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Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 1:44 PM

Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXIII [ObamaCare - Update]


Last night, over dinner, the point was made that battle-lines that have emerged are basically trisected,
for its the Ds vs. two groups of Rs *Wall St. and Main St.+; the more the latter members of the GOP
stymie the former [excuse the pun] members of the GOP, the better the odds will become that
ObamaCare will be effectively defunded. This confusion dominated the anti-Cruz/Palin banter this-a.m.
on Morning Joe, when they arrived @ the counter-intuitive conclusion that CRUZ is the leader of the
Surrender-Caucus, *when, of course, actually, that accusation is solely leveled @ defeatist-Rs+; pivotal,
here, is the absence of any discussion of the problems of ObamaCare, other than to claim lamely that
minor glitches must be fixed. Amazingly, the points repeatedly made by Cruz are sidestepped, lest
they crowd-out the faux-strategists who are highlighted by the mediafor the truth seems too painful.

During the evening-reception honoring Toomeys swearing-in, The Bob *Guzzardi and
dr. bob+ chatted with Rep. Tom Price *who remembered the spate of resolutions that
the latter had submittedalmost two decades priorto the annual meeting of the
American Society of Internal Medicine, as Guzzardi is my witness]; during this half-hour,
we learned that no one had chronicled all departments in the federal government, and
conjured conjointly was the phrase sequential selective strategic shutdown to suggest
what might need to transpire if the spending-binge was to be effectively reversed. Thus,
this concept is known to the true-conservative leadership of Congress and appears
relevant when framing the current debate over the CR passage [minus ObamaCare-$$$].
Yet, for reasons that will be explored infra, it doesnt appear that such draconian-angst
need be entertained, inasmuch as the ability exists to split the mother-CR into baby-CRs,
thereby providing the Ds *Senatorial and POTUS+ the need to sign-off on clean billsand
therefore relieving the GOP of ANY potential blame for any subsequent shut-down;
combined with the ability to insert the substitute healthcare legislation of Scaleses RSC
[Republican Study Committees alternative to ObamaCare], which is revenue-neutral.

Guzzardi has been unleashed on Facebook, alliteration *Duplicitous, Disingenuous, Deceptive, Deceitful,
Dissembling Democrats+ and all *Government bureaucrats and their elected enablers carve out an
ObamaCare exemption; the Government's Double Standard undermines the Rule of Law+; again noting
the ongoing need to clarify/explain what has long been recognized, this physician has also not been idle
*It is true that there is mandatory spending associated with ObamaCare, but there is also discretionary
spending associated therewith; the latter is in the category of command/control, in that [for example]
the IRS-enforcement must be funded. Thus, defunding NOW would lead to its not being implemented.+.
Meanwhile, the NY-Times allowed negative-info to slip into its pages [lower-health-insurance-premiums-
to-come-at-cost-of-fewer-choices] as others revealed more worrisome info [ObamaCare Will Increase
Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four]; although ObamaCare faces inevitable failure
[while its authors will get rich implementing it], forestalling its initiation would minimize pain. Therefore,
as major-critique accumulates [Twitchy is aggregating Hey! Your health care plan got cancelled!
letters. #ObamaCare+, perhaps to ventilate, emphasized is the fact that most-americans-support-
federal-shutdown-to-defund-ObamaCare; also, thats why its necessary to FOCUS instead ofat this

late dateafford much credence to side-shows such as that which is promulgated by an occasional-ally

Cruz, albeit aggressively maligned [Ted Cruz: The Distinguished Wacko Bird from Texas],
has articulated the path to victory, having Laid Out the GOP's Options depending upon
what Reid might do [cruz warns harry-reid is abusing-his-power-by-asking-for-majority-
vote-on-ObamaCare]; here is his meme: " A vote for cloture is a vote for ObamaCare."
Other iterations of these concepts abound [Senate Republicans Can Stop Reid from
Funding ObamaCare and what-the-senate-must do]; notwithstanding claims from libs
such as Politico [Cruz scrambles to salvage strategy], the approach is clear and contains
contingencies. As noted by Sarah Palin, it is 'Not Surprising' GOP Would Turn on Cruz for
Fulfilling Campaign Promises; Palin also noted that BHO is Using Syria to Distract Nation
from Debt Crisis, and this sage-observation is applicable also to gun-control, etc.

Explaining why we are fighting-democrats-with-one-arm-tied-and-a-knife-in-our-backs, seeping from the
woodwork are naysayers, both D [pelosi:-theres-no-more-cuts-to-make+ and R *boehner-and-mitch-
mcconnell-are-funding-ObamaCare]; the media are also, of course, Cruz-critics [CNN Anchor: Founding
Fathers Would Oppose Defunding ObamaCare]. This exchange is also enlightening for another reason
[Countdown to GOP Self-Destruction: On immigration reform and ObamaCare, the 'party of no' confirms
its reputationand courts long-term devastation followed by Medved Misses in Attack on Cruz,
Conservative Opposition], namely, that Medved has consistently advocated amnesty [a position that
prompted a direct query from this physician a few years ago when he was in Philly on behalf of WNTP,
after which he claimed the GOP can only survive if it supports amnestyafter which he lost this listener+;
another naysayer is Tucker Carlson, whose dailycaller played into the D-narrative when it [falsely]
focused on the claim that a government shutdown looms as congress battles over continuing resolution
to fund government. Lost in this noise is the fact that the the government doesn't shut down when
there is a shutdown; furthermore, in this 'Hostage' Standoff, Obama Is Weaker than He Thinks.

This was composed in response to the aforementioned, exploring Why the Senate GOP
would Block a Vote on the Continuing Resolution [namely, House-passed legislation]:
Of course, the media will forget to explain all this as they rush to print stories about the
kwaaaaazy Repubwicans filibustering their own bill. We talk about the media protecting
Obama a lot, but it's simply astonishing how hard they work to protect Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid, who has quietly murdered huge stacks of good legislation without
ever getting tagged as an "obstructionist" or master of "gridlock." You can take it to the
bank that he'd already be a figure of pop-culture parody if he were a Republican using
procedural tricks as garrotes to strangle House Democratic legislation, especially if he
was a corrupt, creepy, slander artist and gaffe machine like Reid.

Our side has not been idle; for example, a cogent query has gone viral *Who sent oppo research on
Ted Cruz to Chris Wallace?] and Dr. Ben Carson has noted ObamaCare not for and by the people; also,
support for this effort has been registered from rep joe pitts [a better way than ObamaCare] and
kathleen parker [delaying-ObamaCare-makes-sense]. sen.-mike-lee has explained why-the-government-
wont-shut-down-because-of-ObamaCare-funding-fight, even as joe-manchin and tom coburn express
doubts-over-ObamaCare-shutdown-strategy. Conservatives feel that the only chance Republicans have
to maintain their House majority and win the Senate is to hold firm against ObamaCare implementation.

The following was written by a colleague [with whom I was confirmed, in 1967]:

ObamaCare Hypocrisy and Medical Loss Ratios
By Ross Schriftman, RHU, LUTCF, ACBC, MSAA

In the lead-up to the passage of the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(also known as ObamaCare), supporters claimed that one of the major problems with
our current system is that insurance companies spend too much on non-health related
expenses. If they were restricted to only a certain percentage of premiums for
administrative and marketing, there would be plenty of money to pay for the healthcare
needs of all Americans because our system would cost less. This restriction for insurance
companies is called medical loss ratio. It is part of the new law and requires insurance
companies to spend no more than 15% of our premiums on healthcare in the group
market and no more than 20% in the individual market.

Recently, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz stated that, "Insurance companies have
been spending substantial percentages of premium dollars on administrative costs-
including executive salaries, overhead and marketing-and profits." It certainly sounds
good to most people to restrict this kind of spending. After all, you buy insurance so
that when you get sick your claims are paid and not for someone else's salary.

So what has the government been spending our tax dollars on under ObamaCare so
far? Here is a list:

A $12 million ad buy to promote the law in states with the highest
uninsured population. According to the Huffington Post eventually the
overall marketing and advertising campaign across the country may end
up costing $684 million.

$45 million by California to promote its health insurance exchanges.

$1.5 billion for a computer hub to tie the records of eight different
government agencies, including Homeland Security and the IRS,
collecting information for people who enroll in an exchange.

$67 million for grants to community organizations to hire "navigators"
to explain the new law. $13 million of this amount was taken away
from wellness and disease prevention programs according to the New
York Times. Navigators, who are unlicensed, will be paid as much as $48
per hour to tell people how to enroll.

Estimated average operation costs for each state exchange range from $25 million to
$60 million in a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation. One report stated that
California may end up spending over $600 million for their exchange. Then there are
start up costs. Colorado has spent more than $109 million in start up costs, Oregon has
spent more than $200 million and Washington State has spent more than $150 million.

And all of this is just on the taxpayer paid side. There is now a tax on insurance
premiums to pay for all of this. There is the cost of paying government regulators to

complete their work on more than 20,000 pages of regulations. There will be the cost of
government employees to make sure all of us are complying with these regula-
tions. There is the cost to businesses to comply with the requirements including giving
every employee in America a notice explaining how the exchanges work. The time
spent and the loss of focus on their core business activity by business owners trying to
comply cannot be measured.

And here is the real kicker. In order to comply with the requirements of ObamaCare,
the insurance companies have had to spend lots of money and time analyzing the
regulations and communicating with agents and customers. So their administrative
costs have gone up.

Defunding ObamaCare would reduce costs. Let's stop the wild spending on non-health
related items like the ones listed above. That is the irony of ObamaCare. It's advocates
tell the insurance companies they spend too much on administration and
marketing. Then the Obama Administration goes out and spends our money on the
administration and marketing of the new law.

There is a much simpler and less expensive approach. Eliminate all the new government
and quasi-government bureaucracy called Exchanges or Marketplaces. Provide a
subsidy for premiums for low income Americans. Create a one-time open enrollment
for anyone who has not purchased coverage before to purchase insurance of their
choice from any insurance company's product available in their state. Promote
wellness. And get the government out of micromanaging our health choices and our

Ross Schriftman has been an insurance representative since 1975. He is a long term
care and Medicare supplement insurance products specialist. Mr. Schriftman is an
active member of the National Association of Health Underwriters and served as the
organizations Associate Chair for Long Term Care from 2001 to 2003. He also served as
the Legislative Chair for the Pennsylvania Association of Health Underwriters from 1994
to 2003 and the Legislative Chair for the Montgomery County Association of Insurance
and Financial Advisors from 2001 to 2003. He has served twice as a panelist at the
Montgomery County Estate Planning Councils Annual Seminar.

Mr. Schriftman holds the professional designations of Registered Health Underwriter,
Fellow of the Life Underwriters Training Council, Advanced Chartered Benefit Consultant
and Medicare Supplement Accredited Advisor. He teaches courses to other insurance
agents including a course in preparation for the Chartered Benefit Consultant

Mr. Schriftman is a frequent speaker on health care reform and has published numerous
articles related to long term care and health care reform. He also testifies regularly
before the Pennsylvania General Assembly and has conducted briefings for legislators
and their staff.


Mr. Schriftman is the author of My Million Dollar Mom which chronicles the life of his
mother, Shirley Schriftman and his time caring for her when she had Alzheimers at the
end of her life. http://www.buybooksontheweb.com/product.aspx?ISBN=0-7414-6713-5


Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:13 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXIV [ObamaCare - Cruz Cruise]


The Internet remains wild; Ted Cruz claims a Vote For Cloture Is A Vote For ObamaCare, but he also has
a contingency-plan dubbed slice/dice by Guzzardi; as per discussion in a recent blog *cruz-vows-to-
block-bill-that-funds-health-law+, he is prepared: If the spending bill does pass the Senate, the House
should hold its ground and start passing short-term measures that fund individual government
departments, starting with the military. Fund the military, send it over, and see if Harry Reid is willing to
shut down the military because he wants to force ObamaCare on the American people, Mr. Cruz said.

Ds claim ObamaCare is the law of the land and must be enforcedlike immigration?
And Ds claim ObamaCare will be implemented regardless of alleged government
shutdown, so why the resistance to defundingnoting that the long-term impact is key.
And it has been falsely argued that there is no path to its elimination so long as the
Democrats control the White House and the Senate, for Senator Ted Cruz has noted that
ObamaCare Cannot Succeedregardless of how this showdown plays-out.

Its great that 92% of the public does not think it is right that Congress and their staff are letting the
Obama administration exempt them from the costs of ObamaCare, and this explains why a movement
grows to repeal ObamaCare 'exemption' for Congress [TAKE YOUR MEDICINE: Chief Justice Roberts to
Enroll?]; indeed, floated as a possible-ObamaCare-compromise-is to-force-all-government-employees-
onto-the-exchanges. But this approach, which has been championed by Rand Paul, is a side-show; as
Stew Bolno noted, The most valuable contribution of TED CRUZ, MIKE LEE, ET AL. is that they are, daily,
changing the conversation about universal health insurance. They have upset the outdated norm of
Republicans against Democrats. Rather, they are instrumental in positioning the discussion to a
conversation about what is best for the American taxpayer and public. Kudos to them and all of their
supporters! ,As noted repeatedly, Rs discuss the details of ObamaCare [e.g., Doctors Brace for Surge
of Ailing Patients and Frustration Mounts+ while Ds incessantly pontificate solely regarding politics.-

Jan Barcosky Bench [as reported by Ms. Loretta Fiscus] posted this on Karl Rove's page
after he said that Ted Cruz disrespected the Republican party because he bypassed
them and took his plan to defund ObamaCare directly to the American people. How
dare you attack a fellow Republican for trying to do the will of the people. You and the
establishment are what's wrong with the Republican party. The American people want
principled leaders who will stand up to this administration, not roll over in defeat. Ted
Cruz is representing more and more of the party and you're scared to death you and
your cronies are going to lose your influence. I've got news for you Mr. Rove, you have
no influence anymore - conservatives are sick and tired of your pandering to the left and
your defeatist attitude. I no longer identify with you or the Republican party.

Cruz was on Hannity @ 9 tonight, detailing the senatorial battle-plan and Responding To Anonymous
Senior GOP Aide Critics after Political operative Karl Rove attempted to explain why FNCs Chris Wallace
said Top REPUBLICANS Sent him Opposition Research AGAINST Ted Cruz; indeed, a mccain-adviser-said,
regarding ted-cruz. mccain-fcking-hates-cruz. This may explain why, claiming Good Guys Need Some

Reinforcements, Sarah Palin is Possibly Running For Senate; it also dovetails with her observation that,
As Freedom Destroys Itself, Laws Cant Protect a Society That Has Lost Its Way. In his inimitable style,
Mark Levin blasted 'French Republicans' in US Senate; heritage action has detailed the-ObamaCare-fight
as it had been explained during the 5:30 p.m. weekly update [Dial-in for anyone: 1-800-757-3718].

STATE OF PLAY IN THE SENATE: Harry Reid is trying to pass a budget extension that
keeps ObamaCare funded while Ted Cruz prepares an all-out blitz to stop him. Reid's
prospects for success hinge on a cloture voteset to occur later this weekwhere he
will try to get 60 Senators to close debate and move the bill forward. Cruz and Utah's
Mike Lee, meanwhile, are demanding that any attempt to remove defunding language
from the budget extension be subject to a 60-vote threshold. If they don't get their
wish, the Tea Party Pair are warning their fellow Republicans that a vote for a cloture is
"a vote for ObamaCare," a warning to colleagues that the Tea Party [Movement] will
not support, and not forgive, any GOP compromises that keeps ObamaCare funded.
,Essentially, what is contemplated could be viewed as a reverse line-item veto.-

Hannity isnt alone when he likens Cruz to Reagan [Reagan wasnt loved at the time, called extreme]
and, noting how he has been abused by the GOP-Establishment, TEA Partiers have been sending this
Message to Top-Level Republicans: Are You TRYING To Lose Your Base? Noted with considerable angst
is ObamaCare's effect on the middle class, and noted with considerable anger is the pronouncement by
pelosi that the-death-of-the 40-hour-work-week-means-freedom-to-follow-your-passion. Noted with a
combination of angst/anger is the claim by black-liberals that opposition to ObamaCare is based on both
racism and ignorance, and noted with angst, anger and sadness is the recollection of a lofty speech on
July 3, 2008 by BHO during which he claimed that adding $4 trillion to the debt is unpatriotic.

MITCH McCONNELL'S BIG BREAK: Kentucky's 2014 Senate race got more complicated
Monday, as Democrat Ed Marksberry dropped out of his party's primary and
announced plans to run as an independent. Marksberry is planning to run to the left of
Democratic front-runner Alison Lundergan, creating a headache for the Democrat as
she tries to claim enough of the political middle to challenge incumbent Mitch
McConnell. (Phillip M. Bailey, Louisville Public Radio) McConnell, meanwhile, is taking
a hands-off approach to Congress' budget battle, as the majority leader is reticent to
take on any new political baggage ahead of the election. (Weisman/Peters, NYT)

Not surprisingly, via a Facebook posting, Cruz reported, Unfortunately, an objection was raised to my
unanimous consent request to hold a vote on funding the government without funding ObamaCare and
avoid a government shutdown. [#DefundObamaCare #DontFundIt] Surprisingly, although the pervasive
liberal, washington-media-is-out-of-step-with-the-people, fear thereof prompted FNCs Stuart Varney
*while talking with Hannity+ to claim that fear thereof prompts him to support capitulation to the Ds.
Finally, illustrating poor executive management by BHO, Deep staff cuts are hitting a federal agency
responsible for investigating health-care fraud just as ObamaCare is due to kick in, leaving less people to
investigate an ever-growing crime that costs taxpayers billions of dollars.

Breitbart has uploaded a series of bullet-points related to MSNBC'S CHUCK TODD [attacked by the left
for his comments that the President has failed to sell Americans on ObamaCare] and related to the
impact of the aforementioned intentions of Cruz upon the Senates senior leadership:

McConnell, Cornyn Whipping Votes Against Ted Cruz

Cruz to Senate: 'Let's Debate' ObamaCare
McConnell Rejects Cruz, Lee ObamaCare Tactic
Harry Reid: I Don't Doubt Ted Cruz's 'Sincerity' in ObamaCare Fight
Cruz: 'Ruling Class' Shouldn't Fund ObamaCare with 'Brute Force'
Sen. Reid: We're Not Going to Bow to Tea Party 'Anarchists'

Here is the complete text of what is contemplated as the GOP-replacement for ObamaCare:

September 23, 2013
American Health Care Reform Act

Earlier this year, Dr. Phil Roe and I assembled a team of House conservatives to put
together a bill that would repeal and replace the Presidents health care law. Last week, I
joined with Drs. Roe, Price, Gosar, and Fleming, and Reps. Blackburn, Ellmers, and
Rokita to introduce the RSC's American Health Care Reform Act. We took a bold step
forward in revitalizing the health care debate. We put conservative ideas on the table,
with the support of the House Republican Study Committee, to show that there is a better
way to addressing pre-ObamaCare problems in our health care system.

While we continue fighting to repeal, defund, and delay the presidents health care law, it
is also crucial to lay out the reforms that we support. American families and businesses
deserve not only relief from the Presidents burdensome law, but also real solutions to the
serious problems that exist in our health care system that lower costs and increase
access without the unworkable taxes and mandates in ObamaCare.

This common sense bill will lower costs through conservative, free-market solutions,
which will give American families more choices without the unworkable mandates and
taxes included in Presidents Obamas health care law. Leveling the playing field for
individuals and employers to purchase health insurance, allowing people to buy
insurance across state lines, and permitting small businesses to pool together to
negotiate better rates are just a few of the ways that the American Health Care Reform
Act will lower costs and increase access while removing Washington bureaucrats from
your health care decisions. I am proud to lead this effort with my conservative colleagues
in the RSC. I would appreciate your support and co-sponsorship of the American Health
Care Reform Act.

On the RSC's website, you'll find the Dear Colleague letter, press release, pocket card,
two-pager, section by section, bill text, outside group support, and the PowerPoint
presentation by Dr. Phil Roe.

The House passes a Continuing Resolution with my amendment to defund
ObamaCare and protect the full faith and credit of the United States:

The House passage of this legislation today is another step towards
ensuring we properly fund government, while defunding and delaying the
Presidents health care law and preventing a default on our nations
debts. Taking swift action towards these goals is vital to the economic
future of our nation. Its now time for Senate conservatives to stand tall
and unite their conference in this fight to protect American families from
the devastating train wreck that is President Obamas health care law.


Finally, this extended-excerpt from a blast e-mail acquired this-p.m. provides a conceptual framework
as events unfold during the upcoming week; again, note it doesnt shy away from dealing with the law
[ObamaCare] as well as myriad political implications thereof [amplified by hyperlinks]:

The fight to defund ObamaCare has moved to the United States Senate. There, Senator
Ted Cruz has led the fight on the floor all day against Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Noticeably absent? Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. That's right. A freshman Senator
was doing the job of a 28 year Washington, DC veteran this afternoon.

In fact, even as Senator Cruz is making the argument to fully fund the government and
defund ObamaCare, Mitch McConnell is putting out statements that he will vote for
cloture, but against any continuing resolution that funds ObamaCare.

Please note the wording of any and all statements by Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn
and other GOP Senators over the next few days. I repeat. Please note the wording of
any and all statements by Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn and other GOP Senators over
the next few days.

They will pledge to their dying breath that they will vote against any CR that funds
ObamaCare. What they are hoping you don't understand is that the real vote is the
cloture vote, the 60 vote threshold that must be reached before the final passage of any
bill in the United States Senate. Why is that so important? Because with 46 GOP
Senators, there are more than the needed 41 votes to block any procedural shenanigans
that Harry Reid might pull. He is signaling right now that he will strip the defund
ObamaCare amendment language from the continuing resolution AFTER cloture.

Which means once that threshold is past, only 51 votes are needed for legislation to
move. McConnell and team are fully aware that votes against the final passage of a
continuing resolution that funds ObamaCare are show votes at best. Having voted for
cloture, they will, in essence, have voted to fully fund ObamaCare.

Folks, it's time to call your Senators. To reach them, call the Senate switchboard at (202)
224-3121 and ask to be transferred to your Senators' offices. Tell them you expect them
to vote against cloture and will not be satisfied with a show vote on final passage of a
continuing resolution that funds ObamaCare.

For more on the above, I want to encourage you to read today's issue of The
Madisonian, Issue #48. It is formatted as a web page so you can easily share it with
friends and family.

As a final word, I would be remiss in not sharing with you this great piece on The
Madison Project posted this morning at National Review Online.


Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXV [ObamaCare - Congressional Battle]


Guzzardi is complaining that these blasts contain too many hyperlinks and, therefore, that his focused
lobbying-approach is preferable; the rejoinder, here, is that ALL available data [including countervailing
essays, sometimes provided at-length+ are provided, thereby providing the reader informed consent
when being helped to choose wisely *ref: Indiana Jones]. Nevertheless, in deference to his input
and to the urgency of the situationan effort will be made to provide clearly-biased advocacy.
Throughout, it must be noted that obamacare-is-killing-us, a realization that has left people scrambling
for alternatives [e.g., health-sharing-ministries], as public-worry-about-Big Government skyrockets.

There is hope, as a cruz-missile-launch has sent cockroaches-scurrying, as he leads a
continuing war on the continuing resolution; whereas the D-reaction is predictable
[mccaskill-and-tantrums],it is possible that house-gop-leaders-may-delay-ObamaCare-
fight-until-debt-ceiling-talks [although the timing is off+. Thats why the plan articulated
last week may now emerge, c/o cruz: House-should-pass-military-only-funding-measure
*and other piecemeal CRs+, thereby precluding shut-down [outcome, and blame for it].

The tenor of this blast reflects the viewpoint [Is Everybody Wrong About Healthcare Except Obama?]
that pits elitism against realism; anyone who reveres Ronald Reagan [note premonition about BHO],
recalls richard-viguerie [we-need-a-lot-more-ted-cruzes], and/or respects sarah-palin [the-gop-is-gutless
rudderless-on-stopping-obamacare] will wish to ponder the behavior of McConnells Deal-Making which
Yields to Politicking, as the GOP-leadership is sitting-out-the-battle-and fighting-a-fake-fight.


To follow are blasts issued by the Heritage Foundation, first by DeMint and second by his staff:

Morning Bell: This Fight Is for You
By Jim DeMint

The Heritage Foundation has been talking about defunding ObamaCare for some time
now, and people may be wondering why. Why did we put up a billboard in Times
Square warning Americans that ObamaCare will be hazardous to their health? Why
wont we give up this fight?

Because we are fighting for you.

Were fighting for the grandmother who is counting on her trusted
physician to guide her through the challenges of aging. Because
ObamaCare means you cant necessarily keep your doctor if you like
him, and its cutting down on the health care choices available to


Were fighting for the couple whos raising their own children while
wondering how theyre going to care for their aging parents. Their
premiums are going up and theyre wondering how theyll afford it.

Were fighting for the waiter whos going to school and working full-
time. ObamaCare is causing many employers to cut back on workers
hours so that they dont have to provide them with health insurance.
For many people, that means losing income and losing health insurance
at the same time.

Were fighting for the single mom who needs a steady job to support
her kids. ObamaCare is making jobs tougher to find, because a lot of
businesses are saying they just cant hire anyone new. The burden of
the laws mandates and regulations is making it too costly.

Every one of you is working hard to support your family, stay healthy, and make the best
choices you can make. ObamaCare is only getting in the way.

So no matter what anyone says, were going to keep fighting. Harry Reid is threatening
to use all sorts of procedural gimmicks to keep ObamaCare going. But Americans are
catching on that this law is the reason their spouses dont have health insurance any
more, or their kids doctor isnt in their network any more. Theyre seeing how unfair
and harmful it is.

And we cant just sit by and let ObamaCare take away the health plans we like, the
doctors we like, and the freedom to make our own health care choices.


Driving The Day [by KATHERINE ROSARIO | SEPTEMBER 24, 2013]

SHOWDOWN. A Wall Street Journal editorial from September 16 spoke critically of the
conservative strategy to defund ObamaCare:

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)N/A 0% floated a CR with an arcane
procedure that would force the Senate to take an up-or-down vote on
the anti-ObamaCare component. But pressure groups like Heritage
Action and the Club for Growth rebelled and the vote had to be
postponed, like so many other unforced retreats this Congress. Here we
go again.

These critics portrayed the Boehner plan as a sellout because of a
campaign that captured the imagination of some conservatives this
summer: Republicans must threaten to crash their Zeros into the aircraft
carrier of ObamaCare. Their demand is that the House pair the must
pass CR or the debt limit with defunding the health-care bill. Kamikaze
missions rarely turn out well, least of all for the pilots.


The problem is that Mr. Obama is never, ever going to unwind his
signature legacy project of national health care.

Heritage Action CEO Michael A. Needham responded to this unjust criticism of the
defund ObamaCare strategy with the following WSJ letter to the editor (sub. reqd):

Your editorial compares conservatives fighting to defund ObamaCare to
kamikazes, while conveniently ignoring the history of past legislative
showdowns with President Obama.

The willingness of congressional conservatives to use the debt ceiling as
leverage in 2011 resulted in the very sequester your editorial writers
now want to lock in this fall. At the time though, your editorial writers
explained they never thought the debt ceiling was the best leverage
(Debt-Limit Harakiri, July 13, 2011). Had conservatives heeded their
advice, this rare policy victory wouldnt have occurred, and there
would be no spending cuts to protect.

The lesson is clear: When conservatives use the legislative leverage that
is available to fight for principled policy outcomes, they achieve results.
When lawmakers publicly negotiate with themselves, it doesnt increase
leverage, advance conservative policy or demonstrate the type of
leadership necessary to win national elections.

HARRY REID. Politico reports Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)8% 8%s potential strategy to put
ObamaCare funding back in the continuing resolution:

The Senates top two Republican leaders Mitch McConnell of
Kentucky and John Cornyn of Texas announced the push to defund the
law wasnt enough for them to block the stop-gap spending measure in
the Senate. And Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is strongly
considering advancing an amendment that would keep the government
open until Nov. 15, rather than Dec. 15 as spelled out by the House-
passed bill. He may also strip the House plan of a provision regarding
how the U.S. should handle a potential debt default, sources say.

But after a week of theatrics, the Senate will eventually pass his
amendment to strip out the ObamaCare defunding language and keep
the government operating likely over the weekend just hours
before the government is set to shut down on Oct. 1.

PROCEDURE MATTERS. Heritage Action communications director Dan Holler
explains why procedure is so important for policy in general in Washington, but
especially for this fight over ObamaCare:

At some point this week, the Senate will vote to end debate on the
House-passed bill. (In Washington speak, they will vote to invoke
cloture.) What does this mean? Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) told Politico he

would vote to end debate on it, because *he likes+ the policy. But there
is just one small problem: The vote is not on the underlying policy, but
rather the procedure Reid has dictated. On Twitter, NBCs Tom
Curry pointed out pro-ObamaCare Senators would vote alongside Sen.
Corker So that Majority Leader Reid can offer a motion to strike the
defund ObamaCare provision from the [continuing resolution] CR & then
vote on the clean CR.

Curry is exactly right. If the Senate does vote to end debate, Reid will
immediately move to strike the defunding language. Because of the
nature of the Senates rules, Reid would not need 60 votes; he could do
so with a bare majority of just 51 votes.

Throughout August, Americans demanded that Congress fund the
government but defund all of ObamaCare. If anti-ObamaCare Senators
stand together, they can stop Harry Reids procedural assault.

MCCONNELL. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he will oppose a filibuster of House
legislation defunding ObamaCare:

Senator McConnell supports the House Republicans bill and will not vote
to block it, since it defunds ObamaCare and funds the government
without increasing spending by a penny. He will also vote against any
amendment that attempts to add ObamaCare funding back into the
House Republicans bill. If and when the Majority Leader goes down that
path, Washington Democrats will have to decide without hiding
behind a procedural vote whether or not to split with their leadership
and join Republicans and their constituents in opposing the re-insertion
of ObamaCare funding into the House-passed bill.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) has made a similar statement. The two lawmakers are
apparently using their leadership positions in the Senate to undermine Sen. Ted Cruz (R-
TX)s efforts to defund ObamaCare:

Right now in the Senate, Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn are actively
whipping Senators to shut down debate on the House continuing
resolution so that Harry Reid can gut it with just 51 votes, a senior
congressional staffer with intimate knowledge of the situation said in an
email to Breitbart News. Unbelievably, they actually are leading the
fight to fully fund ObamaCare.

Sen. Cruz intends to filibuster the House bill to prevent Sen. Harry Reid from funding
ObamaCare by means of a tricky procedural tactic. Conservative lawmakers
have explained that a vote for cloture will make it easier for Senate Democrats to
preserve ObamaCare and funding for its implementation.

WHY FIGHT. Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint explains why conservatives are
still fighting on ObamaCare:

The Heritage Foundation has been talking about defunding ObamaCare
for some time now, and people may be wondering why. Why did we put
up a billboard in Times Square warning Americans that ObamaCare will
be hazardous to their health? Why wont we give up this fight?

Because we are fighting for you.

Every one of you is working hard to support your family, stay healthy,
and make the best choices you can make. ObamaCare is only getting in
the way.


Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:11 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXVI [ObamaCare - the Cruz Filibuster]


Guzzzzzardi doesnt like to wade-through these blasts for their essences, so he will be advised simply
to watch this FULL INTERVIEW: Sarah Palin talks Ted Cruz and ObamaCare defunding with Cavuto. Then,
if he so-desires, he can read the rest of this summary of events that have occurred during the past day
and, if that burden is excessive, he can start with the *surprising+ points that have been IDed in red.
,Shes now on Hannity, and its probable that she will reiterate these comments.-

This is an amalgamation of recently-acquired e-mails [and Facebook wall-writings+ regarding the GOPs
Senatorial-Strategy split regarding the strategy as to how to fight ObamaCare. [Because some report
that lobbyists-cheer-plan-to-jam-dems-by-linking-debt-hike-to-tax-reformbecause, With No Talks on
Debt Ceiling, Risks MountHouse GOP leaders may delay ObamaCare fight until the debt ceiling talks;
note that conflicting polling depending on how queries are framed [e.g., Most against defunding
ObamaCare if it would yield a governmental shutdown and some opposing it claim its too conservative].
The focus is trained on Cruzs filibuster */Live-Video/C-SPAN2/], which has prompted the rnc-to launch-a
stand-with-ted-petition [gop.com/stand-with-ted+ and has *as detailed in a prior blast+ prompted
republicans-to-snipe-at-cruz [including prominently, putative competitors such as Rep. Peter King]; also,
note this tweet from Donald J. Trump: Its a shame the ruling class of Republicans dont attack Obama
and the Democrats the way they hit Senators Cruz & Lee. *(@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2013+.

This process may be explained thusly *as per Tea Party Patriots+: Senators like
McConnell and Cornyn are likely going to let Harry Reid strip the measure to defund
ObamaCare out of the Continuing Resolution that the House passed last week. Then,
rather than putting up a fight to keep the measure to defund ObamaCare in the bill - or
at least fight for a requirement of 60 votes in order to remove the defunding language -
they will likely vote for cloture to end debate on the Continuing Resolution. This will
allow the Senate to pass the "clean" Continuing Resolution with a simple 51 vote

majority. Then they will vote against the "clean" continuing resolution and campaign
that they did everything they could to stop ObamaCare. This simply will not be true.
These points illustrate, also, why cruz-excoriated-his-fellow-senators over this issue, and
why conservative-group-targets-mcconnell-cornyn-over-cruz-filibuster; this is also why
theteaparty.net is encouraging congress to stop ObamaCare before it gets to the floor
and why cruz likened defund ObamaCare skeptics to those who deferred to the Nazis.

The Tea Party Nation leader just announced that this is the time to rethink support for Mitch McConnell
[even as the NY-Times notes that, often-at-the-forefront,-mcconnell-seems-to-step-back due to politics]
FOUGHT TO FUND IT; on the other hand, the Senate GOP may speed up CR to give the House more time.
Although some feel the time to analyze the database has passed, others have complained angrily that
this 'law of the land' does not apply to all of the land [refuted by rushwho notes so-was-slavery,
another-democrat-institution] and, regarding the borrowing-ceiling issue, that the Sequester Doesnt
Cut Agencies Year-End Spending Sprees. To weigh-in on this issue, check the system of Colin Hannas
know that, from the Conservative perspective, who-needs-democrats-when-we-have-karl-rove?.

Already established is the fact that Employers keep workers under 30 hours/week to
avoid ObamaCare penalty; heres another ObamaCare glitch that is costly-for-families:
A glitch hidden in one of ObamaCares 10,000 pages of rules could increase some
families health insurance costs by thousands of dollars and leave children uncovered.
To qualify as affordable under the federal health care law, employer-provided health
insurance must cost no more than 9.5 percent of the employees salary. Otherwise, the
individual is eligible to receive subsidies for the purchase of health insurance through
the ObamaCare exchanges instead. But this measure applies only to individual
employees, not families. The result will be a drastic cost increase in cases where
affordable employer-provided insurance doesnt cover the whole family. Undeniable is
the fact that the Ds are solely responsible [legislatively and administratively].


Prior-reference to yesterdays phone call regarding efforts to Defund ObamaCare *c/o Heritage Action+
prompts provision of the following summary thereof; it gets into the weeds only so far as to help the
reader appreciate the major forces-at-play and anticipated-tactical-uncertainties being debated:

Last week, the House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution (CR) to defund
all of ObamaCare by a vote of 230-189. All but one Republican (and two Democrats)
voted to defund. This was a major victory for Sentinels across the country who labored
for months to make this happen.

Senate Situation: The CR is now in the Senate, and it's important to remember the
words of the longest serving member in the history of Congress, Rep. John Dingell, who
once said, "If you let me write the procedure, and I let you write the substance, I'll
[beat] you every time."

Our goal in the Senate is to either pass the CR with the defund language or prevent any
effort to strip the Cruz-Graves defund language. To do that, we need to ensure that any
Reid amendment needs 60 votes to pass (not a simple majority), which is routine in the
Senate. 41 Republican Senators (there are 46 currently) could then ensure that the
defund language stays in the CR, putting pressure on Reid to move the House CR
without amending it to fund ObamaCare.

However, Reid has found an avenue to allow him to amend the bill with only 51 votes
and send it back to the House. Reid knows that if he shuts off debate on the CR by
"invoking cloture" (thus ending the filibuster), it makes his amendment subject only to a
51 vote threshold. As a result, pro-ObamaCare Senators will join Reid in voting for
cloture and then have the votes to strike the defund provision.

That is why Senators Cruz and Lee and Heritage Action are OPPOSED TO CLOTURE on
the bill. It is the only way to prevent Reid from funding ObamaCare with only 51 votes.

The establishment critics of Cruz and Lee are attacking this position by saying they are
"filibustering their own bill." Not true. In fact, yesterday, Cruz tried to get every Senator

to agree to pass the bill immediately without amendment and send it to the President
for his signature. Reid objected to that. Cruz and Lee are filibustering Reid's effort to
fund ObamaCare by amendment.

So far many Senate Republicans are opposing Cruz and Lee and intending to support
cloture on the bill. They want a "show vote" on the Reid amendment where they can
look like they oppose the Reid amendment without doing everything procedurally to
ensure the amendment cannot get out of the Senate. Sentinels need to remind them
over the next few days that a vote for cloture on the bill is a vote to fund
ObamaCare. That vote will probably be on Friday.

House Situation: IF Reid is successful and the CR is amended to fund ObamaCare, it will
go back to the House. House Members must then re-insert the Cruz-Graves defund
language and "ping pong" it back to the Senate. Many of them will not want to do that
and instead look for some small fix to ObamaCare. Sentinels need to be encouraging
them now to be prepared and willing to send the CR back to the Senate with the defund

It has been argued, also, that senate-republicans-actually-do-have-the-votes-to-stop-ObamaCare:
Republicans have 46 members in the U.S. Senate, more than enough to defeat cloture on any
continuing resolution that will ultimately result in ObamaCare being funded. To do so, they will first
have to block a parliamentary maneuver by Reid to proceed to the continuing resolution in a manner
that will allow the defund ObamaCare language to be stripped out with a simple majority vote.
According to Breitbart.coms Matthew Boyle, They could refuse to grant cloture in the first place until a
unanimous consent agreement is reached in the Senate that any amendment added to the bill post-
cloture would also be subject to a 60-vote threshold. They could also require Reid to fill what is known
as the amendment tree, a list of amendments that is the maximum of what could be considered on a
bill, with amendments other than that one, before agreeing to grant cloture. Mark Levin has Explained
The Senate ObamaCare Fight by employing his unique style [mixing berating, angst, and anguish].

Although this point has been made previously, its worth recapitulating as the discussion
by the Fox All-Star Panel tonight was far more subdued than during prior days, as the

grudging-recognition afforded Cruz emerged [noting that this issue lives-on solely due to
the verve/vitality of these principled advocates]; they praised quotes from his speeches.
,It must be noted, however, that OReilly/Krauthammer beat-up on Cruz, minutes ago,
claiming he plots to take-over the party from their pals, such as Rove; fine with me!}

The point that will be made is that those who are being forced to admire Cruz and the
groups supporting him include Jennifer Stefano, who is gradually evincing an attitudinal
readjustment *noting her performance on Hannitys TV-show this past Friday @ 9 p.m.];
her remedy, essentially, is to fund its initiation and try to win the elections of 14 & 16,
and it is irrelevant whether she functions solely as an individual or on behalf of AFP
[information which should have been divulged when she published this op-ed].

In any case, the pungent reaction to the following essay was remitted via e-mail today:

And while we're "talking to our co-workers, family, friends and
neighbors" INSTEAD of supporting THOSE IN CONGRESS who can
actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT Obama Care, this bill PASSES, it gets
funded and then implemented and then WE WAIT FOR IT TO
COLLAPSE?? I'm sorry Jennifer, I, like you, have been fighting this fight
since February of 2009 and I'll be damned if I'm going to let the absolute
LAST CHANCE we mere, "unwashed, unknowing" nave citizens will
more-than-likely have to stop this bill pass by without doing something
about it! If we go down in flames, if this is our "last at bat" and we strike
out swinging, then that's the way it will be! At least I'll know that when I
look my 11 grandchildren in their eyes and they ask me "Grandpa, why
didn't you stop Obama Care"? I'll be able to look all 11 of them in the
eye and tell them, "kids, I and your grandmother did EVERYTHING
POSSIBLE to stop it'!

Here is her essay, noting that she did not choose to reply to the comments [including
those of this physician] that it generated a month ago [and note how she starts it by
killing with faint praise when pouncing immediately upon Senator Ted Cruz]:

Conservatives, here's how to stop ObamaCare
By Jennifer Stefano

Patriot-News Op-Ed
on August 09, 2013 at 12:00 PM, updated August 09, 2013 at 12:04 PM

Let me state, up front and for the record, I am a big fan of both
Republican U.S. Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas.

But they and their allies in the Senate pushing the "defund ObamaCare
or shut down the government" fight are wrong. One hundred and ten
percent wrong. This is the exact approach President Barack
Obama wants and needs Republicans to take and when they do it, they
are playing right into the Administration's hands.


Every time those of us on the Right start talking about shutting down
the government we lose support for our cause, even when we are trying
to stop the wildly unpopular ObamaCare.

This type of political posturing takes the debate away from the sheer
awfulness of the President's healthcare law and allows Obama to claim
this is just Republican pettiness. We mustn't look petty in this fight, we
have lives to save. We must go out and warn people of how bad
ObamaCare really is and how poorly we will fare under this law.

This type of political posturing takes the debate away from the sheer
awfulness of the President's healthcare law.

To that, my fellow conservatives, your government shutdown approach
has got to stop. In theory, should we defund ObamaCare? Sure, but stop
living in the theoretical! This is the real world and with a divided
Congress there is no way legislatively to stop ObamaCare unless the
results of the 2014 election help Republicans keep the House and win
the Senate.

Therefore, Sen. Lee's approach, while principled, is bad politics that is
giving cover to bad policy. Conservatives, don't let that happen! There is
a way to win against ObamaCare and it is happening right here in
Pennsylvania, right outside your door. The Left has already figured it
out. Now you must.

Have you ever heard of the group Enroll America? If not, you soon will.
This weekend they were out in full force in our Commonwealth
knocking on your neighbors' doors telling them what a great idea it is to
enroll in ObamaCare and helping them get started.

At the same time splashed on the front page of many Pennsylvania
newspapers was state Sen. Vince Hughes, D-Philadelphia; and the
world's worst Republican, state Rep. Gene DiGirolamo of Bucks County.
Both are pushing for the continued expansion of Medicaid at the state

In order to survive, ObamaCare, the law, needs two things: an expanded
Medicaid in every state and lots of young, uninsured people enrolling on
the exchanges. Denying the law those two components is like denying a
plant sunlight and water - pretty soon it will shrivel up and fade away.

If you care about the health and wellbeing of your family, your
neighbors and your fellow Americans, then stop talking about defunding
ObamaCare and start talking about how negatively it will impact
people's lives.


Medicaid is a bad deal for the poorest and sickest among us - with
higher death rates and poor health outcomes.

Politicians such as Hughes and DiGiralomo want to pat themselves on
the back for their good intentions while obviously caring very little
about the results for the people they condemn to ObamaCare's
Medicaid expansion.

Access to health insurance does not mean access to health care. Here's
the funny thing: while Hughes and DiGiralomo cry fake tears about
expanding Medicaid and pointing to polls showing a plurality of voters
want it - what they are ignoring is that those same polls show when
people realize Medicaid expansion is part of ObamaCare - they hate it.

So where are the warriors on the Right door knocking and letting people
know that Medicaid is just another scheme under ObamaCare?

Guess who the biggest group of voters are that we can win over in this
fight? People who identify themselves as moderate Democrats. Polls
show that demographic is increasingly opposed to ObamaCare. But
rattle your saber on and on about defunding ObamaCare and shutting
down the government and we lose those moderate Democrats as allies
almost immediately.

And let's go back to this Enroll America group. As mentioned, Enroll
America received tax exempt charitable status from the IRS, even
though the board of Enroll America is headed up by former Obama
campaign staffers and CEO's and high level officials from Big Insurance,
Pharm and hospital groups.

Which means this so-called charity is out pushing people to buy health
insurance that directly benefits the people on its board. That's called
inurement and it is illegal. No wonder the citizen watchdog group Cause
of Action filed a complaint with the IRS asking for Enroll America's tax-
exempt status to be revoked. Conservatives -get out there and talk
about how unfair it is for big medical corporations to make money from
a charitable front group! This is our fight to win!

Even the NFL won't get involved with Enroll America. In 2012, the
Obama Administration asked the National Football League to get
players to make a pitch for Enroll America and encourage people to sign
up for ObamaCare. The NFL said no way - Enroll America was too
politically toxic.

Wouldn't it be a good idea for conservatives to go out and continue to
slam the corrupting relationship between this so-called charity and the
big insurance companies? Wouldn't it be best for conservatives to start
going door to door telling the truth about Medicaid and encouraging

people to protect themselves and their families by NOT enrolling in

The Obama Administration is about to unleash its most potent weapon
in the ObamaCare fight: the First Lady. You can love her or hate her, but
when Michelle Obama hits the street advocating people sign up on the
exchanges for health insurance, she is a formidable opposition. But we
have the winning formula in our corner - ObamaCare itself. All we need
to do is take to the streets and tell the truth about this disaster law.

Conservatives, drop your defund saber and grab a plate of cookies and
head to your neighbor's house. Talk from your heart - as a mother, a
worker, an elderly American - and tell people why this law is bad for
everyone. Talk like you're human - and have a heart and want to help
people - because anyone fighting ObamaCare - does.

In the battle over ObamaCare, those of us warning of the dangers own
the moral high ground. Continue to talk about the government
shutdown and you have given the President his greatest opportunity to
make the debate about something other then [sic] his policies and turn
the tables on us once again. Instead, talk like you want to win. And then
go out there and do it.

Jennifer Stefano is a political activist and host of The Stefano Show on
WNTP-AM 990 in Philadelphia.


Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 10:38 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXVII [ObamaCare and Christie]


First, this is a better hyperlink to the prior blast regarding ObamaCare:

Second, it is noted that reid-unwilling-to-make-any-deal-with-republicans-on-ObamaCare.

Third, the negative consequences-of-ObamaCare have been emphasized, and rubio-supports cruz.

Fourth, here is the video of Sarah Palin On Cruz's ObamaCare Filibuster [Fighting For What's Right] With
Hannity, of her appearance an hour ago.

Fifth, note the following information regarding Chris Christie [summarized based on hyperlinks that have
been accrued during the past month], information which a friend requested:

Chris-Christie-Inducted-into-CAIRs-Best-List-For-Pushing-Back-Against-Islamophobia because, allegedly,
he is more concerned with Muslim civil liberties than he is with the safety of Americans; this may be due
to Chris Christies efforts to include Islamists in Security Forums. Regardless, regarding the 16 jockeying,
it was suggested that chris-christie-probably-benefitted-from-rubios-syria-vote [against intervention].

During their public-spat, chris-christie said he chooses his wife-over-rand-paul and later, despite the fact
that christie-had been invited-to-join-rand-paul-at-campaign-event, he didnt show up [claiming he was
too busy campaigning for re-election]. To be accommodating, however, Rand Paul said there was room
in the Republican Party for people who believe in bigger government like Chris Christie, but he argued
the Republican Party will grow by attracting more libertarian-leaning voters.

After Christie signed ban on gay-conversion-therapy, jewish-conservatives-vented-fury; after christie
signed gun control bills and a Tax-Credit Bill, it was felt he was posturing for the POTUS-2016 nod,
raising the question as to whether chris christie-could be-christie-and-win-in-2016 after he had Laid Out
his Argument For '16; some felt chris-christie-was not the-tough-guy-conservative-america-needs and
that is why Few Conservative Republicans Support Christie for 2016 and some have stated flatly that
conservatives must reject christie. [POLLING shows HILLARY BEATS CHRISTIE BY NINE POINTS IN OHIO.]



Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:03 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXVIII [ObamaCare and ACTION-ITEM to CALL TOOMEY NOW!]


First, this is a hyperlink to the prior blast: http://www.scribd.com/doc/170774805/anti-Obama-CLXVII;
jump to the bottom to read the action-items.

Second, among quasi-filibuster highlights, a key-point made by CRUZ in his FILIBUSTER is that
RESISTANCE IS NOT USELESS and, during his all-nighter, he has emphasized the fact that, if ObamaCare
doesn't apply to everyone, then it shouldn't apply to anyone [#MakeDCListen]; meanwhile, LEE claims
Third *and this is HUGE, having been presaged by release last night of the petitionas per a prior
blast+, Chairman Reince Priebus noted, in-a-battle-between-ted-cruz-and-harry-reid, we-must-stand-
with-senator-cruz; the impetus to have taken this extraordinary action may have been reflected in an
essay [Were Breaking Up+ that was presaged by Sarah Palin *as per prior blasts and this consolidated
strategy to destroy the-republican-establishment].
Graham, describing-ObamaCare, claims This-Bill-Sucks; meanwhile, RedState has started counting
votes [Finger Lickin Frauds] and it's the Senate's Turn to Defund ObamaCare Before It is Implemented.
Fifth, Mark levin-feels people-have-had-enough-of obama-and-mainstream-republicans, as moderate-
democrats-are-quitting-on-ObamaCare, and many claim its Time For Change & To Start Mobilizing For
Political Action in 2014; yet, the crazies persist [ObamaCare-supporters-sign-petition-to add-birth-
control and sterilants to water-supplya modern-day-eugenics-program].
PREDICTED, Guzzardi reports that 3/5 top-tweets that are trending are related directly to the quasi-
Filibuster; meanwhile, the First Procedural Vote on Continuing Resolution is Expected in the Senate @
noon as Cruz keeps quoting from an anti-ObamaCare-letter-from-union-president-jimmy-hoffa.
Seventh, Prices Set for New Health-Care Exchanges are unnerving and FNCs Hannity recently hosted a
Segment that erupted Into an EPIC Shouting Match; meanwhile, a Town Hall Attendee Trashed McCain
[claiming he is guilty of treason to His Face] and Marco Rubio supports Cruz.
Eighth, articles related to potential governmental-shutdown have noted that, facing government
shutdown, Obama's party can't bank on 1996 mythology, despite the fact that conventional wisdom
wrongly says Republicans got blamed for the last shutdowns, helping Clinton win in 1996, when, in
reality, it was the economy, stupid.

Ninth, among the agitators for Cruz has been the Senate Conservatives Fund, which has often been
quoted in these blasts and which just blasted a LIVE VIDEO of Cruz; it appears that GLENN BECK
supports the battle-cry: 'TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT.'
Tenth, although MSNBC this-a.m. claims Cruz is a Machiavellian Harvard-grad and CNN has slammed his
having read from Dr. Seuss, it should be noted that the former undermines its persistent elitism [while
Cruz quotes from Duck Dynasty to claim We're Going to be Happy, Happy, Happy When we Defund
ObamaCare] and the latter omits mention that the latter served as bed-time reading for his two
daughters from a father:


Over 10 Hours and Still 'Cruzing'

Dear Patriot,

As you are no doubt aware, today is a historic day in our ongoing fight for liberty. Senator Ted Cruz, a courageous
leader in the Senate, began a speaking on the Senate floor to ensure that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid does not
make any changes to the House Continuing Resolution that funds the government while defunding ObamaCare. This
House CR is extraordinarily important because it may represent our last chance to stop ObamaCare - a
train wreck law that is unaffordable, unfair, and completely unworkable.

Thanks to Congressman Louie Gohmert, I was able to visit the Senate Gallery tonight while Senator Cruz spoke. We
are grateful to Senator Cruz for his willingness to fight this terrible law.

It takes a great deal of courage to do what Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are doing. This road has not been easy
and they have had to fight strong objections from both sides of the aisle. It was a couple of minutes before 8:00 pm
eastern when we arrived. When we walked into the gallery, we noticed that except for a couple of Pages, the Presiding
Senator, Clerks, and stenographers, there was hardly anyone else on the Floor. As Sen. Cruz began reading the Bible
and Green Eggs and Ham to his daughters, a few reporters perked up and watched what was happening and a few
more Pages walked onto the Floor and listened. The gallery had about 50 people in it the entire time we were there.

It would be so easy for Sen. Cruz to say no one is here and stop the filibuster. Yet he is standing up for us. More
importantly, he is standing up for our freedom. He is leaving no stone unturned in this fight defund ObamaCare. It
takes remarkable fortitude, confidence, and assurance to know you are standing on principles that are worth fighting.
The empty gallery is likely a walk in the park next to the criticism and ridicule Sens. Cruz and Lee have faced the last
2 1/2 months. To know that the Senior Senator from your own state is whipping votes against your efforts and to
continue to do what you know is right, shows character that we can all admire (Senator John Cornyn was reported to
have been whipping votes against Cruz and Lee last night).

Please take the time to thank Senators Cruz and Lee for their determination and their tenacity. Thank their staff
members as well who are supporting them behind the scenes and who are also facing criticism from their fellow

Thank the other Senators and Congressmen who have joined this effort. Senator Mike Lee (UT), Senator Jeff Sessions
(AL), Senator David Vitter (LA), Senator Mike Enzi (WY), Senator Jim Inhofe (OK), Senator Rand Paul (KY), and
Senator Marco Rubio (FL), and Pat Roberts (KS) have all voiced their support for this effort and have spoken on the
Senate Floor today about ObamaCare's many flaws. Congressman Paul Broun (GA), Congressman Louie Gohmert
(TX), Congressman Richard Hudson (NC) have all stood in the cloakroom or back of the Senate Gallery supporting
Sen. Cruz.

These Senators and Congressmen are standing up to the powerful DC establishment and Ruling Elite, and they are
standing up for the American people.

The fight is not over and we need more help! If your Senators and were not on the Senate Floor today, please call
them on Wednesday! The Capitol Switchboard Operator can be reached at 202.224.3121 and demand that they
commit to have a clean vote on the House Continuing Resolution which funds the entire government and does not
spend our hard earned tax dollars on ObamaCare.

ObamaCare was rammed through without any debate in 2010. Despite the fact the majority of Americans voiced
serious concerns about the impact of ObamaCare, we were ignored. Now in 2013, everything that we predicted -
higher premiums, loss of coverage, a stagnant economy, loss of doctors - is coming true. It's time to have the
debate in Congress that we were denied in 2009 and 2010!

To top that off, in the country where all men are created equal, the Senators, Congressmen, and their staff want to
force us to pay for and live under this law yet they have exempted themselves from ObamaCare. This is un-
American. No man is above the law in America. America was founded precisely because our founders did not want to
live under kings and tyrannical rule and now we have a Ruling Class in DC forcing us to live under laws they do do not
want to abide by. (BTW, the staffers on the floor of the Senate Chamber who are watching the filibuster really, really

do not like having that pointed out to them. As we were watching the debate in the Senate you could see body
language change in the Senate Chamber as soon as the exemptions and the Ruling Class is mentioned.)

You may be wondering, "How can I help? How can I get involved in this historic moment to stop ObamaCare from
becoming the entrenched law of the land?" Here is what is needed next:

1. Join the fight on Twitter TONIGHT and throughout the week.
Please use your Twitter account to weigh in on this debate. The Senate offices are paying attention to Twitter and the
hashtag #MakeDCListen is trending #1 on Twitter tonight. We are making a difference on social media and on Capitol
Hill! A list of the Senators twitter ids is below. Contact both Republican and Democrat Senators. While tweeting, ask
your senators the list of questions below, give them a map of the Capitol in case they have forgotten how to get to
the Senate floor, and let them know you are watching. Be sure to tell the Senators you do not want a vote for cloture
to close the debate (which is likely to happen on Friday or Saturday) until there is a guarantee of a clean vote for the
House CR. That is our next milestone in defunding Obamcare.

2. Call your Senators' offices on Wednesday.
Please do not forget to call both of your U.S. Senators and your Congressman. The message is simple: If you are not
standing with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, you are standing with Harry Reid and propping up ObamaCare. When
calling, ask your senators the list of questions below. Let them know you are watching to see if they are listening to
you or not. Be sure to tell the Senators you do not want a vote for cloture to close the debate (which is likely to
happen on Friday or Saturday) until there is a guarantee of a clean vote for the House CR.

3. Talk to others about ObamaCare and the filibuster.
Use our talking points to ask your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers about if they want to pay for a law that
Congress and their staff is exempt from. Ask them if their health insurance is changing. Ask if they have had notices
from their doctors about the upcoming changes in their health practices. If they are as concerned as you are about
ObamaCare, forward this email to your family, friends, co-workers, email lists.

4. Send your ObamaCare stories to us.
Please use this link to share your ObamaCare stories with us. The Senators need real-life examples of how
ObamaCare is destroying our jobs and our health care system. If you have not already done so, please tell us about
how ObamaCare is negatively impacting you.

5. Stay Tuned.
Watch for more email updates from us. Follow Tea Party Patriots on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the
latest details as we learn them.

In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
Co-Founder and National Coordinator
Tea Party Patriots

Questions to ask:
Do you want to vote to fund a law that an ABC News/Washington Post poll shows 9 out of 10 Americans
believe is not ready to implement?
Do you want to vote to fund a law that most Americans do not want?
Do you want to vote to fund a law that exempts Big Business?
Do you want to vote to fund a law that Big Labor says will shatter its members health care and the 40-hour
Do you want to vote to fund a law that exempts you and your staff?
Do you want to vote to fund a law that gives government control over one-sixth of the economy?
Do you want to vote to fund a law that is killing jobs in your state?
Do you want to vote to fund a law that is forcing employees in your state to work fewer hours?

Do you want to vote to fund a law that is forcing employers in your state to reduce or eliminate health care
coverage for your constituents?
See more at: http://www.teapartypatriots.org/2013/09/defund-ObamaCare-talking-
Click for Talking Points

Here is a list of all Senators and their Twitter Handles.
The ones with #ThankYou spoke on the Senate floor today in support of Cruz and Lee. The ones with
#MakeDCListen have not shown their support on the Senate floor.

State Name Twitter Handle Party Tweet
AK Lisa Murkowski @lisamurkowski Republican #MakeDCListen
AK Mark Begich @SenatorBegich Democrat #MakeDCListen
AL Jeff Sessions @SenatorSessions Republican #ThankYou
AL Richard Shelby @SenShelbyPress Republican #MakeDCListen
AR John Boozman @JohnBoozman Republican #MakeDCListen
AR Mark Pryor @SenMarkPryor Democrat #MakeDCListen

AZ John McCain @SenJohnMcCain Republican #MakeDCListen
AZ Jeff Flake @JeffFlake Republican #MakeDCListen
CA Dianne Feinstein @SenFeinstein Democrat #MakeDCListen
CA Barbara Boxer @SenatorBoxer Democrat #MakeDCListen
CO Mark Udall @MarkUdall Democrat #MakeDCListen
CO Michael Bennet @SenBennetCO Democrat #MakeDCListen
CT Richard Blumenthal @SenBlumenthal Democrat #MakeDCListen
CT Chris Murphy @ChrisMurphyCT Democrat #MakeDCListen
DE Tom Carper @SenatorCarper Democrat #MakeDCListen
DE Chris Coons @ChrisCoons Democrat #MakeDCListen
FL Marco Rubio @marcorubio Republican #ThankYou
FL Bill Nelson @SenBillNelson Democrat #MakeDCListen
GA Saxby Chambliss @SaxbyChambliss Republican #MakeDCListen
GA Johnny Isakson @SenatorIsakson Republican #MakeDCListen
HA Brian Schatz @brianschatz Democrat #MakeDCListen
HA Mazie Hirono @maziehirono Democrat #MakeDCListen
IA Chuck Grassley @ChuckGrassley Republican #MakeDCListen
IA Tom Harkin @SenatorHarkin Democrat #MakeDCListen
ID Mike Crapo @MikeCrapo Republican #MakeDCListen
ID Jim Risch @SenatorRisch Republican #MakeDCListen
IL Mark Kirk @SenatorKirk Republican #MakeDCListen
IL Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin Democrat #MakeDCListen

IN Dan Coats @SenDanCoats Republican #MakeDCListen
IN Joe Donnelly @SenDonnelly Democrat #MakeDCListen
KS Pat Roberts @SenPatRoberts Republican #MakeDCListen
KS Jerry Moran @JerryMoran Republican #MakeDCListen
KY Rand Paul @SenRandPaul Republican #ThankYou
KY Mitch McConnell @McConnellPress Republican #MakeDCListen
LA David Vitter @DavidVitter Republican #ThankYou
LA Mary Landrieu @SenLandrieu Democrat #MakeDCListen
MA William (Mo) Cowan @SenMoCowen Democrat #MakeDCListen
MA Elizabeth Warren @elizabethforma Democrat #MakeDCListen
MD Barbara Mikulski @SenatorBarb Democrat #MakeDCListen
MD Ben Cardin @SenatorCardin Democrat #MakeDCListen
ME Susan Collins @SenatorCollins Republican #MakeDCListen
ME Angus King @SenAngusKing Independent #MakeDCListen
MI Carl Levin @SenCarlLevin Democrat #MakeDCListen
MI Debbie Stabenow @StabenowPress Democrat #MakeDCListen
MN Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar Democrat #MakeDCListen
MN Al Franken @alfranken Democrat #MakeDCListen
MO Roy Blunt @RoyBlunt Republican #MakeDCListen
MO Claire McCaskill @clairecmc Democrat #MakeDCListen
MS Roger Wicker @SenatorWicker Republican #MakeDCListen
MS Thad Cochran @SenThadCochran Republican #MakeDCListen

MT Max Baucus @MaxBaucus Democrat #MakeDCListen
MT Jon Tester @jontester Democrat #MakeDCListen
NC Richard Burr @SenatorBurr Republican #MakeDCListen
NC Kay Hagan @SenatorHagan Democrat #MakeDCListen
ND John Hoeven @SenJohnHoeven Republican #MakeDCListen
ND Heidi Heitkamp @SenatorHeitkamp Democrat #MakeDCListen
NE Deb Fischer @SenatorFischer Republican #MakeDCListen
NE Mike Johanns @Mike_Johanns Republican #MakeDCListen
NH Kelly Ayotte @KellyAyotte Republican #MakeDCListen
NH Jeanne Shaheen @SenatorShaheen Democrat #MakeDCListen
NJ Jeffrey S. Chiesa @ChiseaNews Republican #MakeDCListen
NJ Bob Menendez @Menendez4NJ Democrat #MakeDCListen
NM Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall Democrat #MakeDCListen
NM Martin Heinrich @MartinHeinrich Democrat #MakeDCListen
NV Dean Heller @SenDeanHeller Republican #MakeDCListen
NV Harry Reid @SenatorReid Democrat #MakeDCListen
NY Chuck Schumer @ChuckSchumer Democrat #MakeDCListen
NY Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand Democrat #MakeDCListen
OH Rob Portman @robportman Republican #MakeDCListen
OH Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrownDemocrat #MakeDCListen
OK Jim Inhofe @jiminhofe Republican #ThankYou
OK Tom Coburn @TomCoburn Republican #MakeDCListen

OR Ron Wyden @RonWyden Democrat #MakeDCListen
OR Jeff Merkley @SenJeffMerkley Democrat #MakeDCListen
PA Pat Toomey @SenToomey Republican #MakeDCListen
PA Bob Casey, Jr. @Bob_Casey Democrat #MakeDCListen
RI Jack Reed @SenJackReed Democrat #MakeDCListen
RI Sheldon Whitehouse @SenWhitehouse Democrat #MakeDCListen
SC Lindsey Graham @LindseyGrahamSC Republican #MakeDCListen
SC Tim Scott @SenatorTimScott Republican #MakeDCListen
SD John Thune @SenJohnThune Republican #MakeDCListen
SD Tim Johnson @SenJohnsonSD Republican #MakeDCListen
TN Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander Republican #MakeDCListen
TN Bob Corker @SenBobCorker Republican #MakeDCListen
TX Ted Cruz @tedcruz Republican #ThankYou
TX John Cornyn @JohnCornyn Republican #MakeDCListen
UT Mike Lee @SenMikeLee Republican #ThankYou
UT Orrin Hatch @OrrinHatch Republican #MakeDCListen
VA Mark Warner @MarkWarner Democrat #MakeDCListen
VA Tim Kaine @timkaine Democrat #MakeDCListen
VT Bernie Sanders @SenSanders Independent #MakeDCListen
VT Patrick Leahy @SenatorLeahy Democrat #MakeDCListen
WA Patty Murray @PattyMurray Democrat #MakeDCListen
WA Maria Cantwell @CantwellPress Democrat #MakeDCListen

WI Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson Republican #MakeDCListen
WI Tammy Baldwin @tammybaldwin Democrat #MakeDCListen
WV Jay Rockefeller @SenRockefeller Democrat #MakeDCListen
WV Joe Manchin @Sen_JoeManchin Democrat #MakeDCListen
WY Mike Enzi @SenatorEnzi Republican #ThankYou
WY John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso Republican #MakeDCListen


Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 4:41 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXVIX [ObamaCare and Weekend-Projection]


The Internet continues to explode; not having blasted info this-a.m. yields sensory-overload this-p.m.
Start with a bit of levity ['The Day ObamaCare Died' - 'American Pie' Parody+; things are lookin up!

Guzzardi distilled the following prognostication from a series of chats held during recent weeks and then
disseminated it to his D.C.-contacts; it seems events are rapidly moving in a healthy direction:

Vote No to Cloture and Continue Debate, thereby pressuring Reid to use a 60-vote
threshold for approval of funding for ObamaCare. dr. bob and I predict that Boehner
and Cruz have a fail-safe plan that is fool-proof. If the GOP hangs together, its possible
to offer Reid the chance to achieve cloture only if he abandons his 51-vote threshold;
were he to accept, it would then be possible to try to peel-away a few wayward Ds
[running for re-election] and to envision presenting a stink-bomb for Obama to sign
[defunding ObamaCare]; if he were to remain intransigent or if the GOP were not to be
united in this venture, the issue would be ping-ponged to the House rather rapidly.

Then, to silence claims that Rs are closing-down government, Boehner strategically
would roll-out sequential segments of the initial CR, serially funding each department
[starting with DoD/military] invoking existing sequester levels [proven to be safe].
,Reids concession that he-had held-the-line-on-federal-spending would be invoked.}

Next, to silence claims that Rs are the Party of NO, ObamaCare would be supplanted
in the HHS budget with the revenue-neutral plan of the Republican Study Committee;
the already-passed proscription that the IRS enforce ObamaCare would be inserted
into the Treasury Department funding bill. From the D-perspective, these would be
akin to poison pills; from the R-perspective, the House would have done its work,
confronting the Senate with the Hobsons Choice of either signing-on or assuming total
responsibility for a partial shutdown [of NIH-research and of the IRShow sexy+.

Ds would have to vote to fund each department; Rs would gleefully do so. Thus, the
POTUS would have to delay tee-time until he would sign-away his signature-legislation.
Boehner would deliver ~435 with few NO votes; Reids Senate would have to vote AYE.
Cruz would then have outplayed them all. Machiavellian [as per Joe Scarborough].
Genius. Government is funded but ObamaCare isnt funded. Boehner/Cantor/McCarthy
smile like cats who ate canaries. Cruz/Lee are seen to be principled and masters of
strategy as well as nervy. Ds are crushed as a prelude to killing immigration-reform.

dr bob and I are making this prediction. We are on the record although dr bob figured
this out, months ago.



With the weekend looming, there is less-than-24-hours-to-defund-ObamaCare; thus, ponder these
three-ways-to-honor-ted-cruzs-efforts-and-to-make-a-real-difference. Please consult the following list
of Pennsylvanians in the 113
Congress and communicate with your rep initially, but not exclusively.

Consult with money.cnn.com for an infographic that depicts healthcare-premiums, and
note that the ObamaCare-will-increase-avg-individual-market-insurance-premiums-by-
99%-for-men-and 62%-for-women; in Pennsylvania, the exchange-cost may be among-
the-cheapest, inasmuch as the average monthly cost across U.S. is $328. In Tennessee,
ObamaCare will triple men's premiums and double women's; lamar-alexander noted
that ObamaCare-will-force-some-tennessee-premiums-to-skyrocket-as much as 290%.

Draw from the following data, all of which emerged during the past 24-hours. Start with a quote from
Obamas Confession [We Did Raise Taxes On Some Things To Pay For ObamaCare], and note this list.
Then recognize that glitches already occurred [DC OBAMACARE EXCHANGE DELAYED], that 'Deductibles
Could Burn a Hole in Your Wallet', that it will impose a marriage tax, that ACORN's 'Fraternal Twin' is
now An ObamaCare Navigator [with access to the most personal data], that $1B is TO BE SPENT TO
PROMOTE ROLLOUT, that Exchanges are to Cost $5.3 Billion and consume 16 Million Hours, that the
employer-mandate has already cut work-hours, and that michelle malkin reports that obama-lied,
because-my-health-plan-died. This is transpiring when americans doubt the economy has rebounded
[in defiance of-forecasts] when, for example, they see layoffs and emphasis on part-time employment.

Messaging can be deduced by these tweets by Cruz:
@SenTedCruz: Any Republican who votes to give Harry Reid the ability to fund
ObamaCare with 51 votes is voting to fund ObamaCare
@SenTedCruz: Americans across the country are frustrated that politicians of both
parties don't listen to the people #MakeDCListen

@SenTedCruz: Congress should be bound by the same rules as everybody
else #MakeDCListen

It may be recalled that the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement groups [which met on Monday]
planned to focus on Senator Toomey [shifting from Congressman Fitzpatrick, whom they thanked], but
two events obviated the need to take any formal action [i.e., issuing a third Press Release]. First,
amazingly, this physician was told 100% of calls to Toomeys Philly-office were pro-Cruz @ 11:30 a.m.
Second, Guzzardi received an e-mail in the mid-afternoon that definitively adopted the desired posture
[c/o Mitch Vidovich Southeast Regional Director]:

From the start, my goal has been, and continues to be, to completely repeal the
Presidents health care law as soon as possible. #ObamaCare hurts our economy, shrinks
paychecks, and moves our health care system in the wrong direction. It is simply not

With President Obama in the White House and the Democratic party controlling the
Senate, full repeal, unfortunately, cannot be achieved now. However, I believe that,
right now, we can delay and dismantle some of the most egregious flaws in this law
flaws which have been acknowledged by lawmakers in both parties. I, therefore, intend
to offer reasonable amendments that would help achieve this objective, including for
instance, a measure to repeal the health care laws medical device tax which drives up
costs for patients and threatens Pennsylvania jobs.

If Majority Leader Reid insists on granting himself the power to gut the House-passed
bill with 51 votes, while preventing me and other Senators from even offering
amendments with broad bipartisan support, I will vote against cloture on the bill.

With all due respect, it is noted that Fitzpatrick wants to block Congressional pay if there is a Shutdown,
supporting a bill to block pay to Members of Congress if a government shutdown were to transpire;
indeed, although not a priority, this Congressional Exemption was Debated During Cruz Talkathon.


The Quasi-Filibuster

As ted-cruz-stood-his-ground, supporters offered Two Cheers for Ted and some determined where-ted-
cruzs-filibuster-stands-in-history; Cruz has been sporting the Come and Take it lapel pin, reminiscent
of the flag waved defiantly at the Battle of Gonzales in 1835, the first battle of the Texas Revolution.
[Cruz Hit Back at Detractors in the process, as an observant sen-lee claimed aspiration to become-a-pirate.]
Anyone who is confused by Ted Cruz's vote on cloture (including the NY Times.) is invited to read this.

The terse message of Ted [via Bozell] to GOP is: You Fund it, You Own It and the
elaborative message of Teds supporters is: shut-up-rinos, for sen-cruz-has-the-floor.

He quoted different authors [Frederich Bastiat, Dr. Seuss, Ayn Rand, and Ashton Kutcher], compared
, and used a 'STAR WARS' ANALOGY.
His Marathon Speech Endures, it will be analyzed [capitalism institute], and it has yielded 10-lessons-
that #MakeDCListen generated. It ended with the claim that it is in the Hands of the American People.
Far from being a-self-promoting-stunt, it was a-valiant-effort-to-defund-ObamaCare, and the consensus
view was that this one-last-stand-against-ObamaCare effectively resonated with the public.

An exhausted ted cruz explained what he thinks his 21-hour speech accomplished, and
he Continued the Filibuster on EIB *Excellence in Broadcasting+ during a long
discussion with Rush. He was forced to stop @ noon by harry-reid, who allowed the
racist-filibuster-record-to-stand; this may explain why Harry Reid is the Most Hated
Leader in Congress, per Gallup, and it may also explain why even a critic has
concluded [reluctantly?] that cruzs-grand-gesture-deserves-respect.

Finally, note that Rand's Curious Question to Ted Cruz was a thinly-veiled manifestation of jealousy:

On Tuesday evening, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared on the Senate floor to support the
filibuster-style stand by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for defunding ObamaCare. Paul had

originally revived the "talking filibuster" in March during a famous stand against the
Obama administration's policy on the use of drones, and was returning the favor after
Cruz supported him in that lengthy stand. Yet he also posed a curious question.

Paul asked Cruz--twice, by my count--whether he would accept some kind of
compromise short of defunding ObamaCare, if that could not be done. It did not come
across as the typical sort of question asked by a supporter during a floor debate, meant
to help a colleague draw out their arguments. Nor was it the sort of collegial challenge
posed by Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, who sparred with Cruz late Tuesday

It was a real challenge, one Cruz seemed to understand as such. It may have been based
on a real proposal--floated here at Breitbart News and evidently taken up by the House
GOP--to resolve the stand-off over the budget by allowing a one-year delay in
ObamaCare's individual mandate rather than defunding it entirely. But it may also have
been a bit of jostling at the front of the pack in the race for conservative leadership.

An hour after he ended his speech, the Senate vote unanimously [at 1 p.m. ET] to bring the Houses CR
defunding ObamaCare to the floor, with this depicting the situation extant during the rest of the day;
reportedly, negotiations are occurring in an effort to shorten the calendar, but it should be recalled that
Reid rejected all three unanimous consent suggestions by Cruz *one of which would have led to a vote
on the main motion that very day, rather than awaiting the completion of a 30-hour floor-discussion].
Because all 100 senators voted to end debate on the motion to proceed, the future vote, on the motion
itself, will be the test. [The key-question is whether a threshold of 51 can be expanded to 60.]

Cruz voted in favor of the motion to proceed. He said Tuesday night during a 21-hour
speech that the real vote on blocking the measure would come after Reid moves to strip
language funding ObamaCare from the bill.

Cruz held the Senate floor for more than 21 hours to protest President Obamas
signature healthcare law and to raise public awareness of Reids plans to strip down the
House bill.

Reid chastised Cruz for what he called a big waste of time and warned it increases the
possibility of a stalemate over government funding.

The government is set to shut down in a matter of hours, he said.

Its a shame were standing here having wasted perhaps two days, most of yesterday
and a good part of today, when we could pass what we need to pass very quickly and
send it back to the House, he added.

The Senate must vote again on the actual motion to proceed to the stopgap spending
measure. After filing his amendments, Reid must schedule another vote to end debate
on the bill and set up a final vote. This second cloture vote could happen Friday.

It should be noted that this iteration has been misportrayed; once it was clear that discussion of the bill
was to proceed, Cruz showed his maturity by ensuring there was no public-split in the GOP.

The Supporters

An Iowa Kingmaker Says Cruz Has Edge in 2016, but Cruz still had to Blast Critics who Don't Even Know
what day Senate GOP meets; Mike Lees memo to filibuster naysayers ['I Don't Care What They Call It']
was amplified when Sen. Ted Cruz Talked Defund ObamaCare with Rush Limbaugh and Rush [vide supra]
dubbed Cruz as a 'Freedom Fighter' Fighting for 'Soul of His Party.' A pundit concluded CRUZ CONTROL
SHOULD BE STANDARD ON GOP MODELS, and brent bozell was prompted to define good-journalism.

Mark Levin's Liberty Amendments were Spotted Among Cruz's Reading Material [and
people are invited to Join Tea Party Patriots in a discussion about Restoring the Balance
of Power, featuring a rare public speaking appearance by special guest, Mark Levin.


Ben carson-praised the-grit-and-gumption-to-resist-ObamaCare, as did Allen West.

A huge groundswell occurred in support of Senator Ted Cruz. The Kentucky bikers are on
their way to McConnell's office to #MakeDCListen. Senate voicemail boxes are full and
America is answering the call to make their voices heard in DC. The electorate was
exhorted to use social media [Facebook, Twitter, phone numbers] and, specifically,
people were asked to monitor #TeaParty!#StillCruzin #DefundObamaCare.

He was supported vigorously by Sarah PALIN, Mark Levin, VITTER, Jon Voight *Obama Following His
Father Toward Socialism+, Brad Thor [Larry the Cable Guy] and KERRY PICKET of FOX BUSINESS. Also,
Sen. Vitter announced Support for Ted Cruzs Strategy to Defund ObamaCare.

The Lefties

The morning joe crew again sneered at cruzs quasi-filibuster; Cokie Roberts [NPR]predictably/sadly,
said: some of this Tea Party anger is racist; having a non-black person on the ticket will diffuse it to
some degree. This was retweeted JWF (@JammieWF)This Ted Cruz filibuster is so meaningless and
dumbthat the angry-left is obsessed with it. abc-and the WaPo-sneered-at-sen-cruz, JON STEWART
IGNORED FACTS while going INTO DEFENSE MODE, Bette Midler beclowned herwelf when she claimed
Ted Cruz was not a real Christian, lapdog-milbank-said-cruz-is-all-about himself, MATTHEWS exclaimed

The new anarchy inciter, harry-reid, mocked the speech as a big waste of time and
criticized the tea party. Rep. Van Hollen exclaimed the GOP was Scared ObamaCare Will
Be Successful [without noting the cascade of faults that continue to emerge daily];
Schumer said he had been 'Appalled' at Cruz's Interpretation of 'Green Eggs and Ham.'

MEDIA essentially determined that THE FILIBUSTER IS ONLY 'FAKE' WHEN TED CRUZ DOES IT; as the
media-claimed-ted-cruz-was not-filibustering, democrat-filibusters were hailed. Dramatizing these facts
was how media-bias was demonstrated when ted-cruz and wendy-davis were not handled objectively.

Ignoring the fact that sen-harry-reid admitted ObamaCare absolutely is a step toward a
single-payer-system, lefties @ the WaPo then issued this subtly-negative determination:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) sustained a marathon talking attack on President Obamas
health-care law overnight and showed no sign of stopping well into Wednesday morning

a feat of stamina that likely will complicate House GOP efforts to pass a funding bill
aimed at averting a looming government shutdown. {This segue was artificial.}

With Their Ted Cruz Smears, the Left Showed Their Fear of the Grassroots Tea Party; indeed, POLITICO
was compelled to TRACK-DOWN a 'DR. SEUSS EXPERT' TO TRASH CRUZ. Meanwhile, NPR Hid the Cost of
ObamaCare and the key-challenge being debated currently was misconstrued in a headline in usa-today
when it claimed a senate-vote-on the CR was to determine whether a shutdown on the ObamaCares CR
would occur [that would reflexly be blamed on the GOP, of course].


McCain Bashed Cruz and, in the process, exclaimed The People had Spoken on ObamaCare and the GOP
Should Respect the Outcomes of Elections; he praised how democrats had passed it and emphasized
the fact that elections-have-consequences, essentially delivering-the-democratic-response-to-cruz.
Reaction was swift, as mark-levin-slammed-john-mccain-as-a-useful-idiot-for-the-democrats, it was
advised that he acquiesce to the message in an old ditty [Theyre coming to take me away, ha-ha!] and
Errol Phillips determined that he emerged after Charlie Crist and Arlen Specter were placed into a juicer.
*McCain wasnt alone in attacking Cruz, to wit: in-crazy-cruz-versus-mcclique, im-with-cruz.]

And after his daughter meghan-mccain-claimed to hate chris-christie, the media were
not fooled; the Media Turned on Meghan McCain and Blasted her New Pivot Show.

Because ted-cruz-now-owns-the-conservative base *per Herman Cain+, its easier to lobby people such
as Roy Blount, who Joined 10 Other GOP Senators Who Will Vote To Fund Obama-Care [to encourage a
reassessment of priorities by as many as 11-rino-parasites-who-are-ready-to-vote-against-defunding.
Necessarily, this effort would be perceived as a Great Big attack on the GOP Establishment, and it would
have to withstand counter-attacks by people who think they are presidential timbre [plus the media],
such as Rep. Peter King [who called Ted Cruz a fraud and a terrorist, as he dared to cross to the House].
None of this would have anything to do with the debt-ceiling, which obama-once-opposed-lifting.




Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 4:17 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXX [ObamaCare and more ACTION-ITEMS]


List Of Republicans Who Say They Wont Defund ObamaCare

Scribd was down a few hours ago, so the entry of the prior blast e-mail onto Facebook was delayed;
thus, here is where it resides on the internet: http://www.scribd.com/doc/171113483/anti-Obama-

"Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - JOHN WAYNE

Illustrative of the fact that ObamaCare isnt ready for prime-time, is this just-received announcement:
The Obama administration is delaying another piece of ObamaCare, postponing online enrollment in
some of the small-business exchanges scheduled to open Oct. 1. Also, Rep. Fitzpatrick notes that
ObamaCare is hurting Sesame Place employees, irs-lost-$67-million-out-of-billion-dollar-obamaCare-
slush-fund, ObamaCare-hides-switch-of-subsidies-from-young-to-old, 92% Of Americans Want No
Exemptions For The 3 Branches, Health care exchanges may have high out-of-pocket costs, ObamaCare
Makes Premiums More Expensive For Young People, and the total of wasted federal-money in
healthcare is greater than the u.s. defense budget. Meanwhile, some claim eliminating expenditures due
to ObamaCare [~$2.6 Trillion] would obviate worriment regarding whether its the end of the world as
we know it, noting that treasury set a hard oct.-17 debt-limit deadline; although some claim there is no
DITCH, per Heritage Action], opponents thereto have created a meltdown, for gop-bosses-phones-are

unplugged. And naysayers consistently offer absolutely no alternative [other than to try to win future
elections and then to eliminate an ongoing entitlement+including Krauthammer [vs. Levin]. Finally,
yesterday, the AAPS [Association of American Physicians and Dentists] filed an injunction to stop
ObamaCare implementation on the basis of illegal changes to the law; meanwhile, the-debt-limit-

,A reader advised review of a Kaine colloquy, the morning installments, the Hoffa letter,
and Federalist #58 (regarding the congressional exemption to the law); a key-quote from
the latter is apropos [The House of Representatives cannot only refuse, but they alone
can propose, the supplies requisite for the support of government.], and he may wish to
provide another that he feels is of particular relevance to the updated colloquy.

Again, despite the naysayers [As Ted Cruz ends protest, Senate votes 100-0 to take up budget bill],
support for Cruz keeps rising [jewish presss an essay by j-e-dyer entitled why-ted-cruz-speaks-for-me]
as our-guys explain how to Make DC Listen [You don't know which fights you can win until you fight
them+ and the Ds counterattack [n.b., the-politic-of-black-mail.aspx]; this is the plan [per Guzzardi]:

This is not the "real" cloture vote. I will explain later but there is, I am reasonably sure,
another plan. The real cloture vote is to cut off the clock. Cruz is running the
clock. {Meanwhile, reid-wants-to-brazenly-trample-on-the-minority-to-get-his-way.}

Watch for a "slice and dice" where House passes segmented serial Continuing
Resolutions sequentially strategically funding government departments avoiding shut
down except for Treasury and HHS. Cruz set this out in Politico article on Sunday.
Boehner and Cruz are collaborating. Just as the Ds and media hysterically scram "the sky
is falling" head for the hills, Boehner, smiling like the cat who ate the canary, rolls out
the segmented CRs sequentially starting with military. These will be CRs that retain the
Sequester which has had no dramatically noticeable impact.

The CRs will be voted and passed with near unanimity in the House just as the Cloture
vote is being held. At the key moment, the most dramatic as every media is reporting
the government will shut down, Boehner-Cruz will confront the Senate with no choice
but to vote AYE to Boehner/Cruz segmented CRs or being accused, accurately, of
shutting down government. The first will be Military Funding. The key is that CRs are
segmented by department tracking the long term Appropriations bills which have never
been passed.


The government is open and ObamaCare defended. Obama, the Ds and Republican Old
Guard Establishment CHECKMATED. Cruz is the new leader of the Constitutional
Republicans. Boehner is hailed for the victory.

This is brilliant and imaginative and takes nerves of steel. Cruz is one smart and
determined guy, having defeated the Rove/Cronyn/Bailey/Bush/Dewhurst Texas
Establishment Republicans. His dad was in Castro's jails came from nothing to see his
son get to Princeton and Harvard Law. I have met Rafael. This is not grandstanding
suicide mission. The End Game is victory.

We are calling our plan Segmented CR roll-out which should occur around 11am as
the Cloture Vote happens and Liberals explode with hyperbole.

Or Sen. McConnell could propose Segmented CR Roll out in Senate and let Sen. Reid say
"no" to funding. The Rs will be seen as both smart and reasonable and D as oppositional
and obstinately partisan.

Cruz: senators-who-listen-to-their-constituents-will-vote-to-defund-ObamaCare

Lynne Kessler Lechter notes ,edited-: For the "ObamaCare will self-destruct" crowd, that is not going
to happen. What is going to happen is that the cap on your out-of-pocket expenses was just delayed for
a year by Obama. If you make over 48K, you receive no subsidy while Congressional folks making over
six figures get 5-6K illegal subsidies that you pay. 30 million people will still need either insurance or
eligibility proof for subsidies [a requirement that has been waived for two years by Obama]. That's just a
little snippet. Roberts must have found a horse's bloody head in his bed! Also, this delay-game must
not be honored [democratic-senator-would-support-one-year-delay-of-individual-mandate], as Reid
remains firm [reid-no-negotiations-with-gop-on-government-funding-debt-ceiling]; it may be recalled
that not funding ObamaCare would ameliorate the rapidly-rising debt [immediately and subsequently],
notwithstanding paul-krugmans remedy for the debt *death-panels-and-sales-taxes].

This 5-minute explanation as to why-conservatives-suck is unnerving, perhaps explaining
Charlie Rangels quote [GOPers Going To Hell For Opposing Big Government].

Ending on a note of levity, note this Canadian Version of David Letterman's Top 10; this is Canada 's
Top Ten List of America's Stupidity.

Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00
a plate campaign fund-raising event.

Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates
against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and
roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black.
40% of all federal entitlements go to black Americans 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X
the rate that go to Hispanics.

Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for the
tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel
(who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who
are in favor of higher taxes.

Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and
have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the

Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally become American
citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for
the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just
'magically' become American citizens.

Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and
sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or
buy alcohol, but not to vote.

Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil
companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on
equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company
making tennis shoes (Nike).

Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people

than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per
year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have
nearly enough money.

Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be
accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

912 Patriots of Lower Bucks
* * * Announcement * * *


Conservatives across the country were heartened by the House
Republicans passing a bill last Friday to fund government
and defund ObamaCare, in the face of overwhelming media
pressure and hysteria.

No matter what the mainstream media say - and they love to
promote any sign of Republican infighting - Republicans do
not intend to shut down the government.

There are two competing strategies on what's the best way to
keep ObamaCare from hurting the American people. They can be
simplified as Defund and Delay. But no matter which strategy

you think is better, ALL conservatives should support insisting
on a 60-vote threshold for changes to the House bill.

America cannot afford ObamaCare. A growing majority of the
American people disapprove of the law, as more and more of its
disastrous effects are revealed on a weekly basis.

On Oct. 1 the exchanges become publicly available and the law
itself will begin to take effect on Jan. 1, 2014.

NOW is our best chance to stop this law from destroying the
health care system in America and further damaging our weak

Our most courageous conservative members, like Congressman
Tom Graves (R-GA) and U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike
Lee (R-UT), have been courageously leading this fight. They have
stood tall - now it is time that we stand with them.

The Senate is set to vote as early as Wednesday on a procedural
motion that would allow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to
strip the House-passed language defunding ObamaCare with only
51 votes by week's end, forcing the Republican-led House to
accept ObamaCare funding or shut down the government.

Here is the good news: the 46 Republican U.S. Senators are
enough to prevent this from happening. Harry Reid can only use a
51 vote threshold later this week to strip the defund language if
he first gets 60 votes on the initial procedural vote. If at least 41
of the 46 Republican Senators stand with Senators Cruz and
Lee, we can prevent Harry Reid from winning this fight.

Is YOUR Senator in the fight with us?

This could be our best chance to Defund ObamaCare!


Use LFR's Rally Congress feature (which is taken MUCH more
seriously than regular emails, and less frustrating than calling
and getting busy signals) to write your U.S. Senators (placing
priority on the Republicans) and tell them you want these two

1) Harry Reid must allow at least one vote on the House bill
as is.
2) Your Senator should support a 60-vote threshold by

threatening to support a filibuster of any effort that would add
ObamaCare funding back into the House bill.

Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do to defend

Colin A. Hanna, President


Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 5:01 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXI [ObamaCare and ACUTE ACTION-ITEMS]


Six pages of hyperlinks have been mined from the usual sources [during recent hours] to depict what
may transpire during the upcoming daysand to yield focused-interventions that may prove effective.
Overall, it appears the input this physician has been providing [to anyone who would deign to listen]
during the past almost-two months FINALLY appears to be emerging from national decision-makers.
Therefore, because its past my bedtime, this is a bullet-point summary of key-concepts that emerged,
taking into account the occasional necessity to quote directly/completely from a pivotal resource.

First, certain exhortations have emerged, such as this one, all of which are themed on the need to stand
FIRMLY behind the leadership of Cruzboth in the Senate and in the Housefor it may be recalled that
his involvement in the parallel entity was noted in a blast that was issued more than a week ago
[surmising that this had been simultaneously one of the major reasons for the vote-switch and one of
the major reasons for the subsequent anger directed unambiguously at him by the Establishment-GOP].
Thus, it is advised to follow this advice, taking into account points that will be [re]-emphasized infra:


Some may view this formulation as a bit harsh, but the long-knives are out for Cruz [and it is notable
that he has not responded in-kind, nor have his chief allies such as Mike Lee]; this is a battle-royale for
the soul of the GOP, and trends are favoring the good guys. Note, for example, the fact that calls were
100% for Cruz *@ Toomeys Philly office as of when this physician inquired @ 11:30 a.m. yesterday+;
then recognize thatwithin hoursa press-release confirmed he had committed to opposing cloture.
This may explain why Senator Lee claims the GOP Has the Votes to Stop Funding ObamaCare and others
have found the gop-has-votes-in-senate-to-defund-ObamaCare, for red-state-democrats-are in trouble;
this message emerged during tonights chat with FNCs Greta *BUCHANAN TO GOP: Fix bayonets! ] and
was highlighted by Guzzardi [republicans-fix-bayonets+ in a fashion that reflects the high-stakes here.

After Obama Ripped Fox News During Health Care Pitch, Neil Cavuto Crushed Obama
Over Latest Attack Against FOX News; We Didnt Sell This Health Care Law, You Did!
was the theme Cavuto struck, as he directly took-on Obama Over Fox News Criticism,
and Cavuto RIPPED Obama on ObamaCare by claiming Fox Can Do Math and You Cant!

CONGRESS SCRAMBLES AS SHUTDOWN DATE LOOMS, a potential outcome that prompted some pundits
to claim there is Blame for Both Sides. Regardless, cruz noted that the friday-cloture-vote-to-defund-
ObamaCare-is the most-important-vote-all-year, as the House Plans Round Two on Shutdown Fight.

The Senate will vote at 12:30 p.m. Friday on the House-passed spending bill. The
chamber must first clear a 60-vote threshold to end debate on the legislation. Senators
will then vote to strike the provision in the bill that defunds ObamaCare before taking a
roll call on final passage, both of which will require a simple majority. Senators spent all
day trying to move up the votes, but a proposal to vote on Thursday was blocked by
GOP Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas. The amended bill will then go back
to the House. {The Cruzade claims the Defunding Effort Nearing 30 Votes in Senate.}

House Republican leadership is considering a change to its strategy and might postpone
a vote on the debt ceiling until after a government-funding fight, according to multiple
senior GOP sources. The delay could be as long as a week. House Republicans want to
finish the government-funding fight before committing to a debt-ceiling package.
{Therefore, the need to ensure the defunding effort is mutually exclusive of everything
has been sustained, so barteringfor example, for Keystone-XLwont budge us; again,
this is a concept that this physician has emphasized when lobbying multiple allies.}

There is strong evidence that the will-of-the-people is now being directed @ wayward Republicans [Poll:
Lindsey Graham Least Popular GOP Official in South Carolina], that McCain is a hypocrite [Flashback:
McCain Used Same Tactic Against ObamaCare Cruz Is Using Now], that Paul is hedging his bets [Rand
Paul: Republicans 'May Not Get' ObamaCare Defunding] and that cornyn has been targeted:

In Harris County (Austin) Texas, John Cornyn was booed for not supporting Ted Cruz:
"Ive never witnessed anything like I witnessed today at that club. Texas Sen. John
Cornyn sent a representative to the meeting, which in my memory is the first time hes
done that. I do know that hes hired a lot of people lately, so perhaps that is why she
was there. I didnt catch her name but, when she stood up to introduce herself and

stated who she was shilling for, she received a chorus of boos. Never, ever would I have
expected that at this club. Club President Sophia Mafrige told the crowd that the club
doesnt greet people that way and did a redo, forcing people to applaud. I think that
this incident shows the level of frustration that Republican primary voters have with the
senior senator from Texas."

Here are a few media-appearances of Cruz:
If Harry Reid does try to force a government shutdown, by passing one continuing resolution (CR) after
another funding each specific piece of government, starting off with funding the military, Cruz said on
Fox News. {This is one of the key-concepts this physician has been SCREAMING since early-August.}
cruz-house-should-pass-military-only-funding-measure {The fact that he repeated it suggests it has legs.}
Sen. Cruz joins Sean Hannity to Discuss Defunding ObamaCare {This complements his chat with Rush.}
sen-ted-cruz-on-the-mark-levin {This constituted a bona-fide love-fest, obviating temptation to scream.}

Here are a few attacks on Cruz from the Left [which are vicious]:
harry-reid-calls-ObamaCare-medical-device-tax-stupid; hes-actually-right-on-this-one
White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer compared the GOP to terrorists

Obama adviser compares Republicans to terrorists, kidnappers, arsonists
Reid: 'I'm Not Talking to Boehner' and Reid: 'There's No Need For Conversations'
Obama Mocks GOP for 'Crazy' ObamaCare Predictions
obama claims-gop-is-scared-because-people-will-love-ObamaCare
Jesse Jackson: Ted Cruz Is A Clown Obama a wise man

Here are a few attacks on Cruz from the Right [which sometimes resembles those from the Left]:
rep-peter king-office flooded with vile profane obscene calls-after-he-criticized-cruz
Daniel Henninger: Let ObamaCare Collapse; Congress can't kill the entitlement state, for only the
American people can. {This typifies the surrender-caucus, ignoring inability to undo major entitlements.}

Here are a few examples of media-bias that, naturally, disfavors Cruz:
{He has been so effective that some feel media are-terrified-of-ted-cruz.}
Politico Worries GOP 'Struggling' with 'Wingers'

Here are a few compilations of currently recognized-foes of Cruz:
who-supports ObamaCare in Texas

Here are a few examples of articles extolling Cruz, and the power he has rapidly accrued:
Ted Cruz Extends the Buckley Rule
Cruzs epic performance
D.C. establishment misunderstands Cruzs goal in speaking for 21 hours straight: to Make D.C. Listen.


Here are a few articles decrying the debtand Obama:
Poll: 61% Reject Obama; Want Spending Cuts Attached to Debt Ceiling
Obama Approval Rating Hits Two-Year Low

Here are a few indicia of what might transpire:
Speaker John Boehner said Thursday the GOP-controlled House will not accept a temporary spending bill
from the Democratic Senate if it is shorn clean of a tea party plan to "defund ObamaCare."
House Demands ObamaCare Delay, Reforms for Debt Hike
Dem senator backs pause of individual mandate

Here are more problems with ObamaCare:
Obama Lied Again; Says ObamaCare has Not Caused Widespread Job Loss
this-u-s-rep had problem with private-health-plan-after-he-opted-out-of-ObamaCare
More unions turning
Chicago navigators STILL not ready
Only 1% says they now have insurance for the first time
herman.cain discusses three defects in ObamaCare
Spanish Version of ObamaCare Website Delayed for Weeks
Economist: ObamaCare Discourages 'Strong and Stable Families'


Here are a few analytic articles:
In the Fight Against ObamaCare, Actions Speak Louder than Words
ObamaCare Yay Or Nay? The Truth About Canada!
How Will ObamaCare Impact You?

Here is some levity:
harry-reid-just-posted-the-most-self-unaware-tweet-ever: Governing must be a cooperative effort that
sets aside the ideological or parochial concerns in favor of what is best for the nation.

This is from the [liberal] Politico, and it appears congruent with key-points distilled from other sources:

report for the hometown paper: "Many Republicans were highly dubious - if not
downright furious - at Ted Cruz's threat to use a government shutdown as leverage to

gut ObamaCare. But employing similar tactics for hiking the debt ceiling? Well, that's a
different question entirely. A large number of Senate and House Republicans are raising
the threat of a debt default to curtail, delay or defund President Barack Obama's
signature domestic policy achievement. It's a major gamble - risking the prospect of a
first-ever default on U.S. debt - but it's one seriously being considered by the same
Republicans who have refused to join Cruz's filibuster attempt of the stopgap spending
bill to keep the government running. ... Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who dubbed Cruz's
threat to shut down the government over ObamaCare the 'dumbest idea' he'd ever
heard, said Congress shouldn't give Obama a debt ceiling increase without attaching
strings, and the president 'is going to pay some price for it, which is a benefit for the
American people.' ...
-- The shift in strategy is a sign of how Republicans - tired of being divided over tactics
in this fall's fiscal fights - are eagerly looking to unite in the next battle, hoping to win
concessions from the White House. Many Republicans believe that they would lose a
public relations war if government agencies were forced to close down, much the way
Republicans did in the budget battles with President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. But on
raising the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling, Republicans believe they're on much firmer
political ground to demand some spending cuts - or changes to ObamaCare - given the
public's disapproval of sky-high deficits and the unpopularity of the health care law.
-- The country will hit its debt limit no later than Oct. 17, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew
informed Congress on Wednesday. http://politi.co/1b5rf0T
-- House Republicans are also mulling a one-week CR that would extend negotiations,
reports National Review's Robert Costa citing GOP senators. But Senate Democrats are
unlikely to entertain that idea: http://bit.ly/1bGie18
could happen as early as today. Burgess Everett for POLITICO: "Senators struck a deal on
Wednesday night to accelerate consideration of the House-passed government
spending bill, increasing the chances that a government shutdown can be averted. After
working all day to reach agreement, the Senate unanimously began considering the
spending bill, which defunds ObamaCare and funds the government through Dec. 15.
That speeds up the long Senate process of actually passing the bill by at least a day,
putting final passage of the bill on course for Saturday, possibly earlier. If Congress
doesn't act, the government will shut down on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The Senate will now
vote on Friday morning at the latest on ending debate on the CR, a vote that several
conservative senators vow to oppose given Reid's ability to stripping out the ObamaCare
language. On Wednesday evening, Reid filed the amendment that eliminates the
controversial defunding provision and changes the CR's expiration date to Nov. 15."
IT WAS A CONFUSING END to Ted Cruz's 21-hour talk-a-thon, the New York Times'
Jonathan Weisman reports on A1: "The Senate on Wednesday moved toward
approving legislation to keep the government open without gutting the health care law
after Senator Ted Cruz's 21-hour-and-19-minute verbal assault on it ended with a 100-
to-0 vote that is likely to lead to an outcome that Mr. Cruz had tried to stop. The strange
series of events started with Mr. Cruz's marathon speech - which began Tuesday
afternoon and went on until noon on Wednesday - and ended with the unanimous vote
to cut off debate and proceed to consideration of a bill passed by the House that would
keep the government open past Monday. Mr. Cruz's 'yes' vote angered fellow Senate
Republicans, baffled Democrats and confused conservative activists who had mobilized

to stand with him against any procedural step forward. On Sunday he made clear that
he opposed cutting off debate - called cloture - unless the majority leader, Harry Reid,
agreed that 60 votes be required to strip the bill of language that would gut the health
care law.
... Yet after the vote on Wednesday, Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, said Mr.
Cruz had never intended to oppose the motion to take up the bill, an assertion
contradicted by Mr. Cruz's words and procedural motions for days before the tally.
Aides to senior Republican senators fumed that they had been deluged by conservative
activists pressing for a 'no' vote." http://nyti.ms/16HNhmy
JOHN McCAIN LASHED OUT AT CRUZ on the Senate floor for comparing those who
don't agree with his ObamaCare strategy to Nazi appeasers, Karen Bohan reports for
Reuters: "McCain said he was particularly upset that Cruz had compared those unwilling
to embrace his methods to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and others who
were willing to appease Nazi Germany before World War Two. McCain, a Vietnam
veteran and former prisoner of war, said the comparison was inappropriate. He said he
had taken Cruz aside privately to tell him, and got a response he did not like: Cruz told
him his appeaser reference applied not to distinguished members of the Senate but only
media 'pundits.' 'I resoundingly reject' Cruz's comments, said McCain, a senior
Republican and former presidential candidate. 'I think it's wrong and I think it's a
disservice to those who stood up and shouted at the top of their lungs that we cannot
appease and that we must act,' he said. He said the remarks were a disservice to those,
including his father and grandfather, who fought in World War Two."
-- The usually soft-spoken, genteel Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.) lit into Cruz during a
closed-door GOP caucus meeting this week as well, Manu Raju reports:
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-N.Y.) said Cruz completely missed the point of "Green Eggs
and Ham," which the Texas senator read during his marathon talk: 'I was appalled,' the
New York senator told reporters Wednesday. 'Green Eggs and Ham has a moral: Don't
criticize something, don't reject something, until you actually try it. Sam said he didn't
like green eggs and ham for a long time. And then when he finally tried it, he liked it.'
"Maybe Ted Cruz, once ObamaCare occurred, might actually like it,' Schumer said, still
shaking his head over the book. 'I don't know if he read it.' Jennifer Bendery in the
Huffington Post: http://huff.to/1b6JNy0
-- POLITICO's Alex Burns asks: Is Cruz a political anarchist or genius? - "You can get
ahead in politics by ticking off some of the people in Washington all of the time, or all of
the people in Washington some of the time. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is testing the
consequences of ticking off everyone in Washington all of the time. With his obviously
doomed campaign this month against funding the Affordable Care Act, Cruz triggered a
wave of vitriol from his fellow Republicans, who lampooned his outsized ego, over-the-
top rhetoric and dubious legislative tactics. The avalanche of criticism both threatens
Cruz's status as a GOP golden boy - and strengthens his profile as a kind of tea party folk
hero for whom Washington's hatred is a badge of honor." http://politi.co/1bebXdK


Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 2:37 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXII [ObamaCare and HYPER-ACUTE ACTION-ITEMS]


The next move [explained @ the end, for implementation by Boehner et al. in less than 10 hours]:
Necessarily, the House would send the Senate full-funding [@ sequester-levels, which Reid said hed
not oppose, as per an article published a few days ago, cited in a prior blast+ for all departments
except for Treasury/HHS, with the former proscribed from enforcing ObamaCare and the latter having
the Scalese *Republican Study Committees revenue-neutral] healthcare plan supplanting ObamaCare.

Anyone doubting the severity of the problem is invited to recall that Reagan Warned Us About Obama.
Today is crucial, obviously, and the GOP-House Caucus is scheduled to meet @ High-Noon; the fact that
Cruz has lobbied in the House has provoked dyspepsia *per Stephen Hayes, on FNCs All Stars+. Thus,
its time to pull-together myriad thoughts that have dominated the 693 pages comprising these blast
e-mails, a series initiated in June that evolved from focus on a burgeoning BHO-Scandal-Sheet to
advocating noisily for the views manifest during the Cruz quasi-filibuster; extensively documented
have been all major faults of ObamaCare as well as its profound philosophical implications. Indeed,
perceived in a totally political context, it threatens to create a deep, irreversible signature legislation
outcome that would offset anything BHO would attain during the upcoming 3+ yearsits THAT crucial
[forget-ObamaCares-bumps-and-glitches, for one must-look-at how-it-destroys-personal-choice].

Adding to the resolve not to cave to Obama has been rhetoric from multiple Ds, ranging
from obamas claim that one-day-everyone-will-want-to-take-credit-for-ObamaCare to
tht of past/present leaders [senator-harkin-says-politics-have-reached-civil-war-levels;
al-gore-calls-possible-government-shutdown-political-terrorism; get-a-life harry-reid-
sneers-that-republicans-need-to-move-on-from-ObamaCare; Sen. Barbara Mikulski
(MD), from the Senate floor, {pejoratively} calls out the teabaggers in the Tea Party].


It is desirable to dispense with as much obligatory data-mining as possible, so as to strategize regarding
what will be occurring this weekend; if, indeed Reid told his senatorial colleagues not to return until
Monday-a.m., the GOP has an opportunity to pass pivotal legislation tomorrowand then feel justified
complaining about D-party delay for as long as 48-hours, thereby satirizing how Reid lambasted Cruz
[immediately having trashed his 21+ hour speak-a-thon as merely a monumental waste of time+. Here,
rationalizations that a let-it-burn-theory of socialist-collapse should justify funding have been debunked,
for sufficient pain has already transpired [Administration Confirms Americans Will Not See a $2,500
premium-decrease; ObamaCare Employer Mandate caused many Cuts To Work Hours and Jobs;
ObamaCare is anti-gun, obama lied when he told america some real whoppers about ObamaCare;
#ObamaCare creates insurance monopolies; congresswoman ObamaCare creating health insurance
monopolies; computer-snags-delay-parts of-ObamaCare; ObamaCare's Mandate To Shut Down Little
Sisters Of The Poor; ObamaCare Has Caused Widespread Job Loss; People signing-Up For ObamaCare
Also simultaneously registering To Vote]. Ron PAUL asks: Why must the American people suffer when
even so many Democrats dont want ObamaCare? The GOPs-huelskamp slams al sharpton: If
ObamaCare is so great, why does Congress exempt itself? And, as Rep. Marsha Blackburn said on FNCs
Hannity *to Monica Crowley, subbing+, we still must delay defund repeal replace.

Naturally, dominating the media [both national and local] are discussions of 10-Ways-a-
Government-Shutdown-Might-Affect-You--Even-if-Youre-Not-a-Federal-Worker; sadly,
few people are discussing [oh-what-a-night] lessons-from-the-cruz-filibuster, nor are the
object lessons regarding leadership being shared with a public losing-out on this tutorial.
[Consider this excerpt: It's Time for the Senate to Listen to the American People.]
Although the electorate is hungry for data, lamentably, few defects of ObamaCare are
raised by commentators; its almost as ifper Rushthe public has been anesthetized.


Guzzardi notes this graph shows that prices rise the more government subsidizes;
anticipate that ObamaCare could soon emulate college/university tuition.

Last night, when offered a few minutes to update Bucks County troops at the Standard *n Moose+
in Doylestown, this physician noted the internal battle between the GOPs establishment/conservatives
that has explodedevidenced by mccain*-chiding-cruz-for-nazi-comment-during-ObamaCare-speech,
Christie claiming 'Responsible' GOP Leaders Would Work Out Spending Bill and that its Irresponsible to
Shutdown government and Coburn {instead, facetiously} calling for shutdown of all wasteful Spending
and that will be raging during the years prior to designation of the POTUS-16 candidate. Immediately,
comments segued into a candid update of what has been achieved and what must be accomplished,
now focused on continued efforts to contact legislators directly and firmly with individualized messages.
{*Believe it or not, McCain Hired the infamous Syrian Rebel Advocate Who Fabricated Her Background.}


Ted Cruz had received a standing-O @ the start of the meeting, reflecting affection
generated by his media appearances [e.g., Sen. Ted Cruz Speaking with Sean Hannity]
and that now is manifest in polling regarding current activities [Ted Cruz More Trusted
Among Republicans Than Boehner, McConnell] and his potential future [poll-cruz-leads-
2016-gop-presidential-field-has-more-credibility-than-party-leaders]. Time constraints
led to omitting explanatory information regarding the Press Releases directed towards
Rep. Fitzpatrick [due to dilatory commitment to defunding, characterized as tough-love]
and regarding the Facebook websites *Ted Heads and Ted Cruz for President 2016+
upon which this physician has been uploading data for the past month-plus. Instead,
people were told how individual activism can yield tangible outcomes (without angst).

Ted Cruz Kneels in Prayer Outside White House
for Saeed Abedini, who has been in an Iranian prison for one year,
persecuted for his faith to Jesus Christ;
Cruz is alongside Rev. Rob Schenck (from Faith and Action)
and Rev. Frazier White (a Democrat and Obama supporter).

Today, the Senate defied Cruz by stripping language defunding ObamaCare; this roll-call shows the
names of the 25 Republicans who voted to fund ObamaCare [noting that early reports of 27-rino-
traitors-in-the-senate-who-just-voted-in-favor-of-ObamaCare were generated by simple-arithmetic that
had not recognized absences (for family reasons) of Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch].
Cruz was joined by 18 of his fellow Republicans: Sens. Mike Crapo of Idaho, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Deb
Fischer of Nebraska, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Dean Heller of Nevada, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Mike
Lee of Utah, Jim Moran of Kansas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rob Portman of Ohio, Jim Risch of Idaho, Pat
Roberts of Kansas, Marco Rubio of Florida, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Richard
Shelby of Alabama, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and David Vitter of Louisiana. Sen. Thad Cochran of
Mississippi originally voted no, but then switched his vote to yes. As an example of the outcome of this
effort has teen an open-letter-to-congressman gohmert calling on him to challenge Cornyn; instructive,

now, is the fact that cloture was supported by all Members of Senate GOP leadership: Senate Minority
Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Minority Whip Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Senate GOP
conference chairman Sen. John Thune (R-SD), GOP conference vice-chair Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO), and
GOP Policy Committee chairman Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY). Anyone wishing to access social-site-
contacts-for-the-senate will discover how easily one can communicate with them, quickly/efficiently.
,Breitbart assigned this VERY positive headline: SENATE GOP BULLS BACK CRUZ, LEE.-

Bob Guzzardi reports that Mitch Vidovich of Pat Toomey's southeast office sent to him
Pat Toomey's statement on the ObamaCare Cloture Vote:

From the start, my goal has been, and continues to be, to completely repeal the
Presidents health care law as soon as possible. ObamaCare hurts our economy, shrinks
paychecks, and moves our health care system in the wrong direction. It is simply not
fixable. ,An example of Pats efforts: Toomey Works To Protect Paychecks For Troops.}

With President Obama in the White House and the Democratic party controlling the
Senate, full repeal, unfortunately, cannot be achieved now. However, I believe that,
right now, we can delay and dismantle some of the most egregious flaws in this law
flaws which have been acknowledged by lawmakers in both parties. I, therefore, intend
to offer reasonable amendments that would help achieve this objective, including for
instance, a measure to repeal the health care laws medical device tax which drives up
costs for patients and threatens Pennsylvania jobs.

If Majority Leader Reid insists on granting himself the power to gut the House-passed
bill with 51 votes, while preventing me and other Senators from even offering
amendments with broad bipartisan support, I will vote against cloture on the bill.

Mitch Vidovich Mitchh_Vidovich@toomey.senate.gov
Southeast Regional Director
Office of Senator Pat Toomey
1628 JFK Blvd, Suite 1702
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 241-1090

So, what happens next? Is there sufficient time for due process *which Boehner solemnly pledged
would become the routine+ to occurif the Senate is out-of-townthrough a Conference Committee?
Were there to be a shutdown, will a 2009-law-protect-veterans? Tonight, to FNCs Greta, Cruz said the
following idea *championed by this physician for TWO MONTHS+ is Terrific: Buchanan advises House
GOP to use piecemeal budget strategy. Guzzardi and I term this approach to be a sequential strategic
structured shutdown, a phrase that emerged 2 years ago during a half-hour conversation with Rep.
Tom Price [who recalled having met this physician during an Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Internal Medicine, two decades ago!] during the evening-reception after Pat Toomeys swearing-in.
Here, the House should pass segmented CRs and roll-out each serially, sequentially and strategically
starting with funding the military at current levels with sequester in place; a few days ago, these ideas
were embraced by cruz, as it became clear he advised the House to pass military-only funding-measure.
Necessarily, the House would send the Senate full-funding [@ sequester-levels, which Reid said hed
not oppose, as per an article published a few days ago, cited in a prior blast+ for all departments

except for Treasury/HHS, with the former proscribed from enforcing ObamaCare and the latter having
the Scalese *Republican Study Committees revenue-neutral] healthcare plan supplanting ObamaCare.

Video: Compare Wolf Blitzer's Carney and Bachmann ObamaCare Interviews
During interviews about ObamaCare on Thursday by CNN's Wolf Blitzer, he was a
pussycat who was obviously unprepared (or unwilling) to rebut White House spokesman
Jay Carney, but he aggressively hectored GOP congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

THE CRISIS [by Thomas Paine+: THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer
soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their
country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the
harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.


Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 3:57 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXIII [ObamaCare and SUPER-HYPER-ACUTE ACTION-ITEMS]


It is so vital that this concept be disseminated virally ASAP that it is distilled *Guzzardi will be pleased+.

The House must pass a series of Continuing Resolutions for the 10 Departments [of 14] not yet funded.
All would be predicated on Sequester-level funding (which Reid publicly owns, accepted proudly}.

It should start with the DoD and Vets, and then proceed individually/grouped to encompass the rest.
This would leave HHS/Treasury [either individually or paired] to include healthcare-linked provisos.

For Treasury, HR 2009 (Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013) was passed by the House and
would be appended, thereby precluding IRS-level enforcement of any facet of any healthcare law.

For HHS, ObamaCare would be supplanted by the Republican Study Committees revenue-neutral act
*which was composed by Scalise, comprising the GOPs Healthcare Plan (interstate competition, etc.)+.

This excerpt from prior iterations of this proposal articulates how it undermines rhetorical-challenge
[first written in August and, since then, SCREAMED from the Mountain-Tops to whomever/wherever]:

In this fashion, the GOP would not be portrayed as the Party of NO! because it
would have adopted [and funded] its alternative-plan, and the GOP would not be
portrayed as having shut down government because it would have upheld its duties
[per the Constitution, Article I, Section 7] to originate government-funding bills.

Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Medical Oncology/Hematology Telephone: (215) 333-4900
Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152 http://www.doctor-bob.biz/rsklaroff


Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 3:41 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXIV [ObamaCare, Editorialization and Overview]



Todays activities dovetailed with concepts already established; the pivotal point was that the CR was
*finally+ divided, establishing a precedent that has been advocated in these blasts for two months and
that has been openly articulated for ~10 days by Senators Cruz/Lee. The impact of this explosion is both
predictably causing the Ds *and their media acolytes+ to reel, and less-predictably prompting the Rs
[and their TPM-activists] to recalculate; thus, the irresistible force has budged the immovable object,
and the chain-reaction has already provoked BHO to alter his stance in a fashion few have recognized.
The purpose, here, is to summarize a series of mini-blasts issued throughout the day, illustrating both
the above concepts and what might be projected to transpire as the ping-pong of legislation transpires;
amazingly, it appears Reid is allowing the Ds to vacation today *until 2 p.m. Monday+, yielding a great
time-crunch that could yield a partial governmental shutdown, depending upon the sequence-of-events.

Although some dissention-in-the-ranks not surprisingly persists, the fact that the Rs are
fully-engagedand have embraced the TPM-Conservativesallows the great pressure
self-imposed upon this physician to abate; thus, it is no longer necessary to mine the
entire Internet for clues as to the direction of events *and to preserve same in blasts+.
All concepts have been accommodated scrupulously within the context of the prescient
advocacy stances herein, and the mega-forces at-play are recognized to be HISTORIC;
now that greater-minds are in-control *read: POTUS-in-waiting Cruz+, neglected tasks
can be tackled [and accumulated hyperlinks unrelated to ObamaCare can be aggregated
thereafter, always under the aegis of anti-Obama data, with dire consequences. Thus,
my work is done with regard to the need to agitate *in-writing and orally] to attain the
necessary recognition on the national level of thought-through ideas from early-August;
info provided by others will be disseminated via this pathway if it is necessary to provide
an alert as to how the evolution of strategy may be diverging from the goal of placing
BHO into a type of receivership *to minimize further harm+ until noon of 1/20/2017.

As noted, the e-mails circulated throughout the day were remitted to those in the ad-hoc coalition that
emerged from group-angst while awaiting Mike Fitzpatrick to demonstrate awareness of what we felt
was an intuitive goal; we applied tough-love, and the long-term impact is that he can no longer depend
upon his right-wing to remain silent when other issues arise *such as amnesty+. We do not apologize
for having felt compelled to have done this expeditiously and comprehensively during the past month,
for adequate informed consent was provided *by all available communications-pathways] throughout;
although it cannot be proven scientifically, we feel this was precedent-setting [both in speed/content]
on the national level [for members of this group scrupulously communicated with national contacts].
Just like it cannot be proven that this physicians agitation *via as many cognizable figures as emerged+
provoked what has *finally+ transpired, it is possible to sleep soundlyhaving maxed-out this effort;
sending these messages directly to the father of Senator Cruz *BTW, they share the first name Rafael+
couldnt have hurt, nor could having spoken directly and unambiguously to all the national leaders of
Heritage Action [when they appeared in Wilmington, Delaware @ the end of August, for the rally].

It may be recalled that the two-pronged effort herein has been to undermine the basic
claims of the Ds *and the media+ that the GOP is the party of NO!, and that the GOP
would be primarily blamed for a government shut-down. The first component has been
drowned-out by the second one, although the Republican Study Committee has filed the
Scalise-Plan [of healthcare reform concepts, c/w the work of John Goodman in Texas],
and it can easily be appended to subsequent legislation [because it is revenue-neutral];
the second component has now been embraced by a party-leadership that is led by a
competent, sentient, sensible thinkerwho unnerves the oppositionand who has now
achieved dominance in both houses of Congress [again, in an unprecedented fashion].
By no means can it be concluded that the influence of establishment-Republicans has
been expunged [for that process will probably be initiated in-earnest via primarying+,
but it can be concluded thatfor nowthe true-Conservatives are leading the charge;
therefore, how this two-front war continues to be fought [now, more in the Senate,
inasmuch as the House seems to acquiesced following minimal bloodshed] will play-out
not only within the context of 14-Congress, but also within the context of 16-POTUS.
{Again, for review of ALL video/audio and written remarks from Cruz during the past
~four monthsarchived by this physicianconsult the Facebook pages that have been
maintained by others (Ted Cruz for President 2016) and by Judy Davidson (Ted Heads);
know also that a new one (Ted Cruz for President in 2016) has just been initiated.}

As Cruz said prior to Fridays vote, the situation is fluid as cherished assumptions are drawn asunder;
there is no question that the true-Conservatives are churning while the world watches apprehensively.
Pivotal is BHOs documented evolution from I wont sign it to I will veto it reflects a subtle shift that
acknowledges the possibility that a GIGANTIC schism could emerge within the Ds *triggered by the
decision by Manchin to support a yearlong delay in ObamaCare]; those vulnerable incumbents were
denied the opportunity to declare themselves, this past week [c/o McConnell and his core-group], but
one suspects the Rs will attempt *via orchestration of what emerges from the House+ to open this scab.
In the process, the clubby nature of the Senate has been shattered by those who care not to stroke ego,
for they are immune to being affected by the customary tools used by leadership to maintain discipline;
it can be envisioned that legislation could emerge from the Senate TOMORROW that will [finally!] cause
BHO to lose his cool [reflecting his plummeting polling] just-in-time for this perfect storm to strike.

In such a volatile environment, errors will require correction, such as the blast from
TPP that mistakenly reported emergence of only one bill [when, as noted, two exist];
viewed from the perspective of The Bob *dr. bob and guzzardi+, this is significant and
merits amendment but, perceived conceptually, this aggregates major achievements.
Indeed, evidence that this parliamentary procedure of dividing the question has been
acknowledged is incontrovertible, ensconced and confronted, for [quoting Guzzardi],
Democrats support the Republicans piecemeal appropriations of defense operations.
Even as the Senate-leadership confidently plans to reject the one-year gambit, someone
must be recognizing that Dr. Ben Carsons plea *paraphrased, one year can be extended+
threatens the Ds with electoral disaster *for opposition of at least 60% is consistent+;
that this could serve as secondary-gain is not inappropriate, unfair, or mean-spirited for,
actually, it could serve as a watershed event in Americas history, as socialism is nixed.

If the procedures that have been set-in-motion are permitted to play-out, additional clean CRs will
emerge from the House, and the Senate/POTUS will be hard-pressed to reject this legislative tsunami;

although some may clamor for the media to help BHO message his posture, most everyone else will
be able to recognize that any blame for putative government shut-down would fall solely upon Ds.
[This already emerged on MSNBC this-p.m., as retroactive lamentation regarding inability to sell this
impetus to create a one-payer system (acknowledged initially by BHO and recently by Reid) emerged;
naturally, this was coupled with claims that the part-time-job recovery is smooth, but such assertions
are starting to be notable for the vacuous look on the faces of those who are robotically uttering them.]
One shoe has dropped [as the House-GOP embraced Conservatismand discovered its pleasures], and
the other shoe is dropping [as the Senate-GOP leadership was abandoned by those such as Toomey];
essential truth as to how much ObamaCare is calamitous must now be embraced by the body-politic.


Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 8:45 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXV [ObamaCare - Comprehensive Update]


Everyone is invited to watch Cruz on Meet the Press [to discuss #DefundObamaCare, #MakeDCListen]
for one can anticipate a coming-out-party will inevitably emerge; the pundits on the other talk-shows
will scratch-heads in the transformation that was both sparked and consistently led by this patriot,
noting that his pervasive leadership involvement was a phenomenon that was first detected 10 days ago
[when no one had yet recognized he had become enmeshed in House machinations, violating custom]
and thoroughly documented in a prior blast promptly after this unprecedented event had occurred.
Although 24-pages of e-mails must be summarized herein, most deal with the lack of any need to be
nudging for an emergency weekend intervention; just like it had been carefully noted that we had
been effectively communicating throughout August without the need for noisy Town Halls, the ability
for a mature TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement] to have done its homework was palpable.
Nevertheless, certain scores must be settled as egocentric people have been unmasked, for this will
permit a proper screening process to transpire when future emanations must be prudently weighed.

The first one is somewhat facetious, as Guzzardi still lambastes Fitzpatrick for his ties to
the Bucks County GOP; he has warned that my home might be firebombed were Mike to
have voted against the effort by Cruz. His posture must be memorialized at the onset,
for it reflects ongoing suspicion among those in the TPM of the Establishment-GOP;
after he attacked *The bottom line is that he is not committed and will go squish unless
pushed. I cannot believe that Mike has you people bamboozled. This is why we have the
government we do and BucksCo is run by unions and Pat Deon. Please see what there is
to be seen.+, he was reminded *Mike showed plenty of "spine" in his two speeches on
the House Floor today! If he goes "squish", we go "WHAM"! Sort of like what happens
when fly meets fly swatter! :)+ This dynamic will persist, but overall success of the TPM
and fundamental conservatism should ameliorate his worriment, for the comfort-level
being experienced by a unified-House has been recognized by friend/enemy alike.

To provide a cogent, stand-alone summary of the events-of-the-day, it is first desirable to recall the text
of the Press Release that was distributed *initially, primarily for private consumptionsubsequently,

necessarily for public review]; it may be recalled that Mike was provided ample opportunity to abandon
worriment about the GOP being blamed for any putative governmental shutdown [an argument we felt
to be manufactured+ before this physician followed-up the blast by sending it individually to all the
columnists @ the Intelligencer/Courier-Post and by initiating follow-up phone calls accordingly. It is a
source of satisfaction that articles emerged not only throughout Bucks County, but also in the Inqy,
within days of this accelerated intervention; Mike doesnt discuss his voting rationale *office policy+, but
it appears that he has grown to recognize that the activities of the TPM serve as a barometer of his base.
Therefore, the reader is advised to note the comprehensive nature of what painstakingly emerged:

Bucks County, Pennsylvania
September 23, 2013

We, the undersigned leaders of patriot groups in the 8
Congressional District, have
been active supporters of Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick for years; we have contributed
time, effort, and funds to support this honest civil servant.

We have asked the Congressman to protect the best interests of individuals, families,
and businesses in his district by refusing to fund ObamaCare in any fashion; defunding it
prior to months end, we believe, constitutes the last realistic chance to stop its

Following issuance of the second iteration of these views, Congressman Fitzpatrick has
recognized the damage this legislation has already done and, frankly, we fear it could
destroy the American Economy; we recognize his policy of not announcing votes ahead-
of-time and his concern that a government shut-down not occur.

Fortunately, Congressman Fitzpatrick voted to support passage of the historic
Continuing Resolution; we thank him for doing the right thing!


Jaime Faucette
President, Citizens for Constitutional Government
Republican Committeewoman, Sellersville 1

Anastasia Przybylski
Co-Founder, Kitchen Table Patriots
Coordinator [Pennsylvania], FreedomWorks
Republican Committeewoman, Doylestown 3-2

Linda Rosen
912 Patriot of Lower Bucks


Rob and Lil Boysen
Coordinators [Lower Bucks], Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots
215-547-6136 [Rob & Lil Home], 267-278-0827 [Rob's Cell], 267-278-1656 [Lil's Cell]

Bill Harper
Co-coordinator [Lower Bucks], Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots

Jim Devlin
Coordinator [Harleysville/Souderton], Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots
Republican Committeeman, Lower Salford

Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D.
Republican Committeeman Abington 7-2

Notably absent are the Independence Hall Foundation *formerly Association/PAC, led by the Adams
Siblings, Teri/Don] and Americans for Prosperity [led statewide by local-gal Jennifer Stefano]; the latter
individual abandoned her strident op-ed stance opposing the current defunding effort while on Hannity,
wisely recognizing the forces-at-play, but the former organization remains stuck-in-the-mud. It is quite
desirable to unify errant Conservatives, for it is inappropriate yet to declare we have emerged victorious
and, therefore, it is necessary to recall what Teri/Don have been doing [after having endorsed Romney
before any loco-regional TEA Party Movement entity, and then having declared neutrality regarding the
potential usurping of 2
Amendment Rights by the Feds]. On the one hand, such self-marginalization
may result from a desire-to-be-loved *despite having voiced angst after Mikes Town Hall, 2 months ago+
but, to provide the benefit-of-the-doubt, it is necessary to note how divergent they have become.
Indeed, they tout their independence of national groups, but their refusal to accept this physicians
unambiguous invitation to meet with us [on the day after Labor Day]; it may be recalled that we were
unceremoniously rebuffed ,*The+ Republican strategy to delay and defund ObamaCare has not yet
been fully fleshed out and we are withholding comment and judgement [sic] until the appropriate
time.Due to time constraints, I will not be answering any further emails on this topic and would kindly
ask to be removed from this email chain.- We did not permit their absence to forestall our efforts.

Due to the need to know thine enemy, MSNBC was monitored all-day; it was obsessed
with Cruz, and how he is the Distinguished Wacko Bird from Texas due to alleged
conflict with Paul *theyre actually friends and friendly-rivals regarding 16+ and Cornyn

*theyre arising from differing camps in Texas+. They recognize Cruz is on the phones,
but claim House-Republicans have broken trust, yielding pain upon the GOP after a
shutdown transpires. The commentator said TEA-Party Republicans look to blow-up
everything and wont learn from experience. They claim a silent-majority opposes Cruz
and the last comment told it all; the neutral commentator said Boehner this message
is for you; end it all and fund ObamaCare! The MSNBC-pundits lambasted Cruz
*comical at best and likened to Edwards(?) and demagoguery emblematic of whats
wrong about politics+ and the GOP *will be blamed for shutdown and unwilling to
compromise (forgetting Hastert Rule) and unruly+. The 4 p.m. lede was Congress is
hard-at-worktrying to shut-down government, pushing us over the brink. Clearly
expressed is hope Boehner would violate Hastert Rulewhich has no current support.

The current situation [NY-Times: U.S. Shutdown Nears as House Votes to Delay Health Law and WSJ:
U.S. Nears Shutdown as House Votes To Delay Health Law] is as follows [noting that TWO bills were
adopted, c/w the slice/dice strategy consistently articulated by The Bob and, later by Cruz/Lee]:

Repealing the medical device tax will save jobs and delaying the presidents health care
law for all Americans is only fair given the exemptions the White House has granted to
big businesses and insurance companies.The House also passed a bill to fund U.S.
troops in case of a shutdown. The chamber further adopted a conscience clause that
postpones until 2015 an ObamaCare requirement that employers cover birth control as
part of their health-insurance packages. Their funding resolution keeps government
open until Dec. 15 at a level of $986 billion. {This summary is c/o politico.com.}

Mike Henry [Northeast Regional Coordinator, Heritage Action] was running-around all-day; he provided
an audience to this physician to compare-notes for a few minutes, and later generated these e-mails
[recalling prior e-mails warning of the disadvantages of delay over defund which were amplified by
the Senate Conservatives Fund, lest non-fiscal deadlines become ensconcedto our detriment+:

Jenny Beth's email corresponds with what we're hearing coming out of conference.
Members are saying the delay would also defund. We're waiting to see if it truly does.

As a side note: All have you been a great example to the rest of the Philly area.
Sometimes it's hard in the midst of a fight to see the endgame, but you've all been
inspiring. Keep fighting.


Here is our official statement on the amendments offered by the House on the Senate-
passed Continuing Appropriations Resolution (H.J.Res.59):


Over the past few months, conservatives around the country have focused on the need
to defund ObamaCare during the upcoming CR, primarily to prevent the laws massive
new entitlements from taking effect. The Blackburn Amendment presented by House
Republicans is a delay of ObamaCares provisions but does not fully defund
implementation of ObamaCare. Although it falls short of full defunding, Heritage Action
will not key vote against the Blackburn Amendment because a delay is a step towards
preventing the laws entitlements from taking root.

The Paulsen Amendment, which would permanently repeal the Medical Device Tax,
does nothing to prevent the laws entitlements from taking root and continues funding
ObamaCare in its entirety. Like the rest of ObamaCare, the tax is bad policy; however,
repealing the tax will do little to exempt Americans from the impact of
ObamaCare. Heritage Action opposes the Paulsen Amendment, which fails to address
the core problems of ObamaCare.

While passage of H.J.Res.59 would prevent ObamaCares mandatory programs from
coming online this Tuesday, it has failed to fully defund the law. There is, however, a
likely threat that Sen. Harry Reid will block the Blackburn Amendment and return the CR
with nothing but the Medical Device Tax repeal. Heritage Action would strongly oppose
such legislation and reserves the right to key vote against the Paulsen Amendment.

To be fair-balanced, here is why BHO refuses to negotiate with the GOP: Obama Says Extreme Faction
Of GOP Must Decide Whether Or Not To Create A Crisis Over Their Ideological Agenda {Indeed,
reaction to this attitude included one bloggers quote of Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the
Third Reich: "We follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it."} In contrast,
note the GOPs transparent glee following the noon Conference meetingprior to the evening-vote;
note also that this unity is now clearly in the court of the Conservatives and, recalling how gleeful
Boehner was after Fridays vote, recognize the chronic impact of psychological imprinting:

Weve had enough of the disunity in our party, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told
the meeting of House Republicans Saturday afternoon. The headlines are Republicans
fighting Republicans. This will unite us. This protects the people who sent us here from
ObamaCare. House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said it would be the
fastest whip check in history, as every member raised their hand, saying they would
support the bill. *despite-showdown, boehner-doesnt-expect-government-shutdown]


Increasingly distant are quotes such as those from Peter King [his lame claim that Cruz is a liar+ and
from romney [on-cruz-filibuster: theres-a-better-way-of-getting-rid-of-ObamaCare+. This reflects how
establishment-types *Wall St.+ cant satisfy cogent arguments raised operationally *Main St.+, generating
anger from the latter. The founder of Citizens for Self-Governance lambasted Lois Lerner & ObamaCare,
while denying Cruz is dividing the GOP. Even the NY-Times has recognized the intrusion of alternative-
media, which is becoming increasingly less alternative *and+ is changing the game in D.C. The narrative,
long crafted by an #oldmedia with a generally statist agenda is being outflanked in many ways. Syria,
drones, to some extent the recent ObamaCare debates, have been defined in large part by the new
media.+ Here was my summary, ~12 hours ago, of how the segmental, strategic, sequential approach to
any governmental shut-down has emerged, citing also what had been argued-in-vain on CNN:

For example, noting Government Shutdown Nears As House Picks New Gambit
Targeting Health Care and Government Shutdown Threat Puts Pressure On House and
Wall Street Pleads With GOP To Put The Debt Ceiling Gun Down, it remains clear that
the Left is totally consumed by the thread of a shutdown, notwithstanding the details of
what the Senate will need to confront; CNN/MSNBC are befuddled, but they appear to
borrow a sense of resoluteness that the media will provide the Ds a firewall that will be
as effective as was necessary in the past. [Christine Romans claimed this could torpedo
the X-mas shopping season!] Essentially, the media continue to depend upon blacking-
out the most relevant data, as FNC now depicts this strategy as clever because it now
reflects public opinion; its amazing how long it has taken for them to see-the-light.

Skip accolades in this excerpt from Rob Boysen [Tea Party Patriots PA State Coordinator, Eastern Region
Coordinator, Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots-Lower Bucks] and note what he sees trending:


It would appear that our strategy of "compartment" funding is beginning to gain
traction. From what I've been watching on C-SPAN, including Mike's Floor speech this
morning, the "R's" have perhaps finally "seen the light"! Mike's speech was very
passionate and very telling...if a "moderate" like Mike will speak out against the
Democrats with such passion, then just maybe the rest of the 230 Republicans in the
House and the 47 Republicans in the Senate will stand firm on this new proposal.

On a personal note, I want to thank all members of our "Group" for their steadfast
support and participation in what we've done so far! Dr. Bob, as Dave Sommers likes to
say: "You're a brilliant man" and thanks to all of your "blasts", we're all "armed and
dangerous" as we continue this fight. Rest assured my fellow patriots, the "eye of the
storm" has not passed over us yet, so we have to remain vigilant and "ready for battle"
on a moments notice during the next week or so. The fun begins sometime today when
the House votes for this funding/delaying bill and sends it back over to the "Dark Side"
(aka: the Senate) for what will surely be an epic battle among the D's, the R's, the
Conservative R's and the "Squishy" R's. Put on your seatbelts and batten down the
hatches my friends, this is going to be a "E" Ticket ride at Disney World for sure!

Sarah Palin notes that We could add so much more to this list, friends.
For example, if the government shuts down, who will:
*block responsible resource development
*borrow more money from foreign countries to give to foreign countries
*mortgage my kids' future to bail out their friends on Wall Street & finance their big
government crony capitalism
*"misplace" IRS receipts and ledgers to the tune of tens of millions
*stockpile ammo at DHS
*commandeer pro athletes to testify in front of Congress while watching bureaucrats
plead the Fifth

This was my strategic reaction to ongoing events: In my view, Senate may need to convene sooner;
also, big meeting yesterday prompted Boehner to drop intervention that would hurt Congressional-staff
[and this would have served as leverage many moons ago, not so much now]. Just now, listening to
WSJournal Report on FNC *taped yesterday+, it seems that the Wall St. component is maxing-out;

they admit Cruz is media-savvy, Henninger is backing-off his column [admitting many may not be forced
to conclude ObamaCare implementation would be such an abject failure that it would serve as slam-
dunk for GOP], Jason Riley now claims Cruz is too divisive [unlike Reagan, sez-he, mis-reading history].
Things are moving along quite well! [William Edwards Deming would be so-proud.] Charles Cameron
has just emphasized the fact that ALL deadlines would be delayed for a year *satisfying the delay vs.
defund dichotomy, as aforementioned+In contrast, the NY-Times just doesnt seem to get-it; it is
almost as if the author felt blindsided, instead of having reflected ability to have played contingencies
and have thought-aheadas Cruz does routinely but the Ds dont seem to have the capacity to do.
House Republican leaders will move forward with a bill to fund the government until mid-December,
while delaying ObamaCare for a year and repealing the medical device tax. They will push a separate bill
to pay U.S. troops in the case of a government shutdown. Pivotal is the fact that this is c/w principles
carefully articulated by those in the TPM, despite efforts to dislodge/defer/distract.

Doctors Against ObamaCare - To anyone confused about ObamaCare:

Let's put the shoe on the other foot. Unlike medical care, the right to a fair trial is
guaranteed by the Constitution. It's almost impossible to have a fair trial without a
lawyer. So we need to nationalize the legal system to ensure that EVERYONE has the
same opportunity to the exact same quality of legal care. Set up a board made up of
people who've never been to law school or practiced law to determine what the pay
scale for representing someone in, say, a divorce, vs. a class C felony, vs. a capitol
murder case, and let the board determine what all lawyers get paid for their services.
Furthermore, no lawyer can turn down a client due to pre-existing legal trouble. We'll
increase taxes and fees on legal services, pens, computers, notebooks, law books,
anything that can be used in a law office, to pay for it. Force everyone to buy Lawyer
insurance whether they want it or not, but the penalty is so small compared to the cost
that most people won't buy it until they need a lawyer. After they get arrested they
can't be turned down for lawyer insurance. Oh, and since it's all about fairness, no
lawyer gets to keep a percentage of any legal settlement, either, because their pay for
doing so is set by the board. Now, Go add the words Lawyer, and Court, and Legal, in
place of Doctor, Hospital, and Medical care and tell me again how wonderful obaMao-
care really is!

Note the newspaper in which this was published, the WaPo [obamas-weakness-matters, by Ed Rogers]:


I usually stay away from using current polls to gauge how President Obama is doing,
because I think the polls will always be skewed in his favor. I think he still has a reservoir
of goodwill, and people also tend to give him the benefit of the doubt. This gives him
resiliency and a floor of support, no matter how poorly he performs in office.

But the latest New York Times/CBS News poll shows something that is a troublesome
sign for the White House. Only 30 percent of Americans believe that the president
cares a lot about the needs and problems of people like themselves. Just two
months ago, 38 percent of Americans felt the president cared a lot. Its also a huge
drop from the 54 percent of Americans who felt that way shortly after the president
took office in 2009. This drop is especially poignant because the question of who cares
about people like me has always been a particular strength for President Obama.

In fact, in exit polling conducted after the 2012 election, voters picked Mitt Romney
over Obama in the key candidate qualities categories of shares my values, is a strong
leader, and has a vision for the future. The only category where voters picked Obama
over Romney was in the cares about people like me category 81 to 18 percent!
Granted, Obama was being compared to Romney, who struggled to connect with voters
throughout the 2012 campaign cycle. But the presidents reelection indicates that his
ability to make people feel like he cared about them may have been what tipped many
undecided voters to give the president another chance.

Despite the presidents attempts to be a champion for middle -class families through his
constant stream of self-serving assertions and campaign-style speeches, it seems
Americans are beginning to feel like the president isnt really doing anything to help
them. The president isnt facing the ballot again. But his approval ratings and his near-
term policy agenda are still relevant for the Democrats facing the ballot in November

Rather than be sensitive to their popularity and approval ratings on various issues, it
seems like the White House is throwing in the towel and turning to anger. Senior White
House Adviser Dan Pfeiffer even compared Republicans to terrorists during a CNN
interview. Maybe this approach makes the most partisan Democrats give themselves a
pat on the back, but the public doesnt like it.

It appears from the polls that the White House and Democratic leadership strategy
ofrefusing to negotiate with their fellow Americans on the United States critical budget
and debt issues is not working. Refusing to negotiate in Washington on domestic issues
is never the right approach. Republicans are certainly making their share of mistakes,
but the White House seems determined to go out of their way to embrace and engage
Americas enemies, such as Russia, Syria and Iran. The president was left pining for a
handshake from Irans president during the U.N. General Assembly in New York, yet he
insults and turns his back on Republican leaders in Washington. Voters notice this, and
the Democrats can only hope it wont impact their potential at the ballot box next year.

To recap what were up against: obama-and-the-strategy-of-manufactured-crisis.


The Buddha [a.k.a. Bob Guzzardi] speaks!

How Republicans fund government without funding ObamaCare, flummox the Statist
pundits and Democratic media and win the PR battle with the voters.

The House Republican bill, proposed publicly a few hours ago, is a separate, stand alone
Defense Appropriations bill which includes funding military pay*. (There is much more
to defense operations than military pay.)

In our view, this is the first step in a strategy to fund the government sequentially and
strategically with segmented CRs funding government operations serially, mimicking the
budget appropriations process.

This Defense Operations bill is one segment of the entire government appropriations
process which is reflected in 14 appropriations bills, 4 of which have been passed.

This Defense Operations Appropriations bill is a strategic bill to limit the actual and the
perceived impact of shut down. The Obama Statist Media will be, I expect, hysterically
hyperbolic over the government shut down. The Defense Appropriations CR with
military pay and with no funding, directly or indirectly, for ObamaCare, counters the Left
Wing Media's demonization of good fiscal policy, with its "sky is falling" narrative.

This is, in our view, the first of many segments of CR appropriations bills which will be
rolled out serially in strategic sequence for maximum media impact.

I wanted to draw attention to the prediction about segmented CRs strategically rolled
out that dr. bob first talked about a month and half ago. We have had many
conversations and think this is a viable plan.

[17 Government Shut Downs since 1976. Who remembers a single one of them. The sky
did not fall then and it won't fall know despite what the hysterically hyperbolic Obama
Statist media says. In any event, the Rs have proposed a bill to fund Defense Operations
and I expect will roll out other funding bills strategically and sequentially. For some
reason, no media is discussing this.]

dr. bob and I have been predicting these segmented CRs to be rolled out in a serially, in
a strategic sequence. Each will fund a segment of the government without funding
ObamaCare. Only the Treasury and HHS have ObamaCare administrative
responsibilities. dr. bob and I will be either be brilliantly prescient or have deluded
ourselves with our fevered speculations. We shall see if we will look like geniuses or look
like idiots. I hope we will look like geniuses but it could go the other way. Let us watch
the drama unfold.

Also note the following:

Fitzpatrick takes to House floor to address the need for a one-year delay of ObamaCare
Cruz with Greta Van Susteren on the Senate Vote and What Comes Next to Defund ObamaCare
Toomey sides with Cruz, to the delight of Democrats
"The American people will always have the final word" per Mike Lee
House Delays ObamaCare...
Pelosi absent for vote...
Crapweasel Sen. Graham lies through his teeth about O-care vote
Cruz to 'Defeatist' Senate GOP: Why Is Every Democrat Voting with You?
Blackburn to Sponsor Delay of ObamaCare as Part of House Republican Plan to Keep the
Government Funded
GOP Should Sell the Individual Mandate Delay
House to Vote on 1 Year ObamaCare Delay
'Fairness Amendment': House Republicans Demand ObamaCare Delay Until 2015
House GOP votes to delay healthcare law for one year
Poll: Cruz Surges Standing on Principle, Rubio Fades

Poll: Cruz 2016 Frontrunner, New GOP Leader
Dems Fear Cruz: Joaquin Castro Ignores Recent Poll, Claims 'He Can't Be President'
Peter King: Cruz Supporters Represent 'Dark Strain' in American Politics
Huffington Post Attacks Cruz for Being a Politician

Goldman Sachs Roots for Govt Shutdown to Force GOP to Raise Debt Ceiling
ObamaCare Reality Check
Majority of Senate Republicans Cave on ObamaCare Funding

Obama: I Won't Negotiate with GOP 'Extremists'
Obama: GOP 'Grandstanding' in Budget Battle
Obama: One Third of Americans 'Already Have New Benefits'
as-congress-spars, obama-hits-the-golf-course
President Obamas blame game - Hell try to hold Republicans responsible for his train wreck

Durbin, Corker Falsely Claim Cruz, Lee Have No GOP Support in Senate

SEIU Members Strike After ObamaCare-Caused Job Cut

Politico to Media: Ignore ObamaCare Launch Problems
Shutdown Politics: Media No Longer Champions of Civility and Bipartisanship

If Government Shuts Down, Media will Rediscover the Common Man
us-troops-wont-be paid-during-shutdown, per pentagon
Who Goes to Work? Who Stays Home?: NASA, EPA, Commerce, Labor, Interior, Energy, HHS,
Defense, Transportation, SSA, Justice, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs
Poll: 61% Reject Obama; Want Spending Cuts Attached to Debt Ceiling
HHS announced a $30,000 video contest to promote ObamaCare
Bachmann: ObamaCare isn't Ready for Primetime
Gov. Rick Perry supports defunding
carson: grit-gumption to-resist-ObamaCare




Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 8:45 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXV [ObamaCare - Comprehensive Update]


First, both Heritage Action and RedState advise opposing amendments to the clean defunding bill, both
medical-device tax-relief and federal-worker self-pay; here is how Heritage Action explains its views
regarding the overnight actions by the House. It is neutral on the delay-amendment [not key-voting it];
on the one hand, it doesnt want to score negatively those who may believe it doesn't do enough but,
on the other hand, it does not want to dismiss a delay as a bad idea. It opposes repeal of the medical
device tax [key-voting NO]; on the one hand, it is not against a tax repeal but, on the other hand, it fears
it may represent a shiny-object that could serve as the sole basis for a Reid-Boehner compromise [noting
it was introduced separately+. They are NOT overthinking the political forces-at-play, for passage of
the bill that funds the military should precede funding the rest of government [except ObamaCare].
{Equal time: David Vitter's Shutdown Strategy: Kill Lawmakers' ObamaCare Exemption.}

Second, a bit of levity, which everyone yearns: saturday-night-live-mocks-ObamaCare-in-hilarious-skit.

Third, this article [Fitz in tough spot with tea party base] was published today, and cross-posted;
unaware of being taped, this physician is in the accompanying video [and the opener of the points that
were made was consistent with sentiments in this essay: The Two Partisan Rebellions of Today, and the
Three Parties: Republican, Democrat, and Establishment]. This comment was uploaded on both
websites to maximize scrutiny of what has been accomplishedand what has not yet been achieved:

Unaware of being taped, this physician is in the accompanying video. Emphasized was
the ability to provide tough love to Mike, both in the video and when a direct
conversation was held with the columnist a fortnight ago; now, recognizing that the
conservatives will have the capacity to remit comparable messages regarding other
issues [particularly related to the debt-ceiling and immigration amnesty, imminently], it
has been concluded that the right *conservatives, TPM-adherents] have been
organized into a potent coalition in Bucks County.

Specifically, the entities that [unanimously] participated in this endeavor included the
TEA Party Patriots, FreedomWorks, Citizens for Constitutional Government, Kitchen
Table Patriots, and 9-12 Patriots of Lower Bucks. Three of the signatories on the two
Press Releases are also GOP-Committee-People [including this physician], and
interactions transpired with Heritage Action [nationally]. More important, perhaps, has
been the capacity to communicate easily on the national level, inasmuch as the people
who are involved in this effort just happen to be well-positioned in their respective

,This effort indeed will serve as a model for the nation. There are ~5K Tea Party
Patriots entities, and ~10K entities of comparable focus *912, for example]. During a
conference call tonight, Tea Party Patriot Local Coordinators were informed of this
coalition and how we functioned during September; the reception was SO good and the
message was SO clear that TEA Party Groups throughout the Country are plotting how

to form comparable local Coalitions, so that [when indicated] they will be able to speak
with one voice to the Congressional Reps and Senators when specific interventions are

In his letter, Guzzardi essentially advised that Mike introduce Sen. Vitters Amendment
within the House, disallowing payments on behalf of government employees. This
concept is supported by a vast majority of Americans, but the Democrats wont hear of
it; it exemplifies why the Republicans are now championing Middle Americaalong with
their basewhen seeking a yearlong reprieve from this onerous law. Mike is a level-
headed guy, but it is the Democrat-controlled Senate that procrastinates as government
shutdown nears.

Fourth, the AP *Who'll blink? Dems, GOP in shutdown stare down+ summarized the days activities,
after House voted to avoid shutdown and to delay ObamaCare; that boehner-accused-democrats-of-
arrogance-for-delaying-work-to-stop-government-shutdown] was the theme of an afternoon-rally at
which Republicans decried the no-show Democrat-led Senate a no-show during which Rothfus Called on
Senate to Get to Work and to Join House to Prevent Shutdown. Neither Ds nor the media could conjure
an effective rejoinder *and BHOs having played golf didnt make their lives appreciably easier+, and a
House Committee Laughed at Obamas Veto threat as another Red-Line Threat that could be violated.
{Every previous government shutdown: why they happened and how they ended.}

Fifth, inasmuch as Obamas Approval Rating Just Collapsed to 39%, many feel Republicans' ObamaCare
Delay Is a Winning Position. 1,850,400 Minutes have passed following implementation, but ObamaCare
STILL Isnt Working. As-opening-day-nears, insurance-exchanges-scramble-to-prepare while education is
promulgated hastily [Review: The Consumer Reports Guide to ObamaCare] and ethical problems persist
[ObamaCare-subsidized-abortion and ObamaCare-tramples-religious-freedom-under-1
amazingly, Politico argued Media should Ignore ObamaCare Launch Problems. Some lament its passage
[Greg Abbott: 'Without Voter Fraud, ObamaCare Would Not Exist' and Crony Capitalism in America
2008-2012, Chapter 3: Pay to Play, A Capitol Hill Primer] while others feel this is part of a larger socio-
economic phenomenon [20 Ordinary Americans sense Economic Despair Growing All Around Them and
ObamaCare-employer-mandate-caused cuts-to-work-hours-jobs, as ObamaCare-do-gooders-dont-care].
Also, Libertarians called for permanent government spending slowdown and defunding ObamaCare.
{ObamaCare Wipes Out Existing Health Care Plans in ten states.}

DEMOCRATS ROOTING FOR SHUTDOWN and Rand Paul feels Obama's Shutting Down Government;
meanwhile, Michele Bachmann argues persuasively that many Republicans don't fear a shutdown and
Issa, who Fumed, 'How Dare You!' At Impertinent Reporter, perhaps fearing the narrative of doom.
Coming to the rescue is palin, taking greta by storm, showing how a CBS Reporter put the BS in CBS;
and Calling-Out Obama's 'Leadership Failure' on Debt Ceiling. Other pundits have weighed-in, including
judge jeanine [if ObamaCare is so great, why isnt government enrolled] and Dr. Gina Loudon [Defund].

Seventh, the Ds have invoked extremist rhetoric [CLINTON claims OBAMA 'RIGHT' NOT TO NEGOTIATE
WITH GOP because Republicans are 'Almost Spiteful' for Delaying ObamaCare; Pelosi Declares GOP
Ideology A Luxury The American People Can Not Afford; JENNIFER GRANHOLM feels IRAN and SYRIA
are MORE RATIONAL THAN HOUSE REPUBLICANS; Biden laments 'One Senator Is Running The Show In
The Republican Party'; DURBIN PREDICTS GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN; Krugman claims the GOP Doesn't

'Understand Anything' About ObamaCare; Rep Nadler asserts the GOP is Like Gangsters Threatening to
'Blow Up' Economy; reid rejects house gop plan [delay ObamaCare year] and slams tea party anarchists;
Congressman Jim Moran Complains on Twitter About Having to Work Saturday Night; Andrew Sullivan
claims the GOP issued a Declaration Of Total War On Our System Of Government; and Republican
{Desperate media agitate, too [Daily Mail Reports GOP Congress-members Drinking without Source].}

Eighth, Cruz explained his view on Meet the Press and noted Phil Gramm Changed Debate When He Said
HillaryCare Would Pass over Cold, Dead Body; he laments the fact that the Dems Refuse to Compromise

Ninth, Cruz was lambasted by CHRIS MATTHEWS [REPUBLICANS KIDNAPPING and killing OBAMA'S BABY
and, regarding his quasi-filibuster, CRUZ should be reminded that 'HITLER' LOVED 'MR. SMITH GOES TO
WASHINGTON,' TOO]; the Huffington Post [Cruz is a Politician]; Texas Democrat Joaquin Castro [Cruz
Can't Be POTUS]; and the GOP [ted-cruz-filled-republican-leadership-vacuum-then-burned-his-bridges].

Tenth, reflecting underlying forces, Jen Rubin took this occasion to endorse Governors over Senators as
POTUS-16 GOP-nominee; recalling her stalwart support for Romney [leopards dont change spots,
inasmuch as she now prefers Walker/Christie], note how EACH of her points is corrupted, for reasons
that can easily be documented. {She appears to support NSA-intrusions on privacy; dismisses the
strident postures adopted by Cruz on a broad range of issues; ignores the fact that the Hagel-query was
a hypothetical; equates attacking Syria strategically with attacking Iran (regardless if al-Qaeda wins); and
declares the Cruz initiative to be a failure before all pending events (including House leadership support)
to have played-out. She ends with a pejorative that besmirches the rest of her effort to trash him.}

Next in the Senate cast of characters is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) who, despite his lawyers
training, championed a false interpretation of Fourth Amendment and the attack on the
NSA program; advanced no innovative agenda or found any area of expertise other than
self-advancement and expert self-promotion; accused Chuck Hagel of possibly taking
money from the North Koreans (to the chagrin of serious people trying to block the
nomination for legitimate reasons); voted against authorization for use of force in Syria
(while warning about the danger of its senior partner, Iran); and staged the continuing
resolution stunt based on the falsehood that he could eventually get Obamacare
defunded if only those Republicans would stick with him. Even if some in the party thrill
to this display, do we think donors, business leaders and mainstream Republicans look
at this and think, Well, after Obama theres a man who does more than talk and can
get things done!? No. Just, no.


Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 11:10 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXVII [ObamaCare - Action-Item]


Know that obama-wants a shutdown and that the u-s economy boomed during 1995-1996 shutdown.
Then know that another fight by Ds to hike the debt-ceiling looms and that the ObamaCare website
quietly deleted reference to free health care. Next, recognize that the prior summary of the database
that emerged yesterday *and overnight+ constitutes a comprehensive reviewthat is consistent with all
the points made in all of the prior blast e-mails. The goal remains to follow Article I Section 7 and
[quoting Guzzardi+ to fulfill the Houses fiduciary responsibility to control the budgetary purse-strings.
From the perspective of The Bob *guzzardi & dr. bob+, the goal is to pass baby CRs
empowering all 10 [of 14] unfunded governmental departments except Treasury/HHS
*including the military which, supposedly, is not opposed by the Dsper Steny Hoyer+
and then to append defunding-lingo only to these two departments [Preclude IRS
Enforcement and Replace ObamaCare with Republican Study Committee (Scalise) Plan].
In any case, please note the following and hit the phoneASAPfor events may be brisk, very soon.
{BTW, anyone who claims that this effort has been predicated primarily to promote Cruz and/or as a
cynical $-raiser for advocacy groups is [1]attempting to divert attention, [2]denying customary
intent to maximize lobbying efforts to manifest the donors desires, and *3+hypocritical, for this is the
norm among those favoring ObamaCare implementationas the POTUS desperately wants it to start.-


Fellow Conservatives:

The Republican establishment in Washington is about
to tell you two more lies to help them fund

Please read this email and then contact the
Republican members of the U.S. House listed below
and urge them to oppose all funding for ObamaCare
no matter what.

Here's what you need to know to avoid being tricked.

The Congressional Exemption Is A Reason to
STOP ObamaCare, Not A Reason to START

The most unpopular thing about ObamaCare today is that it does not apply to politicians in Washington in the same
way that it applies to us.

The fact that these lawmakers don't want to live under this program is one of the best reasons to stop ObamaCare
dead in its tracks.

However, some Republicans in Washington are secretly planning to use the elimination of the congressional
exemption as an excuse to fund all of ObamaCare and force millions of Americans into the program.

They think that if they subject themselves to ObamaCare, you will forgive them for subjecting you to it.

They will argue that it's okay to fund ObamaCare if the congressional exemption is removed because lawmakers will
be motivated to repeal the law in the future if they're forced to personally suffer the consequences.

They are lying.

Members of Congress will find a way to exempt themselves in the future. If they have to raise their own pay to cover
the extra cost of their ObamaCare plans, they will do it. If they have to create a special doctor's office inside the Capitol
Building, they will do it.

As long as politicians are in control of the health care system, they will get a better deal than we do.

The truth is, the politicians who want to fund ObamaCare -- if the congressional exemption is removed -- are not
serious about living under the same program. They're just looking for cover so you won't vote them out of office when
they fund ObamaCare.

Congress should certainly eliminate its exemption, but it should not use that as an excuse to force us into the program.

Delaying ObamaCare Is Not The Same As Defunding ObamaCare.

When you hear politicians in Washington talk about "delaying" ObamaCare, you probably think they mean stopping the
entire law for a period of time. That's not what they mean.


Republicans are usually talking about delaying only parts of the law like the individual mandate while allowing the rest
of it to continue.

Unfortunately, statutory delays will not stop ObamaCare. Even if Congress writes a bill that delays every component of
the law but still funds it, President Obama's bureaucrats can work behind the scenes to prepare the program to begin
once the delay is over.

The only way to truly stop ObamaCare is to either repeal it or to defund it.

So when you hear politicians say they are going to "delay" the law, ask them: What exactly will you delay and will this
stop the bureaucrats from using my tax dollars to implement the law?


Please contact these key House Republicans and urge them to oppose all funding for ObamaCare no matter

These are conservative lawmakers who have been extremely helpful to us. Thank them for their courage and ask them
to hold strong.

They should not trade funding for ObamaCare for a partial delay OR even for the elimination of the congressional
exemption. They should oppose all taxpayer money for ObamaCare. Period.
Justin Amash (R-MI) 202-225-3831
Michele Bachmann (R-MN) 202-225-2331
Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI) 202-225-8171
Mo Brooks (R-AL) 202-225-4801
Paul Broun (R-GA) 202-225-4101
Ron DeSantis (R-FL) 202-225-2706
Jeff Duncan (R-SC) 202-225-5301
Scott Garrett (R-NJ) 202-225-4465
Louie Gohmert (R-TX) 202-225-3035
Trey Gowdy (R-SC) 202-225-6030
Tom Graves (R-GA) 202-225-5211
Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) 202-225-2715
Jim Jordan (R-OH) 202-225-2676
Steve King (R-IA) 202-225-4426
Raul Labrador (R-ID) 202-225-6611
Thomas Massie (R-KY) 202-225-3465
Tom McClintock (R-CA) 202-225-2511
Mark Meadows (R-NC) 202-225-6401
Steve Pearce (R-NM) 202-225-2365
Trey Radel (R-FL) 202-225-2536
Dennis Ross (R-FL) 202-225-1252
Matt Salmon (R-AZ) 202-225-2635
Mark Sanford (R-SC) 202-225-3176
Dave Schweikert (R-AZ) 202-225-2190
Steve Stockman (R-TX) 202-225-1555
Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) 202-225-4436
Randy Weber (R-TX) 202-225-2831
Joe Wilson (R-SC) 202-225-2452

Ted Yoho (R-FL) 202-225-5744
Thank you for standing strong for freedom.

Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund


Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 2:32 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXVIII [ObamaCare - Fitzpatrick]


Much has been transpiring, too much to consolidate into one e-mail; thus, comprehensiveness must be
sacrificed to achieve conciseness. The focus is upon Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick and the fact that a meeting
will be held on Saturday-a.m. to compose a third Press Release regarding his posture regarding the
effort to defund ObamaCare; the impact of the Federal shutdown/slowdown will be dutifully weighed.
On the one hand, there is a desire to maintain linkage with an honest civil-servant; on the other hand,
weightier issues cannot be sacrificed on the petard of blind loyalty to a mirage that has lost backbone.

The conservatives have been loyal supporters, as reflected in comments [by this
physician and others] following two articles by J.D. Mullane [appalled-by-the-tea-party
and fitz-in-tough-spot-with-tea-party-base]. Yet, a spate of articles emerged that were
suggesting he would be among Five area Republicans shifting votes in shutdown and,
thereby, declaring support-for a clean-cr by voting with the Dems to end the shutdown;
thus, although some were angered, there was a concerted effort to withhold judgment.
would entail funding the government at sequester levels for six months, repealing the
unpopular 2.3% medical device tax, and extending the pension stabilization initiative
that was approved as part of MAP-21 [the federal transportation funding bill].

The two problems that must be carefully confronted ASAP are [1]whether this approach is helpful,
and [2]whether this initiative is inimical with a commitment to keep opposing the clean CR.
Comments on the Dom Giordano 1210-AM Radio Show apparently failed to enlighten the host in either
realm and, therefore, it is necessary to plumb the depths herein, preparatory to confrontational review;
it cannot be denied that a sense of Armageddon has been created, and no amount of prognostication
suffices [overthinking the type/degree of impact on Congressional elections more than a year distant].


Because the POTUS has demonstrated tremendous *unconstitutional+ discretion when
administering the law [changing the tenets of ObamaCare, for example], he cannot be
provided any leeway when interpreting what is legislated; for example, no one would be
able to obtain standing to enjoin him from juggling-$ so as to accommodate initiation of
supplemental funding *on 1/1/2014+ if the beast were not unambiguously strangled.
Therefore, because the funding-duration for the CR extends for a year, anything shorter
would be inapposite to any intent to forestall the distribution of candy *and inevitably,
the further redistribution of wealth]; this would apply for any CR of any duration and
this explains why Conservatives have resisted short-term measures [e.g., six-weeks long]
to allow a respite during which further discussions could be held. And thats why the
efforts of the POTUS to claim he wont negotiate with a gun aimed at his head are not
to be honored for, were the Constitution [Article I Section 7] to be violated and power
to initiate spending-bills ceded to the Senate/POTUS, the Rs would lose all leverage.



An unnamed aide to Mike was quoted as claiming he supports a Clean-CR, but it is
possible this was created by a liberal-journalist as akin to a push-poll; this postulate
was confirmed when Rep. Nunes was also misquoted in this regard, as per his interview
on Thursday during Hannitys Radio Show *@ 3:35 p.m. e.d.t+. The primary data are
contained within the Inqy article that claims Fitzpatrick, from Bucks County, issued a
statement saying he has supported a spending bill at current funding levels. An aide
said he would back that approach if it was presented for a vote. ,The former was
quoted at-length in this physicians commentary of a few days ago, but was nondescript;
the latter prompted this physician to call Mikes offices *Langhorne & D.C.+ and to send
e-mails to his staff [Press Secretary, Chief-of-Staff, and Scheduling-Secretary], while also
attempting to contact [via e-mail, twitter and phone+ the author, Mr. Jonathan Tamari
*whose beat appears to be split between the Eagles and the Jersey Senatorial race+.
This latter effort necessitated following a trail through the City Desk (215=854-4500) to
incorrect phone-#s (609=989-6019 belonged to Renee Gallick and 609=989-9016
belonged to Chris Mondick), after which time it was divulged he is now based in D.C.}
Unknown data *Who is the aide, where was he/she located, what precisely was said,
when was it said, why would it be concluded that the shutdown/showdown-related
concerns be more important than defunding ObamaCare, and how would this posture
be justified operationally?+ remain disconcerting, for its still unclear whether he would
break from leadership in this regard and want to vote with a unanimous Dem-caucus.

Mike will be asked to answer a simple-question, namely, does he advocate passage of a clean-CR.
Based on his answer to this question, the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement in Bucks County
will determine the optimal theme of a 3
Press Release [ranging from approbation to condemnation],
taking into account the pivotal nature of this battle and the desire to maintain long-term linkages. Again,
as detailed, it would be unlikely that any electoral challenge would arise [although one participant wrote
a letter-to-the-editor proposing that outcome, a month ago]; more likely would be the desire to defer
providing the intense support Mike has enjoyed during prior contests, regardless of his Dem-opponent .


Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 4:10 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXIX [ObamaCare - Tension Rising]


Having documented dissention within the ranks of the Rs, its apt to note that it also infests the Dems
[57 House Dems Have Abandoned Pelosi, Obama to Keep Parts of Government Open]. This is of
particular import because of the strategic points made in this analysis of the article by Larry Mendte:

First, efforts are being made to encourage Mike to clarify whatever was quoted in the
Inqy, because the Inqy-author hasnt called-back, so as to clarify what precisely was said
[and by whom, etc.].

Second, it is untrue that glaring hypocrisy *occurred when the GOP-House] voted three
times to support the shutdown, for they voted to defund ObamaCare *in myriad ways+;
the assumption that blame rests with the Rs is debunked when it is noted that the Rs
have voted to fund numerous facets of governmentonly to be met by a brick-wall in
the Senate [as Reid is as dismissive regarding NIH research as was Sebelius regarding
pediatric lung transplants+and by the POTUS *noting his veto-threat].

Third, it will be instructive to note whether the polling evolves, as the horrors of the
shutdown/slowdown are as empty [despite the best efforts of the Dems] as were the
effects [long-term and short-term+ of the Sequester; indeed, as glitches persist when
people attempt to register with ObamaCare and become even more educated as to its
intrusion upon personal liberty [and potential to destroy unionization], perhaps it will
dawn on people that this level of resolute statism violates the fundamentals of
American political history.

Fourth, whereas KK was clear, the Independence Hall Foundation [manifest here as a
quote from one of the Adams-Siblings+ keeps trying to stay friends with the
incumbents andin the processdistances itself from fundamental principles
promulgated by the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement.

Fifth, this physician has clamored for TWO MONTHS for the strategic sequential passage
of funding legislation [having talked to everyone who would maintain eye-contact for
thirty-seconds, and e-mailing anyone else who would deign to provide one], thereby
demonstrating that the Rs do not wish a shutdown; indeed, this has *finally+ presented
the Dems with a Hobsons Choice, for they must either fund government [via legislation
originating in the House, as per Article I Section 7] or appear insensitive/foolish while
remaining intransigent. FOR EXAMPLE, the decision to allow WW-II vets to visit the
memorial FORGETS the fact that many of these individuals would want to educate their
offspring regarding what happened!

This effort to promote moderation was initiated by Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Lehigh) and susan-collins.
Also, it is plausible that Mike will do what he did last week [as per personal contact with his office],
namely, disclaim the quote by restating his policy foreswearing any declaration of an impending vote.

Regarding parallel-claims of Gerlach regarding the bipartisan gambit, he has reversed himself because
Gerlach supported continuing resolution to keep federal government open and to halt ObamaCare and
then Gerlach decided it was time for government to get back to work for taxpayers; it was asserted in a
blast e-mail related to the latter that it couldnt be defunded, as per the following excerpt therefrom:

Shutting down the government would not "de-fund ObamaCare." Mandatory funding
for implementing ObamaCare was authorized when the health care law was passed in
2010 by a Congress, which at the time was controlled by Democrats and President
Obama. As this Washington Post article notes, the non-partisan Congressional Research
Service found that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that Health and
Human Services could rely on "sources of funding other than annual discretionary
appropriations" to implement ObamaCare. Read the July 2013 CRS report for details.

His defective/deflecting logic was fleshed-out in an earlier blast by this physician; first, the focus here
is on whether initiation would be adversely affected by a shutdown, not whether HHS could distribute
the monies to be made available after 1/1/2014; in the latter instance, defunding the command/control
elements [such as IRS-oversight] would forestall the latter occurrence. Indeed, were this assertion true,
the Dems wouldnt be fighting so vigorously against efforts by the Rs to defund/delay this entitlement.
{The Democrats Own This Government ShutdownEven If Dems and RINOs Dont Think So.}

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt

As noted earlier, it is not desirable to pass any type of CR that would legitimize funding ObamaCare.
Here, it should be recalled that a week agoprior to passage of what Reid terms piecemeal laws
dictated by Cruzthe WaPo indicated that the House was going to do, conceptually, what this physician
had been advocating for two months, namely, removal from the mother-CR and separately submit [via
HHS/Treasury] ObamaCare-defundingand then submit the rest of government funding. Note:
Boehner has already given some clues two in fact.
1. He shelved a plan forwarded by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) that would have
allowed the Senate to remove the defunding of ObamaCare from the continuing
resolution to fund the government. ,Boehner sided with cast-iron conservatives.-

This process was initiated for the military [successfully] after Lee acted, but Reid blocked further use of
this path [see prior blast+. After unearthing this article, this physician promptly conveyed support for it
via phone to whomever in D.C. was available. Concomitantly [again, see prior blast+, warnings were
conveyed against allowing any limited-CR [even for a week per McConnell], lest ObamaCares launch
lead to any claim of permanence and/or legitimacy [allowing BHO to juggle-$ accordingly]. {n.b., Dingy-
Said-He-Would-Oppose-One-Week-CR-To-Keep-Government-Running-While-Deal-Can-Be-Reached. }

The media are continuing to blame the GOP for the shutdown, and they are also trying
to embarrass rand-paul-and-mitch-mcconnell, who were allegedly caught-on-hot-mic-
talking-govt-shutdown-good-or-bad [comments were innocuous] and Mike Lee.
Norquist Accused Ted Cruz of Abandoning House Republicans and Liberal Radio Host
Mike Malloy Called for Stabbing Death of Ted Cruz; TOP 10 LIBERALS USED VIOLENT
METAPHORS AGAINST GOP [notwithstanding episodic pledges of civility by Dems+ and

DEMS were UNLEASHED [Angry name calling, bombastic insults, rhetorical bullying], as
the GOP was claimed to be on a 'Jihad' and a GOP Congressman was assaulted outside
the Capitol. Claims that CONGRESS is 'FOLLOWING CRUZ'S PLAYBOOK' and that 100k
swamped a Cruz tele-townhall amid shutdown [called only a few hours prior], perhaps
provoked Dems to develop ted-cruz-derangement-syndrome ,as POTUS-in-waiting-.

Predictably, the sunday-show-roundup demonstrated the shutdown-showdown is at a critical point;
NBCs Meet-the-Press was a battle-ground, as Ted Cruz said I Dont Think Harry Reid Should Shut down
the Government. Jostling among intransigent-democrats regarding a shutdown has been noted, and
republicans-may-have-an-edge-with-independent-voters, but-it is unclear if they can use-it; some claim
a polling-discrepancy may be explained regarding the differentiation of [ObamaCare-vs-affordable-care].
Exemplifying acrimony is when rep-perry-fought with-chris-matthews-on-ObamaCare and when Rep.
Dana Rohrbacher Unloads on CNN's Ashleigh Banfield ['Whose Bidding Are You Doing?']; spoofing the
ObamaCare Video Contest is this Song, and this just [predictably] arrived from Politico:

House Republicans are moving toward putting a bill on the floor that would delay the
individual mandate and cancel health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress, the
president and administration appointees, according to multiple sources. That bill would
be part of a government funding measure to which the Senate would have to agree. The
Senate just rejected the House's last move this weekend to delay ObamaCare and repeal
the medical device tax as part of a government funding bill. The government shuts down
at midnight and this move would all but ensure that occurs.

Reid-said defunding-ObamaCare-dead-on-arrival-in-senate and senate democrats refused to negotiate
on repealing ObamaCare tax they hate. Through it all, obama-warned-a-government-shutdown-will-be-
like-a-simile crashing into a metaphor; both want to shut-down government, a threat which mark levin
explains is a scare tactic. Whereas Chaffetz Talked about the effects of [and how to avoid] a Govt.
Shutdown on MSNBC, valerie-jarrett-worked-double-time-to-ensure-government-shutdown and BHO
appeared on CNBC [with John Harwood] to promote a decline in Wall St. [which emerged the next day],
noting obama-used-government-shutdown-doomsday-rhetoric-to-incite-fear. Drudge aggregated the
more egregious shutdowns, all apparently orchestrated by BHOs minions:

Harry Reid rejects proposal to pay veterans
Feds shut down D-Day beaches, cemetery in Normandy
Barrycades: Try to Close Privately Owned Mount Vernon
Philly tavern frequented by Founding Fathers shuttered
Lodge with 12 rooms closes on Cape Cod
Monuments, memorials stayed open during last shutdown
Grocery stores on Army bases closed, Obama's golf course open


meet-congresss-new-third-party-and-its-leaderc cruz

[Here is what Cruz just discussed with Mike Gallagher.]
[Here is Sen. Ted Cruz with Larry Kudlow on Avoiding a Government Shutdown]


Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 4:46 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXX [ObamaCare - Fitzpatrick, Debt-Ceiling, etc.]


The overnight blasts discounted both Fitzpatricks idea that anything Solomonic *split baby in-half]
could become a reasonable basis for a compromise and any compromise that would yield a clean-CR.

The first item-of-business [following a brief nap] is to tell Mikes staff that ongoing electrical-silence will
be interpreted negatively during the meeting to be held within 24-hours; this is not a healthy approach
to your most ardent supporters [in the past], nor does it bespeak inner confidence in what has occurred.
The need to clarify this issue is mutually exclusive of his participation in the Bipartisan House members
plan to end shutdown. [A voice-mail was left in the Langhorne Office but the mailbox was full in D.C.+

Curiously, an article today focused on local Shutdown politics employs a pleural-form
*Fitzpatrick aides+ suggesting more than one source *edited for spelling+ had been
quoted saying he would vote for a continuing resolution with no strings attached to end
the shutdown if it were brought up for a vote. *Also, the Independence Hall Foundation
praised him inter alia for the (debunked, as per the earlier blast) bipartisan proposal
that some would characterize as Solomonicseeking to halve the political babybut
which would provide sufficient flexibility/$ to let ObamaCare to become irreversible.]

The second item-of-business is to advise the House DO NOTHING regarding the CR and the Debt Ceiling
allowing the cost-center containing $ collected under ObamaCare-related taxes to be transferred to the
general fund of the Federal Government, inasmuch as it remains unauthorized to be spent, absent
funding of any infrastructure by which this could be achieved. It has been asserted that ObamaCare-can-
be-defunded-without-senate-approval and that (contrasting with 2013) reid claimed in 2006 that raising
debt-ceiling is the-last-thing that should be done; compiled have been nine-reasons-to tackle debt ASAP.
[Noting that CHRIS WALLACE characterized the White House debt message is 'bull'; Jay Leno satirized
BHOs claim that raising the debt-limit-doesnt-increase-debt, simply likening it to asserting a hike in the-
speed-limit-wouldnt prompt drivers to increase their-speed.]

The ObamaCare-battle-re-awakened-the-tea-party-giant, as Sarah Palin says, "Ted Cruz
& Mike Lee are the 'Flushing Dogs' for Republicans" [Ted Cruz Does Not Stand Alone]

Senator to blast Cruz and closed door GOP meeting with cruz turned into lynch-mob] as
a component of the GOPs civil-war pitting moderates vs. conservatives; the AP notes
inflated among both Ds *Tom Friedman: Save Our Democracy from the Tea Party!] and
RINOs *rush claims obama and peter-king want government shutdown-to destroy-tea-
party, also noting the gratuitous slap by KING when he claimed 30-40 GOP lawmakers
refuse to admit legitimacy OF OBAMAS PRESIDENCY].

The third item-of-business is to advise listening to an eight-minute audio from heart of RINOstan
(suburban Philly), during which Anastasia Przybylski (founder of Kitchen Table Patriots and Pennsylvania
Field Coordinator of FreedomWorks) advises maintaining Shutdown-pressure because its now working;
her view is consistent with that of REP. MIKE ROGERS [GOP is FIGHTING ON 'THE ENEMY'S TERRITORY'].
Indeed, some have argued it is a-good-thing [and some claim this Nuclear Option is the Best. Ever!],
explaining why it may last longer than anticipated; after debunking shutdown-myths, its vital to note
the GOP-Expanded-its Senate-Majority-After the-96-Shutdown and, thus, that dems-need-to-be-careful.
The usual-suspects blame the Rs *NYT LINKS SHOOTING TO 'FISCAL CRISIS' and Rangel Blames Rs], but
cnns-pathetically-false blame-republicans government-shutdown-poll actually shows-obama/media
are-losing-shutdown-battle; indeed, MSNBC Analyst Halperin admitted Obamas Shutdown Strategy
Banks on Media Blaming Republicans [an assertion documented by the Media Research Center] and,
aching to Blame the GOP, Dems Sabotage Efforts to Keep Government Open [as the following shows]:

Hypocritical quotes emerge [via a flashback to when Dems tried to defund the iraq war],
as the optics have tilted against them; Rush reported Reid apologized today for the
aloof/dismissive comments regarding children with leukemia being untreated @ the NIH
[Reid cares about PR and protecting ObamaCare, the american people be damned].
Rush also noted the gate is wired-shut around the WW-II Memorial, blocking visitation
by everyone, both vets and family/friends (more border security than has been
physically placed on the Arizona-Mexico border); know that even Tom Hanks supports
MEMORIAL-STORMING VETS and that a $-offer to open this site by the RNC was
rejected by BHO [as has been a $-offer by Arizona to keep the Grand Canyon open
despite reids having blocked-funding-for-veterans-programs and all national-parks.]
Rush also noted that, in Allentown, worriment that WIC-$ will become exhausted
(assuming a father-factor remains absent) isnt relevant *for the Commonwealth will
step-in if contingency-$ is used-up], nor is there worriment about those who have been
laid-off [Unions-Will-Demand-Back-Pay-if-Fed-Govt-Partially-Shuts-Down]; therefore,
DEMS and their decision to reject-ObamaCare-delay [of the individual mandate, only],
unreported is the fact that the Media Narratives Crumble as ObamaCare Fails.
{Buchanan-has characterized obama-shutdown-maneuvers-as genuinely-sadistic.}

The fourth item-of-business is to maintain awareness of how the blame-game is being played-out, while
reid claimed the-senate-would-reject-new-house-[sequential funding] plan [which occurred], Reid was
insensitive when asked by Dana Bash *of CNN+ why he wouldnt want to save One Child Through Funding
Compromise ['Why Would We Want to Do That?'], and Reid Leaked Boehner Emails to Undercut the
GOP Position Against ObamaCare; in contrast, house-republicans-said-dems-trying-to-run-out-clock-on-
shutdown [with the senate-playing-shutdown-politics-votes-to-protect-ObamaCare] as boehner asked
rhetorically why the Senate took Sunday off, if-a-government-shutdown-was-such-an-emergency].

Meanwhile, Boehner Blasted Senate Democrats for Inaction on Shutdown, manifest as the senate-killing
the-house-spending-bill, prompting the senate-budget-chair to claim legislators-must-compromise.

OBAMA hasnt helped, notwithstanding his claim to HAVE BENT OVER BACKWARDS
WORKING WITH THE GOP; after Bob-Woodward-Blasted him [claiming History-Books-
Will blame him for not leading and finding his absence in shutdown talks to be baffling],
obama-suggested-he-may-host-budget-crisis-talks *which became manifest as dinner+.
He Made Slippery Claims On ObamaCare and the Budget, having flunked ap fact check
[AP fact check: You cant keep your plan, and other things we should have reported]
and having had his pressor, Jay Carney, to keep lying *Says Rs Designed ObamaCare].
Far greater in its potential import is the allegation that the Obama Administration is
Using DSH Cuts as the Stick on Medicaid Expansion, all the more reason why it is quite
problematic that, despite the arkansas-decision, CorbettCare has been proposed.

The fifth item-of-business is to maintain awareness of how the media continue to prop-up
ObamaCare; Rush considers the reaction of the Ds to that which is evinced when a bully is
confronted by confidence. Thats why Jon Stewart ignored REID'S cancer gaffe, CHRIS Matthews
ObamaCare by HIS OWN NETWORK, and CBS-New York featured a union boss as a typical
furloughed worker. Despite these efforts, the polls are basically tied [fox-news-poll shows voters
support delaying ObamaCare but oppose defunding it and rasmussen shows 50% consider gop
congressional agenda extreme 46% say same of democrats], even as it appears D.C. governs
from-one-democrat-provoked-crises-to-the-next. It is vital to recap the erroneous nature of
tangential assertions that presuppose ObamaCare has been initiated on 1/1/2014, no matter
how sympathetically phrased *Republicans in Congress Cant Prevent the Implementation of
ObamaCare Alone; Only the American Public can Put an End to the Federal Governments Gross
Intrusion into Our Private Lives by Not Purchasing Insurance Policies through its On-Line
Insurance Exchanges]. And it is not possible to depend upon the fact that the SCOTUS may-get-a
second-chance-to kill-ObamaCares-insurance-mandate, as at least one person will not comply.

The media barely discuss the devastating Truth Behind 0bamaCare, despite articles
summarizing what it means and boosters [such as stu bykofsky] characterizing it as a
Healthy choice, after having braced-for-its-start; noted are 10 assertions of ObamaCare
supporters that arent entirely true. People are learning that theres no such thing-as-
free-healthcare when they read, for example, that ObamaCare-victims-mount [such as
michelle, who has kidney-failure]; indeed, as ObamaCare exchanges-open, hollywood-
campaigns-to-enroll-younger-people despite the fact that premiums are exorbitant
[$175 for-a-young-healthy-student-thanks-ObamaCare]. Despite the fact that CATHOLIC
CHURCHES PRESS FOR AMNESTY, ObamaCare-increased-publicly-funded-abortions to
~111,500-annually and BHO has ensured-lawmakers staff get abortion coverage.

Overall, it seems to matter not to BHO that ObamaCare Is Hurting Workers and Small Businesses, that
dead people can sign-up for-health-care-in-kentucky, that CA OVERSTATED HEALTHCARE EXCHANGE
TRAFFIC BY NEARLY 4.5 MILLION HITS, that No One Signed Up for ObamaCare in Sebelius' Own State of
Kansas, that a british-company-obama-hired-to-oversee-ObamaCare-is under-investigation, that ACORN
Crooks are on the March for ObamaCare, and that Next time, Democrats will take your doctor hostage.
This arrogance is perhaps explained by the fact that BHO thinks hes winning so america can suffer.


Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 5:41 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - CLXXXI [ObamaCare - Fitzpatrick & Pep-Talk]


I just spoke with Katie Wise in D.C., and she confirmed Mike would vote in favor of a clean-CR but that
he would not sign-off on a Discharge Petition. This is of-interest because my industrious son remitted a
disturbing article a few minutes ago from the washington post that suggests the dems could-move-to-
force-republicans-to-reopen-the-government. It is my understanding that there is a significant leap
between professed support for such an intervention and actually signing a memo that would force the
Speaker to introduce such a bill for a floor-vote, as noted. Nevertheless, this issue must be studied.

On a positive note, as the weekend starts [and it appears Cruz will be on Face-the-Nation on Sunday],
the following reinforces the achievements *detailed in prior blasts+ and the hopes/plans *intuitive+:

Fellow Conservatives:

Senate Democrats will do whatever it takes to
force millions of Americans into ObamaCare -- a
program they won't accept for themselves.

They thought a government shutdown would hurt
Republicans politically, but that's not how it's
playing out.

Instead, conservatives are winning. You are

VIDEO: Watch Ted Cruz on Hannity

The first day of the shutdown was filled with media reports about ObamaCare's problems. Many
Americans couldn't access the online exchanges and those who did found health plans with
higher premiums.

On the second day, Democrats said they would defeat smaller bills to fund parts of the
government unrelated to ObamaCare -- a move that exposed their support for the shutdown as
a way to muscle people into ObamaCare.

Democrats are stumbling because conservatives are standing up to them.

In fact, when Harry Reid (D-NV) was asked if Senate Democrats would support a funding bill
that might save a child with cancer, Reid snapped and said, "Why would we want to do that?"

VIDEO: Watch Harry Reid Lose It

It's amazing what happens when Republicans stand on principle; Democrats begin to make


The first phase of this campaign was to get Republicans to stand strong. While 25 Senate
Republicans led by Mitch McConnell (R-KY) betrayed us and helped the Democrats fund
ObamaCare, we kept House Republicans from backing down.

The next phase of this campaign is to pressure Democrats.

We're launching a new national ad campaign called "Listen" that calls on Democrats to listen to
the American people and to defund ObamaCare.

Please help us by making a contribution of $5 or more today.

We have a secure website to collect donations, which shows you how much has been donated.
Every penny that's contributed will be used for this campaign against ObamaCare.

This is a critical time and we need to raise at least $100,000 to drive our message home. We
can do it if everyone pitches in.

You can also help by contacting the Senate Democrats listed on DontFundObamaCare.com. If
they don't answer their phones, you can post messages on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

Thank you for your support.

Over 2 million Americans have now signed our petition to defund ObamaCare and your efforts
are making a difference.

Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund

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