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Comparative Assessment of Different Types of Live Food on Growth Performance and

Survival of Giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Fry

Research proposal presented by:
Andie John D. Tadeo
MS Aquaculture
College of Fisheries
Central Luzon State niversity
Science City of !unoz" #ueva $ci%a
In aquaculture, production of fish to maret si!e "ithin a short period is of hi#hest
importance. $ut, the success in the hatchery production of fish fin#erlin#s for stocin# in the
#ro"%out production system is lar#ely dependent mainly on the a&ailability of suitable li&e food
or#anisms for feedin# fish lar&ae, fry and fin#erlin#s to support #ood #ro"th and health '(iri, et
al., )**)+. ,i&e feeds also help restore the "ater quality of the culture system and are more easily
accepted by cultured or#anisms. -hile li&e food is difficult to sustain and requires considerable
space and e.pense, micro diets are easier to maintain and usually ha&e lo"er production costs
'Jones et al., /001, 2erson%,e Ruyet et al., /001+. The de&elopment of formulated diets allo"s
for production of &aluable fish lar&ae "ithout usin# li&e prey. The possibility of replacin# li&e
feed "ith manufactured diets from the onset of e.o#enous feedin# has been in&esti#ated in
se&eral studies 'Jones et al., /001, 2erson%,e Ruyet et al., /001+. ,imited success has been
achie&ed in first%feedin# lar&ae "ith the complete replacement of li&e feeds. In fresh"ater
!ooplanton, cyclopoid copepods are important because many of them are &oracious predators,
feedin# on al#ae, ciliates, rotifers, lar&al insects, and small cladocerans 'Monao& )**1+, thereby
structurin# planton communities. 2hytoplanton #enera such as 2ediastrum, 3udorina and
4eratium are difficult for !ooplanton to di#est compared "ith 4hlorella, Scenedesmus and
4hlamydomonas 'Do"nin# and Ri#ler /056+. Se&eral copepods, particularly cyclopoids, are
facultati&e predators and #ro" better on animal diets '-illiamson and Reid )**/+.
-an# et al. )**7 found that the sur&i&al "ill be si#nificantly hi#her in lar&ae fed "ith
li&e food than in lar&ae fed the three formulated diets. Introduction of li&e !ooplanton is
therefore bein# in&esti#ated as an alternate to pond fertili!ation for increasin# fish yields "hile
a&oidin# "ater quality deterioration, 'Jha, et al., )**8+. A &ariety of en&ironmental factors are
no"n to affect !ooplanton production. Recent research has focused on the relati&e importance
of food quantity and quality '4ole, et al., )**)+. This study "ill be conducted to e&aluate the
effects of li&e food and formulated diets on the #ro"th and sur&i&al of #iant #ourami fry.
+,%ectives of the Study
This study #enerally intends to &erify the appropriate li&e food for the early rearin# of
#iant #ourami fry.
Specifically, the study aims to:
/. 4ompare the #ro"th of O. goramy fry fed "ith t"o different types of li&e food 'e.g.,
Moina spp., and Microworm+9
). 3&aluate the sur&i&al of O. goramy fry fed "ith four different types of li&e food 'e.g.,
Moina spp., and Microworm+9
1. Determine if there are possible effects of these li&e foods on the "ater quality.
(-' Location of the study
The e.periment "ill be conducted at the $:AR ;::T4, Science 4ity of Mu<o!, ;ue&a
3ci=a. The fish that "ill be used in the e.periments "ill be stoced and challen#ed at the basins
"ith the &olume of ) liters.
&-' $.perimental Design
The e.periment "ill be follo"ed a 4omplete Randomi!ed Desi#n '4RD+ "ith three
treatments and three replicates each.
T/ 4ontrol '4ommercial fry mash feed+
T) Micro"orm 'Panagrelus redivivus+
T1 >ooplanton 'Moina spp.+
T6 Tubife.
T7 Artemia
/-' 0ater 1uality
The study "ill be conducted for /7 days. -ater quality such as D? and temperature "ill
be monitored e&ery day. :ollo"%throu#h "ater system "ill be used to aerate and replenish the
"ater in the basin. Siphon method "ill be done e&ery mornin#, before the initial feedin#, for
each set%up to remo&e debris.
)-' Stoc2ing fish
Osphronemus goramy fry "ill be requested from the $:AR%;::T4, Science 4ity of
Mu<o!, ;ue&a 3ci=a and stoced in the basins follo"in# the treatments abo&e in triplicates.
The stocin# density is /) pcs. of fry per basin "ith a &olume of ) liters. :ollo"%throu#h
"ater system "ill be used to aerate and replenish the "ater in the basin.
3-' Fish sampling
Initial and final samplin# of fish "ill be done to monitor the increase in #ro"th of (iant
#ourami. The body "ei#ht and total len#th of fish "ill be recorded.
4-' Feeding Procedure
(iant #ourami fry "ill be fed three times daily at 0 a.m., / p.m., and 6 p.m. at ))@ A$-
'3ffion# et. al., )**0+.
!ass production of live food organisms
Moina sp., !ooplanton, "ill be cultured in a circular tan "ith a &olume of *.6* m
4hicen manure in net ba#s ser&ed as fertili!er and source of food for the !ooplanton.
Aar&estin# "ill be by means of planton net '5**%/*** Bm mesh+. 4ollected Moina "ill be
a#ain passed throu#h a filter net '6**%7** Bm mesh+ to separate the lar#e adults from the nauplii
and small adults. Moina "ill be thorou#hly "ill behed "ith tap "ater prior to feedin# to #ourami
Micro"orm "ill be mass produced usin# starter culture micro"orm pro&ided by
:resh"ater Aquaculture 4enter ':A4+. ?atmealCbread 'source of starch+ and acti&e dry yeast "ill
be used as the source of food of micro"orms. Micro"orms, oatmeal and yeast "ill be put
to#ether in a plastic container "ith co&er and lea&e for / "ee. Micro"orms "ill be har&ested by
plastic spoon after / "ee.
5-' Determination of Growth
-ei#hts "ill be recorded and feed supplied "ill be used to compute the a&era#e body
"ei#ht 'A$-+, daily feed ration 'D:R+, total feed requirement 'T:R+ and Specific (ro"th Rate
'S(R+. Daily monitorin# of the mortalities of fry "ill be also recorded.
4alculations for:
a+ A$- '#+ D total "t. of fish randomly sampled C no. of fish sampled
b+ D:R D A$- . stocin# density . feedin# rate
c+ T:R D D:R . feedin# duration
d+ S(R D 'ln final body "ei#ht E ln initial body "ei#ht+ . /**C ;o. of days of e.periment
e+ Sur&i&al D /** . ':inal number of fin#erlin#s C Initial number of fin#erlin#s+
6-' Statistical Analysis
The data "ill be first checed for assumptions for analysis of &ariance. The data "ill be
then sub=ected to analysis of &ariance '?ne%"ay A;?FA+. If si#nificant '2G*.*7+ differences
"ill be found in the A;?FA test, DuncanHs multiple ran#e test 'Duncan/077+ "ill be used to
ran the #roups. The data are presented as mean IS3 or other"ise stated, of three replicate
#roups. All statistical analyses "ill be carried out usin# S2SS pro#ram, /*.* 'S2SS, /000+.
3l Sayed A.:.M. )**). 3ffects of stocin# density and feedin# le&els on #ro"th and feed
efficiency of ;ile Tilapia 'Oreochromis niloticus, ,.+ fry. Aquaculture Research 33!"#$
:o. M.(. and D.D. :lo"ers. /00*. 3ffect of :ish Density on (ro"th, Sur&i&al, and :ood
4onsumption by Ju&enile -alleyes in Rearin# 2onds. %ransactions o& the American
'isheries (ociety, ##) ##"$#"#.
Auan# -.$. and T.S. 4hiu. /008. 3ffects of stocin# density on sur&i&al, #ro"th, si!e &ariation,
and production of %ilapia fry. Aquaculture Research "*#!+$#,3.
Macintosh D.J. and S.S. de Sil&a. /056. The influence of stocin# density and food ration on
fry sur&i&al and #ro"th in Oreochromis mossam-icus and O. niloticus :emale J O.
aureus Male hybrids reared in a closed circulated system. Aquaculture .#3.+$3+*.

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