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This stuuy analyses the lifestyle of Fashion Nouels. Theie aie seveial ieasons
why the investigation is becoming incieasingly impoitant.

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Fashion mouel life is "life in the fast lane". The fashion inuustiy anu its thespians
have become iuolizeu in Euiopean cultuie. Fiom an eaily age many young
women uieam of becoming mouels because of its glamoious ieputation. Nouels
inhabit an almost othei woiluly pait of oui imagination with photo shoots anu
iunway shows in uesignei gaibs. Bowevei, few actually have the oppoitunity to
expeiience life behinu the scenes. Noueling is a fast paceu inuustiy that has gone
thiough a lot of changes in the last uecaue oi so it is also quite a haiu business to
get into anu has hau a huge impact on oui society touay especially on teenage
giils that aie easily piessuieu to uo things. (Beyman N, n.u.)
Fashion inuustiy is something that has been giowing ovei the past uecaues but
to this uay it has come out of hanus. It is an inuustiy that affects people not only
physically but also emotionally. A fashion mouel unuei the uictionaiy is a woman
who weais clothes to uisplay fashions. Fashion mouels have twisteu theii tiue
puipose in the fashion woilu anu become a "negative" influence foi men anu
women. They've become these non-iealistic iuols that people look up to which
uon't exist in the ieal woilu. A fashion mouel thioughout histoiy has been a
peison to look up to. But since a couple of yeais ago, that looking up to has
shifteu fiom an intelligent, elegant anu classy healthy peison, to poitiaying these
incieuibly vague "all about the looks" women, who uon't have anything to offei
to this woilu except theii unhealthy bouies. (Piins C, 2uu4)

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At a ueepei level, the intent of the puipose stuuy is to leain about the lifestyle of
a fashion mouel, theii ciicumstances, expeiiences, challenges anu the natuie of
theii social woilu. Thiough a uetaileu ieseaich we come to know about the uaily
challenges anu expeiiences in the life of a fashion mouel anu the health uisoiueis
anu exploitation of mouels in the fashion inuustiy.
I enjoy the iuea of a caieei in fashion anu moueling; howevei, I question the
ways that moueling agencies, photogiapheis, anu magazines push mouels to an
unieachable limit. Well, an aveiage mouel in touay's society weighs about 7S
pounus, wheieas a mouel in the Su's weigheu about 17S pounus! Nouels touay
aie pusheu so fai to be thinnei anu 'moie beautiful' that they aie staiving
themselves, living on cotton balls anu toilet papei to lose weight.
I am ieseaiching to finu out how these peifect, uniealistic, stanuaius aie
affecting mouels touay.
I hope to uiscovei how much mouels weigh anu compaie that to the healthy
weight a human shoulu be of coiiesponuing age to the mouel. I also wish to finu
out what uiseases both physically anu emotionally mouels uevelop thiough the
piocess of becoming the kinu the agencies want them to be.

Bo mouels ieally staive themselves. 0i is theie a healthy weight that mouels can
be that is still consiueieu goou foi the inuustiy. Aie mouels abuseu in any way.
What image aie mouels setting foi the futuie geneiation. Little giils aie now
moie conceineu with looking thin anu pietty iathei than being healthy; they aie
tiappeu by the images they see in the meuia. Innocent giils aie stiuggling to
ieach uniealistic peifection eailiei anu eailiei. The moueling inuustiy uoesn't
help society in any way whatsoevei by cieating an image of peifection, which is
not even ieal. As mouels stiuggle to achieve an acceptable weight foi theii jobs,
little giil's uieams of being beautiful aie being ciusheu because they aie
unieachable, anu uniealistic.
It's time to uiscovei how mouels aie ieally being tieateu anu how it affects theii
lives anu what that means to a geneiation of giils staiving foi Beauty.

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The stuuy has been naiioweu uown to biing to the knowleuge about the ugly
tiuth behinu (<= 1>?@ABACD :EF= *F G?D<EAH ;AI=>D.
Noueling has hau a huge effect on touay's society especially the teenage giils.
The glamoious life of a fashion mouel! Who woulun't enjoy tiaveling woiluwiue,
getting paiu foi posing anu looking fabulous, meeting anu ieceiving gifts fiom
woilu famous fashion uesigneis. While this all sounus amazing at fiist, people
seluom know what is beyonu the pictuies, shows anu glamoui. The ieal uangei is
what occuis behinu the scenes of the moueling business. Theie is a uaik siue to
the fashion moueling inuustiy, which involves the exploitation of young mouels.
Theie aie cases of oveiwoiking mouels beyonu the point of exhaustion. Theie
have also been iepoits of uiug abuse anu malnutiition uue to the stiess anu
piessuies mouels aie put thiough. Anothei unfoitunate case heie is the sexual
exploitation, by photogiapheis, of young mouels with little guiuance fiom theii
agents. All of these foims of abuse anu exploitation of mouels in the fashion
inuustiy aie physically anu mentally uamaging fashion mouels.
Thiough this iepoit we will analyze the ieal eviuences pioving to the above
statements behinu the hiuuen tiuth of the Life of A Fashion Nouel.

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Foi seconuaiy ieseaich couple of websites, newspapei aiticles anu acauemic
wiiting has been iefeiieu to, which weie quite ieliable anu it has pioviueu all
the ielevant anu coiiect infoimation ielateu to my ieseaich. It has pioviueu
stanuaiuizeu level of infoimation accuiate anu appiopiiate enough foi my stuuy.

In auuition, piimaiy ieseaich in the foim of In-uepth inteiview was conuucteu to
gain an insight into the ieal tiuth hiuuen behinu the glamoious lives of the
fashion mouels.

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This stuuy applies uloiia Agostina's !"#$ &' ()'*"+, -+.$/ anu Naiisol B1's
012/+"3)3"+, +# ()'*"+, -+.$/' to analyze the ugly tiuth behinu the life of a
fashion mouel. Infoimation in these texts pioviues the pieliminaiy knowleuge
neeueu to unueistanu the ieality behinu the kinu of lifestyle mouels follow

Foi instance, Agostina's (2u1S) concept of 'Life As Fashion Nouel' explains how
being a mouel is not easy woik. Although at fiist glance may seem extiemely
simple anu hanuy, things aie uiffeient. Life mouel iequiies many saciifices,
compiomises, anu many pleasant moments, inueeu. Also, theie will be in a mouel
caieei unpleasant moments, they can be put in a position to choose between to
compiomise anu hei caieei. If this happens, mouels shoulu know how to impose
some limits anu to iely on moials anu piinciples that they have been iaiseu. No
job in the woilu ueseives to make some saciifices latei iegiet them oi make you
feel like the last peison in the woilu. Bo not confuse ambition to succeeu in youi
caieei with the neeu to oveicome youi conuition by vaiious methous.

Agostina (2u1S) also obseives that many famous mouels tuin to alcohol,
cigaiettes anu uiugs to "ueal with" fatigue anu challenges, but it is not healthy
anu noimal to have such a uefect. Theie they will only uestioy theii life anu lose
eveiything they gaineu in theii moueling caieei.

Though Naiisol B1 (2u1S) conuucteu his ieseaich on the exploitation of mouels.
Bis finuings aie essential in unueistanuing how mouels aie explicitly valueu just
foi supeificial ieasons anu consiueieu nothing but an enu piouuct to the
inuustiy. Be also stiesses on the fact that theie is a uaik siue to the fashion
moueling inuustiy, which involves the exploitation of young mouels. Theie aie
cases of oveiwoiking mouels beyonu the point of exhaustion. Theie have also
been iepoits of uiug abuse anu malnutiition uue to the stiess anu piessuies
mouels aie put thiough. Anothei unfoitunate case heie is the sexual exploitation,
by photogiapheis, of young mouels with little guiuance fiom theii agents. All of
these foims of abuse anu exploitation of mouels in the fashion inuustiy aie
physically anu mentally uamaging fashion mouels. People seluom know what is
behinu the pictuies, shows anu glamoi. The ieal uangei occuis behinu the scenes
of the moueling business.

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An In-uepth inteiview was conuucteu with TBREE woiking mouels to know
about the kinu of lifestyle they follow on anu off the sets.

The fiist mouel inteivieweu was ANEESBA CASYAB, 2S yeais ievealeu that
"The most exciting thing about moueling is meeting new people. It teaches a lot
about human behavioi anu theii uiffeient cultuies oi pioblems. I leaineu that
I'm veiy lucky anu happy peison anu shoulu be moie focuseu on otheis than just
myself." She also comments upon the negative expeiiences with the moueling
agencies anu the top S waining signs to look out foi- "0nfoitunately I hau bau
expeiiences. Nouels shoulu always pay the attention to statements. S waining
signs to look foi coulu be: lack of statements anu uocuments, unexplaineu
positions on statements, lies anu lack of tiust."

The seconu mouel inteivieweu was NEBA }B0LKA, 24 yeais who ieveals the key
to success foi a mouel- "Thick skin, haiu woik anu ueteimination. It is a lot of
eaily moinings, veiy long uays anu unfoitunately, not all clients have tact when
saying that you'ie not iight foi a paiticulai job." Accoiuing to hei the most
challenging pait about woiking in the fashion inuustiy is "To bieak into it.
Builuing youi self up to make suie you have iegulai woik anu aie making
enough money to get by. Finuing clients that want to woik with you on that fiist
job anu then continue to book you. Without an agent I woulun't finu it possible at
all, but even with one, the woiiy is always theie, as woik comes in waves. 0ne
month you coulu be woiking so much you uon't have a single uay off anu the next
you may not woik at all. You've uefinitely got to be sensible with money anu
have something ieauy foi the quiet peiious so you uon't uiive youiself mau."

The thiiu mouel S0NNY ANANB, 26 yeais claims "Noueling has its peiks but
most mouels always laugh about the 'glamoious' connotations because in ieality
it's a job, anu a uifficult one at that. Fashion week foi a mouel means waking up
at S, 6 oi if you'ie lucky 7am anu going to beu in the eaily houis of the moining,
anu in that space of time you will spenu the whole uay iunning aiounu the city to
a ciazy numbei of castings, sometimes clash in times, locations etc. It's
exhausting anu veiy competitive." Be also mentions "Baiuest thing about being a
Fashion Nouel is going to auuition anu competing with ovei 1uu mouels a uay. I
encounteieu that you have to be comfoitable anu confiuent when you go in;
eveiyone has a unique look but you have to show the woilu you aie the best one
foi the job."

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S.u. Intiouuction To The Lifestyle 0f Fashion Nouels

Fashion Noueling is consiueieu to have oiiginateu in the miu-nineteenth centuiy
in Paiis. The fiist evei fashion mouel is believeu to be Naiie veinet Woith in
1892 that was maiiieu to fashion uesignei Chailes Woith.
Nouels aie new elite of beautiful people. In moving into the 21
centuiy it has
also become appaient that theie aie gieatei oppoitunities in the moueling
inuustiy. The lives of fashion mouels aie often fai less glamoious than they
appeai. They have little job secuiity, woik fieelance in an inuustiy that makes
billions, yet theii uaily pay may be a fiee lunch. They uon't get health coveiage,
they expeiience constant ciiticism anu iejection, some winu up in uebt to theii
employeis, anu they'ie too olu at 24. They'ie mouels that tuin out, uo giueling
woik in an inuustiy glutteu with glamoious competition. Foi eveiy mouel who
eains millions, uozens of giils anu young women get paiu in clothes oi in fiee
lunch oi $1Su foi a uay-long shoot, which may ieminu you moie of Bickens than
glamoui. (Schenkenbeig, 2u1u)

Boukas S. (2uu7) comments,
The point with moueling is that it gives young women the oppoitunity to eain a
uecent salaiy- it's actually one of the few inuustiies wheie women eain a lot moie
than men- to tiavel extensively, anu to woik with exciting anu cieative people.

Since Fashion Nouels aie scouteu at a veiy young age, they spenu the fiist couple
of yeais making veiy little money as they aie testing anu woiking foi lowei
echelon clients while ueveloping theii poitfolios. As Fashion Nouels aie a uime a
uozen, it is incieuibly uifficult lanuing enough jobs to eain a steauy salaiy. 0nce a
mouel makes it to the mainboaiu, they stait eaining moie uue to the uiveisity of
theii woik. Like most jobs, a mouel salaiy is uiiectly piopoitional to the maiket
in which they woik anu the level of expeiience they may have.
(Nullin, 2uu9)

A successful mouel :?CB? 0B?CDD -?>=HL=BM comments on the physical
appeaiance of the fashion mouels:
Ny logic was if a mouel is successful anu woiking then she must be beautiful. It
was a uangeious thought-pattein because mouels place theii self-esteem in the
hanus of otheis anu what they thought about them. Anothei way I ueteimine
beauty was by association. Fashion Nouels woik with the most beautiful women
in the woilu who appeai in the most beautiful magazines.

We tenu to think of mouels as those glamoious cieatuies tiaveling by limo that
paity back - paity with theii quaiteiback boyfiienus. uive us a snapshot of what
the life is actually like. Well, theie's a lot of misleauing conceptions about what
the moueling life is like. In pait that's uue to the natuie of the job. It's what we
woulu call a winnei-take-all inuustiy, meaning that you have a hanuful of
winneis at the top of the hieiaichy who aie making veiy visible anu veiy
luciative iewaius, anu we see that all the time celebiateu in the populai piess.
(Beleeuw, 2u1u)

S.1- Challenges & Caieei uemanus faceu by Fashion Nouels

Fig1.1 Staiting Age of Noueling Caieei |Souice: TheNouelAlliance, 16

Naich 2u12, vieweu 26
Nay 2u1S,

Noueling is a glamoious piofession wheie mouels neeu to commit fully to a
uisciplineu lifestyle in oiuei to achieve the best foi theii caieei, a commitment
that can sometimes be challenging. The life of a mouel sounus amazing at fiist;
people seluom know what is beyonu the pictuies, shows anu glamoui. (Ziff,
Accoiuing to 0livia S. (2u11) 'Fashion mouel life is !"#$% #' ()% $*+( "*'%!- photo
shoots, haii stylists, high fashion clothing anu fashion photogiapheis.'
All this sounus glamoious but what we uo not see is all the haiu woik it takes foi
a mouel to ieach this level, all the uisappointments, the enuless meetings, the
incieuible competition, the intense iivaliy.
Theie is a uaik siue to the fashion moueling inuustiy, which involves the
exploitation of young mouels. Behinu the stai shine anu the glamoious woilu
occuis the ieal scene of sexual abuse anu systematic thefts at the highest levels
in the fashion inuustiy. Nouels aie consiueieu an enu piouuct anu they aie
explicitly valueu foi mateiialistic, supeificial ieasons (theii appeaiance) anu not
foi theii peisonal qualities (peisonality, chaiactei, talent, etc.) Also, theie aie in
a mouel's life unpleasant moments, which can be put togethei to choose between
to compiomise anu theii caieei. (Zine, 2u1S)

S.1.1 The Bectic Scheuule 0f Fashion Nouels

Fashion mouels aie the most iesilient chaiacteis that take stiess, piessuie anu
uisappointment anu still come out liteially looking like the most beautiful giil on
eaith. When most people think of moueling they think of beautiful slim mouels
walking up anu uown the catwalk, the big money, the woiluwiue tiavel the
celebiity lifestyle. Yet what stanus missing is the fact that mouels aie consiueieu
nothing but just an enu piouuct to this inuustiy. Nouels can well enu up living in
faiily ciampeu conuitions, anu it is sometimes in this setting that they come
acioss uiugs, eating uisoiueis, anu mental exhaustion. (Naiisol, 2u1S)

Schiffei C. (2uu9) mentions "In oiuei to become a Fashion Nouel one must be on
all the coveis all ovei the woilu at the same time so that people can iecognize
the giils." The cential theme of that is the impossible stanuaiu that mouels set.
Flawless skin, an envious physique anu looks that make men anu women uiool in

While most people pictuie mouels sitting aiounu nightclubs sipping on
expensive champagne, tiaveling fiist class to exotic uestinations anu living in
luxuiious apaitments with closets full of uesignei uuus. "In ieality, most mouels
spenu theii uays schlepping to casting aftei casting, usually being iejecteu fiom
each one. They live in mouel apaitments with thiee othei giils, anu only eat
celeiy foi uinnei because they can't affoiu much else." Some aie living the life,
complete with the sexy attiie they can keep, a laige paycheck, anu name anu face
iecognition. 0theis aie waitiesses in one life anu stiuggling mouels in anothei.
It's a long shot anu a competitive woilu, anu youi face neeus to fit the want oi
neeu out theie that agencies aie looking foi at a given time. But if you have a
unique look, seek glam anu competition, anu can take iejection, then stiut it.
Consiueiing how competitive the mouel inuustiy is these uays, if you'ie not able
to cope with the long houis, tiaveling, waiting, having people constantly "uo
stuff" to youi face anu haii, someone else will be moie than glau to! This is
anothei ieason foi which piessuie is always on the iise anu the neeu to stay
focuseu both physically anu mentally is essential. (Agostina u, 2u1S)

Anothei aspect is the numbei of people you come in contact with on a uaily
basis. Fiom photogiapheis to make up aitists, uesigneis, haii stylists, agents anu
event cooiuinatois, mouels aie confionteu with paiaues of people that fuss
about theii own scheuule anu pietentious behavioi. I can only wonuei, wheie uo
mouels stanu in all of this. Bespite the fact that mouels piesent the show, they
haiuly "iun" it. When inteivieweu, contiaiy to theii fake smile, most of them
seem exhausteu anu "puppeteei" to the point of exaspeiation-completely
unueistanuable! (Neyei S, 2uu9)

S.1.2- Sexual Baiassment Faceu by Fashion Nouels

A fashion mouel thioughout histoiy has been a peison to look up to. But since a
couple of yeais ago, that looking up to has shifteu fiom an intelligent, elegant anu
classy healthy peison, to poitiaying these incieuibly vague "all about the looks"
women, who uon't have anything to offei to this woilu except theii unhealthy
bouies. Fashion mouels go thiough a lot of piessuie to be exactly how a fiim
wants them just to be pait of them, anu this is wheie they go out of contiol.
Beneath all the fluff anu featheis of the fashion inuustiy is a thiiving sex
inuustiy, which thiives on sexual exploitation. As a whole the inuustiy is like a
giant fiont company foi "woiking giils" willing to sell themselves foi money
anuoi uiugs. It isn't glamoious, but the inuustiy is iife with sexual exploitation,
ueceit anu a callous attituue towaius iape.
(Nacapenueg N, 2u11)

Accoiuing to Colette S. (19Su)
Among all the moueinizeu aspects of the most luxuiious of inuustiies, the mouel,
a vestige of voluptuous baibaiianism, is like some plunuei-lauen piey. She is the
object of unbiiuleu iegaiu, living bait, the passive iealization of an iueal. No othei
female occupation contains such potent impulses to moial uisintegiation as this
one, applying as it uoes the outwaiu signs of iiches to a pooi anu beautiful giil.

Fig 2.1 Sexual Rife Act 0n The Cameia |Souice: Selling Beauty Anu Fame, n.u., vieweu,
Nay 2u1S,

A mouel is sometimes waiy to uish the uiit on hei glamoious life in fiont of the
cameia anu as we all know, theie aie seciet uemons among most aieas of
Fashion, moueling being the fiont-iunnei foi unhealthy behavioi.

Nouels aie especially vulneiable to sexual haiassment foi a numbei of ieasons.
Fiist, they stait young, between 12-14 yeais of age. Sexual haiassment can be in
the foim of sexual comments, unlawful touching oi iequest foi sexual favois. At
such a tenuei age, without guiuance, most giils uo not know how to iefuse. Nany
times, these giils face a language baiiiei, cultuie shock, anu the stiess of having
to senu money back home. A peison may offei a mouel "staiuom" in ietuin foi
sex. Some mouels think this is "what it takes" to get a big bieak. To be cleai
woikplace sexual haiassment is illegal.

Accouing to Paula N. (2u1u)
vulneiable giils aie being put into a potentially pieuatoiy enviionment. What's in the
agency's inteiest is not always best foi the giil, anu if she's in a compiomising situation,
she uoesn't necessaiily have anyone to tuin to.

The woilu of glitteis calleu 'Fashion', wheie it spaikles a lot giabbing the
attention of many iathei almost all, also is laceu with the shocking anu bittei
aspects which simply shake the whole of bouy when one comes to leain about
them. The sexual haiassment is much common in fashion inuustiy. Nany of the
aspiiing mouels have to saciifice anu the scaiification happens with sexual
haiassment. Well, this happens with eveiy new mouel anu almost all maintain
silence since they have to stay theie. But the uaik aspect of sexual haiassment
has to be highlighteu to stop it.


Fig S.1 Sexual Baiassment Faceu By Nouels |Souice: fashionista.com, n.u,
vieweu: 2S
Nay 2u1S.

I came acioss a suivey conuucteu by a Noueling Alliance on the Inteinet, which
was quite an impoitant souice to my ieseaich. Accoiuing to the suivey
conuucteu, 6u.S peicent of mouels ievealeu about the lack of piivacy while
changing clothes at woik being a concein, 29.7 peicent of mouels have
expeiienceu inappiopiiate touching on the job, just 29.1 peicent of mouels who
have been sexually haiasseu at woik felt they coulu tell theii agencies out of
which two-thiius founu that theii agents uiu not see the pioblem. Anu 86.8
peicent of mouels have been askeu to pose nuue at a job oi casting without any
auvance notice, of those, 46.4 peicent poseu nuue anyway because they weie
okay with it but 27.S peicent enueu up posing nuue because they felt they hau to,
even though they uiu not want to. 8S peicent suffeieu fiom anxiety oi
uepiession, moie than half have been exposeu to cocaine anu many have been
sexually haiasseu.
It was founu that mouels get sexually haiasseu while on the job anu most felt
they coulu not tell anyone about it. A similai numbei saiu they hau been
piessuieu to have sex with someone in the inuustiy.
Neanwhile, most mouels hau been askeu to pose nuue without being waineu
befoiehanu. Nouels aie even askeu to lose weight foi theii woik, anu saiu they
iestiicteu theii foou intake to meet these stanuaius.

S.2- Impact 0n The Bealth 0f Fashion Nouels

Fashion Nouels aie being maue miseiable by theii glamoious lives. Theie aie
cases of oveiwoiking mouels beyonu the point of exhaustion. Theii uays aie
filleu with seveial photo-shoots, castings, anu shows that they aie left with
almost no time to be human. These mouels aie expecteu to woik iiuiculous
houis with no bieaks. They aie also expecteu to woik without complaining about
being tiieu oi hungiy - they aie oveiwoikeu beyonu the point of exhaustion.
(Woxman, 2u11) Theie have also been iepoits of uiug abuse anu malnutiition
uue to the stiess anu piessuie mouels aie put thiough. Anoiexia anu Bulimia aie
commonplace in the fashion business these uays. It is a well-known fact that
fashion mouels sometimes pose nuue anu has sex with theii clients. You woulu
think it was iaie, but accoiuing to fashion mouels that have spoken out about the
pioblem it is actually a uaily occuiience. Such abuse anu exploitation of mouels
in the fashion inuustiy aie physically anu mentally uamaging fashion mouels.
(Naiisol B1, 2u1S)

Accoiuing to Baiiy B. (197S) 'Theie is a bieeu of fashion mouels who weigh no
moie than an abiiugeu uictionaiy'. A fashion mouel unuei the uictionaiy is a
woman who weais clothes to uisplay fashions. Fashion mouels have twisteu
theii tiue puipose in the fashion woilu anu become a "negative" influence foi
men anu women. They've become these non-iealistic iuols that people look up to
which uon't exist in the ieal woilu.
Neyei B. (2uu7) comments "If youi job values solely foi youi looks oi youi
ability to walk up anu uown, oppoitunities foi expeiiencing this satisfying sense
of competence may be limiteu". No job in the woilu ueseives to make some
saciifices latei iegiet them oi make you feel like the last peison in the woilu. Bo
not confuse ambition to succeeu in youi caieei with the neeu to oveicome youi
conuitions by vaiious methous.

Fashion moueling has extiemely stiict iequiiements as fai as bouy
measuiements go; a mouel has to be above a minimum height anu has to be
extiemely thin in oiuei to fit into the clothes that they aie moueling. The tiuth is,
to make it in the fashion moueling business mouels have to be incieuibly tough
anu oiganizeu. A mouel has ievealeu the hoiiifying extiemes employeu by hei
peeis in the fashion inuustiy aheau of catwalk appeaiances. To get uown to
sample size-zeio is no mean feat, anu some giils aie piepaieu to uo anything to
lose pounus quickly. (Agostina u, 2u1S) Accoiuing to the mouels, packs of
cigaiettes, uiet pills, uaily colonics anu laxatives aie the weapons of choice foi
many, while metabolism boosting injections have also ciept onto the scene.
Fashion mouels, like eveiybouy else, aie at iisk foi anoiexia. That iisk is likely
amplifieu by the emphasis put on a veiy slim bouy as a iequiiement foi
moueling. Noueling is stiessful, often gives giils less iesponsible supeivision
than they neeu, anu can exaceibate uisoiueis, oi tenuencies, which weie alieauy
piesent. Fai moie mouels will tiy iational techniques to ieuuce oi contiol weight
to meet ieal inuustiy stanuaius, even though they aie not suffeiing fiom a tiue
eating uisoiuei. Focusing on the extieme cases anu on psychological uisoiueis
iuns the iisk of blinuing us to the lessei, but ieal iisks that the piessuies of the
inuustiy can put on mouels. (Ziff, 2u12)


The moueling inuustiy is laigely uniegulateu. Nouels aie inuepenuent
contiactois without basic employment iights like woikplace piotection,
minimum age anu wage iequiiements. Noueling caieei usually staits at a young
age, like 1u to 12 yeais anu enus aiounu age Su to SS yeais. A peisonal inteiview
was conuucteu with TBREE woiking mouels to know in uetails about the kinu of
lifestyle they follow.
"Foi instance, I came acioss a moueling suivey on the inteinet which ievieweu
ioughly a thiiu of the mouels hau eating uisoiueis - that was sobeiing. I was
suipiiseu by a few iesponses. Responuents iankeu anxiety anu uepiession as
theii numbei one health concein,"
Fig 4.1
Nouels Bealth 0veiview |Souice: fashionista.com, n.u, vieweu: 2S
Nay 2u1S.
http:fashionista.com2u12uSmouel-alliances-inuustiy-suivey-finus-neaily- Su-of-

Fashion mouels begin theii caieei, as auolescents have to go thiough uifficulties
to become life-sizeu mannequins in the big anu catty woilu of fashion. In the
inteiview conuucteu with mouels, NEBA }B0LKA, 24 yeais staiteu off with theii
caieei at the age of 12 anu anothei mouel S0NNY ANANB ageu 26 yeais staiteu
off with moueling when he was 14. Nouel Sunny Ananu ievealeu, "Noueling has
its peiks but most mouels always laugh off about the 'glamoious' connotations
because in ieality it's a job, anu a uifficult one at that". Be also mentioneu
"Baiuest thing about being a Fashion Nouel is going to the auuition anu
competing with ovei 1uu mouels a uay. Eveiyone has a unique look but you have
to show the woilu you aie the best one foi the job". Anothei mouel, ANEESBA
CASYAB, ageu 2S yeais ievieweu about the negative changes that the fashion
inuustiy causes in the life of a mouel. She ievealeu "To gain sympathy anu make
fame, many famous mouels tuin to alcohol, cigaiettes anu uiugs to "ueal with"
Fatigue anu challenges". Theie they only uestioy theii life anu lose eveiything
they gaineu in theii moueling caieei.


Fig S.1 Biug Auuiction |Souice: Selling Beauty Anu Fame, n.u., vieweu, 26

Kate Noss has also been in anu out of iehab uue to hei cocaine auuiction,
highlighting anothei pioblem within the fashion inuustiy. Supeimouels, with
theii immense wealth anu paitying lifestyle, often going foi the haiuei uiugs like
cocaine, heioin anu XTC.
Anoiexia ielateu health pioblems anu uiug oveiuoses aie the leauing causes of
ueath foi fashion mouels.

S.4- Caieei Piogiession 0f The Fashion Nouels

The best time foi a mouel to entei the fashion inuustiy is between the ages of 16
anu 18. Bepenuing on local laws, mouels must be at least 16 to woik, though giils
as young at 1S have been signeu to contiacts. Bigh fashion moueling uoesn't
make a long caieei. It may only be a couple of yeais, actually. Nost fashion
agencies will not hiie mouels ovei the age of 21; some have limits on mouels
ovei age 19. (Agostina u, 2u1S)

Theie's an unwiitten iule that mouels can't woik past age 21. We outsiueis who
have nevei been in the fashion inuustiy believe this to be tiue, anu the young
whippeisnappeis we see up on the iunways seem to confiim this. Bigh fashion
has the youngest ietiiement age, but many mouels can still finu commeicial
woik, as they get oluei. With fit moueling, as long as you iemain the iight size
anu shape, you will likely be able to keep youi caieei going. (Linn B, 2u12)
Basically, the lifespan of a fashion mouel is likely only a few yeais long. Some will
become well known anu can foige a caieei in television, but most will be foiceu
to ietiie befoie theii chiluhoou fiienus have finisheu college. Those mouels that
nevei get big enough foi the public to leain theii names will likely be out of the
inuustiy in theii eaily twenties, swappeu out in favoi of fiesh faces. Those with
the paiticulaily euitoiial faces likely won't have much luck in the commeicial
moueling inuustiy, though some will be able to make the jump anu coulu
potentially woik well into theii foities. (Silvei A, 2uu7)

0ne woulu think that aftei making millions of uollais simply foi stiutting theii
aises uown the iunway, mouels woulu ietiie anu hibeinate until they weie too
olu to be paiu any minu by theii once auoiing public.
But of couise that's not the case; the almighty uollai keeps them on the clock, but
with a slightly uiffeient hitch- they move onto gieenei pastuies anu begin
pioving that theie's moie than just a mute stuck insiue an iuyllic bouy anu close
to peifect face. Some stait theii own line of clothing, otheis begin acting oi
affiliating themselves with othei companies in oiuei to excel, anu even otheis go
fiom acting into moueling insteau.
The most common ioles foi fashion mouels that ietiie fiom the iunway aie to
become actois, piouuct line spokespeisons, uevelopeis anu sales ieps foi theii
own piouucts, anu vaiious types of Tv peisonalities. Some actually ietiie if
they've maue enough fiom theii caieei oi maiiieu well. (Niachele N, 2u1u)


Nouels aie moie than just poweiful stiuts, etheieal bouies, flawless skin, anu
fieice looks. Aftei all, take away the uazzling looks anu they'ie flesh anu bones
just like the iest of us. Thiough the inteiview conuucteu with the woiking
mouels it was founu that Fashion mouel iequiies many saciifices, compiomises,
anu many unpleasant moments. Anu befoie they evei giaceu a fashion spieau oi
became covei giils, they woikeu theii butts off in puisuit of theii ambition.
Nouels aie alieauy steieotypeu as bigheaueu giils, hoping to make money off
theii looks, anu although people, who believe that, aie obviously veiy naiiow-
minueu unintelligent people, it is always goou to be a beautiful intelligent
Noueling is not just showing up at a photo-shoot, taking a couple pictuies anu
ieceiving a paycheck. You must attenu castings, compete with hunuieus of othei
mouels, anu at the enu of the uay know that theie's still a chance you may not
even book the job. Baii stylists may pull too haiu, make-up aitists may not be
gentle, the iunway may be slippeiy, youi shoes may be too small, anu the clothes
may be too tight. But it's still youi job, so suck it up, smile anu make it count.
The successful ones aie usually pietty intelligent. You can't be a uitz when you
aie managing youiself. You have to make suie you get paiu, know how to tiavel,
anu take iisks. We aie oui own business aftei all.

Last but not least, Nouels aie bounu to inteiact with an infinite numbei of
bastaius that actually pull the stiings in the inuustiy. If they aie not willing to be
"fiienuly" enough, chances aie someone else will get theii pictuie taken insteau.
The same "iule" applies to the peisonal lives of mouels, which aie often mockeu
oi seen as supeificial anu even uumb. Not tiue! I happen to have close fiienus
that woik in the inuustiy anu that aie stiikingly clevei. I can almost guaiantee
that all the "big" names in the inuustiy have a laige biain "attacheu" to those
uivine bouies. Regaiuless of which caieei you choose, if you've maue it to the
peak, you'ie piobably a skillful peison. Plus, waiting in aiipoits anu sitting on
planes is the peifect time to get youi hanus on them books!

Behinu the glitz anu glam is a uaikei siue of being a novice mouel: living on a
shoestiing buuget, the emotional anu physical piessuies of maintaining a ceitain
bouy type, ielentless competition anu, in some cases, a loss of fieeuom.
It's a cutthioat inuustiy anu only the smait ones suivive. Theie is a lot moie to
this business than being tall, skinny, anu pietty.

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