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YEAR & SEM: II Year & I Semester MID: I


1 a) What are the measures for finding the efficiency of an algorithm?
b) How do you find the time complexity of an algorithm? Explain with an example.

2 a) Define recursion. Explain the properties of recursion.
b) Describe about design methodology and implementation of recursive algorithm for
finding Fibonacci series
c) Explain the recursive algorithm for Towers of Hanoi problem

3 a) Write a Fibonacci search algorithm Trace this algorithm by taking an example.
b) Write a recursive algorithm to search an element using binary search. Use this algorithm
to find the element 9 in the list 1, 4, 7, 9, 23, 34, 45, 51, 67, 72, 99. Clearly show the tracing
of the algorithm.

4 a) what is External Sorting and Internal Sorting.
b) Explain quick sort method to sort the following elements 3, 13, 7, 26, 44, 23, 98, 57.
c) Arrange the following list of elements in ascending order using Radix Sort 4, 53, 12, 23, 9,
54, 36, 21, 87, 61, 10, 32. Clearly show the sorting process at each step.

5 a) Explain how selection sort differs from insertion sort with suitable example.
b) Arrange the following list of elements in ascending order using Merge Sort
A, L, G, O, R, I, T, H, M, S
Clearly show the sorting process at each step.

1 a) Convert the following infix expression into its corresponding postfix expression with proper
explanation at each step. (a + b * c / d) + (e + f $ g)
b) Explain the operations of queue with suitable algorithms and examples.

2 a) Write down the steps required to evaluate the following postfix expression
4 2 $ 3 * 3 8 4 / 1 1 + / +
b) Define stack ADT. Explain basic operations of stack ADT.

3 What do you mean by circular queues? Give the array implementation of it. Write down the
algorithms for implementing insertion and deletion of elements from the circular queue.

4 a) What is priority Queues? Explain its implementation.
b) What is Dequeue? Explain the Dequeue operations.

1 a) What is singly linked list? Write an algorithm to create a node in a singly linked List.
b) Explain various advantages and disadvantages of single linked list

2 write an algorithm to insert a node in a SLL in the following positions
a) Inserting at the front (as a first element)
b) Inserting at the end (as a last element)
c) Inserting at any other position

3 write an algorithm to delete a node in a SLL in the following positions
a) Deleting at the front (as a first element)
b) Deleting at the end (as a last element)
c) Deleting at any other position

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