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2 : Vocabulary Assignment
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Comenzado el lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014, 11:19
Completado el lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014, 11:41
21 minutos 42 segundos
Puntos 10/10
Calificacin 20 de un mximo de 20 (100%)
Comentario - Felicitaciones! Su aprehensin de las temticas es excelente.
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live

Read the description and choose the correct sentence:
People usually sleep at night and take a nap after lunch there.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. bathroom

b. diningroom

c. livingroom

d. bedroom
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 4 : Use lack / lacking / enough

Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Excellent; clearly very much better than what is usual.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. stressing

b. outstanding

c. exciting

d. mind-blowing
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Places

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. House

b. Flat

c. Condo

d. Apartment
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 7 : After a car accident or break-down

Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Destruction or harm to a person's property.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. damage

b. fill up

c. claim

d. fill out
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 : Past Progressive Vs Simple Past

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. They watch TV while someone was knocking the door.

b. We were watching TV when someone knocked the door.

c. When we were watching TV, someone was knocking the door.

d. While they were watching TV, someone knocked the door.
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb:
That's why vehicles can't move.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Run out of petrol

b. Run out of cash

c. Run out of sugar

d. Run out of water
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 7 : After a car accident or break-down

Select the correct word after reading the definition:
A person who saw something happened, for example a crime or an accident.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. payment

b. insurance

c. eyewitness

d. report
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Places

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. apartment

b. room

c. building

d. house
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 : Phrasal Verbs

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Turn off

b. Turn up

c. Turn on

d. Turn down
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1
Unit 7:Expressions to talk about car-break downs, accidents, and insurance

Read the description and choose the correct word:
When people suggest someone to make a decision about something.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Rule

b. Threaten

c. Silly

d. Advise
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

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