers (u(on them all (eace!4
Therefore3 in many of the 1uranic Ayah (+erses! $e see that God
addresses his 2o.le messen#ers to inform his $orshi((ers4
Thus3 the mind is $hat the s(irit (ercei+es and contains (holds!4
-n order for the s(irit to a.sor. and achie+e3 man should direct
himself to the thin# to .e a.sor.ed .y his s(irit; and his mind $ill .e
e=ui+alent to this in his total self direction4
Aor e:am(le/ At school3 $e <nd that the student $ho com(letely
and carefully directs himself to his teacher and is interested in
lesson4 6e com(rehends $hat he has .een tau#ht4 )hile the
distracted students do not care a.out the details nor the e:(lanation
of the teacher4
So3 the mind is not fully utili7ed $ithout (rofound contem(lati+e
thinkin# this is re(orted in many Ayah (+erses! of the 6oly 1urFan
$here si#ns are ha+e >those $ho think4?
-n (L-! Ayah of Surah Al-*aFad (thunder! God says3
>And it is He who provided the earth and set there on
mountains standing 7rm as anchors, and )8owing* rivers!
and fruit of every type He made in pairs, two and two. He
caused the 0ight to veil the 6ay. Behold/ 9erily, in these
things there are signs for those who thin#.
And in the earth are tracts )6iverse though* neigh&oring,
and gardens of vines and plants, and palm trees:growing out
similar and dissimilar! watered with the same water. ;et
some of them we ma#e more e<cellent than others
prefera&le to eat. Behold/ 9erily, in these things there are
signs for those who mind.
God says in Al-2ahl (&ees! Surah3 +erse (11-1M!/
(ith it He produces for you plant, olives, date:palms,
grapes and every type of fruit. 9erily, in this is a sign for
those who thin#.
He has made su&$ect to you the 0ight and the 6ay, the Sun
and the 4oon, and the stars are in su&$ection, By His
-ommand, 9erily in these are signs for men who thin#.
Arom the a.o+e3 $e conclude that mind cannot .e fully utili7ed
after (rofound thinkin#4
The Almi#hty God does not mention >the mind? and >the
thou#ht? in +ain4 There is a di5erence .et$een them3 and $e ha+e
(re+iously clari<ed that4
Ether e:am(les/ -f the shuttle of a loom is +oid of thread3 it does
not $ea+e cloth3 and if it has thread3 it $ill $ea+e the silk and
$oolen cloths em.roidered .y .eautiful colors4
-f the (rintin# machine is loaded $ith ink the (a(er $ill enter
.lank and come out $ith ne$s3 (ictures and stories; .ut if the
machine has no ink3 the (a(er $ill enter it .lank and come out
Similarly3 the #atherin# of the thou#hts inside the s(irit3 out of
s(iritFs fear of death and its horri.le conse=uences (roduces the
mind and thou#ht (rocesses4 Then the soul comes .y $itnessin#
throu#h the means of thou#ht >$ith com(lete use? $hich allo$s the
heartFs insi#ht to o(en4
The 6oly 1urFan s(eaks a.out the (resence of the mind in the
s(irit3 God says in Al-6a88 (0il#rima#e! +erse (6!/
(hat, have they not $ourneyed in the land so that they have hearts to
This +erse sho$s that the mind is in the heart3 the heart of the
s(irit3 and it is not in the head $hich contains the mechanism of
thinkin# in the .rain4
' ' '
Eur +enera.le scholar continued his s(eech a.out the thou#ht3 he
The thou#ht/ the $ord >thou#ht? is >Al-Aikr? in Ara.ic4 -n idiomatic
lan#ua#e3 >Al-Aikr? could .e se(arated into >Aakara and raFa? $hich
mean >think and see? that is to say3 $hen thin#s seen .y the eye3
heard .y the ear or (ercei+ed .y the senses come to the mechanism
of the .rain3 it starts the (rocess of disunitin#3 assem.lin#3 analysis
and inference4
This ha((ens $hen the (erson is true in his endea+or to achie+e
somethin#4 The li#ht of the s(irit #oes u( to the .rain and then3 the
s(irit sees its demand4
God the Almi#hty distin#uished man from 6is other creatures .y
this thou#ht4 The centre of the thou#ht is in the .rain3 and .y means
of this thou#ht man can disassem.le3 analy7e and (ercei+e4 -t is the
only .oat for manFs esca(e and sa+in# from the cla$s of lo+in# this
lo$ $orld and its fatal Ga$s4
Throu#h the thou#ht man can rise3 ele+ate and to$er u( the
hi#hest rank3 and if he ne#lects thinkin#3 he remains .lind and
inca(a.le of seein# anythin# e:ce(t the reGection of thin#s; so he
.ecomes less than animal in rank4
&y means of this thou#ht man can #uide himself and (rotect it
from the for.idden desires 6e e:(eriences ele+ation3 <nds .liss and
8oy in nearin# to his sustainer; so he Gies u($ard4
All $e see no$adays of modern in+entions3 industries and
technolo#y are throu#h the means of thou#ht and truthfulness4 This
is the case for the one $ho is not de+iated and maintained true
determination3 in his thinkin# concernin# $orldly a5airs4 Thinkin#
and truthfulness in the <eld of life and eternal ha((iness can only .e
achie+ed .y searchin# for the Almi#hty God $ho is the source of life4
Eur e:am(le is the com(anions of The 2o.le 0ro(het Muhammad
((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him!3 as $ell as the
com(anions of other Messen#ers3 $hen they $ere truthfully
searchin# for Almi#hty God4 They reco#ni7ed him3 and fully
$itnessed 6is .ri#ht and deli#htful li#ht4
They s(read kno$led#e3 ha((iness3 mercy3 sym(athy and
humanity all o+er the $orld4 Men .ecame .rothers3 .elo+ed and true
friend of one another4
Eur e:am(le of those $ho use their thinkin# for this lo$er $orld3
$ith its ends and lusts3 is $hat $e hear and see a.out some
Euro(ean and oriental humanist (retenders4
Eut of 6is %ustice and ,om(assion3 God #a+e this thinkin#-(o$er
to e+ery human .ein# $ithout discrimination4
The mind is achie+ed throu#h truthfulness and determination4 -f
man is true in doin# somethin#3 the li#ht of the s(irit Go$s u( to the
.rain3 then the $heels of the thou#ht rotate and (roduction .e#ins4
Eur +enera.le scholar added/ The .ody $hich consists of Gesh3
ner+es3 .ones and .lood3 is the #arment of the s(irit3 its +essel3 and
its means for achie+in# its needs3 demands3 aims3 tendencies3
de+iations or +irtues and hi#h #ood deeds4
This is a dro( in an ocean of $hat our +enera.le scholar said3 in
res(onse to the =uestions of Sir &ennet3 in a session at the hotel
$hich lasted for se+eral hours4
"ear reader3 donFt you think that $hat $e hear is com(letely ne$3
and totally stran#e9 6a+e (eo(le e+er heard anythin# like this
.efore9 6a+e they heard of such no.le meanin#s9 ShouldnFt such
su(reme meanin#s can only .e ado(ted .y those $ho ha+e an atom
of thou#ht and $ho (ut aside all false desires considerin# God as
their com(anionC
The Session concludes
Sir &ennet3 >After this session3 - $ant you to acce(t me as a #uest
in your house4 After - had heard kno$led#e unkno$n .y humanity
.efore from you3 the rules of conduct im(ose that the 8unior #oes to
the senior and the student to the tutor4?
Eur #reat scholar3 >Dou are +ery $elcome3 .ut $asnFt that your
Sir &ennet3 >2o4 )hat - asked $as test =uestions - ask the scholars4
-f - am ans$ered $ith lo#ic and $isdom3 then - ask my main and
im(ortant =uestion4 -f - am not ans$ered $ell3 - suOce myself $ith
$hat - had heard and $ithdra$4?
Sir &ennet (romised to .e in the house of our #reat Scholar at 10
am ne:t mornin#4 The meetin# $as held on time4
Eur #reat Scholar $armly $elcomed him as an honora.le #uest4
Then Sir &ennet asked (ermission to ask his =uestion $hich had
.een +ery diOcult for him and for the other scientists and scholars3
>- looked at the sky $ith a dee( contem(lation and sa$ hu#e
celestial .odies3 stran#e stars and (lanets3 a ma#ni<cent accurate
system of a (erfect creation and mo+ement4 So - $as a.solutely
sure that there must .e a #reat ,reator and an Almi#hty Steerin#
God $ho directs and or#ani7es all these in a strict disci(line4
Then - looked at the earth3 and $hat a terri.le situation - sa$C
Great in8ustice3 the rich and the (oor3 the .lack and the $hite3
o((ressors and o((ressed3 the tall and the short3 the .eautiful and
the u#ly3 the healthy and the ill3 the ha((y and the misera.le3 this
encroaches on that3 and that steals from this3 the stron# kills the
$eak3 and states contain states3 then - decided that there is no God3
no ,reator or Arran#er4 -f God is there in the sky and 6e is the
or#ani7er and ,ontroller3 $hy does not 6e maintain Earth as such9
)hen - see in8ustice on earth3 - deny the e:istence of God4 Either a
God $ho is su(er+isin#3 controllin#3 Emniscient3 o+erseein#
e+eryone and Emni(resent or in8ustice cannot allo$ this4 Either
there is in8ustice3 and no God3 or there is God3 and no in8ustice4 This
is my =uestion4 )hat is your re(ly9
Eur #reat Scholar3 >"o you $ant a direct ans$er and then the
details3 e+idences and e+ents3 or shall $e conclude the ans$er as a
Since he $as interested in his =uestion and keen to ha+e an
ans$er3 Sir &ennet $anted to hear a direct ans$er and then the
elucidation and details4 Eur #reat Scholar re(lied him decisi+ely
>God e:ists and there is no in8ustice at all4?
Sir &ennet3 sur(rised and astonished/
>)hat do you say9 There is no in8ustice at all9 0lease e:(lain in
Eur #reat scholar/ The Almi#hty ,reator and the #reat order e:ist in
the sky and on Earth4 6e is in (.eyond! the sky $ith 6is .eauty and
on earth $ith 6is ,om(assion4 E+ery sin#le motion is .y 6is
omniscience3 direction3 (erfect motion and (recision in the sky and
on earth4 There is no creator .ut God $ho has created and directed
all creatures in the hea+ens and on earth so there is no in8ustice at
God the Almi#hty in +erse 8 of A7-Pukhruf ("ecoration!3
"t is He who is od in heaven and od on earth. And He is
the All (ise and 2mniscient.
Man came to this $orld after (romisin# his sustainer that he
$ould reco#ni7e 6im3 follo$ his li#ht and ne+er sto( directin#
himself to$ards 6im4 6e $ould carry out #ood deeds and charity to
all 6is creatures and to the o.edient4 )hen man came to this $orld
and God co+ered his s(irit $ith a .odily #arment and #a+e him the
choice4 6e for#ot his (romise to God3 de+iated from humanity and
the strai#ht (ath $hich he had (romised to follo$4 GodFs mercy did
not lea+e this human .ein# in this mess; 6e (ro+ided him $ith
thou#ht and distin#uished him from all 6is creatures4 6e also
(ro+ided him $ith hearin#3 +ision and senses4
6e (ut in his hands cosmic miracles such as the stars3 (lanets3
the sun3 the moon3 rain and fruit to direct him if he thinks and
considers4 They $ill #uide him to the Almi#hty God3 as they did $ith
A.raham and his .rothers3 the messen#ers4 Throu#h death $hich
takes a$ay his .elo+ed and relati+es3 God meant to $aken him from
his transitory satisfaction and his false arro#ance in order to u(lift
his humanity3 achie+e his (erfection and ac=uire (aradises4
God also sent man the 2o.le Messen#ers to remind him and the
an#els to $arn him4 6e made la$s and rules to or#ani7e all as(ects
of his life4
"es(ite the mercy3 lo+e and kindness that God #ranted to man he
de+iated from the (ath leadin# to his ha((iness and real eternal life4
6e .ecame a.sor.ed in his .ohemian lusts3 to hurt3 kill3 steal and
ro. AllahFs o.edient3 yet he $ouldnFt .e a.le to kill3 steal or hurt .ut
those $ho had (re+iously killed3 stolen and hurt the ones $eaker
than they $ere4
Therefore3 God #i+es a free hand to the o((ressor a#ainst an
o((ressor3 $hile there is no authority to anyone on him $ho is
follo$in# strictly the strai#ht (ath of ri#ht and humanity $ithin the
orders of the Almi#hty God4
-n +erse 1K of An-2isa (The )omen! Surah of the 6oly 1urFan
God says/
(hat can Allah gain &y your punishment if you are grateful
o>ering good acts, and yet you &elieve Allah is worthy of
than#s and 2mniscient.
Eut of the mercy of the all Merciful and the All )iseFs $isdom3
this o((ressor is not left to do $hate+er he $ant4 God inGicts him
$ith disasters3 hardshi(s3 diseases3 (o+erty3 hun#er3 and
-n +erse M1 of Al-Sa8daof the 6oly 1urFan3 God the Almi#hty says/
And indeed we will ma#e them taste of the lightest
chastisement &efore the greatest chastisement in order that
they may )repent and* return.
God lets these o((ressors taste the torture in this $orld so that
they may re(ent and return to their sustainer and sto( the in8ustice
they do to themsel+es4
God does not em(o$er an o((ressor to himself .ut onto another
o((ressor4 So that he may a$aken from his inad+ertence and
$ithdra$ from his tyranny and a##ression4
All this is done throu#h the Emniscience and $isdom of the
Almi#hty God and in a $ay similar to the de#ree of his inad+ertence4
These disasters are hard enou#h to make the o((ressor to himself
a$aken from his inad+ertence so they are not e+il to them3 they are
mercy and #oodness4 The situation is similar to that of the teacher
or father $ho (ut (ressure u(on their la7y or careless (u(ils or sons4
Such stress and em.arrassment are .ut mercy3 kindness and
lo+e3 they are not o((ression3 +iolence or re+en#e4
-n +erse M6 of -mran in the 6oly 1urFan3 God the Almi#hty says3
Say! 23 od of all/ %ossessor of the all possessions )creator
of power and rule*. ;ou give possession and power to who
you please. And you remove possession and power from
whom you will. ;ou endues with honor that you please. And
you de&ase whom you will. "n thy hand is nothing &ut
goodness. 9erily, over all things thou hast, Thou are
-4e4 only the #oodness is in the hand of God to $hom 6e #i+es3
de(ri+es3 cherishes or humiliates3 $ith $hat suits him for his #ood4
Similar to this is the doctor $ho may .e forced to cut o(en the
a.domen of his (atient to take out his ailment4 6e sometimes
de(ri+es his (atient of many (leasures4 The .eha+ior of the father3
teacher or doctor to$ards these3 mi#ht .e seen from t$o di5erent
(oints of +ie$4
The <rst is a feelin# of in8ustice3 cruelty and mercilessness $hen
$e do not kno$ the reasons4
The second is a relief and .lessin# if $e kno$ that $hat they did
$as .ut for the .ene<t of those (eo(le4
The hard-$orkin# student3 the o.edient son and the $ise man do
not need such harassments3 stresses or torture4 This is GodFs
(ur(ose of disasters4
-t is a (art of 6is mercy and a trace of his lo+e to 6is creatures4
Therefore3 the (ain3 su5erin# and e+il seen .y the (eo(le are .ut
remedies to those sick-s(irited (eo(le4 The treatment di5ers
accordin# to the disease4 Some are #reedy for money; they need
diet3 so God im(o+erishes them .ecause money cannot make them
#ood4 Some like to .e arro#ant un8ustly and they use their mi#ht to
o((ress others4 So God de(ri+es them of that3 and if they #o far in
their in<delity $ithout .ein# a.le to return to God and the disasters
ha+e no #ood e5ect4 Allah o(ens to them the #ates of this $orld and
then 6e suddenly takes them4 After that they disco+er that they
$ere misled4 Some maintain no use in treatment .ecause they
desire nothin# .ut the lo$er life4 So God #i+es them $hat they $ant
of this $orld4 )hen God #i+es them3 6e #i+es them their desires3
and they com(letely en#rossed in their lusts althou#h they do not
encroach on the freedom of those $ho di5er $ith them and they do
not o((ress the others4 These are the (eo(le and masters of this
$orld4 They are #i+en their demands and desires here3 .ut in
hereafter they ha+e no share3 .ecause they re8ected it3 and their
utmost aim $as this $orld and nothin# else4
-n +erse of Al-AnaFam (The #ifts-cattle! of the 6oly 1urFan3 God
But when they forgot the warning they had received, we
opened to them the gates of all )good* things until in the
midst of their en$oyment of our gifts, on a sudden, we called
them to account, when lo/ They discovered that they had
mista#en the path of paradise for that of hell.
And in +erse M0 of Al--sra of the 6oly 1urFan3 God says/
2f the &ounties of your sustainer, we &estow freely on all
these as well as those, the &ounties of your sustainer, none
are deprived of.
The .elie+er may su5er from some ad+ersities .ut the aim is
e:(iation and ele+ation4 -n order that he does not incline to the
lo$er $orld4 There must .e some $ron# done .y him3 and its e+il
has recourse on him4 -f he has not done $ron#3 he $ill su5er no
harm4 God $ants this human .ein# to ha+e #uidance +oluntarily3 i4e4
.y his o$n $ill and su.mission .ecause there is no use if the human
.ein# is dri+en .y force to $hat he hates4 True #uidance is achie+ed
$hen the human .ein# +oluntarily and .y his o$n accord acce(ts
$hat ha((ens to him3 and then he sees the #oodness and 8ustice of
God and feels mercy and lo+e Goodin# on the $hole e:istence4
-n +erses 1JJ-1J6 of Al-&a=arah (,o$!3
(e shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some
loss in goods, lives and the fruits )of your toil* &ut give glad
tidings to those who patiently preserve. (ho say when
a?icted with calamity, To Allah we &elong and to Him we
The disaster hits the tar#et and these calamities are aQicted so
that this human .ein# returns to his sustainer4 6e thinks $hy did
God send them to him and searches for his sins and $ron# doin#s3
then he sees $hat has .een $ron#3 determines to sto( doin# e+il
and re(ents4
6o$e+er3 there is no in8ustice in the uni+erse4 The one $hose
funds ha+e .een stolen must ha+e #ained this money ille#itimately
.y fraud and cheatin#4
The killed also must ha+e (re+iously killed someone3 and the
adulterer is dri+en to the adulteress3 and the o((ressor is dri+en to
the o((ressor4
-n +erse L of An-2ur (li#ht!3
The adulterer cannot have se<ual relation with any &ut an
adulteress or an idolatress, and the adulteress, none can
have se<ual relations with her &ut an adulterer or idolater, to
the Believers such a thing is for&idden. Over the pure good
one who does good, no one has control.
-n +erse 1K of An-2isa ()omen!3
(hat does Allah gain &y your punishment, "f ye are grateful
and ye &elieve=
-n +erse M6 of An-2ur (AllahFs li#ht! God says/
And women of purity are for men of purity, and men of
purity are for women of purity.
&y deeds3 mankind is di+ided into three kinds/
1) The 6umanist4
2) Those $ho do $ron# to themsel+es >o((ressors? and they act in a
.rutal $ay to achie+e their $hims4
3) Those $ho do $ron# to themsel+es >o((ressors? and they act in a
de+ilish manner to achie+e their lo$ and mean $hims4
2o$adays3 the humanist is +ery rare3 and there remain the
o((ressor and the more o((ressi+e4
God alone has the #ood for the .ene<cent and the in8urious alike3
and the one $ho does not $itness this in this $orld $ill $itness it
So there is no in8ustice amon# the (eo(le and since there is no
in8ustice3 there is no e+il4
)hat $e consider as e+il is .ut sheer #oodness to the aQicted
one3 .ecause this e+il $ill sa+e him from a #reater one; and this e+il
$ould not ha+e occurred to him if he had not done somethin# .ad4
E(enin# the .elly is an e+il act to the healthy (erson .ut it is #ood
for the one $ho su5ers from an ailment4 -n8ustice is done only to the
one $ho deser+es it3 and the o((ressor directs his o((ression only
to someone like him4
-n +erse 1M9 of Al-AnFam (Gifts-cattle! God says3
Thus (e let some of the wrong:doers have power over
others &ecause of what they are wont to earn.
&y that disaster3 he mi#ht retreat from his tyranny and remem.er
his sin3 then totally re(ent to God4 Then in8ustice +anished3 and God
the Almi#hty mi#ht let him ha+e (o$er o+er those $ho o((ressed
This .eha+ior is not only limited to the indi+iduals .ut also a((lies
to the nations and (eo(les4 The nation $hich has a ca(a.ility for
faith more than another one3 $ill su5er from the in8ustice of a more
o((ressi+e one .y GodFs order so that it mi#ht (lead to God and
sto( its e+ils3 so it returns to God4
-n +erse 6J of Al-AnFam (The #ifts-,attle! God says3
Say! He is a&le to send punishment upon you from a&ove
you or from &eneath your feet, or to &ewilder you with
dissension and ma#e you taste the tyranny, of one another.
See how (e display the revelation so that they may
understand the truth.
Then God chan#es their sins into #ood deeds and $ill #i+e (o$er
to the o((ressed3 not to attack $ith +iolence and re+en#e3 .ut to
make it return to the strai#ht (ath of ri#ht and #oodness4
-n +erse 16J of Al--mran (Aamily of -mran! God says3
And was it so, when a disaster smote you, though ye had
smitten )with a disaster* twice )as great* that ye said! How
is this= Say )unto them, o 4uhammad*! "t is from yourselves.
@o/ Allah is 2mnipotent.
GodFs $ays are slo$ .ut sure4 )hen man commits diso.edience3
its (unishment is assi#ned to him4 -f he re(ents and chan#es the e+il
inside him3 God sto(s this catastro(he4 -f he does not re(ent nor
chan#e $hat is inside him and continues his a##ression4 God $ill
send him a #reater disaster so that he mi#ht sto( his e+il and return
to the (ath of #oodness4
6ere are some e:am(les/
-f a student is hard $orkin# and (erforms his duties in the .est
$ay3 does his teacher (unish him9 Ef course notC 6e must .e
#arnered $ith lo+e3 #enerosity and #ifts4
Another student is ne#li#ent and does not do anythin#; he $onFt
thri+e as he is ho(eless4 The teacher mi#ht ne#lect him as there is
no use of makin# him study4
"ismissin# him is .etter3 as he may de+elo( a (rofession4
A third is ne#li#ent sometimes and hard$orkin# at other times4
The teacherFs mercy mi#ht re=uire (unishment so as to make him
$ork hard and .e successful4
Su((ose a (atient had a dan#erous chronic disease and there is
no ho(e of his reco+ery4 "oes the doctor take care of him or he says
to his family take him a$ay and let him eat and drink $hate+er he
$ants until he dies .ecause of his certain death9 Another (atient
$ho su5ers from somethin# cura.le3 the doctor $ill take care of him3
treat him and may de(ri+e him of eatin# some delicious food3 and
#i+e him the suita.le medicines4
2o$3 does a doctor #i+e a (erson $ho is healthy and stout
medicine or .itter cures9 "oes he make him a sur#ical o(eration or
de(ri+e him of delicious food and drink9 Ef course notC
-n the 6oly s(eech3 God says/
>EF my sla+es3 seek me and you shall <nd me4 -f you <nd me3 you
$ill <nd e+erythin#3 and if you miss me3 you ha+e missed e+erythin#
and to you3 - am the most lo+ed of e+erythin#4?
>23 my slaves, &e for me as " wish and " will &e for you as you
God the Almi#hty $ants us to .e strai#ht and thus 6e (rotects us
from e+ery e+il4 6e $ill al$ays .e $ith the strai#ht one3 su((ortin#3
hel(in# and (rotectin# him4
-n +erse 11 of An-2isa ($omen! God says3
And Allah will not give the dis&elievers any way )of success*
against the &elievers.
And in +erse 1K of the same surah3 God says/
1) Al zaboor, (avid, !estament, "evivin# "eli#ious $%ien%es, Part 4 Pa#e 4&', said ()e, *ho see+eth
Me shall ,ind Me and he, *ho see+eth another doesn-t ,ind Me. Abou Al ar-da. said/ (0 *itness 0
heard 1od-s Messen#er sa2 that..
(hat concern hath Allah for your punishment if ye are
than#ful )&y good actions for his graces* and &elieve )in
-n +erse K of A.raham God says/
"f you give good acts than#ing 4e, " will give you more )of
my graceful gifts*.
Thankin# in this +erse means .ut #ood deed4
-n +erse 1L of Sa.aF God says/
ive good deeds to than# me, 23 House of 6avid/
-f man kee(s a$ay from his sustainer and denies the #races of
God; he $ill undou.tedly .e de(ri+ed of the #races of God on the
day of *esurrection4
Allah desires #ood for man3 and has (re(ared the (aradises for
him4 &y kee(in# himself a$ay from his sustainer man de(ri+ed
himself of such #ifts and .een un8ust to himself4 As he $ished for
lusts and +ices3 God #a+e them to him and e:(elled him from this
$orld insulted and defeated4 The one $ho $ants this lo$er $orld is
#i+en that3 .ut he $ill ha+e nothin# on the day of *esurrection4
The one $ho mi:es a #ood act $ith an e+il one3 $hose faith is
$eak and his #ood deeds are +ery fe$ shall #o to hell $hich is a
$retched a.ode4 GodFs mercy is $hen they are aQicted $ith
disasters3 trou.le and the o((ression of other u(on them in order to
make them re(ent and return to God4 Since they ha+e the a.ility to
.e #ood; God then sto(s their torment and other disasters $hen
they re(ent and return to 6im they .ecome ha((y here and in
-n +erse 98 of %onah (Dunis! God says/
"f only there had &een a community )of all those that were
destroyed of old* that &elieved and pro7ted &y its &elief as
did the fol# of Jonah/ (hen they &elieved, we drew o> from
them the torment of shame in the life of this world and gave
them comfort for a while.
God does not chan#e (eo(leFs condition until they themsel+es
chan#e4 -f they chan#e3 they $ill <nd a Aor#i+in# and Merciful God4
)ho $ill ine+ita.ly make them en8oy life in this $orld and hereafter9
God has #reat #race o+er mankind althou#h most of them do not
)hen 1uresh asked 0ro(het Muhammad (0eace and .lessin#s of
Allah .e u(on him! such a =uestion and $ondered sur(risin#ly
$here this #reat man .rou#ht this #reat matter from; that there is
no deity .ut Allah4 E+en thou#h he had not studied at a school or
uni+ersity3 $here did he .rin# this kno$led#e and science from;
$hich has s(read all o+er the $orld and made him the merciful
s(iritual father3 #reat tutor3 #enius leader $ho .uilt the minds of the
leaders and masters of this $orld4 6e is the healin# doctor3
kno$led#ea.le3 (erfect social reformer3 intelli#ent (olitician3 the
re<ner of s(irits3 manners and morals3 the #enuine sa#e3 the one
$ho <lled this $orldly e:istence and the afterlife $ith human
(erfection and no.le acts3 the (erfect3 #racious one $ho $as not
tau#ht .y a human .ein# and $as an or(han #ra7in# shee( on
MeccaFs mountain (asses4
6is God instructed him/ E Muhammad3 tell them >seek refu#e in
the sustainer mankind4? )hile you seek refu#e in the creature and
$hat a #reat di5erence it isC - sou#ht refu#e in 6im; therefore 6e
tau#ht3 su((orted3 #uided me and ins(ired somethin# +ery $ei#hty
to .e told to you4 -f the 8innFs and mankind assem.led to do
somethin# similar they $ould fail4
- take refu#e in the @in# sustainer o.li+ious (mankind! $ho
created you and #a+e you hearin#3 +ision3 taste and touchin#3 #a+e
you the treasures and fruits of this $orld3 took care of you and
.rou#ht you u( $hile you $ere em.ryos in the $om.s of your
mothers3 #a+e you all lu:ury and (erfectly .rou#ht you u(4 Then
they asked him $hy God created this man short and that tall3 this
rich and that (oor3 this $hite and that .lack3 this #ood lookin# and
that u#ly4 God told the 0ro(het/ say to them 6e is >The @in# of
mankind4? They are all fully in 6is hands3 and 6e #i+es each $hat
suits him4
They ask3 >Since God is Merciful and 6e is our 0ossessor3 $hy does
not 6e make us enter 0aradise3 and $hat for <re is4? God told him3
Say to them 6e is >the #uidin# Bord of mankind? $ho directs them
accordin# to their choice3 to $hat suits them for their .ene<t4 God
directs your deeds accordin# to your choice4
-f you (ay heed and follo$ 6is orders3 you $ill .e ha((y here and
hereafter; you $ill #et the .lessin#s hidden; sur(assin# all other
creatures .ut if you diso.ey and continue to commit sins and do
$hat you $ant and insist on it4 6e $ill #uide you accordin# to your
choice and then you $ill .e res(onsi.le for all the results then you
$ill lose e+erythin# here and hereafter3 and you $ill choose <re to
taste then reali7e your s(iritual torture and the (ain of your eternal
loss4 6o$ hard $ill the ho(eless (in hell! life of the hereafter .eC
' ' '
Sir &ennet admitted the #race of this #reat man after hearin# and
$itnessin# the (roofs and e+idences3 e+ents and stories con<rmin#
the truth and re8ectin# the e:istence of in8ustice4
All facts seemed clear to Sir &ennet3 $ho confessed there facts
and seemed as if taken .y sur(rise and admiration4 All sus(icions
and contradictions +anished from his mind4
-t is time for this dee( darkness and a.solute i#norance to +anish
.ecause sun has risen to enli#hten the $orlds of earth and hea+en4
The hearts of the scientists $ere fascinated .y his li#hts and
.ri#htness4 The mi#hty (hiloso(hers and scientists of the $orld $ere
.e$ildered .y his kno$led#e and #reat deeds4
' ' '
After Sir &ennet had #ot the re(ly to his =uestion3 he d$elt for
many days as a #uest in his tutorFs house3 askin#3 learnin# and
en=uirin# a.out $hat crossed his mind4 6e .e#an to ask a.out -slam
and its (illars3 a.out fastin#3 (il#rima#e and Pakat (alms #i+in#! and
the $isdom .ehind each4
Ence3 he entered his hostFs room and found him (erformin# the
(rayer $ith God $ith some of his disci(les4 6e (artici(ated in the
(rayer $ith God $ithout takin# his shoes o54 )hen they <nished3 his
tutor $as sur(rised and asked him a.out his (rayer $ith God $ith
the Muslims $ithout $ashin# his .ody and $ithout a.lution4
Sir &ennet3 >Dou s(oke to me a.out (rayer $ith God and said it is
the link .et$een man and his sustainer and the close enli#htenment
of God illumination4 -t is a com.ination of feelin#s3 tastes3 scenes
and a (eerless ha((iness4 - ha+e achie+ed this kind of
communication $ith God4?
6is tutor told him that he had really communicated $ith God and
that he $as connected in communication $ith 6im .ut e+erythin#
has a form and reality4 6e said to him3 >Dou ha+e #ot the core and
the truth3 you left the dish and #ot the food3 and God has acce(ted
your (rayer .ut the form hel(s4 A.lution and $ashin# refresh the
.ody and the (rayer $ith God .ecomes com(lete; the form (the rite!
and the reality4
*eality should ha+e a form and the form should ha+e a reality4
Sir &ennet (rofessed -slam and d$elt for 19 days (erformin# the
rituals esta.lished u(on real $isdom of his ne$ faith4 Then he $ent
to &ritain and .e#an #i+in# lectures elucidatin# the #reatness of this
man and his scienti<c (roofs4 The hearers $ere uni+ersity (rofessors
in the uni+ersities of &ritain and America4
&efore lea+in# to &ritain he asked our #reat Scholar to
accom(any him and to take o+er any (ost3 sayin# that in &ritain3
they $ould a((reciate his kno$led#e and #i+e him $hate+er he
Eur scholar a(olo#i7ed sayin#3 >-t is true that you are #oin# to
#i+e me e+erythin# in this $orld3 .ut $hat a.out the #uarantee of
the hereafter3 do you #uarantee it9
Sir &ennet understood that the ScholarFs de(arture $as
im(ossi.le4 Sir &ennet then tried $ith the ScholarFs son thinkin# that
if the son left3 his father $ould follo$ him3 .ut he failed too4
Sir &ennet left "amascus alone .y land throu#h Turkey $here he
met a num.er of Muslim scholars4
They ar#ued for a lon# time and then he re=uested them to
e:(lain and inter(ret +erse 1J of Al-6a88 (0il#rima#e!3
>(hosoever thin#s od will not help him in the present world and the
world to come, let him stretch up a rope to heaven, then let him sever it,
and &ehold whether his guile does away with what enrages him4?
They ans$ered him sayin# that the one $ho thinks that Allah $ill
not hel( him should stretch a ro(e to his ceilin# and (ut an end to
his life .y han#in# himself and see after that if this $ould remo+e
$hat enra#es him4 They said that this is stated in the famous
6ere Sir &ennet felt confused and directly =uestioned our scholar
informin# him of $hat ha((ened to him in Turkey3 and asked him to
inter(ret that +erse4
Eur #reat Scholar sent him the follo$in# re(ly $ith the correct
meanin# of the +erse as meant in the 6oly 1urFan4
-f you a.ide .y it3 God $ill dri+e a$ay $orries and #rief3 follo$
this and you $ill .e ha((y4 Dou mi#ht say/ )hy does God aQict me
$ith disasters9 -ma#ine a father $ho had an ill son; $ould he try his
.est to cure him or not9 God is Merciful and ,arin#4 -f you #et ill3 $ill
6e try to cure you or not9
>-f any thinks that Allah $ill not hel( him in this $orld and the
6ereafter? -f that is his .elief >Bet him lend a hand for his
su(remacy? i4e4 let him do #ood and fa+or >Then to sto(? i4e4
committin# e+il or .ad deeds >Then let him see if that $ill remo+e
$hat enra#es him? "oesnFt his conduction and #ood deeds remo+e
$hat enra#es himC
)hen Sir &ennet reached his country3 he s(oke a.out his +isit to
"amascus and his meetin# $ith our #reat Scholar in his <rst lecture4
6e (raised this honora.le man and said that he had heard ne$ and
true thin#s $hich the sciences and scientists all o+er the $orld $ere
una.le to tell somethin# similar to $hat he had heard and seen from
The s(eeches of Sir &ennet $ere (u.lished in the &ritish and
Arench ma#a7ines and $ere distri.uted all o+er the $orld4
An edition reached &eirut and a student of our Scholar $ho $as a
doctor at the American Ini+ersity #ot a co(y4
' ' '
)here did this #reat Scholar #et his scienti<c kno$led#e from9
6e #ot it from his ,reator as he de+oted his s(irit and sacri<ced his
soul and .ody to 6is creatures4
Twentieth -entury 4iracle
Bet us no$ $itness the dee( the kno$led#e of this honora.le
scholar relatin# to the #reat scienti<c theory/ T$entieth ,entury
Miracle4 The follo$in# is all the details of this discussion/
' ' '
-n the 2ame of God3 the ,om(assionate3 the Merciful
"ear reader/
)ould you like to accom(any us in a conce(tual3 su.lime and
intellectual 8ourney9
"onNt you $ant to add to your information somethin# ne$3 i4e4 a
science and a truth $hich the humankind of the era of atom and the
moon landin# could not disclose $ith all the a((liances and
electronic e=ui(ment9
)ould you like to .e $ith us at the door of a (u77le $hich
astonished the scientists3 #eo#ra(hers and researchers9
A (u77le $hich .e$ildered them until one .e#an to (ray sayin#/
>EF God3 $here is the ans$er9?
This (u77le $hich made #eo#ra(hers3 researchers and scientists
una.le to dissol+e is the $ater $hich you and - drink and there is no
life $ithout it4
)hat is the source of this $ater9 )here does it come from9 6o$9
Bet us #o to#ether and in+esti#ate $here this fresh $ater comes
from9 )ho sends it to us and ho$9
' ' '
2o$ that science has o+ertaken us and ci+ili7ation has in+aded
us4 -t is .etter to lea+e the noise and the smoke of the factories and
cars and #o on a 8ourney on the shi( of the mind to in+esti#ate the
truth a.out the South and 2orth (oles; the farthest .oundaries of
our $orld4 -t is an interestin# e:citin# 8ourney $ith e:citin#
landsca(es3 da77lin# $hiteness and attractions created .y the
Almi#hty God3 and nothin# distur.s that e:ce(t the se+ere cold4
The 2orth 0ole is an area of more than 1 million s=uare
kilometers4 This is more than 6J times #reater than the area of
Syria4 Hast areas are #lacial mountains3 ice and #lacial deserts; $ho
has created this $onderful landsca(e9
-f you are like me3 lon#in# to kno$ ho$ these sno$s $ere formed4
)here did they come from9 Inder $hat circumstances $ere they
formed and $ho is .ehind all this9
)ere they formed .y themsel+es9 6as the East or the )est $ith
all their sciences and ci+ili7ations formed from them9 -s there a
merciful hand that takes care of you and me that has created all
this9 -s there any mo+ement $ithout a mo+in# hand9
)e cannot say to the scientists of this $orld and ci+ili7ation/
$here are your sciences9 )here is your ci+ili7ation9 Ans$er us
.efore you in+ade s(ace and make mass destructi+e $ea(ons to kill
the innocent and humiliate the $eak4 Ans$er us $here this $ater3
$hich our life and yours de(end on3 comes from4 &efore you think
and feel (roud of sciences $hich destroy the mankind4 6as God not
created you for destruction and demolition .ut to <ll this $orld $ith
8ustice3 mercy3 tolerance3 sym(athy3 humanity and kindness9
Bet us3 my dear .rothers3 continue our 8ourney to the 2orth 0ole
$here there are sno$s3 #lacial mountains and deserts4 )here $e
<nd se+ere cold and stron# storms4
The sun rays are inclined to the 2orth and South (oles in order to
#i+e o5 little heat4 -t is +ery cold and the tem(erature sometimes
#oes do$n to 8J de#rees centi#rade under 7ero4 Generally3 sno$
falls and there are stron# $inds $ith se+ere #lacial storms that
make +isi.ility almost 7ero4
Bife is +ery diOcult and almost im(ossi.le4 The day and ni#ht can
last for months .ecause of the inclination of the a:is of the earth4
The sun does not set in the (olar summer (eriod4
-t can .e seen at midni#ht3 and $hen it is summer on one (ole3 it
is $inter on the other4 &ecause there is no sun3 darkness (re+ails in
the mornin# and in the e+enin# for a fe$ months4 The Antarctica is
$ider and colder for ice and sno$4 The s(eed of the $inds is around
LJ0 @m (er hour4
6eat a+era#e in the Antarctica is fe$ de#rees less than it is in the
Arctic (ole4 )inter is se+ere and merciless4 Many ha+e tried to
e:(lore the Antarctica .ut they failed4 The Antarctica3 the fro7en
continent3 is a $aste continent in $hich sno$s reach J000 meters
All these conditions/ the dim li#ht3 se+ere cold and stron# storms
formed these sno$s and sno$y mountains4 Sno$ continues to fall
day and ni#ht all the year round4 )hat does all this mean9
-t means that in the course of tens3 and hundreds of years #reat
amounts of sno$ $ill accumulate until they reach #reat hei#hts
$hich e:ceed thousands of meters across the (olar area4
)e all kno$ that the t$o (olar areas constitute t$o +ast
continents of the se+en continents of the $orld4
-n the course of years3 the t$o (olar continents $ill dominate the
other continents and chan#e them into one sno$y .lock3 and
conse=uently there $ill .e no life4
)hy does this ha((en9 )hy donNt the (olar areas increase in
hei#ht and area9 )hy did they kee( their le+el and did not e:ceed it
for thousands of years9
A continuous fall of sno$ and no increase3 $hy9 )here does this
fallin# sno$ #o9 )here does it hide3 and ho$9 2o one in the $orld3 a
#enius scientist or researcher or an ordinary man could disclose the
secret of the fate of these sno$s4
-s this reasona.le9 Des it is4
' ' '
"ear reader/
-f you lose (recious 8e$els3 is it (ossi.le that could ha+e
disa((eared .y themsel+es or someone has taken them9
)hat hand has made and fashioned those mountains and #laciers9
6o$ do these +ast (lains that co+er an area o+er thousands of
s=uare kilometers of ice mo+e9
)hat is that (o$er $hich mo+es them9 )hat is it like9
-s it mechanical or hydraulic3 (ro(ellant3 suckin# or centrifu#al9
6o$ #reat is the astonishin# (o$er that mo+es them9
All the (olar area3 $ith its +astness and +olume drifts4 The
2or$e#ian scientist >2ansen? $ho $ent to the 2orth 0ole area on
.oard the shi( >Aram? $hich $as detained amon# the ice there at
the end of the 19th century (ro+ed this drift4
>2ansen? $anted to (ro+e to the $orld that the (olar ice drifts
slo$ly across the 2orth 0ole Ecean4 This $as e+idenced to him $hen
his shi( >Aram? left the ice on the other side of the fro7en Ecean in
1896 althou#h it $as .locked .y ice in 189L4 This (ro+ed that the
$hole (ole area drifts4
6o$ does this +ast area drift9 )ho makes it drift9 )hy and $hat
for9 "oes that ha((en in (lay3 ca(riciously or .y accident9
-n +erse L8 of Al-"ukhan (Smoke! 6oly 1urNan God says3
(e created not the heavens, the earth and all &etween
them for mere amusement.
Bet us study the .ooks of science so that $e may understand4
1) $ee (3ad2 Bird) series (!he t*o 4olar Areas..
Bet us #o to Greenland4
2atural scientist >Aranklin *ussels? $rote a scienti<c re(ort a.out
an ama7in# scienti<c (henomenon4 6e and other Eastern and
)estern scientists noticed that an area of the 2orth 0ole near
Greenland -sland4 Ei#ht thousand ice.er#s are formed yearly as
e+idenced .y com(uter4 God says in Aatir +erse MK/
>And in the mountains are strea#s white and red, of diverse hues, and
pitchy &lac#4?
They are mo+ed .y the $inds and storms4 Ai+e thousand ice.er#s of
them reach Mel+il &ay4
The human science $as una.le to descri.e ho$ three thousand
ice.er#s disa((eared into the unkno$n under fo# and in the +ery
dark $inter atmos(here4
)here do these ice.er#s +anish9 )hat is the e:(lanation of the
disa((earance of three thousand ice.er#s9 The scientists could not
<nd an ans$er4
"o you $ant to kno$ the ans$er9
"onNt you $ant to kno$ the source of your drinkin# $ater9 The
source of s(rin#s from $hich you drink9 This $ater is sent to you
$ith no chan#e from the All-Merciful Almi#hty God4
)here does this ice3 $hich the diameter e:ceeds four thousand
kilometers3 if there are no drains or $ays out9 )onNt it co+er the
earth9 )onNt it (ut an end to life9 "oes it arran#e its o$n a5airs9
"oes it e+a(orate the sea $ater or #ro$ the (lants9 "oes it make
rain and sno$ fall at certain times9 )hat is this nature3 and $ho
made it9
' ' '
"ear reader3
)e $ere in Greenland amon# the mountains3 ice and sno$ and
felt cold4 )e are no$ in need of the $armth of our countryNs sun4
Bet us #o to Be.anon and to the hi#h >Nri? mountain $here there are
tens of $ater s(rin#s at a.out three thousand meters a.o+e sea
le+el4 Althou#h the mountain is surrounded .y the sea from one side
and .y hills and areas s(readin# thousands of @ilometers3 they are
lo$er than it3 and $ater cannot ascend to hi#h (laces4 )ho feeds
these s(rin#s9 )here do they ascend from9
)e do not e:a##erate $hen $e say it is a #reat scienti<c theory
and the human .ein# $ho tried to sol+e it and #a+e an ans$er to it4
Bet us also #o to >%uaNita? ca+e in Be.anon $here there are the
stala#mites and the stalactites4 -t is a lake in a hi#h mountain $hich
has .oats4
6o$ such lakes are formed3 yet $hat surrounds it is lo$er than it
and $ater does not ascend from a lo$ (lace to a hi#h (lace4 There is
also nothin# that feeds it4
Then let us come .ack to our #reen land3 "amascus3 the land of
the forefathers and the (lace of (ro(hets; to the s(rin# of >Al-Ai8ah4?
)here there is that a.undant cold $ater s(rin#4 &ecause of its
coldness and clarity3 you cannot kee( your hand in the $ater .ut for
a fe$ seconds4 Arom $hich refri#erator does it come from9 -t is from
Almi#htyNs refri#erators4
-t is from the 2orth 0ole $hich is further than 1 million s=uare
kilometers a$ay4
6o$ does it come to us9 6o$ can $e say that it is from the (ole9
)hat is the (roof for that9
)here does Al-Ai8ah s(rin# $hich su((lies the inha.itants of
"amascus the ca(ital3 take its coldness from9
-f the coldness is from the rains3 the $ater $ill not .e that cold4 -n
addition to that $hen $aterfalls its tem(erature $ill #o do$n one
de#ree in e+ery 100 meters4 These s(rin#s come to us from (laces
$hich may .e thousands of meters dee(4
)here do these cold s(rin#s come from and ho$ do they
sometimes come from hi#h (laces and mountains-to(s3 yet they are
not fed .y any tri.utary9
-t is o.+ious that the (olar sno$ al$ays falls .ecause they are fed
from the e+a(orated $aters of the seas4 Sunrays (our and (enetrate
into it suckin# some of its $ater in the form of small in+isi.le dro(s
of $ater +a(or dri+en .y the $ind to form clouds $hich fall as rain
later on4 This means that the seas $ill lose hu#e =uantities of their
$aters e+ery year4 These $aters $onNt return a#ain to seas4 They
$ill accumulate as ice on the (oles4
-n decades the oceans and seas $ill .e dry4 )hy does not this
take (lace9 6a+e $e seen sea $ithdra$al from TartousN or
BattakiaNs shores9
6o$ can $e sol+e this mystery3 and has the t$entieth centuryNs
ci+ili7ation sol+ed it9
-s it true that the rain $ater feeds all the s(rin#s and ri+ers9
These =uestions $ere ans$ered .y our #reat Scholar $ho has
deri+ed his kno$led#e and sciences directly from God $hen he
asked Sir &ennet $ho $as a scientist in natural science4
6a+e you3 Eastern and $estern scientists3 kno$n the source of
the $ater you drink and $here is your s(rin# (ro+ided from9
Sir &ennet re(lied that the rain $aters are the main source of
drinkin# $ater4 Eur #reat scholar re(lied sayin# that the rain $aters
are for the (lants and animals4 God says in Taha +erse JL3
He let water fall from the s#y. (e there&y grew pairs of
varia&le plants. 5at and gra.e your cattle.
)hile God has made a di5erent arran#ement for the human
.ein# $ho is honored .y 6im4
)hat is this arran#ement then9 God says in the 6e5er M/K3
There are roc#s from out which rivers gush, and indeed
there are roc#s which split asunder so that water 8ow from
Eur Scholar asked Sir &ennet if there $as a .i# ri+er in &ritain4
Sir &ennet said of course3 it is the Thames *i+er and .i# shi(s sail on
The Scholar asked3 >Are the =uantities of rain $aters fallin# on
&ritain enou#h to feed that ri+er all the year round9?
Sir &ennet made some calculation accordin# to the Go$ of the
Thames and found/
,u.ic meters R L600 (er hour R M hours (er day R L6J days (er
6e calculated the a+era#e =uantity of rain fallin# on &ritain and
found that the rain $aters fallin# on &ritain $ill feed the ri+er for
only one $eek4
6ere our #reat Scholar asked him3 >)here does the ri+er Thames
feed in the remainin# J1 $eeks from9?
)hen sir &ennet could not re(ly3 our Scholar said3 >Arom the $aters
of the sno$3 .er#s and ice of the (ole4S
Sir &ennet asked in astonishment3 >6o$ does this ha((en9?
Eur scholar re(lied3 >Dou kno$ sir &ennet that it sno$s in the (olar
areas almost the year lon# and the sunNs rays are +ery dim and
ine5ecti+e like the li#ht of the moon4?
-f this ice and ice.er#s ha+e no drains and $ide a(ertures in the
.ottom of the fro7en ocean; -ce $ill accumulate to a #reat hei#ht
and life $ill .e im(ossi.le4 -n addition to the #reat (ressure of the
ice and ice.er#s on some (arts of the .ottom of the icy ocean; the
2orth 0ole3 $hich a+era#e de(th is more than three thousand
meters and similarly the area of Antarctic4
-t is scienti<cally kno$n that $hen $e #o one hundred meters
under the #round; the tem(erature increases one de#ree
centi#rade4 &ut the s(rin# $aters come to us cold3 fresh and (ure4
E+en thou#h they come from under the #round and from #reat
de(ths that mi#ht reach thousands of meters4
Accordin# to the scienti<c la$s3 these $aters should reach us hot
.ecause they #et heat from the under-#round3 .ut this does not
The #reat (ressures of these ice.er#s on the hu#e a(ertures
(drains! make the ice near the holes melt and the $ater #oes do$n
these hot (assa#es ra(idly4 6eat3 in the interior of the earth of the
north and south (oles3 hel(s the ice to melt and s(out ra(idly4 After
it melts3 it .ranches to feed all the s(rin#s and ri+ers on the surface
of our earth4
The fast continuous Go$ throu#h the (assa#es kee(s the $aters
cold3 and the hi#h le+el of the (oles a.o+e the #round in addition to
the a:ial inclination of the #lo.e and its daily and yearly rotatin#
around itself e:(lains to us the ascent of $ater to the to( of the
mountains in the $orld $hich sometimes are more than L000
meters hi#h4
Some of these s(rin#s come to us directly from the (ole to the
s(rin# and this e:(lains its hi#h coldness; and some s(rin#s are less
cold .ecause its (assa#es feed reser+oirs in the mountains to feed
less cold s(rin#s4
God says in Al-An.iya (0ro(hets! +erse (L1!/
We set in the Earth frm mountains lest it should shake with them,
and we set in it ravines to serve as ways, so that they might &e
S)e made the earth <rm? $ith mountains3 >Best it should shake3?
so that it rotation does not de+iate and its surface doesnNt crack4
S)e made in it ra+ines3? $ater reser+oirs into the mountains
$hich e:its accordin# to strict scales4 -snNt that an e+idence of Allah
>)ays3? i4e4 s(rin#s4 &i# s(rin#s from the ri+ers3 $hile small ones
form s(rin#s3 $ho made their under#round $ays9
SSo that they mi#ht3? if they #i+e thou#ht3 >&e #uided3? to Allah
6imself and to kno$ 6im3 if you donFt #i+e thou#ht you $ill ne+er .e
These s(rin#s and ri+ers kee( Go$in# .ecause they are
(ermanently fed .y the (ole throu#h these (assa#es4 They come to
us $ith re#ular <:ed le+els all the year lon#4 -n certain +ery short
(eriods of time3 the $ater le+el in the ri+ers #ets hi#h at the end of
$inter and the comin# of s(rin# .ecause they are fed .y the rain
$ater and the meltin# of the ice in s(rin# throu#h the su((lyin#
reser+oirs and then the ri+er #oes .ack to its le+el all the year lon#4
)e see3 from $hat $as mentioned a.o+e3 that there is a
$onderful .alance set .y the Merciful God; to control all these thin#s
$ithout any contradiction in these natural la$s4
A continuous Go$ from the s(rin#s and ri+ers met .y a
continuous accumulation of sno$ all the yearlon# and $ithin +ery
accurate criteria $hich the human science could not disclose its
6o$ #reat these (olar reser+oirs areC )ho maintains and reforms
them yearly for us and for our sake so that $e mi#ht en8oy them and
.e honored4 )hat merciful and a lendin# hand su(er+ises all this
(ro+idenceC This is (art of his (ermanent #enerosity and out (ourin#
of lo+e and com(assion4 All for our sake yet $e do not kno$4
God says in Al-6i8r (The *ocky Tract! +erse (MM!/
AAnd We sent forth winds carrying the clouds, then sent down water
from the sky and gave it to you to drink, and you are not able to store
"o you reser+e it9 -f it rains in $inter3 $hate+er reser+oirs you
maintain3 $hat do you do in summer9 6a+e you thou#ht of s(rin#s
and the =uantities of their $ater $hich Go$ all the yearlon#9 6a+e
you not #i+en a thou#ht to its reser+oirs9 )ho has or#ani7ed them9
)here are their locations9 "onNt they <nish and reach an end9 Think
of that to achie+e true faith4
' ' '
This fact sur(rised Sir &ennet and he re(lied sayin# that he
$ondered ho$ this =uestion had ne+er crossed his mind .efore4
-n +erse M1 of A7-Pumar (The Troo(s! God Says3
ave you not seen that Allah sent down water from the sky, then made
it penetrate into the earth !and gush forth" in the form of springs#
This holy +erse (ro+es that God sends these (olar $aters throu#h
(assa#es under the #round4
S$ee(in# currents #o under the sea $aters3 and the one called
the 2orth Atlantic "rift3 the s(eed is .et$een <+e to si: knots and
$hich #oes in the north eastern direction after lea+in# the American
coasts does not e:ceed the $aters near the surface4
-t has no e5ect at a.out three hundred and <fty meters dee(4
Also researchers found another #reat current called Gulf Stream in
the o((osite direction4 The currents $hich ha+e clear limits are
called Gulf Stream4
The $orld surface currents #o $ith the clock in the north half of
the earth3 $hile they #o in the o((osite direction in the south half
and are called >$hirl(ools4?
-n the north half of the Earth there are t$o se+ere $hirl(ools in
the north of the Atlantic and 0aci<c oceans3 and in the south half3
there are three $hirl(ools $ith an o((osite direction in the south of
the 0aci<c and -ndian oceans4
Inder the $ater there are currents of $hich the direction may .e
o((osite to the salty surface currents4 These currents under the
salty $ater across the sea are fresh $ater4
God the Almi#hty mentioned in the 6oly 1urNan these sea
currents of fresh cold $aters $hich #o under the salty $aters of the
Atlantic and 0aci<c oceans4
-n +erse 0 of An-2ur (li#ht!3 $hich attests to our ar#ument3 God
Or as darkness on a vast, abysmal sea. $here covered him a wave,
above which is a wave, above which is a cloud. %ayer upon layer of
Allah says that the reality of this .lind de+iatin# man $hose
mindFs eye is not o(en $ho remains .lind4 At the doors of death he
looks at his deeds and feels ashamed of them4 They turn to .e
darkness and darkness as +eils e:actly like this +ery dee( sea4
This holy +erse is an e:am(le like others mentioned in the 6oly
These e:am(les are realities e:istin# in this life3 such as this holy
+erse (1L! of Dasin3
ive them an e<ample, the town inha&itants when odBs
messengers were sent to them.
-t is .eyond dou.t that there $as a to$n $here GodNs messen#ers
$ere sent to4
Another holy +erse (1K! of Al-&a=arah (The ,o$!3
They are li#e him who lit a 7re.
And the +erse (LM! of Al-@ahf (The ,a+e!3
ive them an e<ample, two men, we gave one of them two
This +erse a((lies to $hat takes (lace in the north and south of
the Atlantic and (aci<c oceans $hich are the .i##est and dee(est
God said >the de(th of darkness? $hich means +ery dee(4 There
is no dou.t that this is the dee(est of the oceans and seas4 Since it
is kno$n that $ater3 and es(ecially the salty $a+y $ater3 reGects the
sun li#ht3 the dee(er one #oes; the darker it .ecomes4
The second reference >o+er$helmed $ith .illo$ to((ed .y .illo$?
indicates t$o $a+es and undou.tedly they di5er from each other4
The u((er $a+es are the $a+es of the salty $ater $hile the lo$er
$hich Go$s fast is cold and fresh4 The dark clouds reGect and hide
the sun li#ht3 the salty $ater and the s$ee(in# or lo$er cold $ater
hides the fresh cold $ater under it4 This increases the darkness4
Inder the Gulf Stream3 $hich #oes north east alon# the eastern
(art of the ISA3 there is a .i# cold current of >fresh $ater? Go$in#
from the 2orth 0ole area to the south on the north of the Atlantic
The Gulf Stream di+ides into t$o .ranches3 the <rst #oes alon#
the east coast of Greenland and north and south Euro(e3 $hile the
other .ranch #oes to the south to continue its $hirl(ool in the north
half of the earth4 Surface cold currents usually #o to the south4
-n the south half of the earth3 cold $ater runs around the (olar
area $hile their .ranches #o north to$ard the tro(ical and semi
tro(ical areas4

This e:(lains to us the Go$ of the 2ile and Eur(hates ri+ers and
others o((osite the direction of the other ri+ers4 This is =uite clear in
Syria .ecause the name of >Eu(hrates? in Ara.ic means
This means that the sources of the s(rin#s and ri+er $aters (artly
come from the ice of the north and south (oles4 The ri+ers $hich
Go$ from north to south come from the 2orth 0ole ice3 and ri+ers of
the o((osite direction from south to north such as the Eur(hates
and the 2ile come from the ice of the South 0ole4
)hen these dee( currents #o across the seas comin# from the
(oles under dee( layers of salty s$ift $ater3 they (ass $ithout
mi:in# and at the same time #o to the (laces of their second s(rin#
to .e as ri+er3 lakes and s(rin#s $ithout mi:in# $ith the u((er and
surface salty or $arm $aters4
S(rin#s of fresh $ater e:ist e+en in the dee( areas in the
Mediterranean and near the Greek coast of kornif3 and in the Atlantic
Ecean on the coast of Morocco near A#hadir and in the (eninsula of
-n -r$ad -sland and Batakia area in Syria3 fresh $ater comes from
the .ottom of the sea3 .ecause it is li#hter in density and in $ei#ht
than the salty $ater $ith $hich it does not mi:4 -t #oes u( to the
The sailors and <shermen use this $ater to increase their su((ly of
fresh $ater4
-n +erse LJ of Al-Aur=an (,riterion! God says3
"t is He who has let free two &odies of 8owing water! one
palata&le and sweet and the other salt and &itter, yet He has
made a &arrier &etween them. A partition that is not to &e
1! Hery dee( seas and lakes are at the to( the salty sea $aters
$hile the fresh is .elo$ and .et$een them (the (artition is
(ermanent! $hich is the soil and the rocks of the crust such as in
-r$ad -sland $hich is surrounded .y the salty $aters of the sea4
S(rin#s and $ells of fresh $ater s(rin# from under the sea4 6ere
Almi#hty God made a (artition .et$een them4 Aresh $ater is not
mi:ed $ith the salty one; it #oes from the interior of the earth under
the salty sea4
The (artition is the #round of the sea .ottom; it is a solid .arrier
on $hich the +erse says/
He has made a &arrier &etween them. A partition that is not
to &e passed.
-n the mountains surroundin# the seas3 in the seas and in their
interior3 the (artition is rocks and earth3 i4e4 solid such as the islands
in the salty seas $ith fresh $aters from .eneath4
2) The Gulf current and la.rador current3 in addition to
others of fresh $ater3 the (artition is $atery3 i4e4 li=uid3 "t is He
who has let free two &odies of 8owing water, one palata&le
and sweet, and the other salt and &itter.
3) The Arctic/ ice.er#s and fresh sno$s in the salty seas3
the (artition is $atery3 i4e4 li=uid4
4) The Antarctica/ ice.er#s and fresh sno$s surrounded .y
salty seas4
The (artition is solid consistin# of rocks3 a solid .arrier and a
(artition that is not to .e (assed4 -t is a .arrier for the $aters to
(re+ent them from mi:in# and 8oinin#4 -t is .arred .y rocks4
Salty seas surround Antarctica $hile fresh $aters #o throu#h
(assa#es under the #round of Antarctica then they Go$ throu#h
(assa#es under the sea .ottom to form .i# ri+ers and small s(rin#s
in other islands3 +illa#es and else$here4
-t is kno$n that the deserts contain +ast layers of $ater
underneath4 -n the #rand desert $hich is considered the lar#est
desert of the $orld of $hich its area is more than the area of Euro(e4
There is a .asin under#round containin# more than 1M000 cu.ic
kilometers of $ater4 This =uantity is 0 times .i##er than the $ater
of A7ouf Sea4 )here does this .asin take its $ater from9
-s it3 as they say3 from the rain $ater fallin# on the coasts of the
Mediterranean; althou#h it is 0 times .i##er than A7ouf sea9
There is no dou.t that it takes its $ater from one of the (olar
-n the e:-So+iet Inion the layers rich in $ater includin# the
artesian e:ists in 1ara 1oum and 1ai7eel 1oum and in other
The lar#est artesian .asin in the $orld is located on the $est of
Si.eria .et$een the Eral in the $est and Danessi ri+er in the east4
The area of this .asin is more than L million s=uare kilometers4
The lar#est artesian .asin also e:ists in the Euro(ean side of the
So+iet Inion (Mosco$ and "ane.ro "ontisk .asins and others!4
The fresh $ater of these hu#e .asins cannot .e lo#ically said to
.e from the rain falls3 .ut certainly from the ad8acent north (olar
' ' '
)e can conclude that the (olar areas are .i# reser+oirs of our cold
and (ure drinkin# $ater; the mountains are .ut reser+oirs4 The
s(rin# o(enin#s are <rm (of chan#eless3 <:ed =uantities of $ater! all
the year round3 and the rain and sno$ fallin# on our areas are only
for the irri#ation of our (lants and the animals3 .ut man is honored
.y God so he drinks from the (ure ra#in# $ater of the (olar areas4
Book ho$ much God fa+ors us on many all other creatures4
-n Al-Adiyat (Those $inds that *un!3 >)e transferred and
maintained .y it immersion? -n Ara.ic >Atharna? means transferred
and maintained; the last letter in Ara.ic $hich is (2! denotes the
su(reme merits of Almi#hty Allah i4e4 6is su(reme 2ames containin#
Mercy3 ,harity3 @indness3 ,om(assion in addition to other 0erfect
Merits4>&y it? denotes that disci(line that led to rainfall4 >-mmersion?
refers to that #atherin# $ater4 >)e made it in a medium location for
all the li+in# creatures4? >)asatna?3 $hich in >made it in a medium
location4? The last letter in Ara.ic (2! denotes the su(reme merits of
Almi#hty Allah4
>&y it? refers to the accumulatin# $ater4 )e can inter(ret this
+erse as follo$s/
God s(eaks a.out mo+in# and kee(in# the $ater .y his Mercy3
@indness3 Bo+e and A5ection and that there is a system throu#h
$hich the rain falls3 #athers to#ether and makes that hu#e (olar
6e tells 6is creatures that out of 6is kindness3 lo+e and a5ection4
6e carried the rain $ater and ke(t it in those hu#e reser+oirs in the
(olar areas4 6e carried that collected $ater throu#h certain
(assa#es runnin# under the #round and at a((ro(riate (ro(ortions
$hich made the s(rin#s and ri+ers for your o$n #ood4 )ho
maintains3 cleans and reforms all these drains and under#round
(assa#es of these (olar $aters9
These (olar $aters are let (ass to e+ery island3 city and +illa#e all
o+er the $orld $ith re#ular (ro(ortions all the yearlon# for our o$n
2one is steerin# and (ro+idin# the uni+erse .ut you3 out of your
e:treme fa+or and a.undant Generosity3 Eh3 Allah4
May God re$ard you3 our #reat scholar all lo+e3 honorin#3 res(ect
and re+erence4 Dou really deser+e to .e honored3 your lo+e to God
and your omniscience from God4 May God lead us to it .y 6is #reat
Aa+or9 6e is +ery near3 res(ondin# the (rayer $ho is communicatin#
$ith you4 Allah says in Al-&a=arah (The ,o$! +erse (M8M!/
Be under Allah3s light, and then it is Allah that teaches
True (raise is to Dou3 0ro+ider of all the $orlds4
A study on the $isdom .ehind circumcision
This is an a#e of scienti<c studies and researches3 each one
handin# o+er to another3 the methods of research and in+esti#ation4
They dedicate themsel+es to disco+eries and s(end their li+es
amon# the .ooks3 note.ooks3 +olumes3 and in the la.oratories4
Many of them are carried .y curiosity into a $ide ran#e of
kno$led#es until they #et com(letely in+ol+ed $ithout kno$in#
$hen and $here to sto(4 Many of them #et a((reciation letters and
re$ards4 The (rofessionals are licensed to $ork in their <elds of
The (ioneer of these sciences has .een medicine4
The society a((reciates medicine and doctors $ho su((ort it
$hole heartedly3 and (ro+ide $hat is necessary for its ad+ancement4
)ith all this ad+ancement3 (ro#ress and su((ort3 the doctors and
scientists are .e$ildered .y ho$ many diseases $hich make them
(ause their lon# term research; $hich need a fe$ #enerations of
doctors to .e com(leted so that they mi#ht reach a solution4
They are una.le to meet the needs of their societies3 so ho$ can
they de+elo(C &ecause of the societyNs a((reciation3 some scientists
.ecame arro#ant3 and this $as one of the reasons they could not
accom(lish their aim4 Such e5ects are mostly reGected on the
society itself4 Many (atients died3 and no one kne$ their illnesses4
Ethers died3 and their medication $as not kno$n3 some su5er
$ithout <ndin# a cure3 and others die .ecause an untested
medication $as #i+en to them3 they yielded to their fates4
)hat a terri.le a#eC
After all their inca(a.ility and frustration3 some of them (oint the
accusation to$ards Allah4
The idea of the #od of science is still in their minds4 -n
themsel+es3 they cannot deny the e:istence of God3 .ut they ha+e
settled on the idea that this God is im(erfect and incom(lete4
)hen one of them thinks that he has found a fault3 he e:(oses all
the hatred at is in his heart accordin# to a Ga$ed o(inion4
Ethers say that the system of the 6oly 1urNan is not com(ati.le
$ith the modern a#e4 Moreo+er3 they .elie+e it is mere su(erstition4
' ' '
A o((ortunity occurred $hen one of these scientists met $ith our
#reat scholar3 $ho throu#h his lo+e to God3 e:ceeded all his (eers
and challen#ed all un.elie+ers in all #enerations4
6e $as al$ays elucidatin# the Aa+ors of the Almi#hty God3 and
#uidin# the (eo(le to the (ath of ri#ht4 So that they mi#ht rise u( of
their .ein# drunk and a$ake of their slum.er in order to maintain
the su(reme treasures they $ere created for3 and to free themsel+es
from the authority of e#otism; the lo+e of earthly materialism and
the a((reciation of +ices $hich drift them into the +alleys of des(air
and eternal (ains4
)ith the sin#in# of .irds3 and the coherent .rislin# of the lea+es3
the (erfume of the .ree7e of Al Ghouta $as s(readin# an
atmos(here of 8oy and re+erence3 around the com(anions of that
res(ecta.le Master4
The (rocession (roceeds $alkin#3 as the li#hts of the sun in the
late mornin# ele+atin# to$ards the sky3 or as a hu#e su.marine in a
#reat sea4 Someone (roceeds to$ard the +enera.le master $ho
seems to him to .e a #reat re+erent scholar4
>Sir3 - .e# your (ardon3 may - ask a =uestion9 - ho(e that my
=uestion $ill not .e em.arrassin#3 if you canNt ans$er it4?
6e .elie+ed that our scholar $onNt .e a.le to ans$er his =uestion4
6e re+eals the reason4
Eur #reat scholar and a num.er of the uni+ersity (rofessors sat at
a cafe4 A famous doctor $anted to ask the =uestion4
That famous doctor had read many medical +olumes3 academic
.ooks and scienti<c researches in hi#hly de+elo(ed and leadin#
countries in the <eld of science .ut could not <nd an ans$er to his
=uestion4 Then he .e#an to .elie+e that God is im(erfect4
-n this life he had not seen a machine $ith an e:tra (iece $hich
has no function4 Thus he .e#an to com(are .et$een the Almi#hty
God3 the ,reator of e+erythin# and the machine in+ented .y man in
the de+elo(ed countries4
)hat made this doctor ask this =uestion in this country9 The
=uestion $as/
>-f God is (erfect3 $hy did 6e create the foreskin $hich co+ers the
ti( of the (enis and ordered us to cut it9 This causes acute
dermatitis4 The =uestion relates to the circumcision of the children4
)hy has God created this e:tra skin $hich has no function3 and $hy
has 6e ordered us to cut it9 -f it has a function $hat for is the
circumcision9 -f it has no function $hy did 6e create it9 )here is the
Godly (erfection9?
The =uestion a$akened somethin# in the heart of that +enera.le
scholar as if millions of +olcanoes had .urst at that moment $ith the
smile of the in=uirer4
- donNt kno$ ho$ this situation is to .e elucidated4 -t mi#ht .e a
hurricane of com(assionate an#er mi:ed $ith hidden sadness $ith
tears and (ity4
-n a moment e+ery sense in his .ody $as a.out to utter
somethin# translated .y the ton#ue4
-t is $ell kno$n that the human .ody consists of Gesh3 .ones and
ner+es4 -t is also kno$n that the ner+ous (ersonNs .ody does not
#ro$ $ell healthy3 and he al$ays remains thin3 e+en if he eats such
a lot of food3 and increases the num.er of daily diets4
The em.ryo in the femaleNs $om. remains in a critical sta#e in
the nine months3 .ecause it is in the critical +ital formin# sta#e4
Since the skin of the (enis is a #atherin# (lace of +ery sensiti+e
ner+es3 it is a5ected .y any friction $hich causes a #eneral
alertness of the ner+es in the $hole .ody4 As the (lace of the
em.ryo in the $om. is narro$3 to suit the em.ryoNs si7e3 the
em.ryo is al$ays .ent and turned u( and its mo+ement increases in
the last months4 (See (ictures!
This mo+ement e:cites the ner+es of the skin of the (enis3 thus
the #ro$th of the em.ryo is ham(ered .ecause the mo+ements
destroy the cells3 or leads to a $eakness in #ro$th4
So this skin (rotects this sensiti+e area from .ein# a5ected .y
any shock $hich causes friction $hen the em.ryo mo+es in the
$om.3 and .y that the .ody attains its safety and (erfection4
E:actly as a thermos kee(s its contents isolated from the outer
After the .irth3 he enters a ne$ ty(e of life di5erent from his
(re+ious one4 6e is no$ stretched and there is no friction $ith the
ner+es of the skin of the (enis4
This skin .ecomes e:tra and it should .e cut .ecause it e:ists in a
#landular area $here infection can take (lace and $here dirt and
#erms may #ather under the skin causin# acute dermatitis3 and
After hearin# this re(ly3 the (eo(le (resent felt ama7ed4 The
s(irits su.mitted soarin# $ith GodNs $isdom as if they di+ed in an
ocean of lo+e4 )hat are they fascinated in9
-s it the creati+ity and (erfection of the ,reator9
Er .y this (recious treasure #ranted to him9 Er .y GodNs #ate
they are standin# .efore9
Inconsciously the in=uirin# doctor resumes his =uestions3
>)here ha+e you #ot all this kno$led#e $hich re+eals the secret of
the foreskin from9 All doctors all o+er the $orld failed to disco+er the
mystery of the e:istence of this foreskin4 )hen they failed they said/
it is a useless e:tra (iece4 6o$ could you re+eal this scienti<c
medical mystery $hich the doctors couldnNt sol+e4 Dou re+ealed this
#reat mystery in no more than a #lim(se4?
)ith the heart of the tender father he re(lied a lo#ical in=uiry
a.out such a #reat =uestion4 6e said3 >That =uestion made me feel a
#reat 8ealousy on my lo+e Almi#hty Allah3 the (ro+ider of (erfection
$hen 6e $as accused of somethin# contradictin# 6is (erfection4?
Almi#hty God sho$ed me the em.ryo in the $om. of his mother4
- also sa$ e+erythin# - told you of the $isdom of the e:istence of
this skin e:actly as the +ie$er $atches in the T4H4 -t is also a clearer3
.ri#hter and more e:act true +ision throu#h the eye of the heart3
throu#h the li#ht of the Almi#hty God to (ercei+e the reality and
All - mentioned the em.ryo and the $isdom of creation the skin
$ere sho$n to me .y the eye of the heart4 -t is a certainty .eyond
all dou.t4
The e:istence of the skin $hile the em.ryo is in the $om. is
functional and (erfection and circumcision after the .irth is the
$hole (erfection4 Anyone $ho resorts to his (ro+ider so truly $ill
achie+e this4
' ' '
The Almi#hty God told his creatures/
>EF My sla+es3 seek Me and you shall <nd Me3 $hen you <nd Me3 you
<nd e+erythin#3 and if you miss Me3 you miss e+erythin#4 - am more
.elo+ed to you than all lo+ers at all4?
This is the cry of our #reat scholarNs (ure holy s(irit $hich al$ays
says3 >There is no (o$er or mi#ht e:ce(t $ith God4?
-n +erses L- of Al-Mulk ("ominion! God says/
>Thou see not in the creation of the All-merciful any im(erfection4
*eturn thy #a7e; sees thou any <ssure9 Then return thy #a7e a#ain3
and a#ain3 and thy #a7e comes .ack to you .eda77led3 $eary4?
6o$e+er carefully you $atch3 you $ill <nd no fault or decrease
and your eye-+ision $ill come .ack to you $ithout seein# any Ga$ or
' ' '
)e summari7e $hat $e said/
God created the foreskin $hen the em.ryo $as in the $om. of its
mother .ecause this or#an $hich Almi#hty God has made3 as an e:it
for the urine3 has made it also3 .ecause of its other function
com(osed of a tissue of ner+ous tissue interconnected deli.erately4
Since the end of this or#an $hich is called a skin is +ery sensiti+e4
-f it $as e:(osed to a friction $ith anythin#3 then that friction $ill
lead to a ner+ous stress leadin# to a #eneral stress in the ner+ous
system4 -t is taken for #ranted that this stress and sensation $ill
result in a decrease in #ro$th4 &ecause of that3 it is necessary3 for
the #ro$th of the em.ryo in his motherNs $om. and its
com(leteness3 to ha+e a mem.rane $hich (re+ents the head of that
or#an from $hat mi#ht .e in touch or in friction $ith durin# the
consecuti+e mo+ement of the em.ryo in his motherNs $om.4
Thus #ro$th is natural and the em.ryo is .orn $ith sound health
and .ody4
' ' '
Bet us no$ s(eak a.out circumcision after .irth/
)hen the em.ryo is .orn and his .odyNs systems .e#in to
function and the urinary (assa#e .e#ins to do its task3 there may .e
some mold scratch or (atholo#ical sym(toms3 therefore3 God the
Almi#hty orders circumcision to (rotect the .ody from such trou.les4
Therefore3 the e:istence of the skin is necessary for the em.ryo
$hile it is in its motherNs $om.3 -t denotes the (erfection of creation
and the mar+elous di+ine disci(line4 -tFs cuttin# after .irth and
e:istin# in life is necessary and a mercy from God to man4
After this $e can re(ly stron#ly those $ho say that 0ro(het
Muhammad ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him! $as .orn
-f $e acce(t this3 it means that the 0ro(het su5ered from .ad
health and the formation of his .ody $as incom(lete4 -t is $ell
kno$n that he $as the stron#est at .uild and of the .est health4
A.u 6urayra (may Allah .e (leased $ith him! re(orted the 0ro(het
((eace and .lessin#s of Allah .e u(on him! as sayin#/
>Ai+e thin#s are of natural dis(osition3 cuttin# (sha+in#! the (u.ic
hair3 circumcision3 cuttin# the moustache3 remo+in# the hair of the
arm(its and cuttin# the nails4? (Muslim!
Aisha ($ife of the (ro(het! said/
>The 0ro(het slau#htered a shee( for each of Al-6assan and Al-
6ussein (his #randsons! and circumcised them in se+en days4?
-.n A..as re(orted that A.d ul-Mutali. (#randfather of the
0ro(het! circumcised the 0ro(het on his se+enth day3 #a+e a
.an=uet and named him Muhammad ((eace and .lessin#s of Allah
.e u(on him!4
' ' '

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