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the Harare Institute of Technology on behalf of the authors.


We as a group hereby declare that this work has not previously been accepted in substance
for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree.

Students Signature: . Date .
(Chatikobo Elison)
Students Signature: . Date .
(Chidembese Assured)
Students Signature: . Date .
(Chigwanda Cloud)
Students Signature: . Date .
(Chiramba George)
Students Signature: . Date .
(Dambanemweya Kupakwashe)
Students Signature: . Date .
(Dhlamini Shamiso)

Supervisors Signature: .. Date .
(Mrs Tsorai)
Supervisors Signature: .. Date .
(Mr Mutadza)


Firstly, we would like to dedicate this piece of work to our late group member Mr Tafadzwa J
Danda, our families for the love, care and support they have given to us and also to our
department and our university for the knowledge we have attained.


Firstly, we would like to thank the Lord God almighty for his mercies and for seeing us
through in this research and throughout our life. Secondly, we would like to thank our
supervisors Mrs Tsorai and Mr Mutadza for their guidance and the time they set aside to
supervise us, through which we managed to come up with the project. Thirdly we would like
to thank our parents for their encouragement and support. Special appreciation goes to all our
friends for the encouragement and technical support. Lastly, our sincere gratitude goes to all
lecturers in the Chemical and Process Systems Engineering Department, without them it
would have been impossible for us to acquire the knowledge and be able to undertake this


Table of Contents
Copyright .................................................................................................................................................. i
Declaration .............................................................................................................................................. ii
Dedication .............................................................................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Tables ......................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ vii
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2.1 Limitations .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.2 Delimitations .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Aim ................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Nicotine .............................................................................. 3
2.2 Factors Affecting Nicotine Content in Tobacco ............................................................................ 5
2.3 Uses of Nicotine ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Healthy effects of Tobacco/ Nicotine ........................................................................................... 6
2.5 Toxicology ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Past Researches ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.7 The cold infusion process .............................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Objectives: ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Apparatus: ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.4 Chemicals ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Extraction of nicotine .................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Testing for the presence of nicotine ........................................................................................... 11
3.4 Separation using simple distillation ............................................................................................ 12
3.5 Determining Nicotine Concentration .......................................................................................... 12
3.6 Material and Energy balances ..................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Extraction of nicotine .................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.1 Conclusion for extraction of nicotine ................................................................................... 14

4.1.2 Testing for the presence of nicotine .................................................................................... 14
4.1.3 Conclusion for testing for the presence if nicotine .............................................................. 14
4.2 Analysis for testing the presence of nicotine .......................................................................... 15
4.3 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 5.0 PROCESS DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Mass balance at laboratory scale ................................................................................................ 18
5.2 Energy Balance For The Extraction Process ................................................................................ 19
CHAPTER 6.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 Scaling to industrial level ............................................................................................................ 21
6.3 Profit Analysis.................................................................................................................................. 23
6.4 Return on investment (ROI) ........................................................................................................ 23
6.5 Break Even Analysis..................................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 25
7.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 25
7.2 Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 25
APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................. 26
A1 Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................................. 26
A 2 Cash Flow Forecast ..................................................................................................................... 27


List of Tables

Table 2.1 Zimbabwe tobacco production area, yield and output, 2010-2013..3
Table 2.2 Physical properties of nicotine....4
Table 6.1 Direct costs....22
Table 6.2 Indirect costs..22
Table 6.3 Plant Overheads.22
Table 6.4 General Expenses..23

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Structure of nicotine compound ..........14
Fig 4.1 Titration experiment results..23
Fig 5.1 Block Flow Diagram for the extraction process...25
Fig 5.2 Process Flow Diagram for the extraction process25
Fig 5.3 Mass Balance Diagram27


Literature reflects that nicotine is in abundance in tobacco waste. A number of processes have
been studied for the removal of toxic or otherwise offending substances from tobacco and
stimulants. Unfortunately, the process of extracting nicotine from tobacco with solvents such
as ammonia, ethylene oxide and similar processes have not attained general acceptance due to
the fact that the extraction solvents are not sufficiently selective and remove not only the
nicotine, but varying amounts of the desirable constituents. For a long time effective
extraction of nicotine has remained elusive due to complications associated with selectivity.
The use of condensed gases has been studied quite extensively because of the known
selective dissolving capacity of this substituent .However, this extraction solvent has not
attained any appreciable acceptance due to the fact that SO
is not sufficiently selective,
generates toxic residues and is highly corrosive to the apparatus employed. Based on this
scientific understanding, this research was carried out with a view to improvise an innovative
a selective extraction of nicotine from tobacco with nontoxic solvents which do not corrode
the apparatus employed. An iterative approach was employed in which distilled water was
used for the extraction of nicotine from tobacco. Experiments were carried out for the
extraction, verification and determination of the percentage purity of nicotine. The percentage
purity of nicotine obtained was 95%. The process equipment used included; crusher, mixing
column, filtration column, distillation column and condenser. The proposed extraction
method was carried out with low-boiling point organic solvents at low temperature resulting
in lower consumption of chemicals and shorter time required for the process. This ensured
added purity of the target product and elimination of the need for high pressure in the
technological process. Economically the project has got a favorable return on investment of
52.6%, a payback to investors of 1.9 years and break-even point is at 6.9 % of the total


From harvesting of Tobacco to manufacture of product, large quantities of waste material
comprising rejected leaves, broken bits of lamina, midribs stalks & stems accumulate.
Nicotine is by far the most important by-product derived from tobacco waste. The process
relates to methods of nicotine extraction from tobacco waste. The proposed method for
extraction of nicotine from tobacco waste implies a continuous extraction from raw material
with distilled water at room temperature (25
C) followed by recurrence for further reuse in
the process. The technological advantages are the opportunity to use both primary raw
materials and production wastes, shorter time required for extraction, cost reduction and
process simplification for extraction of nicotine, reduction of concomitant substances in the
target product, and no need in using acids. These advantages are achieved by the extraction
method with distilled water which results in lower consumption of chemicals, lower
temperature, little time required for the process and additional purification of the target
product and eliminate needs for high pressure to be used in technological process.
1.2 Problem Statement

Literature reflects that nicotine is in abundance in tobacco waste. When tobacco is harvested
there is waste which can be made to good use. Unlike using the waste in making manure; the
waste can be used in nicotine extraction. This is a major advantage because the nicotine can
be used in making important products such as pharmaceutical drugs. The other advantages
1) High concentration of nicotine in the extract.
2) Making use of waste products as raw materials to produce products of higher value.
3) Runaway from the use of chemicals like tartaric acid.
1.2.1 Limitations
1) Takes slightly longer to extract.
2) There is need for safety measures to be undertaken.
1.2.2 Delimitations
The project just focuses on the technological and economic feasibility study of extraction of
nicotine from tobacco waste using distilled water.

1.3 Aim
The technical and economic feasibility study for the extraction of nicotine from tobacco
1.4 Objectives
1) To determine the technological process for the extraction of nicotine from tobacco
2) To provide a shorter, less expensive and more efficient process of nicotine extraction.
3) To evaluate the yield, processing time required and solvent usage of different
extraction approaches.
4) To determine if it is economically feasible to extract nicotine from tobacco waste.



Tobacco waste is composed of mineral matter and organic compounds. Alkaloids in tobacco
leaves make it suitable to be used by human beings. Alkaloids are a group of nitrogen-
containing bases. (Vernellia R. Randall. 1999. History of Tobacco,) among the alkaloids,
nicotine is recognized as an essential component in tobacco cultivation. On the contrary the
agricultural sector for Zimbabwe, being the backbone of the economy underpinning
economic growth, food security and poverty eradication, continues to experience severe
systemic challenges within its entire value chain ranging from lack of agricultural financing
to lack of affordable inputs. This has also been exacerbated by prolonged periods of drought
caused by climatic changes and yet the waste is not being put into economic use. In the
tobacco industry approximately one tenth of the tobacco yield is produced as waste. The
relationship between the area harvested, tobacco yield, tobacco production and waste yield is
shown in table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Zimbabwe tobacco production area, yield and output, 2010-2013
Year Area
2010 99000 2626.3 260004 262.6
2011 88 286 2188.2 193187 218.9
2012 90 769 2508.9 227730 251.0
2013 91 851 2611,5 239869 261.1
Source: TPZ (Tobacco Processors of Zimbabwe)
(National Tobacco Enterprise Co. zw, 2012 (1998 E.C.),)
2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Nicotine
Nicotine is also called 3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl) pyridine according to the IUPAC
Nomenclature. It is a bicyclic compound with a pyridine cycle and a pyrolidine cycle. The
molecule possesses an asymmetric carbon and so exists in two enantiomeric compounds.


Figure 2.1: The Structure of nicotine compound
In nature, nicotine only exists in the S shape, which is laevogyrate. (Compton Mackenzie,
1957.Sublime Tobacco). Some physical properties of Nicotine are listed in table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Physical properties of nicotine

Chemical structure C

Molecular weight 126.26g/mol
Melting point -79 C
Boiling point 247 C
Density d = 1.00925g/cm
Refractive Index n = 1.530
Vapour Pressure 0.006 kPa at 25 C
Viscosity 2.7 mPa s at 25 C
1.6 mPa s at 50 C
Surface tension 37.5 dynes/cm at 25.5 C
37.0 dynes/cm at 36.0 C
Rotatory Index (S) D = -169.3 at 20 C

Vernellia, R. and Randall, T. (1999). History of Tobacco, Boston: Boston University.

Nicotine is a liquid alkaloid, pale yellow to dark brown oily liquid with a slight fishy when
warm or unpleasant pungent odors with a sharp burning persistent bitter taste (Bulletin on
Narcotics 1996). As a nitrogenous base, it is strongly alkaline in reaction and forms salts
with acids and double salts with many metals and acids that are usually solid and water-
soluble. Nicotine is hygroscopic; hence it is miscible with water below 60 C


2.2 Factors Affecting Nicotine Content in Tobacco

Nicotine level is a key index for evaluating the quality of tobacco, and is closely related to a
lot of factors. Some of the factors affecting nicotine level of tobacco are the following:

Tobacco species or type: is the most determinant factor that affects nicotine level in
tobacco. There are different tobacco species in the world which have different nicotine
content. For instance, among the type of tobacco Maryland and Turkish (oriental) are low in
nicotine; the flue-cured (Virginia), Burley, and Connecticut Cigar wrapper are medium; the
Pennsylvania and N. rustica are high in nicotine level. (American Indian Culture and
Research Journal, 1995, V. 19, N. 2, pp 143-64).

Soil type: is another factor that affects nicotine content. The quality of tobacco is highly
correlated with the nicotine content and good quality tobacco requires fertile, well-drained,
moist soil. Soil can affect leaf size, texture, and color. Sandy soils tend to produce a relatively
large leaf that is light in color and body, fine in texture, and burns with a weak aroma.
Heavier soils, which contain silt and clay, tend to produce a small, dark leaf with a heavy
body and a strong aroma when burnt. (Tobacco, Culture, and Health among American
Indians: A Historical Review). Moreover, the amount of root development as conditioned by
depth of soil influences the total nicotine content of tobacco plant. Deep soil favors
development of extensive root system, since nicotine elaboration primarily localized near the
root tip then stored in the leaf and plants having the largest root system accordingly elaborate
the largest total content of nicotine. On the contrary, damage of the root by any means
reduces the nicotine content of the tobacco plant.

Nitrogen nutrition: is also related with soil type since almost all nitrogen consumed by the
tobacco plant is obtained from the soil as ammonium and nitrate compounds. According to
literature N is 17.3 % of the molecular weight of nicotine hence, the amount of nitrogen (N)
supplied has direct relation with nicotine content of the tobacco plant (A Shude Unpublished,
July 2006. pp 3) The nitrogen content of the soil also depends on the type of soil.

Topping height and time: also affect nicotine content in the tobacco plant, which is also
related to nitrogen supply of tobacco plant. The reason is nitrogen absorbed after topping is
effectively incorporated in to nicotine compared with nitrogen absorbed before topping. The

more nitrogen supply after removing the apex, results the higher the nicotine concentration
in the leaves (Compton Mackenzie, 1957.Sublime Tobacco, London, Chatom and
Windaus).Similarly, as the height of the position of topping increase, meaning large apex
removed the thicker, darker and larger leaf produced as a result nicotine content of the
tobacco plant become high.

Degree of maturity or ripening of tobacco: has also great effect on nicotine content of
tobacco plant. As the tobacco plant maturity increases, it turns to yellow quicker, and quality
index, with higher alkaloid (nicotine) and sugar content and less total nitrogen (National
Tobacco Enterprise Sh.Co., brochure (Amharic version), 2005 (1998 E.C.)

Curing and yellowing period of tobacco: have also slight effect on the level of nicotine of
the tobacco leaf that is extended yellowing period will increase level of nicotine of the
tobacco leaf. But during aging and curing process of tobacco there is a marked decrease of
nicotine with a concomitant increase of nicotine transformation products such as nicotinic
acid, nicotine amide, oxy nicotine, cotinine and the like (A Shude Unpublished, July 2006. pp
2.3 Uses of Nicotine
Nicotine is most frequently encountered in tobacco products for smoking, chewing and
sniffing and also as an adjunct to smoking cessation programs (gums, patches). Moreover,
nicotine has found wide use as pesticides and insecticides. Dilute solutions are used on fruit
and vegetables to control insects such as aphides, plant lice, whiteflies, leaf hoppers, etc. It
may also be used to control certain animal skin parasites. For spray application, nicotine must
be incorporated in a solution of soap or with emulsiable oil or must be mixed with hydrated
lime or another powdered carrier to use as a dust (Research (EIAR) team visit report on
tobacco production in Ethiopia and the constraints it has been facing).
2.4 Healthy effects of Tobacco/ Nicotine
Tobacco is the leading cause of drug abuse related to mortality world over. Besides nicotine,
tobacco consists of nearly 4000 substances including particles and gases, 1000 of them are
produced during smoking. These include the known carcinogens and carbon monoxide which
impair the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. Cigarette smoking is associated with coronary
heart disease, stroke, ulcers, and an increased incidence of respiratory infections. Smoking is
the major cause of lung cancer and is also associated with cancers of the larynx, esophagus,

bladder, kidney, pancreas, stomach, and uterine cervix. Smoking is also the major cause of
chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Today, with universal awareness of the health risks, a
billion adults worldwide make the choice to smoke. Nicotine is the major addictive substance
in cigarette tobacco, given off by burning tobacco and carried into the respiratory tract on tar
droplets and in the vapor phase. As a weak base, nicotine may exist in an ionized or a non-
ionized form. The relative proportions of these two forms, determined by the pH of the
smoke, affect where nicotine is most readily absorbed into the body. At the acidic pH of most
cigarette smoke, absorption occurs predominantly in the lungs, but with the alkaline smoke
produced by cigars and pipe tobacco, nicotine being predominantly non-ionized, is absorbed
mainly in the mouth. Absorption into the blood stream is rapid, and concentrations of nicotine
in the blood rise during smoking (Community Outreach Health Information System). Nicotine
is metabolized, mainly in the liver and is a powerful psychoactive agent that has a variety of
central and peripheral nervous system effects, as well as effects on the cardiovascular,
endocrine, gastrointestinal, and skeletal motor systems. Self-administration of tobacco leads
to physical nicotine dependence and psychological dependence on smoking behavior, with
withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation. The action of nicotine on the brain
occurs rapidly after smoking, and this is believed to provide optimal reinforcement for
nicotine dependence (S. Gebre Selassie, A. Gebre, Rapid assessment of drug abuse in
Ethiopia, UNODC). The direct contribution of nicotine to tobacco-associated diseases is
unclear, as it is inhaled along with many other substances in tobacco smoke. The role of
nicotine is to maintain the addiction and other substances in tobacco smoke, particularly tar
and some of the gaseous components such as carbon monoxide, are the main direct causes of
2.5 Toxicology
Nicotine is a very toxic substance, and serious or fatal poisoning may occur as a result of the
ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption of only small amounts. The lethal dosage of nicotine
is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. 4060 mg can be a lethal dosage for adult
person. This makes it an extremely deadly poison. It is more toxic than many other alkaloids
such as cocaine, which has a lethal dose of 1000 mg (Bulletin on Narcotics 1996, Issue 1 -
004, pp 53 63). However the purpose of nicotine extraction is not for abuse.


2.6 Past Researches
There are many methods used to extract nicotine from tobacco waste these include (a)
supercritical extraction, (b) using an alkali (c) using distilled water.
(a) Supercritical extraction
When using supercritical extraction carbon dioxide pressurized to 7MPa is used as a solvent.
Its advantages are that it is nontoxic and non-flammable and it has a low volatility. Carbon
dioxide is fed through a valve then the solvent and feed are pressurized in a cell until pressure
in the cell reaches 350atm and the temperature 50 degrees celcius.C0
is fed out at the top and
nicotine is then collected.
(b) Using an alkali
Tobacco is mixed with an aqueous solution of soda; or is treated in any of the well-known
methods with an alkali, such as hydrated lime, to free the nicotine from the other constituents
of the tobacco waste (Vernellia R. Randall. 1999. History of Tobacco, Boston University
Medical Center).The saturated alkaline mixture is then charged into a drier, which may be a
horizontal cylinder provided with the usual dry blender agitator. Heat is applied to the drier
by a steam jacket to the mixture of the saturated alkaline wastes which then vaporizes the
nicotine freed from such wastes. After heating the nicotine-saturated, vapor is withdrawn
from the drier through a dust filter to a condenser by means of a vacuum pump.
(c) Using distilled water
There is also a process of extracting nicotine using distilled water (Negarit Gazeta (Ethiopian
journal), 1943 (1935 E.C.), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Article).Crushed tobacco is mixed with
distilled water .Raw material: distilled water ratio is 1:3. The mixture is left for 24 hours in
the dark after 24 hours a separator is used to separate nicotine from the tobacco waste.
According to literature the test for nicotine is carried out by titration of the nicotine solution
with sulphuric acid using bromothymol blue as an indicator and a colour change from pale
blue to pale/ golden yellow serves as a positive test for the presence of nicotine (Nicotine Test
2.7 The cold infusion process
The use of high temperatures has complications in the dynamic industry climate. With
increasing energy costs, people have resorted to use of low temperature systems that still
make it possible to extract large amounts of nicotine. There are several reasons:
1) Low energy costs.
2) Simple techniques and apparatus are used.

3) No complex harmful chemicals used.
4) Low operating costs.
5) Cheap and readily available resources (water and tobacco waste).
6) High purity of nicotine achieved.


When tobacco is harvested there is accumulation of waste which can be made use of .Before
using the waste in making manure, the waste can be used in the extraction of nicotine. This is
a major advantage because the nicotine can be used as a raw material in the production of
insecticides and pharmaceutical products.

3.1 Experiments
The following experiments were carried out in order to extract nicotine and determine its
content in tobacco waste using distilled water. Therefore, most of the apparatus, equipments
and procedures were similar with the method of using an alkaline. Nevertheless, different
modifications were made based on the objective, conditions and availability of
equipments for this study.
Below is a list of the experiments that were carried out.
1) Extraction of nicotine and testing for its presence.
2) Determination of nicotine concentration in the extract.
3) Separation of the nicotine in the solution from water.

3.1.1 Aim: To extract nicotine from tobacco waste using distilled water.
3.1.2 Objectives:
1) Extracting of the nicotine and testing for its presence.
2) Determining the nicotine concentration in the extract.
3) Separating nicotine from the extract using simple distillation.
3.1.3 Apparatus:
1) 2L and 200ml Beakers
2) Digital balance
3) Volumetric flask
4) Measuring cylinder
5) Filter paper
6) Dropper
7) Funnel
8) Burette
9) Pipette

10) Mixing cup
11) Safety goggles
12) Safety gloves
13) Simple distillation apparatus
3.1.4 Chemicals
1) 0,1M Hydrochloric acid
2) Distilled water
3) Bromothymol blue indicator solution
4) 0,1M sulphuric acid
3.2 Extraction of nicotine
i) The tobacco waste was downsized by crushing.
ii) 200g of tobacco waste was weighed and put into a beaker.
iii) 600ml of distilled water was weighed and mixed with the tobacco waste.
iv) The beaker was covered and left for about 24hours for solvent extraction.
v) The mixture from the solvent extraction was filtered
vi) The weight and volume of the residue and filtrate were measured.
3.3 Testing for the presence of nicotine
i) 0,1M Sulphuric acid was prepared
ii) A 3ml pipette was used to accurately measure exactly 3ml sample of nicotine solution
to be tested, and dispensed into mixing cup.
iii) Approximately 15ml to 20ml of distilled water, 6-8 drops of Bromothymol Blue pH
indicator were added to mixing beaker and swirled to combine.
iv) The second 3ml pipette was used to accurately measure exactly 3ml of 0.1M sulphuric
v) Titration with acid in small amounts using a burette to mixing cup and the solution
was swirled until it started to turn green to greenish-yellow an indication of end point
of the titration.
vi) The amount of acid added was reduced to single drops and swirled after each drop
until the solution turned from a pale greenish-yellow to all yellow. A yellow end point
would be a positive test for the presence for nicotine in the solution.

3.4 Separation using simple distillation
i) Nicotine solution was poured into a bottomed flask connected by means of a
distillation adapter to a water-cooled condenser.
ii) A thermometer was placed in the vertical arm of the distillation adapter by a special
rubber connector at a height adjusted so that the top of the thermometer bulb would be
5 10 mm below the opening of the side-arm.
iii) Whilst monitoring the temperature on the thermometer, the nicotine solution was
heated using a burner
iv) Distilled liquid (water) was collected in a clean, dry receiver. *An essential precaution
to be taken into account was ensuring that the distilling assembly had an opening to
the atmosphere to avoid developing a dangerously high pressure within the system
during heat application.
3.5 Determining Nicotine Concentration
Each 1ml of 0.1M Sulphuric Acid used during titration neutralized approximately 16.2mg of
nicotine (Nicotine Test Kit.htm). To find the total amount of nicotine present in our sample,
we multiply the amount of acid used by 16.226.
Divide the total amount of nicotine from above by the sample size to determine the nicotine
concentration in mg/ml.
If starting with a 1ml sample of solution, divide total amount of nicotine by 1.
If starting with a 2ml sample of solution, divide by 2.
11.5ml sample of nicotine solution was added to the mixing cup.
During titration, 14.8ml of 0.1M acid was used to reach the yellow endpoint.
Multiply 14.8 by 16.226, this gives us a total nicotine content of 240 (rounded)
Dividing 240 by the 11.5ml starting sample size gives us a final test result of 20.87mg/ml


The information for the extraction of nicotine from tobacco waste using cold distilled water
was obtained from for example (Wikipedia, the free on line Encyclopedia,
Text books
The research team intends to visit a number of libraries including that of Harare Institute of
Technology and University Of Zimbabwe as part of gathering pertinent information for the
project where textbooks, magazines, journals and any relevant sources will be accessed.
3.6 Material and Energy balances
Material and energy balances of the processes were conducted to help analyze the feasibility
of the process of nicotine extraction.


4.1 Extraction of nicotine
A thick dark brown colour was observed after adding distilled water to tobacco waste for 24
hrs. Addition of drops of Bromothymol blue the colour changed from dark brown to pale
greenish-yellow and to bright yellow.
4.1.1 Conclusion for extraction of nicotine
The thick dark brown colour observed confirmed that something had dissolved in the distilled
water and as (Beyeh, M. and Abuhay, T. (2006.) tobacco production in Ethiopia and the
constraints it has been facing.Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research),
this was concluded that there was nicotine in the distilled water.

4.1.2 Testing for the presence of nicotine
Yellow colour observed hence confirmed the presence of nicotine as (M.Gebre.Turkish-
Tobacco. Rapid assessment of drug abuse in Ethopia, 2006.760, 20026-8071) suggested.

Figure 4.1 Experimental results showing presence of nicotine.
4.1.3 Conclusion for testing for the presence if nicotine
The yellow colour confirmed the presence of nicotine as an alkaloid.
Nicotine solution was successfully extracted from the tobacco waste materials used.
Addition of bromothymol blue indicator to the nicotine solution reflected a light blue

Titration of the solution with sulphuric acid resulted in a colour change from pale
blue to pale/ golden yellow.
The solvent used in extraction was recovered and recycled.
4.2 Analysis for testing the presence of nicotine
10ml of nicotine solution reacted with14.8ml of sulphuric acid using bromothymol blue
indicator to reach the end point.
11.5ml sample of nicotine solution was added to the mixing cup.
During titration, 14.8ml of 0.1M acid was used to reach the yellow endpoint.
Multiply 14.8 by 16.226, this gives us a total nicotine content of 240 (rounded)
Dividing 240 by the 11.5ml starting sample size gives us a final test result of 20.87mg/ml
4.3 Conclusion
This colour showed a positive test for nicotine presence.



Figure 5.1: Block flow diagram for the nicotine extraction process

This process is suitable for the extraction of nicotine from tobacco waste because the cost of
the equipment is comparative low, simple and efficient in the extraction. The process also
recycles the water, (condensed from the distillation column) for use in the mixing unit,
therefore minimizing wastages .The waste is milled and reduced in size in the crushing unit to
increase the surface area to dissolve the nicotine in the water. A filter press is to be used to
ensure effective and quick filtration. A batch distiller is to be set since it is generally cheap
than other types of distillation and also because nicotine and water have a very big difference
in boiling points hence a batch distiller is the most ideal.

Figure 5.2: Process Flow diagram

KEY: E-9----filter
E-18----conveyor belt
E-21----Distillation column
E-25----Storage tank
P (1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 32, 34, 35) ---pipelines

5.1 Mass balance at laboratory scale

595g water (recycle) 595g water

Tobacco 615g solution
600g water

Figure 5.3: Mass balance diagrams




Overall Total Balance
According to the data from the experiment of extraction of nicotine:
I nput;
Basis: 200g of tobacco waste (feed)
200g tobacco waste +600g distilled water

185 g tobacco waste+595g water+20 g nicotine
5.2 Energy Balance For The Extraction Process
Extraction column (Open system)
Tobacco waste(s) + water (l) @ 25
Water -nicotine solution (l) + residue (g) @ 25
Q= 0 (since there is no change in temperature)


Energy balance on the distillation column
The energy balances below illustrate quantity of heat energy which must be used to extract
the nicotine.
H (enthalpy) of water at 25
C = 0.00KJ/mol
H (enthalpy) of water at 100
C = 2.54KJ/mol
H = 2.54(for water)
H= (0.02kg) (5.5940)(373

K -298

H is positive hence our system used external energy .Higher enthalpy value corresponds to
low pressures and this reduces costs and increases the performance of the equipment hence
this shows that the project is economically feasible.

Heat required by the reboiler

Q = (mcpt +mL)
+ (mcpt +mL)

C )(100
C)+(2257KJ/kg)(0.595kg)+( 0.02kg)(100
C -25
( 5.594KJ/kg
C +(7.619KJ/Kg)(0.02kg)

Heat rejected by condenser
Q = mLwater +mL

= (0.595kg*2257kJ/kg)+(0.02kg*7.619kJ/kg)

H is positive hence our system used external energy .Higher enthalpy value corresponds to
low pressures and this reduces costs and increases the performance of the equipment hence
this shows that the project is economically feasible. Also our process requires exterior energy
of 8.391 KJ to be operational.


Cost of tobacco wastes=US$0.10/kg (ZTA. www.irinews.com and Boka Tobacco Auction
Cost of water=US$0.0260/ltr
Selling price for nicotine= US$500/kg
The raw material constitutes 7.4% of nicotine by mass
Ratio nicotine: raw material
0.074kg : 1kg
6.1 Equipment
1. 1 Crusher= US$ 20 000
2 . 2 Distiller =US$ 44 000
3. 1Soaking vessel =US$ 7000
4. 1Separator =US$7 000
5. Piping =US$3 000
Demirbas,E.and Nas, M. (2009). Batch kinetic and equilibrium studies of , Newdeli:
6.2 Scaling to industrial level
Nicotine produced /tonne
(0.02 x 1000kg )/0.2= 100kg nicotine/tonne raw material
Water /tonne of raw material = 3000 liters
Cost of water/tonne = 3000ltr x US$0.0260/liter = US$78/tonne (raw material)
Cost of raw material/tonne = 1000kgxUS$0.1kg
= US$100

Total cost /tonne=US$100/tonne

Table 6.1 Direct Costs
Raw materials (tobacco waste, water) US$322000
Operating labor US$24000
Power US$44000
Equipment US$81000
Total US$471000

Table 6.2 Indirect Costs
Construction expenses US$32000
Contingency US$9000
Taxes US$7000
Depreciation US$9000
Total US$57000

Table 6.3 Plants Overheads
Warehouse US$30000
Security US$4000
Medical and Emergence services US$9000
Total US$43000


Table 6.4 General Expenses
Administrative expenses US$11000
Distribution expenses US$50000
Research and Development US$42000
Total US$103000
6.3 Profit Analysis
Income 1tonnes waste/day =100kgxUS$500=US$50000/day
Income per month =US$50000x26 days a month=US$1300000
Totals Total Product Cost = US$674000
Profit=Sales-Total Product Cost
6.4 Return on investment (ROI)

Yearly profit= US$ 626 000
Total initial investment=US$1190000
ROI = US$626000/ US$1190000 X 100%
= 52.6%
The Return on Investment of 52.6% shows that the extraction project is worth investing in
and hence equity investors will be interested in it.

The Payback Period=Initial investment Net Profit
=US$1190 000/US$626 000

At this proposed production rate all the capital will be returned approximately within two
years and this shows that our investment is a better investment since it has a short payback

6.5 Break Even Analysis
From calculations, BE=[F.C/SALES-V.C]*100
=US$57000/ (1300000-471000)*100
Economically, this project is feasible and has got a reasonable profit hence it worth going for.



7.1 Conclusion
The extraction of nicotine is a technically, economically and environmentally feasible
process. The process on an industrial scale is profitable. The extraction process is safe for the
workers at the plant. The most effective way of extracting nicotine from tobacco waste is
solvent extraction using distilled water.
7.2 Recommendations

The best method for nicotine extraction with the best and competitive quality for the
agricultural and pharmaceutical industries is the method of solvent extraction using
distilled water.
At present a bulk of the waste is utilized by the cigarette manufacturer themselves for
manufacture of tobacco. All identified nicotine in waste materials should be utilized for
manufacture of nicotine.


A1 Gantt Chart

Actual progress

wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4wk5 wk6 wk7wk8 wk9 wk10wk11 wk12 wk13 wk14 wk15wk16
Project title selection
Idea screening and brainstorming
Document printing submission
Project proposal and oral presentation
Research and methodology
Lab Experiments
Results and Analysis
Progress Report submission and presentation
Mass and Energy Balance
Economic Balance and Break Even Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Progress report 2 submission and presentation
Model and Prototype construction
Conclusion and recomentations
Final submission and presentation

A 2 Cash Flow Forecast

Beginning Cash Balance $
Cash Inflows
Beginning Cash Balance $ 100 000
Acct. rec. collections 183 000
Cash and cash equivalent sales 679 000
Total Cash Inflows $ 962 000
Cash Outflows
Operations $
Raw materials 322 000
Operating Labour 24 000
Power 44 000
Equipments - purchase 81 000
Research & Development 42 000
Distributive Experiences 52 000
Total Operations $ 565 000
Finance & Administration
Administrative Expenses $ 11 000
Warehouse 28 000
Security 4 000
Medical & Emergence Services 9 000
Taxes 7 000
Depreciation 9 000
Construction expences 30 000
contingency 9 000
Total Finance & Administration $ 109 000
Total Cash Outflows $ 674 000
Net Increase (Decrease) in cash $ 288 000

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